#-*- perl -*-
# Copyright (C) 2000-6  R Development Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available via WWW at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.	 You can also obtain it by
# writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
# Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA.

# Send any bug reports to r-bugs@r-project.org

use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use Getopt::Long;
use R::Dcf;
use R::Utils;

my $revision = ' $Rev$ ';
my $version;
my $name;
$revision =~ / ([\d\.]*) /;
$version = $1;
($name = $0) =~ s|.*/||;

my $startdir = cwd();
my $lockdir;
my @bundlepkgs;
my $library;

$SIG{'INT'} = 'Cleanup';

sub Cleanup {
    print "*** user interrupt ***\n";
    if(defined @bundlepkgs) {
	if($is_bundle) { # back out the whole bundle
	    for $pkgname (@bundlepkgs) {
		$pkgname .= "_" . $description->{"Version"}
		if $opt_with_package_versions;
		rmtree($library . "/" . $pkgname);
		$dppkg = $lockdir . "/" . $pkgname;
		system("mv $dppkg $library") if ($safe && -d $dppkg);
	} else {
	    print "Removing '$dpkg'\n";
	    # move back any previously installed package
	    $dppkg = $lockdir . "/" . $decpkgname;
	    if ($safe && -d $dppkg) {
		print "Restoring previous '$dpkg'\n";
		system("mv $dppkg $library");
    if (defined $lockdir) {
	print "Removing lock directory\n";
    if (defined $tardir) {
	print "Removing untar-ed package sources\n";
    die "*** exiting after cleanup ***\n";

my @knownoptions = ("help|h", "version|v", "debug|d", "library|l:s",
		    "clean|c", "docs:s",
		    "use-zip", "use-zip-data", "use-zip-help",
		    "auto-zip", "build", "fake", "unsafe");

##   	topLevelFiles will be files that sit in the top level of a
##      zip/tarball along with any included directories.
##	This needs to be fixed: this file shouldn't do binary builds,
##	that's what build.in is for - DJM
##      No, that is what INSTALL --build is for, pace DJM

my $topLevelFiles = "DESCRIPTION";

GetOptions (@knownoptions) || usage();
R_version($name, $version) if $opt_version;

my $R_HOME = $ENV{'R_HOME'} ||
    die "Error: Environment variable R_HOME not found\n";

usage() if $opt_help;

## ===== to allow to be converted for use when cross-compiling =====
my $BUILD = "MINGW";
my $Rversion;
if($BUILD eq "CROSS") {
    my $startdir = cwd();
    $R_HOME = cwd();
    open FILE, "< $R_HOME/VERSION";
    $Rversion = <FILE>;
    close FILE;
    $Rversion =~ s/ .*\n$//;
} else {
    $Rversion = $ENV{'R_VERSION'} ||
    die "Error: Environment variable R_VERSION not found\n";
## ===== end =====

if($opt_debug) {
    print "\nOption -d or --debug is accepted for compatibility with Unix.\n";
    print "However, it does less.\n\n";

    # remove quotes around the library path
    $opt_library =~ s/^['"]//; $opt_library =~ s/['"]$//; #'"
    chdir($opt_library) ||
	die "Error: cannot change to directory \`$opt_library'\n";
    $library = cwd();
    $library = Win32::GetShortPathName($library) if $library =~ / /;
} else {
    $library = $R_HOME . "/library";

my $helpflags = "HELP=YES WINHELP=CHM";
if($opt_docs) {
    my $tmp, $chm, @l;
    if ($opt_docs eq "none") {
	$helpflags = "HELP=NO";
    } elsif ($opt_docs eq "normal") {
	$helpflags = "HELP=YES WINHELP=NO";
    } elsif ($opt_docs eq "chm"|| ($opt_docs eq "all")) {
	$helpflags = "HELP=YES WINHELP=CHM";
    } elsif ($opt_docs =~ /,/) {
	@l = split /, */, $opt_docs;
	$tmp = ""; $chm = "NO";
	foreach $f (@l) {
	    if ($f eq "chm") {
		$chm = "CHM";
	    $tmp .= " -$f";
	$helpflags = "HELP=YES WINHELP=$chm HELPTYPES='$tmp'";
    } else {
	die "ERROR: invalid --docs value `$opt_docs'\n";

$safe = 1;
$safe = 0 if $opt_unsafe;
    print " *** safe is $safe ***\n" if $opt_debug;

if((-e "$R_HOME/doc/html/R.css") && !(-e "$library/R.css")) {
    printf "installing R.css in $library\n";
    system("cp $R_HOME/doc/html/R.css $library/R.css");

my $istar = 0; # any tar in the args

## this is the main loop over all packages/bundles to be installed
my $pkg;
foreach $pkg (@ARGV){
    # remove misguided trailing separator (/ or \)
    $pkg =~ s/\/$//; $pkg =~ s/\\$//;
    my $pkgname = basename($pkg);
    $is_bundle = 0;

    if (!(-e $pkg)) {
	warn "`$pkg' does not exist: skipping\n";

## is this a tar archive?
    if($pkgname =~ /\.tar\.gz$/ || $pkgname =~ /\.tgz$/) {
	$pkgname =~ s/\.tar\.gz$//;
	$pkgname =~ s/\.tgz$//;
	$pkgname =~ s/_[0-9\.-]*$//;
	my $dir = "R.INSTALL";
	if(! -d $dir) {
	    mkdir($dir, 0755) or die "Error: cannot create $dir\n";
	$tardir = $dir;
	## workaround for paths in Cygwin tar
	$pkg =~ s+^([A-Za-x]):+/cygdrive/\1+;
	if(system("tar -zxf '$pkg' -C $dir")) {
	    die "Error: cannot untar the package\n";}
	$pkg = $dir."/".$pkgname;
	$istar = 1;

    chdir($pkg) || die "Error: cannot change to directory \`$pkg'\n";;
    my $canonpkg = cwd();
    $pkgname = basename($canonpkg);
    my $pkgdir = cwd();

    $description = new R::Dcf("$pkg/DESCRIPTION");
    my $intname = $description->{"Package"};
    my $Type = $description->{"Type"};

    if($Type && $Type ne "Package") {
	if($Type eq "Translation") {
	    system("cp -r ./share $R_HOME") if -d "share";
	    system("cp -r ./library $R_HOME") if -d "library";
	    if($opt_build) {
		my $filename = "${pkgname}_" . $description->{"Version"};
		$startdir = Win32::GetShortPathName($startdir) if $startdir =~ / /;
		system("rm -f  $startdir/$filename.zip");
		system("zip -r9Xq $startdir/$filename.zip $pkgname");
	die "cannot install package '${pkgname}' of type '$Type'\n"
    die "no valid package name found\n" unless length($pkgname) > 0;
    my $pkgoutdir = "$library/$pkgname";
    die "  *** can't install into source directory ***\n"
	if $canonpkg eq $pkgoutdir;
    $pkgdir = Win32::GetShortPathName($pkgdir) if $pkgdir =~ / /;

    my $makecmd = "pkg";
    $makecmd = "pkgfake" if $opt_fake;

    ## do we have a package bundle?
    my $zippkgs = $pkgname;
    @bundlepkgs = ($pkgname);
    if($description->{"Contains"}) {
	print "\nLooks like \`${pkg}' is a package bundle\n";
	$is_bundle = 1;
	@bundlepkgs = split(/\s+/, $description->{"Contains"});
	$zippkgs = join(" ", @bundlepkgs);
	## join up description files
	foreach $ppkg (@bundlepkgs) {
	    open pkgdesc, "> $pkg/$ppkg/DESCRIPTION"
		|| die "cannot write $ppkg/DESCRIPTION";
	    if (open pkgdescin, "< $pkg/$ppkg/DESCRIPTION.in") {
		## the Unix version of INSTALL does discard blank lines,
		## although ?read.dcf does not allow them. 
		while(<pkgdescin>) { print pkgdesc $_ if $_ =~ /\S/; }
		close pkgdescin;
	    } else {
		print "no DESCRIPTION.in found for package $ppkg\n";
		print pkgdesc "Package: $ppkg\n";
	    open bundledesc, "< $pkg/DESCRIPTION"
		|| die "no DESCRIPTION found for bundle";
	    while(<bundledesc>) {print pkgdesc $_;}
	    close bundledesc;
	    close pkgdesc;
	$pkgdir .= "/$pkgname";
	$intname = $description->{"Bundle"};
    print "\n";

    if($description->{"Depends"}) {
	my $depends = $description->{"Depends"};
	if($depends =~ /\bR *\(([^\) ]+) *([^\) ]+)\)/) { # regexp from check
            my $op = $1;
            my $ver = $2;
	    ## <FIXME> This thinks 1.9.1 > 1.10.0 </FIXME>
	    if ($op eq ">=" && $ver) {
		die "This R is version $Rversion\n".
		    "    package \`$pkgname' requires R $ver or later\n"
			unless $Rversion ge $ver;
	    } elsif ($op eq "<=" && $ver) {
		die "This R is version $Rversion\n".
		    "     package \`$pkgname' requires R $ver or earlier\n"
			unless $Rversion le $ver;
	    } else {
		printf "unsupported operator in dependence \"$depends\"\n";
    ## Now we are ready to install
    if($safe) {
	$lockdir = $library . "/" . "00LOCK";
	if(-d $lockdir || -f $lockdir) {
	    print "Failed to lock directory '${library}' for modifying\n";
	    print "Try removing '${lockdir}'\n";
	    exit 3;
	if(! -d $lockdir) {
	    print "Failed to lock directory '${library}' for modifying\n";
	    print "Permission problem?\n";
	    exit 3;

    my $res;
    ## loop over pkgs in the bundle
    for $pkgname (@bundlepkgs) {
	if($opt_with_package_versions) {
	    $decpkgname = $pkgname . "_" . $description->{"Version"};
	} else {
	    $decpkgname = $pkgname;
	$dpkg = $library. "/" . $decpkgname;
	# if exists, move existing installation to $lockdir
	system("mv $dpkg $lockdir") if ($safe && -d $dpkg);

	$description = new R::Dcf("$pkgdir/$pkgname/DESCRIPTION");

	my $save = "false";
	my $tmp = parse_description_field("SaveImage");
	$save = "false" if($tmp == 0);
	$save = "true" if($tmp == 1);
	print "*** save is $save ***\n" if($opt_debug);

	my $lazyload = -1;
	my $tmp = parse_description_field("LazyLoad");
	$lazyload = $tmp if($tmp >= 0);

	my $lazydata = 0;
	my $tmp = parse_description_field("LazyData");
	$lazydata = $tmp if($tmp >= 0);
	print "*** lazydata is $lazydata ***\n" if($opt_debug);

	my $opt = "";
	if($opt_auto_zip || $opt_build) {
	    my $dir = $pkgdir. "/" . $pkgname . "/data";
	    my $tmp = parse_description_field("ZipData");
	    if(-d $dir && $tmp != 0) {
		my $Rout = "datacnt";
		my @tmp = `ls.exe -s1 $dir`;  # system > no longer works
		my $out = 0, $nodups=1, $prev="", $this;
		foreach $line (@tmp) {
		    chomp $line;
		    if($line =~ /^total/) {
			$line =~ s/^total //;
			$out = $line;
		    } else {
			## if there is only one file there will not be a total
			$this = $line;
			$this =~ s/([ 0-9]*)(.*)/$1/;
			$out = $this unless $out > 0;
			$line =~ s/\s*[0-9]+\ //;
			$line =~ s/\.[a-zA-Z]+$//;
			$nodups = 0 if $line eq $prev;
			$prev = $_;
		# print ("out was $out, nodups was $nodups\n");
		$opt = "$pkgname-ZIPDATA=zip"
		    if ($tmp == 1) || ($out > 100 && $nodups);
	    $dir = $pkgdir. "/" . $pkgname . "/man";
	    if(-d $dir) {
		opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "cannot opendir $dir: $!";
		@files = grep{ /\.Rd$/ } readdir(DIR);
		$opt = $opt . " $pkgname-HELP=ziponly" if @files > 20;
	    print "Using auto-selected zip options '$opt'\n";
	} else {
	    $opt = "$pkgname-ZIPDATA=zip"
		if ($opt_use_zip || $opt_use_zip_data);
	    $opt = $opt . " $pkgname-HELP=ziponly"
		if ($opt_use_zip || $opt_use_zip_help);
	$opt = $opt . " DPKG=$dpkg";
	$opt = $opt . " $pkgname-LAZYDATA=true" if $lazydata;
#	print "make --no-print-directory -C $R_HOME/src/gnuwin32 PKGDIR=$pkgdir RLIB=$library $pkgname-SAVE=$save $opt $helpflags $makecmd-$pkgname\n";
    	$res = system("make --no-print-directory -C $R_HOME/src/gnuwin32 PKGDIR=$pkgdir RLIB=$library $pkgname-SAVE=$save $opt $helpflags $makecmd-$pkgname");
	if($res == 0) {
	    if(! -f "$library/$decpkgname/R/$pkgname") {$lazyload = 0;}
	    if($lazyload == -1) { # choose based on code size
		my $codesize = `wc -c $library/$decpkgname/R/$pkgname`;
		$codesize =~ / *([0-9]+)/;
		$codesize = $1;
		print "*** codesize is $codesize ***\n" if $opt_debug;
		if($codesize > 25000) {$lazyload = 1;} else {$lazyload = 0;}
	    print "*** lazyload is $lazyload ***\n" if $opt_debug;
	    if($lazyload) {
		my $spkg = $pkg;
		$spkg = Win32::GetShortPathName($spkg) if $spkg =~ / /;
		$spkg =~ s+\\+/+g; # seems some systems need this
		my $cmd = "make --no-print-directory -f $R_HOME/src/gnuwin32/MakePkg ";
		$cmd .= "RHOME=$R_HOME SPKG=$spkg BUILD=$BUILD" .
		    " DPKG=$library/$decpkgname PKG=$decpkgname" .
		    " RLIB=$library lazyload";
#		print "$cmd\n";
		$res = system($cmd);
	    ## add MD5 sums last of all
	    my $cmd = "make --no-print-directory -f $R_HOME/src/gnuwin32/MakePkg ";
	    $cmd .= "BUILD=$BUILD RHOME=$R_HOME DPKG=$library/$decpkgname md5sums";
#	    print "$cmd\n";
	    $res = system($cmd) if($res == 0);

	} # end of if($res)
	if($res) {
	    printf "*** Installation of $pkgname failed ***\n";
	system("make --no-print-directory -C $R_HOME/src/gnuwin32 PKGDIR=$pkgdir RLIB=$library pkgclean-$pkgname") if ($opt_clean);

	if($res) {
	    if($is_bundle) { # back out the whole bundle
		for $pkgname (@bundlepkgs) {
		    $pkgname .= "_" . $description->{"Version"}
		    if $opt_with_package_versions;
		    rmtree($library . "/" . $pkgname);
		    $dppkg = $lockdir . "/" . $pkgname;
		    system("mv $dppkg $library") if ($safe && -d $dppkg);
	    } else {
		print "Removing '$dpkg'\n";
		# move back any previously installed package
		$dppkg = $lockdir . "/" . $decpkgname;
		if ($safe && -d $dppkg) {
		    print "Restoring previous '$dpkg'\n";
		    system("mv $dppkg $library");
    } # end of loop over bundle

    if(!$res && $opt_build) {
	my $filename = "${pkgname}_" . $description->{"Version"};
	$startdir = Win32::GetShortPathName($startdir) if $startdir =~ / /;
	system("rm -f  $startdir/$filename.zip");
	system("zip -r9Xq $startdir/$filename.zip $zippkgs");
	if ($is_bundle) {
	    ## Need to get the toplevel files in there
	    $currentDir = cwd();
	    system("zip $startdir/$filename.zip $topLevelFiles");
	print "packaged installation of ";
	if ($is_bundle) {print "bundle";} else {print "package";};
	print " '$pkgname' as $filename.zip\n";
    # wipe out lockdir
    rmtree($lockdir) if $safe;
    exit $res if $res;
    print("\* DONE ($intname)\n");

## remove unpack directory
if ($istar > 0) { chdir($startdir); rmtree("R.INSTALL"); }

sub parse_description_field { # fieldname
    my ($field) = @_;
    my $tmp = $description->{$field}, $res = -1;
    if($tmp ne "") {
	$tmp = lc $tmp;
	$res = 1 if ($tmp eq "yes") || ($tmp eq "true");
	$res = 0 if ($tmp eq "no") || ($tmp eq "false");
	# or throw an error, but then we need to recover
    return $res;

sub usage {
    print STDERR <<END;
Usage: R CMD $name [options] pkgs

Install the add-on packages specified by pkgs into the default R library
tree ($R_HOME/library) or the tree specified via '--library'.  The
elements of pkgs can be relative or absolute paths to directories with
the package (bundle) sources, or to gzipped package 'tar' archives.
Then optionally pack the installed package into a zip file.

  -h, --help		print short help message and exit
  -v, --version		print version info and exit
  -c, --clean		remove all files created during installation

  --fake		do minimal install for testing purposes
  --unsafe		install on top of any existing installation
  -d, --debug		[x] turn on shell and build-help debugging
  -l, --library=LIB	install packages to library tree LIB
  --docs=TYPE	        type(s) of documentation to build and install
			allow for multiple versions of the same package
  --use-zip-data	collect data files in zip archive
  --use-zip-help	collect help and examples into zip archives
  --use-zip		combine \'--use-zip-data\' and \'--use-zip-help\'
  --auto-zip	        select whether to zip automatically
  --build		zip-up the installation.  Implies --auto-zip

TYPE can be "none" or "normal" or "chm" (the default) or "all", or
  a comma-separated list of one or more of 
  'txt', 'html', 'latex', "example' and 'chm'.

Report bugs to <r-bugs\@r-project.org>.
    exit 0;