# File src/library/utils/R/changedFiles.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 2013 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ fileSnapshot <- function(path = ".", file.info = TRUE, timestamp = NULL, md5sum = FALSE, digest = NULL, full.names = length(path) > 1, ...) { if (length(path) > 1 && !full.names) stop("'full.names' must be TRUE for multiple paths.") if (length(timestamp) == 1) file.create(timestamp) path <- normalizePath(path) args <- list(...) fullnames <- names <- character(0) for (i in seq_along(path)) { newnames <- do.call(list.files, c(path = path[i], full.names = full.names, args)) names <- c(names, newnames) if (full.names) fullnames <- names else fullnames <- c(fullnames, file.path(path[i], newnames)) } if (file.info) { info <- file.info(fullnames) if (!full.names) rownames(info) <- names } else info <- data.frame(row.names = names) if (md5sum) info <- data.frame(info, md5sum = suppressWarnings(tools::md5sum(fullnames)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) if (!is.null(digest)) info <- data.frame(info, digest = digest(fullnames), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) structure(list(info = info, path = path, timestamp = timestamp, file.info = file.info, md5sum = md5sum, digest = digest, full.names = full.names, args = args), class = "fileSnapshot") } changedFiles <- function(before, after, path = before$path, timestamp = before$timestamp, check.file.info = c("size", "isdir", "mode", "mtime"), md5sum = before$md5sum, digest = before$digest, full.names = before$full.names, ...) { stopifnot(inherits(before, "fileSnapshot")) if (missing(after)) { get.file.info <- length(check.file.info) > 0 && before$file.info args <- before$args newargs <- list(...) args[names(newargs)] <- newargs after <- do.call(fileSnapshot, c(list(path = path, timestamp = NULL, file.info = get.file.info, md5sum = md5sum, digest = digest, full.names = full.names), args)) } stopifnot(inherits(after, "fileSnapshot")) preinfo <- before$info postinfo <- after$info prenames <- rownames(preinfo) postnames <- rownames(postinfo) added <- setdiff(postnames, prenames) deleted <- setdiff(prenames, postnames) common <- intersect(prenames, postnames) if (!before$file.info || !after$file.info) check.file.info <- NULL if (length(check.file.info)) { pre <- preinfo[common, check.file.info, drop = FALSE] post <- postinfo[common, check.file.info, drop = FALSE] changes <- pre != post } else changes <- matrix(logical(0), nrow = length(common), ncol = 0, dimnames = list(common, character(0))) if (length(timestamp)) if (file.exists(timestamp)) { fullnames <- if (after$full.names) common else file.path(after$path, common) changes <- cbind(changes, Newer = file_test("-nt", fullnames, timestamp)) } else warning("Timestamp file no longer exists.") if (md5sum) { pre <- preinfo[common, "md5sum"] post <- postinfo[common, "md5sum"] changes <- cbind(changes, md5sum = pre != post) } if (!is.null(digest)) { pre <- preinfo[common, "digest"] post <- postinfo[common, "digest"] changes <- cbind(changes, digest = pre != post) } changed <- rownames(changes)[rowSums(changes, na.rm = TRUE) > 0] structure(list(added = added, deleted = deleted, changed = changed, unchanged = setdiff(common, changed), changes = changes), class = "changedFiles") } print.fileSnapshot <- function(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) { cat("File snapshot:\n path = ", x$path, "\n timestamp = ", x$timestamp, "\n file.info = ", x$file.info, "\n md5sum = ", x$md5sum, "\n digest = ", deparse(x$digest, control = NULL), "\n full.names = ", x$full.names, "\n args = ", deparse(x$args, control = NULL), "\n ", nrow(x$info), " files recorded.\n", sep="") if (verbose) { if (ncol(x$info)) print(x$info) else cat("Files:", rownames(x$info), sep="\n ") } invisible(x) } print.changedFiles <- function(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) { if (length(x$added)) cat("Files added:\n", paste0(" ", x$added, collapse="\n"), "\n", sep="") if (length(x$deleted)) cat("Files deleted:\n", paste0(" ", x$deleted, collapse="\n"), "\n", sep="") changes <- x$changes if (!verbose) { changes <- changes[rowSums(changes, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, , drop=FALSE] changes <- changes[, colSums(changes, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, drop=FALSE] } if (verbose || nrow(changes)) { cat("File changes:\n") print(changes) } invisible(x) }