Modified files src/include/R_ext/Connections.h src/include/Rconnections.h src/library/utils/src/io.c src/main/connections.c src/main/dounzip.c src/main/scan.c src/modules/internet/internet.c src/modules/internet/libcurl.c src/modules/internet/sockconn.c Changes * Created a new struct RConnData which is defined in src/include/Rconnections.h. Shifted most of the data fields in the Rconn struct to this. * Added extractor functions R_connectionDescription and R_connectionClass to give read-only access description and class strings. * Created a constructor new_connection for private use to simplify memory allocation and release. This is now used by all of the internal constructors with the exception of socket connections in src/modules/internet/sockconn.c. These connections modify their description string and allocate a longer character array to hold the modified name. Testing Tested on Linux with the following packages archive curl Both have checks on the connections API number which need to be modified as I have bumped R_CONNECTIONS_VERSION to 2. The test suite for archive also need updating for stringsAsFactors=FALSE. The iotools makes no assumptions about the RConn struct as far as I can see. Needs testing on Windows and Solaris.