import(grDevices) export(abline, arrows, assocplot, axTicks, Axis, axis, axis.Date, axis.POSIXct, barplot, barplot, box, boxplot, bxp, cdplot, clip, close.screen, co.intervals, contour, coplot, curve, dotchart, erase.screen, filled.contour, fourfoldplot, frame, grconvertX, grconvertY, grid, hist, hist.default, identify, image, layout,, lcm, legend, lines, lines.default, locator, matlines, matplot, matpoints, mosaicplot, mtext, pairs, panel.smooth, par, persp, pie, plot,,, plot.window, plot.xy, points, polygon, rect, rug, screen, segments, spineplot, split.screen, stars, stem, strheight, stripchart, strwidth, sunflowerplot, symbols, text, title, xinch, xspline, xyinch, yinch) # leave most of the default methods visible as people seem to call them. export(barplot.default, boxplot.default, boxplot.matrix, contour.default, image.default, pairs.default, plot.default, points.default, text.default) #defunct export(piechart) S3method(Axis, default) S3method(Axis, Date) S3method(Axis, POSIXct) S3method(Axis, POSIXlt) S3method(barplot, default) S3method(boxplot, default) S3method(boxplot, formula) S3method(cdplot, default) S3method(cdplot, formula) S3method(contour, default) S3method(hist, Date) S3method(hist, default) S3method(hist, POSIXt) S3method(identify, default) S3method(image, default) S3method(lines, default) S3method(lines, formula) S3method(lines, histogram) S3method(mosaicplot, default) S3method(mosaicplot, formula) S3method(pairs, default) S3method(pairs, formula) S3method(persp, default) S3method(plot, data.frame) S3method(plot, Date) S3method(plot, default) S3method(plot, factor) S3method(plot, formula) S3method(plot, histogram) S3method(plot, POSIXct) S3method(plot, POSIXlt) S3method(plot, table) S3method(points, default) S3method(points, formula) S3method(spineplot, default) S3method(spineplot, formula) S3method(stripchart, default) S3method(stripchart, formula) S3method(text, default)