all.equal <- function(target, current, ...) UseMethod("all.equal") all.equal.default <- function(target, current, ...) { ## Really a dispatcher given mode() of args : ## use data.class as unlike class it does not give "Integer" if(is.language(target) || is.function(target)) return(all.equal.language(target, current, ...)) if(is.recursive(target)) return(all.equal.list(target, current, ...)) msg <- c(attr.all.equal(target, current, ...), if(is.numeric(target)) { all.equal.numeric(target, current, ...) } else switch (mode(target), logical = , complex = , numeric = all.equal.numeric(target, current, ...), character = all.equal.character(target, current, ...), if(data.class(target) != data.class(current)) { paste("target is ", data.class(target), ", current is ", data.class(current), sep = "") } else NULL)) if(is.null(msg)) TRUE else msg } all.equal.numeric <- function(target, current, tolerance = .Machine$double.eps ^ .5, scale=NULL, ...) { if(data.class(target) != data.class(current)) return(paste("target is ", data.class(target), ", current is ", data.class(current), sep = "")) lt <- length(target) lc <- length(current) cplx <- is.complex(target) if(lt != lc) return(paste(if(cplx)"Complex" else "Numeric", ": lengths (", lt, ", ", lc, ") differ", sep = "")) target <- as.vector(target) current <- as.vector(current) out <- if(any(out != return(paste("`is.NA' value mismatches:", sum(, "in current,", sum(out), " in target")) out <- out | target == current if(all(out)) return(TRUE) target <- target[!out] current <- current[!out] xy <- mean((if(cplx)Mod else abs)(target - current)) what <- if(is.null(scale)) { xn <- mean(abs(target)) if(is.finite(xn) && xn > tolerance) { xy <- xy/xn "relative" } else "absolute" } else { xy <- xy/scale "scaled" } if( || xy > tolerance) paste("Mean", what, if(cplx)"Mod", "difference:", format(xy)) else TRUE } all.equal.character <- function(target, current, ...) { if(data.class(target) != data.class(current)) return(paste("target is ", data.class(target), ", current is ", data.class(current), sep = "")) lt <- length(target) lc <- length(current) if(lt != lc) { msg <- paste("Lengths (", lt, ", ", lc, ") differ (string compare on first ", ll <- min(lt, lc), ")", sep = "") ll <- seq(length = ll) target <- target[ll] current <- current[ll] } else msg <- NULL nas <- if (any(nas != return(paste("`is.NA' value mismatches:", sum(, "in current,", sum(nas), " in target")) ne <- !nas & (target != current) if(!any(ne) && is.null(msg)) TRUE else if(any(ne)) c(msg, paste(sum(ne), "string mismatches")) else msg } all.equal.factor <- function(target, current, ...) { if(!inherits(current, "factor")) return("`current' is not a factor") msg <- attr.all.equal(target, current) class(target) <- class(current) <- NULL nax <- nay <- if(n <- sum(nax != nay)) msg <- c(msg, paste("NA mismatches:", n)) else { target <- levels(target)[target[!nax]] current <- levels(current)[current[!nay]] if(is.character(n <- all.equal(target, current))) msg <- c(msg, n) } if(is.null(msg)) TRUE else msg } all.equal.formula <- function(target, current, ...) { if(length(target) != length(current)) return(paste("target, current differ in having response: ", length(target) == 3, ", ", length(current) == 3)) if(all(deparse(target) != deparse(current))) "formulas differ in contents" else TRUE } all.equal.language <- function(target, current, ...) { mt <- mode(target) mc <- mode(current) if(mt == "expression" && mc == "expression") return(all.equal.list(target, current, ...)) ttxt <- paste(deparse(target), collapse = "\n") ctxt <- paste(deparse(current), collapse = "\n") msg <- c(if(mt != mc) paste("Modes of target, current: ", mt, ", ", mc, sep = ""), if(ttxt != ctxt) { if(pmatch(ttxt, ctxt, FALSE)) "target a subset of current" else if(pmatch(ctxt, ttxt, FALSE)) "current a subset of target" else "target, current don't match when deparsed" }) if(is.null(msg)) TRUE else msg } all.equal.list <- function(target, current, ...) { msg <- attr.all.equal(target, current, ...) # nt <- names(target) nc <- names(current) iseq <- ## ## Commenting this eliminates PR#674, and assumes that lists are ## regarded as generic vectors, so that they are equal iff they ## have identical names attributes and all components are equal. ## if(length(nt) && length(nc)) { ## if(any( <- ( <- match(nc, nt, 0)) == 0)) ## msg <- c(msg, paste("Components not in target:", ## paste(nc[], collapse = ", "))) ## if(any( <- match(nt, nc, 0) == 0)) ## msg <- c(msg, paste("Components not in current:", ## paste(nt[], collapse = ", "))) ## nt[] ## } else ## if(length(target) == length(current)) { seq(along = target) } else { nc <- min(length(target), length(current)) msg <- c(msg, paste("Length mismatch: comparison on first", nc, "components")) seq(length = nc) } for(i in iseq) { mi <- all.equal(target[[i]], current[[i]], ...) if(is.character(mi)) msg <- c(msg, paste("Component ", i, ": ", mi, sep="")) } if(is.null(msg)) TRUE else msg } attr.all.equal <- function(target, current, ...) { ##--- "all.equal(.)" for attributes --- ##--- Auxiliary in all.equal(.) methods --- return NULL or character() msg <- NULL if(mode(target) != mode(current)) msg <- paste("Modes: ", mode(target), ", ", mode(current), sep = "") if(length(target) != length(current)) msg <- c(msg, paste("Lengths: ", length(target), ", ", length(current), sep = "")) ax <- attributes(target) ay <- attributes(current) nx <- names(target) ny <- names(current) if((lx <- length(nx)) | (ly <- length(ny))) { ## names() treated now; hence NOT with attributes() ax$names <- ay$names <- NULL if(lx && ly) { if(is.character(m <- all.equal.character(nx, ny))) msg <- c(msg, paste("Names:", m)) } else if(lx) msg <- c(msg, "names for target but not for current") else msg <- c(msg, "names for current but not for target") } if(length(ax) || length(ay)) {# some (more) attributes ## order by names before comparison: nx <- names(ax) ny <- names(ay) if(length(nx)) ax <- ax[order(nx)] if(length(ny)) ay <- ay[order(ny)] tt <- all.equal(ax, ay, ...) if(is.character(tt)) msg <- c(msg, paste("Attributes: <", tt, ">")) } msg # NULL or character }