trace <- function(what, tracer, exit, at, print, signature, where = topenv(parent.frame())) { needsAttach <- nargs() > 1 && !.isMethodsDispatchOn() if(needsAttach) { ns <- try(loadNamespace("methods")) if(isNamespace(ns)) methods::message("(loaded the methods namespace)") else stop("Tracing functions requires the methods package, but unable to load methods namespace") } else if(nargs() == 1) return(.primTrace(what)) tState <- tracingState(FALSE) ## now call the version in the methods package, to ensure we get ## the correct name space (e.g., correct version of class()) call <- call[[1]] <- quote(methods::.TraceWithMethods) call$where <- where value <- eval.parent(call) on.exit() ## no error tracingState(tState) value } untrace <- function(what, signature = NULL, where = topenv(parent.frame())) { ## NOTE: following test is TRUE after loadNamespace("methods") (even if not in search()) MethodsDispatchOn <- .isMethodsDispatchOn() if(MethodsDispatchOn) { tState <- tracingState(FALSE) on.exit(tracingState(tState)) } if(is.function(what)) { fname <- substitute(what) if( what <- as.character(fname) else stop("Argument what should be the name of a function") } else { what <- as.character(what) if(length(what) != 1) { for(f in what) untrace(f, signature) return(what) } } if(!MethodsDispatchOn) return(.primUntrace(what)) ## can't have called trace except in primitive form ## at this point we can believe that the methods namespace was successfully loaded f <- NULL if(is.null(signature)) { where <- methods::findFunction(what, where = where) if(length(where) == 0) warning("No function \"", what, "\" to untrace") else { f <- methods::getFunction(what, where = where[[1]]) ## ensure that the version to assign is untraced (should be, but ...) if(methods::is(f, "traceable")) { methods::.untracedFunction(f, what, where[[1]]) } else .primUntrace(what) # to be safe--no way to know if it's traced or not } } else { f <- methods::getMethod(what, signature, where) if(is.null(f)) warning("No method for \"", what, "\" for this signature to untrace") else { if(is(f, "traceable")) methods::.untracedFunction(f, what, where, signature) else warning("The method for \"", what, "\" for this signature was not being traced") } } invisible(f) } .isMethodsDispatchOn <- function(onOff = NULL) .Call("R_isMethodsDispatchOn", onOff, PACKAGE = "base") tracingState <- function( on = NULL) .Call("R_traceOnOff", on, PACKAGE = "base")