source <- function(file, local = FALSE, echo = verbose, print.eval = echo, verbose = getOption("verbose"), prompt.echo = getOption("prompt"), max.deparse.length = 150, chdir = FALSE) { eval.with.vis <- function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), enclos = if (is.list(envir) || is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame()) .Internal(eval.with.vis(expr, envir, enclos)) envir <- if (local) parent.frame() else .GlobalEnv if (!missing(echo)) { if (!is.logical(echo)) stop("echo must be logical") if (!echo && verbose) { warning(paste("verbose is TRUE, echo not; ... coercing", sQuote("echo <- TRUE"))) echo <- TRUE } } if (verbose) { cat(sQuote("envir"), "chosen:") print(envir) } Ne <- length(exprs <- parse(n = -1, file = file)) if (verbose) cat("--> parsed", Ne, "expressions; now eval(.)ing them:\n") if (Ne == 0) return(invisible()) if (chdir && (path <- dirname(file)) != ".") { owd <- getwd() on.exit(setwd(owd)) setwd(path) } if (echo) { ## Reg.exps for string delimiter/ NO-string-del / ## odd-number-of-str.del needed, when truncating below sd <- "\"" nos <- "[^\"]*" oddsd <- paste("^", nos, sd, "(", nos, sd, nos, sd, ")*", nos, "$", sep = "") } for (i in 1:Ne) { if (verbose) cat("\n>>>> eval(expression_nr.", i, ")\n\t =================\n") ei <- exprs[i] if (echo) { # drop "expression(" dep <- substr(paste(deparse(ei, control = c("showAttributes","useSource")), collapse = "\n"), 12, 1e+06) # -1: drop ")" nd <- nchar(dep) - 1 do.trunc <- nd > max.deparse.length dep <- substr(dep, 1, if (do.trunc) max.deparse.length else nd) cat("\n", prompt.echo, dep, if (do.trunc) paste(if (length(grep(sd, dep)) && length(grep(oddsd, dep))) " ...\" ..." else " ....", "[TRUNCATED] "), "\n", sep = "") } yy <- eval.with.vis(ei, envir) i.symbol <- mode(ei[[1]]) == "name" if (!i.symbol) { ## ei[[1]] : the function "<-" or other <- ei[[1]][[1]] if (verbose) { cat("") str( } } if (verbose >= 2) { cat(".... mode(ei[[1]])=", mode(ei[[1]]), "; paste(") str(paste( } if (print.eval && yy$visible) print(yy$value) if (verbose) cat(" .. after ", sQuote(deparse(ei, control = c("showAttributes","useSource"))), "\n", sep = "") } invisible(yy) } sys.source <- function(file, envir = NULL, chdir = FALSE, keep.source = getOption("keep.source.pkgs")) { if(!(is.character(file) && file.exists(file))) stop(paste(sQuote(file), "is not an existing file")) oop <- options(keep.source = as.logical(keep.source), topLevelEnvironment = as.environment(envir)) on.exit(options(oop)) exprs <- parse(n = -1, file = file) if (length(exprs) == 0) return(invisible()) if (chdir && (path <- dirname(file)) != ".") { owd <- getwd() on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE) setwd(path) } for (i in exprs) eval(i, envir) invisible() }