R-@FULLVERSION@ build for Windows

This directory contains a Windows binary build of the @DATE@ snapshot of R (which will soon become R-@RVER@).

This is a test version of R. It may contain bugs, so please watch results carefully as you use it. The more bugs that are caught now, the fewer will make it to the next release.

Please don't report bugs in this version through the usual R bug reporting system, please report them on the r-devel mailing list.

The previous official release is available here.

Patches to the previous release are incorporated in the build available here.

The development version (which will eventually become the subsequent major release) is available here.

In this directory:

README.@RWVER@ Installation and other instructions.
CHANGES New features of this Windows version.
NEWS New features of all versions.
@RWVER@-win32.exe Setup program (about 28 megabytes). Please download this from a mirror near you.
This corresponds to the file named SetupR.exe or rwXXXX.exe in pre-2.2.0 releases.

Please see the R FAQ for general information about R and the R Windows FAQ for Windows-specific information, including upgrade advice.

Last build: @DATE@, by Duncan Murdoch