SUBROUTINE DGESC2( N, A, LDA, RHS, IPIV, JPIV, SCALE ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER LDA, N DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPIV( * ), JPIV( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), RHS( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DGESC2 solves a system of linear equations * * A * X = scale* RHS * * with a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization with * complete pivoting computed by DGETC2. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. * * A (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * On entry, the LU part of the factorization of the n-by-n * matrix A computed by DGETC2: A = P * L * U * Q * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1, N). * * RHS (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N). * On entry, the right hand side vector b. * On exit, the solution vector X. * * IPIV (iput) INTEGER array, dimension (N). * The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= N, row i of the * matrix has been interchanged with row IPIV(i). * * JPIV (iput) INTEGER array, dimension (N). * The pivot indices; for 1 <= j <= N, column j of the * matrix has been interchanged with column JPIV(j). * * SCALE (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * On exit, SCALE contains the scale factor. SCALE is chosen * 0 <= SCALE <= 1 to prevent owerflow in the solution. * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Bo Kagstrom and Peter Poromaa, Department of Computing Science, * Umea University, S-901 87 Umea, Sweden. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, TWO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, TWO = 2.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J DOUBLE PRECISION BIGNUM, EPS, SMLNUM, TEMP * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLASWP, DSCAL * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER IDAMAX DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL IDAMAX, DLAMCH * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Set constant to control owerflow * EPS = DLAMCH( 'P' ) SMLNUM = DLAMCH( 'S' ) / EPS BIGNUM = ONE / SMLNUM CALL DLABAD( SMLNUM, BIGNUM ) * * Apply permutations IPIV to RHS * CALL DLASWP( 1, RHS, LDA, 1, N-1, IPIV, 1 ) * * Solve for L part * DO 20 I = 1, N - 1 DO 10 J = I + 1, N RHS( J ) = RHS( J ) - A( J, I )*RHS( I ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE * * Solve for U part * SCALE = ONE * * Check for scaling * I = IDAMAX( N, RHS, 1 ) IF( TWO*SMLNUM*ABS( RHS( I ) ).GT.ABS( A( N, N ) ) ) THEN TEMP = ( ONE / TWO ) / ABS( RHS( I ) ) CALL DSCAL( N, TEMP, RHS( 1 ), 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*TEMP END IF * DO 40 I = N, 1, -1 TEMP = ONE / A( I, I ) RHS( I ) = RHS( I )*TEMP DO 30 J = I + 1, N RHS( I ) = RHS( I ) - RHS( J )*( A( I, J )*TEMP ) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE * * Apply permutations JPIV to the solution (RHS) * CALL DLASWP( 1, RHS, LDA, 1, N-1, JPIV, -1 ) RETURN * * End of DGESC2 * END SUBROUTINE DGETC2( N, A, LDA, IPIV, JPIV, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, LDA, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPIV( * ), JPIV( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DGETC2 computes an LU factorization with complete pivoting of the * n-by-n matrix A. The factorization has the form A = P * L * U * Q, * where P and Q are permutation matrices, L is lower triangular with * unit diagonal elements and U is upper triangular. * * This is the Level 2 BLAS algorithm. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA, N) * On entry, the n-by-n matrix A to be factored. * On exit, the factors L and U from the factorization * A = P*L*U*Q; the unit diagonal elements of L are not stored. * If U(k, k) appears to be less than SMIN, U(k, k) is given the * value of SMIN, i.e., giving a nonsingular perturbed system. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N). * * IPIV (output) INTEGER array, dimension(N). * The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= N, row i of the * matrix has been interchanged with row IPIV(i). * * JPIV (output) INTEGER array, dimension(N). * The pivot indices; for 1 <= j <= N, column j of the * matrix has been interchanged with column JPIV(j). * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * > 0: if INFO = k, U(k, k) is likely to produce owerflow if * we try to solve for x in Ax = b. So U is perturbed to * avoid the overflow. * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Bo Kagstrom and Peter Poromaa, Department of Computing Science, * Umea University, S-901 87 Umea, Sweden. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IP, IPV, J, JP, JPV DOUBLE PRECISION BIGNUM, EPS, SMIN, SMLNUM, XMAX * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DGER, DSWAP * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Set constants to control overflow * INFO = 0 EPS = DLAMCH( 'P' ) SMLNUM = DLAMCH( 'S' ) / EPS BIGNUM = ONE / SMLNUM CALL DLABAD( SMLNUM, BIGNUM ) * * Factorize A using complete pivoting. * Set pivots less than SMIN to SMIN. * DO 40 I = 1, N - 1 * * Find max element in matrix A * XMAX = ZERO DO 20 IP = I, N DO 10 JP = I, N IF( ABS( A( IP, JP ) ).GE.XMAX ) THEN XMAX = ABS( A( IP, JP ) ) IPV = IP JPV = JP END IF 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE IF( I.EQ.1 ) $ SMIN = MAX( EPS*XMAX, SMLNUM ) * * Swap rows * IF( IPV.NE.I ) $ CALL DSWAP( N, A( IPV, 1 ), LDA, A( I, 1 ), LDA ) IPIV( I ) = IPV * * Swap columns * IF( JPV.NE.I ) $ CALL DSWAP( N, A( 1, JPV ), 1, A( 1, I ), 1 ) JPIV( I ) = JPV * * Check for singularity * IF( ABS( A( I, I ) ).LT.SMIN ) THEN INFO = I A( I, I ) = SMIN END IF DO 30 J = I + 1, N A( J, I ) = A( J, I ) / A( I, I ) 30 CONTINUE CALL DGER( N-I, N-I, -ONE, A( I+1, I ), 1, A( I, I+1 ), LDA, $ A( I+1, I+1 ), LDA ) 40 CONTINUE * IF( ABS( A( N, N ) ).LT.SMIN ) THEN INFO = N A( N, N ) = SMIN END IF * RETURN * * End of DGETC2 * END SUBROUTINE DGTTS2( ITRANS, N, NRHS, DL, D, DU, DU2, IPIV, B, LDB ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER ITRANS, LDB, N, NRHS * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPIV( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION B( LDB, * ), D( * ), DL( * ), DU( * ), DU2( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DGTTS2 solves one of the systems of equations * A*X = B or A'*X = B, * with a tridiagonal matrix A using the LU factorization computed * by DGTTRF. * * Arguments * ========= * * ITRANS (input) INTEGER * Specifies the form of the system of equations. * = 0: A * X = B (No transpose) * = 1: A'* X = B (Transpose) * = 2: A'* X = B (Conjugate transpose = Transpose) * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. * * NRHS (input) INTEGER * The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns * of the matrix B. NRHS >= 0. * * DL (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The (n-1) multipliers that define the matrix L from the * LU factorization of A. * * D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The n diagonal elements of the upper triangular matrix U from * the LU factorization of A. * * DU (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The (n-1) elements of the first super-diagonal of U. * * DU2 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-2) * The (n-2) elements of the second super-diagonal of U. * * IPIV (input) INTEGER array, dimension (N) * The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= n, row i of the matrix was * interchanged with row IPIV(i). IPIV(i) will always be either * i or i+1; IPIV(i) = i indicates a row interchange was not * required. * * B (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB,NRHS) * On entry, the matrix of right hand side vectors B. * On exit, B is overwritten by the solution vectors X. * * LDB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(1,N). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IP, J DOUBLE PRECISION TEMP * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 .OR. NRHS.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * IF( ITRANS.EQ.0 ) THEN * * Solve A*X = B using the LU factorization of A, * overwriting each right hand side vector with its solution. * IF( NRHS.LE.1 ) THEN J = 1 10 CONTINUE * * Solve L*x = b. * DO 20 I = 1, N - 1 IP = IPIV( I ) TEMP = B( I+1-IP+I, J ) - DL( I )*B( IP, J ) B( I, J ) = B( IP, J ) B( I+1, J ) = TEMP 20 CONTINUE * * Solve U*x = b. * B( N, J ) = B( N, J ) / D( N ) IF( N.GT.1 ) $ B( N-1, J ) = ( B( N-1, J )-DU( N-1 )*B( N, J ) ) / $ D( N-1 ) DO 30 I = N - 2, 1, -1 B( I, J ) = ( B( I, J )-DU( I )*B( I+1, J )-DU2( I )* $ B( I+2, J ) ) / D( I ) 30 CONTINUE IF( J.LT.NRHS ) THEN J = J + 1 GO TO 10 END IF ELSE DO 60 J = 1, NRHS * * Solve L*x = b. * DO 40 I = 1, N - 1 IF( IPIV( I ).EQ.I ) THEN B( I+1, J ) = B( I+1, J ) - DL( I )*B( I, J ) ELSE TEMP = B( I, J ) B( I, J ) = B( I+1, J ) B( I+1, J ) = TEMP - DL( I )*B( I, J ) END IF 40 CONTINUE * * Solve U*x = b. * B( N, J ) = B( N, J ) / D( N ) IF( N.GT.1 ) $ B( N-1, J ) = ( B( N-1, J )-DU( N-1 )*B( N, J ) ) / $ D( N-1 ) DO 50 I = N - 2, 1, -1 B( I, J ) = ( B( I, J )-DU( I )*B( I+1, J )-DU2( I )* $ B( I+2, J ) ) / D( I ) 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE END IF ELSE * * Solve A' * X = B. * IF( NRHS.LE.1 ) THEN * * Solve U'*x = b. * J = 1 70 CONTINUE B( 1, J ) = B( 1, J ) / D( 1 ) IF( N.GT.1 ) $ B( 2, J ) = ( B( 2, J )-DU( 1 )*B( 1, J ) ) / D( 2 ) DO 80 I = 3, N B( I, J ) = ( B( I, J )-DU( I-1 )*B( I-1, J )-DU2( I-2 )* $ B( I-2, J ) ) / D( I ) 80 CONTINUE * * Solve L'*x = b. * DO 90 I = N - 1, 1, -1 IP = IPIV( I ) TEMP = B( I, J ) - DL( I )*B( I+1, J ) B( I, J ) = B( IP, J ) B( IP, J ) = TEMP 90 CONTINUE IF( J.LT.NRHS ) THEN J = J + 1 GO TO 70 END IF * ELSE DO 120 J = 1, NRHS * * Solve U'*x = b. * B( 1, J ) = B( 1, J ) / D( 1 ) IF( N.GT.1 ) $ B( 2, J ) = ( B( 2, J )-DU( 1 )*B( 1, J ) ) / D( 2 ) DO 100 I = 3, N B( I, J ) = ( B( I, J )-DU( I-1 )*B( I-1, J )- $ DU2( I-2 )*B( I-2, J ) ) / D( I ) 100 CONTINUE DO 110 I = N - 1, 1, -1 IF( IPIV( I ).EQ.I ) THEN B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) - DL( I )*B( I+1, J ) ELSE TEMP = B( I+1, J ) B( I+1, J ) = B( I, J ) - DL( I )*TEMP B( I, J ) = TEMP END IF 110 CONTINUE 120 CONTINUE END IF END IF * * End of DGTTS2 * END SUBROUTINE DLABAD( SMALL, LARGE ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION LARGE, SMALL * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLABAD takes as input the values computed by DLAMCH for underflow and * overflow, and returns the square root of each of these values if the * log of LARGE is sufficiently large. This subroutine is intended to * identify machines with a large exponent range, such as the Crays, and * redefine the underflow and overflow limits to be the square roots of * the values computed by DLAMCH. This subroutine is needed because * DLAMCH does not compensate for poor arithmetic in the upper half of * the exponent range, as is found on a Cray. * * Arguments * ========= * * SMALL (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION * On entry, the underflow threshold as computed by DLAMCH. * On exit, if LOG10(LARGE) is sufficiently large, the square * root of SMALL, otherwise unchanged. * * LARGE (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION * On entry, the overflow threshold as computed by DLAMCH. * On exit, if LOG10(LARGE) is sufficiently large, the square * root of LARGE, otherwise unchanged. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC LOG10, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * If it looks like we're on a Cray, take the square root of * SMALL and LARGE to avoid overflow and underflow problems. * IF( LOG10( LARGE ).GT.2000.D0 ) THEN SMALL = SQRT( SMALL ) LARGE = SQRT( LARGE ) END IF * RETURN * * End of DLABAD * END SUBROUTINE DLABRD( M, N, NB, A, LDA, D, E, TAUQ, TAUP, X, LDX, Y, $ LDY ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER LDA, LDX, LDY, M, N, NB * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), D( * ), E( * ), TAUP( * ), $ TAUQ( * ), X( LDX, * ), Y( LDY, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLABRD reduces the first NB rows and columns of a real general * m by n matrix A to upper or lower bidiagonal form by an orthogonal * transformation Q' * A * P, and returns the matrices X and Y which * are needed to apply the transformation to the unreduced part of A. * * If m >= n, A is reduced to upper bidiagonal form; if m < n, to lower * bidiagonal form. * * This is an auxiliary routine called by DGEBRD * * Arguments * ========= * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows in the matrix A. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns in the matrix A. * * NB (input) INTEGER * The number of leading rows and columns of A to be reduced. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * On entry, the m by n general matrix to be reduced. * On exit, the first NB rows and columns of the matrix are * overwritten; the rest of the array is unchanged. * If m >= n, elements on and below the diagonal in the first NB * columns, with the array TAUQ, represent the orthogonal * matrix Q as a product of elementary reflectors; and * elements above the diagonal in the first NB rows, with the * array TAUP, represent the orthogonal matrix P as a product * of elementary reflectors. * If m < n, elements below the diagonal in the first NB * columns, with the array TAUQ, represent the orthogonal * matrix Q as a product of elementary reflectors, and * elements on and above the diagonal in the first NB rows, * with the array TAUP, represent the orthogonal matrix P as * a product of elementary reflectors. * See Further Details. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). * * D (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (NB) * The diagonal elements of the first NB rows and columns of * the reduced matrix. D(i) = A(i,i). * * E (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (NB) * The off-diagonal elements of the first NB rows and columns of * the reduced matrix. * * TAUQ (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array dimension (NB) * The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors which * represent the orthogonal matrix Q. See Further Details. * * TAUP (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (NB) * The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors which * represent the orthogonal matrix P. See Further Details. * * X (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDX,NB) * The m-by-nb matrix X required to update the unreduced part * of A. * * LDX (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array X. LDX >= M. * * Y (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDY,NB) * The n-by-nb matrix Y required to update the unreduced part * of A. * * LDY (output) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array Y. LDY >= N. * * Further Details * =============== * * The matrices Q and P are represented as products of elementary * reflectors: * * Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(nb) and P = G(1) G(2) . . . G(nb) * * Each H(i) and G(i) has the form: * * H(i) = I - tauq * v * v' and G(i) = I - taup * u * u' * * where tauq and taup are real scalars, and v and u are real vectors. * * If m >= n, v(1:i-1) = 0, v(i) = 1, and v(i:m) is stored on exit in * A(i:m,i); u(1:i) = 0, u(i+1) = 1, and u(i+1:n) is stored on exit in * A(i,i+1:n); tauq is stored in TAUQ(i) and taup in TAUP(i). * * If m < n, v(1:i) = 0, v(i+1) = 1, and v(i+1:m) is stored on exit in * A(i+2:m,i); u(1:i-1) = 0, u(i) = 1, and u(i:n) is stored on exit in * A(i,i+1:n); tauq is stored in TAUQ(i) and taup in TAUP(i). * * The elements of the vectors v and u together form the m-by-nb matrix * V and the nb-by-n matrix U' which are needed, with X and Y, to apply * the transformation to the unreduced part of the matrix, using a block * update of the form: A := A - V*Y' - X*U'. * * The contents of A on exit are illustrated by the following examples * with nb = 2: * * m = 6 and n = 5 (m > n): m = 5 and n = 6 (m < n): * * ( 1 1 u1 u1 u1 ) ( 1 u1 u1 u1 u1 u1 ) * ( v1 1 1 u2 u2 ) ( 1 1 u2 u2 u2 u2 ) * ( v1 v2 a a a ) ( v1 1 a a a a ) * ( v1 v2 a a a ) ( v1 v2 a a a a ) * ( v1 v2 a a a ) ( v1 v2 a a a a ) * ( v1 v2 a a a ) * * where a denotes an element of the original matrix which is unchanged, * vi denotes an element of the vector defining H(i), and ui an element * of the vector defining G(i). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0, ONE = 1.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DGEMV, DLARFG, DSCAL * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Quick return if possible * IF( M.LE.0 .OR. N.LE.0 ) $ RETURN * IF( M.GE.N ) THEN * * Reduce to upper bidiagonal form * DO 10 I = 1, NB * * Update A(i:m,i) * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', M-I+1, I-1, -ONE, A( I, 1 ), $ LDA, Y( I, 1 ), LDY, ONE, A( I, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', M-I+1, I-1, -ONE, X( I, 1 ), $ LDX, A( 1, I ), 1, ONE, A( I, I ), 1 ) * * Generate reflection Q(i) to annihilate A(i+1:m,i) * CALL DLARFG( M-I+1, A( I, I ), A( MIN( I+1, M ), I ), 1, $ TAUQ( I ) ) D( I ) = A( I, I ) IF( I.LT.N ) THEN A( I, I ) = ONE * * Compute Y(i+1:n,i) * CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', M-I+1, N-I, ONE, A( I, I+1 ), $ LDA, A( I, I ), 1, ZERO, Y( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', M-I+1, I-1, ONE, A( I, 1 ), LDA, $ A( I, I ), 1, ZERO, Y( 1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', N-I, I-1, -ONE, Y( I+1, 1 ), $ LDY, Y( 1, I ), 1, ONE, Y( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', M-I+1, I-1, ONE, X( I, 1 ), LDX, $ A( I, I ), 1, ZERO, Y( 1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', I-1, N-I, -ONE, A( 1, I+1 ), $ LDA, Y( 1, I ), 1, ONE, Y( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( N-I, TAUQ( I ), Y( I+1, I ), 1 ) * * Update A(i,i+1:n) * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', N-I, I, -ONE, Y( I+1, 1 ), $ LDY, A( I, 1 ), LDA, ONE, A( I, I+1 ), LDA ) CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', I-1, N-I, -ONE, A( 1, I+1 ), $ LDA, X( I, 1 ), LDX, ONE, A( I, I+1 ), LDA ) * * Generate reflection P(i) to annihilate A(i,i+2:n) * CALL DLARFG( N-I, A( I, I+1 ), A( I, MIN( I+2, N ) ), $ LDA, TAUP( I ) ) E( I ) = A( I, I+1 ) A( I, I+1 ) = ONE * * Compute X(i+1:m,i) * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', M-I, N-I, ONE, A( I+1, I+1 ), $ LDA, A( I, I+1 ), LDA, ZERO, X( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', N-I, I, ONE, Y( I+1, 1 ), LDY, $ A( I, I+1 ), LDA, ZERO, X( 1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', M-I, I, -ONE, A( I+1, 1 ), $ LDA, X( 1, I ), 1, ONE, X( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', I-1, N-I, ONE, A( 1, I+1 ), $ LDA, A( I, I+1 ), LDA, ZERO, X( 1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', M-I, I-1, -ONE, X( I+1, 1 ), $ LDX, X( 1, I ), 1, ONE, X( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( M-I, TAUP( I ), X( I+1, I ), 1 ) END IF 10 CONTINUE ELSE * * Reduce to lower bidiagonal form * DO 20 I = 1, NB * * Update A(i,i:n) * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', N-I+1, I-1, -ONE, Y( I, 1 ), $ LDY, A( I, 1 ), LDA, ONE, A( I, I ), LDA ) CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', I-1, N-I+1, -ONE, A( 1, I ), LDA, $ X( I, 1 ), LDX, ONE, A( I, I ), LDA ) * * Generate reflection P(i) to annihilate A(i,i+1:n) * CALL DLARFG( N-I+1, A( I, I ), A( I, MIN( I+1, N ) ), LDA, $ TAUP( I ) ) D( I ) = A( I, I ) IF( I.LT.M ) THEN A( I, I ) = ONE * * Compute X(i+1:m,i) * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', M-I, N-I+1, ONE, A( I+1, I ), $ LDA, A( I, I ), LDA, ZERO, X( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', N-I+1, I-1, ONE, Y( I, 1 ), LDY, $ A( I, I ), LDA, ZERO, X( 1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', M-I, I-1, -ONE, A( I+1, 1 ), $ LDA, X( 1, I ), 1, ONE, X( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', I-1, N-I+1, ONE, A( 1, I ), $ LDA, A( I, I ), LDA, ZERO, X( 1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', M-I, I-1, -ONE, X( I+1, 1 ), $ LDX, X( 1, I ), 1, ONE, X( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( M-I, TAUP( I ), X( I+1, I ), 1 ) * * Update A(i+1:m,i) * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', M-I, I-1, -ONE, A( I+1, 1 ), $ LDA, Y( I, 1 ), LDY, ONE, A( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', M-I, I, -ONE, X( I+1, 1 ), $ LDX, A( 1, I ), 1, ONE, A( I+1, I ), 1 ) * * Generate reflection Q(i) to annihilate A(i+2:m,i) * CALL DLARFG( M-I, A( I+1, I ), A( MIN( I+2, M ), I ), 1, $ TAUQ( I ) ) E( I ) = A( I+1, I ) A( I+1, I ) = ONE * * Compute Y(i+1:n,i) * CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', M-I, N-I, ONE, A( I+1, I+1 ), $ LDA, A( I+1, I ), 1, ZERO, Y( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', M-I, I-1, ONE, A( I+1, 1 ), LDA, $ A( I+1, I ), 1, ZERO, Y( 1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', N-I, I-1, -ONE, Y( I+1, 1 ), $ LDY, Y( 1, I ), 1, ONE, Y( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', M-I, I, ONE, X( I+1, 1 ), LDX, $ A( I+1, I ), 1, ZERO, Y( 1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', I, N-I, -ONE, A( 1, I+1 ), LDA, $ Y( 1, I ), 1, ONE, Y( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( N-I, TAUQ( I ), Y( I+1, I ), 1 ) END IF 20 CONTINUE END IF RETURN * * End of DLABRD * END SUBROUTINE DLACON( N, V, X, ISGN, EST, KASE ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER KASE, N DOUBLE PRECISION EST * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER ISGN( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION V( * ), X( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLACON estimates the 1-norm of a square, real matrix A. * Reverse communication is used for evaluating matrix-vector products. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix. N >= 1. * * V (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On the final return, V = A*W, where EST = norm(V)/norm(W) * (W is not returned). * * X (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On an intermediate return, X should be overwritten by * A * X, if KASE=1, * A' * X, if KASE=2, * and DLACON must be re-called with all the other parameters * unchanged. * * ISGN (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension (N) * * EST (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * An estimate (a lower bound) for norm(A). * * KASE (input/output) INTEGER * On the initial call to DLACON, KASE should be 0. * On an intermediate return, KASE will be 1 or 2, indicating * whether X should be overwritten by A * X or A' * X. * On the final return from DLACON, KASE will again be 0. * * Further Details * ======= ======= * * Contributed by Nick Higham, University of Manchester. * Originally named SONEST, dated March 16, 1988. * * Reference: N.J. Higham, "FORTRAN codes for estimating the one-norm of * a real or complex matrix, with applications to condition estimation", * ACM Trans. Math. Soft., vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 381-396, December 1988. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. INTEGER ITMAX PARAMETER ( ITMAX = 5 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE, TWO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0, TWO = 2.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, ITER, J, JLAST, JUMP DOUBLE PRECISION ALTSGN, ESTOLD, TEMP * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER IDAMAX DOUBLE PRECISION DASUM EXTERNAL IDAMAX, DASUM * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DCOPY * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, DBLE, NINT, SIGN * .. * .. Save statement .. SAVE * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( KASE.EQ.0 ) THEN DO 10 I = 1, N X( I ) = ONE / DBLE( N ) 10 CONTINUE KASE = 1 JUMP = 1 RETURN END IF * GO TO ( 20, 40, 70, 110, 140 )JUMP * * ................ ENTRY (JUMP = 1) * FIRST ITERATION. X HAS BEEN OVERWRITTEN BY A*X. * 20 CONTINUE IF( N.EQ.1 ) THEN V( 1 ) = X( 1 ) EST = ABS( V( 1 ) ) * ... QUIT GO TO 150 END IF EST = DASUM( N, X, 1 ) * DO 30 I = 1, N X( I ) = SIGN( ONE, X( I ) ) ISGN( I ) = NINT( X( I ) ) 30 CONTINUE KASE = 2 JUMP = 2 RETURN * * ................ ENTRY (JUMP = 2) * FIRST ITERATION. X HAS BEEN OVERWRITTEN BY TRANDPOSE(A)*X. * 40 CONTINUE J = IDAMAX( N, X, 1 ) ITER = 2 * * MAIN LOOP - ITERATIONS 2,3,...,ITMAX. * 50 CONTINUE DO 60 I = 1, N X( I ) = ZERO 60 CONTINUE X( J ) = ONE KASE = 1 JUMP = 3 RETURN * * ................ ENTRY (JUMP = 3) * X HAS BEEN OVERWRITTEN BY A*X. * 70 CONTINUE CALL DCOPY( N, X, 1, V, 1 ) ESTOLD = EST EST = DASUM( N, V, 1 ) DO 80 I = 1, N IF( NINT( SIGN( ONE, X( I ) ) ).NE.ISGN( I ) ) $ GO TO 90 80 CONTINUE * REPEATED SIGN VECTOR DETECTED, HENCE ALGORITHM HAS CONVERGED. GO TO 120 * 90 CONTINUE * TEST FOR CYCLING. IF( EST.LE.ESTOLD ) $ GO TO 120 * DO 100 I = 1, N X( I ) = SIGN( ONE, X( I ) ) ISGN( I ) = NINT( X( I ) ) 100 CONTINUE KASE = 2 JUMP = 4 RETURN * * ................ ENTRY (JUMP = 4) * X HAS BEEN OVERWRITTEN BY TRANDPOSE(A)*X. * 110 CONTINUE JLAST = J J = IDAMAX( N, X, 1 ) IF( ( X( JLAST ).NE.ABS( X( J ) ) ) .AND. ( ITER.LT.ITMAX ) ) THEN ITER = ITER + 1 GO TO 50 END IF * * ITERATION COMPLETE. FINAL STAGE. * 120 CONTINUE ALTSGN = ONE DO 130 I = 1, N X( I ) = ALTSGN*( ONE+DBLE( I-1 ) / DBLE( N-1 ) ) ALTSGN = -ALTSGN 130 CONTINUE KASE = 1 JUMP = 5 RETURN * * ................ ENTRY (JUMP = 5) * X HAS BEEN OVERWRITTEN BY A*X. * 140 CONTINUE TEMP = TWO*( DASUM( N, X, 1 ) / DBLE( 3*N ) ) IF( TEMP.GT.EST ) THEN CALL DCOPY( N, X, 1, V, 1 ) EST = TEMP END IF * 150 CONTINUE KASE = 0 RETURN * * End of DLACON * END SUBROUTINE DLACPY( UPLO, M, N, A, LDA, B, LDB ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER UPLO INTEGER LDA, LDB, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLACPY copies all or part of a two-dimensional matrix A to another * matrix B. * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the part of the matrix A to be copied to B. * = 'U': Upper triangular part * = 'L': Lower triangular part * Otherwise: All of the matrix A * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * A (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * The m by n matrix A. If UPLO = 'U', only the upper triangle * or trapezoid is accessed; if UPLO = 'L', only the lower * triangle or trapezoid is accessed. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). * * B (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB,N) * On exit, B = A in the locations specified by UPLO. * * LDB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(1,M). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 20 J = 1, N DO 10 I = 1, MIN( J, M ) B( I, J ) = A( I, J ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE ELSE IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN DO 40 J = 1, N DO 30 I = J, M B( I, J ) = A( I, J ) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE ELSE DO 60 J = 1, N DO 50 I = 1, M B( I, J ) = A( I, J ) 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE END IF RETURN * * End of DLACPY * END SUBROUTINE DLADIV( A, B, C, D, P, Q ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A, B, C, D, P, Q * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLADIV performs complex division in real arithmetic * * a + i*b * p + i*q = --------- * c + i*d * * The algorithm is due to Robert L. Smith and can be found * in D. Knuth, The art of Computer Programming, Vol.2, p.195 * * Arguments * ========= * * A (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * B (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * C (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The scalars a, b, c, and d in the above expression. * * P (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Q (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The scalars p and q in the above expression. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION E, F * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( ABS( D ).LT.ABS( C ) ) THEN E = D / C F = C + D*E P = ( A+B*E ) / F Q = ( B-A*E ) / F ELSE E = C / D F = D + C*E P = ( B+A*E ) / F Q = ( -A+B*E ) / F END IF * RETURN * * End of DLADIV * END SUBROUTINE DLAE2( A, B, C, RT1, RT2 ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A, B, C, RT1, RT2 * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAE2 computes the eigenvalues of a 2-by-2 symmetric matrix * [ A B ] * [ B C ]. * On return, RT1 is the eigenvalue of larger absolute value, and RT2 * is the eigenvalue of smaller absolute value. * * Arguments * ========= * * A (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The (1,1) element of the 2-by-2 matrix. * * B (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The (1,2) and (2,1) elements of the 2-by-2 matrix. * * C (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The (2,2) element of the 2-by-2 matrix. * * RT1 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The eigenvalue of larger absolute value. * * RT2 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The eigenvalue of smaller absolute value. * * Further Details * =============== * * RT1 is accurate to a few ulps barring over/underflow. * * RT2 may be inaccurate if there is massive cancellation in the * determinant A*C-B*B; higher precision or correctly rounded or * correctly truncated arithmetic would be needed to compute RT2 * accurately in all cases. * * Overflow is possible only if RT1 is within a factor of 5 of overflow. * Underflow is harmless if the input data is 0 or exceeds * underflow_threshold / macheps. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION TWO PARAMETER ( TWO = 2.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION HALF PARAMETER ( HALF = 0.5D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION AB, ACMN, ACMX, ADF, DF, RT, SM, TB * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Compute the eigenvalues * SM = A + C DF = A - C ADF = ABS( DF ) TB = B + B AB = ABS( TB ) IF( ABS( A ).GT.ABS( C ) ) THEN ACMX = A ACMN = C ELSE ACMX = C ACMN = A END IF IF( ADF.GT.AB ) THEN RT = ADF*SQRT( ONE+( AB / ADF )**2 ) ELSE IF( ADF.LT.AB ) THEN RT = AB*SQRT( ONE+( ADF / AB )**2 ) ELSE * * Includes case AB=ADF=0 * RT = AB*SQRT( TWO ) END IF IF( SM.LT.ZERO ) THEN RT1 = HALF*( SM-RT ) * * Order of execution important. * To get fully accurate smaller eigenvalue, * next line needs to be executed in higher precision. * RT2 = ( ACMX / RT1 )*ACMN - ( B / RT1 )*B ELSE IF( SM.GT.ZERO ) THEN RT1 = HALF*( SM+RT ) * * Order of execution important. * To get fully accurate smaller eigenvalue, * next line needs to be executed in higher precision. * RT2 = ( ACMX / RT1 )*ACMN - ( B / RT1 )*B ELSE * * Includes case RT1 = RT2 = 0 * RT1 = HALF*RT RT2 = -HALF*RT END IF RETURN * * End of DLAE2 * END SUBROUTINE DLAEBZ( IJOB, NITMAX, N, MMAX, MINP, NBMIN, ABSTOL, $ RELTOL, PIVMIN, D, E, E2, NVAL, AB, C, MOUT, $ NAB, WORK, IWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER IJOB, INFO, MINP, MMAX, MOUT, N, NBMIN, NITMAX DOUBLE PRECISION ABSTOL, PIVMIN, RELTOL * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IWORK( * ), NAB( MMAX, * ), NVAL( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION AB( MMAX, * ), C( * ), D( * ), E( * ), E2( * ), $ WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAEBZ contains the iteration loops which compute and use the * function N(w), which is the count of eigenvalues of a symmetric * tridiagonal matrix T less than or equal to its argument w. It * performs a choice of two types of loops: * * IJOB=1, followed by * IJOB=2: It takes as input a list of intervals and returns a list of * sufficiently small intervals whose union contains the same * eigenvalues as the union of the original intervals. * The input intervals are (AB(j,1),AB(j,2)], j=1,...,MINP. * The output interval (AB(j,1),AB(j,2)] will contain * eigenvalues NAB(j,1)+1,...,NAB(j,2), where 1 <= j <= MOUT. * * IJOB=3: It performs a binary search in each input interval * (AB(j,1),AB(j,2)] for a point w(j) such that * N(w(j))=NVAL(j), and uses C(j) as the starting point of * the search. If such a w(j) is found, then on output * AB(j,1)=AB(j,2)=w. If no such w(j) is found, then on output * (AB(j,1),AB(j,2)] will be a small interval containing the * point where N(w) jumps through NVAL(j), unless that point * lies outside the initial interval. * * Note that the intervals are in all cases half-open intervals, * i.e., of the form (a,b] , which includes b but not a . * * To avoid underflow, the matrix should be scaled so that its largest * element is no greater than overflow**(1/2) * underflow**(1/4) * in absolute value. To assure the most accurate computation * of small eigenvalues, the matrix should be scaled to be * not much smaller than that, either. * * See W. Kahan "Accurate Eigenvalues of a Symmetric Tridiagonal * Matrix", Report CS41, Computer Science Dept., Stanford * University, July 21, 1966 * * Note: the arguments are, in general, *not* checked for unreasonable * values. * * Arguments * ========= * * IJOB (input) INTEGER * Specifies what is to be done: * = 1: Compute NAB for the initial intervals. * = 2: Perform bisection iteration to find eigenvalues of T. * = 3: Perform bisection iteration to invert N(w), i.e., * to find a point which has a specified number of * eigenvalues of T to its left. * Other values will cause DLAEBZ to return with INFO=-1. * * NITMAX (input) INTEGER * The maximum number of "levels" of bisection to be * performed, i.e., an interval of width W will not be made * smaller than 2^(-NITMAX) * W. If not all intervals * have converged after NITMAX iterations, then INFO is set * to the number of non-converged intervals. * * N (input) INTEGER * The dimension n of the tridiagonal matrix T. It must be at * least 1. * * MMAX (input) INTEGER * The maximum number of intervals. If more than MMAX intervals * are generated, then DLAEBZ will quit with INFO=MMAX+1. * * MINP (input) INTEGER * The initial number of intervals. It may not be greater than * MMAX. * * NBMIN (input) INTEGER * The smallest number of intervals that should be processed * using a vector loop. If zero, then only the scalar loop * will be used. * * ABSTOL (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The minimum (absolute) width of an interval. When an * interval is narrower than ABSTOL, or than RELTOL times the * larger (in magnitude) endpoint, then it is considered to be * sufficiently small, i.e., converged. This must be at least * zero. * * RELTOL (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The minimum relative width of an interval. When an interval * is narrower than ABSTOL, or than RELTOL times the larger (in * magnitude) endpoint, then it is considered to be * sufficiently small, i.e., converged. Note: this should * always be at least radix*machine epsilon. * * PIVMIN (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The minimum absolute value of a "pivot" in the Sturm * sequence loop. This *must* be at least max |e(j)**2| * * safe_min and at least safe_min, where safe_min is at least * the smallest number that can divide one without overflow. * * D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The diagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix T. * * E (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The offdiagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix T in * positions 1 through N-1. E(N) is arbitrary. * * E2 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The squares of the offdiagonal elements of the tridiagonal * matrix T. E2(N) is ignored. * * NVAL (input/output) INTEGER array, dimension (MINP) * If IJOB=1 or 2, not referenced. * If IJOB=3, the desired values of N(w). The elements of NVAL * will be reordered to correspond with the intervals in AB. * Thus, NVAL(j) on output will not, in general be the same as * NVAL(j) on input, but it will correspond with the interval * (AB(j,1),AB(j,2)] on output. * * AB (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (MMAX,2) * The endpoints of the intervals. AB(j,1) is a(j), the left * endpoint of the j-th interval, and AB(j,2) is b(j), the * right endpoint of the j-th interval. The input intervals * will, in general, be modified, split, and reordered by the * calculation. * * C (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (MMAX) * If IJOB=1, ignored. * If IJOB=2, workspace. * If IJOB=3, then on input C(j) should be initialized to the * first search point in the binary search. * * MOUT (output) INTEGER * If IJOB=1, the number of eigenvalues in the intervals. * If IJOB=2 or 3, the number of intervals output. * If IJOB=3, MOUT will equal MINP. * * NAB (input/output) INTEGER array, dimension (MMAX,2) * If IJOB=1, then on output NAB(i,j) will be set to N(AB(i,j)). * If IJOB=2, then on input, NAB(i,j) should be set. It must * satisfy the condition: * N(AB(i,1)) <= NAB(i,1) <= NAB(i,2) <= N(AB(i,2)), * which means that in interval i only eigenvalues * NAB(i,1)+1,...,NAB(i,2) will be considered. Usually, * NAB(i,j)=N(AB(i,j)), from a previous call to DLAEBZ with * IJOB=1. * On output, NAB(i,j) will contain * max(na(k),min(nb(k),N(AB(i,j)))), where k is the index of * the input interval that the output interval * (AB(j,1),AB(j,2)] came from, and na(k) and nb(k) are the * the input values of NAB(k,1) and NAB(k,2). * If IJOB=3, then on output, NAB(i,j) contains N(AB(i,j)), * unless N(w) > NVAL(i) for all search points w , in which * case NAB(i,1) will not be modified, i.e., the output * value will be the same as the input value (modulo * reorderings -- see NVAL and AB), or unless N(w) < NVAL(i) * for all search points w , in which case NAB(i,2) will * not be modified. Normally, NAB should be set to some * distinctive value(s) before DLAEBZ is called. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (MMAX) * Workspace. * * IWORK (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension (MMAX) * Workspace. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: All intervals converged. * = 1--MMAX: The last INFO intervals did not converge. * = MMAX+1: More than MMAX intervals were generated. * * Further Details * =============== * * This routine is intended to be called only by other LAPACK * routines, thus the interface is less user-friendly. It is intended * for two purposes: * * (a) finding eigenvalues. In this case, DLAEBZ should have one or * more initial intervals set up in AB, and DLAEBZ should be called * with IJOB=1. This sets up NAB, and also counts the eigenvalues. * Intervals with no eigenvalues would usually be thrown out at * this point. Also, if not all the eigenvalues in an interval i * are desired, NAB(i,1) can be increased or NAB(i,2) decreased. * For example, set NAB(i,1)=NAB(i,2)-1 to get the largest * eigenvalue. DLAEBZ is then called with IJOB=2 and MMAX * no smaller than the value of MOUT returned by the call with * IJOB=1. After this (IJOB=2) call, eigenvalues NAB(i,1)+1 * through NAB(i,2) are approximately AB(i,1) (or AB(i,2)) to the * tolerance specified by ABSTOL and RELTOL. * * (b) finding an interval (a',b'] containing eigenvalues w(f),...,w(l). * In this case, start with a Gershgorin interval (a,b). Set up * AB to contain 2 search intervals, both initially (a,b). One * NVAL element should contain f-1 and the other should contain l * , while C should contain a and b, resp. NAB(i,1) should be -1 * and NAB(i,2) should be N+1, to flag an error if the desired * interval does not lie in (a,b). DLAEBZ is then called with * IJOB=3. On exit, if w(f-1) < w(f), then one of the intervals -- * j -- will have AB(j,1)=AB(j,2) and NAB(j,1)=NAB(j,2)=f-1, while * if, to the specified tolerance, w(f-k)=...=w(f+r), k > 0 and r * >= 0, then the interval will have N(AB(j,1))=NAB(j,1)=f-k and * N(AB(j,2))=NAB(j,2)=f+r. The cases w(l) < w(l+1) and * w(l-r)=...=w(l+k) are handled similarly. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, TWO, HALF PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0, TWO = 2.0D0, $ HALF = 1.0D0 / TWO ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER ITMP1, ITMP2, J, JI, JIT, JP, KF, KFNEW, KL, $ KLNEW DOUBLE PRECISION TMP1, TMP2 * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Check for Errors * INFO = 0 IF( IJOB.LT.1 .OR. IJOB.GT.3 ) THEN INFO = -1 RETURN END IF * * Initialize NAB * IF( IJOB.EQ.1 ) THEN * * Compute the number of eigenvalues in the initial intervals. * MOUT = 0 *DIR$ NOVECTOR DO 30 JI = 1, MINP DO 20 JP = 1, 2 TMP1 = D( 1 ) - AB( JI, JP ) IF( ABS( TMP1 ).LT.PIVMIN ) $ TMP1 = -PIVMIN NAB( JI, JP ) = 0 IF( TMP1.LE.ZERO ) $ NAB( JI, JP ) = 1 * DO 10 J = 2, N TMP1 = D( J ) - E2( J-1 ) / TMP1 - AB( JI, JP ) IF( ABS( TMP1 ).LT.PIVMIN ) $ TMP1 = -PIVMIN IF( TMP1.LE.ZERO ) $ NAB( JI, JP ) = NAB( JI, JP ) + 1 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE MOUT = MOUT + NAB( JI, 2 ) - NAB( JI, 1 ) 30 CONTINUE RETURN END IF * * Initialize for loop * * KF and KL have the following meaning: * Intervals 1,...,KF-1 have converged. * Intervals KF,...,KL still need to be refined. * KF = 1 KL = MINP * * If IJOB=2, initialize C. * If IJOB=3, use the user-supplied starting point. * IF( IJOB.EQ.2 ) THEN DO 40 JI = 1, MINP C( JI ) = HALF*( AB( JI, 1 )+AB( JI, 2 ) ) 40 CONTINUE END IF * * Iteration loop * DO 130 JIT = 1, NITMAX * * Loop over intervals * IF( KL-KF+1.GE.NBMIN .AND. NBMIN.GT.0 ) THEN * * Begin of Parallel Version of the loop * DO 60 JI = KF, KL * * Compute N(c), the number of eigenvalues less than c * WORK( JI ) = D( 1 ) - C( JI ) IWORK( JI ) = 0 IF( WORK( JI ).LE.PIVMIN ) THEN IWORK( JI ) = 1 WORK( JI ) = MIN( WORK( JI ), -PIVMIN ) END IF * DO 50 J = 2, N WORK( JI ) = D( J ) - E2( J-1 ) / WORK( JI ) - C( JI ) IF( WORK( JI ).LE.PIVMIN ) THEN IWORK( JI ) = IWORK( JI ) + 1 WORK( JI ) = MIN( WORK( JI ), -PIVMIN ) END IF 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE * IF( IJOB.LE.2 ) THEN * * IJOB=2: Choose all intervals containing eigenvalues. * KLNEW = KL DO 70 JI = KF, KL * * Insure that N(w) is monotone * IWORK( JI ) = MIN( NAB( JI, 2 ), $ MAX( NAB( JI, 1 ), IWORK( JI ) ) ) * * Update the Queue -- add intervals if both halves * contain eigenvalues. * IF( IWORK( JI ).EQ.NAB( JI, 2 ) ) THEN * * No eigenvalue in the upper interval: * just use the lower interval. * AB( JI, 2 ) = C( JI ) * ELSE IF( IWORK( JI ).EQ.NAB( JI, 1 ) ) THEN * * No eigenvalue in the lower interval: * just use the upper interval. * AB( JI, 1 ) = C( JI ) ELSE KLNEW = KLNEW + 1 IF( KLNEW.LE.MMAX ) THEN * * Eigenvalue in both intervals -- add upper to * queue. * AB( KLNEW, 2 ) = AB( JI, 2 ) NAB( KLNEW, 2 ) = NAB( JI, 2 ) AB( KLNEW, 1 ) = C( JI ) NAB( KLNEW, 1 ) = IWORK( JI ) AB( JI, 2 ) = C( JI ) NAB( JI, 2 ) = IWORK( JI ) ELSE INFO = MMAX + 1 END IF END IF 70 CONTINUE IF( INFO.NE.0 ) $ RETURN KL = KLNEW ELSE * * IJOB=3: Binary search. Keep only the interval containing * w s.t. N(w) = NVAL * DO 80 JI = KF, KL IF( IWORK( JI ).LE.NVAL( JI ) ) THEN AB( JI, 1 ) = C( JI ) NAB( JI, 1 ) = IWORK( JI ) END IF IF( IWORK( JI ).GE.NVAL( JI ) ) THEN AB( JI, 2 ) = C( JI ) NAB( JI, 2 ) = IWORK( JI ) END IF 80 CONTINUE END IF * ELSE * * End of Parallel Version of the loop * * Begin of Serial Version of the loop * KLNEW = KL DO 100 JI = KF, KL * * Compute N(w), the number of eigenvalues less than w * TMP1 = C( JI ) TMP2 = D( 1 ) - TMP1 ITMP1 = 0 IF( TMP2.LE.PIVMIN ) THEN ITMP1 = 1 TMP2 = MIN( TMP2, -PIVMIN ) END IF * * A series of compiler directives to defeat vectorization * for the next loop * *$PL$ CMCHAR=' ' CDIR$ NEXTSCALAR C$DIR SCALAR CDIR$ NEXT SCALAR CVD$L NOVECTOR CDEC$ NOVECTOR CVD$ NOVECTOR *VDIR NOVECTOR *VOCL LOOP,SCALAR CIBM PREFER SCALAR *$PL$ CMCHAR='*' * DO 90 J = 2, N TMP2 = D( J ) - E2( J-1 ) / TMP2 - TMP1 IF( TMP2.LE.PIVMIN ) THEN ITMP1 = ITMP1 + 1 TMP2 = MIN( TMP2, -PIVMIN ) END IF 90 CONTINUE * IF( IJOB.LE.2 ) THEN * * IJOB=2: Choose all intervals containing eigenvalues. * * Insure that N(w) is monotone * ITMP1 = MIN( NAB( JI, 2 ), $ MAX( NAB( JI, 1 ), ITMP1 ) ) * * Update the Queue -- add intervals if both halves * contain eigenvalues. * IF( ITMP1.EQ.NAB( JI, 2 ) ) THEN * * No eigenvalue in the upper interval: * just use the lower interval. * AB( JI, 2 ) = TMP1 * ELSE IF( ITMP1.EQ.NAB( JI, 1 ) ) THEN * * No eigenvalue in the lower interval: * just use the upper interval. * AB( JI, 1 ) = TMP1 ELSE IF( KLNEW.LT.MMAX ) THEN * * Eigenvalue in both intervals -- add upper to queue. * KLNEW = KLNEW + 1 AB( KLNEW, 2 ) = AB( JI, 2 ) NAB( KLNEW, 2 ) = NAB( JI, 2 ) AB( KLNEW, 1 ) = TMP1 NAB( KLNEW, 1 ) = ITMP1 AB( JI, 2 ) = TMP1 NAB( JI, 2 ) = ITMP1 ELSE INFO = MMAX + 1 RETURN END IF ELSE * * IJOB=3: Binary search. Keep only the interval * containing w s.t. N(w) = NVAL * IF( ITMP1.LE.NVAL( JI ) ) THEN AB( JI, 1 ) = TMP1 NAB( JI, 1 ) = ITMP1 END IF IF( ITMP1.GE.NVAL( JI ) ) THEN AB( JI, 2 ) = TMP1 NAB( JI, 2 ) = ITMP1 END IF END IF 100 CONTINUE KL = KLNEW * * End of Serial Version of the loop * END IF * * Check for convergence * KFNEW = KF DO 110 JI = KF, KL TMP1 = ABS( AB( JI, 2 )-AB( JI, 1 ) ) TMP2 = MAX( ABS( AB( JI, 2 ) ), ABS( AB( JI, 1 ) ) ) IF( TMP1.LT.MAX( ABSTOL, PIVMIN, RELTOL*TMP2 ) .OR. $ NAB( JI, 1 ).GE.NAB( JI, 2 ) ) THEN * * Converged -- Swap with position KFNEW, * then increment KFNEW * IF( JI.GT.KFNEW ) THEN TMP1 = AB( JI, 1 ) TMP2 = AB( JI, 2 ) ITMP1 = NAB( JI, 1 ) ITMP2 = NAB( JI, 2 ) AB( JI, 1 ) = AB( KFNEW, 1 ) AB( JI, 2 ) = AB( KFNEW, 2 ) NAB( JI, 1 ) = NAB( KFNEW, 1 ) NAB( JI, 2 ) = NAB( KFNEW, 2 ) AB( KFNEW, 1 ) = TMP1 AB( KFNEW, 2 ) = TMP2 NAB( KFNEW, 1 ) = ITMP1 NAB( KFNEW, 2 ) = ITMP2 IF( IJOB.EQ.3 ) THEN ITMP1 = NVAL( JI ) NVAL( JI ) = NVAL( KFNEW ) NVAL( KFNEW ) = ITMP1 END IF END IF KFNEW = KFNEW + 1 END IF 110 CONTINUE KF = KFNEW * * Choose Midpoints * DO 120 JI = KF, KL C( JI ) = HALF*( AB( JI, 1 )+AB( JI, 2 ) ) 120 CONTINUE * * If no more intervals to refine, quit. * IF( KF.GT.KL ) $ GO TO 140 130 CONTINUE * * Converged * 140 CONTINUE INFO = MAX( KL+1-KF, 0 ) MOUT = KL * RETURN * * End of DLAEBZ * END SUBROUTINE DLAEIN( RIGHTV, NOINIT, N, H, LDH, WR, WI, VR, VI, B, $ LDB, WORK, EPS3, SMLNUM, BIGNUM, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * September 30, 1994 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL NOINIT, RIGHTV INTEGER INFO, LDB, LDH, N DOUBLE PRECISION BIGNUM, EPS3, SMLNUM, WI, WR * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION B( LDB, * ), H( LDH, * ), VI( * ), VR( * ), $ WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAEIN uses inverse iteration to find a right or left eigenvector * corresponding to the eigenvalue (WR,WI) of a real upper Hessenberg * matrix H. * * Arguments * ========= * * RIGHTV (input) LOGICAL * = .TRUE. : compute right eigenvector; * = .FALSE.: compute left eigenvector. * * NOINIT (input) LOGICAL * = .TRUE. : no initial vector supplied in (VR,VI). * = .FALSE.: initial vector supplied in (VR,VI). * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix H. N >= 0. * * H (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDH,N) * The upper Hessenberg matrix H. * * LDH (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array H. LDH >= max(1,N). * * WR (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * WI (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The real and imaginary parts of the eigenvalue of H whose * corresponding right or left eigenvector is to be computed. * * VR (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * VI (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On entry, if NOINIT = .FALSE. and WI = 0.0, VR must contain * a real starting vector for inverse iteration using the real * eigenvalue WR; if NOINIT = .FALSE. and, VR and VI * must contain the real and imaginary parts of a complex * starting vector for inverse iteration using the complex * eigenvalue (WR,WI); otherwise VR and VI need not be set. * On exit, if WI = 0.0 (real eigenvalue), VR contains the * computed real eigenvector; if (complex eigenvalue), * VR and VI contain the real and imaginary parts of the * computed complex eigenvector. The eigenvector is normalized * so that the component of largest magnitude has magnitude 1; * here the magnitude of a complex number (x,y) is taken to be * |x| + |y|. * VI is not referenced if WI = 0.0. * * B (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB,N) * * LDB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= N+1. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * * EPS3 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * A small machine-dependent value which is used to perturb * close eigenvalues, and to replace zero pivots. * * SMLNUM (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * A machine-dependent value close to the underflow threshold. * * BIGNUM (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * A machine-dependent value close to the overflow threshold. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * = 1: inverse iteration did not converge; VR is set to the * last iterate, and so is VI if * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE, TENTH PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0, TENTH = 1.0D-1 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. CHARACTER NORMIN, TRANS INTEGER I, I1, I2, I3, IERR, ITS, J DOUBLE PRECISION ABSBII, ABSBJJ, EI, EJ, GROWTO, NORM, NRMSML, $ REC, ROOTN, SCALE, TEMP, VCRIT, VMAX, VNORM, W, $ W1, X, XI, XR, Y * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER IDAMAX DOUBLE PRECISION DASUM, DLAPY2, DNRM2 EXTERNAL IDAMAX, DASUM, DLAPY2, DNRM2 * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLADIV, DLATRS, DSCAL * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, DBLE, MAX, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * INFO = 0 * * GROWTO is the threshold used in the acceptance test for an * eigenvector. * ROOTN = SQRT( DBLE( N ) ) GROWTO = TENTH / ROOTN NRMSML = MAX( ONE, EPS3*ROOTN )*SMLNUM * * Form B = H - (WR,WI)*I (except that the subdiagonal elements and * the imaginary parts of the diagonal elements are not stored). * DO 20 J = 1, N DO 10 I = 1, J - 1 B( I, J ) = H( I, J ) 10 CONTINUE B( J, J ) = H( J, J ) - WR 20 CONTINUE * IF( WI.EQ.ZERO ) THEN * * Real eigenvalue. * IF( NOINIT ) THEN * * Set initial vector. * DO 30 I = 1, N VR( I ) = EPS3 30 CONTINUE ELSE * * Scale supplied initial vector. * VNORM = DNRM2( N, VR, 1 ) CALL DSCAL( N, ( EPS3*ROOTN ) / MAX( VNORM, NRMSML ), VR, $ 1 ) END IF * IF( RIGHTV ) THEN * * LU decomposition with partial pivoting of B, replacing zero * pivots by EPS3. * DO 60 I = 1, N - 1 EI = H( I+1, I ) IF( ABS( B( I, I ) ).LT.ABS( EI ) ) THEN * * Interchange rows and eliminate. * X = B( I, I ) / EI B( I, I ) = EI DO 40 J = I + 1, N TEMP = B( I+1, J ) B( I+1, J ) = B( I, J ) - X*TEMP B( I, J ) = TEMP 40 CONTINUE ELSE * * Eliminate without interchange. * IF( B( I, I ).EQ.ZERO ) $ B( I, I ) = EPS3 X = EI / B( I, I ) IF( X.NE.ZERO ) THEN DO 50 J = I + 1, N B( I+1, J ) = B( I+1, J ) - X*B( I, J ) 50 CONTINUE END IF END IF 60 CONTINUE IF( B( N, N ).EQ.ZERO ) $ B( N, N ) = EPS3 * TRANS = 'N' * ELSE * * UL decomposition with partial pivoting of B, replacing zero * pivots by EPS3. * DO 90 J = N, 2, -1 EJ = H( J, J-1 ) IF( ABS( B( J, J ) ).LT.ABS( EJ ) ) THEN * * Interchange columns and eliminate. * X = B( J, J ) / EJ B( J, J ) = EJ DO 70 I = 1, J - 1 TEMP = B( I, J-1 ) B( I, J-1 ) = B( I, J ) - X*TEMP B( I, J ) = TEMP 70 CONTINUE ELSE * * Eliminate without interchange. * IF( B( J, J ).EQ.ZERO ) $ B( J, J ) = EPS3 X = EJ / B( J, J ) IF( X.NE.ZERO ) THEN DO 80 I = 1, J - 1 B( I, J-1 ) = B( I, J-1 ) - X*B( I, J ) 80 CONTINUE END IF END IF 90 CONTINUE IF( B( 1, 1 ).EQ.ZERO ) $ B( 1, 1 ) = EPS3 * TRANS = 'T' * END IF * NORMIN = 'N' DO 110 ITS = 1, N * * Solve U*x = scale*v for a right eigenvector * or U'*x = scale*v for a left eigenvector, * overwriting x on v. * CALL DLATRS( 'Upper', TRANS, 'Nonunit', NORMIN, N, B, LDB, $ VR, SCALE, WORK, IERR ) NORMIN = 'Y' * * Test for sufficient growth in the norm of v. * VNORM = DASUM( N, VR, 1 ) IF( VNORM.GE.GROWTO*SCALE ) $ GO TO 120 * * Choose new orthogonal starting vector and try again. * TEMP = EPS3 / ( ROOTN+ONE ) VR( 1 ) = EPS3 DO 100 I = 2, N VR( I ) = TEMP 100 CONTINUE VR( N-ITS+1 ) = VR( N-ITS+1 ) - EPS3*ROOTN 110 CONTINUE * * Failure to find eigenvector in N iterations. * INFO = 1 * 120 CONTINUE * * Normalize eigenvector. * I = IDAMAX( N, VR, 1 ) CALL DSCAL( N, ONE / ABS( VR( I ) ), VR, 1 ) ELSE * * Complex eigenvalue. * IF( NOINIT ) THEN * * Set initial vector. * DO 130 I = 1, N VR( I ) = EPS3 VI( I ) = ZERO 130 CONTINUE ELSE * * Scale supplied initial vector. * NORM = DLAPY2( DNRM2( N, VR, 1 ), DNRM2( N, VI, 1 ) ) REC = ( EPS3*ROOTN ) / MAX( NORM, NRMSML ) CALL DSCAL( N, REC, VR, 1 ) CALL DSCAL( N, REC, VI, 1 ) END IF * IF( RIGHTV ) THEN * * LU decomposition with partial pivoting of B, replacing zero * pivots by EPS3. * * The imaginary part of the (i,j)-th element of U is stored in * B(j+1,i). * B( 2, 1 ) = -WI DO 140 I = 2, N B( I+1, 1 ) = ZERO 140 CONTINUE * DO 170 I = 1, N - 1 ABSBII = DLAPY2( B( I, I ), B( I+1, I ) ) EI = H( I+1, I ) IF( ABSBII.LT.ABS( EI ) ) THEN * * Interchange rows and eliminate. * XR = B( I, I ) / EI XI = B( I+1, I ) / EI B( I, I ) = EI B( I+1, I ) = ZERO DO 150 J = I + 1, N TEMP = B( I+1, J ) B( I+1, J ) = B( I, J ) - XR*TEMP B( J+1, I+1 ) = B( J+1, I ) - XI*TEMP B( I, J ) = TEMP B( J+1, I ) = ZERO 150 CONTINUE B( I+2, I ) = -WI B( I+1, I+1 ) = B( I+1, I+1 ) - XI*WI B( I+2, I+1 ) = B( I+2, I+1 ) + XR*WI ELSE * * Eliminate without interchanging rows. * IF( ABSBII.EQ.ZERO ) THEN B( I, I ) = EPS3 B( I+1, I ) = ZERO ABSBII = EPS3 END IF EI = ( EI / ABSBII ) / ABSBII XR = B( I, I )*EI XI = -B( I+1, I )*EI DO 160 J = I + 1, N B( I+1, J ) = B( I+1, J ) - XR*B( I, J ) + $ XI*B( J+1, I ) B( J+1, I+1 ) = -XR*B( J+1, I ) - XI*B( I, J ) 160 CONTINUE B( I+2, I+1 ) = B( I+2, I+1 ) - WI END IF * * Compute 1-norm of offdiagonal elements of i-th row. * WORK( I ) = DASUM( N-I, B( I, I+1 ), LDB ) + $ DASUM( N-I, B( I+2, I ), 1 ) 170 CONTINUE IF( B( N, N ).EQ.ZERO .AND. B( N+1, N ).EQ.ZERO ) $ B( N, N ) = EPS3 WORK( N ) = ZERO * I1 = N I2 = 1 I3 = -1 ELSE * * UL decomposition with partial pivoting of conjg(B), * replacing zero pivots by EPS3. * * The imaginary part of the (i,j)-th element of U is stored in * B(j+1,i). * B( N+1, N ) = WI DO 180 J = 1, N - 1 B( N+1, J ) = ZERO 180 CONTINUE * DO 210 J = N, 2, -1 EJ = H( J, J-1 ) ABSBJJ = DLAPY2( B( J, J ), B( J+1, J ) ) IF( ABSBJJ.LT.ABS( EJ ) ) THEN * * Interchange columns and eliminate * XR = B( J, J ) / EJ XI = B( J+1, J ) / EJ B( J, J ) = EJ B( J+1, J ) = ZERO DO 190 I = 1, J - 1 TEMP = B( I, J-1 ) B( I, J-1 ) = B( I, J ) - XR*TEMP B( J, I ) = B( J+1, I ) - XI*TEMP B( I, J ) = TEMP B( J+1, I ) = ZERO 190 CONTINUE B( J+1, J-1 ) = WI B( J-1, J-1 ) = B( J-1, J-1 ) + XI*WI B( J, J-1 ) = B( J, J-1 ) - XR*WI ELSE * * Eliminate without interchange. * IF( ABSBJJ.EQ.ZERO ) THEN B( J, J ) = EPS3 B( J+1, J ) = ZERO ABSBJJ = EPS3 END IF EJ = ( EJ / ABSBJJ ) / ABSBJJ XR = B( J, J )*EJ XI = -B( J+1, J )*EJ DO 200 I = 1, J - 1 B( I, J-1 ) = B( I, J-1 ) - XR*B( I, J ) + $ XI*B( J+1, I ) B( J, I ) = -XR*B( J+1, I ) - XI*B( I, J ) 200 CONTINUE B( J, J-1 ) = B( J, J-1 ) + WI END IF * * Compute 1-norm of offdiagonal elements of j-th column. * WORK( J ) = DASUM( J-1, B( 1, J ), 1 ) + $ DASUM( J-1, B( J+1, 1 ), LDB ) 210 CONTINUE IF( B( 1, 1 ).EQ.ZERO .AND. B( 2, 1 ).EQ.ZERO ) $ B( 1, 1 ) = EPS3 WORK( 1 ) = ZERO * I1 = 1 I2 = N I3 = 1 END IF * DO 270 ITS = 1, N SCALE = ONE VMAX = ONE VCRIT = BIGNUM * * Solve U*(xr,xi) = scale*(vr,vi) for a right eigenvector, * or U'*(xr,xi) = scale*(vr,vi) for a left eigenvector, * overwriting (xr,xi) on (vr,vi). * DO 250 I = I1, I2, I3 * IF( WORK( I ).GT.VCRIT ) THEN REC = ONE / VMAX CALL DSCAL( N, REC, VR, 1 ) CALL DSCAL( N, REC, VI, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC VMAX = ONE VCRIT = BIGNUM END IF * XR = VR( I ) XI = VI( I ) IF( RIGHTV ) THEN DO 220 J = I + 1, N XR = XR - B( I, J )*VR( J ) + B( J+1, I )*VI( J ) XI = XI - B( I, J )*VI( J ) - B( J+1, I )*VR( J ) 220 CONTINUE ELSE DO 230 J = 1, I - 1 XR = XR - B( J, I )*VR( J ) + B( I+1, J )*VI( J ) XI = XI - B( J, I )*VI( J ) - B( I+1, J )*VR( J ) 230 CONTINUE END IF * W = ABS( B( I, I ) ) + ABS( B( I+1, I ) ) IF( W.GT.SMLNUM ) THEN IF( W.LT.ONE ) THEN W1 = ABS( XR ) + ABS( XI ) IF( W1.GT.W*BIGNUM ) THEN REC = ONE / W1 CALL DSCAL( N, REC, VR, 1 ) CALL DSCAL( N, REC, VI, 1 ) XR = VR( I ) XI = VI( I ) SCALE = SCALE*REC VMAX = VMAX*REC END IF END IF * * Divide by diagonal element of B. * CALL DLADIV( XR, XI, B( I, I ), B( I+1, I ), VR( I ), $ VI( I ) ) VMAX = MAX( ABS( VR( I ) )+ABS( VI( I ) ), VMAX ) VCRIT = BIGNUM / VMAX ELSE DO 240 J = 1, N VR( J ) = ZERO VI( J ) = ZERO 240 CONTINUE VR( I ) = ONE VI( I ) = ONE SCALE = ZERO VMAX = ONE VCRIT = BIGNUM END IF 250 CONTINUE * * Test for sufficient growth in the norm of (VR,VI). * VNORM = DASUM( N, VR, 1 ) + DASUM( N, VI, 1 ) IF( VNORM.GE.GROWTO*SCALE ) $ GO TO 280 * * Choose a new orthogonal starting vector and try again. * Y = EPS3 / ( ROOTN+ONE ) VR( 1 ) = EPS3 VI( 1 ) = ZERO * DO 260 I = 2, N VR( I ) = Y VI( I ) = ZERO 260 CONTINUE VR( N-ITS+1 ) = VR( N-ITS+1 ) - EPS3*ROOTN 270 CONTINUE * * Failure to find eigenvector in N iterations * INFO = 1 * 280 CONTINUE * * Normalize eigenvector. * VNORM = ZERO DO 290 I = 1, N VNORM = MAX( VNORM, ABS( VR( I ) )+ABS( VI( I ) ) ) 290 CONTINUE CALL DSCAL( N, ONE / VNORM, VR, 1 ) CALL DSCAL( N, ONE / VNORM, VI, 1 ) * END IF * RETURN * * End of DLAEIN * END SUBROUTINE DLAEV2( A, B, C, RT1, RT2, CS1, SN1 ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A, B, C, CS1, RT1, RT2, SN1 * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAEV2 computes the eigendecomposition of a 2-by-2 symmetric matrix * [ A B ] * [ B C ]. * On return, RT1 is the eigenvalue of larger absolute value, RT2 is the * eigenvalue of smaller absolute value, and (CS1,SN1) is the unit right * eigenvector for RT1, giving the decomposition * * [ CS1 SN1 ] [ A B ] [ CS1 -SN1 ] = [ RT1 0 ] * [-SN1 CS1 ] [ B C ] [ SN1 CS1 ] [ 0 RT2 ]. * * Arguments * ========= * * A (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The (1,1) element of the 2-by-2 matrix. * * B (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The (1,2) element and the conjugate of the (2,1) element of * the 2-by-2 matrix. * * C (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The (2,2) element of the 2-by-2 matrix. * * RT1 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The eigenvalue of larger absolute value. * * RT2 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The eigenvalue of smaller absolute value. * * CS1 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * SN1 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The vector (CS1, SN1) is a unit right eigenvector for RT1. * * Further Details * =============== * * RT1 is accurate to a few ulps barring over/underflow. * * RT2 may be inaccurate if there is massive cancellation in the * determinant A*C-B*B; higher precision or correctly rounded or * correctly truncated arithmetic would be needed to compute RT2 * accurately in all cases. * * CS1 and SN1 are accurate to a few ulps barring over/underflow. * * Overflow is possible only if RT1 is within a factor of 5 of overflow. * Underflow is harmless if the input data is 0 or exceeds * underflow_threshold / macheps. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION TWO PARAMETER ( TWO = 2.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION HALF PARAMETER ( HALF = 0.5D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER SGN1, SGN2 DOUBLE PRECISION AB, ACMN, ACMX, ACS, ADF, CS, CT, DF, RT, SM, $ TB, TN * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Compute the eigenvalues * SM = A + C DF = A - C ADF = ABS( DF ) TB = B + B AB = ABS( TB ) IF( ABS( A ).GT.ABS( C ) ) THEN ACMX = A ACMN = C ELSE ACMX = C ACMN = A END IF IF( ADF.GT.AB ) THEN RT = ADF*SQRT( ONE+( AB / ADF )**2 ) ELSE IF( ADF.LT.AB ) THEN RT = AB*SQRT( ONE+( ADF / AB )**2 ) ELSE * * Includes case AB=ADF=0 * RT = AB*SQRT( TWO ) END IF IF( SM.LT.ZERO ) THEN RT1 = HALF*( SM-RT ) SGN1 = -1 * * Order of execution important. * To get fully accurate smaller eigenvalue, * next line needs to be executed in higher precision. * RT2 = ( ACMX / RT1 )*ACMN - ( B / RT1 )*B ELSE IF( SM.GT.ZERO ) THEN RT1 = HALF*( SM+RT ) SGN1 = 1 * * Order of execution important. * To get fully accurate smaller eigenvalue, * next line needs to be executed in higher precision. * RT2 = ( ACMX / RT1 )*ACMN - ( B / RT1 )*B ELSE * * Includes case RT1 = RT2 = 0 * RT1 = HALF*RT RT2 = -HALF*RT SGN1 = 1 END IF * * Compute the eigenvector * IF( DF.GE.ZERO ) THEN CS = DF + RT SGN2 = 1 ELSE CS = DF - RT SGN2 = -1 END IF ACS = ABS( CS ) IF( ACS.GT.AB ) THEN CT = -TB / CS SN1 = ONE / SQRT( ONE+CT*CT ) CS1 = CT*SN1 ELSE IF( AB.EQ.ZERO ) THEN CS1 = ONE SN1 = ZERO ELSE TN = -CS / TB CS1 = ONE / SQRT( ONE+TN*TN ) SN1 = TN*CS1 END IF END IF IF( SGN1.EQ.SGN2 ) THEN TN = CS1 CS1 = -SN1 SN1 = TN END IF RETURN * * End of DLAEV2 * END SUBROUTINE DLAEXC( WANTQ, N, T, LDT, Q, LDQ, J1, N1, N2, WORK, $ INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL WANTQ INTEGER INFO, J1, LDQ, LDT, N, N1, N2 * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION Q( LDQ, * ), T( LDT, * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAEXC swaps adjacent diagonal blocks T11 and T22 of order 1 or 2 in * an upper quasi-triangular matrix T by an orthogonal similarity * transformation. * * T must be in Schur canonical form, that is, block upper triangular * with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks; each 2-by-2 diagonal block * has its diagonal elemnts equal and its off-diagonal elements of * opposite sign. * * Arguments * ========= * * WANTQ (input) LOGICAL * = .TRUE. : accumulate the transformation in the matrix Q; * = .FALSE.: do not accumulate the transformation. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix T. N >= 0. * * T (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDT,N) * On entry, the upper quasi-triangular matrix T, in Schur * canonical form. * On exit, the updated matrix T, again in Schur canonical form. * * LDT (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array T. LDT >= max(1,N). * * Q (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDQ,N) * On entry, if WANTQ is .TRUE., the orthogonal matrix Q. * On exit, if WANTQ is .TRUE., the updated matrix Q. * If WANTQ is .FALSE., Q is not referenced. * * LDQ (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array Q. * LDQ >= 1; and if WANTQ is .TRUE., LDQ >= N. * * J1 (input) INTEGER * The index of the first row of the first block T11. * * N1 (input) INTEGER * The order of the first block T11. N1 = 0, 1 or 2. * * N2 (input) INTEGER * The order of the second block T22. N2 = 0, 1 or 2. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * = 1: the transformed matrix T would be too far from Schur * form; the blocks are not swapped and T and Q are * unchanged. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION TEN PARAMETER ( TEN = 1.0D+1 ) INTEGER LDD, LDX PARAMETER ( LDD = 4, LDX = 2 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IERR, J2, J3, J4, K, ND DOUBLE PRECISION CS, DNORM, EPS, SCALE, SMLNUM, SN, T11, T22, $ T33, TAU, TAU1, TAU2, TEMP, THRESH, WI1, WI2, $ WR1, WR2, XNORM * .. * .. Local Arrays .. DOUBLE PRECISION D( LDD, 4 ), U( 3 ), U1( 3 ), U2( 3 ), $ X( LDX, 2 ) * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH, DLANGE EXTERNAL DLAMCH, DLANGE * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLACPY, DLANV2, DLARFG, DLARFX, DLARTG, DLASY2, $ DROT * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * INFO = 0 * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 .OR. N1.EQ.0 .OR. N2.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN IF( J1+N1.GT.N ) $ RETURN * J2 = J1 + 1 J3 = J1 + 2 J4 = J1 + 3 * IF( N1.EQ.1 .AND. N2.EQ.1 ) THEN * * Swap two 1-by-1 blocks. * T11 = T( J1, J1 ) T22 = T( J2, J2 ) * * Determine the transformation to perform the interchange. * CALL DLARTG( T( J1, J2 ), T22-T11, CS, SN, TEMP ) * * Apply transformation to the matrix T. * IF( J3.LE.N ) $ CALL DROT( N-J1-1, T( J1, J3 ), LDT, T( J2, J3 ), LDT, CS, $ SN ) CALL DROT( J1-1, T( 1, J1 ), 1, T( 1, J2 ), 1, CS, SN ) * T( J1, J1 ) = T22 T( J2, J2 ) = T11 * IF( WANTQ ) THEN * * Accumulate transformation in the matrix Q. * CALL DROT( N, Q( 1, J1 ), 1, Q( 1, J2 ), 1, CS, SN ) END IF * ELSE * * Swapping involves at least one 2-by-2 block. * * Copy the diagonal block of order N1+N2 to the local array D * and compute its norm. * ND = N1 + N2 CALL DLACPY( 'Full', ND, ND, T( J1, J1 ), LDT, D, LDD ) DNORM = DLANGE( 'Max', ND, ND, D, LDD, WORK ) * * Compute machine-dependent threshold for test for accepting * swap. * EPS = DLAMCH( 'P' ) SMLNUM = DLAMCH( 'S' ) / EPS THRESH = MAX( TEN*EPS*DNORM, SMLNUM ) * * Solve T11*X - X*T22 = scale*T12 for X. * CALL DLASY2( .FALSE., .FALSE., -1, N1, N2, D, LDD, $ D( N1+1, N1+1 ), LDD, D( 1, N1+1 ), LDD, SCALE, X, $ LDX, XNORM, IERR ) * * Swap the adjacent diagonal blocks. * K = N1 + N1 + N2 - 3 GO TO ( 10, 20, 30 )K * 10 CONTINUE * * N1 = 1, N2 = 2: generate elementary reflector H so that: * * ( scale, X11, X12 ) H = ( 0, 0, * ) * U( 1 ) = SCALE U( 2 ) = X( 1, 1 ) U( 3 ) = X( 1, 2 ) CALL DLARFG( 3, U( 3 ), U, 1, TAU ) U( 3 ) = ONE T11 = T( J1, J1 ) * * Perform swap provisionally on diagonal block in D. * CALL DLARFX( 'L', 3, 3, U, TAU, D, LDD, WORK ) CALL DLARFX( 'R', 3, 3, U, TAU, D, LDD, WORK ) * * Test whether to reject swap. * IF( MAX( ABS( D( 3, 1 ) ), ABS( D( 3, 2 ) ), ABS( D( 3, $ 3 )-T11 ) ).GT.THRESH )GO TO 50 * * Accept swap: apply transformation to the entire matrix T. * CALL DLARFX( 'L', 3, N-J1+1, U, TAU, T( J1, J1 ), LDT, WORK ) CALL DLARFX( 'R', J2, 3, U, TAU, T( 1, J1 ), LDT, WORK ) * T( J3, J1 ) = ZERO T( J3, J2 ) = ZERO T( J3, J3 ) = T11 * IF( WANTQ ) THEN * * Accumulate transformation in the matrix Q. * CALL DLARFX( 'R', N, 3, U, TAU, Q( 1, J1 ), LDQ, WORK ) END IF GO TO 40 * 20 CONTINUE * * N1 = 2, N2 = 1: generate elementary reflector H so that: * * H ( -X11 ) = ( * ) * ( -X21 ) = ( 0 ) * ( scale ) = ( 0 ) * U( 1 ) = -X( 1, 1 ) U( 2 ) = -X( 2, 1 ) U( 3 ) = SCALE CALL DLARFG( 3, U( 1 ), U( 2 ), 1, TAU ) U( 1 ) = ONE T33 = T( J3, J3 ) * * Perform swap provisionally on diagonal block in D. * CALL DLARFX( 'L', 3, 3, U, TAU, D, LDD, WORK ) CALL DLARFX( 'R', 3, 3, U, TAU, D, LDD, WORK ) * * Test whether to reject swap. * IF( MAX( ABS( D( 2, 1 ) ), ABS( D( 3, 1 ) ), ABS( D( 1, $ 1 )-T33 ) ).GT.THRESH )GO TO 50 * * Accept swap: apply transformation to the entire matrix T. * CALL DLARFX( 'R', J3, 3, U, TAU, T( 1, J1 ), LDT, WORK ) CALL DLARFX( 'L', 3, N-J1, U, TAU, T( J1, J2 ), LDT, WORK ) * T( J1, J1 ) = T33 T( J2, J1 ) = ZERO T( J3, J1 ) = ZERO * IF( WANTQ ) THEN * * Accumulate transformation in the matrix Q. * CALL DLARFX( 'R', N, 3, U, TAU, Q( 1, J1 ), LDQ, WORK ) END IF GO TO 40 * 30 CONTINUE * * N1 = 2, N2 = 2: generate elementary reflectors H(1) and H(2) so * that: * * H(2) H(1) ( -X11 -X12 ) = ( * * ) * ( -X21 -X22 ) ( 0 * ) * ( scale 0 ) ( 0 0 ) * ( 0 scale ) ( 0 0 ) * U1( 1 ) = -X( 1, 1 ) U1( 2 ) = -X( 2, 1 ) U1( 3 ) = SCALE CALL DLARFG( 3, U1( 1 ), U1( 2 ), 1, TAU1 ) U1( 1 ) = ONE * TEMP = -TAU1*( X( 1, 2 )+U1( 2 )*X( 2, 2 ) ) U2( 1 ) = -TEMP*U1( 2 ) - X( 2, 2 ) U2( 2 ) = -TEMP*U1( 3 ) U2( 3 ) = SCALE CALL DLARFG( 3, U2( 1 ), U2( 2 ), 1, TAU2 ) U2( 1 ) = ONE * * Perform swap provisionally on diagonal block in D. * CALL DLARFX( 'L', 3, 4, U1, TAU1, D, LDD, WORK ) CALL DLARFX( 'R', 4, 3, U1, TAU1, D, LDD, WORK ) CALL DLARFX( 'L', 3, 4, U2, TAU2, D( 2, 1 ), LDD, WORK ) CALL DLARFX( 'R', 4, 3, U2, TAU2, D( 1, 2 ), LDD, WORK ) * * Test whether to reject swap. * IF( MAX( ABS( D( 3, 1 ) ), ABS( D( 3, 2 ) ), ABS( D( 4, 1 ) ), $ ABS( D( 4, 2 ) ) ).GT.THRESH )GO TO 50 * * Accept swap: apply transformation to the entire matrix T. * CALL DLARFX( 'L', 3, N-J1+1, U1, TAU1, T( J1, J1 ), LDT, WORK ) CALL DLARFX( 'R', J4, 3, U1, TAU1, T( 1, J1 ), LDT, WORK ) CALL DLARFX( 'L', 3, N-J1+1, U2, TAU2, T( J2, J1 ), LDT, WORK ) CALL DLARFX( 'R', J4, 3, U2, TAU2, T( 1, J2 ), LDT, WORK ) * T( J3, J1 ) = ZERO T( J3, J2 ) = ZERO T( J4, J1 ) = ZERO T( J4, J2 ) = ZERO * IF( WANTQ ) THEN * * Accumulate transformation in the matrix Q. * CALL DLARFX( 'R', N, 3, U1, TAU1, Q( 1, J1 ), LDQ, WORK ) CALL DLARFX( 'R', N, 3, U2, TAU2, Q( 1, J2 ), LDQ, WORK ) END IF * 40 CONTINUE * IF( N2.EQ.2 ) THEN * * Standardize new 2-by-2 block T11 * CALL DLANV2( T( J1, J1 ), T( J1, J2 ), T( J2, J1 ), $ T( J2, J2 ), WR1, WI1, WR2, WI2, CS, SN ) CALL DROT( N-J1-1, T( J1, J1+2 ), LDT, T( J2, J1+2 ), LDT, $ CS, SN ) CALL DROT( J1-1, T( 1, J1 ), 1, T( 1, J2 ), 1, CS, SN ) IF( WANTQ ) $ CALL DROT( N, Q( 1, J1 ), 1, Q( 1, J2 ), 1, CS, SN ) END IF * IF( N1.EQ.2 ) THEN * * Standardize new 2-by-2 block T22 * J3 = J1 + N2 J4 = J3 + 1 CALL DLANV2( T( J3, J3 ), T( J3, J4 ), T( J4, J3 ), $ T( J4, J4 ), WR1, WI1, WR2, WI2, CS, SN ) IF( J3+2.LE.N ) $ CALL DROT( N-J3-1, T( J3, J3+2 ), LDT, T( J4, J3+2 ), $ LDT, CS, SN ) CALL DROT( J3-1, T( 1, J3 ), 1, T( 1, J4 ), 1, CS, SN ) IF( WANTQ ) $ CALL DROT( N, Q( 1, J3 ), 1, Q( 1, J4 ), 1, CS, SN ) END IF * END IF RETURN * * Exit with INFO = 1 if swap was rejected. * 50 CONTINUE INFO = 1 RETURN * * End of DLAEXC * END SUBROUTINE DLAG2( A, LDA, B, LDB, SAFMIN, SCALE1, SCALE2, WR1, $ WR2, WI ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * March 31, 1993 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER LDA, LDB DOUBLE PRECISION SAFMIN, SCALE1, SCALE2, WI, WR1, WR2 * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAG2 computes the eigenvalues of a 2 x 2 generalized eigenvalue * problem A - w B, with scaling as necessary to avoid over-/underflow. * * The scaling factor "s" results in a modified eigenvalue equation * * s A - w B * * where s is a non-negative scaling factor chosen so that w, w B, * and s A do not overflow and, if possible, do not underflow, either. * * Arguments * ========= * * A (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA, 2) * On entry, the 2 x 2 matrix A. It is assumed that its 1-norm * is less than 1/SAFMIN. Entries less than * sqrt(SAFMIN)*norm(A) are subject to being treated as zero. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= 2. * * B (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB, 2) * On entry, the 2 x 2 upper triangular matrix B. It is * assumed that the one-norm of B is less than 1/SAFMIN. The * diagonals should be at least sqrt(SAFMIN) times the largest * element of B (in absolute value); if a diagonal is smaller * than that, then +/- sqrt(SAFMIN) will be used instead of * that diagonal. * * LDB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= 2. * * SAFMIN (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The smallest positive number s.t. 1/SAFMIN does not * overflow. (This should always be DLAMCH('S') -- it is an * argument in order to avoid having to call DLAMCH frequently.) * * SCALE1 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * A scaling factor used to avoid over-/underflow in the * eigenvalue equation which defines the first eigenvalue. If * the eigenvalues are complex, then the eigenvalues are * ( WR1 +/- WI i ) / SCALE1 (which may lie outside the * exponent range of the machine), SCALE1=SCALE2, and SCALE1 * will always be positive. If the eigenvalues are real, then * the first (real) eigenvalue is WR1 / SCALE1 , but this may * overflow or underflow, and in fact, SCALE1 may be zero or * less than the underflow threshhold if the exact eigenvalue * is sufficiently large. * * SCALE2 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * A scaling factor used to avoid over-/underflow in the * eigenvalue equation which defines the second eigenvalue. If * the eigenvalues are complex, then SCALE2=SCALE1. If the * eigenvalues are real, then the second (real) eigenvalue is * WR2 / SCALE2 , but this may overflow or underflow, and in * fact, SCALE2 may be zero or less than the underflow * threshhold if the exact eigenvalue is sufficiently large. * * WR1 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * If the eigenvalue is real, then WR1 is SCALE1 times the * eigenvalue closest to the (2,2) element of A B**(-1). If the * eigenvalue is complex, then WR1=WR2 is SCALE1 times the real * part of the eigenvalues. * * WR2 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * If the eigenvalue is real, then WR2 is SCALE2 times the * other eigenvalue. If the eigenvalue is complex, then * WR1=WR2 is SCALE1 times the real part of the eigenvalues. * * WI (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * If the eigenvalue is real, then WI is zero. If the * eigenvalue is complex, then WI is SCALE1 times the imaginary * part of the eigenvalues. WI will always be non-negative. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE, TWO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0, TWO = 2.0D+0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION HALF PARAMETER ( HALF = ONE / TWO ) DOUBLE PRECISION FUZZY1 PARAMETER ( FUZZY1 = ONE+1.0D-5 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION A11, A12, A21, A22, ABI22, ANORM, AS11, AS12, $ AS22, ASCALE, B11, B12, B22, BINV11, BINV22, $ BMIN, BNORM, BSCALE, BSIZE, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, $ DIFF, DISCR, PP, QQ, R, RTMAX, RTMIN, S1, S2, $ SAFMAX, SHIFT, SS, SUM, WABS, WBIG, WDET, $ WSCALE, WSIZE, WSMALL * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN, SIGN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * RTMIN = SQRT( SAFMIN ) RTMAX = ONE / RTMIN SAFMAX = ONE / SAFMIN * * Scale A * ANORM = MAX( ABS( A( 1, 1 ) )+ABS( A( 2, 1 ) ), $ ABS( A( 1, 2 ) )+ABS( A( 2, 2 ) ), SAFMIN ) ASCALE = ONE / ANORM A11 = ASCALE*A( 1, 1 ) A21 = ASCALE*A( 2, 1 ) A12 = ASCALE*A( 1, 2 ) A22 = ASCALE*A( 2, 2 ) * * Perturb B if necessary to insure non-singularity * B11 = B( 1, 1 ) B12 = B( 1, 2 ) B22 = B( 2, 2 ) BMIN = RTMIN*MAX( ABS( B11 ), ABS( B12 ), ABS( B22 ), RTMIN ) IF( ABS( B11 ).LT.BMIN ) $ B11 = SIGN( BMIN, B11 ) IF( ABS( B22 ).LT.BMIN ) $ B22 = SIGN( BMIN, B22 ) * * Scale B * BNORM = MAX( ABS( B11 ), ABS( B12 )+ABS( B22 ), SAFMIN ) BSIZE = MAX( ABS( B11 ), ABS( B22 ) ) BSCALE = ONE / BSIZE B11 = B11*BSCALE B12 = B12*BSCALE B22 = B22*BSCALE * * Compute larger eigenvalue by method described by C. van Loan * * ( AS is A shifted by -SHIFT*B ) * BINV11 = ONE / B11 BINV22 = ONE / B22 S1 = A11*BINV11 S2 = A22*BINV22 IF( ABS( S1 ).LE.ABS( S2 ) ) THEN AS12 = A12 - S1*B12 AS22 = A22 - S1*B22 SS = A21*( BINV11*BINV22 ) ABI22 = AS22*BINV22 - SS*B12 PP = HALF*ABI22 SHIFT = S1 ELSE AS12 = A12 - S2*B12 AS11 = A11 - S2*B11 SS = A21*( BINV11*BINV22 ) ABI22 = -SS*B12 PP = HALF*( AS11*BINV11+ABI22 ) SHIFT = S2 END IF QQ = SS*AS12 IF( ABS( PP*RTMIN ).GE.ONE ) THEN DISCR = ( RTMIN*PP )**2 + QQ*SAFMIN R = SQRT( ABS( DISCR ) )*RTMAX ELSE IF( PP**2+ABS( QQ ).LE.SAFMIN ) THEN DISCR = ( RTMAX*PP )**2 + QQ*SAFMAX R = SQRT( ABS( DISCR ) )*RTMIN ELSE DISCR = PP**2 + QQ R = SQRT( ABS( DISCR ) ) END IF END IF * * Note: the test of R in the following IF is to cover the case when * DISCR is small and negative and is flushed to zero during * the calculation of R. On machines which have a consistent * flush-to-zero threshhold and handle numbers above that * threshhold correctly, it would not be necessary. * IF( DISCR.GE.ZERO .OR. R.EQ.ZERO ) THEN SUM = PP + SIGN( R, PP ) DIFF = PP - SIGN( R, PP ) WBIG = SHIFT + SUM * * Compute smaller eigenvalue * WSMALL = SHIFT + DIFF IF( HALF*ABS( WBIG ).GT.MAX( ABS( WSMALL ), SAFMIN ) ) THEN WDET = ( A11*A22-A12*A21 )*( BINV11*BINV22 ) WSMALL = WDET / WBIG END IF * * Choose (real) eigenvalue closest to 2,2 element of A*B**(-1) * for WR1. * IF( PP.GT.ABI22 ) THEN WR1 = MIN( WBIG, WSMALL ) WR2 = MAX( WBIG, WSMALL ) ELSE WR1 = MAX( WBIG, WSMALL ) WR2 = MIN( WBIG, WSMALL ) END IF WI = ZERO ELSE * * Complex eigenvalues * WR1 = SHIFT + PP WR2 = WR1 WI = R END IF * * Further scaling to avoid underflow and overflow in computing * SCALE1 and overflow in computing w*B. * * This scale factor (WSCALE) is bounded from above using C1 and C2, * and from below using C3 and C4. * C1 implements the condition s A must never overflow. * C2 implements the condition w B must never overflow. * C3, with C2, * implement the condition that s A - w B must never overflow. * C4 implements the condition s should not underflow. * C5 implements the condition max(s,|w|) should be at least 2. * C1 = BSIZE*( SAFMIN*MAX( ONE, ASCALE ) ) C2 = SAFMIN*MAX( ONE, BNORM ) C3 = BSIZE*SAFMIN IF( ASCALE.LE.ONE .AND. BSIZE.LE.ONE ) THEN C4 = MIN( ONE, ( ASCALE / SAFMIN )*BSIZE ) ELSE C4 = ONE END IF IF( ASCALE.LE.ONE .OR. BSIZE.LE.ONE ) THEN C5 = MIN( ONE, ASCALE*BSIZE ) ELSE C5 = ONE END IF * * Scale first eigenvalue * WABS = ABS( WR1 ) + ABS( WI ) WSIZE = MAX( SAFMIN, C1, FUZZY1*( WABS*C2+C3 ), $ MIN( C4, HALF*MAX( WABS, C5 ) ) ) IF( WSIZE.NE.ONE ) THEN WSCALE = ONE / WSIZE IF( WSIZE.GT.ONE ) THEN SCALE1 = ( MAX( ASCALE, BSIZE )*WSCALE )* $ MIN( ASCALE, BSIZE ) ELSE SCALE1 = ( MIN( ASCALE, BSIZE )*WSCALE )* $ MAX( ASCALE, BSIZE ) END IF WR1 = WR1*WSCALE IF( WI.NE.ZERO ) THEN WI = WI*WSCALE WR2 = WR1 SCALE2 = SCALE1 END IF ELSE SCALE1 = ASCALE*BSIZE SCALE2 = SCALE1 END IF * * Scale second eigenvalue (if real) * IF( WI.EQ.ZERO ) THEN WSIZE = MAX( SAFMIN, C1, FUZZY1*( ABS( WR2 )*C2+C3 ), $ MIN( C4, HALF*MAX( ABS( WR2 ), C5 ) ) ) IF( WSIZE.NE.ONE ) THEN WSCALE = ONE / WSIZE IF( WSIZE.GT.ONE ) THEN SCALE2 = ( MAX( ASCALE, BSIZE )*WSCALE )* $ MIN( ASCALE, BSIZE ) ELSE SCALE2 = ( MIN( ASCALE, BSIZE )*WSCALE )* $ MAX( ASCALE, BSIZE ) END IF WR2 = WR2*WSCALE ELSE SCALE2 = ASCALE*BSIZE END IF END IF * * End of DLAG2 * RETURN END SUBROUTINE DLAGS2( UPPER, A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, CSU, SNU, CSV, $ SNV, CSQ, SNQ ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * September 30, 1994 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL UPPER DOUBLE PRECISION A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, CSQ, CSU, CSV, SNQ, $ SNU, SNV * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAGS2 computes 2-by-2 orthogonal matrices U, V and Q, such * that if ( UPPER ) then * * U'*A*Q = U'*( A1 A2 )*Q = ( x 0 ) * ( 0 A3 ) ( x x ) * and * V'*B*Q = V'*( B1 B2 )*Q = ( x 0 ) * ( 0 B3 ) ( x x ) * * or if ( .NOT.UPPER ) then * * U'*A*Q = U'*( A1 0 )*Q = ( x x ) * ( A2 A3 ) ( 0 x ) * and * V'*B*Q = V'*( B1 0 )*Q = ( x x ) * ( B2 B3 ) ( 0 x ) * * The rows of the transformed A and B are parallel, where * * U = ( CSU SNU ), V = ( CSV SNV ), Q = ( CSQ SNQ ) * ( -SNU CSU ) ( -SNV CSV ) ( -SNQ CSQ ) * * Z' denotes the transpose of Z. * * * Arguments * ========= * * UPPER (input) LOGICAL * = .TRUE.: the input matrices A and B are upper triangular. * = .FALSE.: the input matrices A and B are lower triangular. * * A1 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * A2 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * A3 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * On entry, A1, A2 and A3 are elements of the input 2-by-2 * upper (lower) triangular matrix A. * * B1 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * B2 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * B3 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * On entry, B1, B2 and B3 are elements of the input 2-by-2 * upper (lower) triangular matrix B. * * CSU (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * SNU (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The desired orthogonal matrix U. * * CSV (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * SNV (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The desired orthogonal matrix V. * * CSQ (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * SNQ (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The desired orthogonal matrix Q. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION A, AUA11, AUA12, AUA21, AUA22, AVB11, AVB12, $ AVB21, AVB22, B, C, CSL, CSR, D, R, S1, S2, $ SNL, SNR, UA11, UA11R, UA12, UA21, UA22, UA22R, $ VB11, VB11R, VB12, VB21, VB22, VB22R * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLARTG, DLASV2 * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( UPPER ) THEN * * Input matrices A and B are upper triangular matrices * * Form matrix C = A*adj(B) = ( a b ) * ( 0 d ) * A = A1*B3 D = A3*B1 B = A2*B1 - A1*B2 * * The SVD of real 2-by-2 triangular C * * ( CSL -SNL )*( A B )*( CSR SNR ) = ( R 0 ) * ( SNL CSL ) ( 0 D ) ( -SNR CSR ) ( 0 T ) * CALL DLASV2( A, B, D, S1, S2, SNR, CSR, SNL, CSL ) * IF( ABS( CSL ).GE.ABS( SNL ) .OR. ABS( CSR ).GE.ABS( SNR ) ) $ THEN * * Compute the (1,1) and (1,2) elements of U'*A and V'*B, * and (1,2) element of |U|'*|A| and |V|'*|B|. * UA11R = CSL*A1 UA12 = CSL*A2 + SNL*A3 * VB11R = CSR*B1 VB12 = CSR*B2 + SNR*B3 * AUA12 = ABS( CSL )*ABS( A2 ) + ABS( SNL )*ABS( A3 ) AVB12 = ABS( CSR )*ABS( B2 ) + ABS( SNR )*ABS( B3 ) * * zero (1,2) elements of U'*A and V'*B * IF( ( ABS( UA11R )+ABS( UA12 ) ).NE.ZERO ) THEN IF( AUA12 / ( ABS( UA11R )+ABS( UA12 ) ).LE.AVB12 / $ ( ABS( VB11R )+ABS( VB12 ) ) ) THEN CALL DLARTG( -UA11R, UA12, CSQ, SNQ, R ) ELSE CALL DLARTG( -VB11R, VB12, CSQ, SNQ, R ) END IF ELSE CALL DLARTG( -VB11R, VB12, CSQ, SNQ, R ) END IF * CSU = CSL SNU = -SNL CSV = CSR SNV = -SNR * ELSE * * Compute the (2,1) and (2,2) elements of U'*A and V'*B, * and (2,2) element of |U|'*|A| and |V|'*|B|. * UA21 = -SNL*A1 UA22 = -SNL*A2 + CSL*A3 * VB21 = -SNR*B1 VB22 = -SNR*B2 + CSR*B3 * AUA22 = ABS( SNL )*ABS( A2 ) + ABS( CSL )*ABS( A3 ) AVB22 = ABS( SNR )*ABS( B2 ) + ABS( CSR )*ABS( B3 ) * * zero (2,2) elements of U'*A and V'*B, and then swap. * IF( ( ABS( UA21 )+ABS( UA22 ) ).NE.ZERO ) THEN IF( AUA22 / ( ABS( UA21 )+ABS( UA22 ) ).LE.AVB22 / $ ( ABS( VB21 )+ABS( VB22 ) ) ) THEN CALL DLARTG( -UA21, UA22, CSQ, SNQ, R ) ELSE CALL DLARTG( -VB21, VB22, CSQ, SNQ, R ) END IF ELSE CALL DLARTG( -VB21, VB22, CSQ, SNQ, R ) END IF * CSU = SNL SNU = CSL CSV = SNR SNV = CSR * END IF * ELSE * * Input matrices A and B are lower triangular matrices * * Form matrix C = A*adj(B) = ( a 0 ) * ( c d ) * A = A1*B3 D = A3*B1 C = A2*B3 - A3*B2 * * The SVD of real 2-by-2 triangular C * * ( CSL -SNL )*( A 0 )*( CSR SNR ) = ( R 0 ) * ( SNL CSL ) ( C D ) ( -SNR CSR ) ( 0 T ) * CALL DLASV2( A, C, D, S1, S2, SNR, CSR, SNL, CSL ) * IF( ABS( CSR ).GE.ABS( SNR ) .OR. ABS( CSL ).GE.ABS( SNL ) ) $ THEN * * Compute the (2,1) and (2,2) elements of U'*A and V'*B, * and (2,1) element of |U|'*|A| and |V|'*|B|. * UA21 = -SNR*A1 + CSR*A2 UA22R = CSR*A3 * VB21 = -SNL*B1 + CSL*B2 VB22R = CSL*B3 * AUA21 = ABS( SNR )*ABS( A1 ) + ABS( CSR )*ABS( A2 ) AVB21 = ABS( SNL )*ABS( B1 ) + ABS( CSL )*ABS( B2 ) * * zero (2,1) elements of U'*A and V'*B. * IF( ( ABS( UA21 )+ABS( UA22R ) ).NE.ZERO ) THEN IF( AUA21 / ( ABS( UA21 )+ABS( UA22R ) ).LE.AVB21 / $ ( ABS( VB21 )+ABS( VB22R ) ) ) THEN CALL DLARTG( UA22R, UA21, CSQ, SNQ, R ) ELSE CALL DLARTG( VB22R, VB21, CSQ, SNQ, R ) END IF ELSE CALL DLARTG( VB22R, VB21, CSQ, SNQ, R ) END IF * CSU = CSR SNU = -SNR CSV = CSL SNV = -SNL * ELSE * * Compute the (1,1) and (1,2) elements of U'*A and V'*B, * and (1,1) element of |U|'*|A| and |V|'*|B|. * UA11 = CSR*A1 + SNR*A2 UA12 = SNR*A3 * VB11 = CSL*B1 + SNL*B2 VB12 = SNL*B3 * AUA11 = ABS( CSR )*ABS( A1 ) + ABS( SNR )*ABS( A2 ) AVB11 = ABS( CSL )*ABS( B1 ) + ABS( SNL )*ABS( B2 ) * * zero (1,1) elements of U'*A and V'*B, and then swap. * IF( ( ABS( UA11 )+ABS( UA12 ) ).NE.ZERO ) THEN IF( AUA11 / ( ABS( UA11 )+ABS( UA12 ) ).LE.AVB11 / $ ( ABS( VB11 )+ABS( VB12 ) ) ) THEN CALL DLARTG( UA12, UA11, CSQ, SNQ, R ) ELSE CALL DLARTG( VB12, VB11, CSQ, SNQ, R ) END IF ELSE CALL DLARTG( VB12, VB11, CSQ, SNQ, R ) END IF * CSU = SNR SNU = CSR CSV = SNL SNV = CSL * END IF * END IF * RETURN * * End of DLAGS2 * END SUBROUTINE DLAGTM( TRANS, N, NRHS, ALPHA, DL, D, DU, X, LDX, BETA, $ B, LDB ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER TRANS INTEGER LDB, LDX, N, NRHS DOUBLE PRECISION ALPHA, BETA * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION B( LDB, * ), D( * ), DL( * ), DU( * ), $ X( LDX, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAGTM performs a matrix-vector product of the form * * B := alpha * A * X + beta * B * * where A is a tridiagonal matrix of order N, B and X are N by NRHS * matrices, and alpha and beta are real scalars, each of which may be * 0., 1., or -1. * * Arguments * ========= * * TRANS (input) CHARACTER * Specifies the operation applied to A. * = 'N': No transpose, B := alpha * A * X + beta * B * = 'T': Transpose, B := alpha * A'* X + beta * B * = 'C': Conjugate transpose = Transpose * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * NRHS (input) INTEGER * The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns * of the matrices X and B. * * ALPHA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The scalar alpha. ALPHA must be 0., 1., or -1.; otherwise, * it is assumed to be 0. * * DL (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The (n-1) sub-diagonal elements of T. * * D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The diagonal elements of T. * * DU (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The (n-1) super-diagonal elements of T. * * X (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDX,NRHS) * The N by NRHS matrix X. * LDX (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array X. LDX >= max(N,1). * * BETA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The scalar beta. BETA must be 0., 1., or -1.; otherwise, * it is assumed to be 1. * * B (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB,NRHS) * On entry, the N by NRHS matrix B. * On exit, B is overwritten by the matrix expression * B := alpha * A * X + beta * B. * * LDB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(N,1). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * Multiply B by BETA if BETA.NE.1. * IF( BETA.EQ.ZERO ) THEN DO 20 J = 1, NRHS DO 10 I = 1, N B( I, J ) = ZERO 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE ELSE IF( BETA.EQ.-ONE ) THEN DO 40 J = 1, NRHS DO 30 I = 1, N B( I, J ) = -B( I, J ) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE END IF * IF( ALPHA.EQ.ONE ) THEN IF( LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) ) THEN * * Compute B := B + A*X * DO 60 J = 1, NRHS IF( N.EQ.1 ) THEN B( 1, J ) = B( 1, J ) + D( 1 )*X( 1, J ) ELSE B( 1, J ) = B( 1, J ) + D( 1 )*X( 1, J ) + $ DU( 1 )*X( 2, J ) B( N, J ) = B( N, J ) + DL( N-1 )*X( N-1, J ) + $ D( N )*X( N, J ) DO 50 I = 2, N - 1 B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) + DL( I-1 )*X( I-1, J ) + $ D( I )*X( I, J ) + DU( I )*X( I+1, J ) 50 CONTINUE END IF 60 CONTINUE ELSE * * Compute B := B + A'*X * DO 80 J = 1, NRHS IF( N.EQ.1 ) THEN B( 1, J ) = B( 1, J ) + D( 1 )*X( 1, J ) ELSE B( 1, J ) = B( 1, J ) + D( 1 )*X( 1, J ) + $ DL( 1 )*X( 2, J ) B( N, J ) = B( N, J ) + DU( N-1 )*X( N-1, J ) + $ D( N )*X( N, J ) DO 70 I = 2, N - 1 B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) + DU( I-1 )*X( I-1, J ) + $ D( I )*X( I, J ) + DL( I )*X( I+1, J ) 70 CONTINUE END IF 80 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( ALPHA.EQ.-ONE ) THEN IF( LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) ) THEN * * Compute B := B - A*X * DO 100 J = 1, NRHS IF( N.EQ.1 ) THEN B( 1, J ) = B( 1, J ) - D( 1 )*X( 1, J ) ELSE B( 1, J ) = B( 1, J ) - D( 1 )*X( 1, J ) - $ DU( 1 )*X( 2, J ) B( N, J ) = B( N, J ) - DL( N-1 )*X( N-1, J ) - $ D( N )*X( N, J ) DO 90 I = 2, N - 1 B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) - DL( I-1 )*X( I-1, J ) - $ D( I )*X( I, J ) - DU( I )*X( I+1, J ) 90 CONTINUE END IF 100 CONTINUE ELSE * * Compute B := B - A'*X * DO 120 J = 1, NRHS IF( N.EQ.1 ) THEN B( 1, J ) = B( 1, J ) - D( 1 )*X( 1, J ) ELSE B( 1, J ) = B( 1, J ) - D( 1 )*X( 1, J ) - $ DL( 1 )*X( 2, J ) B( N, J ) = B( N, J ) - DU( N-1 )*X( N-1, J ) - $ D( N )*X( N, J ) DO 110 I = 2, N - 1 B( I, J ) = B( I, J ) - DU( I-1 )*X( I-1, J ) - $ D( I )*X( I, J ) - DL( I )*X( I+1, J ) 110 CONTINUE END IF 120 CONTINUE END IF END IF RETURN * * End of DLAGTM * END SUBROUTINE DLAGTS( JOB, N, A, B, C, D, IN, Y, TOL, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, JOB, N DOUBLE PRECISION TOL * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IN( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION A( * ), B( * ), C( * ), D( * ), Y( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAGTS may be used to solve one of the systems of equations * * (T - lambda*I)*x = y or (T - lambda*I)'*x = y, * * where T is an n by n tridiagonal matrix, for x, following the * factorization of (T - lambda*I) as * * (T - lambda*I) = P*L*U , * * by routine DLAGTF. The choice of equation to be solved is * controlled by the argument JOB, and in each case there is an option * to perturb zero or very small diagonal elements of U, this option * being intended for use in applications such as inverse iteration. * * Arguments * ========= * * JOB (input) INTEGER * Specifies the job to be performed by DLAGTS as follows: * = 1: The equations (T - lambda*I)x = y are to be solved, * but diagonal elements of U are not to be perturbed. * = -1: The equations (T - lambda*I)x = y are to be solved * and, if overflow would otherwise occur, the diagonal * elements of U are to be perturbed. See argument TOL * below. * = 2: The equations (T - lambda*I)'x = y are to be solved, * but diagonal elements of U are not to be perturbed. * = -2: The equations (T - lambda*I)'x = y are to be solved * and, if overflow would otherwise occur, the diagonal * elements of U are to be perturbed. See argument TOL * below. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix T. * * A (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On entry, A must contain the diagonal elements of U as * returned from DLAGTF. * * B (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * On entry, B must contain the first super-diagonal elements of * U as returned from DLAGTF. * * C (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * On entry, C must contain the sub-diagonal elements of L as * returned from DLAGTF. * * D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-2) * On entry, D must contain the second super-diagonal elements * of U as returned from DLAGTF. * * IN (input) INTEGER array, dimension (N) * On entry, IN must contain details of the matrix P as returned * from DLAGTF. * * Y (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On entry, the right hand side vector y. * On exit, Y is overwritten by the solution vector x. * * TOL (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION * On entry, with JOB .lt. 0, TOL should be the minimum * perturbation to be made to very small diagonal elements of U. * TOL should normally be chosen as about eps*norm(U), where eps * is the relative machine precision, but if TOL is supplied as * non-positive, then it is reset to eps*max( abs( u(i,j) ) ). * If JOB .gt. 0 then TOL is not referenced. * * On exit, TOL is changed as described above, only if TOL is * non-positive on entry. Otherwise TOL is unchanged. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0 : successful exit * .lt. 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value * .gt. 0: overflow would occur when computing the INFO(th) * element of the solution vector x. This can only occur * when JOB is supplied as positive and either means * that a diagonal element of U is very small, or that * the elements of the right-hand side vector y are very * large. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER K DOUBLE PRECISION ABSAK, AK, BIGNUM, EPS, PERT, SFMIN, TEMP * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, SIGN * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL XERBLA * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * INFO = 0 IF( ( ABS( JOB ).GT.2 ) .OR. ( JOB.EQ.0 ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLAGTS', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * EPS = DLAMCH( 'Epsilon' ) SFMIN = DLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) BIGNUM = ONE / SFMIN * IF( JOB.LT.0 ) THEN IF( TOL.LE.ZERO ) THEN TOL = ABS( A( 1 ) ) IF( N.GT.1 ) $ TOL = MAX( TOL, ABS( A( 2 ) ), ABS( B( 1 ) ) ) DO 10 K = 3, N TOL = MAX( TOL, ABS( A( K ) ), ABS( B( K-1 ) ), $ ABS( D( K-2 ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE TOL = TOL*EPS IF( TOL.EQ.ZERO ) $ TOL = EPS END IF END IF * IF( ABS( JOB ).EQ.1 ) THEN DO 20 K = 2, N IF( IN( K-1 ).EQ.0 ) THEN Y( K ) = Y( K ) - C( K-1 )*Y( K-1 ) ELSE TEMP = Y( K-1 ) Y( K-1 ) = Y( K ) Y( K ) = TEMP - C( K-1 )*Y( K ) END IF 20 CONTINUE IF( JOB.EQ.1 ) THEN DO 30 K = N, 1, -1 IF( K.LE.N-2 ) THEN TEMP = Y( K ) - B( K )*Y( K+1 ) - D( K )*Y( K+2 ) ELSE IF( K.EQ.N-1 ) THEN TEMP = Y( K ) - B( K )*Y( K+1 ) ELSE TEMP = Y( K ) END IF AK = A( K ) ABSAK = ABS( AK ) IF( ABSAK.LT.ONE ) THEN IF( ABSAK.LT.SFMIN ) THEN IF( ABSAK.EQ.ZERO .OR. ABS( TEMP )*SFMIN.GT.ABSAK ) $ THEN INFO = K RETURN ELSE TEMP = TEMP*BIGNUM AK = AK*BIGNUM END IF ELSE IF( ABS( TEMP ).GT.ABSAK*BIGNUM ) THEN INFO = K RETURN END IF END IF Y( K ) = TEMP / AK 30 CONTINUE ELSE DO 50 K = N, 1, -1 IF( K.LE.N-2 ) THEN TEMP = Y( K ) - B( K )*Y( K+1 ) - D( K )*Y( K+2 ) ELSE IF( K.EQ.N-1 ) THEN TEMP = Y( K ) - B( K )*Y( K+1 ) ELSE TEMP = Y( K ) END IF AK = A( K ) PERT = SIGN( TOL, AK ) 40 CONTINUE ABSAK = ABS( AK ) IF( ABSAK.LT.ONE ) THEN IF( ABSAK.LT.SFMIN ) THEN IF( ABSAK.EQ.ZERO .OR. ABS( TEMP )*SFMIN.GT.ABSAK ) $ THEN AK = AK + PERT PERT = 2*PERT GO TO 40 ELSE TEMP = TEMP*BIGNUM AK = AK*BIGNUM END IF ELSE IF( ABS( TEMP ).GT.ABSAK*BIGNUM ) THEN AK = AK + PERT PERT = 2*PERT GO TO 40 END IF END IF Y( K ) = TEMP / AK 50 CONTINUE END IF ELSE * * Come to here if JOB = 2 or -2 * IF( JOB.EQ.2 ) THEN DO 60 K = 1, N IF( K.GE.3 ) THEN TEMP = Y( K ) - B( K-1 )*Y( K-1 ) - D( K-2 )*Y( K-2 ) ELSE IF( K.EQ.2 ) THEN TEMP = Y( K ) - B( K-1 )*Y( K-1 ) ELSE TEMP = Y( K ) END IF AK = A( K ) ABSAK = ABS( AK ) IF( ABSAK.LT.ONE ) THEN IF( ABSAK.LT.SFMIN ) THEN IF( ABSAK.EQ.ZERO .OR. ABS( TEMP )*SFMIN.GT.ABSAK ) $ THEN INFO = K RETURN ELSE TEMP = TEMP*BIGNUM AK = AK*BIGNUM END IF ELSE IF( ABS( TEMP ).GT.ABSAK*BIGNUM ) THEN INFO = K RETURN END IF END IF Y( K ) = TEMP / AK 60 CONTINUE ELSE DO 80 K = 1, N IF( K.GE.3 ) THEN TEMP = Y( K ) - B( K-1 )*Y( K-1 ) - D( K-2 )*Y( K-2 ) ELSE IF( K.EQ.2 ) THEN TEMP = Y( K ) - B( K-1 )*Y( K-1 ) ELSE TEMP = Y( K ) END IF AK = A( K ) PERT = SIGN( TOL, AK ) 70 CONTINUE ABSAK = ABS( AK ) IF( ABSAK.LT.ONE ) THEN IF( ABSAK.LT.SFMIN ) THEN IF( ABSAK.EQ.ZERO .OR. ABS( TEMP )*SFMIN.GT.ABSAK ) $ THEN AK = AK + PERT PERT = 2*PERT GO TO 70 ELSE TEMP = TEMP*BIGNUM AK = AK*BIGNUM END IF ELSE IF( ABS( TEMP ).GT.ABSAK*BIGNUM ) THEN AK = AK + PERT PERT = 2*PERT GO TO 70 END IF END IF Y( K ) = TEMP / AK 80 CONTINUE END IF * DO 90 K = N, 2, -1 IF( IN( K-1 ).EQ.0 ) THEN Y( K-1 ) = Y( K-1 ) - C( K-1 )*Y( K ) ELSE TEMP = Y( K-1 ) Y( K-1 ) = Y( K ) Y( K ) = TEMP - C( K-1 )*Y( K ) END IF 90 CONTINUE END IF * * End of DLAGTS * END SUBROUTINE DLAGV2( A, LDA, B, LDB, ALPHAR, ALPHAI, BETA, CSL, SNL, $ CSR, SNR ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER LDA, LDB DOUBLE PRECISION CSL, CSR, SNL, SNR * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), ALPHAI( 2 ), ALPHAR( 2 ), $ B( LDB, * ), BETA( 2 ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAGV2 computes the Generalized Schur factorization of a real 2-by-2 * matrix pencil (A,B) where B is upper triangular. This routine * computes orthogonal (rotation) matrices given by CSL, SNL and CSR, * SNR such that * * 1) if the pencil (A,B) has two real eigenvalues (include 0/0 or 1/0 * types), then * * [ a11 a12 ] := [ CSL SNL ] [ a11 a12 ] [ CSR -SNR ] * [ 0 a22 ] [ -SNL CSL ] [ a21 a22 ] [ SNR CSR ] * * [ b11 b12 ] := [ CSL SNL ] [ b11 b12 ] [ CSR -SNR ] * [ 0 b22 ] [ -SNL CSL ] [ 0 b22 ] [ SNR CSR ], * * 2) if the pencil (A,B) has a pair of complex conjugate eigenvalues, * then * * [ a11 a12 ] := [ CSL SNL ] [ a11 a12 ] [ CSR -SNR ] * [ a21 a22 ] [ -SNL CSL ] [ a21 a22 ] [ SNR CSR ] * * [ b11 0 ] := [ CSL SNL ] [ b11 b12 ] [ CSR -SNR ] * [ 0 b22 ] [ -SNL CSL ] [ 0 b22 ] [ SNR CSR ] * * where b11 >= b22 > 0. * * * Arguments * ========= * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA, 2) * On entry, the 2 x 2 matrix A. * On exit, A is overwritten by the ``A-part'' of the * generalized Schur form. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * THe leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= 2. * * B (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB, 2) * On entry, the upper triangular 2 x 2 matrix B. * On exit, B is overwritten by the ``B-part'' of the * generalized Schur form. * * LDB (input) INTEGER * THe leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= 2. * * ALPHAR (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (2) * ALPHAI (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (2) * BETA (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (2) * (ALPHAR(k)+i*ALPHAI(k))/BETA(k) are the eigenvalues of the * pencil (A,B), k=1,2, i = sqrt(-1). Note that BETA(k) may * be zero. * * CSL (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The cosine of the left rotation matrix. * * SNL (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The sine of the left rotation matrix. * * CSR (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The cosine of the right rotation matrix. * * SNR (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The sine of the right rotation matrix. * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Mark Fahey, Department of Mathematics, Univ. of Kentucky, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION ANORM, ASCALE, BNORM, BSCALE, H1, H2, H3, QQ, $ R, RR, SAFMIN, SCALE1, SCALE2, T, ULP, WI, WR1, $ WR2 * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLAG2, DLARTG, DLASV2, DROT * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH, DLAPY2 EXTERNAL DLAMCH, DLAPY2 * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * SAFMIN = DLAMCH( 'S' ) ULP = DLAMCH( 'P' ) * * Scale A * ANORM = MAX( ABS( A( 1, 1 ) )+ABS( A( 2, 1 ) ), $ ABS( A( 1, 2 ) )+ABS( A( 2, 2 ) ), SAFMIN ) ASCALE = ONE / ANORM A( 1, 1 ) = ASCALE*A( 1, 1 ) A( 1, 2 ) = ASCALE*A( 1, 2 ) A( 2, 1 ) = ASCALE*A( 2, 1 ) A( 2, 2 ) = ASCALE*A( 2, 2 ) * * Scale B * BNORM = MAX( ABS( B( 1, 1 ) ), ABS( B( 1, 2 ) )+ABS( B( 2, 2 ) ), $ SAFMIN ) BSCALE = ONE / BNORM B( 1, 1 ) = BSCALE*B( 1, 1 ) B( 1, 2 ) = BSCALE*B( 1, 2 ) B( 2, 2 ) = BSCALE*B( 2, 2 ) * * Check if A can be deflated * IF( ABS( A( 2, 1 ) ).LE.ULP ) THEN CSL = ONE SNL = ZERO CSR = ONE SNR = ZERO A( 2, 1 ) = ZERO B( 2, 1 ) = ZERO * * Check if B is singular * ELSE IF( ABS( B( 1, 1 ) ).LE.ULP ) THEN CALL DLARTG( A( 1, 1 ), A( 2, 1 ), CSL, SNL, R ) CSR = ONE SNR = ZERO CALL DROT( 2, A( 1, 1 ), LDA, A( 2, 1 ), LDA, CSL, SNL ) CALL DROT( 2, B( 1, 1 ), LDB, B( 2, 1 ), LDB, CSL, SNL ) A( 2, 1 ) = ZERO B( 1, 1 ) = ZERO B( 2, 1 ) = ZERO * ELSE IF( ABS( B( 2, 2 ) ).LE.ULP ) THEN CALL DLARTG( A( 2, 2 ), A( 2, 1 ), CSR, SNR, T ) SNR = -SNR CALL DROT( 2, A( 1, 1 ), 1, A( 1, 2 ), 1, CSR, SNR ) CALL DROT( 2, B( 1, 1 ), 1, B( 1, 2 ), 1, CSR, SNR ) CSL = ONE SNL = ZERO A( 2, 1 ) = ZERO B( 2, 1 ) = ZERO B( 2, 2 ) = ZERO * ELSE * * B is nonsingular, first compute the eigenvalues of (A,B) * CALL DLAG2( A, LDA, B, LDB, SAFMIN, SCALE1, SCALE2, WR1, WR2, $ WI ) * IF( WI.EQ.ZERO ) THEN * * two real eigenvalues, compute s*A-w*B * H1 = SCALE1*A( 1, 1 ) - WR1*B( 1, 1 ) H2 = SCALE1*A( 1, 2 ) - WR1*B( 1, 2 ) H3 = SCALE1*A( 2, 2 ) - WR1*B( 2, 2 ) * RR = DLAPY2( H1, H2 ) QQ = DLAPY2( SCALE1*A( 2, 1 ), H3 ) * IF( RR.GT.QQ ) THEN * * find right rotation matrix to zero 1,1 element of * (sA - wB) * CALL DLARTG( H2, H1, CSR, SNR, T ) * ELSE * * find right rotation matrix to zero 2,1 element of * (sA - wB) * CALL DLARTG( H3, SCALE1*A( 2, 1 ), CSR, SNR, T ) * END IF * SNR = -SNR CALL DROT( 2, A( 1, 1 ), 1, A( 1, 2 ), 1, CSR, SNR ) CALL DROT( 2, B( 1, 1 ), 1, B( 1, 2 ), 1, CSR, SNR ) * * compute inf norms of A and B * H1 = MAX( ABS( A( 1, 1 ) )+ABS( A( 1, 2 ) ), $ ABS( A( 2, 1 ) )+ABS( A( 2, 2 ) ) ) H2 = MAX( ABS( B( 1, 1 ) )+ABS( B( 1, 2 ) ), $ ABS( B( 2, 1 ) )+ABS( B( 2, 2 ) ) ) * IF( ( SCALE1*H1 ).GE.ABS( WR1 )*H2 ) THEN * * find left rotation matrix Q to zero out B(2,1) * CALL DLARTG( B( 1, 1 ), B( 2, 1 ), CSL, SNL, R ) * ELSE * * find left rotation matrix Q to zero out A(2,1) * CALL DLARTG( A( 1, 1 ), A( 2, 1 ), CSL, SNL, R ) * END IF * CALL DROT( 2, A( 1, 1 ), LDA, A( 2, 1 ), LDA, CSL, SNL ) CALL DROT( 2, B( 1, 1 ), LDB, B( 2, 1 ), LDB, CSL, SNL ) * A( 2, 1 ) = ZERO B( 2, 1 ) = ZERO * ELSE * * a pair of complex conjugate eigenvalues * first compute the SVD of the matrix B * CALL DLASV2( B( 1, 1 ), B( 1, 2 ), B( 2, 2 ), R, T, SNR, $ CSR, SNL, CSL ) * * Form (A,B) := Q(A,B)Z' where Q is left rotation matrix and * Z is right rotation matrix computed from DLASV2 * CALL DROT( 2, A( 1, 1 ), LDA, A( 2, 1 ), LDA, CSL, SNL ) CALL DROT( 2, B( 1, 1 ), LDB, B( 2, 1 ), LDB, CSL, SNL ) CALL DROT( 2, A( 1, 1 ), 1, A( 1, 2 ), 1, CSR, SNR ) CALL DROT( 2, B( 1, 1 ), 1, B( 1, 2 ), 1, CSR, SNR ) * B( 2, 1 ) = ZERO B( 1, 2 ) = ZERO * END IF * END IF * * Unscaling * A( 1, 1 ) = ANORM*A( 1, 1 ) A( 2, 1 ) = ANORM*A( 2, 1 ) A( 1, 2 ) = ANORM*A( 1, 2 ) A( 2, 2 ) = ANORM*A( 2, 2 ) B( 1, 1 ) = BNORM*B( 1, 1 ) B( 2, 1 ) = BNORM*B( 2, 1 ) B( 1, 2 ) = BNORM*B( 1, 2 ) B( 2, 2 ) = BNORM*B( 2, 2 ) * IF( WI.EQ.ZERO ) THEN ALPHAR( 1 ) = A( 1, 1 ) ALPHAR( 2 ) = A( 2, 2 ) ALPHAI( 1 ) = ZERO ALPHAI( 2 ) = ZERO BETA( 1 ) = B( 1, 1 ) BETA( 2 ) = B( 2, 2 ) ELSE ALPHAR( 1 ) = ANORM*WR1 / SCALE1 / BNORM ALPHAI( 1 ) = ANORM*WI / SCALE1 / BNORM ALPHAR( 2 ) = ALPHAR( 1 ) ALPHAI( 2 ) = -ALPHAI( 1 ) BETA( 1 ) = ONE BETA( 2 ) = ONE END IF * 10 CONTINUE * RETURN * * End of DLAGV2 * END SUBROUTINE DLAHQR( WANTT, WANTZ, N, ILO, IHI, H, LDH, WR, WI, $ ILOZ, IHIZ, Z, LDZ, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL WANTT, WANTZ INTEGER IHI, IHIZ, ILO, ILOZ, INFO, LDH, LDZ, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION H( LDH, * ), WI( * ), WR( * ), Z( LDZ, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAHQR is an auxiliary routine called by DHSEQR to update the * eigenvalues and Schur decomposition already computed by DHSEQR, by * dealing with the Hessenberg submatrix in rows and columns ILO to IHI. * * Arguments * ========= * * WANTT (input) LOGICAL * = .TRUE. : the full Schur form T is required; * = .FALSE.: only eigenvalues are required. * * WANTZ (input) LOGICAL * = .TRUE. : the matrix of Schur vectors Z is required; * = .FALSE.: Schur vectors are not required. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix H. N >= 0. * * ILO (input) INTEGER * IHI (input) INTEGER * It is assumed that H is already upper quasi-triangular in * rows and columns IHI+1:N, and that H(ILO,ILO-1) = 0 (unless * ILO = 1). DLAHQR works primarily with the Hessenberg * submatrix in rows and columns ILO to IHI, but applies * transformations to all of H if WANTT is .TRUE.. * 1 <= ILO <= max(1,IHI); IHI <= N. * * H (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDH,N) * On entry, the upper Hessenberg matrix H. * On exit, if WANTT is .TRUE., H is upper quasi-triangular in * rows and columns ILO:IHI, with any 2-by-2 diagonal blocks in * standard form. If WANTT is .FALSE., the contents of H are * unspecified on exit. * * LDH (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array H. LDH >= max(1,N). * * WR (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * WI (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The real and imaginary parts, respectively, of the computed * eigenvalues ILO to IHI are stored in the corresponding * elements of WR and WI. If two eigenvalues are computed as a * complex conjugate pair, they are stored in consecutive * elements of WR and WI, say the i-th and (i+1)th, with * WI(i) > 0 and WI(i+1) < 0. If WANTT is .TRUE., the * eigenvalues are stored in the same order as on the diagonal * of the Schur form returned in H, with WR(i) = H(i,i), and, if * H(i:i+1,i:i+1) is a 2-by-2 diagonal block, * WI(i) = sqrt(H(i+1,i)*H(i,i+1)) and WI(i+1) = -WI(i). * * ILOZ (input) INTEGER * IHIZ (input) INTEGER * Specify the rows of Z to which transformations must be * applied if WANTZ is .TRUE.. * 1 <= ILOZ <= ILO; IHI <= IHIZ <= N. * * Z (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDZ,N) * If WANTZ is .TRUE., on entry Z must contain the current * matrix Z of transformations accumulated by DHSEQR, and on * exit Z has been updated; transformations are applied only to * the submatrix Z(ILOZ:IHIZ,ILO:IHI). * If WANTZ is .FALSE., Z is not referenced. * * LDZ (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array Z. LDZ >= max(1,N). * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * > 0: DLAHQR failed to compute all the eigenvalues ILO to IHI * in a total of 30*(IHI-ILO+1) iterations; if INFO = i, * elements i+1:ihi of WR and WI contain those eigenvalues * which have been successfully computed. * * Further Details * =============== * * 2-96 Based on modifications by * David Day, Sandia National Laboratory, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE, HALF PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0, HALF = 0.5D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION DAT1, DAT2 PARAMETER ( DAT1 = 0.75D+0, DAT2 = -0.4375D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, I1, I2, ITN, ITS, J, K, L, M, NH, NR, NZ DOUBLE PRECISION AVE, CS, DISC, H00, H10, H11, H12, H21, H22, $ H33, H33S, H43H34, H44, H44S, OVFL, S, SMLNUM, $ SN, SUM, T1, T2, T3, TST1, ULP, UNFL, V1, V2, $ V3 * .. * .. Local Arrays .. DOUBLE PRECISION V( 3 ), WORK( 1 ) * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH, DLANHS EXTERNAL DLAMCH, DLANHS * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DCOPY, DLANV2, DLARFG, DROT * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN, SIGN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * INFO = 0 * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN IF( ILO.EQ.IHI ) THEN WR( ILO ) = H( ILO, ILO ) WI( ILO ) = ZERO RETURN END IF * NH = IHI - ILO + 1 NZ = IHIZ - ILOZ + 1 * * Set machine-dependent constants for the stopping criterion. * If norm(H) <= sqrt(OVFL), overflow should not occur. * UNFL = DLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) OVFL = ONE / UNFL CALL DLABAD( UNFL, OVFL ) ULP = DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) SMLNUM = UNFL*( NH / ULP ) * * I1 and I2 are the indices of the first row and last column of H * to which transformations must be applied. If eigenvalues only are * being computed, I1 and I2 are set inside the main loop. * IF( WANTT ) THEN I1 = 1 I2 = N END IF * * ITN is the total number of QR iterations allowed. * ITN = 30*NH * * The main loop begins here. I is the loop index and decreases from * IHI to ILO in steps of 1 or 2. Each iteration of the loop works * with the active submatrix in rows and columns L to I. * Eigenvalues I+1 to IHI have already converged. Either L = ILO or * H(L,L-1) is negligible so that the matrix splits. * I = IHI 10 CONTINUE L = ILO IF( I.LT.ILO ) $ GO TO 150 * * Perform QR iterations on rows and columns ILO to I until a * submatrix of order 1 or 2 splits off at the bottom because a * subdiagonal element has become negligible. * DO 130 ITS = 0, ITN * * Look for a single small subdiagonal element. * DO 20 K = I, L + 1, -1 TST1 = ABS( H( K-1, K-1 ) ) + ABS( H( K, K ) ) IF( TST1.EQ.ZERO ) $ TST1 = DLANHS( '1', I-L+1, H( L, L ), LDH, WORK ) IF( ABS( H( K, K-1 ) ).LE.MAX( ULP*TST1, SMLNUM ) ) $ GO TO 30 20 CONTINUE 30 CONTINUE L = K IF( L.GT.ILO ) THEN * * H(L,L-1) is negligible * H( L, L-1 ) = ZERO END IF * * Exit from loop if a submatrix of order 1 or 2 has split off. * IF( L.GE.I-1 ) $ GO TO 140 * * Now the active submatrix is in rows and columns L to I. If * eigenvalues only are being computed, only the active submatrix * need be transformed. * IF( .NOT.WANTT ) THEN I1 = L I2 = I END IF * IF( ITS.EQ.10 .OR. ITS.EQ.20 ) THEN * * Exceptional shift. * S = ABS( H( I, I-1 ) ) + ABS( H( I-1, I-2 ) ) H44 = DAT1*S + H( I, I ) H33 = H44 H43H34 = DAT2*S*S ELSE * * Prepare to use Francis' double shift * (i.e. 2nd degree generalized Rayleigh quotient) * H44 = H( I, I ) H33 = H( I-1, I-1 ) H43H34 = H( I, I-1 )*H( I-1, I ) S = H( I-1, I-2 )*H( I-1, I-2 ) DISC = ( H33-H44 )*HALF DISC = DISC*DISC + H43H34 IF( DISC.GT.ZERO ) THEN * * Real roots: use Wilkinson's shift twice * DISC = SQRT( DISC ) AVE = HALF*( H33+H44 ) IF( ABS( H33 )-ABS( H44 ).GT.ZERO ) THEN H33 = H33*H44 - H43H34 H44 = H33 / ( SIGN( DISC, AVE )+AVE ) ELSE H44 = SIGN( DISC, AVE ) + AVE END IF H33 = H44 H43H34 = ZERO END IF END IF * * Look for two consecutive small subdiagonal elements. * DO 40 M = I - 2, L, -1 * Determine the effect of starting the double-shift QR * iteration at row M, and see if this would make H(M,M-1) * negligible. * H11 = H( M, M ) H22 = H( M+1, M+1 ) H21 = H( M+1, M ) H12 = H( M, M+1 ) H44S = H44 - H11 H33S = H33 - H11 V1 = ( H33S*H44S-H43H34 ) / H21 + H12 V2 = H22 - H11 - H33S - H44S V3 = H( M+2, M+1 ) S = ABS( V1 ) + ABS( V2 ) + ABS( V3 ) V1 = V1 / S V2 = V2 / S V3 = V3 / S V( 1 ) = V1 V( 2 ) = V2 V( 3 ) = V3 IF( M.EQ.L ) $ GO TO 50 H00 = H( M-1, M-1 ) H10 = H( M, M-1 ) TST1 = ABS( V1 )*( ABS( H00 )+ABS( H11 )+ABS( H22 ) ) IF( ABS( H10 )*( ABS( V2 )+ABS( V3 ) ).LE.ULP*TST1 ) $ GO TO 50 40 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE * * Double-shift QR step * DO 120 K = M, I - 1 * * The first iteration of this loop determines a reflection G * from the vector V and applies it from left and right to H, * thus creating a nonzero bulge below the subdiagonal. * * Each subsequent iteration determines a reflection G to * restore the Hessenberg form in the (K-1)th column, and thus * chases the bulge one step toward the bottom of the active * submatrix. NR is the order of G. * NR = MIN( 3, I-K+1 ) IF( K.GT.M ) $ CALL DCOPY( NR, H( K, K-1 ), 1, V, 1 ) CALL DLARFG( NR, V( 1 ), V( 2 ), 1, T1 ) IF( K.GT.M ) THEN H( K, K-1 ) = V( 1 ) H( K+1, K-1 ) = ZERO IF( K.LT.I-1 ) $ H( K+2, K-1 ) = ZERO ELSE IF( M.GT.L ) THEN H( K, K-1 ) = -H( K, K-1 ) END IF V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = T1*V2 IF( NR.EQ.3 ) THEN V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = T1*V3 * * Apply G from the left to transform the rows of the matrix * in columns K to I2. * DO 60 J = K, I2 SUM = H( K, J ) + V2*H( K+1, J ) + V3*H( K+2, J ) H( K, J ) = H( K, J ) - SUM*T1 H( K+1, J ) = H( K+1, J ) - SUM*T2 H( K+2, J ) = H( K+2, J ) - SUM*T3 60 CONTINUE * * Apply G from the right to transform the columns of the * matrix in rows I1 to min(K+3,I). * DO 70 J = I1, MIN( K+3, I ) SUM = H( J, K ) + V2*H( J, K+1 ) + V3*H( J, K+2 ) H( J, K ) = H( J, K ) - SUM*T1 H( J, K+1 ) = H( J, K+1 ) - SUM*T2 H( J, K+2 ) = H( J, K+2 ) - SUM*T3 70 CONTINUE * IF( WANTZ ) THEN * * Accumulate transformations in the matrix Z * DO 80 J = ILOZ, IHIZ SUM = Z( J, K ) + V2*Z( J, K+1 ) + V3*Z( J, K+2 ) Z( J, K ) = Z( J, K ) - SUM*T1 Z( J, K+1 ) = Z( J, K+1 ) - SUM*T2 Z( J, K+2 ) = Z( J, K+2 ) - SUM*T3 80 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( NR.EQ.2 ) THEN * * Apply G from the left to transform the rows of the matrix * in columns K to I2. * DO 90 J = K, I2 SUM = H( K, J ) + V2*H( K+1, J ) H( K, J ) = H( K, J ) - SUM*T1 H( K+1, J ) = H( K+1, J ) - SUM*T2 90 CONTINUE * * Apply G from the right to transform the columns of the * matrix in rows I1 to min(K+3,I). * DO 100 J = I1, I SUM = H( J, K ) + V2*H( J, K+1 ) H( J, K ) = H( J, K ) - SUM*T1 H( J, K+1 ) = H( J, K+1 ) - SUM*T2 100 CONTINUE * IF( WANTZ ) THEN * * Accumulate transformations in the matrix Z * DO 110 J = ILOZ, IHIZ SUM = Z( J, K ) + V2*Z( J, K+1 ) Z( J, K ) = Z( J, K ) - SUM*T1 Z( J, K+1 ) = Z( J, K+1 ) - SUM*T2 110 CONTINUE END IF END IF 120 CONTINUE * 130 CONTINUE * * Failure to converge in remaining number of iterations * INFO = I RETURN * 140 CONTINUE * IF( L.EQ.I ) THEN * * H(I,I-1) is negligible: one eigenvalue has converged. * WR( I ) = H( I, I ) WI( I ) = ZERO ELSE IF( L.EQ.I-1 ) THEN * * H(I-1,I-2) is negligible: a pair of eigenvalues have converged. * * Transform the 2-by-2 submatrix to standard Schur form, * and compute and store the eigenvalues. * CALL DLANV2( H( I-1, I-1 ), H( I-1, I ), H( I, I-1 ), $ H( I, I ), WR( I-1 ), WI( I-1 ), WR( I ), WI( I ), $ CS, SN ) * IF( WANTT ) THEN * * Apply the transformation to the rest of H. * IF( I2.GT.I ) $ CALL DROT( I2-I, H( I-1, I+1 ), LDH, H( I, I+1 ), LDH, $ CS, SN ) CALL DROT( I-I1-1, H( I1, I-1 ), 1, H( I1, I ), 1, CS, SN ) END IF IF( WANTZ ) THEN * * Apply the transformation to Z. * CALL DROT( NZ, Z( ILOZ, I-1 ), 1, Z( ILOZ, I ), 1, CS, SN ) END IF END IF * * Decrement number of remaining iterations, and return to start of * the main loop with new value of I. * ITN = ITN - ITS I = L - 1 GO TO 10 * 150 CONTINUE RETURN * * End of DLAHQR * END SUBROUTINE DLAHRD( N, K, NB, A, LDA, TAU, T, LDT, Y, LDY ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER K, LDA, LDT, LDY, N, NB * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), T( LDT, NB ), TAU( NB ), $ Y( LDY, NB ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAHRD reduces the first NB columns of a real general n-by-(n-k+1) * matrix A so that elements below the k-th subdiagonal are zero. The * reduction is performed by an orthogonal similarity transformation * Q' * A * Q. The routine returns the matrices V and T which determine * Q as a block reflector I - V*T*V', and also the matrix Y = A * V * T. * * This is an auxiliary routine called by DGEHRD. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. * * K (input) INTEGER * The offset for the reduction. Elements below the k-th * subdiagonal in the first NB columns are reduced to zero. * * NB (input) INTEGER * The number of columns to be reduced. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N-K+1) * On entry, the n-by-(n-k+1) general matrix A. * On exit, the elements on and above the k-th subdiagonal in * the first NB columns are overwritten with the corresponding * elements of the reduced matrix; the elements below the k-th * subdiagonal, with the array TAU, represent the matrix Q as a * product of elementary reflectors. The other columns of A are * unchanged. See Further Details. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N). * * TAU (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (NB) * The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors. See Further * Details. * * T (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDT,NB) * The upper triangular matrix T. * * LDT (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array T. LDT >= NB. * * Y (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDY,NB) * The n-by-nb matrix Y. * * LDY (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array Y. LDY >= N. * * Further Details * =============== * * The matrix Q is represented as a product of nb elementary reflectors * * Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(nb). * * Each H(i) has the form * * H(i) = I - tau * v * v' * * where tau is a real scalar, and v is a real vector with * v(1:i+k-1) = 0, v(i+k) = 1; v(i+k+1:n) is stored on exit in * A(i+k+1:n,i), and tau in TAU(i). * * The elements of the vectors v together form the (n-k+1)-by-nb matrix * V which is needed, with T and Y, to apply the transformation to the * unreduced part of the matrix, using an update of the form: * A := (I - V*T*V') * (A - Y*V'). * * The contents of A on exit are illustrated by the following example * with n = 7, k = 3 and nb = 2: * * ( a h a a a ) * ( a h a a a ) * ( a h a a a ) * ( h h a a a ) * ( v1 h a a a ) * ( v1 v2 a a a ) * ( v1 v2 a a a ) * * where a denotes an element of the original matrix A, h denotes a * modified element of the upper Hessenberg matrix H, and vi denotes an * element of the vector defining H(i). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I DOUBLE PRECISION EI * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DAXPY, DCOPY, DGEMV, DLARFG, DSCAL, DTRMV * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.LE.1 ) $ RETURN * DO 10 I = 1, NB IF( I.GT.1 ) THEN * * Update A(1:n,i) * * Compute i-th column of A - Y * V' * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', N, I-1, -ONE, Y, LDY, $ A( K+I-1, 1 ), LDA, ONE, A( 1, I ), 1 ) * * Apply I - V * T' * V' to this column (call it b) from the * left, using the last column of T as workspace * * Let V = ( V1 ) and b = ( b1 ) (first I-1 rows) * ( V2 ) ( b2 ) * * where V1 is unit lower triangular * * w := V1' * b1 * CALL DCOPY( I-1, A( K+1, I ), 1, T( 1, NB ), 1 ) CALL DTRMV( 'Lower', 'Transpose', 'Unit', I-1, A( K+1, 1 ), $ LDA, T( 1, NB ), 1 ) * * w := w + V2'*b2 * CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', N-K-I+1, I-1, ONE, A( K+I, 1 ), $ LDA, A( K+I, I ), 1, ONE, T( 1, NB ), 1 ) * * w := T'*w * CALL DTRMV( 'Upper', 'Transpose', 'Non-unit', I-1, T, LDT, $ T( 1, NB ), 1 ) * * b2 := b2 - V2*w * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', N-K-I+1, I-1, -ONE, A( K+I, 1 ), $ LDA, T( 1, NB ), 1, ONE, A( K+I, I ), 1 ) * * b1 := b1 - V1*w * CALL DTRMV( 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', I-1, $ A( K+1, 1 ), LDA, T( 1, NB ), 1 ) CALL DAXPY( I-1, -ONE, T( 1, NB ), 1, A( K+1, I ), 1 ) * A( K+I-1, I-1 ) = EI END IF * * Generate the elementary reflector H(i) to annihilate * A(k+i+1:n,i) * CALL DLARFG( N-K-I+1, A( K+I, I ), A( MIN( K+I+1, N ), I ), 1, $ TAU( I ) ) EI = A( K+I, I ) A( K+I, I ) = ONE * * Compute Y(1:n,i) * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', N, N-K-I+1, ONE, A( 1, I+1 ), LDA, $ A( K+I, I ), 1, ZERO, Y( 1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', N-K-I+1, I-1, ONE, A( K+I, 1 ), LDA, $ A( K+I, I ), 1, ZERO, T( 1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', N, I-1, -ONE, Y, LDY, T( 1, I ), 1, $ ONE, Y( 1, I ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( N, TAU( I ), Y( 1, I ), 1 ) * * Compute T(1:i,i) * CALL DSCAL( I-1, -TAU( I ), T( 1, I ), 1 ) CALL DTRMV( 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Non-unit', I-1, T, LDT, $ T( 1, I ), 1 ) T( I, I ) = TAU( I ) * 10 CONTINUE A( K+NB, NB ) = EI * RETURN * * End of DLAHRD * END SUBROUTINE DLAIC1( JOB, J, X, SEST, W, GAMMA, SESTPR, S, C ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER J, JOB DOUBLE PRECISION C, GAMMA, S, SEST, SESTPR * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION W( J ), X( J ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAIC1 applies one step of incremental condition estimation in * its simplest version: * * Let x, twonorm(x) = 1, be an approximate singular vector of an j-by-j * lower triangular matrix L, such that * twonorm(L*x) = sest * Then DLAIC1 computes sestpr, s, c such that * the vector * [ s*x ] * xhat = [ c ] * is an approximate singular vector of * [ L 0 ] * Lhat = [ w' gamma ] * in the sense that * twonorm(Lhat*xhat) = sestpr. * * Depending on JOB, an estimate for the largest or smallest singular * value is computed. * * Note that [s c]' and sestpr**2 is an eigenpair of the system * * diag(sest*sest, 0) + [alpha gamma] * [ alpha ] * [ gamma ] * * where alpha = x'*w. * * Arguments * ========= * * JOB (input) INTEGER * = 1: an estimate for the largest singular value is computed. * = 2: an estimate for the smallest singular value is computed. * * J (input) INTEGER * Length of X and W * * X (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (J) * The j-vector x. * * SEST (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Estimated singular value of j by j matrix L * * W (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (J) * The j-vector w. * * GAMMA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The diagonal element gamma. * * SEDTPR (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Estimated singular value of (j+1) by (j+1) matrix Lhat. * * S (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Sine needed in forming xhat. * * C (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Cosine needed in forming xhat. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE, TWO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0, ONE = 1.0D0, TWO = 2.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION HALF, FOUR PARAMETER ( HALF = 0.5D0, FOUR = 4.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION ABSALP, ABSEST, ABSGAM, ALPHA, B, COSINE, EPS, $ NORMA, S1, S2, SINE, T, TEST, TMP, ZETA1, ZETA2 * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, SIGN, SQRT * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DDOT, DLAMCH EXTERNAL DDOT, DLAMCH * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * EPS = DLAMCH( 'Epsilon' ) ALPHA = DDOT( J, X, 1, W, 1 ) * ABSALP = ABS( ALPHA ) ABSGAM = ABS( GAMMA ) ABSEST = ABS( SEST ) * IF( JOB.EQ.1 ) THEN * * Estimating largest singular value * * special cases * IF( SEST.EQ.ZERO ) THEN S1 = MAX( ABSGAM, ABSALP ) IF( S1.EQ.ZERO ) THEN S = ZERO C = ONE SESTPR = ZERO ELSE S = ALPHA / S1 C = GAMMA / S1 TMP = SQRT( S*S+C*C ) S = S / TMP C = C / TMP SESTPR = S1*TMP END IF RETURN ELSE IF( ABSGAM.LE.EPS*ABSEST ) THEN S = ONE C = ZERO TMP = MAX( ABSEST, ABSALP ) S1 = ABSEST / TMP S2 = ABSALP / TMP SESTPR = TMP*SQRT( S1*S1+S2*S2 ) RETURN ELSE IF( ABSALP.LE.EPS*ABSEST ) THEN S1 = ABSGAM S2 = ABSEST IF( S1.LE.S2 ) THEN S = ONE C = ZERO SESTPR = S2 ELSE S = ZERO C = ONE SESTPR = S1 END IF RETURN ELSE IF( ABSEST.LE.EPS*ABSALP .OR. ABSEST.LE.EPS*ABSGAM ) THEN S1 = ABSGAM S2 = ABSALP IF( S1.LE.S2 ) THEN TMP = S1 / S2 S = SQRT( ONE+TMP*TMP ) SESTPR = S2*S C = ( GAMMA / S2 ) / S S = SIGN( ONE, ALPHA ) / S ELSE TMP = S2 / S1 C = SQRT( ONE+TMP*TMP ) SESTPR = S1*C S = ( ALPHA / S1 ) / C C = SIGN( ONE, GAMMA ) / C END IF RETURN ELSE * * normal case * ZETA1 = ALPHA / ABSEST ZETA2 = GAMMA / ABSEST * B = ( ONE-ZETA1*ZETA1-ZETA2*ZETA2 )*HALF C = ZETA1*ZETA1 IF( B.GT.ZERO ) THEN T = C / ( B+SQRT( B*B+C ) ) ELSE T = SQRT( B*B+C ) - B END IF * SINE = -ZETA1 / T COSINE = -ZETA2 / ( ONE+T ) TMP = SQRT( SINE*SINE+COSINE*COSINE ) S = SINE / TMP C = COSINE / TMP SESTPR = SQRT( T+ONE )*ABSEST RETURN END IF * ELSE IF( JOB.EQ.2 ) THEN * * Estimating smallest singular value * * special cases * IF( SEST.EQ.ZERO ) THEN SESTPR = ZERO IF( MAX( ABSGAM, ABSALP ).EQ.ZERO ) THEN SINE = ONE COSINE = ZERO ELSE SINE = -GAMMA COSINE = ALPHA END IF S1 = MAX( ABS( SINE ), ABS( COSINE ) ) S = SINE / S1 C = COSINE / S1 TMP = SQRT( S*S+C*C ) S = S / TMP C = C / TMP RETURN ELSE IF( ABSGAM.LE.EPS*ABSEST ) THEN S = ZERO C = ONE SESTPR = ABSGAM RETURN ELSE IF( ABSALP.LE.EPS*ABSEST ) THEN S1 = ABSGAM S2 = ABSEST IF( S1.LE.S2 ) THEN S = ZERO C = ONE SESTPR = S1 ELSE S = ONE C = ZERO SESTPR = S2 END IF RETURN ELSE IF( ABSEST.LE.EPS*ABSALP .OR. ABSEST.LE.EPS*ABSGAM ) THEN S1 = ABSGAM S2 = ABSALP IF( S1.LE.S2 ) THEN TMP = S1 / S2 C = SQRT( ONE+TMP*TMP ) SESTPR = ABSEST*( TMP / C ) S = -( GAMMA / S2 ) / C C = SIGN( ONE, ALPHA ) / C ELSE TMP = S2 / S1 S = SQRT( ONE+TMP*TMP ) SESTPR = ABSEST / S C = ( ALPHA / S1 ) / S S = -SIGN( ONE, GAMMA ) / S END IF RETURN ELSE * * normal case * ZETA1 = ALPHA / ABSEST ZETA2 = GAMMA / ABSEST * NORMA = MAX( ONE+ZETA1*ZETA1+ABS( ZETA1*ZETA2 ), $ ABS( ZETA1*ZETA2 )+ZETA2*ZETA2 ) * * See if root is closer to zero or to ONE * TEST = ONE + TWO*( ZETA1-ZETA2 )*( ZETA1+ZETA2 ) IF( TEST.GE.ZERO ) THEN * * root is close to zero, compute directly * B = ( ZETA1*ZETA1+ZETA2*ZETA2+ONE )*HALF C = ZETA2*ZETA2 T = C / ( B+SQRT( ABS( B*B-C ) ) ) SINE = ZETA1 / ( ONE-T ) COSINE = -ZETA2 / T SESTPR = SQRT( T+FOUR*EPS*EPS*NORMA )*ABSEST ELSE * * root is closer to ONE, shift by that amount * B = ( ZETA2*ZETA2+ZETA1*ZETA1-ONE )*HALF C = ZETA1*ZETA1 IF( B.GE.ZERO ) THEN T = -C / ( B+SQRT( B*B+C ) ) ELSE T = B - SQRT( B*B+C ) END IF SINE = -ZETA1 / T COSINE = -ZETA2 / ( ONE+T ) SESTPR = SQRT( ONE+T+FOUR*EPS*EPS*NORMA )*ABSEST END IF TMP = SQRT( SINE*SINE+COSINE*COSINE ) S = SINE / TMP C = COSINE / TMP RETURN * END IF END IF RETURN * * End of DLAIC1 * END SUBROUTINE DLALN2( LTRANS, NA, NW, SMIN, CA, A, LDA, D1, D2, B, $ LDB, WR, WI, X, LDX, SCALE, XNORM, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL LTRANS INTEGER INFO, LDA, LDB, LDX, NA, NW DOUBLE PRECISION CA, D1, D2, SCALE, SMIN, WI, WR, XNORM * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * ), X( LDX, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLALN2 solves a system of the form (ca A - w D ) X = s B * or (ca A' - w D) X = s B with possible scaling ("s") and * perturbation of A. (A' means A-transpose.) * * A is an NA x NA real matrix, ca is a real scalar, D is an NA x NA * real diagonal matrix, w is a real or complex value, and X and B are * NA x 1 matrices -- real if w is real, complex if w is complex. NA * may be 1 or 2. * * If w is complex, X and B are represented as NA x 2 matrices, * the first column of each being the real part and the second * being the imaginary part. * * "s" is a scaling factor (.LE. 1), computed by DLALN2, which is * so chosen that X can be computed without overflow. X is further * scaled if necessary to assure that norm(ca A - w D)*norm(X) is less * than overflow. * * If both singular values of (ca A - w D) are less than SMIN, * SMIN*identity will be used instead of (ca A - w D). If only one * singular value is less than SMIN, one element of (ca A - w D) will be * perturbed enough to make the smallest singular value roughly SMIN. * If both singular values are at least SMIN, (ca A - w D) will not be * perturbed. In any case, the perturbation will be at most some small * multiple of max( SMIN, ulp*norm(ca A - w D) ). The singular values * are computed by infinity-norm approximations, and thus will only be * correct to a factor of 2 or so. * * Note: all input quantities are assumed to be smaller than overflow * by a reasonable factor. (See BIGNUM.) * * Arguments * ========== * * LTRANS (input) LOGICAL * =.TRUE.: A-transpose will be used. * =.FALSE.: A will be used (not transposed.) * * NA (input) INTEGER * The size of the matrix A. It may (only) be 1 or 2. * * NW (input) INTEGER * 1 if "w" is real, 2 if "w" is complex. It may only be 1 * or 2. * * SMIN (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The desired lower bound on the singular values of A. This * should be a safe distance away from underflow or overflow, * say, between (underflow/machine precision) and (machine * precision * overflow ). (See BIGNUM and ULP.) * * CA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The coefficient c, which A is multiplied by. * * A (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,NA) * The NA x NA matrix A. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of A. It must be at least NA. * * D1 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The 1,1 element in the diagonal matrix D. * * D2 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The 2,2 element in the diagonal matrix D. Not used if NW=1. * * B (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB,NW) * The NA x NW matrix B (right-hand side). If NW=2 ("w" is * complex), column 1 contains the real part of B and column 2 * contains the imaginary part. * * LDB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of B. It must be at least NA. * * WR (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The real part of the scalar "w". * * WI (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The imaginary part of the scalar "w". Not used if NW=1. * * X (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDX,NW) * The NA x NW matrix X (unknowns), as computed by DLALN2. * If NW=2 ("w" is complex), on exit, column 1 will contain * the real part of X and column 2 will contain the imaginary * part. * * LDX (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of X. It must be at least NA. * * SCALE (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The scale factor that B must be multiplied by to insure * that overflow does not occur when computing X. Thus, * (ca A - w D) X will be SCALE*B, not B (ignoring * perturbations of A.) It will be at most 1. * * XNORM (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The infinity-norm of X, when X is regarded as an NA x NW * real matrix. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * An error flag. It will be set to zero if no error occurs, * a negative number if an argument is in error, or a positive * number if ca A - w D had to be perturbed. * The possible values are: * = 0: No error occurred, and (ca A - w D) did not have to be * perturbed. * = 1: (ca A - w D) had to be perturbed to make its smallest * (or only) singular value greater than SMIN. * NOTE: In the interests of speed, this routine does not * check the inputs for errors. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0, ONE = 1.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION TWO PARAMETER ( TWO = 2.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER ICMAX, J DOUBLE PRECISION BBND, BI1, BI2, BIGNUM, BNORM, BR1, BR2, CI21, $ CI22, CMAX, CNORM, CR21, CR22, CSI, CSR, LI21, $ LR21, SMINI, SMLNUM, TEMP, U22ABS, UI11, UI11R, $ UI12, UI12S, UI22, UR11, UR11R, UR12, UR12S, $ UR22, XI1, XI2, XR1, XR2 * .. * .. Local Arrays .. LOGICAL RSWAP( 4 ), ZSWAP( 4 ) INTEGER IPIVOT( 4, 4 ) DOUBLE PRECISION CI( 2, 2 ), CIV( 4 ), CR( 2, 2 ), CRV( 4 ) * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLADIV * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX * .. * .. Equivalences .. EQUIVALENCE ( CI( 1, 1 ), CIV( 1 ) ), $ ( CR( 1, 1 ), CRV( 1 ) ) * .. * .. Data statements .. DATA ZSWAP / .FALSE., .FALSE., .TRUE., .TRUE. / DATA RSWAP / .FALSE., .TRUE., .FALSE., .TRUE. / DATA IPIVOT / 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 4, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 4, $ 3, 2, 1 / * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Compute BIGNUM * SMLNUM = TWO*DLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) BIGNUM = ONE / SMLNUM SMINI = MAX( SMIN, SMLNUM ) * * Don't check for input errors * INFO = 0 * * Standard Initializations * SCALE = ONE * IF( NA.EQ.1 ) THEN * * 1 x 1 (i.e., scalar) system C X = B * IF( NW.EQ.1 ) THEN * * Real 1x1 system. * * C = ca A - w D * CSR = CA*A( 1, 1 ) - WR*D1 CNORM = ABS( CSR ) * * If | C | < SMINI, use C = SMINI * IF( CNORM.LT.SMINI ) THEN CSR = SMINI CNORM = SMINI INFO = 1 END IF * * Check scaling for X = B / C * BNORM = ABS( B( 1, 1 ) ) IF( CNORM.LT.ONE .AND. BNORM.GT.ONE ) THEN IF( BNORM.GT.BIGNUM*CNORM ) $ SCALE = ONE / BNORM END IF * * Compute X * X( 1, 1 ) = ( B( 1, 1 )*SCALE ) / CSR XNORM = ABS( X( 1, 1 ) ) ELSE * * Complex 1x1 system (w is complex) * * C = ca A - w D * CSR = CA*A( 1, 1 ) - WR*D1 CSI = -WI*D1 CNORM = ABS( CSR ) + ABS( CSI ) * * If | C | < SMINI, use C = SMINI * IF( CNORM.LT.SMINI ) THEN CSR = SMINI CSI = ZERO CNORM = SMINI INFO = 1 END IF * * Check scaling for X = B / C * BNORM = ABS( B( 1, 1 ) ) + ABS( B( 1, 2 ) ) IF( CNORM.LT.ONE .AND. BNORM.GT.ONE ) THEN IF( BNORM.GT.BIGNUM*CNORM ) $ SCALE = ONE / BNORM END IF * * Compute X * CALL DLADIV( SCALE*B( 1, 1 ), SCALE*B( 1, 2 ), CSR, CSI, $ X( 1, 1 ), X( 1, 2 ) ) XNORM = ABS( X( 1, 1 ) ) + ABS( X( 1, 2 ) ) END IF * ELSE * * 2x2 System * * Compute the real part of C = ca A - w D (or ca A' - w D ) * CR( 1, 1 ) = CA*A( 1, 1 ) - WR*D1 CR( 2, 2 ) = CA*A( 2, 2 ) - WR*D2 IF( LTRANS ) THEN CR( 1, 2 ) = CA*A( 2, 1 ) CR( 2, 1 ) = CA*A( 1, 2 ) ELSE CR( 2, 1 ) = CA*A( 2, 1 ) CR( 1, 2 ) = CA*A( 1, 2 ) END IF * IF( NW.EQ.1 ) THEN * * Real 2x2 system (w is real) * * Find the largest element in C * CMAX = ZERO ICMAX = 0 * DO 10 J = 1, 4 IF( ABS( CRV( J ) ).GT.CMAX ) THEN CMAX = ABS( CRV( J ) ) ICMAX = J END IF 10 CONTINUE * * If norm(C) < SMINI, use SMINI*identity. * IF( CMAX.LT.SMINI ) THEN BNORM = MAX( ABS( B( 1, 1 ) ), ABS( B( 2, 1 ) ) ) IF( SMINI.LT.ONE .AND. BNORM.GT.ONE ) THEN IF( BNORM.GT.BIGNUM*SMINI ) $ SCALE = ONE / BNORM END IF TEMP = SCALE / SMINI X( 1, 1 ) = TEMP*B( 1, 1 ) X( 2, 1 ) = TEMP*B( 2, 1 ) XNORM = TEMP*BNORM INFO = 1 RETURN END IF * * Gaussian elimination with complete pivoting. * UR11 = CRV( ICMAX ) CR21 = CRV( IPIVOT( 2, ICMAX ) ) UR12 = CRV( IPIVOT( 3, ICMAX ) ) CR22 = CRV( IPIVOT( 4, ICMAX ) ) UR11R = ONE / UR11 LR21 = UR11R*CR21 UR22 = CR22 - UR12*LR21 * * If smaller pivot < SMINI, use SMINI * IF( ABS( UR22 ).LT.SMINI ) THEN UR22 = SMINI INFO = 1 END IF IF( RSWAP( ICMAX ) ) THEN BR1 = B( 2, 1 ) BR2 = B( 1, 1 ) ELSE BR1 = B( 1, 1 ) BR2 = B( 2, 1 ) END IF BR2 = BR2 - LR21*BR1 BBND = MAX( ABS( BR1*( UR22*UR11R ) ), ABS( BR2 ) ) IF( BBND.GT.ONE .AND. ABS( UR22 ).LT.ONE ) THEN IF( BBND.GE.BIGNUM*ABS( UR22 ) ) $ SCALE = ONE / BBND END IF * XR2 = ( BR2*SCALE ) / UR22 XR1 = ( SCALE*BR1 )*UR11R - XR2*( UR11R*UR12 ) IF( ZSWAP( ICMAX ) ) THEN X( 1, 1 ) = XR2 X( 2, 1 ) = XR1 ELSE X( 1, 1 ) = XR1 X( 2, 1 ) = XR2 END IF XNORM = MAX( ABS( XR1 ), ABS( XR2 ) ) * * Further scaling if norm(A) norm(X) > overflow * IF( XNORM.GT.ONE .AND. CMAX.GT.ONE ) THEN IF( XNORM.GT.BIGNUM / CMAX ) THEN TEMP = CMAX / BIGNUM X( 1, 1 ) = TEMP*X( 1, 1 ) X( 2, 1 ) = TEMP*X( 2, 1 ) XNORM = TEMP*XNORM SCALE = TEMP*SCALE END IF END IF ELSE * * Complex 2x2 system (w is complex) * * Find the largest element in C * CI( 1, 1 ) = -WI*D1 CI( 2, 1 ) = ZERO CI( 1, 2 ) = ZERO CI( 2, 2 ) = -WI*D2 CMAX = ZERO ICMAX = 0 * DO 20 J = 1, 4 IF( ABS( CRV( J ) )+ABS( CIV( J ) ).GT.CMAX ) THEN CMAX = ABS( CRV( J ) ) + ABS( CIV( J ) ) ICMAX = J END IF 20 CONTINUE * * If norm(C) < SMINI, use SMINI*identity. * IF( CMAX.LT.SMINI ) THEN BNORM = MAX( ABS( B( 1, 1 ) )+ABS( B( 1, 2 ) ), $ ABS( B( 2, 1 ) )+ABS( B( 2, 2 ) ) ) IF( SMINI.LT.ONE .AND. BNORM.GT.ONE ) THEN IF( BNORM.GT.BIGNUM*SMINI ) $ SCALE = ONE / BNORM END IF TEMP = SCALE / SMINI X( 1, 1 ) = TEMP*B( 1, 1 ) X( 2, 1 ) = TEMP*B( 2, 1 ) X( 1, 2 ) = TEMP*B( 1, 2 ) X( 2, 2 ) = TEMP*B( 2, 2 ) XNORM = TEMP*BNORM INFO = 1 RETURN END IF * * Gaussian elimination with complete pivoting. * UR11 = CRV( ICMAX ) UI11 = CIV( ICMAX ) CR21 = CRV( IPIVOT( 2, ICMAX ) ) CI21 = CIV( IPIVOT( 2, ICMAX ) ) UR12 = CRV( IPIVOT( 3, ICMAX ) ) UI12 = CIV( IPIVOT( 3, ICMAX ) ) CR22 = CRV( IPIVOT( 4, ICMAX ) ) CI22 = CIV( IPIVOT( 4, ICMAX ) ) IF( ICMAX.EQ.1 .OR. ICMAX.EQ.4 ) THEN * * Code when off-diagonals of pivoted C are real * IF( ABS( UR11 ).GT.ABS( UI11 ) ) THEN TEMP = UI11 / UR11 UR11R = ONE / ( UR11*( ONE+TEMP**2 ) ) UI11R = -TEMP*UR11R ELSE TEMP = UR11 / UI11 UI11R = -ONE / ( UI11*( ONE+TEMP**2 ) ) UR11R = -TEMP*UI11R END IF LR21 = CR21*UR11R LI21 = CR21*UI11R UR12S = UR12*UR11R UI12S = UR12*UI11R UR22 = CR22 - UR12*LR21 UI22 = CI22 - UR12*LI21 ELSE * * Code when diagonals of pivoted C are real * UR11R = ONE / UR11 UI11R = ZERO LR21 = CR21*UR11R LI21 = CI21*UR11R UR12S = UR12*UR11R UI12S = UI12*UR11R UR22 = CR22 - UR12*LR21 + UI12*LI21 UI22 = -UR12*LI21 - UI12*LR21 END IF U22ABS = ABS( UR22 ) + ABS( UI22 ) * * If smaller pivot < SMINI, use SMINI * IF( U22ABS.LT.SMINI ) THEN UR22 = SMINI UI22 = ZERO INFO = 1 END IF IF( RSWAP( ICMAX ) ) THEN BR2 = B( 1, 1 ) BR1 = B( 2, 1 ) BI2 = B( 1, 2 ) BI1 = B( 2, 2 ) ELSE BR1 = B( 1, 1 ) BR2 = B( 2, 1 ) BI1 = B( 1, 2 ) BI2 = B( 2, 2 ) END IF BR2 = BR2 - LR21*BR1 + LI21*BI1 BI2 = BI2 - LI21*BR1 - LR21*BI1 BBND = MAX( ( ABS( BR1 )+ABS( BI1 ) )* $ ( U22ABS*( ABS( UR11R )+ABS( UI11R ) ) ), $ ABS( BR2 )+ABS( BI2 ) ) IF( BBND.GT.ONE .AND. U22ABS.LT.ONE ) THEN IF( BBND.GE.BIGNUM*U22ABS ) THEN SCALE = ONE / BBND BR1 = SCALE*BR1 BI1 = SCALE*BI1 BR2 = SCALE*BR2 BI2 = SCALE*BI2 END IF END IF * CALL DLADIV( BR2, BI2, UR22, UI22, XR2, XI2 ) XR1 = UR11R*BR1 - UI11R*BI1 - UR12S*XR2 + UI12S*XI2 XI1 = UI11R*BR1 + UR11R*BI1 - UI12S*XR2 - UR12S*XI2 IF( ZSWAP( ICMAX ) ) THEN X( 1, 1 ) = XR2 X( 2, 1 ) = XR1 X( 1, 2 ) = XI2 X( 2, 2 ) = XI1 ELSE X( 1, 1 ) = XR1 X( 2, 1 ) = XR2 X( 1, 2 ) = XI1 X( 2, 2 ) = XI2 END IF XNORM = MAX( ABS( XR1 )+ABS( XI1 ), ABS( XR2 )+ABS( XI2 ) ) * * Further scaling if norm(A) norm(X) > overflow * IF( XNORM.GT.ONE .AND. CMAX.GT.ONE ) THEN IF( XNORM.GT.BIGNUM / CMAX ) THEN TEMP = CMAX / BIGNUM X( 1, 1 ) = TEMP*X( 1, 1 ) X( 2, 1 ) = TEMP*X( 2, 1 ) X( 1, 2 ) = TEMP*X( 1, 2 ) X( 2, 2 ) = TEMP*X( 2, 2 ) XNORM = TEMP*XNORM SCALE = TEMP*SCALE END IF END IF END IF END IF * RETURN * * End of DLALN2 * END DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DLAMCH( CMACH ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER CMACH * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAMCH determines double precision machine parameters. * * Arguments * ========= * * CMACH (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the value to be returned by DLAMCH: * = 'E' or 'e', DLAMCH := eps * = 'S' or 's , DLAMCH := sfmin * = 'B' or 'b', DLAMCH := base * = 'P' or 'p', DLAMCH := eps*base * = 'N' or 'n', DLAMCH := t * = 'R' or 'r', DLAMCH := rnd * = 'M' or 'm', DLAMCH := emin * = 'U' or 'u', DLAMCH := rmin * = 'L' or 'l', DLAMCH := emax * = 'O' or 'o', DLAMCH := rmax * * where * * eps = relative machine precision * sfmin = safe minimum, such that 1/sfmin does not overflow * base = base of the machine * prec = eps*base * t = number of (base) digits in the mantissa * rnd = 1.0 when rounding occurs in addition, 0.0 otherwise * emin = minimum exponent before (gradual) underflow * rmin = underflow threshold - base**(emin-1) * emax = largest exponent before overflow * rmax = overflow threshold - (base**emax)*(1-eps) * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL FIRST, LRND INTEGER BETA, IMAX, IMIN, IT DOUBLE PRECISION BASE, EMAX, EMIN, EPS, PREC, RMACH, RMAX, RMIN, $ RND, SFMIN, SMALL, T * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLAMC2 * .. * .. Save statement .. SAVE FIRST, EPS, SFMIN, BASE, T, RND, EMIN, RMIN, $ EMAX, RMAX, PREC * .. * .. Data statements .. DATA FIRST / .TRUE. / * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( FIRST ) THEN FIRST = .FALSE. CALL DLAMC2( BETA, IT, LRND, EPS, IMIN, RMIN, IMAX, RMAX ) BASE = BETA T = IT IF( LRND ) THEN RND = ONE EPS = ( BASE**( 1-IT ) ) / 2 ELSE RND = ZERO EPS = BASE**( 1-IT ) END IF PREC = EPS*BASE EMIN = IMIN EMAX = IMAX SFMIN = RMIN SMALL = ONE / RMAX IF( SMALL.GE.SFMIN ) THEN * * Use SMALL plus a bit, to avoid the possibility of rounding * causing overflow when computing 1/sfmin. * SFMIN = SMALL*( ONE+EPS ) END IF END IF * IF( LSAME( CMACH, 'E' ) ) THEN RMACH = EPS ELSE IF( LSAME( CMACH, 'S' ) ) THEN RMACH = SFMIN ELSE IF( LSAME( CMACH, 'B' ) ) THEN RMACH = BASE ELSE IF( LSAME( CMACH, 'P' ) ) THEN RMACH = PREC ELSE IF( LSAME( CMACH, 'N' ) ) THEN RMACH = T ELSE IF( LSAME( CMACH, 'R' ) ) THEN RMACH = RND ELSE IF( LSAME( CMACH, 'M' ) ) THEN RMACH = EMIN ELSE IF( LSAME( CMACH, 'U' ) ) THEN RMACH = RMIN ELSE IF( LSAME( CMACH, 'L' ) ) THEN RMACH = EMAX ELSE IF( LSAME( CMACH, 'O' ) ) THEN RMACH = RMAX END IF * DLAMCH = RMACH RETURN * * End of DLAMCH * END * ************************************************************************ * SUBROUTINE DLAMC1( BETA, T, RND, IEEE1 ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL IEEE1, RND INTEGER BETA, T * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAMC1 determines the machine parameters given by BETA, T, RND, and * IEEE1. * * Arguments * ========= * * BETA (output) INTEGER * The base of the machine. * * T (output) INTEGER * The number of ( BETA ) digits in the mantissa. * * RND (output) LOGICAL * Specifies whether proper rounding ( RND = .TRUE. ) or * chopping ( RND = .FALSE. ) occurs in addition. This may not * be a reliable guide to the way in which the machine performs * its arithmetic. * * IEEE1 (output) LOGICAL * Specifies whether rounding appears to be done in the IEEE * 'round to nearest' style. * * Further Details * =============== * * The routine is based on the routine ENVRON by Malcolm and * incorporates suggestions by Gentleman and Marovich. See * * Malcolm M. A. (1972) Algorithms to reveal properties of * floating-point arithmetic. Comms. of the ACM, 15, 949-951. * * Gentleman W. M. and Marovich S. B. (1974) More on algorithms * that reveal properties of floating point arithmetic units. * Comms. of the ACM, 17, 276-277. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL FIRST, LIEEE1, LRND INTEGER LBETA, LT DOUBLE PRECISION A, B, C, F, ONE, QTR, SAVEC, T1, T2 * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMC3 EXTERNAL DLAMC3 * .. * .. Save statement .. SAVE FIRST, LIEEE1, LBETA, LRND, LT * .. * .. Data statements .. DATA FIRST / .TRUE. / * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( FIRST ) THEN FIRST = .FALSE. ONE = 1 * * LBETA, LIEEE1, LT and LRND are the local values of BETA, * IEEE1, T and RND. * * Throughout this routine we use the function DLAMC3 to ensure * that relevant values are stored and not held in registers, or * are not affected by optimizers. * * Compute a = 2.0**m with the smallest positive integer m such * that * * fl( a + 1.0 ) = a. * A = 1 C = 1 * *+ WHILE( C.EQ.ONE )LOOP 10 CONTINUE IF( C.EQ.ONE ) THEN A = 2*A C = DLAMC3( A, ONE ) C = DLAMC3( C, -A ) GO TO 10 END IF *+ END WHILE * * Now compute b = 2.0**m with the smallest positive integer m * such that * * fl( a + b ) .gt. a. * B = 1 C = DLAMC3( A, B ) * *+ WHILE( C.EQ.A )LOOP 20 CONTINUE IF( C.EQ.A ) THEN B = 2*B C = DLAMC3( A, B ) GO TO 20 END IF *+ END WHILE * * Now compute the base. a and c are neighbouring floating point * numbers in the interval ( beta**t, beta**( t + 1 ) ) and so * their difference is beta. Adding 0.25 to c is to ensure that it * is truncated to beta and not ( beta - 1 ). * QTR = ONE / 4 SAVEC = C C = DLAMC3( C, -A ) LBETA = C + QTR * * Now determine whether rounding or chopping occurs, by adding a * bit less than beta/2 and a bit more than beta/2 to a. * B = LBETA F = DLAMC3( B / 2, -B / 100 ) C = DLAMC3( F, A ) IF( C.EQ.A ) THEN LRND = .TRUE. ELSE LRND = .FALSE. END IF F = DLAMC3( B / 2, B / 100 ) C = DLAMC3( F, A ) IF( ( LRND ) .AND. ( C.EQ.A ) ) $ LRND = .FALSE. * * Try and decide whether rounding is done in the IEEE 'round to * nearest' style. B/2 is half a unit in the last place of the two * numbers A and SAVEC. Furthermore, A is even, i.e. has last bit * zero, and SAVEC is odd. Thus adding B/2 to A should not change * A, but adding B/2 to SAVEC should change SAVEC. * T1 = DLAMC3( B / 2, A ) T2 = DLAMC3( B / 2, SAVEC ) LIEEE1 = ( T1.EQ.A ) .AND. ( T2.GT.SAVEC ) .AND. LRND * * Now find the mantissa, t. It should be the integer part of * log to the base beta of a, however it is safer to determine t * by powering. So we find t as the smallest positive integer for * which * * fl( beta**t + 1.0 ) = 1.0. * LT = 0 A = 1 C = 1 * *+ WHILE( C.EQ.ONE )LOOP 30 CONTINUE IF( C.EQ.ONE ) THEN LT = LT + 1 A = A*LBETA C = DLAMC3( A, ONE ) C = DLAMC3( C, -A ) GO TO 30 END IF *+ END WHILE * END IF * BETA = LBETA T = LT RND = LRND IEEE1 = LIEEE1 RETURN * * End of DLAMC1 * END * ************************************************************************ * SUBROUTINE DLAMC2( BETA, T, RND, EPS, EMIN, RMIN, EMAX, RMAX ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL RND INTEGER BETA, EMAX, EMIN, T DOUBLE PRECISION EPS, RMAX, RMIN * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAMC2 determines the machine parameters specified in its argument * list. * * Arguments * ========= * * BETA (output) INTEGER * The base of the machine. * * T (output) INTEGER * The number of ( BETA ) digits in the mantissa. * * RND (output) LOGICAL * Specifies whether proper rounding ( RND = .TRUE. ) or * chopping ( RND = .FALSE. ) occurs in addition. This may not * be a reliable guide to the way in which the machine performs * its arithmetic. * * EPS (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The smallest positive number such that * * fl( 1.0 - EPS ) .LT. 1.0, * * where fl denotes the computed value. * * EMIN (output) INTEGER * The minimum exponent before (gradual) underflow occurs. * * RMIN (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The smallest normalized number for the machine, given by * BASE**( EMIN - 1 ), where BASE is the floating point value * of BETA. * * EMAX (output) INTEGER * The maximum exponent before overflow occurs. * * RMAX (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The largest positive number for the machine, given by * BASE**EMAX * ( 1 - EPS ), where BASE is the floating point * value of BETA. * * Further Details * =============== * * The computation of EPS is based on a routine PARANOIA by * W. Kahan of the University of California at Berkeley. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL FIRST, IEEE, IWARN, LIEEE1, LRND INTEGER GNMIN, GPMIN, I, LBETA, LEMAX, LEMIN, LT, $ NGNMIN, NGPMIN DOUBLE PRECISION A, B, C, HALF, LEPS, LRMAX, LRMIN, ONE, RBASE, $ SIXTH, SMALL, THIRD, TWO, ZERO * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMC3 EXTERNAL DLAMC3 * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLAMC1, DLAMC4, DLAMC5 * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN * .. * .. Save statement .. SAVE FIRST, IWARN, LBETA, LEMAX, LEMIN, LEPS, LRMAX, $ LRMIN, LT * .. * .. Data statements .. DATA FIRST / .TRUE. / , IWARN / .FALSE. / * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( FIRST ) THEN FIRST = .FALSE. ZERO = 0 ONE = 1 TWO = 2 * * LBETA, LT, LRND, LEPS, LEMIN and LRMIN are the local values of * BETA, T, RND, EPS, EMIN and RMIN. * * Throughout this routine we use the function DLAMC3 to ensure * that relevant values are stored and not held in registers, or * are not affected by optimizers. * * DLAMC1 returns the parameters LBETA, LT, LRND and LIEEE1. * CALL DLAMC1( LBETA, LT, LRND, LIEEE1 ) * * Start to find EPS. * B = LBETA A = B**( -LT ) LEPS = A * * Try some tricks to see whether or not this is the correct EPS. * B = TWO / 3 HALF = ONE / 2 SIXTH = DLAMC3( B, -HALF ) THIRD = DLAMC3( SIXTH, SIXTH ) B = DLAMC3( THIRD, -HALF ) B = DLAMC3( B, SIXTH ) B = ABS( B ) IF( B.LT.LEPS ) $ B = LEPS * LEPS = 1 * *+ WHILE( ( LEPS.GT.B ).AND.( B.GT.ZERO ) )LOOP 10 CONTINUE IF( ( LEPS.GT.B ) .AND. ( B.GT.ZERO ) ) THEN LEPS = B C = DLAMC3( HALF*LEPS, ( TWO**5 )*( LEPS**2 ) ) C = DLAMC3( HALF, -C ) B = DLAMC3( HALF, C ) C = DLAMC3( HALF, -B ) B = DLAMC3( HALF, C ) GO TO 10 END IF *+ END WHILE * IF( A.LT.LEPS ) $ LEPS = A * * Computation of EPS complete. * * Now find EMIN. Let A = + or - 1, and + or - (1 + BASE**(-3)). * Keep dividing A by BETA until (gradual) underflow occurs. This * is detected when we cannot recover the previous A. * RBASE = ONE / LBETA SMALL = ONE DO 20 I = 1, 3 SMALL = DLAMC3( SMALL*RBASE, ZERO ) 20 CONTINUE A = DLAMC3( ONE, SMALL ) CALL DLAMC4( NGPMIN, ONE, LBETA ) CALL DLAMC4( NGNMIN, -ONE, LBETA ) CALL DLAMC4( GPMIN, A, LBETA ) CALL DLAMC4( GNMIN, -A, LBETA ) IEEE = .FALSE. * IF( ( NGPMIN.EQ.NGNMIN ) .AND. ( GPMIN.EQ.GNMIN ) ) THEN IF( NGPMIN.EQ.GPMIN ) THEN LEMIN = NGPMIN * ( Non twos-complement machines, no gradual underflow; * e.g., VAX ) ELSE IF( ( GPMIN-NGPMIN ).EQ.3 ) THEN LEMIN = NGPMIN - 1 + LT IEEE = .TRUE. * ( Non twos-complement machines, with gradual underflow; * e.g., IEEE standard followers ) ELSE LEMIN = MIN( NGPMIN, GPMIN ) * ( A guess; no known machine ) IWARN = .TRUE. END IF * ELSE IF( ( NGPMIN.EQ.GPMIN ) .AND. ( NGNMIN.EQ.GNMIN ) ) THEN IF( ABS( NGPMIN-NGNMIN ).EQ.1 ) THEN LEMIN = MAX( NGPMIN, NGNMIN ) * ( Twos-complement machines, no gradual underflow; * e.g., CYBER 205 ) ELSE LEMIN = MIN( NGPMIN, NGNMIN ) * ( A guess; no known machine ) IWARN = .TRUE. END IF * ELSE IF( ( ABS( NGPMIN-NGNMIN ).EQ.1 ) .AND. $ ( GPMIN.EQ.GNMIN ) ) THEN IF( ( GPMIN-MIN( NGPMIN, NGNMIN ) ).EQ.3 ) THEN LEMIN = MAX( NGPMIN, NGNMIN ) - 1 + LT * ( Twos-complement machines with gradual underflow; * no known machine ) ELSE LEMIN = MIN( NGPMIN, NGNMIN ) * ( A guess; no known machine ) IWARN = .TRUE. END IF * ELSE LEMIN = MIN( NGPMIN, NGNMIN, GPMIN, GNMIN ) * ( A guess; no known machine ) IWARN = .TRUE. END IF *** * Comment out this if block if EMIN is ok IF( IWARN ) THEN FIRST = .TRUE. WRITE( 6, FMT = 9999 )LEMIN END IF *** * * Assume IEEE arithmetic if we found denormalised numbers above, * or if arithmetic seems to round in the IEEE style, determined * in routine DLAMC1. A true IEEE machine should have both things * true; however, faulty machines may have one or the other. * IEEE = IEEE .OR. LIEEE1 * * Compute RMIN by successive division by BETA. We could compute * RMIN as BASE**( EMIN - 1 ), but some machines underflow during * this computation. * LRMIN = 1 DO 30 I = 1, 1 - LEMIN LRMIN = DLAMC3( LRMIN*RBASE, ZERO ) 30 CONTINUE * * Finally, call DLAMC5 to compute EMAX and RMAX. * CALL DLAMC5( LBETA, LT, LEMIN, IEEE, LEMAX, LRMAX ) END IF * BETA = LBETA T = LT RND = LRND EPS = LEPS EMIN = LEMIN RMIN = LRMIN EMAX = LEMAX RMAX = LRMAX * RETURN * 9999 FORMAT( / / ' WARNING. The value EMIN may be incorrect:-', $ ' EMIN = ', I8, / $ ' If, after inspection, the value EMIN looks', $ ' acceptable please comment out ', $ / ' the IF block as marked within the code of routine', $ ' DLAMC2,', / ' otherwise supply EMIN explicitly.', / ) * * End of DLAMC2 * END * ************************************************************************ * DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DLAMC3( A, B ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A, B * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAMC3 is intended to force A and B to be stored prior to doing * the addition of A and B , for use in situations where optimizers * might hold one of these in a register. * * Arguments * ========= * * A, B (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The values A and B. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Executable Statements .. * DLAMC3 = A + B * RETURN * * End of DLAMC3 * END * ************************************************************************ * SUBROUTINE DLAMC4( EMIN, START, BASE ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER BASE, EMIN DOUBLE PRECISION START * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAMC4 is a service routine for DLAMC2. * * Arguments * ========= * * EMIN (output) EMIN * The minimum exponent before (gradual) underflow, computed by * setting A = START and dividing by BASE until the previous A * can not be recovered. * * START (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The starting point for determining EMIN. * * BASE (input) INTEGER * The base of the machine. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I DOUBLE PRECISION A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, D2, ONE, RBASE, ZERO * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMC3 EXTERNAL DLAMC3 * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * A = START ONE = 1 RBASE = ONE / BASE ZERO = 0 EMIN = 1 B1 = DLAMC3( A*RBASE, ZERO ) C1 = A C2 = A D1 = A D2 = A *+ WHILE( ( C1.EQ.A ).AND.( C2.EQ.A ).AND. * $ ( D1.EQ.A ).AND.( D2.EQ.A ) )LOOP 10 CONTINUE IF( ( C1.EQ.A ) .AND. ( C2.EQ.A ) .AND. ( D1.EQ.A ) .AND. $ ( D2.EQ.A ) ) THEN EMIN = EMIN - 1 A = B1 B1 = DLAMC3( A / BASE, ZERO ) C1 = DLAMC3( B1*BASE, ZERO ) D1 = ZERO DO 20 I = 1, BASE D1 = D1 + B1 20 CONTINUE B2 = DLAMC3( A*RBASE, ZERO ) C2 = DLAMC3( B2 / RBASE, ZERO ) D2 = ZERO DO 30 I = 1, BASE D2 = D2 + B2 30 CONTINUE GO TO 10 END IF *+ END WHILE * RETURN * * End of DLAMC4 * END * ************************************************************************ * SUBROUTINE DLAMC5( BETA, P, EMIN, IEEE, EMAX, RMAX ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL IEEE INTEGER BETA, EMAX, EMIN, P DOUBLE PRECISION RMAX * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAMC5 attempts to compute RMAX, the largest machine floating-point * number, without overflow. It assumes that EMAX + abs(EMIN) sum * approximately to a power of 2. It will fail on machines where this * assumption does not hold, for example, the Cyber 205 (EMIN = -28625, * EMAX = 28718). It will also fail if the value supplied for EMIN is * too large (i.e. too close to zero), probably with overflow. * * Arguments * ========= * * BETA (input) INTEGER * The base of floating-point arithmetic. * * P (input) INTEGER * The number of base BETA digits in the mantissa of a * floating-point value. * * EMIN (input) INTEGER * The minimum exponent before (gradual) underflow. * * IEEE (input) LOGICAL * A logical flag specifying whether or not the arithmetic * system is thought to comply with the IEEE standard. * * EMAX (output) INTEGER * The largest exponent before overflow * * RMAX (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The largest machine floating-point number. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0, ONE = 1.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER EXBITS, EXPSUM, I, LEXP, NBITS, TRY, UEXP DOUBLE PRECISION OLDY, RECBAS, Y, Z * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMC3 EXTERNAL DLAMC3 * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MOD * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * First compute LEXP and UEXP, two powers of 2 that bound * abs(EMIN). We then assume that EMAX + abs(EMIN) will sum * approximately to the bound that is closest to abs(EMIN). * (EMAX is the exponent of the required number RMAX). * LEXP = 1 EXBITS = 1 10 CONTINUE TRY = LEXP*2 IF( TRY.LE.( -EMIN ) ) THEN LEXP = TRY EXBITS = EXBITS + 1 GO TO 10 END IF IF( LEXP.EQ.-EMIN ) THEN UEXP = LEXP ELSE UEXP = TRY EXBITS = EXBITS + 1 END IF * * Now -LEXP is less than or equal to EMIN, and -UEXP is greater * than or equal to EMIN. EXBITS is the number of bits needed to * store the exponent. * IF( ( UEXP+EMIN ).GT.( -LEXP-EMIN ) ) THEN EXPSUM = 2*LEXP ELSE EXPSUM = 2*UEXP END IF * * EXPSUM is the exponent range, approximately equal to * EMAX - EMIN + 1 . * EMAX = EXPSUM + EMIN - 1 NBITS = 1 + EXBITS + P * * NBITS is the total number of bits needed to store a * floating-point number. * IF( ( MOD( NBITS, 2 ).EQ.1 ) .AND. ( BETA.EQ.2 ) ) THEN * * Either there are an odd number of bits used to store a * floating-point number, which is unlikely, or some bits are * not used in the representation of numbers, which is possible, * (e.g. Cray machines) or the mantissa has an implicit bit, * (e.g. IEEE machines, Dec Vax machines), which is perhaps the * most likely. We have to assume the last alternative. * If this is true, then we need to reduce EMAX by one because * there must be some way of representing zero in an implicit-bit * system. On machines like Cray, we are reducing EMAX by one * unnecessarily. * EMAX = EMAX - 1 END IF * IF( IEEE ) THEN * * Assume we are on an IEEE machine which reserves one exponent * for infinity and NaN. * EMAX = EMAX - 1 END IF * * Now create RMAX, the largest machine number, which should * be equal to (1.0 - BETA**(-P)) * BETA**EMAX . * * First compute 1.0 - BETA**(-P), being careful that the * result is less than 1.0 . * RECBAS = ONE / BETA Z = BETA - ONE Y = ZERO DO 20 I = 1, P Z = Z*RECBAS IF( Y.LT.ONE ) $ OLDY = Y Y = DLAMC3( Y, Z ) 20 CONTINUE IF( Y.GE.ONE ) $ Y = OLDY * * Now multiply by BETA**EMAX to get RMAX. * DO 30 I = 1, EMAX Y = DLAMC3( Y*BETA, ZERO ) 30 CONTINUE * RMAX = Y RETURN * * End of DLAMC5 * END DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DLANGB( NORM, N, KL, KU, AB, LDAB, $ WORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER NORM INTEGER KL, KU, LDAB, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION AB( LDAB, * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLANGB returns the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm, or * the infinity norm, or the element of largest absolute value of an * n by n band matrix A, with kl sub-diagonals and ku super-diagonals. * * Description * =========== * * DLANGB returns the value * * DLANGB = ( max(abs(A(i,j))), NORM = 'M' or 'm' * ( * ( norm1(A), NORM = '1', 'O' or 'o' * ( * ( normI(A), NORM = 'I' or 'i' * ( * ( normF(A), NORM = 'F', 'f', 'E' or 'e' * * where norm1 denotes the one norm of a matrix (maximum column sum), * normI denotes the infinity norm of a matrix (maximum row sum) and * normF denotes the Frobenius norm of a matrix (square root of sum of * squares). Note that max(abs(A(i,j))) is not a matrix norm. * * Arguments * ========= * * NORM (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the value to be returned in DLANGB as described * above. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. When N = 0, DLANGB is * set to zero. * * KL (input) INTEGER * The number of sub-diagonals of the matrix A. KL >= 0. * * KU (input) INTEGER * The number of super-diagonals of the matrix A. KU >= 0. * * AB (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDAB,N) * The band matrix A, stored in rows 1 to KL+KU+1. The j-th * column of A is stored in the j-th column of the array AB as * follows: * AB(ku+1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for max(1,j-ku)<=i<=min(n,j+kl). * * LDAB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array AB. LDAB >= KL+KU+1. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LWORK), * where LWORK >= N when NORM = 'I'; otherwise, WORK is not * referenced. * * ===================================================================== * * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J, K, L DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE, SUM, VALUE * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLASSQ * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( N.EQ.0 ) THEN VALUE = ZERO ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'M' ) ) THEN * * Find max(abs(A(i,j))). * VALUE = ZERO DO 20 J = 1, N DO 10 I = MAX( KU+2-J, 1 ), MIN( N+KU+1-J, KL+KU+1 ) VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( AB( I, J ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'O' ) ) .OR. ( NORM.EQ.'1' ) ) THEN * * Find norm1(A). * VALUE = ZERO DO 40 J = 1, N SUM = ZERO DO 30 I = MAX( KU+2-J, 1 ), MIN( N+KU+1-J, KL+KU+1 ) SUM = SUM + ABS( AB( I, J ) ) 30 CONTINUE VALUE = MAX( VALUE, SUM ) 40 CONTINUE ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'I' ) ) THEN * * Find normI(A). * DO 50 I = 1, N WORK( I ) = ZERO 50 CONTINUE DO 70 J = 1, N K = KU + 1 - J DO 60 I = MAX( 1, J-KU ), MIN( N, J+KL ) WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABS( AB( K+I, J ) ) 60 CONTINUE 70 CONTINUE VALUE = ZERO DO 80 I = 1, N VALUE = MAX( VALUE, WORK( I ) ) 80 CONTINUE ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'F' ) ) .OR. ( LSAME( NORM, 'E' ) ) ) THEN * * Find normF(A). * SCALE = ZERO SUM = ONE DO 90 J = 1, N L = MAX( 1, J-KU ) K = KU + 1 - J + L CALL DLASSQ( MIN( N, J+KL )-L+1, AB( K, J ), 1, SCALE, SUM ) 90 CONTINUE VALUE = SCALE*SQRT( SUM ) END IF * DLANGB = VALUE RETURN * * End of DLANGB * END DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DLANGE( NORM, M, N, A, LDA, WORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER NORM INTEGER LDA, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLANGE returns the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm, or * the infinity norm, or the element of largest absolute value of a * real matrix A. * * Description * =========== * * DLANGE returns the value * * DLANGE = ( max(abs(A(i,j))), NORM = 'M' or 'm' * ( * ( norm1(A), NORM = '1', 'O' or 'o' * ( * ( normI(A), NORM = 'I' or 'i' * ( * ( normF(A), NORM = 'F', 'f', 'E' or 'e' * * where norm1 denotes the one norm of a matrix (maximum column sum), * normI denotes the infinity norm of a matrix (maximum row sum) and * normF denotes the Frobenius norm of a matrix (square root of sum of * squares). Note that max(abs(A(i,j))) is not a matrix norm. * * Arguments * ========= * * NORM (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the value to be returned in DLANGE as described * above. * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. When M = 0, * DLANGE is set to zero. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. When N = 0, * DLANGE is set to zero. * * A (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * The m by n matrix A. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(M,1). * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LWORK), * where LWORK >= M when NORM = 'I'; otherwise, WORK is not * referenced. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE, SUM, VALUE * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLASSQ * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( MIN( M, N ).EQ.0 ) THEN VALUE = ZERO ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'M' ) ) THEN * * Find max(abs(A(i,j))). * VALUE = ZERO DO 20 J = 1, N DO 10 I = 1, M VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( A( I, J ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'O' ) ) .OR. ( NORM.EQ.'1' ) ) THEN * * Find norm1(A). * VALUE = ZERO DO 40 J = 1, N SUM = ZERO DO 30 I = 1, M SUM = SUM + ABS( A( I, J ) ) 30 CONTINUE VALUE = MAX( VALUE, SUM ) 40 CONTINUE ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'I' ) ) THEN * * Find normI(A). * DO 50 I = 1, M WORK( I ) = ZERO 50 CONTINUE DO 70 J = 1, N DO 60 I = 1, M WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABS( A( I, J ) ) 60 CONTINUE 70 CONTINUE VALUE = ZERO DO 80 I = 1, M VALUE = MAX( VALUE, WORK( I ) ) 80 CONTINUE ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'F' ) ) .OR. ( LSAME( NORM, 'E' ) ) ) THEN * * Find normF(A). * SCALE = ZERO SUM = ONE DO 90 J = 1, N CALL DLASSQ( M, A( 1, J ), 1, SCALE, SUM ) 90 CONTINUE VALUE = SCALE*SQRT( SUM ) END IF * DLANGE = VALUE RETURN * * End of DLANGE * END DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DLANGT( NORM, N, DL, D, DU ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER NORM INTEGER N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), DL( * ), DU( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLANGT returns the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm, or * the infinity norm, or the element of largest absolute value of a * real tridiagonal matrix A. * * Description * =========== * * DLANGT returns the value * * DLANGT = ( max(abs(A(i,j))), NORM = 'M' or 'm' * ( * ( norm1(A), NORM = '1', 'O' or 'o' * ( * ( normI(A), NORM = 'I' or 'i' * ( * ( normF(A), NORM = 'F', 'f', 'E' or 'e' * * where norm1 denotes the one norm of a matrix (maximum column sum), * normI denotes the infinity norm of a matrix (maximum row sum) and * normF denotes the Frobenius norm of a matrix (square root of sum of * squares). Note that max(abs(A(i,j))) is not a matrix norm. * * Arguments * ========= * * NORM (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the value to be returned in DLANGT as described * above. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. When N = 0, DLANGT is * set to zero. * * DL (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The (n-1) sub-diagonal elements of A. * * D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The diagonal elements of A. * * DU (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The (n-1) super-diagonal elements of A. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I DOUBLE PRECISION ANORM, SCALE, SUM * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLASSQ * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( N.LE.0 ) THEN ANORM = ZERO ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'M' ) ) THEN * * Find max(abs(A(i,j))). * ANORM = ABS( D( N ) ) DO 10 I = 1, N - 1 ANORM = MAX( ANORM, ABS( DL( I ) ) ) ANORM = MAX( ANORM, ABS( D( I ) ) ) ANORM = MAX( ANORM, ABS( DU( I ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'O' ) .OR. NORM.EQ.'1' ) THEN * * Find norm1(A). * IF( N.EQ.1 ) THEN ANORM = ABS( D( 1 ) ) ELSE ANORM = MAX( ABS( D( 1 ) )+ABS( DL( 1 ) ), $ ABS( D( N ) )+ABS( DU( N-1 ) ) ) DO 20 I = 2, N - 1 ANORM = MAX( ANORM, ABS( D( I ) )+ABS( DL( I ) )+ $ ABS( DU( I-1 ) ) ) 20 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'I' ) ) THEN * * Find normI(A). * IF( N.EQ.1 ) THEN ANORM = ABS( D( 1 ) ) ELSE ANORM = MAX( ABS( D( 1 ) )+ABS( DU( 1 ) ), $ ABS( D( N ) )+ABS( DL( N-1 ) ) ) DO 30 I = 2, N - 1 ANORM = MAX( ANORM, ABS( D( I ) )+ABS( DU( I ) )+ $ ABS( DL( I-1 ) ) ) 30 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'F' ) ) .OR. ( LSAME( NORM, 'E' ) ) ) THEN * * Find normF(A). * SCALE = ZERO SUM = ONE CALL DLASSQ( N, D, 1, SCALE, SUM ) IF( N.GT.1 ) THEN CALL DLASSQ( N-1, DL, 1, SCALE, SUM ) CALL DLASSQ( N-1, DU, 1, SCALE, SUM ) END IF ANORM = SCALE*SQRT( SUM ) END IF * DLANGT = ANORM RETURN * * End of DLANGT * END DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DLANHS( NORM, N, A, LDA, WORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER NORM INTEGER LDA, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLANHS returns the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm, or * the infinity norm, or the element of largest absolute value of a * Hessenberg matrix A. * * Description * =========== * * DLANHS returns the value * * DLANHS = ( max(abs(A(i,j))), NORM = 'M' or 'm' * ( * ( norm1(A), NORM = '1', 'O' or 'o' * ( * ( normI(A), NORM = 'I' or 'i' * ( * ( normF(A), NORM = 'F', 'f', 'E' or 'e' * * where norm1 denotes the one norm of a matrix (maximum column sum), * normI denotes the infinity norm of a matrix (maximum row sum) and * normF denotes the Frobenius norm of a matrix (square root of sum of * squares). Note that max(abs(A(i,j))) is not a matrix norm. * * Arguments * ========= * * NORM (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the value to be returned in DLANHS as described * above. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. When N = 0, DLANHS is * set to zero. * * A (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * The n by n upper Hessenberg matrix A; the part of A below the * first sub-diagonal is not referenced. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(N,1). * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LWORK), * where LWORK >= N when NORM = 'I'; otherwise, WORK is not * referenced. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE, SUM, VALUE * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLASSQ * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( N.EQ.0 ) THEN VALUE = ZERO ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'M' ) ) THEN * * Find max(abs(A(i,j))). * VALUE = ZERO DO 20 J = 1, N DO 10 I = 1, MIN( N, J+1 ) VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( A( I, J ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'O' ) ) .OR. ( NORM.EQ.'1' ) ) THEN * * Find norm1(A). * VALUE = ZERO DO 40 J = 1, N SUM = ZERO DO 30 I = 1, MIN( N, J+1 ) SUM = SUM + ABS( A( I, J ) ) 30 CONTINUE VALUE = MAX( VALUE, SUM ) 40 CONTINUE ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'I' ) ) THEN * * Find normI(A). * DO 50 I = 1, N WORK( I ) = ZERO 50 CONTINUE DO 70 J = 1, N DO 60 I = 1, MIN( N, J+1 ) WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABS( A( I, J ) ) 60 CONTINUE 70 CONTINUE VALUE = ZERO DO 80 I = 1, N VALUE = MAX( VALUE, WORK( I ) ) 80 CONTINUE ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'F' ) ) .OR. ( LSAME( NORM, 'E' ) ) ) THEN * * Find normF(A). * SCALE = ZERO SUM = ONE DO 90 J = 1, N CALL DLASSQ( MIN( N, J+1 ), A( 1, J ), 1, SCALE, SUM ) 90 CONTINUE VALUE = SCALE*SQRT( SUM ) END IF * DLANHS = VALUE RETURN * * End of DLANHS * END DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DLANSB( NORM, UPLO, N, K, AB, LDAB, $ WORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER NORM, UPLO INTEGER K, LDAB, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION AB( LDAB, * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLANSB returns the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm, or * the infinity norm, or the element of largest absolute value of an * n by n symmetric band matrix A, with k super-diagonals. * * Description * =========== * * DLANSB returns the value * * DLANSB = ( max(abs(A(i,j))), NORM = 'M' or 'm' * ( * ( norm1(A), NORM = '1', 'O' or 'o' * ( * ( normI(A), NORM = 'I' or 'i' * ( * ( normF(A), NORM = 'F', 'f', 'E' or 'e' * * where norm1 denotes the one norm of a matrix (maximum column sum), * normI denotes the infinity norm of a matrix (maximum row sum) and * normF denotes the Frobenius norm of a matrix (square root of sum of * squares). Note that max(abs(A(i,j))) is not a matrix norm. * * Arguments * ========= * * NORM (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the value to be returned in DLANSB as described * above. * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the upper or lower triangular part of the * band matrix A is supplied. * = 'U': Upper triangular part is supplied * = 'L': Lower triangular part is supplied * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. When N = 0, DLANSB is * set to zero. * * K (input) INTEGER * The number of super-diagonals or sub-diagonals of the * band matrix A. K >= 0. * * AB (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDAB,N) * The upper or lower triangle of the symmetric band matrix A, * stored in the first K+1 rows of AB. The j-th column of A is * stored in the j-th column of the array AB as follows: * if UPLO = 'U', AB(k+1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for max(1,j-k)<=i<=j; * if UPLO = 'L', AB(1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for j<=i<=min(n,j+k). * * LDAB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array AB. LDAB >= K+1. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LWORK), * where LWORK >= N when NORM = 'I' or '1' or 'O'; otherwise, * WORK is not referenced. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J, L DOUBLE PRECISION ABSA, SCALE, SUM, VALUE * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLASSQ * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( N.EQ.0 ) THEN VALUE = ZERO ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'M' ) ) THEN * * Find max(abs(A(i,j))). * VALUE = ZERO IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 20 J = 1, N DO 10 I = MAX( K+2-J, 1 ), K + 1 VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( AB( I, J ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE ELSE DO 40 J = 1, N DO 30 I = 1, MIN( N+1-J, K+1 ) VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( AB( I, J ) ) ) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'I' ) ) .OR. ( LSAME( NORM, 'O' ) ) .OR. $ ( NORM.EQ.'1' ) ) THEN * * Find normI(A) ( = norm1(A), since A is symmetric). * VALUE = ZERO IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 60 J = 1, N SUM = ZERO L = K + 1 - J DO 50 I = MAX( 1, J-K ), J - 1 ABSA = ABS( AB( L+I, J ) ) SUM = SUM + ABSA WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABSA 50 CONTINUE WORK( J ) = SUM + ABS( AB( K+1, J ) ) 60 CONTINUE DO 70 I = 1, N VALUE = MAX( VALUE, WORK( I ) ) 70 CONTINUE ELSE DO 80 I = 1, N WORK( I ) = ZERO 80 CONTINUE DO 100 J = 1, N SUM = WORK( J ) + ABS( AB( 1, J ) ) L = 1 - J DO 90 I = J + 1, MIN( N, J+K ) ABSA = ABS( AB( L+I, J ) ) SUM = SUM + ABSA WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABSA 90 CONTINUE VALUE = MAX( VALUE, SUM ) 100 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'F' ) ) .OR. ( LSAME( NORM, 'E' ) ) ) THEN * * Find normF(A). * SCALE = ZERO SUM = ONE IF( K.GT.0 ) THEN IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 110 J = 2, N CALL DLASSQ( MIN( J-1, K ), AB( MAX( K+2-J, 1 ), J ), $ 1, SCALE, SUM ) 110 CONTINUE L = K + 1 ELSE DO 120 J = 1, N - 1 CALL DLASSQ( MIN( N-J, K ), AB( 2, J ), 1, SCALE, $ SUM ) 120 CONTINUE L = 1 END IF SUM = 2*SUM ELSE L = 1 END IF CALL DLASSQ( N, AB( L, 1 ), LDAB, SCALE, SUM ) VALUE = SCALE*SQRT( SUM ) END IF * DLANSB = VALUE RETURN * * End of DLANSB * END DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DLANSP( NORM, UPLO, N, AP, WORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER NORM, UPLO INTEGER N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION AP( * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLANSP returns the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm, or * the infinity norm, or the element of largest absolute value of a * real symmetric matrix A, supplied in packed form. * * Description * =========== * * DLANSP returns the value * * DLANSP = ( max(abs(A(i,j))), NORM = 'M' or 'm' * ( * ( norm1(A), NORM = '1', 'O' or 'o' * ( * ( normI(A), NORM = 'I' or 'i' * ( * ( normF(A), NORM = 'F', 'f', 'E' or 'e' * * where norm1 denotes the one norm of a matrix (maximum column sum), * normI denotes the infinity norm of a matrix (maximum row sum) and * normF denotes the Frobenius norm of a matrix (square root of sum of * squares). Note that max(abs(A(i,j))) is not a matrix norm. * * Arguments * ========= * * NORM (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the value to be returned in DLANSP as described * above. * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the upper or lower triangular part of the * symmetric matrix A is supplied. * = 'U': Upper triangular part of A is supplied * = 'L': Lower triangular part of A is supplied * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. When N = 0, DLANSP is * set to zero. * * AP (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N*(N+1)/2) * The upper or lower triangle of the symmetric matrix A, packed * columnwise in a linear array. The j-th column of A is stored * in the array AP as follows: * if UPLO = 'U', AP(i + (j-1)*j/2) = A(i,j) for 1<=i<=j; * if UPLO = 'L', AP(i + (j-1)*(2n-j)/2) = A(i,j) for j<=i<=n. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LWORK), * where LWORK >= N when NORM = 'I' or '1' or 'O'; otherwise, * WORK is not referenced. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J, K DOUBLE PRECISION ABSA, SCALE, SUM, VALUE * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLASSQ * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( N.EQ.0 ) THEN VALUE = ZERO ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'M' ) ) THEN * * Find max(abs(A(i,j))). * VALUE = ZERO IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN K = 1 DO 20 J = 1, N DO 10 I = K, K + J - 1 VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( AP( I ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE K = K + J 20 CONTINUE ELSE K = 1 DO 40 J = 1, N DO 30 I = K, K + N - J VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( AP( I ) ) ) 30 CONTINUE K = K + N - J + 1 40 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'I' ) ) .OR. ( LSAME( NORM, 'O' ) ) .OR. $ ( NORM.EQ.'1' ) ) THEN * * Find normI(A) ( = norm1(A), since A is symmetric). * VALUE = ZERO K = 1 IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 60 J = 1, N SUM = ZERO DO 50 I = 1, J - 1 ABSA = ABS( AP( K ) ) SUM = SUM + ABSA WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABSA K = K + 1 50 CONTINUE WORK( J ) = SUM + ABS( AP( K ) ) K = K + 1 60 CONTINUE DO 70 I = 1, N VALUE = MAX( VALUE, WORK( I ) ) 70 CONTINUE ELSE DO 80 I = 1, N WORK( I ) = ZERO 80 CONTINUE DO 100 J = 1, N SUM = WORK( J ) + ABS( AP( K ) ) K = K + 1 DO 90 I = J + 1, N ABSA = ABS( AP( K ) ) SUM = SUM + ABSA WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABSA K = K + 1 90 CONTINUE VALUE = MAX( VALUE, SUM ) 100 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'F' ) ) .OR. ( LSAME( NORM, 'E' ) ) ) THEN * * Find normF(A). * SCALE = ZERO SUM = ONE K = 2 IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 110 J = 2, N CALL DLASSQ( J-1, AP( K ), 1, SCALE, SUM ) K = K + J 110 CONTINUE ELSE DO 120 J = 1, N - 1 CALL DLASSQ( N-J, AP( K ), 1, SCALE, SUM ) K = K + N - J + 1 120 CONTINUE END IF SUM = 2*SUM K = 1 DO 130 I = 1, N IF( AP( K ).NE.ZERO ) THEN ABSA = ABS( AP( K ) ) IF( SCALE.LT.ABSA ) THEN SUM = ONE + SUM*( SCALE / ABSA )**2 SCALE = ABSA ELSE SUM = SUM + ( ABSA / SCALE )**2 END IF END IF IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN K = K + I + 1 ELSE K = K + N - I + 1 END IF 130 CONTINUE VALUE = SCALE*SQRT( SUM ) END IF * DLANSP = VALUE RETURN * * End of DLANSP * END DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DLANST( NORM, N, D, E ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER NORM INTEGER N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), E( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLANST returns the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm, or * the infinity norm, or the element of largest absolute value of a * real symmetric tridiagonal matrix A. * * Description * =========== * * DLANST returns the value * * DLANST = ( max(abs(A(i,j))), NORM = 'M' or 'm' * ( * ( norm1(A), NORM = '1', 'O' or 'o' * ( * ( normI(A), NORM = 'I' or 'i' * ( * ( normF(A), NORM = 'F', 'f', 'E' or 'e' * * where norm1 denotes the one norm of a matrix (maximum column sum), * normI denotes the infinity norm of a matrix (maximum row sum) and * normF denotes the Frobenius norm of a matrix (square root of sum of * squares). Note that max(abs(A(i,j))) is not a matrix norm. * * Arguments * ========= * * NORM (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the value to be returned in DLANST as described * above. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. When N = 0, DLANST is * set to zero. * * D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The diagonal elements of A. * * E (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The (n-1) sub-diagonal or super-diagonal elements of A. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I DOUBLE PRECISION ANORM, SCALE, SUM * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLASSQ * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( N.LE.0 ) THEN ANORM = ZERO ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'M' ) ) THEN * * Find max(abs(A(i,j))). * ANORM = ABS( D( N ) ) DO 10 I = 1, N - 1 ANORM = MAX( ANORM, ABS( D( I ) ) ) ANORM = MAX( ANORM, ABS( E( I ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'O' ) .OR. NORM.EQ.'1' .OR. $ LSAME( NORM, 'I' ) ) THEN * * Find norm1(A). * IF( N.EQ.1 ) THEN ANORM = ABS( D( 1 ) ) ELSE ANORM = MAX( ABS( D( 1 ) )+ABS( E( 1 ) ), $ ABS( E( N-1 ) )+ABS( D( N ) ) ) DO 20 I = 2, N - 1 ANORM = MAX( ANORM, ABS( D( I ) )+ABS( E( I ) )+ $ ABS( E( I-1 ) ) ) 20 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'F' ) ) .OR. ( LSAME( NORM, 'E' ) ) ) THEN * * Find normF(A). * SCALE = ZERO SUM = ONE IF( N.GT.1 ) THEN CALL DLASSQ( N-1, E, 1, SCALE, SUM ) SUM = 2*SUM END IF CALL DLASSQ( N, D, 1, SCALE, SUM ) ANORM = SCALE*SQRT( SUM ) END IF * DLANST = ANORM RETURN * * End of DLANST * END DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DLANSY( NORM, UPLO, N, A, LDA, WORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER NORM, UPLO INTEGER LDA, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLANSY returns the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm, or * the infinity norm, or the element of largest absolute value of a * real symmetric matrix A. * * Description * =========== * * DLANSY returns the value * * DLANSY = ( max(abs(A(i,j))), NORM = 'M' or 'm' * ( * ( norm1(A), NORM = '1', 'O' or 'o' * ( * ( normI(A), NORM = 'I' or 'i' * ( * ( normF(A), NORM = 'F', 'f', 'E' or 'e' * * where norm1 denotes the one norm of a matrix (maximum column sum), * normI denotes the infinity norm of a matrix (maximum row sum) and * normF denotes the Frobenius norm of a matrix (square root of sum of * squares). Note that max(abs(A(i,j))) is not a matrix norm. * * Arguments * ========= * * NORM (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the value to be returned in DLANSY as described * above. * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the upper or lower triangular part of the * symmetric matrix A is to be referenced. * = 'U': Upper triangular part of A is referenced * = 'L': Lower triangular part of A is referenced * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. When N = 0, DLANSY is * set to zero. * * A (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * The symmetric matrix A. If UPLO = 'U', the leading n by n * upper triangular part of A contains the upper triangular part * of the matrix A, and the strictly lower triangular part of A * is not referenced. If UPLO = 'L', the leading n by n lower * triangular part of A contains the lower triangular part of * the matrix A, and the strictly upper triangular part of A is * not referenced. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(N,1). * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LWORK), * where LWORK >= N when NORM = 'I' or '1' or 'O'; otherwise, * WORK is not referenced. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J DOUBLE PRECISION ABSA, SCALE, SUM, VALUE * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLASSQ * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( N.EQ.0 ) THEN VALUE = ZERO ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'M' ) ) THEN * * Find max(abs(A(i,j))). * VALUE = ZERO IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 20 J = 1, N DO 10 I = 1, J VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( A( I, J ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE ELSE DO 40 J = 1, N DO 30 I = J, N VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( A( I, J ) ) ) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'I' ) ) .OR. ( LSAME( NORM, 'O' ) ) .OR. $ ( NORM.EQ.'1' ) ) THEN * * Find normI(A) ( = norm1(A), since A is symmetric). * VALUE = ZERO IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 60 J = 1, N SUM = ZERO DO 50 I = 1, J - 1 ABSA = ABS( A( I, J ) ) SUM = SUM + ABSA WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABSA 50 CONTINUE WORK( J ) = SUM + ABS( A( J, J ) ) 60 CONTINUE DO 70 I = 1, N VALUE = MAX( VALUE, WORK( I ) ) 70 CONTINUE ELSE DO 80 I = 1, N WORK( I ) = ZERO 80 CONTINUE DO 100 J = 1, N SUM = WORK( J ) + ABS( A( J, J ) ) DO 90 I = J + 1, N ABSA = ABS( A( I, J ) ) SUM = SUM + ABSA WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABSA 90 CONTINUE VALUE = MAX( VALUE, SUM ) 100 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'F' ) ) .OR. ( LSAME( NORM, 'E' ) ) ) THEN * * Find normF(A). * SCALE = ZERO SUM = ONE IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 110 J = 2, N CALL DLASSQ( J-1, A( 1, J ), 1, SCALE, SUM ) 110 CONTINUE ELSE DO 120 J = 1, N - 1 CALL DLASSQ( N-J, A( J+1, J ), 1, SCALE, SUM ) 120 CONTINUE END IF SUM = 2*SUM CALL DLASSQ( N, A, LDA+1, SCALE, SUM ) VALUE = SCALE*SQRT( SUM ) END IF * DLANSY = VALUE RETURN * * End of DLANSY * END DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DLANTB( NORM, UPLO, DIAG, N, K, AB, $ LDAB, WORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER DIAG, NORM, UPLO INTEGER K, LDAB, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION AB( LDAB, * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLANTB returns the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm, or * the infinity norm, or the element of largest absolute value of an * n by n triangular band matrix A, with ( k + 1 ) diagonals. * * Description * =========== * * DLANTB returns the value * * DLANTB = ( max(abs(A(i,j))), NORM = 'M' or 'm' * ( * ( norm1(A), NORM = '1', 'O' or 'o' * ( * ( normI(A), NORM = 'I' or 'i' * ( * ( normF(A), NORM = 'F', 'f', 'E' or 'e' * * where norm1 denotes the one norm of a matrix (maximum column sum), * normI denotes the infinity norm of a matrix (maximum row sum) and * normF denotes the Frobenius norm of a matrix (square root of sum of * squares). Note that max(abs(A(i,j))) is not a matrix norm. * * Arguments * ========= * * NORM (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the value to be returned in DLANTB as described * above. * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the matrix A is upper or lower triangular. * = 'U': Upper triangular * = 'L': Lower triangular * * DIAG (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether or not the matrix A is unit triangular. * = 'N': Non-unit triangular * = 'U': Unit triangular * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. When N = 0, DLANTB is * set to zero. * * K (input) INTEGER * The number of super-diagonals of the matrix A if UPLO = 'U', * or the number of sub-diagonals of the matrix A if UPLO = 'L'. * K >= 0. * * AB (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDAB,N) * The upper or lower triangular band matrix A, stored in the * first k+1 rows of AB. The j-th column of A is stored * in the j-th column of the array AB as follows: * if UPLO = 'U', AB(k+1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for max(1,j-k)<=i<=j; * if UPLO = 'L', AB(1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for j<=i<=min(n,j+k). * Note that when DIAG = 'U', the elements of the array AB * corresponding to the diagonal elements of the matrix A are * not referenced, but are assumed to be one. * * LDAB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array AB. LDAB >= K+1. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LWORK), * where LWORK >= N when NORM = 'I'; otherwise, WORK is not * referenced. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL UDIAG INTEGER I, J, L DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE, SUM, VALUE * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLASSQ * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( N.EQ.0 ) THEN VALUE = ZERO ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'M' ) ) THEN * * Find max(abs(A(i,j))). * IF( LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN VALUE = ONE IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 20 J = 1, N DO 10 I = MAX( K+2-J, 1 ), K VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( AB( I, J ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE ELSE DO 40 J = 1, N DO 30 I = 2, MIN( N+1-J, K+1 ) VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( AB( I, J ) ) ) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE END IF ELSE VALUE = ZERO IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 60 J = 1, N DO 50 I = MAX( K+2-J, 1 ), K + 1 VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( AB( I, J ) ) ) 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE ELSE DO 80 J = 1, N DO 70 I = 1, MIN( N+1-J, K+1 ) VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( AB( I, J ) ) ) 70 CONTINUE 80 CONTINUE END IF END IF ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'O' ) ) .OR. ( NORM.EQ.'1' ) ) THEN * * Find norm1(A). * VALUE = ZERO UDIAG = LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 110 J = 1, N IF( UDIAG ) THEN SUM = ONE DO 90 I = MAX( K+2-J, 1 ), K SUM = SUM + ABS( AB( I, J ) ) 90 CONTINUE ELSE SUM = ZERO DO 100 I = MAX( K+2-J, 1 ), K + 1 SUM = SUM + ABS( AB( I, J ) ) 100 CONTINUE END IF VALUE = MAX( VALUE, SUM ) 110 CONTINUE ELSE DO 140 J = 1, N IF( UDIAG ) THEN SUM = ONE DO 120 I = 2, MIN( N+1-J, K+1 ) SUM = SUM + ABS( AB( I, J ) ) 120 CONTINUE ELSE SUM = ZERO DO 130 I = 1, MIN( N+1-J, K+1 ) SUM = SUM + ABS( AB( I, J ) ) 130 CONTINUE END IF VALUE = MAX( VALUE, SUM ) 140 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'I' ) ) THEN * * Find normI(A). * VALUE = ZERO IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN IF( LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 150 I = 1, N WORK( I ) = ONE 150 CONTINUE DO 170 J = 1, N L = K + 1 - J DO 160 I = MAX( 1, J-K ), J - 1 WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABS( AB( L+I, J ) ) 160 CONTINUE 170 CONTINUE ELSE DO 180 I = 1, N WORK( I ) = ZERO 180 CONTINUE DO 200 J = 1, N L = K + 1 - J DO 190 I = MAX( 1, J-K ), J WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABS( AB( L+I, J ) ) 190 CONTINUE 200 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 210 I = 1, N WORK( I ) = ONE 210 CONTINUE DO 230 J = 1, N L = 1 - J DO 220 I = J + 1, MIN( N, J+K ) WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABS( AB( L+I, J ) ) 220 CONTINUE 230 CONTINUE ELSE DO 240 I = 1, N WORK( I ) = ZERO 240 CONTINUE DO 260 J = 1, N L = 1 - J DO 250 I = J, MIN( N, J+K ) WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABS( AB( L+I, J ) ) 250 CONTINUE 260 CONTINUE END IF END IF DO 270 I = 1, N VALUE = MAX( VALUE, WORK( I ) ) 270 CONTINUE ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'F' ) ) .OR. ( LSAME( NORM, 'E' ) ) ) THEN * * Find normF(A). * IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN IF( LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN SCALE = ONE SUM = N IF( K.GT.0 ) THEN DO 280 J = 2, N CALL DLASSQ( MIN( J-1, K ), $ AB( MAX( K+2-J, 1 ), J ), 1, SCALE, $ SUM ) 280 CONTINUE END IF ELSE SCALE = ZERO SUM = ONE DO 290 J = 1, N CALL DLASSQ( MIN( J, K+1 ), AB( MAX( K+2-J, 1 ), J ), $ 1, SCALE, SUM ) 290 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN SCALE = ONE SUM = N IF( K.GT.0 ) THEN DO 300 J = 1, N - 1 CALL DLASSQ( MIN( N-J, K ), AB( 2, J ), 1, SCALE, $ SUM ) 300 CONTINUE END IF ELSE SCALE = ZERO SUM = ONE DO 310 J = 1, N CALL DLASSQ( MIN( N-J+1, K+1 ), AB( 1, J ), 1, SCALE, $ SUM ) 310 CONTINUE END IF END IF VALUE = SCALE*SQRT( SUM ) END IF * DLANTB = VALUE RETURN * * End of DLANTB * END DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DLANTP( NORM, UPLO, DIAG, N, AP, WORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER DIAG, NORM, UPLO INTEGER N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION AP( * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLANTP returns the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm, or * the infinity norm, or the element of largest absolute value of a * triangular matrix A, supplied in packed form. * * Description * =========== * * DLANTP returns the value * * DLANTP = ( max(abs(A(i,j))), NORM = 'M' or 'm' * ( * ( norm1(A), NORM = '1', 'O' or 'o' * ( * ( normI(A), NORM = 'I' or 'i' * ( * ( normF(A), NORM = 'F', 'f', 'E' or 'e' * * where norm1 denotes the one norm of a matrix (maximum column sum), * normI denotes the infinity norm of a matrix (maximum row sum) and * normF denotes the Frobenius norm of a matrix (square root of sum of * squares). Note that max(abs(A(i,j))) is not a matrix norm. * * Arguments * ========= * * NORM (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the value to be returned in DLANTP as described * above. * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the matrix A is upper or lower triangular. * = 'U': Upper triangular * = 'L': Lower triangular * * DIAG (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether or not the matrix A is unit triangular. * = 'N': Non-unit triangular * = 'U': Unit triangular * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. When N = 0, DLANTP is * set to zero. * * AP (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N*(N+1)/2) * The upper or lower triangular matrix A, packed columnwise in * a linear array. The j-th column of A is stored in the array * AP as follows: * if UPLO = 'U', AP(i + (j-1)*j/2) = A(i,j) for 1<=i<=j; * if UPLO = 'L', AP(i + (j-1)*(2n-j)/2) = A(i,j) for j<=i<=n. * Note that when DIAG = 'U', the elements of the array AP * corresponding to the diagonal elements of the matrix A are * not referenced, but are assumed to be one. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LWORK), * where LWORK >= N when NORM = 'I'; otherwise, WORK is not * referenced. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL UDIAG INTEGER I, J, K DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE, SUM, VALUE * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLASSQ * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( N.EQ.0 ) THEN VALUE = ZERO ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'M' ) ) THEN * * Find max(abs(A(i,j))). * K = 1 IF( LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN VALUE = ONE IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 20 J = 1, N DO 10 I = K, K + J - 2 VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( AP( I ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE K = K + J 20 CONTINUE ELSE DO 40 J = 1, N DO 30 I = K + 1, K + N - J VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( AP( I ) ) ) 30 CONTINUE K = K + N - J + 1 40 CONTINUE END IF ELSE VALUE = ZERO IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 60 J = 1, N DO 50 I = K, K + J - 1 VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( AP( I ) ) ) 50 CONTINUE K = K + J 60 CONTINUE ELSE DO 80 J = 1, N DO 70 I = K, K + N - J VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( AP( I ) ) ) 70 CONTINUE K = K + N - J + 1 80 CONTINUE END IF END IF ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'O' ) ) .OR. ( NORM.EQ.'1' ) ) THEN * * Find norm1(A). * VALUE = ZERO K = 1 UDIAG = LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 110 J = 1, N IF( UDIAG ) THEN SUM = ONE DO 90 I = K, K + J - 2 SUM = SUM + ABS( AP( I ) ) 90 CONTINUE ELSE SUM = ZERO DO 100 I = K, K + J - 1 SUM = SUM + ABS( AP( I ) ) 100 CONTINUE END IF K = K + J VALUE = MAX( VALUE, SUM ) 110 CONTINUE ELSE DO 140 J = 1, N IF( UDIAG ) THEN SUM = ONE DO 120 I = K + 1, K + N - J SUM = SUM + ABS( AP( I ) ) 120 CONTINUE ELSE SUM = ZERO DO 130 I = K, K + N - J SUM = SUM + ABS( AP( I ) ) 130 CONTINUE END IF K = K + N - J + 1 VALUE = MAX( VALUE, SUM ) 140 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'I' ) ) THEN * * Find normI(A). * K = 1 IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN IF( LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 150 I = 1, N WORK( I ) = ONE 150 CONTINUE DO 170 J = 1, N DO 160 I = 1, J - 1 WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABS( AP( K ) ) K = K + 1 160 CONTINUE K = K + 1 170 CONTINUE ELSE DO 180 I = 1, N WORK( I ) = ZERO 180 CONTINUE DO 200 J = 1, N DO 190 I = 1, J WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABS( AP( K ) ) K = K + 1 190 CONTINUE 200 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 210 I = 1, N WORK( I ) = ONE 210 CONTINUE DO 230 J = 1, N K = K + 1 DO 220 I = J + 1, N WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABS( AP( K ) ) K = K + 1 220 CONTINUE 230 CONTINUE ELSE DO 240 I = 1, N WORK( I ) = ZERO 240 CONTINUE DO 260 J = 1, N DO 250 I = J, N WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABS( AP( K ) ) K = K + 1 250 CONTINUE 260 CONTINUE END IF END IF VALUE = ZERO DO 270 I = 1, N VALUE = MAX( VALUE, WORK( I ) ) 270 CONTINUE ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'F' ) ) .OR. ( LSAME( NORM, 'E' ) ) ) THEN * * Find normF(A). * IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN IF( LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN SCALE = ONE SUM = N K = 2 DO 280 J = 2, N CALL DLASSQ( J-1, AP( K ), 1, SCALE, SUM ) K = K + J 280 CONTINUE ELSE SCALE = ZERO SUM = ONE K = 1 DO 290 J = 1, N CALL DLASSQ( J, AP( K ), 1, SCALE, SUM ) K = K + J 290 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN SCALE = ONE SUM = N K = 2 DO 300 J = 1, N - 1 CALL DLASSQ( N-J, AP( K ), 1, SCALE, SUM ) K = K + N - J + 1 300 CONTINUE ELSE SCALE = ZERO SUM = ONE K = 1 DO 310 J = 1, N CALL DLASSQ( N-J+1, AP( K ), 1, SCALE, SUM ) K = K + N - J + 1 310 CONTINUE END IF END IF VALUE = SCALE*SQRT( SUM ) END IF * DLANTP = VALUE RETURN * * End of DLANTP * END DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DLANTR( NORM, UPLO, DIAG, M, N, A, LDA, $ WORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER DIAG, NORM, UPLO INTEGER LDA, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLANTR returns the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm, or * the infinity norm, or the element of largest absolute value of a * trapezoidal or triangular matrix A. * * Description * =========== * * DLANTR returns the value * * DLANTR = ( max(abs(A(i,j))), NORM = 'M' or 'm' * ( * ( norm1(A), NORM = '1', 'O' or 'o' * ( * ( normI(A), NORM = 'I' or 'i' * ( * ( normF(A), NORM = 'F', 'f', 'E' or 'e' * * where norm1 denotes the one norm of a matrix (maximum column sum), * normI denotes the infinity norm of a matrix (maximum row sum) and * normF denotes the Frobenius norm of a matrix (square root of sum of * squares). Note that max(abs(A(i,j))) is not a matrix norm. * * Arguments * ========= * * NORM (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the value to be returned in DLANTR as described * above. * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the matrix A is upper or lower trapezoidal. * = 'U': Upper trapezoidal * = 'L': Lower trapezoidal * Note that A is triangular instead of trapezoidal if M = N. * * DIAG (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether or not the matrix A has unit diagonal. * = 'N': Non-unit diagonal * = 'U': Unit diagonal * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0, and if * UPLO = 'U', M <= N. When M = 0, DLANTR is set to zero. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0, and if * UPLO = 'L', N <= M. When N = 0, DLANTR is set to zero. * * A (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * The trapezoidal matrix A (A is triangular if M = N). * If UPLO = 'U', the leading m by n upper trapezoidal part of * the array A contains the upper trapezoidal matrix, and the * strictly lower triangular part of A is not referenced. * If UPLO = 'L', the leading m by n lower trapezoidal part of * the array A contains the lower trapezoidal matrix, and the * strictly upper triangular part of A is not referenced. Note * that when DIAG = 'U', the diagonal elements of A are not * referenced and are assumed to be one. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(M,1). * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LWORK), * where LWORK >= M when NORM = 'I'; otherwise, WORK is not * referenced. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL UDIAG INTEGER I, J DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE, SUM, VALUE * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLASSQ * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( MIN( M, N ).EQ.0 ) THEN VALUE = ZERO ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'M' ) ) THEN * * Find max(abs(A(i,j))). * IF( LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN VALUE = ONE IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 20 J = 1, N DO 10 I = 1, MIN( M, J-1 ) VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( A( I, J ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE ELSE DO 40 J = 1, N DO 30 I = J + 1, M VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( A( I, J ) ) ) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE END IF ELSE VALUE = ZERO IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 60 J = 1, N DO 50 I = 1, MIN( M, J ) VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( A( I, J ) ) ) 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE ELSE DO 80 J = 1, N DO 70 I = J, M VALUE = MAX( VALUE, ABS( A( I, J ) ) ) 70 CONTINUE 80 CONTINUE END IF END IF ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'O' ) ) .OR. ( NORM.EQ.'1' ) ) THEN * * Find norm1(A). * VALUE = ZERO UDIAG = LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 110 J = 1, N IF( ( UDIAG ) .AND. ( J.LE.M ) ) THEN SUM = ONE DO 90 I = 1, J - 1 SUM = SUM + ABS( A( I, J ) ) 90 CONTINUE ELSE SUM = ZERO DO 100 I = 1, MIN( M, J ) SUM = SUM + ABS( A( I, J ) ) 100 CONTINUE END IF VALUE = MAX( VALUE, SUM ) 110 CONTINUE ELSE DO 140 J = 1, N IF( UDIAG ) THEN SUM = ONE DO 120 I = J + 1, M SUM = SUM + ABS( A( I, J ) ) 120 CONTINUE ELSE SUM = ZERO DO 130 I = J, M SUM = SUM + ABS( A( I, J ) ) 130 CONTINUE END IF VALUE = MAX( VALUE, SUM ) 140 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( LSAME( NORM, 'I' ) ) THEN * * Find normI(A). * IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN IF( LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 150 I = 1, M WORK( I ) = ONE 150 CONTINUE DO 170 J = 1, N DO 160 I = 1, MIN( M, J-1 ) WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABS( A( I, J ) ) 160 CONTINUE 170 CONTINUE ELSE DO 180 I = 1, M WORK( I ) = ZERO 180 CONTINUE DO 200 J = 1, N DO 190 I = 1, MIN( M, J ) WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABS( A( I, J ) ) 190 CONTINUE 200 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN DO 210 I = 1, N WORK( I ) = ONE 210 CONTINUE DO 220 I = N + 1, M WORK( I ) = ZERO 220 CONTINUE DO 240 J = 1, N DO 230 I = J + 1, M WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABS( A( I, J ) ) 230 CONTINUE 240 CONTINUE ELSE DO 250 I = 1, M WORK( I ) = ZERO 250 CONTINUE DO 270 J = 1, N DO 260 I = J, M WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABS( A( I, J ) ) 260 CONTINUE 270 CONTINUE END IF END IF VALUE = ZERO DO 280 I = 1, M VALUE = MAX( VALUE, WORK( I ) ) 280 CONTINUE ELSE IF( ( LSAME( NORM, 'F' ) ) .OR. ( LSAME( NORM, 'E' ) ) ) THEN * * Find normF(A). * IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN IF( LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN SCALE = ONE SUM = MIN( M, N ) DO 290 J = 2, N CALL DLASSQ( MIN( M, J-1 ), A( 1, J ), 1, SCALE, SUM ) 290 CONTINUE ELSE SCALE = ZERO SUM = ONE DO 300 J = 1, N CALL DLASSQ( MIN( M, J ), A( 1, J ), 1, SCALE, SUM ) 300 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN SCALE = ONE SUM = MIN( M, N ) DO 310 J = 1, N CALL DLASSQ( M-J, A( MIN( M, J+1 ), J ), 1, SCALE, $ SUM ) 310 CONTINUE ELSE SCALE = ZERO SUM = ONE DO 320 J = 1, N CALL DLASSQ( M-J+1, A( J, J ), 1, SCALE, SUM ) 320 CONTINUE END IF END IF VALUE = SCALE*SQRT( SUM ) END IF * DLANTR = VALUE RETURN * * End of DLANTR * END SUBROUTINE DLAPLL( N, X, INCX, Y, INCY, SSMIN ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * March 31, 1993 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INCX, INCY, N DOUBLE PRECISION SSMIN * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION X( * ), Y( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * Given two column vectors X and Y, let * * A = ( X Y ). * * The subroutine first computes the QR factorization of A = Q*R, * and then computes the SVD of the 2-by-2 upper triangular matrix R. * The smaller singular value of R is returned in SSMIN, which is used * as the measurement of the linear dependency of the vectors X and Y. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The length of the vectors X and Y. * * X (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension (1+(N-1)*INCX) * On entry, X contains the N-vector X. * On exit, X is overwritten. * * INCX (input) INTEGER * The increment between successive elements of X. INCX > 0. * * Y (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension (1+(N-1)*INCY) * On entry, Y contains the N-vector Y. * On exit, Y is overwritten. * * INCY (input) INTEGER * The increment between successive elements of Y. INCY > 0. * * SSMIN (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The smallest singular value of the N-by-2 matrix A = ( X Y ). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION A11, A12, A22, C, SSMAX, TAU * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DDOT EXTERNAL DDOT * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DAXPY, DLARFG, DLAS2 * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.LE.1 ) THEN SSMIN = ZERO RETURN END IF * * Compute the QR factorization of the N-by-2 matrix ( X Y ) * CALL DLARFG( N, X( 1 ), X( 1+INCX ), INCX, TAU ) A11 = X( 1 ) X( 1 ) = ONE * C = -TAU*DDOT( N, X, INCX, Y, INCY ) CALL DAXPY( N, C, X, INCX, Y, INCY ) * CALL DLARFG( N-1, Y( 1+INCY ), Y( 1+2*INCY ), INCY, TAU ) * A12 = Y( 1 ) A22 = Y( 1+INCY ) * * Compute the SVD of 2-by-2 Upper triangular matrix. * CALL DLAS2( A11, A12, A22, SSMIN, SSMAX ) * RETURN * * End of DLAPLL * END SUBROUTINE DLAPMT( FORWRD, M, N, X, LDX, K ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * March 31, 1993 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL FORWRD INTEGER LDX, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER K( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION X( LDX, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAPMT rearranges the columns of the M by N matrix X as specified * by the permutation K(1),K(2),...,K(N) of the integers 1,...,N. * If FORWRD = .TRUE., forward permutation: * * X(*,K(J)) is moved X(*,J) for J = 1,2,...,N. * * If FORWRD = .FALSE., backward permutation: * * X(*,J) is moved to X(*,K(J)) for J = 1,2,...,N. * * Arguments * ========= * * FORWRD (input) LOGICAL * = .TRUE., forward permutation * = .FALSE., backward permutation * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix X. M >= 0. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix X. N >= 0. * * X (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDX,N) * On entry, the M by N matrix X. * On exit, X contains the permuted matrix X. * * LDX (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array X, LDX >= MAX(1,M). * * K (input) INTEGER array, dimension (N) * On entry, K contains the permutation vector. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, II, IN, J DOUBLE PRECISION TEMP * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( N.LE.1 ) $ RETURN * DO 10 I = 1, N K( I ) = -K( I ) 10 CONTINUE * IF( FORWRD ) THEN * * Forward permutation * DO 50 I = 1, N * IF( K( I ).GT.0 ) $ GO TO 40 * J = I K( J ) = -K( J ) IN = K( J ) * 20 CONTINUE IF( K( IN ).GT.0 ) $ GO TO 40 * DO 30 II = 1, M TEMP = X( II, J ) X( II, J ) = X( II, IN ) X( II, IN ) = TEMP 30 CONTINUE * K( IN ) = -K( IN ) J = IN IN = K( IN ) GO TO 20 * 40 CONTINUE * 50 CONTINUE * ELSE * * Backward permutation * DO 90 I = 1, N * IF( K( I ).GT.0 ) $ GO TO 80 * K( I ) = -K( I ) J = K( I ) 60 CONTINUE IF( J.EQ.I ) $ GO TO 80 * DO 70 II = 1, M TEMP = X( II, I ) X( II, I ) = X( II, J ) X( II, J ) = TEMP 70 CONTINUE * K( J ) = -K( J ) J = K( J ) GO TO 60 * 80 CONTINUE * 90 CONTINUE * END IF * RETURN * * End of DLAPMT * END DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DLAPY2( X, Y ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION X, Y * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAPY2 returns sqrt(x**2+y**2), taking care not to cause unnecessary * overflow. * * Arguments * ========= * * X (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Y (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * X and Y specify the values x and y. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION W, XABS, YABS, Z * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * XABS = ABS( X ) YABS = ABS( Y ) W = MAX( XABS, YABS ) Z = MIN( XABS, YABS ) IF( Z.EQ.ZERO ) THEN DLAPY2 = W ELSE DLAPY2 = W*SQRT( ONE+( Z / W )**2 ) END IF RETURN * * End of DLAPY2 * END DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DLAPY3( X, Y, Z ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION X, Y, Z * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAPY3 returns sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2), taking care not to cause * unnecessary overflow. * * Arguments * ========= * * X (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Y (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Z (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * X, Y and Z specify the values x, y and z. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION W, XABS, YABS, ZABS * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * XABS = ABS( X ) YABS = ABS( Y ) ZABS = ABS( Z ) W = MAX( XABS, YABS, ZABS ) IF( W.EQ.ZERO ) THEN DLAPY3 = ZERO ELSE DLAPY3 = W*SQRT( ( XABS / W )**2+( YABS / W )**2+ $ ( ZABS / W )**2 ) END IF RETURN * * End of DLAPY3 * END SUBROUTINE DLAQGB( M, N, KL, KU, AB, LDAB, R, C, ROWCND, COLCND, $ AMAX, EQUED ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER EQUED INTEGER KL, KU, LDAB, M, N DOUBLE PRECISION AMAX, COLCND, ROWCND * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION AB( LDAB, * ), C( * ), R( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAQGB equilibrates a general M by N band matrix A with KL * subdiagonals and KU superdiagonals using the row and scaling factors * in the vectors R and C. * * Arguments * ========= * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * KL (input) INTEGER * The number of subdiagonals within the band of A. KL >= 0. * * KU (input) INTEGER * The number of superdiagonals within the band of A. KU >= 0. * * AB (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDAB,N) * On entry, the matrix A in band storage, in rows 1 to KL+KU+1. * The j-th column of A is stored in the j-th column of the * array AB as follows: * AB(ku+1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for max(1,j-ku)<=i<=min(m,j+kl) * * On exit, the equilibrated matrix, in the same storage format * as A. See EQUED for the form of the equilibrated matrix. * * LDAB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array AB. LDA >= KL+KU+1. * * R (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (M) * The row scale factors for A. * * C (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The column scale factors for A. * * ROWCND (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Ratio of the smallest R(i) to the largest R(i). * * COLCND (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Ratio of the smallest C(i) to the largest C(i). * * AMAX (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Absolute value of largest matrix entry. * * EQUED (output) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the form of equilibration that was done. * = 'N': No equilibration * = 'R': Row equilibration, i.e., A has been premultiplied by * diag(R). * = 'C': Column equilibration, i.e., A has been postmultiplied * by diag(C). * = 'B': Both row and column equilibration, i.e., A has been * replaced by diag(R) * A * diag(C). * * Internal Parameters * =================== * * THRESH is a threshold value used to decide if row or column scaling * should be done based on the ratio of the row or column scaling * factors. If ROWCND < THRESH, row scaling is done, and if * COLCND < THRESH, column scaling is done. * * LARGE and SMALL are threshold values used to decide if row scaling * should be done based on the absolute size of the largest matrix * element. If AMAX > LARGE or AMAX < SMALL, row scaling is done. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, THRESH PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, THRESH = 0.1D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J DOUBLE PRECISION CJ, LARGE, SMALL * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Quick return if possible * IF( M.LE.0 .OR. N.LE.0 ) THEN EQUED = 'N' RETURN END IF * * Initialize LARGE and SMALL. * SMALL = DLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) / DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) LARGE = ONE / SMALL * IF( ROWCND.GE.THRESH .AND. AMAX.GE.SMALL .AND. AMAX.LE.LARGE ) $ THEN * * No row scaling * IF( COLCND.GE.THRESH ) THEN * * No column scaling * EQUED = 'N' ELSE * * Column scaling * DO 20 J = 1, N CJ = C( J ) DO 10 I = MAX( 1, J-KU ), MIN( M, J+KL ) AB( KU+1+I-J, J ) = CJ*AB( KU+1+I-J, J ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE EQUED = 'C' END IF ELSE IF( COLCND.GE.THRESH ) THEN * * Row scaling, no column scaling * DO 40 J = 1, N DO 30 I = MAX( 1, J-KU ), MIN( M, J+KL ) AB( KU+1+I-J, J ) = R( I )*AB( KU+1+I-J, J ) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE EQUED = 'R' ELSE * * Row and column scaling * DO 60 J = 1, N CJ = C( J ) DO 50 I = MAX( 1, J-KU ), MIN( M, J+KL ) AB( KU+1+I-J, J ) = CJ*R( I )*AB( KU+1+I-J, J ) 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE EQUED = 'B' END IF * RETURN * * End of DLAQGB * END SUBROUTINE DLAQGE( M, N, A, LDA, R, C, ROWCND, COLCND, AMAX, $ EQUED ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER EQUED INTEGER LDA, M, N DOUBLE PRECISION AMAX, COLCND, ROWCND * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), C( * ), R( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAQGE equilibrates a general M by N matrix A using the row and * scaling factors in the vectors R and C. * * Arguments * ========= * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * On entry, the M by N matrix A. * On exit, the equilibrated matrix. See EQUED for the form of * the equilibrated matrix. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(M,1). * * R (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (M) * The row scale factors for A. * * C (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The column scale factors for A. * * ROWCND (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Ratio of the smallest R(i) to the largest R(i). * * COLCND (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Ratio of the smallest C(i) to the largest C(i). * * AMAX (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Absolute value of largest matrix entry. * * EQUED (output) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the form of equilibration that was done. * = 'N': No equilibration * = 'R': Row equilibration, i.e., A has been premultiplied by * diag(R). * = 'C': Column equilibration, i.e., A has been postmultiplied * by diag(C). * = 'B': Both row and column equilibration, i.e., A has been * replaced by diag(R) * A * diag(C). * * Internal Parameters * =================== * * THRESH is a threshold value used to decide if row or column scaling * should be done based on the ratio of the row or column scaling * factors. If ROWCND < THRESH, row scaling is done, and if * COLCND < THRESH, column scaling is done. * * LARGE and SMALL are threshold values used to decide if row scaling * should be done based on the absolute size of the largest matrix * element. If AMAX > LARGE or AMAX < SMALL, row scaling is done. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, THRESH PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, THRESH = 0.1D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J DOUBLE PRECISION CJ, LARGE, SMALL * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Quick return if possible * IF( M.LE.0 .OR. N.LE.0 ) THEN EQUED = 'N' RETURN END IF * * Initialize LARGE and SMALL. * SMALL = DLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) / DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) LARGE = ONE / SMALL * IF( ROWCND.GE.THRESH .AND. AMAX.GE.SMALL .AND. AMAX.LE.LARGE ) $ THEN * * No row scaling * IF( COLCND.GE.THRESH ) THEN * * No column scaling * EQUED = 'N' ELSE * * Column scaling * DO 20 J = 1, N CJ = C( J ) DO 10 I = 1, M A( I, J ) = CJ*A( I, J ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE EQUED = 'C' END IF ELSE IF( COLCND.GE.THRESH ) THEN * * Row scaling, no column scaling * DO 40 J = 1, N DO 30 I = 1, M A( I, J ) = R( I )*A( I, J ) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE EQUED = 'R' ELSE * * Row and column scaling * DO 60 J = 1, N CJ = C( J ) DO 50 I = 1, M A( I, J ) = CJ*R( I )*A( I, J ) 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE EQUED = 'B' END IF * RETURN * * End of DLAQGE * END SUBROUTINE DLAQP2( M, N, OFFSET, A, LDA, JPVT, TAU, VN1, VN2, $ WORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER LDA, M, N, OFFSET * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER JPVT( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), TAU( * ), VN1( * ), VN2( * ), $ WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAQP2 computes a QR factorization with column pivoting of * the block A(OFFSET+1:M,1:N). * The block A(1:OFFSET,1:N) is accordingly pivoted, but not factorized. * * Arguments * ========= * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * OFFSET (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix A that must be pivoted * but no factorized. OFFSET >= 0. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * On entry, the M-by-N matrix A. * On exit, the upper triangle of block A(OFFSET+1:M,1:N) is * the triangular factor obtained; the elements in block * A(OFFSET+1:M,1:N) below the diagonal, together with the * array TAU, represent the orthogonal matrix Q as a product of * elementary reflectors. Block A(1:OFFSET,1:N) has been * accordingly pivoted, but no factorized. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). * * JPVT (input/output) INTEGER array, dimension (N) * On entry, if JPVT(i) .ne. 0, the i-th column of A is permuted * to the front of A*P (a leading column); if JPVT(i) = 0, * the i-th column of A is a free column. * On exit, if JPVT(i) = k, then the i-th column of A*P * was the k-th column of A. * * TAU (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (min(M,N)) * The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors. * * VN1 (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The vector with the partial column norms. * * VN2 (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The vector with the exact column norms. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * G. Quintana-Orti, Depto. de Informatica, Universidad Jaime I, Spain * X. Sun, Computer Science Dept., Duke University, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, ITEMP, J, MN, OFFPI, PVT DOUBLE PRECISION AII, TEMP, TEMP2 * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLARF, DLARFG, DSWAP * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER IDAMAX DOUBLE PRECISION DNRM2 EXTERNAL IDAMAX, DNRM2 * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * MN = MIN( M-OFFSET, N ) * * Compute factorization. * DO 20 I = 1, MN * OFFPI = OFFSET + I * * Determine ith pivot column and swap if necessary. * PVT = ( I-1 ) + IDAMAX( N-I+1, VN1( I ), 1 ) * IF( PVT.NE.I ) THEN CALL DSWAP( M, A( 1, PVT ), 1, A( 1, I ), 1 ) ITEMP = JPVT( PVT ) JPVT( PVT ) = JPVT( I ) JPVT( I ) = ITEMP VN1( PVT ) = VN1( I ) VN2( PVT ) = VN2( I ) END IF * * Generate elementary reflector H(i). * IF( OFFPI.LT.M ) THEN CALL DLARFG( M-OFFPI+1, A( OFFPI, I ), A( OFFPI+1, I ), 1, $ TAU( I ) ) ELSE CALL DLARFG( 1, A( M, I ), A( M, I ), 1, TAU( I ) ) END IF * IF( I.LT.N ) THEN * * Apply H(i)' to A(offset+i:m,i+1:n) from the left. * AII = A( OFFPI, I ) A( OFFPI, I ) = ONE CALL DLARF( 'Left', M-OFFPI+1, N-I, A( OFFPI, I ), 1, $ TAU( I ), A( OFFPI, I+1 ), LDA, WORK( 1 ) ) A( OFFPI, I ) = AII END IF * * Update partial column norms. * DO 10 J = I + 1, N IF( VN1( J ).NE.ZERO ) THEN TEMP = ONE - ( ABS( A( OFFPI, J ) ) / VN1( J ) )**2 TEMP = MAX( TEMP, ZERO ) TEMP2 = ONE + 0.05D0*TEMP*( VN1( J ) / VN2( J ) )**2 IF( TEMP2.EQ.ONE ) THEN IF( OFFPI.LT.M ) THEN VN1( J ) = DNRM2( M-OFFPI, A( OFFPI+1, J ), 1 ) VN2( J ) = VN1( J ) ELSE VN1( J ) = ZERO VN2( J ) = ZERO END IF ELSE VN1( J ) = VN1( J )*SQRT( TEMP ) END IF END IF 10 CONTINUE * 20 CONTINUE * RETURN * * End of DLAQP2 * END SUBROUTINE DLAQPS( M, N, OFFSET, NB, KB, A, LDA, JPVT, TAU, VN1, $ VN2, AUXV, F, LDF ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER KB, LDA, LDF, M, N, NB, OFFSET * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER JPVT( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), AUXV( * ), F( LDF, * ), TAU( * ), $ VN1( * ), VN2( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAQPS computes a step of QR factorization with column pivoting * of a real M-by-N matrix A by using Blas-3. It tries to factorize * NB columns from A starting from the row OFFSET+1, and updates all * of the matrix with Blas-3 xGEMM. * * In some cases, due to catastrophic cancellations, it cannot * factorize NB columns. Hence, the actual number of factorized * columns is returned in KB. * * Block A(1:OFFSET,1:N) is accordingly pivoted, but not factorized. * * Arguments * ========= * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0 * * OFFSET (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of A that have been factorized in * previous steps. * * NB (input) INTEGER * The number of columns to factorize. * * KB (output) INTEGER * The number of columns actually factorized. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * On entry, the M-by-N matrix A. * On exit, block A(OFFSET+1:M,1:KB) is the triangular * factor obtained and block A(1:OFFSET,1:N) has been * accordingly pivoted, but no factorized. * The rest of the matrix, block A(OFFSET+1:M,KB+1:N) has * been updated. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). * * JPVT (input/output) INTEGER array, dimension (N) * JPVT(I) = K <==> Column K of the full matrix A has been * permuted into position I in AP. * * TAU (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (KB) * The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors. * * VN1 (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The vector with the partial column norms. * * VN2 (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The vector with the exact column norms. * * AUXV (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (NB) * Auxiliar vector. * * F (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDF,NB) * Matrix F' = L*Y'*A. * * LDF (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array F. LDF >= max(1,N). * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * G. Quintana-Orti, Depto. de Informatica, Universidad Jaime I, Spain * X. Sun, Computer Science Dept., Duke University, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER ITEMP, J, K, LASTRK, LSTICC, PVT, RK DOUBLE PRECISION AKK, TEMP, TEMP2 * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DGEMM, DGEMV, DLARFG, DSWAP * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, DBLE, MAX, MIN, NINT, SQRT * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER IDAMAX DOUBLE PRECISION DNRM2 EXTERNAL IDAMAX, DNRM2 * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * LASTRK = MIN( M, N+OFFSET ) LSTICC = 0 K = 0 * * Beginning of while loop. * 10 CONTINUE IF( ( K.LT.NB ) .AND. ( LSTICC.EQ.0 ) ) THEN K = K + 1 RK = OFFSET + K * * Determine ith pivot column and swap if necessary * PVT = ( K-1 ) + IDAMAX( N-K+1, VN1( K ), 1 ) IF( PVT.NE.K ) THEN CALL DSWAP( M, A( 1, PVT ), 1, A( 1, K ), 1 ) CALL DSWAP( K-1, F( PVT, 1 ), LDF, F( K, 1 ), LDF ) ITEMP = JPVT( PVT ) JPVT( PVT ) = JPVT( K ) JPVT( K ) = ITEMP VN1( PVT ) = VN1( K ) VN2( PVT ) = VN2( K ) END IF * * Apply previous Householder reflectors to column K: * A(RK:M,K) := A(RK:M,K) - A(RK:M,1:K-1)*F(K,1:K-1)'. * IF( K.GT.1 ) THEN CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', M-RK+1, K-1, -ONE, A( RK, 1 ), $ LDA, F( K, 1 ), LDF, ONE, A( RK, K ), 1 ) END IF * * Generate elementary reflector H(k). * IF( RK.LT.M ) THEN CALL DLARFG( M-RK+1, A( RK, K ), A( RK+1, K ), 1, TAU( K ) ) ELSE CALL DLARFG( 1, A( RK, K ), A( RK, K ), 1, TAU( K ) ) END IF * AKK = A( RK, K ) A( RK, K ) = ONE * * Compute Kth column of F: * * Compute F(K+1:N,K) := tau(K)*A(RK:M,K+1:N)'*A(RK:M,K). * IF( K.LT.N ) THEN CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', M-RK+1, N-K, TAU( K ), $ A( RK, K+1 ), LDA, A( RK, K ), 1, ZERO, $ F( K+1, K ), 1 ) END IF * * Padding F(1:K,K) with zeros. * DO 20 J = 1, K F( J, K ) = ZERO 20 CONTINUE * * Incremental updating of F: * F(1:N,K) := F(1:N,K) - tau(K)*F(1:N,1:K-1)*A(RK:M,1:K-1)' * *A(RK:M,K). * IF( K.GT.1 ) THEN CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', M-RK+1, K-1, -TAU( K ), A( RK, 1 ), $ LDA, A( RK, K ), 1, ZERO, AUXV( 1 ), 1 ) * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', N, K-1, ONE, F( 1, 1 ), LDF, $ AUXV( 1 ), 1, ONE, F( 1, K ), 1 ) END IF * * Update the current row of A: * A(RK,K+1:N) := A(RK,K+1:N) - A(RK,1:K)*F(K+1:N,1:K)'. * IF( K.LT.N ) THEN CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', N-K, K, -ONE, F( K+1, 1 ), LDF, $ A( RK, 1 ), LDA, ONE, A( RK, K+1 ), LDA ) END IF * * Update partial column norms. * IF( RK.LT.LASTRK ) THEN DO 30 J = K + 1, N IF( VN1( J ).NE.ZERO ) THEN TEMP = ABS( A( RK, J ) ) / VN1( J ) TEMP = MAX( ZERO, ( ONE+TEMP )*( ONE-TEMP ) ) TEMP2 = ONE + 0.05D0*TEMP*( VN1( J ) / VN2( J ) )**2 IF( TEMP2.EQ.ONE ) THEN VN2( J ) = DBLE( LSTICC ) LSTICC = J ELSE VN1( J ) = VN1( J )*SQRT( TEMP ) END IF END IF 30 CONTINUE END IF * A( RK, K ) = AKK * * End of while loop. * GO TO 10 END IF KB = K RK = OFFSET + KB * * Apply the block reflector to the rest of the matrix: * A(OFFSET+KB+1:M,KB+1:N) := A(OFFSET+KB+1:M,KB+1:N) - * A(OFFSET+KB+1:M,1:KB)*F(KB+1:N,1:KB)'. * IF( KB.LT.MIN( N, M-OFFSET ) ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', M-RK, N-KB, KB, -ONE, $ A( RK+1, 1 ), LDA, F( KB+1, 1 ), LDF, ONE, $ A( RK+1, KB+1 ), LDA ) END IF * * Recomputation of difficult columns. * 40 CONTINUE IF( LSTICC.GT.0 ) THEN ITEMP = NINT( VN2( LSTICC ) ) VN1( LSTICC ) = DNRM2( M-RK, A( RK+1, LSTICC ), 1 ) VN2( LSTICC ) = VN1( LSTICC ) LSTICC = ITEMP GO TO 40 END IF * RETURN * * End of DLAQPS * END SUBROUTINE DLAQSB( UPLO, N, KD, AB, LDAB, S, SCOND, AMAX, EQUED ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER EQUED, UPLO INTEGER KD, LDAB, N DOUBLE PRECISION AMAX, SCOND * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION AB( LDAB, * ), S( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAQSB equilibrates a symmetric band matrix A using the scaling * factors in the vector S. * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the upper or lower triangular part of the * symmetric matrix A is stored. * = 'U': Upper triangular * = 'L': Lower triangular * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * KD (input) INTEGER * The number of super-diagonals of the matrix A if UPLO = 'U', * or the number of sub-diagonals if UPLO = 'L'. KD >= 0. * * AB (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDAB,N) * On entry, the upper or lower triangle of the symmetric band * matrix A, stored in the first KD+1 rows of the array. The * j-th column of A is stored in the j-th column of the array AB * as follows: * if UPLO = 'U', AB(kd+1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for max(1,j-kd)<=i<=j; * if UPLO = 'L', AB(1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for j<=i<=min(n,j+kd). * * On exit, if INFO = 0, the triangular factor U or L from the * Cholesky factorization A = U'*U or A = L*L' of the band * matrix A, in the same storage format as A. * * LDAB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array AB. LDAB >= KD+1. * * S (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The scale factors for A. * * SCOND (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Ratio of the smallest S(i) to the largest S(i). * * AMAX (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Absolute value of largest matrix entry. * * EQUED (output) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether or not equilibration was done. * = 'N': No equilibration. * = 'Y': Equilibration was done, i.e., A has been replaced by * diag(S) * A * diag(S). * * Internal Parameters * =================== * * THRESH is a threshold value used to decide if scaling should be done * based on the ratio of the scaling factors. If SCOND < THRESH, * scaling is done. * * LARGE and SMALL are threshold values used to decide if scaling should * be done based on the absolute size of the largest matrix element. * If AMAX > LARGE or AMAX < SMALL, scaling is done. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, THRESH PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, THRESH = 0.1D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J DOUBLE PRECISION CJ, LARGE, SMALL * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL LSAME, DLAMCH * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.LE.0 ) THEN EQUED = 'N' RETURN END IF * * Initialize LARGE and SMALL. * SMALL = DLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) / DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) LARGE = ONE / SMALL * IF( SCOND.GE.THRESH .AND. AMAX.GE.SMALL .AND. AMAX.LE.LARGE ) THEN * * No equilibration * EQUED = 'N' ELSE * * Replace A by diag(S) * A * diag(S). * IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN * * Upper triangle of A is stored in band format. * DO 20 J = 1, N CJ = S( J ) DO 10 I = MAX( 1, J-KD ), J AB( KD+1+I-J, J ) = CJ*S( I )*AB( KD+1+I-J, J ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE ELSE * * Lower triangle of A is stored. * DO 40 J = 1, N CJ = S( J ) DO 30 I = J, MIN( N, J+KD ) AB( 1+I-J, J ) = CJ*S( I )*AB( 1+I-J, J ) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE END IF EQUED = 'Y' END IF * RETURN * * End of DLAQSB * END SUBROUTINE DLAQSP( UPLO, N, AP, S, SCOND, AMAX, EQUED ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER EQUED, UPLO INTEGER N DOUBLE PRECISION AMAX, SCOND * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION AP( * ), S( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAQSP equilibrates a symmetric matrix A using the scaling factors * in the vector S. * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the upper or lower triangular part of the * symmetric matrix A is stored. * = 'U': Upper triangular * = 'L': Lower triangular * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * AP (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N*(N+1)/2) * On entry, the upper or lower triangle of the symmetric matrix * A, packed columnwise in a linear array. The j-th column of A * is stored in the array AP as follows: * if UPLO = 'U', AP(i + (j-1)*j/2) = A(i,j) for 1<=i<=j; * if UPLO = 'L', AP(i + (j-1)*(2n-j)/2) = A(i,j) for j<=i<=n. * * On exit, the equilibrated matrix: diag(S) * A * diag(S), in * the same storage format as A. * * S (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The scale factors for A. * * SCOND (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Ratio of the smallest S(i) to the largest S(i). * * AMAX (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Absolute value of largest matrix entry. * * EQUED (output) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether or not equilibration was done. * = 'N': No equilibration. * = 'Y': Equilibration was done, i.e., A has been replaced by * diag(S) * A * diag(S). * * Internal Parameters * =================== * * THRESH is a threshold value used to decide if scaling should be done * based on the ratio of the scaling factors. If SCOND < THRESH, * scaling is done. * * LARGE and SMALL are threshold values used to decide if scaling should * be done based on the absolute size of the largest matrix element. * If AMAX > LARGE or AMAX < SMALL, scaling is done. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, THRESH PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, THRESH = 0.1D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J, JC DOUBLE PRECISION CJ, LARGE, SMALL * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL LSAME, DLAMCH * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.LE.0 ) THEN EQUED = 'N' RETURN END IF * * Initialize LARGE and SMALL. * SMALL = DLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) / DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) LARGE = ONE / SMALL * IF( SCOND.GE.THRESH .AND. AMAX.GE.SMALL .AND. AMAX.LE.LARGE ) THEN * * No equilibration * EQUED = 'N' ELSE * * Replace A by diag(S) * A * diag(S). * IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN * * Upper triangle of A is stored. * JC = 1 DO 20 J = 1, N CJ = S( J ) DO 10 I = 1, J AP( JC+I-1 ) = CJ*S( I )*AP( JC+I-1 ) 10 CONTINUE JC = JC + J 20 CONTINUE ELSE * * Lower triangle of A is stored. * JC = 1 DO 40 J = 1, N CJ = S( J ) DO 30 I = J, N AP( JC+I-J ) = CJ*S( I )*AP( JC+I-J ) 30 CONTINUE JC = JC + N - J + 1 40 CONTINUE END IF EQUED = 'Y' END IF * RETURN * * End of DLAQSP * END SUBROUTINE DLAQSY( UPLO, N, A, LDA, S, SCOND, AMAX, EQUED ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER EQUED, UPLO INTEGER LDA, N DOUBLE PRECISION AMAX, SCOND * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), S( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAQSY equilibrates a symmetric matrix A using the scaling factors * in the vector S. * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the upper or lower triangular part of the * symmetric matrix A is stored. * = 'U': Upper triangular * = 'L': Lower triangular * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * On entry, the symmetric matrix A. If UPLO = 'U', the leading * n by n upper triangular part of A contains the upper * triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly lower * triangular part of A is not referenced. If UPLO = 'L', the * leading n by n lower triangular part of A contains the lower * triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly upper * triangular part of A is not referenced. * * On exit, if EQUED = 'Y', the equilibrated matrix: * diag(S) * A * diag(S). * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(N,1). * * S (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The scale factors for A. * * SCOND (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Ratio of the smallest S(i) to the largest S(i). * * AMAX (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Absolute value of largest matrix entry. * * EQUED (output) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether or not equilibration was done. * = 'N': No equilibration. * = 'Y': Equilibration was done, i.e., A has been replaced by * diag(S) * A * diag(S). * * Internal Parameters * =================== * * THRESH is a threshold value used to decide if scaling should be done * based on the ratio of the scaling factors. If SCOND < THRESH, * scaling is done. * * LARGE and SMALL are threshold values used to decide if scaling should * be done based on the absolute size of the largest matrix element. * If AMAX > LARGE or AMAX < SMALL, scaling is done. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, THRESH PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, THRESH = 0.1D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J DOUBLE PRECISION CJ, LARGE, SMALL * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL LSAME, DLAMCH * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.LE.0 ) THEN EQUED = 'N' RETURN END IF * * Initialize LARGE and SMALL. * SMALL = DLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) / DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) LARGE = ONE / SMALL * IF( SCOND.GE.THRESH .AND. AMAX.GE.SMALL .AND. AMAX.LE.LARGE ) THEN * * No equilibration * EQUED = 'N' ELSE * * Replace A by diag(S) * A * diag(S). * IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN * * Upper triangle of A is stored. * DO 20 J = 1, N CJ = S( J ) DO 10 I = 1, J A( I, J ) = CJ*S( I )*A( I, J ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE ELSE * * Lower triangle of A is stored. * DO 40 J = 1, N CJ = S( J ) DO 30 I = J, N A( I, J ) = CJ*S( I )*A( I, J ) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE END IF EQUED = 'Y' END IF * RETURN * * End of DLAQSY * END SUBROUTINE DLAQTR( LTRAN, LREAL, N, T, LDT, B, W, SCALE, X, WORK, $ INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL LREAL, LTRAN INTEGER INFO, LDT, N DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE, W * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION B( * ), T( LDT, * ), WORK( * ), X( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAQTR solves the real quasi-triangular system * * op(T)*p = scale*c, if LREAL = .TRUE. * * or the complex quasi-triangular systems * * op(T + iB)*(p+iq) = scale*(c+id), if LREAL = .FALSE. * * in real arithmetic, where T is upper quasi-triangular. * If LREAL = .FALSE., then the first diagonal block of T must be * 1 by 1, B is the specially structured matrix * * B = [ b(1) b(2) ... b(n) ] * [ w ] * [ w ] * [ . ] * [ w ] * * op(A) = A or A', A' denotes the conjugate transpose of * matrix A. * * On input, X = [ c ]. On output, X = [ p ]. * [ d ] [ q ] * * This subroutine is designed for the condition number estimation * in routine DTRSNA. * * Arguments * ========= * * LTRAN (input) LOGICAL * On entry, LTRAN specifies the option of conjugate transpose: * = .FALSE., op(T+i*B) = T+i*B, * = .TRUE., op(T+i*B) = (T+i*B)'. * * LREAL (input) LOGICAL * On entry, LREAL specifies the input matrix structure: * = .FALSE., the input is complex * = .TRUE., the input is real * * N (input) INTEGER * On entry, N specifies the order of T+i*B. N >= 0. * * T (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDT,N) * On entry, T contains a matrix in Schur canonical form. * If LREAL = .FALSE., then the first diagonal block of T mu * be 1 by 1. * * LDT (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the matrix T. LDT >= max(1,N). * * B (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On entry, B contains the elements to form the matrix * B as described above. * If LREAL = .TRUE., B is not referenced. * * W (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * On entry, W is the diagonal element of the matrix B. * If LREAL = .TRUE., W is not referenced. * * SCALE (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * On exit, SCALE is the scale factor. * * X (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (2*N) * On entry, X contains the right hand side of the system. * On exit, X is overwritten by the solution. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * * INFO (output) INTEGER * On exit, INFO is set to * 0: successful exit. * 1: the some diagonal 1 by 1 block has been perturbed by * a small number SMIN to keep nonsingularity. * 2: the some diagonal 2 by 2 block has been perturbed by * a small number in DLALN2 to keep nonsingularity. * NOTE: In the interests of speed, this routine does not * check the inputs for errors. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL NOTRAN INTEGER I, IERR, J, J1, J2, JNEXT, K, N1, N2 DOUBLE PRECISION BIGNUM, EPS, REC, SCALOC, SI, SMIN, SMINW, $ SMLNUM, SR, TJJ, TMP, XJ, XMAX, XNORM, Z * .. * .. Local Arrays .. DOUBLE PRECISION D( 2, 2 ), V( 2, 2 ) * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER IDAMAX DOUBLE PRECISION DASUM, DDOT, DLAMCH, DLANGE EXTERNAL IDAMAX, DASUM, DDOT, DLAMCH, DLANGE * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DAXPY, DLADIV, DLALN2, DSCAL * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Do not test the input parameters for errors * NOTRAN = .NOT.LTRAN INFO = 0 * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * Set constants to control overflow * EPS = DLAMCH( 'P' ) SMLNUM = DLAMCH( 'S' ) / EPS BIGNUM = ONE / SMLNUM * XNORM = DLANGE( 'M', N, N, T, LDT, D ) IF( .NOT.LREAL ) $ XNORM = MAX( XNORM, ABS( W ), DLANGE( 'M', N, 1, B, N, D ) ) SMIN = MAX( SMLNUM, EPS*XNORM ) * * Compute 1-norm of each column of strictly upper triangular * part of T to control overflow in triangular solver. * WORK( 1 ) = ZERO DO 10 J = 2, N WORK( J ) = DASUM( J-1, T( 1, J ), 1 ) 10 CONTINUE * IF( .NOT.LREAL ) THEN DO 20 I = 2, N WORK( I ) = WORK( I ) + ABS( B( I ) ) 20 CONTINUE END IF * N2 = 2*N N1 = N IF( .NOT.LREAL ) $ N1 = N2 K = IDAMAX( N1, X, 1 ) XMAX = ABS( X( K ) ) SCALE = ONE * IF( XMAX.GT.BIGNUM ) THEN SCALE = BIGNUM / XMAX CALL DSCAL( N1, SCALE, X, 1 ) XMAX = BIGNUM END IF * IF( LREAL ) THEN * IF( NOTRAN ) THEN * * Solve T*p = scale*c * JNEXT = N DO 30 J = N, 1, -1 IF( J.GT.JNEXT ) $ GO TO 30 J1 = J J2 = J JNEXT = J - 1 IF( J.GT.1 ) THEN IF( T( J, J-1 ).NE.ZERO ) THEN J1 = J - 1 JNEXT = J - 2 END IF END IF * IF( J1.EQ.J2 ) THEN * * Meet 1 by 1 diagonal block * * Scale to avoid overflow when computing * x(j) = b(j)/T(j,j) * XJ = ABS( X( J1 ) ) TJJ = ABS( T( J1, J1 ) ) TMP = T( J1, J1 ) IF( TJJ.LT.SMIN ) THEN TMP = SMIN TJJ = SMIN INFO = 1 END IF * IF( XJ.EQ.ZERO ) $ GO TO 30 * IF( TJJ.LT.ONE ) THEN IF( XJ.GT.BIGNUM*TJJ ) THEN REC = ONE / XJ CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF X( J1 ) = X( J1 ) / TMP XJ = ABS( X( J1 ) ) * * Scale x if necessary to avoid overflow when adding a * multiple of column j1 of T. * IF( XJ.GT.ONE ) THEN REC = ONE / XJ IF( WORK( J1 ).GT.( BIGNUM-XMAX )*REC ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC END IF END IF IF( J1.GT.1 ) THEN CALL DAXPY( J1-1, -X( J1 ), T( 1, J1 ), 1, X, 1 ) K = IDAMAX( J1-1, X, 1 ) XMAX = ABS( X( K ) ) END IF * ELSE * * Meet 2 by 2 diagonal block * * Call 2 by 2 linear system solve, to take * care of possible overflow by scaling factor. * D( 1, 1 ) = X( J1 ) D( 2, 1 ) = X( J2 ) CALL DLALN2( .FALSE., 2, 1, SMIN, ONE, T( J1, J1 ), $ LDT, ONE, ONE, D, 2, ZERO, ZERO, V, 2, $ SCALOC, XNORM, IERR ) IF( IERR.NE.0 ) $ INFO = 2 * IF( SCALOC.NE.ONE ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N, SCALOC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*SCALOC END IF X( J1 ) = V( 1, 1 ) X( J2 ) = V( 2, 1 ) * * Scale V(1,1) (= X(J1)) and/or V(2,1) (=X(J2)) * to avoid overflow in updating right-hand side. * XJ = MAX( ABS( V( 1, 1 ) ), ABS( V( 2, 1 ) ) ) IF( XJ.GT.ONE ) THEN REC = ONE / XJ IF( MAX( WORK( J1 ), WORK( J2 ) ).GT. $ ( BIGNUM-XMAX )*REC ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC END IF END IF * * Update right-hand side * IF( J1.GT.1 ) THEN CALL DAXPY( J1-1, -X( J1 ), T( 1, J1 ), 1, X, 1 ) CALL DAXPY( J1-1, -X( J2 ), T( 1, J2 ), 1, X, 1 ) K = IDAMAX( J1-1, X, 1 ) XMAX = ABS( X( K ) ) END IF * END IF * 30 CONTINUE * ELSE * * Solve T'*p = scale*c * JNEXT = 1 DO 40 J = 1, N IF( J.LT.JNEXT ) $ GO TO 40 J1 = J J2 = J JNEXT = J + 1 IF( J.LT.N ) THEN IF( T( J+1, J ).NE.ZERO ) THEN J2 = J + 1 JNEXT = J + 2 END IF END IF * IF( J1.EQ.J2 ) THEN * * 1 by 1 diagonal block * * Scale if necessary to avoid overflow in forming the * right-hand side element by inner product. * XJ = ABS( X( J1 ) ) IF( XMAX.GT.ONE ) THEN REC = ONE / XMAX IF( WORK( J1 ).GT.( BIGNUM-XJ )*REC ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF * X( J1 ) = X( J1 ) - DDOT( J1-1, T( 1, J1 ), 1, X, 1 ) * XJ = ABS( X( J1 ) ) TJJ = ABS( T( J1, J1 ) ) TMP = T( J1, J1 ) IF( TJJ.LT.SMIN ) THEN TMP = SMIN TJJ = SMIN INFO = 1 END IF * IF( TJJ.LT.ONE ) THEN IF( XJ.GT.BIGNUM*TJJ ) THEN REC = ONE / XJ CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF X( J1 ) = X( J1 ) / TMP XMAX = MAX( XMAX, ABS( X( J1 ) ) ) * ELSE * * 2 by 2 diagonal block * * Scale if necessary to avoid overflow in forming the * right-hand side elements by inner product. * XJ = MAX( ABS( X( J1 ) ), ABS( X( J2 ) ) ) IF( XMAX.GT.ONE ) THEN REC = ONE / XMAX IF( MAX( WORK( J2 ), WORK( J1 ) ).GT.( BIGNUM-XJ )* $ REC ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF * D( 1, 1 ) = X( J1 ) - DDOT( J1-1, T( 1, J1 ), 1, X, $ 1 ) D( 2, 1 ) = X( J2 ) - DDOT( J1-1, T( 1, J2 ), 1, X, $ 1 ) * CALL DLALN2( .TRUE., 2, 1, SMIN, ONE, T( J1, J1 ), $ LDT, ONE, ONE, D, 2, ZERO, ZERO, V, 2, $ SCALOC, XNORM, IERR ) IF( IERR.NE.0 ) $ INFO = 2 * IF( SCALOC.NE.ONE ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N, SCALOC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*SCALOC END IF X( J1 ) = V( 1, 1 ) X( J2 ) = V( 2, 1 ) XMAX = MAX( ABS( X( J1 ) ), ABS( X( J2 ) ), XMAX ) * END IF 40 CONTINUE END IF * ELSE * SMINW = MAX( EPS*ABS( W ), SMIN ) IF( NOTRAN ) THEN * * Solve (T + iB)*(p+iq) = c+id * JNEXT = N DO 70 J = N, 1, -1 IF( J.GT.JNEXT ) $ GO TO 70 J1 = J J2 = J JNEXT = J - 1 IF( J.GT.1 ) THEN IF( T( J, J-1 ).NE.ZERO ) THEN J1 = J - 1 JNEXT = J - 2 END IF END IF * IF( J1.EQ.J2 ) THEN * * 1 by 1 diagonal block * * Scale if necessary to avoid overflow in division * Z = W IF( J1.EQ.1 ) $ Z = B( 1 ) XJ = ABS( X( J1 ) ) + ABS( X( N+J1 ) ) TJJ = ABS( T( J1, J1 ) ) + ABS( Z ) TMP = T( J1, J1 ) IF( TJJ.LT.SMINW ) THEN TMP = SMINW TJJ = SMINW INFO = 1 END IF * IF( XJ.EQ.ZERO ) $ GO TO 70 * IF( TJJ.LT.ONE ) THEN IF( XJ.GT.BIGNUM*TJJ ) THEN REC = ONE / XJ CALL DSCAL( N2, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF CALL DLADIV( X( J1 ), X( N+J1 ), TMP, Z, SR, SI ) X( J1 ) = SR X( N+J1 ) = SI XJ = ABS( X( J1 ) ) + ABS( X( N+J1 ) ) * * Scale x if necessary to avoid overflow when adding a * multiple of column j1 of T. * IF( XJ.GT.ONE ) THEN REC = ONE / XJ IF( WORK( J1 ).GT.( BIGNUM-XMAX )*REC ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N2, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC END IF END IF * IF( J1.GT.1 ) THEN CALL DAXPY( J1-1, -X( J1 ), T( 1, J1 ), 1, X, 1 ) CALL DAXPY( J1-1, -X( N+J1 ), T( 1, J1 ), 1, $ X( N+1 ), 1 ) * X( 1 ) = X( 1 ) + B( J1 )*X( N+J1 ) X( N+1 ) = X( N+1 ) - B( J1 )*X( J1 ) * XMAX = ZERO DO 50 K = 1, J1 - 1 XMAX = MAX( XMAX, ABS( X( K ) )+ $ ABS( X( K+N ) ) ) 50 CONTINUE END IF * ELSE * * Meet 2 by 2 diagonal block * D( 1, 1 ) = X( J1 ) D( 2, 1 ) = X( J2 ) D( 1, 2 ) = X( N+J1 ) D( 2, 2 ) = X( N+J2 ) CALL DLALN2( .FALSE., 2, 2, SMINW, ONE, T( J1, J1 ), $ LDT, ONE, ONE, D, 2, ZERO, -W, V, 2, $ SCALOC, XNORM, IERR ) IF( IERR.NE.0 ) $ INFO = 2 * IF( SCALOC.NE.ONE ) THEN CALL DSCAL( 2*N, SCALOC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALOC*SCALE END IF X( J1 ) = V( 1, 1 ) X( J2 ) = V( 2, 1 ) X( N+J1 ) = V( 1, 2 ) X( N+J2 ) = V( 2, 2 ) * * Scale X(J1), .... to avoid overflow in * updating right hand side. * XJ = MAX( ABS( V( 1, 1 ) )+ABS( V( 1, 2 ) ), $ ABS( V( 2, 1 ) )+ABS( V( 2, 2 ) ) ) IF( XJ.GT.ONE ) THEN REC = ONE / XJ IF( MAX( WORK( J1 ), WORK( J2 ) ).GT. $ ( BIGNUM-XMAX )*REC ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N2, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC END IF END IF * * Update the right-hand side. * IF( J1.GT.1 ) THEN CALL DAXPY( J1-1, -X( J1 ), T( 1, J1 ), 1, X, 1 ) CALL DAXPY( J1-1, -X( J2 ), T( 1, J2 ), 1, X, 1 ) * CALL DAXPY( J1-1, -X( N+J1 ), T( 1, J1 ), 1, $ X( N+1 ), 1 ) CALL DAXPY( J1-1, -X( N+J2 ), T( 1, J2 ), 1, $ X( N+1 ), 1 ) * X( 1 ) = X( 1 ) + B( J1 )*X( N+J1 ) + $ B( J2 )*X( N+J2 ) X( N+1 ) = X( N+1 ) - B( J1 )*X( J1 ) - $ B( J2 )*X( J2 ) * XMAX = ZERO DO 60 K = 1, J1 - 1 XMAX = MAX( ABS( X( K ) )+ABS( X( K+N ) ), $ XMAX ) 60 CONTINUE END IF * END IF 70 CONTINUE * ELSE * * Solve (T + iB)'*(p+iq) = c+id * JNEXT = 1 DO 80 J = 1, N IF( J.LT.JNEXT ) $ GO TO 80 J1 = J J2 = J JNEXT = J + 1 IF( J.LT.N ) THEN IF( T( J+1, J ).NE.ZERO ) THEN J2 = J + 1 JNEXT = J + 2 END IF END IF * IF( J1.EQ.J2 ) THEN * * 1 by 1 diagonal block * * Scale if necessary to avoid overflow in forming the * right-hand side element by inner product. * XJ = ABS( X( J1 ) ) + ABS( X( J1+N ) ) IF( XMAX.GT.ONE ) THEN REC = ONE / XMAX IF( WORK( J1 ).GT.( BIGNUM-XJ )*REC ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N2, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF * X( J1 ) = X( J1 ) - DDOT( J1-1, T( 1, J1 ), 1, X, 1 ) X( N+J1 ) = X( N+J1 ) - DDOT( J1-1, T( 1, J1 ), 1, $ X( N+1 ), 1 ) IF( J1.GT.1 ) THEN X( J1 ) = X( J1 ) - B( J1 )*X( N+1 ) X( N+J1 ) = X( N+J1 ) + B( J1 )*X( 1 ) END IF XJ = ABS( X( J1 ) ) + ABS( X( J1+N ) ) * Z = W IF( J1.EQ.1 ) $ Z = B( 1 ) * * Scale if necessary to avoid overflow in * complex division * TJJ = ABS( T( J1, J1 ) ) + ABS( Z ) TMP = T( J1, J1 ) IF( TJJ.LT.SMINW ) THEN TMP = SMINW TJJ = SMINW INFO = 1 END IF * IF( TJJ.LT.ONE ) THEN IF( XJ.GT.BIGNUM*TJJ ) THEN REC = ONE / XJ CALL DSCAL( N2, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF CALL DLADIV( X( J1 ), X( N+J1 ), TMP, -Z, SR, SI ) X( J1 ) = SR X( J1+N ) = SI XMAX = MAX( ABS( X( J1 ) )+ABS( X( J1+N ) ), XMAX ) * ELSE * * 2 by 2 diagonal block * * Scale if necessary to avoid overflow in forming the * right-hand side element by inner product. * XJ = MAX( ABS( X( J1 ) )+ABS( X( N+J1 ) ), $ ABS( X( J2 ) )+ABS( X( N+J2 ) ) ) IF( XMAX.GT.ONE ) THEN REC = ONE / XMAX IF( MAX( WORK( J1 ), WORK( J2 ) ).GT. $ ( BIGNUM-XJ ) / XMAX ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N2, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF * D( 1, 1 ) = X( J1 ) - DDOT( J1-1, T( 1, J1 ), 1, X, $ 1 ) D( 2, 1 ) = X( J2 ) - DDOT( J1-1, T( 1, J2 ), 1, X, $ 1 ) D( 1, 2 ) = X( N+J1 ) - DDOT( J1-1, T( 1, J1 ), 1, $ X( N+1 ), 1 ) D( 2, 2 ) = X( N+J2 ) - DDOT( J1-1, T( 1, J2 ), 1, $ X( N+1 ), 1 ) D( 1, 1 ) = D( 1, 1 ) - B( J1 )*X( N+1 ) D( 2, 1 ) = D( 2, 1 ) - B( J2 )*X( N+1 ) D( 1, 2 ) = D( 1, 2 ) + B( J1 )*X( 1 ) D( 2, 2 ) = D( 2, 2 ) + B( J2 )*X( 1 ) * CALL DLALN2( .TRUE., 2, 2, SMINW, ONE, T( J1, J1 ), $ LDT, ONE, ONE, D, 2, ZERO, W, V, 2, $ SCALOC, XNORM, IERR ) IF( IERR.NE.0 ) $ INFO = 2 * IF( SCALOC.NE.ONE ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N2, SCALOC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALOC*SCALE END IF X( J1 ) = V( 1, 1 ) X( J2 ) = V( 2, 1 ) X( N+J1 ) = V( 1, 2 ) X( N+J2 ) = V( 2, 2 ) XMAX = MAX( ABS( X( J1 ) )+ABS( X( N+J1 ) ), $ ABS( X( J2 ) )+ABS( X( N+J2 ) ), XMAX ) * END IF * 80 CONTINUE * END IF * END IF * RETURN * * End of DLAQTR * END SUBROUTINE DLAR1V( N, B1, BN, SIGMA, D, L, LD, LLD, GERSCH, Z, $ ZTZ, MINGMA, R, ISUPPZ, WORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER B1, BN, N, R DOUBLE PRECISION MINGMA, SIGMA, ZTZ * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER ISUPPZ( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), GERSCH( * ), L( * ), LD( * ), LLD( * ), $ WORK( * ), Z( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAR1V computes the (scaled) r-th column of the inverse of * the sumbmatrix in rows B1 through BN of the tridiagonal matrix * L D L^T - sigma I. The following steps accomplish this computation : * (a) Stationary qd transform, L D L^T - sigma I = L(+) D(+) L(+)^T, * (b) Progressive qd transform, L D L^T - sigma I = U(-) D(-) U(-)^T, * (c) Computation of the diagonal elements of the inverse of * L D L^T - sigma I by combining the above transforms, and choosing * r as the index where the diagonal of the inverse is (one of the) * largest in magnitude. * (d) Computation of the (scaled) r-th column of the inverse using the * twisted factorization obtained by combining the top part of the * the stationary and the bottom part of the progressive transform. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix L D L^T. * * B1 (input) INTEGER * First index of the submatrix of L D L^T. * * BN (input) INTEGER * Last index of the submatrix of L D L^T. * * SIGMA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The shift. Initially, when R = 0, SIGMA should be a good * approximation to an eigenvalue of L D L^T. * * L (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The (n-1) subdiagonal elements of the unit bidiagonal matrix * L, in elements 1 to N-1. * * D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The n diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix D. * * LD (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The n-1 elements L(i)*D(i). * * LLD (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The n-1 elements L(i)*L(i)*D(i). * * GERSCH (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (2*N) * The n Gerschgorin intervals. These are used to restrict * the initial search for R, when R is input as 0. * * Z (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The (scaled) r-th column of the inverse. Z(R) is returned * to be 1. * * ZTZ (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The square of the norm of Z. * * MINGMA (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The reciprocal of the largest (in magnitude) diagonal * element of the inverse of L D L^T - sigma I. * * R (input/output) INTEGER * Initially, R should be input to be 0 and is then output as * the index where the diagonal element of the inverse is * largest in magnitude. In later iterations, this same value * of R should be input. * * ISUPPZ (output) INTEGER array, dimension (2) * The support of the vector in Z, i.e., the vector Z is * nonzero only in elements ISUPPZ(1) through ISUPPZ( 2 ). * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (4*N) * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Inderjit Dhillon, IBM Almaden, USA * Osni Marques, LBNL/NERSC, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. INTEGER BLKSIZ PARAMETER ( BLKSIZ = 32 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0, ONE = 1.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL SAWNAN INTEGER FROM, I, INDP, INDS, INDUMN, J, R1, R2, TO DOUBLE PRECISION DMINUS, DPLUS, EPS, S, TMP * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * EPS = DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) IF( R.EQ.0 ) THEN * * Eliminate the top and bottom indices from the possible values * of R where the desired eigenvector is largest in magnitude. * R1 = B1 DO 10 I = B1, BN IF( SIGMA.GE.GERSCH( 2*I-1 ) .OR. SIGMA.LE.GERSCH( 2*I ) ) $ THEN R1 = I GO TO 20 END IF 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE R2 = BN DO 30 I = BN, B1, -1 IF( SIGMA.GE.GERSCH( 2*I-1 ) .OR. SIGMA.LE.GERSCH( 2*I ) ) $ THEN R2 = I GO TO 40 END IF 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE ELSE R1 = R R2 = R END IF * INDUMN = N INDS = 2*N + 1 INDP = 3*N + 1 SAWNAN = .FALSE. * * Compute the stationary transform (using the differential form) * untill the index R2 * IF( B1.EQ.1 ) THEN WORK( INDS ) = ZERO ELSE WORK( INDS ) = LLD( B1-1 ) END IF S = WORK( INDS ) - SIGMA DO 50 I = B1, R2 - 1 DPLUS = D( I ) + S WORK( I ) = LD( I ) / DPLUS WORK( INDS+I ) = S*WORK( I )*L( I ) S = WORK( INDS+I ) - SIGMA 50 CONTINUE * IF( .NOT.( S.GT.ZERO .OR. S.LT.ONE ) ) THEN * * Run a slower version of the above loop if a NaN is detected * SAWNAN = .TRUE. J = B1 + 1 60 CONTINUE IF( WORK( INDS+J ).GT.ZERO .OR. WORK( INDS+J ).LT.ONE ) THEN J = J + 1 GO TO 60 END IF WORK( INDS+J ) = LLD( J ) S = WORK( INDS+J ) - SIGMA DO 70 I = J + 1, R2 - 1 DPLUS = D( I ) + S WORK( I ) = LD( I ) / DPLUS IF( WORK( I ).EQ.ZERO ) THEN WORK( INDS+I ) = LLD( I ) ELSE WORK( INDS+I ) = S*WORK( I )*L( I ) END IF S = WORK( INDS+I ) - SIGMA 70 CONTINUE END IF WORK( INDP+BN-1 ) = D( BN ) - SIGMA DO 80 I = BN - 1, R1, -1 DMINUS = LLD( I ) + WORK( INDP+I ) TMP = D( I ) / DMINUS WORK( INDUMN+I ) = L( I )*TMP WORK( INDP+I-1 ) = WORK( INDP+I )*TMP - SIGMA 80 CONTINUE TMP = WORK( INDP+R1-1 ) IF( .NOT.( TMP.GT.ZERO .OR. TMP.LT.ONE ) ) THEN * * Run a slower version of the above loop if a NaN is detected * SAWNAN = .TRUE. J = BN - 3 90 CONTINUE IF( WORK( INDP+J ).GT.ZERO .OR. WORK( INDP+J ).LT.ONE ) THEN J = J - 1 GO TO 90 END IF WORK( INDP+J ) = D( J+1 ) - SIGMA DO 100 I = J, R1, -1 DMINUS = LLD( I ) + WORK( INDP+I ) TMP = D( I ) / DMINUS WORK( INDUMN+I ) = L( I )*TMP IF( TMP.EQ.ZERO ) THEN WORK( INDP+I-1 ) = D( I ) - SIGMA ELSE WORK( INDP+I-1 ) = WORK( INDP+I )*TMP - SIGMA END IF 100 CONTINUE END IF * * Find the index (from R1 to R2) of the largest (in magnitude) * diagonal element of the inverse * MINGMA = WORK( INDS+R1-1 ) + WORK( INDP+R1-1 ) IF( MINGMA.EQ.ZERO ) $ MINGMA = EPS*WORK( INDS+R1-1 ) R = R1 DO 110 I = R1, R2 - 1 TMP = WORK( INDS+I ) + WORK( INDP+I ) IF( TMP.EQ.ZERO ) $ TMP = EPS*WORK( INDS+I ) IF( ABS( TMP ).LT.ABS( MINGMA ) ) THEN MINGMA = TMP R = I + 1 END IF 110 CONTINUE * * Compute the (scaled) r-th column of the inverse * ISUPPZ( 1 ) = B1 ISUPPZ( 2 ) = BN Z( R ) = ONE ZTZ = ONE IF( .NOT.SAWNAN ) THEN FROM = R - 1 TO = MAX( R-BLKSIZ, B1 ) 120 CONTINUE IF( FROM.GE.B1 ) THEN DO 130 I = FROM, TO, -1 Z( I ) = -( WORK( I )*Z( I+1 ) ) ZTZ = ZTZ + Z( I )*Z( I ) 130 CONTINUE IF( ABS( Z( TO ) ).LE.EPS .AND. ABS( Z( TO+1 ) ).LE.EPS ) $ THEN ISUPPZ( 1 ) = TO + 2 ELSE FROM = TO - 1 TO = MAX( TO-BLKSIZ, B1 ) GO TO 120 END IF END IF FROM = R + 1 TO = MIN( R+BLKSIZ, BN ) 140 CONTINUE IF( FROM.LE.BN ) THEN DO 150 I = FROM, TO Z( I ) = -( WORK( INDUMN+I-1 )*Z( I-1 ) ) ZTZ = ZTZ + Z( I )*Z( I ) 150 CONTINUE IF( ABS( Z( TO ) ).LE.EPS .AND. ABS( Z( TO-1 ) ).LE.EPS ) $ THEN ISUPPZ( 2 ) = TO - 2 ELSE FROM = TO + 1 TO = MIN( TO+BLKSIZ, BN ) GO TO 140 END IF END IF ELSE DO 160 I = R - 1, B1, -1 IF( Z( I+1 ).EQ.ZERO ) THEN Z( I ) = -( LD( I+1 ) / LD( I ) )*Z( I+2 ) ELSE IF( ABS( Z( I+1 ) ).LE.EPS .AND. ABS( Z( I+2 ) ).LE. $ EPS ) THEN ISUPPZ( 1 ) = I + 3 GO TO 170 ELSE Z( I ) = -( WORK( I )*Z( I+1 ) ) END IF ZTZ = ZTZ + Z( I )*Z( I ) 160 CONTINUE 170 CONTINUE DO 180 I = R, BN - 1 IF( Z( I ).EQ.ZERO ) THEN Z( I+1 ) = -( LD( I-1 ) / LD( I ) )*Z( I-1 ) ELSE IF( ABS( Z( I ) ).LE.EPS .AND. ABS( Z( I-1 ) ).LE.EPS ) $ THEN ISUPPZ( 2 ) = I - 2 GO TO 190 ELSE Z( I+1 ) = -( WORK( INDUMN+I )*Z( I ) ) END IF ZTZ = ZTZ + Z( I+1 )*Z( I+1 ) 180 CONTINUE 190 CONTINUE END IF DO 200 I = B1, ISUPPZ( 1 ) - 3 Z( I ) = ZERO 200 CONTINUE DO 210 I = ISUPPZ( 2 ) + 3, BN Z( I ) = ZERO 210 CONTINUE * RETURN * * End of DLAR1V * END SUBROUTINE DLAR2V( N, X, Y, Z, INCX, C, S, INCC ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INCC, INCX, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION C( * ), S( * ), X( * ), Y( * ), Z( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAR2V applies a vector of real plane rotations from both sides to * a sequence of 2-by-2 real symmetric matrices, defined by the elements * of the vectors x, y and z. For i = 1,2,...,n * * ( x(i) z(i) ) := ( c(i) s(i) ) ( x(i) z(i) ) ( c(i) -s(i) ) * ( z(i) y(i) ) ( -s(i) c(i) ) ( z(i) y(i) ) ( s(i) c(i) ) * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of plane rotations to be applied. * * X (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension (1+(N-1)*INCX) * The vector x. * * Y (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension (1+(N-1)*INCX) * The vector y. * * Z (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension (1+(N-1)*INCX) * The vector z. * * INCX (input) INTEGER * The increment between elements of X, Y and Z. INCX > 0. * * C (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (1+(N-1)*INCC) * The cosines of the plane rotations. * * S (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (1+(N-1)*INCC) * The sines of the plane rotations. * * INCC (input) INTEGER * The increment between elements of C and S. INCC > 0. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IC, IX DOUBLE PRECISION CI, SI, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, XI, YI, ZI * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IX = 1 IC = 1 DO 10 I = 1, N XI = X( IX ) YI = Y( IX ) ZI = Z( IX ) CI = C( IC ) SI = S( IC ) T1 = SI*ZI T2 = CI*ZI T3 = T2 - SI*XI T4 = T2 + SI*YI T5 = CI*XI + T1 T6 = CI*YI - T1 X( IX ) = CI*T5 + SI*T4 Y( IX ) = CI*T6 - SI*T3 Z( IX ) = CI*T4 - SI*T5 IX = IX + INCX IC = IC + INCC 10 CONTINUE * * End of DLAR2V * RETURN END SUBROUTINE DLARF( SIDE, M, N, V, INCV, TAU, C, LDC, WORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER SIDE INTEGER INCV, LDC, M, N DOUBLE PRECISION TAU * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION C( LDC, * ), V( * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLARF applies a real elementary reflector H to a real m by n matrix * C, from either the left or the right. H is represented in the form * * H = I - tau * v * v' * * where tau is a real scalar and v is a real vector. * * If tau = 0, then H is taken to be the unit matrix. * * Arguments * ========= * * SIDE (input) CHARACTER*1 * = 'L': form H * C * = 'R': form C * H * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix C. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix C. * * V (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension * (1 + (M-1)*abs(INCV)) if SIDE = 'L' * or (1 + (N-1)*abs(INCV)) if SIDE = 'R' * The vector v in the representation of H. V is not used if * TAU = 0. * * INCV (input) INTEGER * The increment between elements of v. INCV <> 0. * * TAU (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The value tau in the representation of H. * * C (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDC,N) * On entry, the m by n matrix C. * On exit, C is overwritten by the matrix H * C if SIDE = 'L', * or C * H if SIDE = 'R'. * * LDC (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array C. LDC >= max(1,M). * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension * (N) if SIDE = 'L' * or (M) if SIDE = 'R' * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DGEMV, DGER * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) THEN * * Form H * C * IF( TAU.NE.ZERO ) THEN * * w := C' * v * CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', M, N, ONE, C, LDC, V, INCV, ZERO, $ WORK, 1 ) * * C := C - v * w' * CALL DGER( M, N, -TAU, V, INCV, WORK, 1, C, LDC ) END IF ELSE * * Form C * H * IF( TAU.NE.ZERO ) THEN * * w := C * v * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', M, N, ONE, C, LDC, V, INCV, $ ZERO, WORK, 1 ) * * C := C - w * v' * CALL DGER( M, N, -TAU, WORK, 1, V, INCV, C, LDC ) END IF END IF RETURN * * End of DLARF * END SUBROUTINE DLARFB( SIDE, TRANS, DIRECT, STOREV, M, N, K, V, LDV, $ T, LDT, C, LDC, WORK, LDWORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER DIRECT, SIDE, STOREV, TRANS INTEGER K, LDC, LDT, LDV, LDWORK, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION C( LDC, * ), T( LDT, * ), V( LDV, * ), $ WORK( LDWORK, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLARFB applies a real block reflector H or its transpose H' to a * real m by n matrix C, from either the left or the right. * * Arguments * ========= * * SIDE (input) CHARACTER*1 * = 'L': apply H or H' from the Left * = 'R': apply H or H' from the Right * * TRANS (input) CHARACTER*1 * = 'N': apply H (No transpose) * = 'T': apply H' (Transpose) * * DIRECT (input) CHARACTER*1 * Indicates how H is formed from a product of elementary * reflectors * = 'F': H = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k) (Forward) * = 'B': H = H(k) . . . H(2) H(1) (Backward) * * STOREV (input) CHARACTER*1 * Indicates how the vectors which define the elementary * reflectors are stored: * = 'C': Columnwise * = 'R': Rowwise * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix C. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix C. * * K (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix T (= the number of elementary * reflectors whose product defines the block reflector). * * V (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension * (LDV,K) if STOREV = 'C' * (LDV,M) if STOREV = 'R' and SIDE = 'L' * (LDV,N) if STOREV = 'R' and SIDE = 'R' * The matrix V. See further details. * * LDV (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array V. * If STOREV = 'C' and SIDE = 'L', LDV >= max(1,M); * if STOREV = 'C' and SIDE = 'R', LDV >= max(1,N); * if STOREV = 'R', LDV >= K. * * T (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDT,K) * The triangular k by k matrix T in the representation of the * block reflector. * * LDT (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array T. LDT >= K. * * C (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDC,N) * On entry, the m by n matrix C. * On exit, C is overwritten by H*C or H'*C or C*H or C*H'. * * LDC (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array C. LDA >= max(1,M). * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDWORK,K) * * LDWORK (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array WORK. * If SIDE = 'L', LDWORK >= max(1,N); * if SIDE = 'R', LDWORK >= max(1,M). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. CHARACTER TRANST INTEGER I, J * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DCOPY, DGEMM, DTRMM * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Quick return if possible * IF( M.LE.0 .OR. N.LE.0 ) $ RETURN * IF( LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) ) THEN TRANST = 'T' ELSE TRANST = 'N' END IF * IF( LSAME( STOREV, 'C' ) ) THEN * IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'F' ) ) THEN * * Let V = ( V1 ) (first K rows) * ( V2 ) * where V1 is unit lower triangular. * IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) THEN * * Form H * C or H' * C where C = ( C1 ) * ( C2 ) * * W := C' * V = (C1'*V1 + C2'*V2) (stored in WORK) * * W := C1' * DO 10 J = 1, K CALL DCOPY( N, C( J, 1 ), LDC, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 10 CONTINUE * * W := W * V1 * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', N, $ K, ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) IF( M.GT.K ) THEN * * W := W + C2'*V2 * CALL DGEMM( 'Transpose', 'No transpose', N, K, M-K, $ ONE, C( K+1, 1 ), LDC, V( K+1, 1 ), LDV, $ ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) END IF * * W := W * T' or W * T * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', TRANST, 'Non-unit', N, K, $ ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C := C - V * W' * IF( M.GT.K ) THEN * * C2 := C2 - V2 * W' * CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', M-K, N, K, $ -ONE, V( K+1, 1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK, ONE, $ C( K+1, 1 ), LDC ) END IF * * W := W * V1' * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'Transpose', 'Unit', N, K, $ ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C1 := C1 - W' * DO 30 J = 1, K DO 20 I = 1, N C( J, I ) = C( J, I ) - WORK( I, J ) 20 CONTINUE 30 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) ) THEN * * Form C * H or C * H' where C = ( C1 C2 ) * * W := C * V = (C1*V1 + C2*V2) (stored in WORK) * * W := C1 * DO 40 J = 1, K CALL DCOPY( M, C( 1, J ), 1, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 40 CONTINUE * * W := W * V1 * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', M, $ K, ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) IF( N.GT.K ) THEN * * W := W + C2 * V2 * CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', M, K, N-K, $ ONE, C( 1, K+1 ), LDC, V( K+1, 1 ), LDV, $ ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) END IF * * W := W * T or W * T' * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', TRANS, 'Non-unit', M, K, $ ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C := C - W * V' * IF( N.GT.K ) THEN * * C2 := C2 - W * V2' * CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', M, N-K, K, $ -ONE, WORK, LDWORK, V( K+1, 1 ), LDV, ONE, $ C( 1, K+1 ), LDC ) END IF * * W := W * V1' * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'Transpose', 'Unit', M, K, $ ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C1 := C1 - W * DO 60 J = 1, K DO 50 I = 1, M C( I, J ) = C( I, J ) - WORK( I, J ) 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE END IF * ELSE * * Let V = ( V1 ) * ( V2 ) (last K rows) * where V2 is unit upper triangular. * IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) THEN * * Form H * C or H' * C where C = ( C1 ) * ( C2 ) * * W := C' * V = (C1'*V1 + C2'*V2) (stored in WORK) * * W := C2' * DO 70 J = 1, K CALL DCOPY( N, C( M-K+J, 1 ), LDC, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 70 CONTINUE * * W := W * V2 * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Unit', N, $ K, ONE, V( M-K+1, 1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) IF( M.GT.K ) THEN * * W := W + C1'*V1 * CALL DGEMM( 'Transpose', 'No transpose', N, K, M-K, $ ONE, C, LDC, V, LDV, ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) END IF * * W := W * T' or W * T * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', TRANST, 'Non-unit', N, K, $ ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C := C - V * W' * IF( M.GT.K ) THEN * * C1 := C1 - V1 * W' * CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', M-K, N, K, $ -ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK, ONE, C, LDC ) END IF * * W := W * V2' * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'Transpose', 'Unit', N, K, $ ONE, V( M-K+1, 1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C2 := C2 - W' * DO 90 J = 1, K DO 80 I = 1, N C( M-K+J, I ) = C( M-K+J, I ) - WORK( I, J ) 80 CONTINUE 90 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) ) THEN * * Form C * H or C * H' where C = ( C1 C2 ) * * W := C * V = (C1*V1 + C2*V2) (stored in WORK) * * W := C2 * DO 100 J = 1, K CALL DCOPY( M, C( 1, N-K+J ), 1, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 100 CONTINUE * * W := W * V2 * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Unit', M, $ K, ONE, V( N-K+1, 1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) IF( N.GT.K ) THEN * * W := W + C1 * V1 * CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', M, K, N-K, $ ONE, C, LDC, V, LDV, ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) END IF * * W := W * T or W * T' * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', TRANS, 'Non-unit', M, K, $ ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C := C - W * V' * IF( N.GT.K ) THEN * * C1 := C1 - W * V1' * CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', M, N-K, K, $ -ONE, WORK, LDWORK, V, LDV, ONE, C, LDC ) END IF * * W := W * V2' * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'Transpose', 'Unit', M, K, $ ONE, V( N-K+1, 1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C2 := C2 - W * DO 120 J = 1, K DO 110 I = 1, M C( I, N-K+J ) = C( I, N-K+J ) - WORK( I, J ) 110 CONTINUE 120 CONTINUE END IF END IF * ELSE IF( LSAME( STOREV, 'R' ) ) THEN * IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'F' ) ) THEN * * Let V = ( V1 V2 ) (V1: first K columns) * where V1 is unit upper triangular. * IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) THEN * * Form H * C or H' * C where C = ( C1 ) * ( C2 ) * * W := C' * V' = (C1'*V1' + C2'*V2') (stored in WORK) * * W := C1' * DO 130 J = 1, K CALL DCOPY( N, C( J, 1 ), LDC, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 130 CONTINUE * * W := W * V1' * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'Transpose', 'Unit', N, K, $ ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) IF( M.GT.K ) THEN * * W := W + C2'*V2' * CALL DGEMM( 'Transpose', 'Transpose', N, K, M-K, ONE, $ C( K+1, 1 ), LDC, V( 1, K+1 ), LDV, ONE, $ WORK, LDWORK ) END IF * * W := W * T' or W * T * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', TRANST, 'Non-unit', N, K, $ ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C := C - V' * W' * IF( M.GT.K ) THEN * * C2 := C2 - V2' * W' * CALL DGEMM( 'Transpose', 'Transpose', M-K, N, K, -ONE, $ V( 1, K+1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK, ONE, $ C( K+1, 1 ), LDC ) END IF * * W := W * V1 * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Unit', N, $ K, ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C1 := C1 - W' * DO 150 J = 1, K DO 140 I = 1, N C( J, I ) = C( J, I ) - WORK( I, J ) 140 CONTINUE 150 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) ) THEN * * Form C * H or C * H' where C = ( C1 C2 ) * * W := C * V' = (C1*V1' + C2*V2') (stored in WORK) * * W := C1 * DO 160 J = 1, K CALL DCOPY( M, C( 1, J ), 1, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 160 CONTINUE * * W := W * V1' * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'Transpose', 'Unit', M, K, $ ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) IF( N.GT.K ) THEN * * W := W + C2 * V2' * CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', M, K, N-K, $ ONE, C( 1, K+1 ), LDC, V( 1, K+1 ), LDV, $ ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) END IF * * W := W * T or W * T' * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', TRANS, 'Non-unit', M, K, $ ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C := C - W * V * IF( N.GT.K ) THEN * * C2 := C2 - W * V2 * CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', M, N-K, K, $ -ONE, WORK, LDWORK, V( 1, K+1 ), LDV, ONE, $ C( 1, K+1 ), LDC ) END IF * * W := W * V1 * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Unit', M, $ K, ONE, V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C1 := C1 - W * DO 180 J = 1, K DO 170 I = 1, M C( I, J ) = C( I, J ) - WORK( I, J ) 170 CONTINUE 180 CONTINUE * END IF * ELSE * * Let V = ( V1 V2 ) (V2: last K columns) * where V2 is unit lower triangular. * IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) THEN * * Form H * C or H' * C where C = ( C1 ) * ( C2 ) * * W := C' * V' = (C1'*V1' + C2'*V2') (stored in WORK) * * W := C2' * DO 190 J = 1, K CALL DCOPY( N, C( M-K+J, 1 ), LDC, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 190 CONTINUE * * W := W * V2' * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'Transpose', 'Unit', N, K, $ ONE, V( 1, M-K+1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) IF( M.GT.K ) THEN * * W := W + C1'*V1' * CALL DGEMM( 'Transpose', 'Transpose', N, K, M-K, ONE, $ C, LDC, V, LDV, ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) END IF * * W := W * T' or W * T * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', TRANST, 'Non-unit', N, K, $ ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C := C - V' * W' * IF( M.GT.K ) THEN * * C1 := C1 - V1' * W' * CALL DGEMM( 'Transpose', 'Transpose', M-K, N, K, -ONE, $ V, LDV, WORK, LDWORK, ONE, C, LDC ) END IF * * W := W * V2 * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', N, $ K, ONE, V( 1, M-K+1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C2 := C2 - W' * DO 210 J = 1, K DO 200 I = 1, N C( M-K+J, I ) = C( M-K+J, I ) - WORK( I, J ) 200 CONTINUE 210 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) ) THEN * * Form C * H or C * H' where C = ( C1 C2 ) * * W := C * V' = (C1*V1' + C2*V2') (stored in WORK) * * W := C2 * DO 220 J = 1, K CALL DCOPY( M, C( 1, N-K+J ), 1, WORK( 1, J ), 1 ) 220 CONTINUE * * W := W * V2' * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'Transpose', 'Unit', M, K, $ ONE, V( 1, N-K+1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) IF( N.GT.K ) THEN * * W := W + C1 * V1' * CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', M, K, N-K, $ ONE, C, LDC, V, LDV, ONE, WORK, LDWORK ) END IF * * W := W * T or W * T' * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', TRANS, 'Non-unit', M, K, $ ONE, T, LDT, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C := C - W * V * IF( N.GT.K ) THEN * * C1 := C1 - W * V1 * CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'No transpose', M, N-K, K, $ -ONE, WORK, LDWORK, V, LDV, ONE, C, LDC ) END IF * * W := W * V2 * CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Unit', M, $ K, ONE, V( 1, N-K+1 ), LDV, WORK, LDWORK ) * * C1 := C1 - W * DO 240 J = 1, K DO 230 I = 1, M C( I, N-K+J ) = C( I, N-K+J ) - WORK( I, J ) 230 CONTINUE 240 CONTINUE * END IF * END IF END IF * RETURN * * End of DLARFB * END SUBROUTINE DLARFG( N, ALPHA, X, INCX, TAU ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * September 30, 1994 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INCX, N DOUBLE PRECISION ALPHA, TAU * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION X( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLARFG generates a real elementary reflector H of order n, such * that * * H * ( alpha ) = ( beta ), H' * H = I. * ( x ) ( 0 ) * * where alpha and beta are scalars, and x is an (n-1)-element real * vector. H is represented in the form * * H = I - tau * ( 1 ) * ( 1 v' ) , * ( v ) * * where tau is a real scalar and v is a real (n-1)-element * vector. * * If the elements of x are all zero, then tau = 0 and H is taken to be * the unit matrix. * * Otherwise 1 <= tau <= 2. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the elementary reflector. * * ALPHA (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION * On entry, the value alpha. * On exit, it is overwritten with the value beta. * * X (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension * (1+(N-2)*abs(INCX)) * On entry, the vector x. * On exit, it is overwritten with the vector v. * * INCX (input) INTEGER * The increment between elements of X. INCX > 0. * * TAU (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The value tau. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER J, KNT DOUBLE PRECISION BETA, RSAFMN, SAFMIN, XNORM * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH, DLAPY2, DNRM2 EXTERNAL DLAMCH, DLAPY2, DNRM2 * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, SIGN * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DSCAL * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( N.LE.1 ) THEN TAU = ZERO RETURN END IF * XNORM = DNRM2( N-1, X, INCX ) * IF( XNORM.EQ.ZERO ) THEN * * H = I * TAU = ZERO ELSE * * general case * BETA = -SIGN( DLAPY2( ALPHA, XNORM ), ALPHA ) SAFMIN = DLAMCH( 'S' ) / DLAMCH( 'E' ) IF( ABS( BETA ).LT.SAFMIN ) THEN * * XNORM, BETA may be inaccurate; scale X and recompute them * RSAFMN = ONE / SAFMIN KNT = 0 10 CONTINUE KNT = KNT + 1 CALL DSCAL( N-1, RSAFMN, X, INCX ) BETA = BETA*RSAFMN ALPHA = ALPHA*RSAFMN IF( ABS( BETA ).LT.SAFMIN ) $ GO TO 10 * * New BETA is at most 1, at least SAFMIN * XNORM = DNRM2( N-1, X, INCX ) BETA = -SIGN( DLAPY2( ALPHA, XNORM ), ALPHA ) TAU = ( BETA-ALPHA ) / BETA CALL DSCAL( N-1, ONE / ( ALPHA-BETA ), X, INCX ) * * If ALPHA is subnormal, it may lose relative accuracy * ALPHA = BETA DO 20 J = 1, KNT ALPHA = ALPHA*SAFMIN 20 CONTINUE ELSE TAU = ( BETA-ALPHA ) / BETA CALL DSCAL( N-1, ONE / ( ALPHA-BETA ), X, INCX ) ALPHA = BETA END IF END IF * RETURN * * End of DLARFG * END SUBROUTINE DLARFT( DIRECT, STOREV, N, K, V, LDV, TAU, T, LDT ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER DIRECT, STOREV INTEGER K, LDT, LDV, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION T( LDT, * ), TAU( * ), V( LDV, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLARFT forms the triangular factor T of a real block reflector H * of order n, which is defined as a product of k elementary reflectors. * * If DIRECT = 'F', H = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k) and T is upper triangular; * * If DIRECT = 'B', H = H(k) . . . H(2) H(1) and T is lower triangular. * * If STOREV = 'C', the vector which defines the elementary reflector * H(i) is stored in the i-th column of the array V, and * * H = I - V * T * V' * * If STOREV = 'R', the vector which defines the elementary reflector * H(i) is stored in the i-th row of the array V, and * * H = I - V' * T * V * * Arguments * ========= * * DIRECT (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the order in which the elementary reflectors are * multiplied to form the block reflector: * = 'F': H = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k) (Forward) * = 'B': H = H(k) . . . H(2) H(1) (Backward) * * STOREV (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies how the vectors which define the elementary * reflectors are stored (see also Further Details): * = 'C': columnwise * = 'R': rowwise * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the block reflector H. N >= 0. * * K (input) INTEGER * The order of the triangular factor T (= the number of * elementary reflectors). K >= 1. * * V (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension * (LDV,K) if STOREV = 'C' * (LDV,N) if STOREV = 'R' * The matrix V. See further details. * * LDV (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array V. * If STOREV = 'C', LDV >= max(1,N); if STOREV = 'R', LDV >= K. * * TAU (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (K) * TAU(i) must contain the scalar factor of the elementary * reflector H(i). * * T (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDT,K) * The k by k triangular factor T of the block reflector. * If DIRECT = 'F', T is upper triangular; if DIRECT = 'B', T is * lower triangular. The rest of the array is not used. * * LDT (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array T. LDT >= K. * * Further Details * =============== * * The shape of the matrix V and the storage of the vectors which define * the H(i) is best illustrated by the following example with n = 5 and * k = 3. The elements equal to 1 are not stored; the corresponding * array elements are modified but restored on exit. The rest of the * array is not used. * * DIRECT = 'F' and STOREV = 'C': DIRECT = 'F' and STOREV = 'R': * * V = ( 1 ) V = ( 1 v1 v1 v1 v1 ) * ( v1 1 ) ( 1 v2 v2 v2 ) * ( v1 v2 1 ) ( 1 v3 v3 ) * ( v1 v2 v3 ) * ( v1 v2 v3 ) * * DIRECT = 'B' and STOREV = 'C': DIRECT = 'B' and STOREV = 'R': * * V = ( v1 v2 v3 ) V = ( v1 v1 1 ) * ( v1 v2 v3 ) ( v2 v2 v2 1 ) * ( 1 v2 v3 ) ( v3 v3 v3 v3 1 ) * ( 1 v3 ) * ( 1 ) * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J DOUBLE PRECISION VII * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DGEMV, DTRMV * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'F' ) ) THEN DO 20 I = 1, K IF( TAU( I ).EQ.ZERO ) THEN * * H(i) = I * DO 10 J = 1, I T( J, I ) = ZERO 10 CONTINUE ELSE * * general case * VII = V( I, I ) V( I, I ) = ONE IF( LSAME( STOREV, 'C' ) ) THEN * * T(1:i-1,i) := - tau(i) * V(i:n,1:i-1)' * V(i:n,i) * CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', N-I+1, I-1, -TAU( I ), $ V( I, 1 ), LDV, V( I, I ), 1, ZERO, $ T( 1, I ), 1 ) ELSE * * T(1:i-1,i) := - tau(i) * V(1:i-1,i:n) * V(i,i:n)' * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', I-1, N-I+1, -TAU( I ), $ V( 1, I ), LDV, V( I, I ), LDV, ZERO, $ T( 1, I ), 1 ) END IF V( I, I ) = VII * * T(1:i-1,i) := T(1:i-1,1:i-1) * T(1:i-1,i) * CALL DTRMV( 'Upper', 'No transpose', 'Non-unit', I-1, T, $ LDT, T( 1, I ), 1 ) T( I, I ) = TAU( I ) END IF 20 CONTINUE ELSE DO 40 I = K, 1, -1 IF( TAU( I ).EQ.ZERO ) THEN * * H(i) = I * DO 30 J = I, K T( J, I ) = ZERO 30 CONTINUE ELSE * * general case * IF( I.LT.K ) THEN IF( LSAME( STOREV, 'C' ) ) THEN VII = V( N-K+I, I ) V( N-K+I, I ) = ONE * * T(i+1:k,i) := * - tau(i) * V(1:n-k+i,i+1:k)' * V(1:n-k+i,i) * CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', N-K+I, K-I, -TAU( I ), $ V( 1, I+1 ), LDV, V( 1, I ), 1, ZERO, $ T( I+1, I ), 1 ) V( N-K+I, I ) = VII ELSE VII = V( I, N-K+I ) V( I, N-K+I ) = ONE * * T(i+1:k,i) := * - tau(i) * V(i+1:k,1:n-k+i) * V(i,1:n-k+i)' * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', K-I, N-K+I, -TAU( I ), $ V( I+1, 1 ), LDV, V( I, 1 ), LDV, ZERO, $ T( I+1, I ), 1 ) V( I, N-K+I ) = VII END IF * * T(i+1:k,i) := T(i+1:k,i+1:k) * T(i+1:k,i) * CALL DTRMV( 'Lower', 'No transpose', 'Non-unit', K-I, $ T( I+1, I+1 ), LDT, T( I+1, I ), 1 ) END IF T( I, I ) = TAU( I ) END IF 40 CONTINUE END IF RETURN * * End of DLARFT * END SUBROUTINE DLARFX( SIDE, M, N, V, TAU, C, LDC, WORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER SIDE INTEGER LDC, M, N DOUBLE PRECISION TAU * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION C( LDC, * ), V( * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLARFX applies a real elementary reflector H to a real m by n * matrix C, from either the left or the right. H is represented in the * form * * H = I - tau * v * v' * * where tau is a real scalar and v is a real vector. * * If tau = 0, then H is taken to be the unit matrix * * This version uses inline code if H has order < 11. * * Arguments * ========= * * SIDE (input) CHARACTER*1 * = 'L': form H * C * = 'R': form C * H * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix C. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix C. * * V (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (M) if SIDE = 'L' * or (N) if SIDE = 'R' * The vector v in the representation of H. * * TAU (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The value tau in the representation of H. * * C (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDC,N) * On entry, the m by n matrix C. * On exit, C is overwritten by the matrix H * C if SIDE = 'L', * or C * H if SIDE = 'R'. * * LDC (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array C. LDA >= (1,M). * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension * (N) if SIDE = 'L' * or (M) if SIDE = 'R' * WORK is not referenced if H has order < 11. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER J DOUBLE PRECISION SUM, T1, T10, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, $ V1, V10, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, V9 * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DGEMV, DGER * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( TAU.EQ.ZERO ) $ RETURN IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) THEN * * Form H * C, where H has order m. * GO TO ( 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150, $ 170, 190 )M * * Code for general M * * w := C'*v * CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', M, N, ONE, C, LDC, V, 1, ZERO, WORK, $ 1 ) * * C := C - tau * v * w' * CALL DGER( M, N, -TAU, V, 1, WORK, 1, C, LDC ) GO TO 410 10 CONTINUE * * Special code for 1 x 1 Householder * T1 = ONE - TAU*V( 1 )*V( 1 ) DO 20 J = 1, N C( 1, J ) = T1*C( 1, J ) 20 CONTINUE GO TO 410 30 CONTINUE * * Special code for 2 x 2 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 DO 40 J = 1, N SUM = V1*C( 1, J ) + V2*C( 2, J ) C( 1, J ) = C( 1, J ) - SUM*T1 C( 2, J ) = C( 2, J ) - SUM*T2 40 CONTINUE GO TO 410 50 CONTINUE * * Special code for 3 x 3 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = TAU*V3 DO 60 J = 1, N SUM = V1*C( 1, J ) + V2*C( 2, J ) + V3*C( 3, J ) C( 1, J ) = C( 1, J ) - SUM*T1 C( 2, J ) = C( 2, J ) - SUM*T2 C( 3, J ) = C( 3, J ) - SUM*T3 60 CONTINUE GO TO 410 70 CONTINUE * * Special code for 4 x 4 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = TAU*V3 V4 = V( 4 ) T4 = TAU*V4 DO 80 J = 1, N SUM = V1*C( 1, J ) + V2*C( 2, J ) + V3*C( 3, J ) + $ V4*C( 4, J ) C( 1, J ) = C( 1, J ) - SUM*T1 C( 2, J ) = C( 2, J ) - SUM*T2 C( 3, J ) = C( 3, J ) - SUM*T3 C( 4, J ) = C( 4, J ) - SUM*T4 80 CONTINUE GO TO 410 90 CONTINUE * * Special code for 5 x 5 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = TAU*V3 V4 = V( 4 ) T4 = TAU*V4 V5 = V( 5 ) T5 = TAU*V5 DO 100 J = 1, N SUM = V1*C( 1, J ) + V2*C( 2, J ) + V3*C( 3, J ) + $ V4*C( 4, J ) + V5*C( 5, J ) C( 1, J ) = C( 1, J ) - SUM*T1 C( 2, J ) = C( 2, J ) - SUM*T2 C( 3, J ) = C( 3, J ) - SUM*T3 C( 4, J ) = C( 4, J ) - SUM*T4 C( 5, J ) = C( 5, J ) - SUM*T5 100 CONTINUE GO TO 410 110 CONTINUE * * Special code for 6 x 6 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = TAU*V3 V4 = V( 4 ) T4 = TAU*V4 V5 = V( 5 ) T5 = TAU*V5 V6 = V( 6 ) T6 = TAU*V6 DO 120 J = 1, N SUM = V1*C( 1, J ) + V2*C( 2, J ) + V3*C( 3, J ) + $ V4*C( 4, J ) + V5*C( 5, J ) + V6*C( 6, J ) C( 1, J ) = C( 1, J ) - SUM*T1 C( 2, J ) = C( 2, J ) - SUM*T2 C( 3, J ) = C( 3, J ) - SUM*T3 C( 4, J ) = C( 4, J ) - SUM*T4 C( 5, J ) = C( 5, J ) - SUM*T5 C( 6, J ) = C( 6, J ) - SUM*T6 120 CONTINUE GO TO 410 130 CONTINUE * * Special code for 7 x 7 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = TAU*V3 V4 = V( 4 ) T4 = TAU*V4 V5 = V( 5 ) T5 = TAU*V5 V6 = V( 6 ) T6 = TAU*V6 V7 = V( 7 ) T7 = TAU*V7 DO 140 J = 1, N SUM = V1*C( 1, J ) + V2*C( 2, J ) + V3*C( 3, J ) + $ V4*C( 4, J ) + V5*C( 5, J ) + V6*C( 6, J ) + $ V7*C( 7, J ) C( 1, J ) = C( 1, J ) - SUM*T1 C( 2, J ) = C( 2, J ) - SUM*T2 C( 3, J ) = C( 3, J ) - SUM*T3 C( 4, J ) = C( 4, J ) - SUM*T4 C( 5, J ) = C( 5, J ) - SUM*T5 C( 6, J ) = C( 6, J ) - SUM*T6 C( 7, J ) = C( 7, J ) - SUM*T7 140 CONTINUE GO TO 410 150 CONTINUE * * Special code for 8 x 8 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = TAU*V3 V4 = V( 4 ) T4 = TAU*V4 V5 = V( 5 ) T5 = TAU*V5 V6 = V( 6 ) T6 = TAU*V6 V7 = V( 7 ) T7 = TAU*V7 V8 = V( 8 ) T8 = TAU*V8 DO 160 J = 1, N SUM = V1*C( 1, J ) + V2*C( 2, J ) + V3*C( 3, J ) + $ V4*C( 4, J ) + V5*C( 5, J ) + V6*C( 6, J ) + $ V7*C( 7, J ) + V8*C( 8, J ) C( 1, J ) = C( 1, J ) - SUM*T1 C( 2, J ) = C( 2, J ) - SUM*T2 C( 3, J ) = C( 3, J ) - SUM*T3 C( 4, J ) = C( 4, J ) - SUM*T4 C( 5, J ) = C( 5, J ) - SUM*T5 C( 6, J ) = C( 6, J ) - SUM*T6 C( 7, J ) = C( 7, J ) - SUM*T7 C( 8, J ) = C( 8, J ) - SUM*T8 160 CONTINUE GO TO 410 170 CONTINUE * * Special code for 9 x 9 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = TAU*V3 V4 = V( 4 ) T4 = TAU*V4 V5 = V( 5 ) T5 = TAU*V5 V6 = V( 6 ) T6 = TAU*V6 V7 = V( 7 ) T7 = TAU*V7 V8 = V( 8 ) T8 = TAU*V8 V9 = V( 9 ) T9 = TAU*V9 DO 180 J = 1, N SUM = V1*C( 1, J ) + V2*C( 2, J ) + V3*C( 3, J ) + $ V4*C( 4, J ) + V5*C( 5, J ) + V6*C( 6, J ) + $ V7*C( 7, J ) + V8*C( 8, J ) + V9*C( 9, J ) C( 1, J ) = C( 1, J ) - SUM*T1 C( 2, J ) = C( 2, J ) - SUM*T2 C( 3, J ) = C( 3, J ) - SUM*T3 C( 4, J ) = C( 4, J ) - SUM*T4 C( 5, J ) = C( 5, J ) - SUM*T5 C( 6, J ) = C( 6, J ) - SUM*T6 C( 7, J ) = C( 7, J ) - SUM*T7 C( 8, J ) = C( 8, J ) - SUM*T8 C( 9, J ) = C( 9, J ) - SUM*T9 180 CONTINUE GO TO 410 190 CONTINUE * * Special code for 10 x 10 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = TAU*V3 V4 = V( 4 ) T4 = TAU*V4 V5 = V( 5 ) T5 = TAU*V5 V6 = V( 6 ) T6 = TAU*V6 V7 = V( 7 ) T7 = TAU*V7 V8 = V( 8 ) T8 = TAU*V8 V9 = V( 9 ) T9 = TAU*V9 V10 = V( 10 ) T10 = TAU*V10 DO 200 J = 1, N SUM = V1*C( 1, J ) + V2*C( 2, J ) + V3*C( 3, J ) + $ V4*C( 4, J ) + V5*C( 5, J ) + V6*C( 6, J ) + $ V7*C( 7, J ) + V8*C( 8, J ) + V9*C( 9, J ) + $ V10*C( 10, J ) C( 1, J ) = C( 1, J ) - SUM*T1 C( 2, J ) = C( 2, J ) - SUM*T2 C( 3, J ) = C( 3, J ) - SUM*T3 C( 4, J ) = C( 4, J ) - SUM*T4 C( 5, J ) = C( 5, J ) - SUM*T5 C( 6, J ) = C( 6, J ) - SUM*T6 C( 7, J ) = C( 7, J ) - SUM*T7 C( 8, J ) = C( 8, J ) - SUM*T8 C( 9, J ) = C( 9, J ) - SUM*T9 C( 10, J ) = C( 10, J ) - SUM*T10 200 CONTINUE GO TO 410 ELSE * * Form C * H, where H has order n. * GO TO ( 210, 230, 250, 270, 290, 310, 330, 350, $ 370, 390 )N * * Code for general N * * w := C * v * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', M, N, ONE, C, LDC, V, 1, ZERO, $ WORK, 1 ) * * C := C - tau * w * v' * CALL DGER( M, N, -TAU, WORK, 1, V, 1, C, LDC ) GO TO 410 210 CONTINUE * * Special code for 1 x 1 Householder * T1 = ONE - TAU*V( 1 )*V( 1 ) DO 220 J = 1, M C( J, 1 ) = T1*C( J, 1 ) 220 CONTINUE GO TO 410 230 CONTINUE * * Special code for 2 x 2 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 DO 240 J = 1, M SUM = V1*C( J, 1 ) + V2*C( J, 2 ) C( J, 1 ) = C( J, 1 ) - SUM*T1 C( J, 2 ) = C( J, 2 ) - SUM*T2 240 CONTINUE GO TO 410 250 CONTINUE * * Special code for 3 x 3 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = TAU*V3 DO 260 J = 1, M SUM = V1*C( J, 1 ) + V2*C( J, 2 ) + V3*C( J, 3 ) C( J, 1 ) = C( J, 1 ) - SUM*T1 C( J, 2 ) = C( J, 2 ) - SUM*T2 C( J, 3 ) = C( J, 3 ) - SUM*T3 260 CONTINUE GO TO 410 270 CONTINUE * * Special code for 4 x 4 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = TAU*V3 V4 = V( 4 ) T4 = TAU*V4 DO 280 J = 1, M SUM = V1*C( J, 1 ) + V2*C( J, 2 ) + V3*C( J, 3 ) + $ V4*C( J, 4 ) C( J, 1 ) = C( J, 1 ) - SUM*T1 C( J, 2 ) = C( J, 2 ) - SUM*T2 C( J, 3 ) = C( J, 3 ) - SUM*T3 C( J, 4 ) = C( J, 4 ) - SUM*T4 280 CONTINUE GO TO 410 290 CONTINUE * * Special code for 5 x 5 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = TAU*V3 V4 = V( 4 ) T4 = TAU*V4 V5 = V( 5 ) T5 = TAU*V5 DO 300 J = 1, M SUM = V1*C( J, 1 ) + V2*C( J, 2 ) + V3*C( J, 3 ) + $ V4*C( J, 4 ) + V5*C( J, 5 ) C( J, 1 ) = C( J, 1 ) - SUM*T1 C( J, 2 ) = C( J, 2 ) - SUM*T2 C( J, 3 ) = C( J, 3 ) - SUM*T3 C( J, 4 ) = C( J, 4 ) - SUM*T4 C( J, 5 ) = C( J, 5 ) - SUM*T5 300 CONTINUE GO TO 410 310 CONTINUE * * Special code for 6 x 6 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = TAU*V3 V4 = V( 4 ) T4 = TAU*V4 V5 = V( 5 ) T5 = TAU*V5 V6 = V( 6 ) T6 = TAU*V6 DO 320 J = 1, M SUM = V1*C( J, 1 ) + V2*C( J, 2 ) + V3*C( J, 3 ) + $ V4*C( J, 4 ) + V5*C( J, 5 ) + V6*C( J, 6 ) C( J, 1 ) = C( J, 1 ) - SUM*T1 C( J, 2 ) = C( J, 2 ) - SUM*T2 C( J, 3 ) = C( J, 3 ) - SUM*T3 C( J, 4 ) = C( J, 4 ) - SUM*T4 C( J, 5 ) = C( J, 5 ) - SUM*T5 C( J, 6 ) = C( J, 6 ) - SUM*T6 320 CONTINUE GO TO 410 330 CONTINUE * * Special code for 7 x 7 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = TAU*V3 V4 = V( 4 ) T4 = TAU*V4 V5 = V( 5 ) T5 = TAU*V5 V6 = V( 6 ) T6 = TAU*V6 V7 = V( 7 ) T7 = TAU*V7 DO 340 J = 1, M SUM = V1*C( J, 1 ) + V2*C( J, 2 ) + V3*C( J, 3 ) + $ V4*C( J, 4 ) + V5*C( J, 5 ) + V6*C( J, 6 ) + $ V7*C( J, 7 ) C( J, 1 ) = C( J, 1 ) - SUM*T1 C( J, 2 ) = C( J, 2 ) - SUM*T2 C( J, 3 ) = C( J, 3 ) - SUM*T3 C( J, 4 ) = C( J, 4 ) - SUM*T4 C( J, 5 ) = C( J, 5 ) - SUM*T5 C( J, 6 ) = C( J, 6 ) - SUM*T6 C( J, 7 ) = C( J, 7 ) - SUM*T7 340 CONTINUE GO TO 410 350 CONTINUE * * Special code for 8 x 8 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = TAU*V3 V4 = V( 4 ) T4 = TAU*V4 V5 = V( 5 ) T5 = TAU*V5 V6 = V( 6 ) T6 = TAU*V6 V7 = V( 7 ) T7 = TAU*V7 V8 = V( 8 ) T8 = TAU*V8 DO 360 J = 1, M SUM = V1*C( J, 1 ) + V2*C( J, 2 ) + V3*C( J, 3 ) + $ V4*C( J, 4 ) + V5*C( J, 5 ) + V6*C( J, 6 ) + $ V7*C( J, 7 ) + V8*C( J, 8 ) C( J, 1 ) = C( J, 1 ) - SUM*T1 C( J, 2 ) = C( J, 2 ) - SUM*T2 C( J, 3 ) = C( J, 3 ) - SUM*T3 C( J, 4 ) = C( J, 4 ) - SUM*T4 C( J, 5 ) = C( J, 5 ) - SUM*T5 C( J, 6 ) = C( J, 6 ) - SUM*T6 C( J, 7 ) = C( J, 7 ) - SUM*T7 C( J, 8 ) = C( J, 8 ) - SUM*T8 360 CONTINUE GO TO 410 370 CONTINUE * * Special code for 9 x 9 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = TAU*V3 V4 = V( 4 ) T4 = TAU*V4 V5 = V( 5 ) T5 = TAU*V5 V6 = V( 6 ) T6 = TAU*V6 V7 = V( 7 ) T7 = TAU*V7 V8 = V( 8 ) T8 = TAU*V8 V9 = V( 9 ) T9 = TAU*V9 DO 380 J = 1, M SUM = V1*C( J, 1 ) + V2*C( J, 2 ) + V3*C( J, 3 ) + $ V4*C( J, 4 ) + V5*C( J, 5 ) + V6*C( J, 6 ) + $ V7*C( J, 7 ) + V8*C( J, 8 ) + V9*C( J, 9 ) C( J, 1 ) = C( J, 1 ) - SUM*T1 C( J, 2 ) = C( J, 2 ) - SUM*T2 C( J, 3 ) = C( J, 3 ) - SUM*T3 C( J, 4 ) = C( J, 4 ) - SUM*T4 C( J, 5 ) = C( J, 5 ) - SUM*T5 C( J, 6 ) = C( J, 6 ) - SUM*T6 C( J, 7 ) = C( J, 7 ) - SUM*T7 C( J, 8 ) = C( J, 8 ) - SUM*T8 C( J, 9 ) = C( J, 9 ) - SUM*T9 380 CONTINUE GO TO 410 390 CONTINUE * * Special code for 10 x 10 Householder * V1 = V( 1 ) T1 = TAU*V1 V2 = V( 2 ) T2 = TAU*V2 V3 = V( 3 ) T3 = TAU*V3 V4 = V( 4 ) T4 = TAU*V4 V5 = V( 5 ) T5 = TAU*V5 V6 = V( 6 ) T6 = TAU*V6 V7 = V( 7 ) T7 = TAU*V7 V8 = V( 8 ) T8 = TAU*V8 V9 = V( 9 ) T9 = TAU*V9 V10 = V( 10 ) T10 = TAU*V10 DO 400 J = 1, M SUM = V1*C( J, 1 ) + V2*C( J, 2 ) + V3*C( J, 3 ) + $ V4*C( J, 4 ) + V5*C( J, 5 ) + V6*C( J, 6 ) + $ V7*C( J, 7 ) + V8*C( J, 8 ) + V9*C( J, 9 ) + $ V10*C( J, 10 ) C( J, 1 ) = C( J, 1 ) - SUM*T1 C( J, 2 ) = C( J, 2 ) - SUM*T2 C( J, 3 ) = C( J, 3 ) - SUM*T3 C( J, 4 ) = C( J, 4 ) - SUM*T4 C( J, 5 ) = C( J, 5 ) - SUM*T5 C( J, 6 ) = C( J, 6 ) - SUM*T6 C( J, 7 ) = C( J, 7 ) - SUM*T7 C( J, 8 ) = C( J, 8 ) - SUM*T8 C( J, 9 ) = C( J, 9 ) - SUM*T9 C( J, 10 ) = C( J, 10 ) - SUM*T10 400 CONTINUE GO TO 410 END IF 410 CONTINUE RETURN * * End of DLARFX * END SUBROUTINE DLARGV( N, X, INCX, Y, INCY, C, INCC ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INCC, INCX, INCY, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION C( * ), X( * ), Y( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLARGV generates a vector of real plane rotations, determined by * elements of the real vectors x and y. For i = 1,2,...,n * * ( c(i) s(i) ) ( x(i) ) = ( a(i) ) * ( -s(i) c(i) ) ( y(i) ) = ( 0 ) * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of plane rotations to be generated. * * X (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension (1+(N-1)*INCX) * On entry, the vector x. * On exit, x(i) is overwritten by a(i), for i = 1,...,n. * * INCX (input) INTEGER * The increment between elements of X. INCX > 0. * * Y (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension (1+(N-1)*INCY) * On entry, the vector y. * On exit, the sines of the plane rotations. * * INCY (input) INTEGER * The increment between elements of Y. INCY > 0. * * C (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (1+(N-1)*INCC) * The cosines of the plane rotations. * * INCC (input) INTEGER * The increment between elements of C. INCC > 0. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IC, IX, IY DOUBLE PRECISION F, G, T, TT * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IX = 1 IY = 1 IC = 1 DO 10 I = 1, N F = X( IX ) G = Y( IY ) IF( G.EQ.ZERO ) THEN C( IC ) = ONE ELSE IF( F.EQ.ZERO ) THEN C( IC ) = ZERO Y( IY ) = ONE X( IX ) = G ELSE IF( ABS( F ).GT.ABS( G ) ) THEN T = G / F TT = SQRT( ONE+T*T ) C( IC ) = ONE / TT Y( IY ) = T*C( IC ) X( IX ) = F*TT ELSE T = F / G TT = SQRT( ONE+T*T ) Y( IY ) = ONE / TT C( IC ) = T*Y( IY ) X( IX ) = G*TT END IF IC = IC + INCC IY = IY + INCY IX = IX + INCX 10 CONTINUE RETURN * * End of DLARGV * END SUBROUTINE DLARNV( IDIST, ISEED, N, X ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * September 30, 1994 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER IDIST, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER ISEED( 4 ) DOUBLE PRECISION X( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLARNV returns a vector of n random real numbers from a uniform or * normal distribution. * * Arguments * ========= * * IDIST (input) INTEGER * Specifies the distribution of the random numbers: * = 1: uniform (0,1) * = 2: uniform (-1,1) * = 3: normal (0,1) * * ISEED (input/output) INTEGER array, dimension (4) * On entry, the seed of the random number generator; the array * elements must be between 0 and 4095, and ISEED(4) must be * odd. * On exit, the seed is updated. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of random numbers to be generated. * * X (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The generated random numbers. * * Further Details * =============== * * This routine calls the auxiliary routine DLARUV to generate random * real numbers from a uniform (0,1) distribution, in batches of up to * 128 using vectorisable code. The Box-Muller method is used to * transform numbers from a uniform to a normal distribution. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, TWO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, TWO = 2.0D+0 ) INTEGER LV PARAMETER ( LV = 128 ) DOUBLE PRECISION TWOPI PARAMETER ( TWOPI = 6.2831853071795864769252867663D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IL, IL2, IV * .. * .. Local Arrays .. DOUBLE PRECISION U( LV ) * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC COS, LOG, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLARUV * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * DO 40 IV = 1, N, LV / 2 IL = MIN( LV / 2, N-IV+1 ) IF( IDIST.EQ.3 ) THEN IL2 = 2*IL ELSE IL2 = IL END IF * * Call DLARUV to generate IL2 numbers from a uniform (0,1) * distribution (IL2 <= LV) * CALL DLARUV( ISEED, IL2, U ) * IF( IDIST.EQ.1 ) THEN * * Copy generated numbers * DO 10 I = 1, IL X( IV+I-1 ) = U( I ) 10 CONTINUE ELSE IF( IDIST.EQ.2 ) THEN * * Convert generated numbers to uniform (-1,1) distribution * DO 20 I = 1, IL X( IV+I-1 ) = TWO*U( I ) - ONE 20 CONTINUE ELSE IF( IDIST.EQ.3 ) THEN * * Convert generated numbers to normal (0,1) distribution * DO 30 I = 1, IL X( IV+I-1 ) = SQRT( -TWO*LOG( U( 2*I-1 ) ) )* $ COS( TWOPI*U( 2*I ) ) 30 CONTINUE END IF 40 CONTINUE RETURN * * End of DLARNV * END SUBROUTINE DLARRB( N, D, L, LD, LLD, IFIRST, ILAST, SIGMA, RELTOL, $ W, WGAP, WERR, WORK, IWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER IFIRST, ILAST, INFO, N DOUBLE PRECISION RELTOL, SIGMA * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IWORK( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), L( * ), LD( * ), LLD( * ), W( * ), $ WERR( * ), WGAP( * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * Given the relatively robust representation(RRR) L D L^T, DLARRB * does ``limited'' bisection to locate the eigenvalues of L D L^T, * W( IFIRST ) thru' W( ILAST ), to more accuracy. Intervals * [left, right] are maintained by storing their mid-points and * semi-widths in the arrays W and WERR respectively. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix. * * D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The n diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix D. * * L (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The n-1 subdiagonal elements of the unit bidiagonal matrix L. * * LD (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The n-1 elements L(i)*D(i). * * LLD (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The n-1 elements L(i)*L(i)*D(i). * * IFIRST (input) INTEGER * The index of the first eigenvalue in the cluster. * * ILAST (input) INTEGER * The index of the last eigenvalue in the cluster. * * SIGMA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The shift used to form L D L^T (see DLARRF). * * RELTOL (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The relative tolerance. * * W (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On input, W( IFIRST ) thru' W( ILAST ) are estimates of the * corresponding eigenvalues of L D L^T. * On output, these estimates are ``refined''. * * WGAP (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The gaps between the eigenvalues of L D L^T. Very small * gaps are changed on output. * * WERR (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On input, WERR( IFIRST ) thru' WERR( ILAST ) are the errors * in the estimates W( IFIRST ) thru' W( ILAST ). * On output, these are the ``refined'' errors. * *****Reminder to Inder --- WORK is never used in this subroutine ***** * WORK (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (???) * Workspace. * * IWORK (input) INTEGER array, dimension (2*N) * Workspace. * *****Reminder to Inder --- INFO is never set in this subroutine ****** * INFO (output) INTEGER * Error flag. * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Inderjit Dhillon, IBM Almaden, USA * Osni Marques, LBNL/NERSC, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, TWO, HALF PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0, TWO = 2.0D0, HALF = 0.5D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER CNT, I, I1, I2, INITI1, INITI2, J, K, NCNVRG, $ NEIG, NINT, NRIGHT, OLNINT DOUBLE PRECISION DELTA, EPS, GAP, LEFT, MID, PERT, RIGHT, S, $ THRESH, TMP, WIDTH * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * EPS = DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) I1 = IFIRST I2 = IFIRST NEIG = ILAST - IFIRST + 1 NCNVRG = 0 THRESH = RELTOL DO 10 I = IFIRST, ILAST IWORK( I ) = 0 PERT = EPS*( ABS( SIGMA )+ABS( W( I ) ) ) WERR( I ) = WERR( I ) + PERT IF( WGAP( I ).LT.PERT ) $ WGAP( I ) = PERT 10 CONTINUE DO 20 I = I1, ILAST IF( I.EQ.1 ) THEN GAP = WGAP( I ) ELSE IF( I.EQ.N ) THEN GAP = WGAP( I-1 ) ELSE GAP = MIN( WGAP( I-1 ), WGAP( I ) ) END IF IF( WERR( I ).LT.THRESH*GAP ) THEN NCNVRG = NCNVRG + 1 IWORK( I ) = 1 IF( I1.EQ.I ) $ I1 = I1 + 1 ELSE I2 = I END IF 20 CONTINUE * * Initialize the unconverged intervals. * I = I1 NINT = 0 RIGHT = ZERO 30 CONTINUE IF( I.LE.I2 ) THEN IF( IWORK( I ).EQ.0 ) THEN DELTA = EPS LEFT = W( I ) - WERR( I ) * * Do while( CNT(LEFT).GT.I-1 ) * 40 CONTINUE IF( I.GT.I1 .AND. LEFT.LE.RIGHT ) THEN LEFT = RIGHT CNT = I - 1 ELSE S = -LEFT CNT = 0 DO 50 J = 1, N - 1 TMP = D( J ) + S S = S*( LD( J ) / TMP )*L( J ) - LEFT IF( TMP.LT.ZERO ) $ CNT = CNT + 1 50 CONTINUE TMP = D( N ) + S IF( TMP.LT.ZERO ) $ CNT = CNT + 1 IF( CNT.GT.I-1 ) THEN DELTA = TWO*DELTA LEFT = LEFT - ( ABS( SIGMA )+ABS( LEFT ) )*DELTA GO TO 40 END IF END IF DELTA = EPS RIGHT = W( I ) + WERR( I ) * * Do while( CNT(RIGHT).LT.I ) * 60 CONTINUE S = -RIGHT CNT = 0 DO 70 J = 1, N - 1 TMP = D( J ) + S S = S*( LD( J ) / TMP )*L( J ) - RIGHT IF( TMP.LT.ZERO ) $ CNT = CNT + 1 70 CONTINUE TMP = D( N ) + S IF( TMP.LT.ZERO ) $ CNT = CNT + 1 IF( CNT.LT.I ) THEN DELTA = TWO*DELTA RIGHT = RIGHT + ( ABS( SIGMA )+ABS( RIGHT ) )*DELTA GO TO 60 END IF WERR( I ) = LEFT W( I ) = RIGHT IWORK( N+I ) = CNT NINT = NINT + 1 I = CNT + 1 ELSE I = I + 1 END IF GO TO 30 END IF * * While( NCNVRG.LT.NEIG ) * INITI1 = I1 INITI2 = I2 80 CONTINUE IF( NCNVRG.LT.NEIG ) THEN OLNINT = NINT I = I1 DO 100 K = 1, OLNINT NRIGHT = IWORK( N+I ) IF( IWORK( I ).EQ.0 ) THEN MID = HALF*( WERR( I )+W( I ) ) S = -MID CNT = 0 DO 90 J = 1, N - 1 TMP = D( J ) + S S = S*( LD( J ) / TMP )*L( J ) - MID IF( TMP.LT.ZERO ) $ CNT = CNT + 1 90 CONTINUE TMP = D( N ) + S IF( TMP.LT.ZERO ) $ CNT = CNT + 1 CNT = MAX( I-1, MIN( NRIGHT, CNT ) ) IF( I.EQ.NRIGHT ) THEN IF( I.EQ.IFIRST ) THEN GAP = WERR( I+1 ) - W( I ) ELSE IF( I.EQ.ILAST ) THEN GAP = WERR( I ) - W( I-1 ) ELSE GAP = MIN( WERR( I+1 )-W( I ), WERR( I )-W( I-1 ) ) END IF WIDTH = W( I ) - MID IF( WIDTH.LT.THRESH*GAP ) THEN NCNVRG = NCNVRG + 1 IWORK( I ) = 1 IF( I1.EQ.I ) THEN I1 = I1 + 1 NINT = NINT - 1 END IF END IF END IF IF( IWORK( I ).EQ.0 ) $ I2 = K IF( CNT.EQ.I-1 ) THEN WERR( I ) = MID ELSE IF( CNT.EQ.NRIGHT ) THEN W( I ) = MID ELSE IWORK( N+I ) = CNT NINT = NINT + 1 WERR( CNT+1 ) = MID W( CNT+1 ) = W( I ) W( I ) = MID I = CNT + 1 IWORK( N+I ) = NRIGHT END IF END IF I = NRIGHT + 1 100 CONTINUE NINT = NINT - OLNINT + I2 GO TO 80 END IF DO 110 I = INITI1, INITI2 W( I ) = HALF*( WERR( I )+W( I ) ) WERR( I ) = W( I ) - WERR( I ) 110 CONTINUE * RETURN * * End of DLARRB * END SUBROUTINE DLARRE( N, D, E, TOL, NSPLIT, ISPLIT, M, W, WOFF, $ GERSCH, WORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, M, N, NSPLIT DOUBLE PRECISION TOL * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER ISPLIT( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), E( * ), GERSCH( * ), W( * ), WOFF( * ), $ WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * Given the tridiagonal matrix T, DLARRE sets "small" off-diagonal * elements to zero, and for each unreduced block T_i, it finds * (i) the numbers sigma_i * (ii) the base T_i - sigma_i I = L_i D_i L_i^T representations and * (iii) eigenvalues of each L_i D_i L_i^T. * The representations and eigenvalues found are then used by * DSTEGR to compute the eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal * matrix. Currently, the base representations are limited to being * positive or negative definite, and the eigenvalues of the definite * matrices are found by the dqds algorithm (subroutine DLASQ2). As * an added benefit, DLARRE also outputs the n Gerschgorin * intervals for each L_i D_i L_i^T. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix. * * D (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On entry, the n diagonal elements of the tridiagonal * matrix T. * On exit, the n diagonal elements of the diagonal * matrices D_i. * * E (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On entry, the (n-1) subdiagonal elements of the tridiagonal * matrix T; E(N) need not be set. * On exit, the subdiagonal elements of the unit bidiagonal * matrices L_i. * * TOL (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The threshold for splitting. If on input |E(i)| < TOL, then * the matrix T is split into smaller blocks. * * NSPLIT (input) INTEGER * The number of blocks T splits into. 1 <= NSPLIT <= N. * * ISPLIT (output) INTEGER array, dimension (2*N) * The splitting points, at which T breaks up into submatrices. * The first submatrix consists of rows/columns 1 to ISPLIT(1), * the second of rows/columns ISPLIT(1)+1 through ISPLIT(2), * etc., and the NSPLIT-th consists of rows/columns * ISPLIT(NSPLIT-1)+1 through ISPLIT(NSPLIT)=N. * * M (output) INTEGER * The total number of eigenvalues (of all the L_i D_i L_i^T) * found. * * W (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The first M elements contain the eigenvalues. The * eigenvalues of each of the blocks, L_i D_i L_i^T, are * sorted in ascending order. * * WOFF (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The NSPLIT base points sigma_i. * * GERSCH (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (2*N) * The n Gerschgorin intervals. * * WORK (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (4*N???) * Workspace. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * Output error code from DLASQ2 * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Inderjit Dhillon, IBM Almaden, USA * Osni Marques, LBNL/NERSC, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE, TWO, FOUR, FOURTH PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0, ONE = 1.0D0, TWO = 2.0D0, $ FOUR = 4.0D0, FOURTH = ONE / FOUR ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER CNT, I, IBEGIN, IEND, IN, J, JBLK, MAXCNT DOUBLE PRECISION DELTA, EPS, GL, GU, NRM, OFFD, S, SGNDEF, $ SIGMA, TAU, TMP1, WIDTH * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DCOPY, DLASQ2 * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * INFO = 0 EPS = DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) * * Compute Splitting Points * NSPLIT = 1 DO 10 I = 1, N - 1 IF( ABS( E( I ) ).LE.TOL ) THEN ISPLIT( NSPLIT ) = I NSPLIT = NSPLIT + 1 END IF 10 CONTINUE ISPLIT( NSPLIT ) = N * IBEGIN = 1 DO 170 JBLK = 1, NSPLIT IEND = ISPLIT( JBLK ) IF( IBEGIN.EQ.IEND ) THEN W( IBEGIN ) = D( IBEGIN ) WOFF( JBLK ) = ZERO IBEGIN = IEND + 1 GO TO 170 END IF IN = IEND - IBEGIN + 1 * * Form the n Gerschgorin intervals * GL = D( IBEGIN ) - ABS( E( IBEGIN ) ) GU = D( IBEGIN ) + ABS( E( IBEGIN ) ) GERSCH( 2*IBEGIN-1 ) = GL GERSCH( 2*IBEGIN ) = GU GERSCH( 2*IEND-1 ) = D( IEND ) - ABS( E( IEND-1 ) ) GERSCH( 2*IEND ) = D( IEND ) + ABS( E( IEND-1 ) ) GL = MIN( GERSCH( 2*IEND-1 ), GL ) GU = MAX( GERSCH( 2*IEND ), GU ) DO 20 I = IBEGIN + 1, IEND - 1 OFFD = ABS( E( I-1 ) ) + ABS( E( I ) ) GERSCH( 2*I-1 ) = D( I ) - OFFD GL = MIN( GERSCH( 2*I-1 ), GL ) GERSCH( 2*I ) = D( I ) + OFFD GU = MAX( GERSCH( 2*I ), GU ) 20 CONTINUE NRM = MAX( ABS( GL ), ABS( GU ) ) * * Find the number SIGMA where the base representation * T - sigma I = L D L^T is to be formed. * WIDTH = GU - GL DO 30 I = IBEGIN, IEND - 1 WORK( I ) = E( I )*E( I ) 30 CONTINUE DO 50 J = 1, 2 IF( J.EQ.1 ) THEN TAU = GL + FOURTH*WIDTH ELSE TAU = GU - FOURTH*WIDTH END IF TMP1 = D( IBEGIN ) - TAU IF( TMP1.LT.ZERO ) THEN CNT = 1 ELSE CNT = 0 END IF DO 40 I = IBEGIN + 1, IEND TMP1 = D( I ) - TAU - WORK( I-1 ) / TMP1 IF( TMP1.LT.ZERO ) $ CNT = CNT + 1 40 CONTINUE IF( CNT.EQ.0 ) THEN GL = TAU ELSE IF( CNT.EQ.IN ) THEN GU = TAU END IF IF( J.EQ.1 ) THEN MAXCNT = CNT SIGMA = GL SGNDEF = ONE ELSE IF( IN-CNT.GT.MAXCNT ) THEN SIGMA = GU SGNDEF = -ONE END IF END IF 50 CONTINUE * * Find the base L D L^T representation * WORK( 3*IN ) = ONE DELTA = EPS TAU = SGNDEF*NRM 60 CONTINUE SIGMA = SIGMA - DELTA*TAU WORK( 1 ) = D( IBEGIN ) - SIGMA J = IBEGIN DO 70 I = 1, IN - 1 WORK( 2*IN+I ) = ONE / WORK( 2*I-1 ) TMP1 = E( J )*WORK( 2*IN+I ) WORK( 2*I+1 ) = ( D( J+1 )-SIGMA ) - TMP1*E( J ) WORK( 2*I ) = TMP1 J = J + 1 70 CONTINUE DO 80 I = IN, 1, -1 TMP1 = SGNDEF*WORK( 2*I-1 ) IF( TMP1.LT.ZERO .OR. WORK( 2*IN+I ).EQ.ZERO .OR. .NOT. $ ( TMP1.GT.ZERO .OR. TMP1.LT.ONE ) ) THEN DELTA = TWO*DELTA GO TO 60 END IF J = J - 1 80 CONTINUE * J = IBEGIN D( IBEGIN ) = WORK( 1 ) WORK( 1 ) = ABS( WORK( 1 ) ) DO 90 I = 1, IN - 1 TMP1 = E( J ) E( J ) = WORK( 2*I ) WORK( 2*I ) = ABS( TMP1*WORK( 2*I ) ) J = J + 1 D( J ) = WORK( 2*I+1 ) WORK( 2*I+1 ) = ABS( WORK( 2*I+1 ) ) 90 CONTINUE * CALL DLASQ2( IN, WORK, INFO ) * TAU = SGNDEF*WORK( IN ) WORK( 3*IN ) = ONE DELTA = TWO*EPS 100 CONTINUE TAU = TAU*( ONE-DELTA ) * S = -TAU J = IBEGIN DO 110 I = 1, IN - 1 WORK( I ) = D( J ) + S WORK( 2*IN+I ) = ONE / WORK( I ) * WORK( N+I ) = ( E( I ) * D( I ) ) / WORK( I ) WORK( IN+I ) = ( E( J )*D( J ) )*WORK( 2*IN+I ) S = S*WORK( IN+I )*E( J ) - TAU J = J + 1 110 CONTINUE WORK( IN ) = D( IEND ) + S * * Checking to see if all the diagonal elements of the new * L D L^T representation have the same sign * DO 120 I = IN, 1, -1 TMP1 = SGNDEF*WORK( I ) IF( TMP1.LT.ZERO .OR. WORK( 2*IN+I ).EQ.ZERO .OR. .NOT. $ ( TMP1.GT.ZERO .OR. TMP1.LT.ONE ) ) THEN DELTA = TWO*DELTA GO TO 100 END IF 120 CONTINUE * SIGMA = SIGMA + TAU CALL DCOPY( IN, WORK, 1, D( IBEGIN ), 1 ) CALL DCOPY( IN-1, WORK( IN+1 ), 1, E( IBEGIN ), 1 ) WOFF( JBLK ) = SIGMA * * Update the n Gerschgorin intervals * DO 130 I = IBEGIN, IEND GERSCH( 2*I-1 ) = GERSCH( 2*I-1 ) - SIGMA GERSCH( 2*I ) = GERSCH( 2*I ) - SIGMA 130 CONTINUE * * Compute the eigenvalues of L D L^T. * J = IBEGIN DO 140 I = 1, IN - 1 WORK( 2*I-1 ) = ABS( D( J ) ) WORK( 2*I ) = E( J )*E( J )*WORK( 2*I-1 ) J = J + 1 140 CONTINUE WORK( 2*IN-1 ) = ABS( D( IEND ) ) * CALL DLASQ2( IN, WORK, INFO ) * J = IBEGIN IF( SGNDEF.GT.ZERO ) THEN DO 150 I = 1, IN W( J ) = WORK( IN-I+1 ) J = J + 1 150 CONTINUE ELSE DO 160 I = 1, IN W( J ) = -WORK( I ) J = J + 1 160 CONTINUE END IF IBEGIN = IEND + 1 170 CONTINUE M = N * RETURN * * End of DLARRE * END SUBROUTINE DLARRF( N, D, L, LD, LLD, IFIRST, ILAST, W, DPLUS, $ LPLUS, WORK, IWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER IFIRST, ILAST, INFO, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IWORK( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), DPLUS( * ), L( * ), LD( * ), LLD( * ), $ LPLUS( * ), W( * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * Given the initial representation L D L^T and its cluster of close * eigenvalues (in a relative measure), W( IFIRST ), W( IFIRST+1 ), ... * W( ILAST ), DLARRF finds a new relatively robust representation * L D L^T - SIGMA I = L(+) D(+) L(+)^T such that at least one of the * eigenvalues of L(+) D(+) L(+)^T is relatively isolated. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix. * * D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The n diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix D. * * L (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The (n-1) subdiagonal elements of the unit bidiagonal * matrix L. * * LD (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The n-1 elements L(i)*D(i). * * LLD (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The n-1 elements L(i)*L(i)*D(i). * * IFIRST (input) INTEGER * The index of the first eigenvalue in the cluster. * * ILAST (input) INTEGER * The index of the last eigenvalue in the cluster. * * W (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On input, the eigenvalues of L D L^T in ascending order. * W( IFIRST ) through W( ILAST ) form the cluster of relatively * close eigenalues. * On output, W( IFIRST ) thru' W( ILAST ) are estimates of the * corresponding eigenvalues of L(+) D(+) L(+)^T. * * SIGMA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The shift used to form L(+) D(+) L(+)^T. * * DPLUS (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The n diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix D(+). * * LPLUS (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The first (n-1) elements of LPLUS contain the subdiagonal * elements of the unit bidiagonal matrix L(+). LPLUS( N ) is * set to SIGMA. * * WORK (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (???) * Workspace. * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Inderjit Dhillon, IBM Almaden, USA * Osni Marques, LBNL/NERSC, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, TWO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0, TWO = 2.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I DOUBLE PRECISION DELTA, EPS, S, SIGMA * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * INFO = 0 EPS = DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) IF( IFIRST.EQ.1 ) THEN SIGMA = W( IFIRST ) ELSE IF( ILAST.EQ.N ) THEN SIGMA = W( ILAST ) ELSE INFO = 1 RETURN END IF * * Compute the new relatively robust representation (RRR) * DELTA = TWO*EPS 10 CONTINUE IF( IFIRST.EQ.1 ) THEN SIGMA = SIGMA - ABS( SIGMA )*DELTA ELSE SIGMA = SIGMA + ABS( SIGMA )*DELTA END IF S = -SIGMA DO 20 I = 1, N - 1 DPLUS( I ) = D( I ) + S LPLUS( I ) = LD( I ) / DPLUS( I ) S = S*LPLUS( I )*L( I ) - SIGMA 20 CONTINUE DPLUS( N ) = D( N ) + S IF( IFIRST.EQ.1 ) THEN DO 30 I = 1, N IF( DPLUS( I ).LT.ZERO ) THEN DELTA = TWO*DELTA GO TO 10 END IF 30 CONTINUE ELSE DO 40 I = 1, N IF( DPLUS( I ).GT.ZERO ) THEN DELTA = TWO*DELTA GO TO 10 END IF 40 CONTINUE END IF DO 50 I = IFIRST, ILAST W( I ) = W( I ) - SIGMA 50 CONTINUE LPLUS( N ) = SIGMA * RETURN * * End of DLARRF * END SUBROUTINE DLARRV( N, D, L, ISPLIT, M, W, IBLOCK, GERSCH, TOL, Z, $ LDZ, ISUPPZ, WORK, IWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, LDZ, M, N DOUBLE PRECISION TOL * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IBLOCK( * ), ISPLIT( * ), ISUPPZ( * ), $ IWORK( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), GERSCH( * ), L( * ), W( * ), WORK( * ), $ Z( LDZ, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLARRV computes the eigenvectors of the tridiagonal matrix * T = L D L^T given L, D and the eigenvalues of L D L^T. * The input eigenvalues should have high relative accuracy with * respect to the entries of L and D. The desired accuracy of the * output can be specified by the input parameter TOL. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix. N >= 0. * * D (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On entry, the n diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix D. * On exit, D may be overwritten. * * L (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * On entry, the (n-1) subdiagonal elements of the unit * bidiagonal matrix L in elements 1 to N-1 of L. L(N) need * not be set. On exit, L is overwritten. * * ISPLIT (input) INTEGER array, dimension (N) * The splitting points, at which T breaks up into submatrices. * The first submatrix consists of rows/columns 1 to * ISPLIT( 1 ), the second of rows/columns ISPLIT( 1 )+1 * through ISPLIT( 2 ), etc. * * TOL (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The absolute error tolerance for the * eigenvalues/eigenvectors. * Errors in the input eigenvalues must be bounded by TOL. * The eigenvectors output have residual norms * bounded by TOL, and the dot products between different * eigenvectors are bounded by TOL. TOL must be at least * N*EPS*|T|, where EPS is the machine precision and |T| is * the 1-norm of the tridiagonal matrix. * * M (input) INTEGER * The total number of eigenvalues found. 0 <= M <= N. * If RANGE = 'A', M = N, and if RANGE = 'I', M = IU-IL+1. * * W (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The first M elements of W contain the eigenvalues for * which eigenvectors are to be computed. The eigenvalues * should be grouped by split-off block and ordered from * smallest to largest within the block ( The output array * W from DLARRE is expected here ). * Errors in W must be bounded by TOL (see above). * * IBLOCK (input) INTEGER array, dimension (N) * The submatrix indices associated with the corresponding * eigenvalues in W; IBLOCK(i)=1 if eigenvalue W(i) belongs to * the first submatrix from the top, =2 if W(i) belongs to * the second submatrix, etc. * * Z (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDZ, max(1,M) ) * If JOBZ = 'V', then if INFO = 0, the first M columns of Z * contain the orthonormal eigenvectors of the matrix T * corresponding to the selected eigenvalues, with the i-th * column of Z holding the eigenvector associated with W(i). * If JOBZ = 'N', then Z is not referenced. * Note: the user must ensure that at least max(1,M) columns are * supplied in the array Z; if RANGE = 'V', the exact value of M * is not known in advance and an upper bound must be used. * * LDZ (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array Z. LDZ >= 1, and if * JOBZ = 'V', LDZ >= max(1,N). * * ISUPPZ (output) INTEGER ARRAY, dimension ( 2*max(1,M) ) * The support of the eigenvectors in Z, i.e., the indices * indicating the nonzero elements in Z. The i-th eigenvector * is nonzero only in elements ISUPPZ( 2*i-1 ) through * ISUPPZ( 2*i ). * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (13*N) * * IWORK (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension (6*N) * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value * > 0: if INFO = 1, internal error in DLARRB * if INFO = 2, internal error in DSTEIN * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Inderjit Dhillon, IBM Almaden, USA * Osni Marques, LBNL/NERSC, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. INTEGER MGSSIZ PARAMETER ( MGSSIZ = 20 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE, FOUR PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0, ONE = 1.0D0, FOUR = 4.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL MGSCLS INTEGER I, IBEGIN, IEND, IINDC1, IINDC2, IINDR, IINDWK, $ IINFO, IM, IN, INDERR, INDGAP, INDLD, INDLLD, $ INDWRK, ITER, ITMP1, ITMP2, J, JBLK, K, KTOT, $ LSBDPT, MAXITR, NCLUS, NDEPTH, NDONE, NEWCLS, $ NEWFRS, NEWFTT, NEWLST, NEWSIZ, NSPLIT, OLDCLS, $ OLDFST, OLDIEN, OLDLST, OLDNCL, P, Q DOUBLE PRECISION EPS, GAP, LAMBDA, MGSTOL, MINGMA, MINRGP, $ NRMINV, RELGAP, RELTOL, RESID, RQCORR, SIGMA, $ TMP1, ZTZ * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DDOT, DLAMCH, DNRM2 EXTERNAL DDOT, DLAMCH, DNRM2 * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DAXPY, DCOPY, DLAR1V, DLARRB, DLARRF, DLASET, $ DSCAL, DSTEIN * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, DBLE, MAX, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. Local Arrays .. INTEGER TEMP( 1 ) * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INDERR = N + 1 INDLD = 2*N INDLLD = 3*N INDGAP = 4*N INDWRK = 5*N + 1 * IINDR = N IINDC1 = 2*N IINDC2 = 3*N IINDWK = 4*N + 1 * EPS = DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) * DO 10 I = 1, 2*N IWORK( I ) = 0 10 CONTINUE DO 20 I = 1, M WORK( INDERR+I-1 ) = EPS*ABS( W( I ) ) 20 CONTINUE CALL DLASET( 'Full', N, N, ZERO, ZERO, Z, LDZ ) MGSTOL = 5.0D0*EPS * NSPLIT = IBLOCK( M ) IBEGIN = 1 DO 170 JBLK = 1, NSPLIT IEND = ISPLIT( JBLK ) * * Find the eigenvectors of the submatrix indexed IBEGIN * through IEND. * IF( IBEGIN.EQ.IEND ) THEN Z( IBEGIN, IBEGIN ) = ONE ISUPPZ( 2*IBEGIN-1 ) = IBEGIN ISUPPZ( 2*IBEGIN ) = IBEGIN IBEGIN = IEND + 1 GO TO 170 END IF OLDIEN = IBEGIN - 1 IN = IEND - OLDIEN RELTOL = MIN( 1.0D-2, ONE / DBLE( IN ) ) IM = IN CALL DCOPY( IM, W( IBEGIN ), 1, WORK, 1 ) DO 30 I = 1, IN - 1 WORK( INDGAP+I ) = WORK( I+1 ) - WORK( I ) 30 CONTINUE WORK( INDGAP+IN ) = MAX( ABS( WORK( IN ) ), EPS ) NDONE = 0 * NDEPTH = 0 LSBDPT = 1 NCLUS = 1 IWORK( IINDC1+1 ) = 1 IWORK( IINDC1+2 ) = IN * * While( NDONE.LT.IM ) do * 40 CONTINUE IF( NDONE.LT.IM ) THEN OLDNCL = NCLUS NCLUS = 0 LSBDPT = 1 - LSBDPT DO 150 I = 1, OLDNCL IF( LSBDPT.EQ.0 ) THEN OLDCLS = IINDC1 NEWCLS = IINDC2 ELSE OLDCLS = IINDC2 NEWCLS = IINDC1 END IF * * If NDEPTH > 1, retrieve the relatively robust * representation (RRR) and perform limited bisection * (if necessary) to get approximate eigenvalues. * J = OLDCLS + 2*I OLDFST = IWORK( J-1 ) OLDLST = IWORK( J ) IF( NDEPTH.GT.0 ) THEN J = OLDIEN + OLDFST CALL DCOPY( IN, Z( IBEGIN, J ), 1, D( IBEGIN ), 1 ) CALL DCOPY( IN, Z( IBEGIN, J+1 ), 1, L( IBEGIN ), 1 ) SIGMA = L( IEND ) END IF K = IBEGIN DO 50 J = 1, IN - 1 WORK( INDLD+J ) = D( K )*L( K ) WORK( INDLLD+J ) = WORK( INDLD+J )*L( K ) K = K + 1 50 CONTINUE IF( NDEPTH.GT.0 ) THEN CALL DLARRB( IN, D( IBEGIN ), L( IBEGIN ), $ WORK( INDLD+1 ), WORK( INDLLD+1 ), $ OLDFST, OLDLST, SIGMA, RELTOL, WORK, $ WORK( INDGAP+1 ), WORK( INDERR ), $ WORK( INDWRK ), IWORK( IINDWK ), IINFO ) IF( IINFO.NE.0 ) THEN INFO = 1 RETURN END IF END IF * * Classify eigenvalues of the current representation (RRR) * as (i) isolated, (ii) loosely clustered or (iii) tightly * clustered * NEWFRS = OLDFST DO 140 J = OLDFST, OLDLST IF( J.EQ.OLDLST .OR. WORK( INDGAP+J ).GE.RELTOL* $ ABS( WORK( J ) ) ) THEN NEWLST = J ELSE * * continue (to the next loop) * RELGAP = WORK( INDGAP+J ) / ABS( WORK( J ) ) IF( J.EQ.NEWFRS ) THEN MINRGP = RELGAP ELSE MINRGP = MIN( MINRGP, RELGAP ) END IF GO TO 140 END IF NEWSIZ = NEWLST - NEWFRS + 1 MAXITR = 10 NEWFTT = OLDIEN + NEWFRS IF( NEWSIZ.GT.1 ) THEN MGSCLS = NEWSIZ.LE.MGSSIZ .AND. MINRGP.GE.MGSTOL IF( .NOT.MGSCLS ) THEN CALL DLARRF( IN, D( IBEGIN ), L( IBEGIN ), $ WORK( INDLD+1 ), WORK( INDLLD+1 ), $ NEWFRS, NEWLST, WORK, $ Z( IBEGIN, NEWFTT ), $ Z( IBEGIN, NEWFTT+1 ), $ WORK( INDWRK ), IWORK( IINDWK ), $ INFO ) IF( INFO.EQ.0 ) THEN NCLUS = NCLUS + 1 K = NEWCLS + 2*NCLUS IWORK( K-1 ) = NEWFRS IWORK( K ) = NEWLST ELSE INFO = 0 IF( MINRGP.GE.MGSTOL ) THEN MGSCLS = .TRUE. ELSE * * Call DSTEIN to process this tight cluster. * This happens only if MINRGP <= MGSTOL * and DLARRF returns INFO = 1. The latter * means that a new RRR to "break" the * cluster could not be found. * WORK( INDWRK ) = D( IBEGIN ) DO 60 K = 1, IN - 1 WORK( INDWRK+K ) = D( IBEGIN+K ) + $ WORK( INDLLD+K ) 60 CONTINUE DO 70 K = 1, NEWSIZ IWORK( IINDWK+K-1 ) = 1 70 CONTINUE DO 80 K = NEWFRS, NEWLST ISUPPZ( 2*( IBEGIN+K )-3 ) = 1 ISUPPZ( 2*( IBEGIN+K )-2 ) = IN 80 CONTINUE TEMP( 1 ) = IN CALL DSTEIN( IN, WORK( INDWRK ), $ WORK( INDLD+1 ), NEWSIZ, $ WORK( NEWFRS ), $ IWORK( IINDWK ), TEMP( 1 ), $ Z( IBEGIN, NEWFTT ), LDZ, $ WORK( INDWRK+IN ), $ IWORK( IINDWK+IN ), $ IWORK( IINDWK+2*IN ), IINFO ) IF( IINFO.NE.0 ) THEN INFO = 2 RETURN END IF NDONE = NDONE + NEWSIZ END IF END IF END IF ELSE MGSCLS = .FALSE. END IF IF( NEWSIZ.EQ.1 .OR. MGSCLS ) THEN KTOT = NEWFTT DO 100 K = NEWFRS, NEWLST ITER = 0 90 CONTINUE LAMBDA = WORK( K ) CALL DLAR1V( IN, 1, IN, LAMBDA, D( IBEGIN ), $ L( IBEGIN ), WORK( INDLD+1 ), $ WORK( INDLLD+1 ), $ GERSCH( 2*OLDIEN+1 ), $ Z( IBEGIN, KTOT ), ZTZ, MINGMA, $ IWORK( IINDR+KTOT ), $ ISUPPZ( 2*KTOT-1 ), $ WORK( INDWRK ) ) TMP1 = ONE / ZTZ NRMINV = SQRT( TMP1 ) RESID = ABS( MINGMA )*NRMINV RQCORR = MINGMA*TMP1 IF( K.EQ.IN ) THEN GAP = WORK( INDGAP+K-1 ) ELSE IF( K.EQ.1 ) THEN GAP = WORK( INDGAP+K ) ELSE GAP = MIN( WORK( INDGAP+K-1 ), $ WORK( INDGAP+K ) ) END IF ITER = ITER + 1 IF( RESID.GT.TOL*GAP .AND. ABS( RQCORR ).GT. $ FOUR*EPS*ABS( LAMBDA ) ) THEN WORK( K ) = LAMBDA + RQCORR IF( ITER.LT.MAXITR ) THEN GO TO 90 END IF END IF IWORK( KTOT ) = 1 IF( NEWSIZ.EQ.1 ) $ NDONE = NDONE + 1 CALL DSCAL( IN, NRMINV, Z( IBEGIN, KTOT ), 1 ) KTOT = KTOT + 1 100 CONTINUE IF( NEWSIZ.GT.1 ) THEN ITMP1 = ISUPPZ( 2*NEWFTT-1 ) ITMP2 = ISUPPZ( 2*NEWFTT ) KTOT = OLDIEN + NEWLST DO 120 P = NEWFTT + 1, KTOT DO 110 Q = NEWFTT, P - 1 TMP1 = -DDOT( IN, Z( IBEGIN, P ), 1, $ Z( IBEGIN, Q ), 1 ) CALL DAXPY( IN, TMP1, Z( IBEGIN, Q ), 1, $ Z( IBEGIN, P ), 1 ) 110 CONTINUE TMP1 = ONE / DNRM2( IN, Z( IBEGIN, P ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( IN, TMP1, Z( IBEGIN, P ), 1 ) ITMP1 = MIN( ITMP1, ISUPPZ( 2*P-1 ) ) ITMP2 = MAX( ITMP2, ISUPPZ( 2*P ) ) 120 CONTINUE DO 130 P = NEWFTT, KTOT ISUPPZ( 2*P-1 ) = ITMP1 ISUPPZ( 2*P ) = ITMP2 130 CONTINUE NDONE = NDONE + NEWSIZ END IF END IF NEWFRS = J + 1 140 CONTINUE 150 CONTINUE NDEPTH = NDEPTH + 1 GO TO 40 END IF J = 2*IBEGIN DO 160 I = IBEGIN, IEND ISUPPZ( J-1 ) = ISUPPZ( J-1 ) + OLDIEN ISUPPZ( J ) = ISUPPZ( J ) + OLDIEN J = J + 2 160 CONTINUE IBEGIN = IEND + 1 170 CONTINUE * RETURN * * End of DLARRV * END SUBROUTINE DLARTG( F, G, CS, SN, R ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * September 30, 1994 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION CS, F, G, R, SN * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLARTG generate a plane rotation so that * * [ CS SN ] . [ F ] = [ R ] where CS**2 + SN**2 = 1. * [ -SN CS ] [ G ] [ 0 ] * * This is a slower, more accurate version of the BLAS1 routine DROTG, * with the following other differences: * F and G are unchanged on return. * If G=0, then CS=1 and SN=0. * If F=0 and (G .ne. 0), then CS=0 and SN=1 without doing any * floating point operations (saves work in DBDSQR when * there are zeros on the diagonal). * * If F exceeds G in magnitude, CS will be positive. * * Arguments * ========= * * F (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The first component of vector to be rotated. * * G (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The second component of vector to be rotated. * * CS (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The cosine of the rotation. * * SN (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The sine of the rotation. * * R (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The nonzero component of the rotated vector. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION TWO PARAMETER ( TWO = 2.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL FIRST INTEGER COUNT, I DOUBLE PRECISION EPS, F1, G1, SAFMIN, SAFMN2, SAFMX2, SCALE * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, INT, LOG, MAX, SQRT * .. * .. Save statement .. SAVE FIRST, SAFMX2, SAFMIN, SAFMN2 * .. * .. Data statements .. DATA FIRST / .TRUE. / * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( FIRST ) THEN FIRST = .FALSE. SAFMIN = DLAMCH( 'S' ) EPS = DLAMCH( 'E' ) SAFMN2 = DLAMCH( 'B' )**INT( LOG( SAFMIN / EPS ) / $ LOG( DLAMCH( 'B' ) ) / TWO ) SAFMX2 = ONE / SAFMN2 END IF IF( G.EQ.ZERO ) THEN CS = ONE SN = ZERO R = F ELSE IF( F.EQ.ZERO ) THEN CS = ZERO SN = ONE R = G ELSE F1 = F G1 = G SCALE = MAX( ABS( F1 ), ABS( G1 ) ) IF( SCALE.GE.SAFMX2 ) THEN COUNT = 0 10 CONTINUE COUNT = COUNT + 1 F1 = F1*SAFMN2 G1 = G1*SAFMN2 SCALE = MAX( ABS( F1 ), ABS( G1 ) ) IF( SCALE.GE.SAFMX2 ) $ GO TO 10 R = SQRT( F1**2+G1**2 ) CS = F1 / R SN = G1 / R DO 20 I = 1, COUNT R = R*SAFMX2 20 CONTINUE ELSE IF( SCALE.LE.SAFMN2 ) THEN COUNT = 0 30 CONTINUE COUNT = COUNT + 1 F1 = F1*SAFMX2 G1 = G1*SAFMX2 SCALE = MAX( ABS( F1 ), ABS( G1 ) ) IF( SCALE.LE.SAFMN2 ) $ GO TO 30 R = SQRT( F1**2+G1**2 ) CS = F1 / R SN = G1 / R DO 40 I = 1, COUNT R = R*SAFMN2 40 CONTINUE ELSE R = SQRT( F1**2+G1**2 ) CS = F1 / R SN = G1 / R END IF IF( ABS( F ).GT.ABS( G ) .AND. CS.LT.ZERO ) THEN CS = -CS SN = -SN R = -R END IF END IF RETURN * * End of DLARTG * END SUBROUTINE DLARTV( N, X, INCX, Y, INCY, C, S, INCC ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INCC, INCX, INCY, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION C( * ), S( * ), X( * ), Y( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLARTV applies a vector of real plane rotations to elements of the * real vectors x and y. For i = 1,2,...,n * * ( x(i) ) := ( c(i) s(i) ) ( x(i) ) * ( y(i) ) ( -s(i) c(i) ) ( y(i) ) * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of plane rotations to be applied. * * X (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension (1+(N-1)*INCX) * The vector x. * * INCX (input) INTEGER * The increment between elements of X. INCX > 0. * * Y (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension (1+(N-1)*INCY) * The vector y. * * INCY (input) INTEGER * The increment between elements of Y. INCY > 0. * * C (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (1+(N-1)*INCC) * The cosines of the plane rotations. * * S (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (1+(N-1)*INCC) * The sines of the plane rotations. * * INCC (input) INTEGER * The increment between elements of C and S. INCC > 0. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IC, IX, IY DOUBLE PRECISION XI, YI * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IX = 1 IY = 1 IC = 1 DO 10 I = 1, N XI = X( IX ) YI = Y( IY ) X( IX ) = C( IC )*XI + S( IC )*YI Y( IY ) = C( IC )*YI - S( IC )*XI IX = IX + INCX IY = IY + INCY IC = IC + INCC 10 CONTINUE RETURN * * End of DLARTV * END SUBROUTINE DLARUV( ISEED, N, X ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER ISEED( 4 ) DOUBLE PRECISION X( N ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLARUV returns a vector of n random real numbers from a uniform (0,1) * distribution (n <= 128). * * This is an auxiliary routine called by DLARNV and ZLARNV. * * Arguments * ========= * * ISEED (input/output) INTEGER array, dimension (4) * On entry, the seed of the random number generator; the array * elements must be between 0 and 4095, and ISEED(4) must be * odd. * On exit, the seed is updated. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of random numbers to be generated. N <= 128. * * X (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The generated random numbers. * * Further Details * =============== * * This routine uses a multiplicative congruential method with modulus * 2**48 and multiplier 33952834046453 (see G.S.Fishman, * 'Multiplicative congruential random number generators with modulus * 2**b: an exhaustive analysis for b = 32 and a partial analysis for * b = 48', Math. Comp. 189, pp 331-344, 1990). * * 48-bit integers are stored in 4 integer array elements with 12 bits * per element. Hence the routine is portable across machines with * integers of 32 bits or more. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D0 ) INTEGER LV, IPW2 DOUBLE PRECISION R PARAMETER ( LV = 128, IPW2 = 4096, R = ONE / IPW2 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, I1, I2, I3, I4, IT1, IT2, IT3, IT4, J * .. * .. Local Arrays .. INTEGER MM( LV, 4 ) * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC DBLE, MIN, MOD * .. * .. Data statements .. DATA ( MM( 1, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 494, 322, 2508, $ 2549 / DATA ( MM( 2, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2637, 789, 3754, $ 1145 / DATA ( MM( 3, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 255, 1440, 1766, $ 2253 / DATA ( MM( 4, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2008, 752, 3572, $ 305 / DATA ( MM( 5, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1253, 2859, 2893, $ 3301 / DATA ( MM( 6, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3344, 123, 307, $ 1065 / DATA ( MM( 7, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 4084, 1848, 1297, $ 3133 / DATA ( MM( 8, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1739, 643, 3966, $ 2913 / DATA ( MM( 9, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3143, 2405, 758, $ 3285 / DATA ( MM( 10, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3468, 2638, 2598, $ 1241 / DATA ( MM( 11, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 688, 2344, 3406, $ 1197 / DATA ( MM( 12, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1657, 46, 2922, $ 3729 / DATA ( MM( 13, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1238, 3814, 1038, $ 2501 / DATA ( MM( 14, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3166, 913, 2934, $ 1673 / DATA ( MM( 15, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1292, 3649, 2091, $ 541 / DATA ( MM( 16, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3422, 339, 2451, $ 2753 / DATA ( MM( 17, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1270, 3808, 1580, $ 949 / DATA ( MM( 18, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2016, 822, 1958, $ 2361 / DATA ( MM( 19, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 154, 2832, 2055, $ 1165 / DATA ( MM( 20, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2862, 3078, 1507, $ 4081 / DATA ( MM( 21, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 697, 3633, 1078, $ 2725 / DATA ( MM( 22, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1706, 2970, 3273, $ 3305 / DATA ( MM( 23, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 491, 637, 17, $ 3069 / DATA ( MM( 24, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 931, 2249, 854, $ 3617 / DATA ( MM( 25, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1444, 2081, 2916, $ 3733 / DATA ( MM( 26, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 444, 4019, 3971, $ 409 / DATA ( MM( 27, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3577, 1478, 2889, $ 2157 / DATA ( MM( 28, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3944, 242, 3831, $ 1361 / DATA ( MM( 29, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2184, 481, 2621, $ 3973 / DATA ( MM( 30, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1661, 2075, 1541, $ 1865 / DATA ( MM( 31, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3482, 4058, 893, $ 2525 / DATA ( MM( 32, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 657, 622, 736, $ 1409 / DATA ( MM( 33, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3023, 3376, 3992, $ 3445 / DATA ( MM( 34, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3618, 812, 787, $ 3577 / DATA ( MM( 35, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1267, 234, 2125, $ 77 / DATA ( MM( 36, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1828, 641, 2364, $ 3761 / DATA ( MM( 37, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 164, 4005, 2460, $ 2149 / DATA ( MM( 38, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3798, 1122, 257, $ 1449 / DATA ( MM( 39, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3087, 3135, 1574, $ 3005 / DATA ( MM( 40, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2400, 2640, 3912, $ 225 / DATA ( MM( 41, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2870, 2302, 1216, $ 85 / DATA ( MM( 42, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3876, 40, 3248, $ 3673 / DATA ( MM( 43, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1905, 1832, 3401, $ 3117 / DATA ( MM( 44, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1593, 2247, 2124, $ 3089 / DATA ( MM( 45, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1797, 2034, 2762, $ 1349 / DATA ( MM( 46, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1234, 2637, 149, $ 2057 / DATA ( MM( 47, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3460, 1287, 2245, $ 413 / DATA ( MM( 48, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 328, 1691, 166, $ 65 / DATA ( MM( 49, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2861, 496, 466, $ 1845 / DATA ( MM( 50, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1950, 1597, 4018, $ 697 / DATA ( MM( 51, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 617, 2394, 1399, $ 3085 / DATA ( MM( 52, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2070, 2584, 190, $ 3441 / DATA ( MM( 53, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3331, 1843, 2879, $ 1573 / DATA ( MM( 54, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 769, 336, 153, $ 3689 / DATA ( MM( 55, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1558, 1472, 2320, $ 2941 / DATA ( MM( 56, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2412, 2407, 18, $ 929 / DATA ( MM( 57, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2800, 433, 712, $ 533 / DATA ( MM( 58, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 189, 2096, 2159, $ 2841 / DATA ( MM( 59, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 287, 1761, 2318, $ 4077 / DATA ( MM( 60, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2045, 2810, 2091, $ 721 / DATA ( MM( 61, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1227, 566, 3443, $ 2821 / DATA ( MM( 62, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2838, 442, 1510, $ 2249 / DATA ( MM( 63, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 209, 41, 449, $ 2397 / DATA ( MM( 64, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2770, 1238, 1956, $ 2817 / DATA ( MM( 65, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3654, 1086, 2201, $ 245 / DATA ( MM( 66, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3993, 603, 3137, $ 1913 / DATA ( MM( 67, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 192, 840, 3399, $ 1997 / DATA ( MM( 68, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2253, 3168, 1321, $ 3121 / DATA ( MM( 69, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3491, 1499, 2271, $ 997 / DATA ( MM( 70, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2889, 1084, 3667, $ 1833 / DATA ( MM( 71, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2857, 3438, 2703, $ 2877 / DATA ( MM( 72, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2094, 2408, 629, $ 1633 / DATA ( MM( 73, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1818, 1589, 2365, $ 981 / DATA ( MM( 74, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 688, 2391, 2431, $ 2009 / DATA ( MM( 75, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1407, 288, 1113, $ 941 / DATA ( MM( 76, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 634, 26, 3922, $ 2449 / DATA ( MM( 77, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3231, 512, 2554, $ 197 / DATA ( MM( 78, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 815, 1456, 184, $ 2441 / DATA ( MM( 79, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3524, 171, 2099, $ 285 / DATA ( MM( 80, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1914, 1677, 3228, $ 1473 / DATA ( MM( 81, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 516, 2657, 4012, $ 2741 / DATA ( MM( 82, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 164, 2270, 1921, $ 3129 / DATA ( MM( 83, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 303, 2587, 3452, $ 909 / DATA ( MM( 84, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2144, 2961, 3901, $ 2801 / DATA ( MM( 85, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3480, 1970, 572, $ 421 / DATA ( MM( 86, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 119, 1817, 3309, $ 4073 / DATA ( MM( 87, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3357, 676, 3171, $ 2813 / DATA ( MM( 88, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 837, 1410, 817, $ 2337 / DATA ( MM( 89, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2826, 3723, 3039, $ 1429 / DATA ( MM( 90, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2332, 2803, 1696, $ 1177 / DATA ( MM( 91, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2089, 3185, 1256, $ 1901 / DATA ( MM( 92, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3780, 184, 3715, $ 81 / DATA ( MM( 93, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1700, 663, 2077, $ 1669 / DATA ( MM( 94, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3712, 499, 3019, $ 2633 / DATA ( MM( 95, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 150, 3784, 1497, $ 2269 / DATA ( MM( 96, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2000, 1631, 1101, $ 129 / DATA ( MM( 97, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3375, 1925, 717, $ 1141 / DATA ( MM( 98, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1621, 3912, 51, $ 249 / DATA ( MM( 99, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3090, 1398, 981, $ 3917 / DATA ( MM( 100, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3765, 1349, 1978, $ 2481 / DATA ( MM( 101, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1149, 1441, 1813, $ 3941 / DATA ( MM( 102, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3146, 2224, 3881, $ 2217 / DATA ( MM( 103, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 33, 2411, 76, $ 2749 / DATA ( MM( 104, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3082, 1907, 3846, $ 3041 / DATA ( MM( 105, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2741, 3192, 3694, $ 1877 / DATA ( MM( 106, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 359, 2786, 1682, $ 345 / DATA ( MM( 107, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3316, 382, 124, $ 2861 / DATA ( MM( 108, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1749, 37, 1660, $ 1809 / DATA ( MM( 109, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 185, 759, 3997, $ 3141 / DATA ( MM( 110, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2784, 2948, 479, $ 2825 / DATA ( MM( 111, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2202, 1862, 1141, $ 157 / DATA ( MM( 112, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2199, 3802, 886, $ 2881 / DATA ( MM( 113, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1364, 2423, 3514, $ 3637 / DATA ( MM( 114, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1244, 2051, 1301, $ 1465 / DATA ( MM( 115, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2020, 2295, 3604, $ 2829 / DATA ( MM( 116, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3160, 1332, 1888, $ 2161 / DATA ( MM( 117, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2785, 1832, 1836, $ 3365 / DATA ( MM( 118, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2772, 2405, 1990, $ 361 / DATA ( MM( 119, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1217, 3638, 2058, $ 2685 / DATA ( MM( 120, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1822, 3661, 692, $ 3745 / DATA ( MM( 121, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1245, 327, 1194, $ 2325 / DATA ( MM( 122, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2252, 3660, 20, $ 3609 / DATA ( MM( 123, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 3904, 716, 3285, $ 3821 / DATA ( MM( 124, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2774, 1842, 2046, $ 3537 / DATA ( MM( 125, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 997, 3987, 2107, $ 517 / DATA ( MM( 126, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 2573, 1368, 3508, $ 3017 / DATA ( MM( 127, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 1148, 1848, 3525, $ 2141 / DATA ( MM( 128, J ), J = 1, 4 ) / 545, 2366, 3801, $ 1537 / * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * I1 = ISEED( 1 ) I2 = ISEED( 2 ) I3 = ISEED( 3 ) I4 = ISEED( 4 ) * DO 10 I = 1, MIN( N, LV ) * * Multiply the seed by i-th power of the multiplier modulo 2**48 * IT4 = I4*MM( I, 4 ) IT3 = IT4 / IPW2 IT4 = IT4 - IPW2*IT3 IT3 = IT3 + I3*MM( I, 4 ) + I4*MM( I, 3 ) IT2 = IT3 / IPW2 IT3 = IT3 - IPW2*IT2 IT2 = IT2 + I2*MM( I, 4 ) + I3*MM( I, 3 ) + I4*MM( I, 2 ) IT1 = IT2 / IPW2 IT2 = IT2 - IPW2*IT1 IT1 = IT1 + I1*MM( I, 4 ) + I2*MM( I, 3 ) + I3*MM( I, 2 ) + $ I4*MM( I, 1 ) IT1 = MOD( IT1, IPW2 ) * * Convert 48-bit integer to a real number in the interval (0,1) * X( I ) = R*( DBLE( IT1 )+R*( DBLE( IT2 )+R*( DBLE( IT3 )+R* $ DBLE( IT4 ) ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE * * Return final value of seed * ISEED( 1 ) = IT1 ISEED( 2 ) = IT2 ISEED( 3 ) = IT3 ISEED( 4 ) = IT4 RETURN * * End of DLARUV * END SUBROUTINE DLAS2( F, G, H, SSMIN, SSMAX ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * September 30, 1994 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION F, G, H, SSMAX, SSMIN * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAS2 computes the singular values of the 2-by-2 matrix * [ F G ] * [ 0 H ]. * On return, SSMIN is the smaller singular value and SSMAX is the * larger singular value. * * Arguments * ========= * * F (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The (1,1) element of the 2-by-2 matrix. * * G (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The (1,2) element of the 2-by-2 matrix. * * H (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The (2,2) element of the 2-by-2 matrix. * * SSMIN (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The smaller singular value. * * SSMAX (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The larger singular value. * * Further Details * =============== * * Barring over/underflow, all output quantities are correct to within * a few units in the last place (ulps), even in the absence of a guard * digit in addition/subtraction. * * In IEEE arithmetic, the code works correctly if one matrix element is * infinite. * * Overflow will not occur unless the largest singular value itself * overflows, or is within a few ulps of overflow. (On machines with * partial overflow, like the Cray, overflow may occur if the largest * singular value is within a factor of 2 of overflow.) * * Underflow is harmless if underflow is gradual. Otherwise, results * may correspond to a matrix modified by perturbations of size near * the underflow threshold. * * ==================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION TWO PARAMETER ( TWO = 2.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION AS, AT, AU, C, FA, FHMN, FHMX, GA, HA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * FA = ABS( F ) GA = ABS( G ) HA = ABS( H ) FHMN = MIN( FA, HA ) FHMX = MAX( FA, HA ) IF( FHMN.EQ.ZERO ) THEN SSMIN = ZERO IF( FHMX.EQ.ZERO ) THEN SSMAX = GA ELSE SSMAX = MAX( FHMX, GA )*SQRT( ONE+ $ ( MIN( FHMX, GA ) / MAX( FHMX, GA ) )**2 ) END IF ELSE IF( GA.LT.FHMX ) THEN AS = ONE + FHMN / FHMX AT = ( FHMX-FHMN ) / FHMX AU = ( GA / FHMX )**2 C = TWO / ( SQRT( AS*AS+AU )+SQRT( AT*AT+AU ) ) SSMIN = FHMN*C SSMAX = FHMX / C ELSE AU = FHMX / GA IF( AU.EQ.ZERO ) THEN * * Avoid possible harmful underflow if exponent range * asymmetric (true SSMIN may not underflow even if * AU underflows) * SSMIN = ( FHMN*FHMX ) / GA SSMAX = GA ELSE AS = ONE + FHMN / FHMX AT = ( FHMX-FHMN ) / FHMX C = ONE / ( SQRT( ONE+( AS*AU )**2 )+ $ SQRT( ONE+( AT*AU )**2 ) ) SSMIN = ( FHMN*C )*AU SSMIN = SSMIN + SSMIN SSMAX = GA / ( C+C ) END IF END IF END IF RETURN * * End of DLAS2 * END SUBROUTINE DLASCL( TYPE, KL, KU, CFROM, CTO, M, N, A, LDA, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER TYPE INTEGER INFO, KL, KU, LDA, M, N DOUBLE PRECISION CFROM, CTO * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASCL multiplies the M by N real matrix A by the real scalar * CTO/CFROM. This is done without over/underflow as long as the final * result CTO*A(I,J)/CFROM does not over/underflow. TYPE specifies that * A may be full, upper triangular, lower triangular, upper Hessenberg, * or banded. * * Arguments * ========= * * TYPE (input) CHARACTER*1 * TYPE indices the storage type of the input matrix. * = 'G': A is a full matrix. * = 'L': A is a lower triangular matrix. * = 'U': A is an upper triangular matrix. * = 'H': A is an upper Hessenberg matrix. * = 'B': A is a symmetric band matrix with lower bandwidth KL * and upper bandwidth KU and with the only the lower * half stored. * = 'Q': A is a symmetric band matrix with lower bandwidth KL * and upper bandwidth KU and with the only the upper * half stored. * = 'Z': A is a band matrix with lower bandwidth KL and upper * bandwidth KU. * * KL (input) INTEGER * The lower bandwidth of A. Referenced only if TYPE = 'B', * 'Q' or 'Z'. * * KU (input) INTEGER * The upper bandwidth of A. Referenced only if TYPE = 'B', * 'Q' or 'Z'. * * CFROM (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * CTO (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The matrix A is multiplied by CTO/CFROM. A(I,J) is computed * without over/underflow if the final result CTO*A(I,J)/CFROM * can be represented without over/underflow. CFROM must be * nonzero. * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,M) * The matrix to be multiplied by CTO/CFROM. See TYPE for the * storage type. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). * * INFO (output) INTEGER * 0 - successful exit * <0 - if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0, ONE = 1.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL DONE INTEGER I, ITYPE, J, K1, K2, K3, K4 DOUBLE PRECISION BIGNUM, CFROM1, CFROMC, CTO1, CTOC, MUL, SMLNUM * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL LSAME, DLAMCH * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL XERBLA * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input arguments * INFO = 0 * IF( LSAME( TYPE, 'G' ) ) THEN ITYPE = 0 ELSE IF( LSAME( TYPE, 'L' ) ) THEN ITYPE = 1 ELSE IF( LSAME( TYPE, 'U' ) ) THEN ITYPE = 2 ELSE IF( LSAME( TYPE, 'H' ) ) THEN ITYPE = 3 ELSE IF( LSAME( TYPE, 'B' ) ) THEN ITYPE = 4 ELSE IF( LSAME( TYPE, 'Q' ) ) THEN ITYPE = 5 ELSE IF( LSAME( TYPE, 'Z' ) ) THEN ITYPE = 6 ELSE ITYPE = -1 END IF * IF( ITYPE.EQ.-1 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( CFROM.EQ.ZERO ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( M.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -6 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 .OR. ( ITYPE.EQ.4 .AND. N.NE.M ) .OR. $ ( ITYPE.EQ.5 .AND. N.NE.M ) ) THEN INFO = -7 ELSE IF( ITYPE.LE.3 .AND. LDA.LT.MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN INFO = -9 ELSE IF( ITYPE.GE.4 ) THEN IF( KL.LT.0 .OR. KL.GT.MAX( M-1, 0 ) ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( KU.LT.0 .OR. KU.GT.MAX( N-1, 0 ) .OR. $ ( ( ITYPE.EQ.4 .OR. ITYPE.EQ.5 ) .AND. KL.NE.KU ) ) $ THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( ( ITYPE.EQ.4 .AND. LDA.LT.KL+1 ) .OR. $ ( ITYPE.EQ.5 .AND. LDA.LT.KU+1 ) .OR. $ ( ITYPE.EQ.6 .AND. LDA.LT.2*KL+KU+1 ) ) THEN INFO = -9 END IF END IF * IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLASCL', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 .OR. M.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * Get machine parameters * SMLNUM = DLAMCH( 'S' ) BIGNUM = ONE / SMLNUM * CFROMC = CFROM CTOC = CTO * 10 CONTINUE CFROM1 = CFROMC*SMLNUM CTO1 = CTOC / BIGNUM IF( ABS( CFROM1 ).GT.ABS( CTOC ) .AND. CTOC.NE.ZERO ) THEN MUL = SMLNUM DONE = .FALSE. CFROMC = CFROM1 ELSE IF( ABS( CTO1 ).GT.ABS( CFROMC ) ) THEN MUL = BIGNUM DONE = .FALSE. CTOC = CTO1 ELSE MUL = CTOC / CFROMC DONE = .TRUE. END IF * IF( ITYPE.EQ.0 ) THEN * * Full matrix * DO 30 J = 1, N DO 20 I = 1, M A( I, J ) = A( I, J )*MUL 20 CONTINUE 30 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( ITYPE.EQ.1 ) THEN * * Lower triangular matrix * DO 50 J = 1, N DO 40 I = J, M A( I, J ) = A( I, J )*MUL 40 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( ITYPE.EQ.2 ) THEN * * Upper triangular matrix * DO 70 J = 1, N DO 60 I = 1, MIN( J, M ) A( I, J ) = A( I, J )*MUL 60 CONTINUE 70 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( ITYPE.EQ.3 ) THEN * * Upper Hessenberg matrix * DO 90 J = 1, N DO 80 I = 1, MIN( J+1, M ) A( I, J ) = A( I, J )*MUL 80 CONTINUE 90 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( ITYPE.EQ.4 ) THEN * * Lower half of a symmetric band matrix * K3 = KL + 1 K4 = N + 1 DO 110 J = 1, N DO 100 I = 1, MIN( K3, K4-J ) A( I, J ) = A( I, J )*MUL 100 CONTINUE 110 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( ITYPE.EQ.5 ) THEN * * Upper half of a symmetric band matrix * K1 = KU + 2 K3 = KU + 1 DO 130 J = 1, N DO 120 I = MAX( K1-J, 1 ), K3 A( I, J ) = A( I, J )*MUL 120 CONTINUE 130 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( ITYPE.EQ.6 ) THEN * * Band matrix * K1 = KL + KU + 2 K2 = KL + 1 K3 = 2*KL + KU + 1 K4 = KL + KU + 1 + M DO 150 J = 1, N DO 140 I = MAX( K1-J, K2 ), MIN( K3, K4-J ) A( I, J ) = A( I, J )*MUL 140 CONTINUE 150 CONTINUE * END IF * IF( .NOT.DONE ) $ GO TO 10 * RETURN * * End of DLASCL * END SUBROUTINE DLASD0( N, SQRE, D, E, U, LDU, VT, LDVT, SMLSIZ, IWORK, $ WORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, LDU, LDVT, N, SMLSIZ, SQRE * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IWORK( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), E( * ), U( LDU, * ), VT( LDVT, * ), $ WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * Using a divide and conquer approach, DLASD0 computes the singular * value decomposition (SVD) of a real upper bidiagonal N-by-M * matrix B with diagonal D and offdiagonal E, where M = N + SQRE. * The algorithm computes orthogonal matrices U and VT such that * B = U * S * VT. The singular values S are overwritten on D. * * A related subroutine, DLASDA, computes only the singular values, * and optionally, the singular vectors in compact form. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * On entry, the row dimension of the upper bidiagonal matrix. * This is also the dimension of the main diagonal array D. * * SQRE (input) INTEGER * Specifies the column dimension of the bidiagonal matrix. * = 0: The bidiagonal matrix has column dimension M = N; * = 1: The bidiagonal matrix has column dimension M = N+1; * * D (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On entry D contains the main diagonal of the bidiagonal * matrix. * On exit D, if INFO = 0, contains its singular values. * * E (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (M-1) * Contains the subdiagonal entries of the bidiagonal matrix. * On exit, E has been destroyed. * * U (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension at least (LDQ, N) * On exit, U contains the left singular vectors. * * LDU (input) INTEGER * On entry, leading dimension of U. * * VT (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension at least (LDVT, M) * On exit, VT' contains the right singular vectors. * * LDVT (input) INTEGER * On entry, leading dimension of VT. * * SMLSIZ (input) INTEGER * On entry, maximum size of the subproblems at the * bottom of the computation tree. * * IWORK INTEGER work array. * Dimension must be at least (8 * N) * * WORK DOUBLE PRECISION work array. * Dimension must be at least (3 * M**2 + 2 * M) * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit. * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. * > 0: if INFO = 1, an singular value did not converge * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Ming Gu and Huan Ren, Computer Science Division, University of * California at Berkeley, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, I1, IC, IDXQ, IDXQC, IM1, INODE, ITEMP, IWK, $ J, LF, LL, LVL, M, NCC, ND, NDB1, NDIML, NDIMR, $ NL, NLF, NLP1, NLVL, NR, NRF, NRP1, SQREI DOUBLE PRECISION ALPHA, BETA * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLASD1, DLASDQ, DLASDT, XERBLA * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 * IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( ( SQRE.LT.0 ) .OR. ( SQRE.GT.1 ) ) THEN INFO = -2 END IF * M = N + SQRE * IF( LDU.LT.N ) THEN INFO = -6 ELSE IF( LDVT.LT.M ) THEN INFO = -8 ELSE IF( SMLSIZ.LT.3 ) THEN INFO = -9 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLASD0', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * If the input matrix is too small, call DLASDQ to find the SVD. * IF( N.LE.SMLSIZ ) THEN CALL DLASDQ( 'U', SQRE, N, M, N, 0, D, E, VT, LDVT, U, LDU, U, $ LDU, WORK, INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Set up the computation tree. * INODE = 1 NDIML = INODE + N NDIMR = NDIML + N IDXQ = NDIMR + N IWK = IDXQ + N CALL DLASDT( N, NLVL, ND, IWORK( INODE ), IWORK( NDIML ), $ IWORK( NDIMR ), SMLSIZ ) * * For the nodes on bottom level of the tree, solve * their subproblems by DLASDQ. * NDB1 = ( ND+1 ) / 2 NCC = 0 DO 30 I = NDB1, ND * * IC : center row of each node * NL : number of rows of left subproblem * NR : number of rows of right subproblem * NLF: starting row of the left subproblem * NRF: starting row of the right subproblem * I1 = I - 1 IC = IWORK( INODE+I1 ) NL = IWORK( NDIML+I1 ) NLP1 = NL + 1 NR = IWORK( NDIMR+I1 ) NRP1 = NR + 1 NLF = IC - NL NRF = IC + 1 SQREI = 1 CALL DLASDQ( 'U', SQREI, NL, NLP1, NL, NCC, D( NLF ), E( NLF ), $ VT( NLF, NLF ), LDVT, U( NLF, NLF ), LDU, $ U( NLF, NLF ), LDU, WORK, INFO ) IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN RETURN END IF ITEMP = IDXQ + NLF - 2 DO 10 J = 1, NL IWORK( ITEMP+J ) = J 10 CONTINUE IF( I.EQ.ND ) THEN SQREI = SQRE ELSE SQREI = 1 END IF NRP1 = NR + SQREI CALL DLASDQ( 'U', SQREI, NR, NRP1, NR, NCC, D( NRF ), E( NRF ), $ VT( NRF, NRF ), LDVT, U( NRF, NRF ), LDU, $ U( NRF, NRF ), LDU, WORK, INFO ) IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN RETURN END IF ITEMP = IDXQ + IC DO 20 J = 1, NR IWORK( ITEMP+J-1 ) = J 20 CONTINUE 30 CONTINUE * * Now conquer each subproblem bottom-up. * DO 50 LVL = NLVL, 1, -1 * * Find the first node LF and last node LL on the * current level LVL. * IF( LVL.EQ.1 ) THEN LF = 1 LL = 1 ELSE LF = 2**( LVL-1 ) LL = 2*LF - 1 END IF DO 40 I = LF, LL IM1 = I - 1 IC = IWORK( INODE+IM1 ) NL = IWORK( NDIML+IM1 ) NR = IWORK( NDIMR+IM1 ) NLF = IC - NL IF( ( SQRE.EQ.0 ) .AND. ( I.EQ.LL ) ) THEN SQREI = SQRE ELSE SQREI = 1 END IF IDXQC = IDXQ + NLF - 1 ALPHA = D( IC ) BETA = E( IC ) CALL DLASD1( NL, NR, SQREI, D( NLF ), ALPHA, BETA, $ U( NLF, NLF ), LDU, VT( NLF, NLF ), LDVT, $ IWORK( IDXQC ), IWORK( IWK ), WORK, INFO ) IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN RETURN END IF 40 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE * RETURN * * End of DLASD0 * END SUBROUTINE DLASD1( NL, NR, SQRE, D, ALPHA, BETA, U, LDU, VT, LDVT, $ IDXQ, IWORK, WORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, LDU, LDVT, NL, NR, SQRE DOUBLE PRECISION ALPHA, BETA * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IDXQ( * ), IWORK( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), U( LDU, * ), VT( LDVT, * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASD1 computes the SVD of an upper bidiagonal N-by-M matrix B, * where N = NL + NR + 1 and M = N + SQRE. DLASD1 is called from DLASD0. * * A related subroutine DLASD7 handles the case in which the singular * values (and the singular vectors in factored form) are desired. * * DLASD1 computes the SVD as follows: * * ( D1(in) 0 0 0 ) * B = U(in) * ( Z1' a Z2' b ) * VT(in) * ( 0 0 D2(in) 0 ) * * = U(out) * ( D(out) 0) * VT(out) * * where Z' = (Z1' a Z2' b) = u' VT', and u is a vector of dimension M * with ALPHA and BETA in the NL+1 and NL+2 th entries and zeros * elsewhere; and the entry b is empty if SQRE = 0. * * The left singular vectors of the original matrix are stored in U, and * the transpose of the right singular vectors are stored in VT, and the * singular values are in D. The algorithm consists of three stages: * * The first stage consists of deflating the size of the problem * when there are multiple singular values or when there are zeros in * the Z vector. For each such occurence the dimension of the * secular equation problem is reduced by one. This stage is * performed by the routine DLASD2. * * The second stage consists of calculating the updated * singular values. This is done by finding the square roots of the * roots of the secular equation via the routine DLASD4 (as called * by DLASD3). This routine also calculates the singular vectors of * the current problem. * * The final stage consists of computing the updated singular vectors * directly using the updated singular values. The singular vectors * for the current problem are multiplied with the singular vectors * from the overall problem. * * Arguments * ========= * * NL (input) INTEGER * The row dimension of the upper block. NL >= 1. * * NR (input) INTEGER * The row dimension of the lower block. NR >= 1. * * SQRE (input) INTEGER * = 0: the lower block is an NR-by-NR square matrix. * = 1: the lower block is an NR-by-(NR+1) rectangular matrix. * * The bidiagonal matrix has row dimension N = NL + NR + 1, * and column dimension M = N + SQRE. * * D (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension (N = NL+NR+1). * On entry D(1:NL,1:NL) contains the singular values of the * upper block; and D(NL+2:N) contains the singular values of * the lower block. On exit D(1:N) contains the singular values * of the modified matrix. * * ALPHA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Contains the diagonal element associated with the added row. * * BETA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Contains the off-diagonal element associated with the added * row. * * U (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension(LDU,N) * On entry U(1:NL, 1:NL) contains the left singular vectors of * the upper block; U(NL+2:N, NL+2:N) contains the left singular * vectors of the lower block. On exit U contains the left * singular vectors of the bidiagonal matrix. * * LDU (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array U. LDU >= max( 1, N ). * * VT (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension(LDVT,M) * where M = N + SQRE. * On entry VT(1:NL+1, 1:NL+1)' contains the right singular * vectors of the upper block; VT(NL+2:M, NL+2:M)' contains * the right singular vectors of the lower block. On exit * VT' contains the right singular vectors of the * bidiagonal matrix. * * LDVT (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array VT. LDVT >= max( 1, M ). * * IDXQ (output) INTEGER array, dimension(N) * This contains the permutation which will reintegrate the * subproblem just solved back into sorted order, i.e. * D( IDXQ( I = 1, N ) ) will be in ascending order. * * IWORK (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension( 4 * N ) * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension( 3*M**2 + 2*M ) * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit. * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. * > 0: if INFO = 1, an singular value did not converge * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Ming Gu and Huan Ren, Computer Science Division, University of * California at Berkeley, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. * DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER COLTYP, I, IDX, IDXC, IDXP, IQ, ISIGMA, IU2, $ IVT2, IZ, K, LDQ, LDU2, LDVT2, M, N, N1, N2 DOUBLE PRECISION ORGNRM * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLAMRG, DLASCL, DLASD2, DLASD3, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 * IF( NL.LT.1 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( NR.LT.1 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( ( SQRE.LT.0 ) .OR. ( SQRE.GT.1 ) ) THEN INFO = -3 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLASD1', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * N = NL + NR + 1 M = N + SQRE * * The following values are for bookkeeping purposes only. They are * integer pointers which indicate the portion of the workspace * used by a particular array in DLASD2 and DLASD3. * LDU2 = N LDVT2 = M * IZ = 1 ISIGMA = IZ + M IU2 = ISIGMA + N IVT2 = IU2 + LDU2*N IQ = IVT2 + LDVT2*M * IDX = 1 IDXC = IDX + N COLTYP = IDXC + N IDXP = COLTYP + N * * Scale. * ORGNRM = MAX( ABS( ALPHA ), ABS( BETA ) ) D( NL+1 ) = ZERO DO 10 I = 1, N IF( ABS( D( I ) ).GT.ORGNRM ) THEN ORGNRM = ABS( D( I ) ) END IF 10 CONTINUE CALL DLASCL( 'G', 0, 0, ORGNRM, ONE, N, 1, D, N, INFO ) ALPHA = ALPHA / ORGNRM BETA = BETA / ORGNRM * * Deflate singular values. * CALL DLASD2( NL, NR, SQRE, K, D, WORK( IZ ), ALPHA, BETA, U, LDU, $ VT, LDVT, WORK( ISIGMA ), WORK( IU2 ), LDU2, $ WORK( IVT2 ), LDVT2, IWORK( IDXP ), IWORK( IDX ), $ IWORK( IDXC ), IDXQ, IWORK( COLTYP ), INFO ) * * Solve Secular Equation and update singular vectors. * LDQ = K CALL DLASD3( NL, NR, SQRE, K, D, WORK( IQ ), LDQ, WORK( ISIGMA ), $ U, LDU, WORK( IU2 ), LDU2, VT, LDVT, WORK( IVT2 ), $ LDVT2, IWORK( IDXC ), IWORK( COLTYP ), WORK( IZ ), $ INFO ) IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN RETURN END IF * * Unscale. * CALL DLASCL( 'G', 0, 0, ONE, ORGNRM, N, 1, D, N, INFO ) * * Prepare the IDXQ sorting permutation. * N1 = K N2 = N - K CALL DLAMRG( N1, N2, D, 1, -1, IDXQ ) * RETURN * * End of DLASD1 * END SUBROUTINE DLASD2( NL, NR, SQRE, K, D, Z, ALPHA, BETA, U, LDU, VT, $ LDVT, DSIGMA, U2, LDU2, VT2, LDVT2, IDXP, IDX, $ IDXC, IDXQ, COLTYP, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Lab, Argonne National Lab, * Courant Institute, NAG Ltd., and Rice University * October 31, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, K, LDU, LDU2, LDVT, LDVT2, NL, NR, SQRE DOUBLE PRECISION ALPHA, BETA * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER COLTYP( * ), IDX( * ), IDXC( * ), IDXP( * ), $ IDXQ( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), DSIGMA( * ), U( LDU, * ), $ U2( LDU2, * ), VT( LDVT, * ), VT2( LDVT2, * ), $ Z( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASD2 merges the two sets of singular values together into a single * sorted set. Then it tries to deflate the size of the problem. * There are two ways in which deflation can occur: when two or more * singular values are close together or if there is a tiny entry in the * Z vector. For each such occurrence the order of the related secular * equation problem is reduced by one. * * DLASD2 is called from DLASD1. * * Arguments * ========= * * NL (input) INTEGER * The row dimension of the upper block. NL >= 1. * * NR (input) INTEGER * The row dimension of the lower block. NR >= 1. * * SQRE (input) INTEGER * = 0: the lower block is an NR-by-NR square matrix. * = 1: the lower block is an NR-by-(NR+1) rectangular matrix. * * The bidiagonal matrix has N = NL + NR + 1 rows and * M = N + SQRE >= N columns. * * K (output) INTEGER * Contains the dimension of the non-deflated matrix, * This is the order of the related secular equation. 1 <= K <=N. * * D (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension(N) * On entry D contains the singular values of the two submatrices * to be combined. On exit D contains the trailing (N-K) updated * singular values (those which were deflated) sorted into * increasing order. * * ALPHA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Contains the diagonal element associated with the added row. * * BETA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Contains the off-diagonal element associated with the added * row. * * U (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension(LDU,N) * On entry U contains the left singular vectors of two * submatrices in the two square blocks with corners at (1,1), * (NL, NL), and (NL+2, NL+2), (N,N). * On exit U contains the trailing (N-K) updated left singular * vectors (those which were deflated) in its last N-K columns. * * LDU (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array U. LDU >= N. * * Z (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension(N) * On exit Z contains the updating row vector in the secular * equation. * * DSIGMA (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * Contains a copy of the diagonal elements (K-1 singular values * and one zero) in the secular equation. * * U2 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension(LDU2,N) * Contains a copy of the first K-1 left singular vectors which * will be used by DLASD3 in a matrix multiply (DGEMM) to solve * for the new left singular vectors. U2 is arranged into four * blocks. The first block contains a column with 1 at NL+1 and * zero everywhere else; the second block contains non-zero * entries only at and above NL; the third contains non-zero * entries only below NL+1; and the fourth is dense. * * LDU2 (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array U2. LDU2 >= N. * * VT (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension(LDVT,M) * On entry VT' contains the right singular vectors of two * submatrices in the two square blocks with corners at (1,1), * (NL+1, NL+1), and (NL+2, NL+2), (M,M). * On exit VT' contains the trailing (N-K) updated right singular * vectors (those which were deflated) in its last N-K columns. * In case SQRE =1, the last row of VT spans the right null * space. * * LDVT (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array VT. LDVT >= M. * * VT2 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension(LDVT2,N) * VT2' contains a copy of the first K right singular vectors * which will be used by DLASD3 in a matrix multiply (DGEMM) to * solve for the new right singular vectors. VT2 is arranged into * three blocks. The first block contains a row that corresponds * to the special 0 diagonal element in SIGMA; the second block * contains non-zeros only at and before NL +1; the third block * contains non-zeros only at and after NL +2. * * LDVT2 (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array VT2. LDVT2 >= M. * * IDXP (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension(N) * This will contain the permutation used to place deflated * values of D at the end of the array. On output IDXP(2:K) * points to the nondeflated D-values and IDXP(K+1:N) * points to the deflated singular values. * * IDX (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension(N) * This will contain the permutation used to sort the contents of * D into ascending order. * * IDXC (output) INTEGER array, dimension(N) * This will contain the permutation used to arrange the columns * of the deflated U matrix into three groups: the first group * contains non-zero entries only at and above NL, the second * contains non-zero entries only below NL+2, and the third is * dense. * * COLTYP (workspace/output) INTEGER array, dimension(N) * As workspace, this will contain a label which will indicate * which of the following types a column in the U2 matrix or a * row in the VT2 matrix is: * 1 : non-zero in the upper half only * 2 : non-zero in the lower half only * 3 : dense * 4 : deflated * * On exit, it is an array of dimension 4, with COLTYP(I) being * the dimension of the I-th type columns. * * IDXQ (input) INTEGER array, dimension(N) * This contains the permutation which separately sorts the two * sub-problems in D into ascending order. Note that entries in * the first hlaf of this permutation must first be moved one * position backward; and entries in the second half * must first have NL+1 added to their values. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit. * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Ming Gu and Huan Ren, Computer Science Division, University of * California at Berkeley, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE, TWO, EIGHT PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0, TWO = 2.0D+0, $ EIGHT = 8.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Arrays .. INTEGER CTOT( 4 ), PSM( 4 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER CT, I, IDXI, IDXJ, IDXJP, J, JP, JPREV, K2, M, $ N, NLP1, NLP2 DOUBLE PRECISION C, EPS, HLFTOL, S, TAU, TOL, Z1 * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH, DLAPY2 EXTERNAL DLAMCH, DLAPY2 * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DCOPY, DLACPY, DLAMRG, DLASET, DROT, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 * IF( NL.LT.1 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( NR.LT.1 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( ( SQRE.NE.1 ) .AND. ( SQRE.NE.0 ) ) THEN INFO = -3 END IF * N = NL + NR + 1 M = N + SQRE * IF( LDU.LT.N ) THEN INFO = -10 ELSE IF( LDVT.LT.M ) THEN INFO = -12 ELSE IF( LDU2.LT.N ) THEN INFO = -15 ELSE IF( LDVT2.LT.M ) THEN INFO = -17 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLASD2', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * NLP1 = NL + 1 NLP2 = NL + 2 * * Generate the first part of the vector Z; and move the singular * values in the first part of D one position backward. * Z1 = ALPHA*VT( NLP1, NLP1 ) Z( 1 ) = Z1 DO 10 I = NL, 1, -1 Z( I+1 ) = ALPHA*VT( I, NLP1 ) D( I+1 ) = D( I ) IDXQ( I+1 ) = IDXQ( I ) + 1 10 CONTINUE * * Generate the second part of the vector Z. * DO 20 I = NLP2, M Z( I ) = BETA*VT( I, NLP2 ) 20 CONTINUE * * Initialize some reference arrays. * DO 30 I = 2, NLP1 COLTYP( I ) = 1 30 CONTINUE DO 40 I = NLP2, N COLTYP( I ) = 2 40 CONTINUE * * Sort the singular values into increasing order * DO 50 I = NLP2, N IDXQ( I ) = IDXQ( I ) + NLP1 50 CONTINUE * * DSIGMA, IDXC, IDXC, and the first column of U2 * are used as storage space. * DO 60 I = 2, N DSIGMA( I ) = D( IDXQ( I ) ) U2( I, 1 ) = Z( IDXQ( I ) ) IDXC( I ) = COLTYP( IDXQ( I ) ) 60 CONTINUE * CALL DLAMRG( NL, NR, DSIGMA( 2 ), 1, 1, IDX( 2 ) ) * DO 70 I = 2, N IDXI = 1 + IDX( I ) D( I ) = DSIGMA( IDXI ) Z( I ) = U2( IDXI, 1 ) COLTYP( I ) = IDXC( IDXI ) 70 CONTINUE * * Calculate the allowable deflation tolerance * EPS = DLAMCH( 'Epsilon' ) TOL = MAX( ABS( ALPHA ), ABS( BETA ) ) TOL = EIGHT*EPS*MAX( ABS( D( N ) ), TOL ) * * There are 2 kinds of deflation -- first a value in the z-vector * is small, second two (or more) singular values are very close * together (their difference is small). * * If the value in the z-vector is small, we simply permute the * array so that the corresponding singular value is moved to the * end. * * If two values in the D-vector are close, we perform a two-sided * rotation designed to make one of the corresponding z-vector * entries zero, and then permute the array so that the deflated * singular value is moved to the end. * * If there are multiple singular values then the problem deflates. * Here the number of equal singular values are found. As each equal * singular value is found, an elementary reflector is computed to * rotate the corresponding singular subspace so that the * corresponding components of Z are zero in this new basis. * K = 1 K2 = N + 1 DO 80 J = 2, N IF( ABS( Z( J ) ).LE.TOL ) THEN * * Deflate due to small z component. * K2 = K2 - 1 IDXP( K2 ) = J COLTYP( J ) = 4 IF( J.EQ.N ) $ GO TO 120 ELSE JPREV = J GO TO 90 END IF 80 CONTINUE 90 CONTINUE J = JPREV 100 CONTINUE J = J + 1 IF( J.GT.N ) $ GO TO 110 IF( ABS( Z( J ) ).LE.TOL ) THEN * * Deflate due to small z component. * K2 = K2 - 1 IDXP( K2 ) = J COLTYP( J ) = 4 ELSE * * Check if singular values are close enough to allow deflation. * IF( ABS( D( J )-D( JPREV ) ).LE.TOL ) THEN * * Deflation is possible. * S = Z( JPREV ) C = Z( J ) * * Find sqrt(a**2+b**2) without overflow or * destructive underflow. * TAU = DLAPY2( C, S ) C = C / TAU S = -S / TAU Z( J ) = TAU Z( JPREV ) = ZERO * * Apply back the Givens rotation to the left and right * singular vector matrices. * IDXJP = IDXQ( IDX( JPREV )+1 ) IDXJ = IDXQ( IDX( J )+1 ) IF( IDXJP.LE.NLP1 ) THEN IDXJP = IDXJP - 1 END IF IF( IDXJ.LE.NLP1 ) THEN IDXJ = IDXJ - 1 END IF CALL DROT( N, U( 1, IDXJP ), 1, U( 1, IDXJ ), 1, C, S ) CALL DROT( M, VT( IDXJP, 1 ), LDVT, VT( IDXJ, 1 ), LDVT, C, $ S ) IF( COLTYP( J ).NE.COLTYP( JPREV ) ) THEN COLTYP( J ) = 3 END IF COLTYP( JPREV ) = 4 K2 = K2 - 1 IDXP( K2 ) = JPREV JPREV = J ELSE K = K + 1 U2( K, 1 ) = Z( JPREV ) DSIGMA( K ) = D( JPREV ) IDXP( K ) = JPREV JPREV = J END IF END IF GO TO 100 110 CONTINUE * * Record the last singular value. * K = K + 1 U2( K, 1 ) = Z( JPREV ) DSIGMA( K ) = D( JPREV ) IDXP( K ) = JPREV * 120 CONTINUE * * Count up the total number of the various types of columns, then * form a permutation which positions the four column types into * four groups of uniform structure (although one or more of these * groups may be empty). * DO 130 J = 1, 4 CTOT( J ) = 0 130 CONTINUE DO 140 J = 2, N CT = COLTYP( J ) CTOT( CT ) = CTOT( CT ) + 1 140 CONTINUE * * PSM(*) = Position in SubMatrix (of types 1 through 4) * PSM( 1 ) = 2 PSM( 2 ) = 2 + CTOT( 1 ) PSM( 3 ) = PSM( 2 ) + CTOT( 2 ) PSM( 4 ) = PSM( 3 ) + CTOT( 3 ) * * Fill out the IDXC array so that the permutation which it induces * will place all type-1 columns first, all type-2 columns next, * then all type-3's, and finally all type-4's, starting from the * second column. This applies similarly to the rows of VT. * DO 150 J = 2, N JP = IDXP( J ) CT = COLTYP( JP ) IDXC( PSM( CT ) ) = J PSM( CT ) = PSM( CT ) + 1 150 CONTINUE * * Sort the singular values and corresponding singular vectors into * DSIGMA, U2, and VT2 respectively. The singular values/vectors * which were not deflated go into the first K slots of DSIGMA, U2, * and VT2 respectively, while those which were deflated go into the * last N - K slots, except that the first column/row will be treated * separately. * DO 160 J = 2, N JP = IDXP( J ) DSIGMA( J ) = D( JP ) IDXJ = IDXQ( IDX( IDXP( IDXC( J ) ) )+1 ) IF( IDXJ.LE.NLP1 ) THEN IDXJ = IDXJ - 1 END IF CALL DCOPY( N, U( 1, IDXJ ), 1, U2( 1, J ), 1 ) CALL DCOPY( M, VT( IDXJ, 1 ), LDVT, VT2( J, 1 ), LDVT2 ) 160 CONTINUE * * Determine DSIGMA(1), DSIGMA(2) and Z(1) * DSIGMA( 1 ) = ZERO HLFTOL = TOL / TWO IF( ABS( DSIGMA( 2 ) ).LE.HLFTOL ) $ DSIGMA( 2 ) = HLFTOL IF( M.GT.N ) THEN Z( 1 ) = DLAPY2( Z1, Z( M ) ) IF( Z( 1 ).LE.TOL ) THEN C = ONE S = ZERO Z( 1 ) = TOL ELSE C = Z1 / Z( 1 ) S = Z( M ) / Z( 1 ) END IF ELSE IF( ABS( Z1 ).LE.TOL ) THEN Z( 1 ) = TOL ELSE Z( 1 ) = Z1 END IF END IF * * Move the rest of the updating row to Z. * CALL DCOPY( K-1, U2( 2, 1 ), 1, Z( 2 ), 1 ) * * Determine the first column of U2, the first row of VT2 and the * last row of VT. * CALL DLASET( 'A', N, 1, ZERO, ZERO, U2, LDU2 ) U2( NLP1, 1 ) = ONE IF( M.GT.N ) THEN DO 170 I = 1, NLP1 VT( M, I ) = -S*VT( NLP1, I ) VT2( 1, I ) = C*VT( NLP1, I ) 170 CONTINUE DO 180 I = NLP2, M VT2( 1, I ) = S*VT( M, I ) VT( M, I ) = C*VT( M, I ) 180 CONTINUE ELSE CALL DCOPY( M, VT( NLP1, 1 ), LDVT, VT2( 1, 1 ), LDVT2 ) END IF IF( M.GT.N ) THEN CALL DCOPY( M, VT( M, 1 ), LDVT, VT2( M, 1 ), LDVT2 ) END IF * * The deflated singular values and their corresponding vectors go * into the back of D, U, and V respectively. * IF( N.GT.K ) THEN CALL DCOPY( N-K, DSIGMA( K+1 ), 1, D( K+1 ), 1 ) CALL DLACPY( 'A', N, N-K, U2( 1, K+1 ), LDU2, U( 1, K+1 ), $ LDU ) CALL DLACPY( 'A', N-K, M, VT2( K+1, 1 ), LDVT2, VT( K+1, 1 ), $ LDVT ) END IF * * Copy CTOT into COLTYP for referencing in DLASD3. * DO 190 J = 1, 4 COLTYP( J ) = CTOT( J ) 190 CONTINUE * RETURN * * End of DLASD2 * END SUBROUTINE DLASD3( NL, NR, SQRE, K, D, Q, LDQ, DSIGMA, U, LDU, U2, $ LDU2, VT, LDVT, VT2, LDVT2, IDXC, CTOT, Z, $ INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Lab, Argonne National Lab, * Courant Institute, NAG Ltd., and Rice University * October 31, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, K, LDQ, LDU, LDU2, LDVT, LDVT2, NL, NR, $ SQRE * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER CTOT( * ), IDXC( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), DSIGMA( * ), Q( LDQ, * ), U( LDU, * ), $ U2( LDU2, * ), VT( LDVT, * ), VT2( LDVT2, * ), $ Z( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASD3 finds all the square roots of the roots of the secular * equation, as defined by the values in D and Z. It makes the * appropriate calls to DLASD4 and then updates the singular * vectors by matrix multiplication. * * This code makes very mild assumptions about floating point * arithmetic. It will work on machines with a guard digit in * add/subtract, or on those binary machines without guard digits * which subtract like the Cray XMP, Cray YMP, Cray C 90, or Cray 2. * It could conceivably fail on hexadecimal or decimal machines * without guard digits, but we know of none. * * DLASD3 is called from DLASD1. * * Arguments * ========= * * NL (input) INTEGER * The row dimension of the upper block. NL >= 1. * * NR (input) INTEGER * The row dimension of the lower block. NR >= 1. * * SQRE (input) INTEGER * = 0: the lower block is an NR-by-NR square matrix. * = 1: the lower block is an NR-by-(NR+1) rectangular matrix. * * The bidiagonal matrix has N = NL + NR + 1 rows and * M = N + SQRE >= N columns. * * K (input) INTEGER * The size of the secular equation, 1 =< K = < N. * * D (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension(K) * On exit the square roots of the roots of the secular equation, * in ascending order. * * Q (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension at least (LDQ,K). * * LDQ (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array Q. LDQ >= K. * * DSIGMA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension(K) * The first K elements of this array contain the old roots * of the deflated updating problem. These are the poles * of the secular equation. * * U (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDU, N) * The last N - K columns of this matrix contain the deflated * left singular vectors. * * LDU (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array U. LDU >= N. * * U2 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDU2, N) * The first K columns of this matrix contain the non-deflated * left singular vectors for the split problem. * * LDU2 (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array U2. LDU2 >= N. * * VT (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDVT, M) * The last M - K columns of VT' contain the deflated * right singular vectors. * * LDVT (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array VT. LDVT >= N. * * VT2 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDVT2, N) * The first K columns of VT2' contain the non-deflated * right singular vectors for the split problem. * * LDVT2 (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array VT2. LDVT2 >= N. * * IDXC (input) INTEGER array, dimension ( N ) * The permutation used to arrange the columns of U (and rows of * VT) into three groups: the first group contains non-zero * entries only at and above (or before) NL +1; the second * contains non-zero entries only at and below (or after) NL+2; * and the third is dense. The first column of U and the row of * VT are treated separately, however. * * The rows of the singular vectors found by DLASD4 * must be likewise permuted before the matrix multiplies can * take place. * * CTOT (input) INTEGER array, dimension ( 4 ) * A count of the total number of the various types of columns * in U (or rows in VT), as described in IDXC. The fourth column * type is any column which has been deflated. * * Z (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (K) * The first K elements of this array contain the components * of the deflation-adjusted updating row vector. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit. * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. * > 0: if INFO = 1, an singular value did not converge * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Ming Gu and Huan Ren, Computer Science Division, University of * California at Berkeley, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO, NEGONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0, $ NEGONE = -1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER CTEMP, I, J, JC, KTEMP, M, N, NLP1, NLP2, NRP1 DOUBLE PRECISION RHO, TEMP * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMC3, DNRM2 EXTERNAL DLAMC3, DNRM2 * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DCOPY, DGEMM, DLACPY, DLASCL, DLASD4, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, SIGN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 * IF( NL.LT.1 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( NR.LT.1 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( ( SQRE.NE.1 ) .AND. ( SQRE.NE.0 ) ) THEN INFO = -3 END IF * N = NL + NR + 1 M = N + SQRE NLP1 = NL + 1 NLP2 = NL + 2 * IF( ( K.LT.1 ) .OR. ( K.GT.N ) ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( LDQ.LT.K ) THEN INFO = -7 ELSE IF( LDU.LT.N ) THEN INFO = -10 ELSE IF( LDU2.LT.N ) THEN INFO = -12 ELSE IF( LDVT.LT.M ) THEN INFO = -14 ELSE IF( LDVT2.LT.M ) THEN INFO = -16 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLASD3', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( K.EQ.1 ) THEN D( 1 ) = ABS( Z( 1 ) ) CALL DCOPY( M, VT2( 1, 1 ), LDVT2, VT( 1, 1 ), LDVT ) IF( Z( 1 ).GT.ZERO ) THEN CALL DCOPY( N, U2( 1, 1 ), 1, U( 1, 1 ), 1 ) ELSE DO 10 I = 1, N U( I, 1 ) = -U2( I, 1 ) 10 CONTINUE END IF RETURN END IF * * Modify values DSIGMA(i) to make sure all DSIGMA(i)-DSIGMA(j) can * be computed with high relative accuracy (barring over/underflow). * This is a problem on machines without a guard digit in * add/subtract (Cray XMP, Cray YMP, Cray C 90 and Cray 2). * The following code replaces DSIGMA(I) by 2*DSIGMA(I)-DSIGMA(I), * which on any of these machines zeros out the bottommost * bit of DSIGMA(I) if it is 1; this makes the subsequent * subtractions DSIGMA(I)-DSIGMA(J) unproblematic when cancellation * occurs. On binary machines with a guard digit (almost all * machines) it does not change DSIGMA(I) at all. On hexadecimal * and decimal machines with a guard digit, it slightly * changes the bottommost bits of DSIGMA(I). It does not account * for hexadecimal or decimal machines without guard digits * (we know of none). We use a subroutine call to compute * 2*DLAMBDA(I) to prevent optimizing compilers from eliminating * this code. * DO 20 I = 1, K DSIGMA( I ) = DLAMC3( DSIGMA( I ), DSIGMA( I ) ) - DSIGMA( I ) 20 CONTINUE * * Keep a copy of Z. * CALL DCOPY( K, Z, 1, Q, 1 ) * * Normalize Z. * RHO = DNRM2( K, Z, 1 ) CALL DLASCL( 'G', 0, 0, RHO, ONE, K, 1, Z, K, INFO ) RHO = RHO*RHO * * Find the new singular values. * DO 30 J = 1, K CALL DLASD4( K, J, DSIGMA, Z, U( 1, J ), RHO, D( J ), $ VT( 1, J ), INFO ) * * If the zero finder fails, the computation is terminated. * IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN RETURN END IF 30 CONTINUE * * Compute updated Z. * DO 60 I = 1, K Z( I ) = U( I, K )*VT( I, K ) DO 40 J = 1, I - 1 Z( I ) = Z( I )*( U( I, J )*VT( I, J ) / $ ( DSIGMA( I )-DSIGMA( J ) ) / $ ( DSIGMA( I )+DSIGMA( J ) ) ) 40 CONTINUE DO 50 J = I, K - 1 Z( I ) = Z( I )*( U( I, J )*VT( I, J ) / $ ( DSIGMA( I )-DSIGMA( J+1 ) ) / $ ( DSIGMA( I )+DSIGMA( J+1 ) ) ) 50 CONTINUE Z( I ) = SIGN( SQRT( ABS( Z( I ) ) ), Q( I, 1 ) ) 60 CONTINUE * * Compute left singular vectors of the modified diagonal matrix, * and store related information for the right singular vectors. * DO 90 I = 1, K VT( 1, I ) = Z( 1 ) / U( 1, I ) / VT( 1, I ) U( 1, I ) = NEGONE DO 70 J = 2, K VT( J, I ) = Z( J ) / U( J, I ) / VT( J, I ) U( J, I ) = DSIGMA( J )*VT( J, I ) 70 CONTINUE TEMP = DNRM2( K, U( 1, I ), 1 ) Q( 1, I ) = U( 1, I ) / TEMP DO 80 J = 2, K JC = IDXC( J ) Q( J, I ) = U( JC, I ) / TEMP 80 CONTINUE 90 CONTINUE * * Update the left singular vector matrix. * IF( K.EQ.2 ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', N, K, K, ONE, U2, LDU2, Q, LDQ, ZERO, U, $ LDU ) GO TO 100 END IF IF( CTOT( 1 ).GT.0 ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', NL, K, CTOT( 1 ), ONE, U2( 1, 2 ), LDU2, $ Q( 2, 1 ), LDQ, ZERO, U( 1, 1 ), LDU ) IF( CTOT( 3 ).GT.0 ) THEN KTEMP = 2 + CTOT( 1 ) + CTOT( 2 ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', NL, K, CTOT( 3 ), ONE, U2( 1, KTEMP ), $ LDU2, Q( KTEMP, 1 ), LDQ, ONE, U( 1, 1 ), LDU ) END IF ELSE IF( CTOT( 3 ).GT.0 ) THEN KTEMP = 2 + CTOT( 1 ) + CTOT( 2 ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', NL, K, CTOT( 3 ), ONE, U2( 1, KTEMP ), $ LDU2, Q( KTEMP, 1 ), LDQ, ZERO, U( 1, 1 ), LDU ) ELSE CALL DLACPY( 'F', NL, K, U2, LDU2, U, LDU ) END IF CALL DCOPY( K, Q( 1, 1 ), LDQ, U( NLP1, 1 ), LDU ) KTEMP = 2 + CTOT( 1 ) CTEMP = CTOT( 2 ) + CTOT( 3 ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', NR, K, CTEMP, ONE, U2( NLP2, KTEMP ), LDU2, $ Q( KTEMP, 1 ), LDQ, ZERO, U( NLP2, 1 ), LDU ) * * Generate the right singular vectors. * 100 CONTINUE DO 120 I = 1, K TEMP = DNRM2( K, VT( 1, I ), 1 ) Q( I, 1 ) = VT( 1, I ) / TEMP DO 110 J = 2, K JC = IDXC( J ) Q( I, J ) = VT( JC, I ) / TEMP 110 CONTINUE 120 CONTINUE * * Update the right singular vector matrix. * IF( K.EQ.2 ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', K, M, K, ONE, Q, LDQ, VT2, LDVT2, ZERO, $ VT, LDVT ) RETURN END IF KTEMP = 1 + CTOT( 1 ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', K, NLP1, KTEMP, ONE, Q( 1, 1 ), LDQ, $ VT2( 1, 1 ), LDVT2, ZERO, VT( 1, 1 ), LDVT ) KTEMP = 2 + CTOT( 1 ) + CTOT( 2 ) IF( KTEMP.LE.LDVT2 ) $ CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', K, NLP1, CTOT( 3 ), ONE, Q( 1, KTEMP ), $ LDQ, VT2( KTEMP, 1 ), LDVT2, ONE, VT( 1, 1 ), $ LDVT ) * KTEMP = CTOT( 1 ) + 1 NRP1 = NR + SQRE IF( KTEMP.GT.1 ) THEN DO 130 I = 1, K Q( I, KTEMP ) = Q( I, 1 ) 130 CONTINUE DO 140 I = NLP2, M VT2( KTEMP, I ) = VT2( 1, I ) 140 CONTINUE END IF CTEMP = 1 + CTOT( 2 ) + CTOT( 3 ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', K, NRP1, CTEMP, ONE, Q( 1, KTEMP ), LDQ, $ VT2( KTEMP, NLP2 ), LDVT2, ZERO, VT( 1, NLP2 ), LDVT ) * RETURN * * End of DLASD3 * END SUBROUTINE DLASD4( N, I, D, Z, DELTA, RHO, SIGMA, WORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Lab, Argonne National Lab, * Courant Institute, NAG Ltd., and Rice University * October 31, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER I, INFO, N DOUBLE PRECISION RHO, SIGMA * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), DELTA( * ), WORK( * ), Z( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * This subroutine computes the square root of the I-th updated * eigenvalue of a positive symmetric rank-one modification to * a positive diagonal matrix whose entries are given as the squares * of the corresponding entries in the array d, and that * * 0 <= D(i) < D(j) for i < j * * and that RHO > 0. This is arranged by the calling routine, and is * no loss in generality. The rank-one modified system is thus * * diag( D ) * diag( D ) + RHO * Z * Z_transpose. * * where we assume the Euclidean norm of Z is 1. * * The method consists of approximating the rational functions in the * secular equation by simpler interpolating rational functions. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The length of all arrays. * * I (input) INTEGER * The index of the eigenvalue to be computed. 1 <= I <= N. * * D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( N ) * The original eigenvalues. It is assumed that they are in * order, 0 <= D(I) < D(J) for I < J. * * Z (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( N ) * The components of the updating vector. * * DELTA (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( N ) * If N .ne. 1, DELTA contains (D(j) - sigma_I) in its j-th * component. If N = 1, then DELTA(1) = 1. The vector DELTA * contains the information necessary to construct the * (singular) eigenvectors. * * RHO (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The scalar in the symmetric updating formula. * * SIGMA (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The computed lambda_I, the I-th updated eigenvalue. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( N ) * If N .ne. 1, WORK contains (D(j) + sigma_I) in its j-th * component. If N = 1, then WORK( 1 ) = 1. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * > 0: if INFO = 1, the updating process failed. * * Internal Parameters * =================== * * Logical variable ORGATI (origin-at-i?) is used for distinguishing * whether D(i) or D(i+1) is treated as the origin. * * ORGATI = .true. origin at i * ORGATI = .false. origin at i+1 * * Logical variable SWTCH3 (switch-for-3-poles?) is for noting * if we are working with THREE poles! * * MAXIT is the maximum number of iterations allowed for each * eigenvalue. * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Ren-Cang Li, Computer Science Division, University of California * at Berkeley, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. INTEGER MAXIT PARAMETER ( MAXIT = 20 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, EIGHT, TEN PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0, TWO = 2.0D+0, $ THREE = 3.0D+0, FOUR = 4.0D+0, EIGHT = 8.0D+0, $ TEN = 10.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL ORGATI, SWTCH, SWTCH3 INTEGER II, IIM1, IIP1, IP1, ITER, J, NITER DOUBLE PRECISION A, B, C, DELSQ, DELSQ2, DPHI, DPSI, DTIIM, $ DTIIP, DTIPSQ, DTISQ, DTNSQ, DTNSQ1, DW, EPS, $ ERRETM, ETA, PHI, PREW, PSI, RHOINV, SG2LB, $ SG2UB, TAU, TEMP, TEMP1, TEMP2, W * .. * .. Local Arrays .. DOUBLE PRECISION DD( 3 ), ZZ( 3 ) * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLAED6, DLASD5 * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Since this routine is called in an inner loop, we do no argument * checking. * * Quick return for N=1 and 2. * INFO = 0 IF( N.EQ.1 ) THEN * * Presumably, I=1 upon entry * SIGMA = SQRT( D( 1 )*D( 1 )+RHO*Z( 1 )*Z( 1 ) ) DELTA( 1 ) = ONE WORK( 1 ) = ONE RETURN END IF IF( N.EQ.2 ) THEN CALL DLASD5( I, D, Z, DELTA, RHO, SIGMA, WORK ) RETURN END IF * * Compute machine epsilon * EPS = DLAMCH( 'Epsilon' ) RHOINV = ONE / RHO * * The case I = N * IF( I.EQ.N ) THEN * * Initialize some basic variables * II = N - 1 NITER = 1 * * Calculate initial guess * TEMP = RHO / TWO * * If ||Z||_2 is not one, then TEMP should be set to * RHO * ||Z||_2^2 / TWO * TEMP1 = TEMP / ( D( N )+SQRT( D( N )*D( N )+TEMP ) ) DO 10 J = 1, N WORK( J ) = D( J ) + D( N ) + TEMP1 DELTA( J ) = ( D( J )-D( N ) ) - TEMP1 10 CONTINUE * PSI = ZERO DO 20 J = 1, N - 2 PSI = PSI + Z( J )*Z( J ) / ( DELTA( J )*WORK( J ) ) 20 CONTINUE * C = RHOINV + PSI W = C + Z( II )*Z( II ) / ( DELTA( II )*WORK( II ) ) + $ Z( N )*Z( N ) / ( DELTA( N )*WORK( N ) ) * IF( W.LE.ZERO ) THEN TEMP1 = SQRT( D( N )*D( N )+RHO ) TEMP = Z( N-1 )*Z( N-1 ) / ( ( D( N-1 )+TEMP1 )* $ ( D( N )-D( N-1 )+RHO / ( D( N )+TEMP1 ) ) ) + $ Z( N )*Z( N ) / RHO * * The following TAU is to approximate * SIGMA_n^2 - D( N )*D( N ) * IF( C.LE.TEMP ) THEN TAU = RHO ELSE DELSQ = ( D( N )-D( N-1 ) )*( D( N )+D( N-1 ) ) A = -C*DELSQ + Z( N-1 )*Z( N-1 ) + Z( N )*Z( N ) B = Z( N )*Z( N )*DELSQ IF( A.LT.ZERO ) THEN TAU = TWO*B / ( SQRT( A*A+FOUR*B*C )-A ) ELSE TAU = ( A+SQRT( A*A+FOUR*B*C ) ) / ( TWO*C ) END IF END IF * * It can be proved that * D(N)^2+RHO/2 <= SIGMA_n^2 < D(N)^2+TAU <= D(N)^2+RHO * ELSE DELSQ = ( D( N )-D( N-1 ) )*( D( N )+D( N-1 ) ) A = -C*DELSQ + Z( N-1 )*Z( N-1 ) + Z( N )*Z( N ) B = Z( N )*Z( N )*DELSQ * * The following TAU is to approximate * SIGMA_n^2 - D( N )*D( N ) * IF( A.LT.ZERO ) THEN TAU = TWO*B / ( SQRT( A*A+FOUR*B*C )-A ) ELSE TAU = ( A+SQRT( A*A+FOUR*B*C ) ) / ( TWO*C ) END IF * * It can be proved that * D(N)^2 < D(N)^2+TAU < SIGMA(N)^2 < D(N)^2+RHO/2 * END IF * * The following ETA is to approximate SIGMA_n - D( N ) * ETA = TAU / ( D( N )+SQRT( D( N )*D( N )+TAU ) ) * SIGMA = D( N ) + ETA DO 30 J = 1, N DELTA( J ) = ( D( J )-D( I ) ) - ETA WORK( J ) = D( J ) + D( I ) + ETA 30 CONTINUE * * Evaluate PSI and the derivative DPSI * DPSI = ZERO PSI = ZERO ERRETM = ZERO DO 40 J = 1, II TEMP = Z( J ) / ( DELTA( J )*WORK( J ) ) PSI = PSI + Z( J )*TEMP DPSI = DPSI + TEMP*TEMP ERRETM = ERRETM + PSI 40 CONTINUE ERRETM = ABS( ERRETM ) * * Evaluate PHI and the derivative DPHI * TEMP = Z( N ) / ( DELTA( N )*WORK( N ) ) PHI = Z( N )*TEMP DPHI = TEMP*TEMP ERRETM = EIGHT*( -PHI-PSI ) + ERRETM - PHI + RHOINV + $ ABS( TAU )*( DPSI+DPHI ) * W = RHOINV + PHI + PSI * * Test for convergence * IF( ABS( W ).LE.EPS*ERRETM ) THEN GO TO 240 END IF * * Calculate the new step * NITER = NITER + 1 DTNSQ1 = WORK( N-1 )*DELTA( N-1 ) DTNSQ = WORK( N )*DELTA( N ) C = W - DTNSQ1*DPSI - DTNSQ*DPHI A = ( DTNSQ+DTNSQ1 )*W - DTNSQ*DTNSQ1*( DPSI+DPHI ) B = DTNSQ*DTNSQ1*W IF( C.LT.ZERO ) $ C = ABS( C ) IF( C.EQ.ZERO ) THEN ETA = RHO - SIGMA*SIGMA ELSE IF( A.GE.ZERO ) THEN ETA = ( A+SQRT( ABS( A*A-FOUR*B*C ) ) ) / ( TWO*C ) ELSE ETA = TWO*B / ( A-SQRT( ABS( A*A-FOUR*B*C ) ) ) END IF * * Note, eta should be positive if w is negative, and * eta should be negative otherwise. However, * if for some reason caused by roundoff, eta*w > 0, * we simply use one Newton step instead. This way * will guarantee eta*w < 0. * IF( W*ETA.GT.ZERO ) $ ETA = -W / ( DPSI+DPHI ) TEMP = ETA - DTNSQ IF( TEMP.GT.RHO ) $ ETA = RHO + DTNSQ * TAU = TAU + ETA ETA = ETA / ( SIGMA+SQRT( ETA+SIGMA*SIGMA ) ) DO 50 J = 1, N DELTA( J ) = DELTA( J ) - ETA WORK( J ) = WORK( J ) + ETA 50 CONTINUE * SIGMA = SIGMA + ETA * * Evaluate PSI and the derivative DPSI * DPSI = ZERO PSI = ZERO ERRETM = ZERO DO 60 J = 1, II TEMP = Z( J ) / ( WORK( J )*DELTA( J ) ) PSI = PSI + Z( J )*TEMP DPSI = DPSI + TEMP*TEMP ERRETM = ERRETM + PSI 60 CONTINUE ERRETM = ABS( ERRETM ) * * Evaluate PHI and the derivative DPHI * TEMP = Z( N ) / ( WORK( N )*DELTA( N ) ) PHI = Z( N )*TEMP DPHI = TEMP*TEMP ERRETM = EIGHT*( -PHI-PSI ) + ERRETM - PHI + RHOINV + $ ABS( TAU )*( DPSI+DPHI ) * W = RHOINV + PHI + PSI * * Main loop to update the values of the array DELTA * ITER = NITER + 1 * DO 90 NITER = ITER, MAXIT * * Test for convergence * IF( ABS( W ).LE.EPS*ERRETM ) THEN GO TO 240 END IF * * Calculate the new step * DTNSQ1 = WORK( N-1 )*DELTA( N-1 ) DTNSQ = WORK( N )*DELTA( N ) C = W - DTNSQ1*DPSI - DTNSQ*DPHI A = ( DTNSQ+DTNSQ1 )*W - DTNSQ1*DTNSQ*( DPSI+DPHI ) B = DTNSQ1*DTNSQ*W IF( A.GE.ZERO ) THEN ETA = ( A+SQRT( ABS( A*A-FOUR*B*C ) ) ) / ( TWO*C ) ELSE ETA = TWO*B / ( A-SQRT( ABS( A*A-FOUR*B*C ) ) ) END IF * * Note, eta should be positive if w is negative, and * eta should be negative otherwise. However, * if for some reason caused by roundoff, eta*w > 0, * we simply use one Newton step instead. This way * will guarantee eta*w < 0. * IF( W*ETA.GT.ZERO ) $ ETA = -W / ( DPSI+DPHI ) TEMP = ETA - DTNSQ IF( TEMP.LE.ZERO ) $ ETA = ETA / TWO * TAU = TAU + ETA ETA = ETA / ( SIGMA+SQRT( ETA+SIGMA*SIGMA ) ) DO 70 J = 1, N DELTA( J ) = DELTA( J ) - ETA WORK( J ) = WORK( J ) + ETA 70 CONTINUE * SIGMA = SIGMA + ETA * * Evaluate PSI and the derivative DPSI * DPSI = ZERO PSI = ZERO ERRETM = ZERO DO 80 J = 1, II TEMP = Z( J ) / ( WORK( J )*DELTA( J ) ) PSI = PSI + Z( J )*TEMP DPSI = DPSI + TEMP*TEMP ERRETM = ERRETM + PSI 80 CONTINUE ERRETM = ABS( ERRETM ) * * Evaluate PHI and the derivative DPHI * TEMP = Z( N ) / ( WORK( N )*DELTA( N ) ) PHI = Z( N )*TEMP DPHI = TEMP*TEMP ERRETM = EIGHT*( -PHI-PSI ) + ERRETM - PHI + RHOINV + $ ABS( TAU )*( DPSI+DPHI ) * W = RHOINV + PHI + PSI 90 CONTINUE * * Return with INFO = 1, NITER = MAXIT and not converged * INFO = 1 GO TO 240 * * End for the case I = N * ELSE * * The case for I < N * NITER = 1 IP1 = I + 1 * * Calculate initial guess * DELSQ = ( D( IP1 )-D( I ) )*( D( IP1 )+D( I ) ) DELSQ2 = DELSQ / TWO TEMP = DELSQ2 / ( D( I )+SQRT( D( I )*D( I )+DELSQ2 ) ) DO 100 J = 1, N WORK( J ) = D( J ) + D( I ) + TEMP DELTA( J ) = ( D( J )-D( I ) ) - TEMP 100 CONTINUE * PSI = ZERO DO 110 J = 1, I - 1 PSI = PSI + Z( J )*Z( J ) / ( WORK( J )*DELTA( J ) ) 110 CONTINUE * PHI = ZERO DO 120 J = N, I + 2, -1 PHI = PHI + Z( J )*Z( J ) / ( WORK( J )*DELTA( J ) ) 120 CONTINUE C = RHOINV + PSI + PHI W = C + Z( I )*Z( I ) / ( WORK( I )*DELTA( I ) ) + $ Z( IP1 )*Z( IP1 ) / ( WORK( IP1 )*DELTA( IP1 ) ) * IF( W.GT.ZERO ) THEN * * d(i)^2 < the ith sigma^2 < (d(i)^2+d(i+1)^2)/2 * * We choose d(i) as origin. * ORGATI = .TRUE. SG2LB = ZERO SG2UB = DELSQ2 A = C*DELSQ + Z( I )*Z( I ) + Z( IP1 )*Z( IP1 ) B = Z( I )*Z( I )*DELSQ IF( A.GT.ZERO ) THEN TAU = TWO*B / ( A+SQRT( ABS( A*A-FOUR*B*C ) ) ) ELSE TAU = ( A-SQRT( ABS( A*A-FOUR*B*C ) ) ) / ( TWO*C ) END IF * * TAU now is an estimation of SIGMA^2 - D( I )^2. The * following, however, is the corresponding estimation of * SIGMA - D( I ). * ETA = TAU / ( D( I )+SQRT( D( I )*D( I )+TAU ) ) ELSE * * (d(i)^2+d(i+1)^2)/2 <= the ith sigma^2 < d(i+1)^2/2 * * We choose d(i+1) as origin. * ORGATI = .FALSE. SG2LB = -DELSQ2 SG2UB = ZERO A = C*DELSQ - Z( I )*Z( I ) - Z( IP1 )*Z( IP1 ) B = Z( IP1 )*Z( IP1 )*DELSQ IF( A.LT.ZERO ) THEN TAU = TWO*B / ( A-SQRT( ABS( A*A+FOUR*B*C ) ) ) ELSE TAU = -( A+SQRT( ABS( A*A+FOUR*B*C ) ) ) / ( TWO*C ) END IF * * TAU now is an estimation of SIGMA^2 - D( IP1 )^2. The * following, however, is the corresponding estimation of * SIGMA - D( IP1 ). * ETA = TAU / ( D( IP1 )+SQRT( ABS( D( IP1 )*D( IP1 )+ $ TAU ) ) ) END IF * IF( ORGATI ) THEN II = I SIGMA = D( I ) + ETA DO 130 J = 1, N WORK( J ) = D( J ) + D( I ) + ETA DELTA( J ) = ( D( J )-D( I ) ) - ETA 130 CONTINUE ELSE II = I + 1 SIGMA = D( IP1 ) + ETA DO 140 J = 1, N WORK( J ) = D( J ) + D( IP1 ) + ETA DELTA( J ) = ( D( J )-D( IP1 ) ) - ETA 140 CONTINUE END IF IIM1 = II - 1 IIP1 = II + 1 * * Evaluate PSI and the derivative DPSI * DPSI = ZERO PSI = ZERO ERRETM = ZERO DO 150 J = 1, IIM1 TEMP = Z( J ) / ( WORK( J )*DELTA( J ) ) PSI = PSI + Z( J )*TEMP DPSI = DPSI + TEMP*TEMP ERRETM = ERRETM + PSI 150 CONTINUE ERRETM = ABS( ERRETM ) * * Evaluate PHI and the derivative DPHI * DPHI = ZERO PHI = ZERO DO 160 J = N, IIP1, -1 TEMP = Z( J ) / ( WORK( J )*DELTA( J ) ) PHI = PHI + Z( J )*TEMP DPHI = DPHI + TEMP*TEMP ERRETM = ERRETM + PHI 160 CONTINUE * W = RHOINV + PHI + PSI * * W is the value of the secular function with * its ii-th element removed. * SWTCH3 = .FALSE. IF( ORGATI ) THEN IF( W.LT.ZERO ) $ SWTCH3 = .TRUE. ELSE IF( W.GT.ZERO ) $ SWTCH3 = .TRUE. END IF IF( II.EQ.1 .OR. II.EQ.N ) $ SWTCH3 = .FALSE. * TEMP = Z( II ) / ( WORK( II )*DELTA( II ) ) DW = DPSI + DPHI + TEMP*TEMP TEMP = Z( II )*TEMP W = W + TEMP ERRETM = EIGHT*( PHI-PSI ) + ERRETM + TWO*RHOINV + $ THREE*ABS( TEMP ) + ABS( TAU )*DW * * Test for convergence * IF( ABS( W ).LE.EPS*ERRETM ) THEN GO TO 240 END IF * IF( W.LE.ZERO ) THEN SG2LB = MAX( SG2LB, TAU ) ELSE SG2UB = MIN( SG2UB, TAU ) END IF * * Calculate the new step * NITER = NITER + 1 IF( .NOT.SWTCH3 ) THEN DTIPSQ = WORK( IP1 )*DELTA( IP1 ) DTISQ = WORK( I )*DELTA( I ) IF( ORGATI ) THEN C = W - DTIPSQ*DW + DELSQ*( Z( I ) / DTISQ )**2 ELSE C = W - DTISQ*DW - DELSQ*( Z( IP1 ) / DTIPSQ )**2 END IF A = ( DTIPSQ+DTISQ )*W - DTIPSQ*DTISQ*DW B = DTIPSQ*DTISQ*W IF( C.EQ.ZERO ) THEN IF( A.EQ.ZERO ) THEN IF( ORGATI ) THEN A = Z( I )*Z( I ) + DTIPSQ*DTIPSQ*( DPSI+DPHI ) ELSE A = Z( IP1 )*Z( IP1 ) + DTISQ*DTISQ*( DPSI+DPHI ) END IF END IF ETA = B / A ELSE IF( A.LE.ZERO ) THEN ETA = ( A-SQRT( ABS( A*A-FOUR*B*C ) ) ) / ( TWO*C ) ELSE ETA = TWO*B / ( A+SQRT( ABS( A*A-FOUR*B*C ) ) ) END IF ELSE * * Interpolation using THREE most relevant poles * DTIIM = WORK( IIM1 )*DELTA( IIM1 ) DTIIP = WORK( IIP1 )*DELTA( IIP1 ) TEMP = RHOINV + PSI + PHI IF( ORGATI ) THEN TEMP1 = Z( IIM1 ) / DTIIM TEMP1 = TEMP1*TEMP1 C = ( TEMP - DTIIP*( DPSI+DPHI ) ) - $ ( D( IIM1 )-D( IIP1 ) )*( D( IIM1 )+D( IIP1 ) )*TEMP1 ZZ( 1 ) = Z( IIM1 )*Z( IIM1 ) IF( DPSI.LT.TEMP1 ) THEN ZZ( 3 ) = DTIIP*DTIIP*DPHI ELSE ZZ( 3 ) = DTIIP*DTIIP*( ( DPSI-TEMP1 )+DPHI ) END IF ELSE TEMP1 = Z( IIP1 ) / DTIIP TEMP1 = TEMP1*TEMP1 C = ( TEMP - DTIIM*( DPSI+DPHI ) ) - $ ( D( IIP1 )-D( IIM1 ) )*( D( IIM1 )+D( IIP1 ) )*TEMP1 IF( DPHI.LT.TEMP1 ) THEN ZZ( 1 ) = DTIIM*DTIIM*DPSI ELSE ZZ( 1 ) = DTIIM*DTIIM*( DPSI+( DPHI-TEMP1 ) ) END IF ZZ( 3 ) = Z( IIP1 )*Z( IIP1 ) END IF ZZ( 2 ) = Z( II )*Z( II ) DD( 1 ) = DTIIM DD( 2 ) = DELTA( II )*WORK( II ) DD( 3 ) = DTIIP CALL DLAED6( NITER, ORGATI, C, DD, ZZ, W, ETA, INFO ) IF( INFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 240 END IF * * Note, eta should be positive if w is negative, and * eta should be negative otherwise. However, * if for some reason caused by roundoff, eta*w > 0, * we simply use one Newton step instead. This way * will guarantee eta*w < 0. * IF( W*ETA.GE.ZERO ) $ ETA = -W / DW IF( ORGATI ) THEN TEMP1 = WORK( I )*DELTA( I ) TEMP = ETA - TEMP1 ELSE TEMP1 = WORK( IP1 )*DELTA( IP1 ) TEMP = ETA - TEMP1 END IF IF( TEMP.GT.SG2UB .OR. TEMP.LT.SG2LB ) THEN IF( W.LT.ZERO ) THEN ETA = ( SG2UB-TAU ) / TWO ELSE ETA = ( SG2LB-TAU ) / TWO END IF END IF * TAU = TAU + ETA ETA = ETA / ( SIGMA+SQRT( SIGMA*SIGMA+ETA ) ) * PREW = W * SIGMA = SIGMA + ETA DO 170 J = 1, N WORK( J ) = WORK( J ) + ETA DELTA( J ) = DELTA( J ) - ETA 170 CONTINUE * * Evaluate PSI and the derivative DPSI * DPSI = ZERO PSI = ZERO ERRETM = ZERO DO 180 J = 1, IIM1 TEMP = Z( J ) / ( WORK( J )*DELTA( J ) ) PSI = PSI + Z( J )*TEMP DPSI = DPSI + TEMP*TEMP ERRETM = ERRETM + PSI 180 CONTINUE ERRETM = ABS( ERRETM ) * * Evaluate PHI and the derivative DPHI * DPHI = ZERO PHI = ZERO DO 190 J = N, IIP1, -1 TEMP = Z( J ) / ( WORK( J )*DELTA( J ) ) PHI = PHI + Z( J )*TEMP DPHI = DPHI + TEMP*TEMP ERRETM = ERRETM + PHI 190 CONTINUE * TEMP = Z( II ) / ( WORK( II )*DELTA( II ) ) DW = DPSI + DPHI + TEMP*TEMP TEMP = Z( II )*TEMP W = RHOINV + PHI + PSI + TEMP ERRETM = EIGHT*( PHI-PSI ) + ERRETM + TWO*RHOINV + $ THREE*ABS( TEMP ) + ABS( TAU )*DW * IF( W.LE.ZERO ) THEN SG2LB = MAX( SG2LB, TAU ) ELSE SG2UB = MIN( SG2UB, TAU ) END IF * SWTCH = .FALSE. IF( ORGATI ) THEN IF( -W.GT.ABS( PREW ) / TEN ) $ SWTCH = .TRUE. ELSE IF( W.GT.ABS( PREW ) / TEN ) $ SWTCH = .TRUE. END IF * * Main loop to update the values of the array DELTA and WORK * ITER = NITER + 1 * DO 230 NITER = ITER, MAXIT * * Test for convergence * IF( ABS( W ).LE.EPS*ERRETM ) THEN GO TO 240 END IF * * Calculate the new step * IF( .NOT.SWTCH3 ) THEN DTIPSQ = WORK( IP1 )*DELTA( IP1 ) DTISQ = WORK( I )*DELTA( I ) IF( .NOT.SWTCH ) THEN IF( ORGATI ) THEN C = W - DTIPSQ*DW + DELSQ*( Z( I ) / DTISQ )**2 ELSE C = W - DTISQ*DW - DELSQ*( Z( IP1 ) / DTIPSQ )**2 END IF ELSE TEMP = Z( II ) / ( WORK( II )*DELTA( II ) ) IF( ORGATI ) THEN DPSI = DPSI + TEMP*TEMP ELSE DPHI = DPHI + TEMP*TEMP END IF C = W - DTISQ*DPSI - DTIPSQ*DPHI END IF A = ( DTIPSQ+DTISQ )*W - DTIPSQ*DTISQ*DW B = DTIPSQ*DTISQ*W IF( C.EQ.ZERO ) THEN IF( A.EQ.ZERO ) THEN IF( .NOT.SWTCH ) THEN IF( ORGATI ) THEN A = Z( I )*Z( I ) + DTIPSQ*DTIPSQ* $ ( DPSI+DPHI ) ELSE A = Z( IP1 )*Z( IP1 ) + $ DTISQ*DTISQ*( DPSI+DPHI ) END IF ELSE A = DTISQ*DTISQ*DPSI + DTIPSQ*DTIPSQ*DPHI END IF END IF ETA = B / A ELSE IF( A.LE.ZERO ) THEN ETA = ( A-SQRT( ABS( A*A-FOUR*B*C ) ) ) / ( TWO*C ) ELSE ETA = TWO*B / ( A+SQRT( ABS( A*A-FOUR*B*C ) ) ) END IF ELSE * * Interpolation using THREE most relevant poles * DTIIM = WORK( IIM1 )*DELTA( IIM1 ) DTIIP = WORK( IIP1 )*DELTA( IIP1 ) TEMP = RHOINV + PSI + PHI IF( SWTCH ) THEN C = TEMP - DTIIM*DPSI - DTIIP*DPHI ZZ( 1 ) = DTIIM*DTIIM*DPSI ZZ( 3 ) = DTIIP*DTIIP*DPHI ELSE IF( ORGATI ) THEN TEMP1 = Z( IIM1 ) / DTIIM TEMP1 = TEMP1*TEMP1 TEMP2 = ( D( IIM1 )-D( IIP1 ) )* $ ( D( IIM1 )+D( IIP1 ) )*TEMP1 C = TEMP - DTIIP*( DPSI+DPHI ) - TEMP2 ZZ( 1 ) = Z( IIM1 )*Z( IIM1 ) IF( DPSI.LT.TEMP1 ) THEN ZZ( 3 ) = DTIIP*DTIIP*DPHI ELSE ZZ( 3 ) = DTIIP*DTIIP*( ( DPSI-TEMP1 )+DPHI ) END IF ELSE TEMP1 = Z( IIP1 ) / DTIIP TEMP1 = TEMP1*TEMP1 TEMP2 = ( D( IIP1 )-D( IIM1 ) )* $ ( D( IIM1 )+D( IIP1 ) )*TEMP1 C = TEMP - DTIIM*( DPSI+DPHI ) - TEMP2 IF( DPHI.LT.TEMP1 ) THEN ZZ( 1 ) = DTIIM*DTIIM*DPSI ELSE ZZ( 1 ) = DTIIM*DTIIM*( DPSI+( DPHI-TEMP1 ) ) END IF ZZ( 3 ) = Z( IIP1 )*Z( IIP1 ) END IF END IF DD( 1 ) = DTIIM DD( 2 ) = DELTA( II )*WORK( II ) DD( 3 ) = DTIIP CALL DLAED6( NITER, ORGATI, C, DD, ZZ, W, ETA, INFO ) IF( INFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 240 END IF * * Note, eta should be positive if w is negative, and * eta should be negative otherwise. However, * if for some reason caused by roundoff, eta*w > 0, * we simply use one Newton step instead. This way * will guarantee eta*w < 0. * IF( W*ETA.GE.ZERO ) $ ETA = -W / DW IF( ORGATI ) THEN TEMP1 = WORK( I )*DELTA( I ) TEMP = ETA - TEMP1 ELSE TEMP1 = WORK( IP1 )*DELTA( IP1 ) TEMP = ETA - TEMP1 END IF IF( TEMP.GT.SG2UB .OR. TEMP.LT.SG2LB ) THEN IF( W.LT.ZERO ) THEN ETA = ( SG2UB-TAU ) / TWO ELSE ETA = ( SG2LB-TAU ) / TWO END IF END IF * TAU = TAU + ETA ETA = ETA / ( SIGMA+SQRT( SIGMA*SIGMA+ETA ) ) * SIGMA = SIGMA + ETA DO 200 J = 1, N WORK( J ) = WORK( J ) + ETA DELTA( J ) = DELTA( J ) - ETA 200 CONTINUE * PREW = W * * Evaluate PSI and the derivative DPSI * DPSI = ZERO PSI = ZERO ERRETM = ZERO DO 210 J = 1, IIM1 TEMP = Z( J ) / ( WORK( J )*DELTA( J ) ) PSI = PSI + Z( J )*TEMP DPSI = DPSI + TEMP*TEMP ERRETM = ERRETM + PSI 210 CONTINUE ERRETM = ABS( ERRETM ) * * Evaluate PHI and the derivative DPHI * DPHI = ZERO PHI = ZERO DO 220 J = N, IIP1, -1 TEMP = Z( J ) / ( WORK( J )*DELTA( J ) ) PHI = PHI + Z( J )*TEMP DPHI = DPHI + TEMP*TEMP ERRETM = ERRETM + PHI 220 CONTINUE * TEMP = Z( II ) / ( WORK( II )*DELTA( II ) ) DW = DPSI + DPHI + TEMP*TEMP TEMP = Z( II )*TEMP W = RHOINV + PHI + PSI + TEMP ERRETM = EIGHT*( PHI-PSI ) + ERRETM + TWO*RHOINV + $ THREE*ABS( TEMP ) + ABS( TAU )*DW IF( W*PREW.GT.ZERO .AND. ABS( W ).GT.ABS( PREW ) / TEN ) $ SWTCH = .NOT.SWTCH * IF( W.LE.ZERO ) THEN SG2LB = MAX( SG2LB, TAU ) ELSE SG2UB = MIN( SG2UB, TAU ) END IF * 230 CONTINUE * * Return with INFO = 1, NITER = MAXIT and not converged * INFO = 1 * END IF * 240 CONTINUE RETURN * * End of DLASD4 * END SUBROUTINE DLASD5( I, D, Z, DELTA, RHO, DSIGMA, WORK ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Lab, Argonne National Lab, * Courant Institute, NAG Ltd., and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER I DOUBLE PRECISION DSIGMA, RHO * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION D( 2 ), DELTA( 2 ), WORK( 2 ), Z( 2 ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * This subroutine computes the square root of the I-th eigenvalue * of a positive symmetric rank-one modification of a 2-by-2 diagonal * matrix * * diag( D ) * diag( D ) + RHO * Z * transpose(Z) . * * The diagonal entries in the array D are assumed to satisfy * * 0 <= D(i) < D(j) for i < j . * * We also assume RHO > 0 and that the Euclidean norm of the vector * Z is one. * * Arguments * ========= * * I (input) INTEGER * The index of the eigenvalue to be computed. I = 1 or I = 2. * * D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( 2 ) * The original eigenvalues. We assume 0 <= D(1) < D(2). * * Z (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( 2 ) * The components of the updating vector. * * DELTA (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( 2 ) * Contains (D(j) - lambda_I) in its j-th component. * The vector DELTA contains the information necessary * to construct the eigenvectors. * * RHO (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The scalar in the symmetric updating formula. * * DSIGMA (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The computed lambda_I, the I-th updated eigenvalue. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( 2 ) * WORK contains (D(j) + sigma_I) in its j-th component. * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Ren-Cang Li, Computer Science Division, University of California * at Berkeley, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0, TWO = 2.0D+0, $ THREE = 3.0D+0, FOUR = 4.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. DOUBLE PRECISION B, C, DEL, DELSQ, TAU, W * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * DEL = D( 2 ) - D( 1 ) DELSQ = DEL*( D( 2 )+D( 1 ) ) IF( I.EQ.1 ) THEN W = ONE + FOUR*RHO*( Z( 2 )*Z( 2 ) / ( D( 1 )+THREE*D( 2 ) )- $ Z( 1 )*Z( 1 ) / ( THREE*D( 1 )+D( 2 ) ) ) / DEL IF( W.GT.ZERO ) THEN B = DELSQ + RHO*( Z( 1 )*Z( 1 )+Z( 2 )*Z( 2 ) ) C = RHO*Z( 1 )*Z( 1 )*DELSQ * * B > ZERO, always * * The following TAU is DSIGMA * DSIGMA - D( 1 ) * D( 1 ) * TAU = TWO*C / ( B+SQRT( ABS( B*B-FOUR*C ) ) ) * * The following TAU is DSIGMA - D( 1 ) * TAU = TAU / ( D( 1 )+SQRT( D( 1 )*D( 1 )+TAU ) ) DSIGMA = D( 1 ) + TAU DELTA( 1 ) = -TAU DELTA( 2 ) = DEL - TAU WORK( 1 ) = TWO*D( 1 ) + TAU WORK( 2 ) = ( D( 1 )+TAU ) + D( 2 ) * DELTA( 1 ) = -Z( 1 ) / TAU * DELTA( 2 ) = Z( 2 ) / ( DEL-TAU ) ELSE B = -DELSQ + RHO*( Z( 1 )*Z( 1 )+Z( 2 )*Z( 2 ) ) C = RHO*Z( 2 )*Z( 2 )*DELSQ * * The following TAU is DSIGMA * DSIGMA - D( 2 ) * D( 2 ) * IF( B.GT.ZERO ) THEN TAU = -TWO*C / ( B+SQRT( B*B+FOUR*C ) ) ELSE TAU = ( B-SQRT( B*B+FOUR*C ) ) / TWO END IF * * The following TAU is DSIGMA - D( 2 ) * TAU = TAU / ( D( 2 )+SQRT( ABS( D( 2 )*D( 2 )+TAU ) ) ) DSIGMA = D( 2 ) + TAU DELTA( 1 ) = -( DEL+TAU ) DELTA( 2 ) = -TAU WORK( 1 ) = D( 1 ) + TAU + D( 2 ) WORK( 2 ) = TWO*D( 2 ) + TAU * DELTA( 1 ) = -Z( 1 ) / ( DEL+TAU ) * DELTA( 2 ) = -Z( 2 ) / TAU END IF * TEMP = SQRT( DELTA( 1 )*DELTA( 1 )+DELTA( 2 )*DELTA( 2 ) ) * DELTA( 1 ) = DELTA( 1 ) / TEMP * DELTA( 2 ) = DELTA( 2 ) / TEMP ELSE * * Now I=2 * B = -DELSQ + RHO*( Z( 1 )*Z( 1 )+Z( 2 )*Z( 2 ) ) C = RHO*Z( 2 )*Z( 2 )*DELSQ * * The following TAU is DSIGMA * DSIGMA - D( 2 ) * D( 2 ) * IF( B.GT.ZERO ) THEN TAU = ( B+SQRT( B*B+FOUR*C ) ) / TWO ELSE TAU = TWO*C / ( -B+SQRT( B*B+FOUR*C ) ) END IF * * The following TAU is DSIGMA - D( 2 ) * TAU = TAU / ( D( 2 )+SQRT( D( 2 )*D( 2 )+TAU ) ) DSIGMA = D( 2 ) + TAU DELTA( 1 ) = -( DEL+TAU ) DELTA( 2 ) = -TAU WORK( 1 ) = D( 1 ) + TAU + D( 2 ) WORK( 2 ) = TWO*D( 2 ) + TAU * DELTA( 1 ) = -Z( 1 ) / ( DEL+TAU ) * DELTA( 2 ) = -Z( 2 ) / TAU * TEMP = SQRT( DELTA( 1 )*DELTA( 1 )+DELTA( 2 )*DELTA( 2 ) ) * DELTA( 1 ) = DELTA( 1 ) / TEMP * DELTA( 2 ) = DELTA( 2 ) / TEMP END IF RETURN * * End of DLASD5 * END SUBROUTINE DLASD6( ICOMPQ, NL, NR, SQRE, D, VF, VL, ALPHA, BETA, $ IDXQ, PERM, GIVPTR, GIVCOL, LDGCOL, GIVNUM, $ LDGNUM, POLES, DIFL, DIFR, Z, K, C, S, WORK, $ IWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER GIVPTR, ICOMPQ, INFO, K, LDGCOL, LDGNUM, NL, $ NR, SQRE DOUBLE PRECISION ALPHA, BETA, C, S * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER GIVCOL( LDGCOL, * ), IDXQ( * ), IWORK( * ), $ PERM( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), DIFL( * ), DIFR( * ), $ GIVNUM( LDGNUM, * ), POLES( LDGNUM, * ), $ VF( * ), VL( * ), WORK( * ), Z( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASD6 computes the SVD of an updated upper bidiagonal matrix B * obtained by merging two smaller ones by appending a row. This * routine is used only for the problem which requires all singular * values and optionally singular vector matrices in factored form. * B is an N-by-M matrix with N = NL + NR + 1 and M = N + SQRE. * A related subroutine, DLASD1, handles the case in which all singular * values and singular vectors of the bidiagonal matrix are desired. * * DLASD6 computes the SVD as follows: * * ( D1(in) 0 0 0 ) * B = U(in) * ( Z1' a Z2' b ) * VT(in) * ( 0 0 D2(in) 0 ) * * = U(out) * ( D(out) 0) * VT(out) * * where Z' = (Z1' a Z2' b) = u' VT', and u is a vector of dimension M * with ALPHA and BETA in the NL+1 and NL+2 th entries and zeros * elsewhere; and the entry b is empty if SQRE = 0. * * The singular values of B can be computed using D1, D2, the first * components of all the right singular vectors of the lower block, and * the last components of all the right singular vectors of the upper * block. These components are stored and updated in VF and VL, * respectively, in DLASD6. Hence U and VT are not explicitly * referenced. * * The singular values are stored in D. The algorithm consists of two * stages: * * The first stage consists of deflating the size of the problem * when there are multiple singular values or if there is a zero * in the Z vector. For each such occurence the dimension of the * secular equation problem is reduced by one. This stage is * performed by the routine DLASD7. * * The second stage consists of calculating the updated * singular values. This is done by finding the roots of the * secular equation via the routine DLASD4 (as called by DLASD8). * This routine also updates VF and VL and computes the distances * between the updated singular values and the old singular * values. * * DLASD6 is called from DLASDA. * * Arguments * ========= * * ICOMPQ (input) INTEGER * Specifies whether singular vectors are to be computed in * factored form: * = 0: Compute singular values only. * = 1: Compute singular vectors in factored form as well. * * NL (input) INTEGER * The row dimension of the upper block. NL >= 1. * * NR (input) INTEGER * The row dimension of the lower block. NR >= 1. * * SQRE (input) INTEGER * = 0: the lower block is an NR-by-NR square matrix. * = 1: the lower block is an NR-by-(NR+1) rectangular matrix. * * The bidiagonal matrix has row dimension N = NL + NR + 1, * and column dimension M = N + SQRE. * * D (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( NL+NR+1 ). * On entry D(1:NL,1:NL) contains the singular values of the * upper block, and D(NL+2:N) contains the singular values * of the lower block. On exit D(1:N) contains the singular * values of the modified matrix. * * VF (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( M ) * On entry, VF(1:NL+1) contains the first components of all * right singular vectors of the upper block; and VF(NL+2:M) * contains the first components of all right singular vectors * of the lower block. On exit, VF contains the first components * of all right singular vectors of the bidiagonal matrix. * * VL (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( M ) * On entry, VL(1:NL+1) contains the last components of all * right singular vectors of the upper block; and VL(NL+2:M) * contains the last components of all right singular vectors of * the lower block. On exit, VL contains the last components of * all right singular vectors of the bidiagonal matrix. * * ALPHA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Contains the diagonal element associated with the added row. * * BETA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Contains the off-diagonal element associated with the added * row. * * IDXQ (output) INTEGER array, dimension ( N ) * This contains the permutation which will reintegrate the * subproblem just solved back into sorted order, i.e. * D( IDXQ( I = 1, N ) ) will be in ascending order. * * PERM (output) INTEGER array, dimension ( N ) * The permutations (from deflation and sorting) to be applied * to each block. Not referenced if ICOMPQ = 0. * * GIVPTR (output) INTEGER * The number of Givens rotations which took place in this * subproblem. Not referenced if ICOMPQ = 0. * * GIVCOL (output) INTEGER array, dimension ( LDGCOL, 2 ) * Each pair of numbers indicates a pair of columns to take place * in a Givens rotation. Not referenced if ICOMPQ = 0. * * LDGCOL (input) INTEGER * leading dimension of GIVCOL, must be at least N. * * GIVNUM (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( LDGNUM, 2 ) * Each number indicates the C or S value to be used in the * corresponding Givens rotation. Not referenced if ICOMPQ = 0. * * LDGNUM (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of GIVNUM and POLES, must be at least N. * * POLES (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( LDGNUM, 2 ) * On exit, POLES(1,*) is an array containing the new singular * values obtained from solving the secular equation, and * POLES(2,*) is an array containing the poles in the secular * equation. Not referenced if ICOMPQ = 0. * * DIFL (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( N ) * On exit, DIFL(I) is the distance between I-th updated * (undeflated) singular value and the I-th (undeflated) old * singular value. * * DIFR (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension ( LDGNUM, 2 ) if ICOMPQ = 1 and * dimension ( N ) if ICOMPQ = 0. * On exit, DIFR(I, 1) is the distance between I-th updated * (undeflated) singular value and the I+1-th (undeflated) old * singular value. * * If ICOMPQ = 1, DIFR(1:K,2) is an array containing the * normalizing factors for the right singular vector matrix. * * See DLASD8 for details on DIFL and DIFR. * * Z (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( M ) * The first elements of this array contain the components * of the deflation-adjusted updating row vector. * * K (output) INTEGER * Contains the dimension of the non-deflated matrix, * This is the order of the related secular equation. 1 <= K <=N. * * C (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * C contains garbage if SQRE =0 and the C-value of a Givens * rotation related to the right null space if SQRE = 1. * * S (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * S contains garbage if SQRE =0 and the S-value of a Givens * rotation related to the right null space if SQRE = 1. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( 4 * M ) * * IWORK (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension ( 3 * N ) * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit. * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. * > 0: if INFO = 1, an singular value did not converge * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Ming Gu and Huan Ren, Computer Science Division, University of * California at Berkeley, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IDX, IDXC, IDXP, ISIGMA, IVFW, IVLW, IW, M, $ N, N1, N2 DOUBLE PRECISION ORGNRM * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DCOPY, DLAMRG, DLASCL, DLASD7, DLASD8, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 N = NL + NR + 1 M = N + SQRE * IF( ( ICOMPQ.LT.0 ) .OR. ( ICOMPQ.GT.1 ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( NL.LT.1 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( NR.LT.1 ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( ( SQRE.LT.0 ) .OR. ( SQRE.GT.1 ) ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( LDGCOL.LT.N ) THEN INFO = -14 ELSE IF( LDGNUM.LT.N ) THEN INFO = -16 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLASD6', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * The following values are for bookkeeping purposes only. They are * integer pointers which indicate the portion of the workspace * used by a particular array in DLASD7 and DLASD8. * ISIGMA = 1 IW = ISIGMA + N IVFW = IW + M IVLW = IVFW + M * IDX = 1 IDXC = IDX + N IDXP = IDXC + N * * Scale. * ORGNRM = MAX( ABS( ALPHA ), ABS( BETA ) ) D( NL+1 ) = ZERO DO 10 I = 1, N IF( ABS( D( I ) ).GT.ORGNRM ) THEN ORGNRM = ABS( D( I ) ) END IF 10 CONTINUE CALL DLASCL( 'G', 0, 0, ORGNRM, ONE, N, 1, D, N, INFO ) ALPHA = ALPHA / ORGNRM BETA = BETA / ORGNRM * * Sort and Deflate singular values. * CALL DLASD7( ICOMPQ, NL, NR, SQRE, K, D, Z, WORK( IW ), VF, $ WORK( IVFW ), VL, WORK( IVLW ), ALPHA, BETA, $ WORK( ISIGMA ), IWORK( IDX ), IWORK( IDXP ), IDXQ, $ PERM, GIVPTR, GIVCOL, LDGCOL, GIVNUM, LDGNUM, C, S, $ INFO ) * * Solve Secular Equation, compute DIFL, DIFR, and update VF, VL. * CALL DLASD8( ICOMPQ, K, D, Z, VF, VL, DIFL, DIFR, LDGNUM, $ WORK( ISIGMA ), WORK( IW ), INFO ) * * Save the poles if ICOMPQ = 1. * IF( ICOMPQ.EQ.1 ) THEN CALL DCOPY( K, D, 1, POLES( 1, 1 ), 1 ) CALL DCOPY( K, WORK( ISIGMA ), 1, POLES( 1, 2 ), 1 ) END IF * * Unscale. * CALL DLASCL( 'G', 0, 0, ONE, ORGNRM, N, 1, D, N, INFO ) * * Prepare the IDXQ sorting permutation. * N1 = K N2 = N - K CALL DLAMRG( N1, N2, D, 1, -1, IDXQ ) * RETURN * * End of DLASD6 * END SUBROUTINE DLASD7( ICOMPQ, NL, NR, SQRE, K, D, Z, ZW, VF, VFW, VL, $ VLW, ALPHA, BETA, DSIGMA, IDX, IDXP, IDXQ, $ PERM, GIVPTR, GIVCOL, LDGCOL, GIVNUM, LDGNUM, $ C, S, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Lab, Argonne National Lab, * Courant Institute, NAG Ltd., and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER GIVPTR, ICOMPQ, INFO, K, LDGCOL, LDGNUM, NL, $ NR, SQRE DOUBLE PRECISION ALPHA, BETA, C, S * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER GIVCOL( LDGCOL, * ), IDX( * ), IDXP( * ), $ IDXQ( * ), PERM( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), DSIGMA( * ), GIVNUM( LDGNUM, * ), $ VF( * ), VFW( * ), VL( * ), VLW( * ), Z( * ), $ ZW( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASD7 merges the two sets of singular values together into a single * sorted set. Then it tries to deflate the size of the problem. There * are two ways in which deflation can occur: when two or more singular * values are close together or if there is a tiny entry in the Z * vector. For each such occurrence the order of the related * secular equation problem is reduced by one. * * DLASD7 is called from DLASD6. * * Arguments * ========= * * ICOMPQ (input) INTEGER * Specifies whether singular vectors are to be computed * in compact form, as follows: * = 0: Compute singular values only. * = 1: Compute singular vectors of upper * bidiagonal matrix in compact form. * * NL (input) INTEGER * The row dimension of the upper block. NL >= 1. * * NR (input) INTEGER * The row dimension of the lower block. NR >= 1. * * SQRE (input) INTEGER * = 0: the lower block is an NR-by-NR square matrix. * = 1: the lower block is an NR-by-(NR+1) rectangular matrix. * * The bidiagonal matrix has * N = NL + NR + 1 rows and * M = N + SQRE >= N columns. * * K (output) INTEGER * Contains the dimension of the non-deflated matrix, this is * the order of the related secular equation. 1 <= K <=N. * * D (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( N ) * On entry D contains the singular values of the two submatrices * to be combined. On exit D contains the trailing (N-K) updated * singular values (those which were deflated) sorted into * increasing order. * * Z (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( M ) * On exit Z contains the updating row vector in the secular * equation. * * ZW (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( M ) * Workspace for Z. * * VF (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( M ) * On entry, VF(1:NL+1) contains the first components of all * right singular vectors of the upper block; and VF(NL+2:M) * contains the first components of all right singular vectors * of the lower block. On exit, VF contains the first components * of all right singular vectors of the bidiagonal matrix. * * VFW (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( M ) * Workspace for VF. * * VL (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( M ) * On entry, VL(1:NL+1) contains the last components of all * right singular vectors of the upper block; and VL(NL+2:M) * contains the last components of all right singular vectors * of the lower block. On exit, VL contains the last components * of all right singular vectors of the bidiagonal matrix. * * VLW (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( M ) * Workspace for VL. * * ALPHA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Contains the diagonal element associated with the added row. * * BETA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Contains the off-diagonal element associated with the added * row. * * DSIGMA (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( N ) * Contains a copy of the diagonal elements (K-1 singular values * and one zero) in the secular equation. * * IDX (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension ( N ) * This will contain the permutation used to sort the contents of * D into ascending order. * * IDXP (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension ( N ) * This will contain the permutation used to place deflated * values of D at the end of the array. On output IDXP(2:K) * points to the nondeflated D-values and IDXP(K+1:N) * points to the deflated singular values. * * IDXQ (input) INTEGER array, dimension ( N ) * This contains the permutation which separately sorts the two * sub-problems in D into ascending order. Note that entries in * the first half of this permutation must first be moved one * position backward; and entries in the second half * must first have NL+1 added to their values. * * PERM (output) INTEGER array, dimension ( N ) * The permutations (from deflation and sorting) to be applied * to each singular block. Not referenced if ICOMPQ = 0. * * GIVPTR (output) INTEGER * The number of Givens rotations which took place in this * subproblem. Not referenced if ICOMPQ = 0. * * GIVCOL (output) INTEGER array, dimension ( LDGCOL, 2 ) * Each pair of numbers indicates a pair of columns to take place * in a Givens rotation. Not referenced if ICOMPQ = 0. * * LDGCOL (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of GIVCOL, must be at least N. * * GIVNUM (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( LDGNUM, 2 ) * Each number indicates the C or S value to be used in the * corresponding Givens rotation. Not referenced if ICOMPQ = 0. * * LDGNUM (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of GIVNUM, must be at least N. * * C (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * C contains garbage if SQRE =0 and the C-value of a Givens * rotation related to the right null space if SQRE = 1. * * S (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * S contains garbage if SQRE =0 and the S-value of a Givens * rotation related to the right null space if SQRE = 1. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit. * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Ming Gu and Huan Ren, Computer Science Division, University of * California at Berkeley, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE, TWO, EIGHT PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0, TWO = 2.0D+0, $ EIGHT = 8.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. * INTEGER I, IDXI, IDXJ, IDXJP, J, JP, JPREV, K2, M, N, $ NLP1, NLP2 DOUBLE PRECISION EPS, HLFTOL, TAU, TOL, Z1 * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DCOPY, DLAMRG, DROT, XERBLA * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH, DLAPY2 EXTERNAL DLAMCH, DLAPY2 * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 N = NL + NR + 1 M = N + SQRE * IF( ( ICOMPQ.LT.0 ) .OR. ( ICOMPQ.GT.1 ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( NL.LT.1 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( NR.LT.1 ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( ( SQRE.LT.0 ) .OR. ( SQRE.GT.1 ) ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( LDGCOL.LT.N ) THEN INFO = -22 ELSE IF( LDGNUM.LT.N ) THEN INFO = -24 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLASD7', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * NLP1 = NL + 1 NLP2 = NL + 2 IF( ICOMPQ.EQ.1 ) THEN GIVPTR = 0 END IF * * Generate the first part of the vector Z and move the singular * values in the first part of D one position backward. * Z1 = ALPHA*VL( NLP1 ) VL( NLP1 ) = ZERO TAU = VF( NLP1 ) DO 10 I = NL, 1, -1 Z( I+1 ) = ALPHA*VL( I ) VL( I ) = ZERO VF( I+1 ) = VF( I ) D( I+1 ) = D( I ) IDXQ( I+1 ) = IDXQ( I ) + 1 10 CONTINUE VF( 1 ) = TAU * * Generate the second part of the vector Z. * DO 20 I = NLP2, M Z( I ) = BETA*VF( I ) VF( I ) = ZERO 20 CONTINUE * * Sort the singular values into increasing order * DO 30 I = NLP2, N IDXQ( I ) = IDXQ( I ) + NLP1 30 CONTINUE * * DSIGMA, IDXC, IDXC, and ZW are used as storage space. * DO 40 I = 2, N DSIGMA( I ) = D( IDXQ( I ) ) ZW( I ) = Z( IDXQ( I ) ) VFW( I ) = VF( IDXQ( I ) ) VLW( I ) = VL( IDXQ( I ) ) 40 CONTINUE * CALL DLAMRG( NL, NR, DSIGMA( 2 ), 1, 1, IDX( 2 ) ) * DO 50 I = 2, N IDXI = 1 + IDX( I ) D( I ) = DSIGMA( IDXI ) Z( I ) = ZW( IDXI ) VF( I ) = VFW( IDXI ) VL( I ) = VLW( IDXI ) 50 CONTINUE * * Calculate the allowable deflation tolerence * EPS = DLAMCH( 'Epsilon' ) TOL = MAX( ABS( ALPHA ), ABS( BETA ) ) TOL = EIGHT*EIGHT*EPS*MAX( ABS( D( N ) ), TOL ) * * There are 2 kinds of deflation -- first a value in the z-vector * is small, second two (or more) singular values are very close * together (their difference is small). * * If the value in the z-vector is small, we simply permute the * array so that the corresponding singular value is moved to the * end. * * If two values in the D-vector are close, we perform a two-sided * rotation designed to make one of the corresponding z-vector * entries zero, and then permute the array so that the deflated * singular value is moved to the end. * * If there are multiple singular values then the problem deflates. * Here the number of equal singular values are found. As each equal * singular value is found, an elementary reflector is computed to * rotate the corresponding singular subspace so that the * corresponding components of Z are zero in this new basis. * K = 1 K2 = N + 1 DO 60 J = 2, N IF( ABS( Z( J ) ).LE.TOL ) THEN * * Deflate due to small z component. * K2 = K2 - 1 IDXP( K2 ) = J IF( J.EQ.N ) $ GO TO 100 ELSE JPREV = J GO TO 70 END IF 60 CONTINUE 70 CONTINUE J = JPREV 80 CONTINUE J = J + 1 IF( J.GT.N ) $ GO TO 90 IF( ABS( Z( J ) ).LE.TOL ) THEN * * Deflate due to small z component. * K2 = K2 - 1 IDXP( K2 ) = J ELSE * * Check if singular values are close enough to allow deflation. * IF( ABS( D( J )-D( JPREV ) ).LE.TOL ) THEN * * Deflation is possible. * S = Z( JPREV ) C = Z( J ) * * Find sqrt(a**2+b**2) without overflow or * destructive underflow. * TAU = DLAPY2( C, S ) Z( J ) = TAU Z( JPREV ) = ZERO C = C / TAU S = -S / TAU * * Record the appropriate Givens rotation * IF( ICOMPQ.EQ.1 ) THEN GIVPTR = GIVPTR + 1 IDXJP = IDXQ( IDX( JPREV )+1 ) IDXJ = IDXQ( IDX( J )+1 ) IF( IDXJP.LE.NLP1 ) THEN IDXJP = IDXJP - 1 END IF IF( IDXJ.LE.NLP1 ) THEN IDXJ = IDXJ - 1 END IF GIVCOL( GIVPTR, 2 ) = IDXJP GIVCOL( GIVPTR, 1 ) = IDXJ GIVNUM( GIVPTR, 2 ) = C GIVNUM( GIVPTR, 1 ) = S END IF CALL DROT( 1, VF( JPREV ), 1, VF( J ), 1, C, S ) CALL DROT( 1, VL( JPREV ), 1, VL( J ), 1, C, S ) K2 = K2 - 1 IDXP( K2 ) = JPREV JPREV = J ELSE K = K + 1 ZW( K ) = Z( JPREV ) DSIGMA( K ) = D( JPREV ) IDXP( K ) = JPREV JPREV = J END IF END IF GO TO 80 90 CONTINUE * * Record the last singular value. * K = K + 1 ZW( K ) = Z( JPREV ) DSIGMA( K ) = D( JPREV ) IDXP( K ) = JPREV * 100 CONTINUE * * Sort the singular values into DSIGMA. The singular values which * were not deflated go into the first K slots of DSIGMA, except * that DSIGMA(1) is treated separately. * DO 110 J = 2, N JP = IDXP( J ) DSIGMA( J ) = D( JP ) VFW( J ) = VF( JP ) VLW( J ) = VL( JP ) 110 CONTINUE IF( ICOMPQ.EQ.1 ) THEN DO 120 J = 2, N JP = IDXP( J ) PERM( J ) = IDXQ( IDX( JP )+1 ) IF( PERM( J ).LE.NLP1 ) THEN PERM( J ) = PERM( J ) - 1 END IF 120 CONTINUE END IF * * The deflated singular values go back into the last N - K slots of * D. * CALL DCOPY( N-K, DSIGMA( K+1 ), 1, D( K+1 ), 1 ) * * Determine DSIGMA(1), DSIGMA(2), Z(1), VF(1), VL(1), VF(M), and * VL(M). * DSIGMA( 1 ) = ZERO HLFTOL = TOL / TWO IF( ABS( DSIGMA( 2 ) ).LE.HLFTOL ) $ DSIGMA( 2 ) = HLFTOL IF( M.GT.N ) THEN Z( 1 ) = DLAPY2( Z1, Z( M ) ) IF( Z( 1 ).LE.TOL ) THEN C = ONE S = ZERO Z( 1 ) = TOL ELSE C = Z1 / Z( 1 ) S = -Z( M ) / Z( 1 ) END IF CALL DROT( 1, VF( M ), 1, VF( 1 ), 1, C, S ) CALL DROT( 1, VL( M ), 1, VL( 1 ), 1, C, S ) ELSE IF( ABS( Z1 ).LE.TOL ) THEN Z( 1 ) = TOL ELSE Z( 1 ) = Z1 END IF END IF * * Restore Z, VF, and VL. * CALL DCOPY( K-1, ZW( 2 ), 1, Z( 2 ), 1 ) CALL DCOPY( N-1, VFW( 2 ), 1, VF( 2 ), 1 ) CALL DCOPY( N-1, VLW( 2 ), 1, VL( 2 ), 1 ) * RETURN * * End of DLASD7 * END SUBROUTINE DLASD8( ICOMPQ, K, D, Z, VF, VL, DIFL, DIFR, LDDIFR, $ DSIGMA, WORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Lab, Argonne National Lab, * Courant Institute, NAG Ltd., and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER ICOMPQ, INFO, K, LDDIFR * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), DIFL( * ), DIFR( LDDIFR, * ), $ DSIGMA( * ), VF( * ), VL( * ), WORK( * ), $ Z( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASD8 finds the square roots of the roots of the secular equation, * as defined by the values in DSIGMA and Z. It makes the appropriate * calls to DLASD4, and stores, for each element in D, the distance * to its two nearest poles (elements in DSIGMA). It also updates * the arrays VF and VL, the first and last components of all the * right singular vectors of the original bidiagonal matrix. * * DLASD8 is called from DLASD6. * * Arguments * ========= * * ICOMPQ (input) INTEGER * Specifies whether singular vectors are to be computed in * factored form in the calling routine: * = 0: Compute singular values only. * = 1: Compute singular vectors in factored form as well. * * K (input) INTEGER * The number of terms in the rational function to be solved * by DLASD4. K >= 1. * * D (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( K ) * On output, D contains the updated singular values. * * Z (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( K ) * The first K elements of this array contain the components * of the deflation-adjusted updating row vector. * * VF (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( K ) * On entry, VF contains information passed through DBEDE8. * On exit, VF contains the first K components of the first * components of all right singular vectors of the bidiagonal * matrix. * * VL (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( K ) * On entry, VL contains information passed through DBEDE8. * On exit, VL contains the first K components of the last * components of all right singular vectors of the bidiagonal * matrix. * * DIFL (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( K ) * On exit, DIFL(I) = D(I) - DSIGMA(I). * * DIFR (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension ( LDDIFR, 2 ) if ICOMPQ = 1 and * dimension ( K ) if ICOMPQ = 0. * On exit, DIFR(I,1) = D(I) - DSIGMA(I+1), DIFR(K,1) is not * defined and will not be referenced. * * If ICOMPQ = 1, DIFR(1:K,2) is an array containing the * normalizing factors for the right singular vector matrix. * * LDDIFR (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of DIFR, must be at least K. * * DSIGMA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( K ) * The first K elements of this array contain the old roots * of the deflated updating problem. These are the poles * of the secular equation. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension at least 3 * K * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit. * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. * > 0: if INFO = 1, an singular value did not converge * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Ming Gu and Huan Ren, Computer Science Division, University of * California at Berkeley, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IWK1, IWK2, IWK2I, IWK3, IWK3I, J DOUBLE PRECISION DIFLJ, DIFRJ, DJ, DSIGJ, DSIGJP, RHO, TEMP * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DCOPY, DLASCL, DLASD4, DLASET, XERBLA * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DDOT, DLAMC3, DNRM2 EXTERNAL DDOT, DLAMC3, DNRM2 * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, SIGN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 * IF( ( ICOMPQ.LT.0 ) .OR. ( ICOMPQ.GT.1 ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( K.LT.1 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDDIFR.LT.K ) THEN INFO = -9 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLASD8', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( K.EQ.1 ) THEN D( 1 ) = ABS( Z( 1 ) ) DIFL( 1 ) = D( 1 ) IF( ICOMPQ.EQ.1 ) THEN DIFL( 2 ) = ONE DIFR( 1, 2 ) = ONE END IF RETURN END IF * * Modify values DSIGMA(i) to make sure all DSIGMA(i)-DSIGMA(j) can * be computed with high relative accuracy (barring over/underflow). * This is a problem on machines without a guard digit in * add/subtract (Cray XMP, Cray YMP, Cray C 90 and Cray 2). * The following code replaces DSIGMA(I) by 2*DSIGMA(I)-DSIGMA(I), * which on any of these machines zeros out the bottommost * bit of DSIGMA(I) if it is 1; this makes the subsequent * subtractions DSIGMA(I)-DSIGMA(J) unproblematic when cancellation * occurs. On binary machines with a guard digit (almost all * machines) it does not change DSIGMA(I) at all. On hexadecimal * and decimal machines with a guard digit, it slightly * changes the bottommost bits of DSIGMA(I). It does not account * for hexadecimal or decimal machines without guard digits * (we know of none). We use a subroutine call to compute * 2*DLAMBDA(I) to prevent optimizing compilers from eliminating * this code. * DO 10 I = 1, K DSIGMA( I ) = DLAMC3( DSIGMA( I ), DSIGMA( I ) ) - DSIGMA( I ) 10 CONTINUE * * Book keeping. * IWK1 = 1 IWK2 = IWK1 + K IWK3 = IWK2 + K IWK2I = IWK2 - 1 IWK3I = IWK3 - 1 * * Normalize Z. * RHO = DNRM2( K, Z, 1 ) CALL DLASCL( 'G', 0, 0, RHO, ONE, K, 1, Z, K, INFO ) RHO = RHO*RHO * * Initialize WORK(IWK3). * CALL DLASET( 'A', K, 1, ONE, ONE, WORK( IWK3 ), K ) * * Compute the updated singular values, the arrays DIFL, DIFR, * and the updated Z. * DO 40 J = 1, K CALL DLASD4( K, J, DSIGMA, Z, WORK( IWK1 ), RHO, D( J ), $ WORK( IWK2 ), INFO ) * * If the root finder fails, the computation is terminated. * IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN RETURN END IF WORK( IWK3I+J ) = WORK( IWK3I+J )*WORK( J )*WORK( IWK2I+J ) DIFL( J ) = -WORK( J ) DIFR( J, 1 ) = -WORK( J+1 ) DO 20 I = 1, J - 1 WORK( IWK3I+I ) = WORK( IWK3I+I )*WORK( I )* $ WORK( IWK2I+I ) / ( DSIGMA( I )- $ DSIGMA( J ) ) / ( DSIGMA( I )+ $ DSIGMA( J ) ) 20 CONTINUE DO 30 I = J + 1, K WORK( IWK3I+I ) = WORK( IWK3I+I )*WORK( I )* $ WORK( IWK2I+I ) / ( DSIGMA( I )- $ DSIGMA( J ) ) / ( DSIGMA( I )+ $ DSIGMA( J ) ) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE * * Compute updated Z. * DO 50 I = 1, K Z( I ) = SIGN( SQRT( ABS( WORK( IWK3I+I ) ) ), Z( I ) ) 50 CONTINUE * * Update VF and VL. * DO 80 J = 1, K DIFLJ = DIFL( J ) DJ = D( J ) DSIGJ = -DSIGMA( J ) IF( J.LT.K ) THEN DIFRJ = -DIFR( J, 1 ) DSIGJP = -DSIGMA( J+1 ) END IF WORK( J ) = -Z( J ) / DIFLJ / ( DSIGMA( J )+DJ ) DO 60 I = 1, J - 1 WORK( I ) = Z( I ) / ( DLAMC3( DSIGMA( I ), DSIGJ )-DIFLJ ) $ / ( DSIGMA( I )+DJ ) 60 CONTINUE DO 70 I = J + 1, K WORK( I ) = Z( I ) / ( DLAMC3( DSIGMA( I ), DSIGJP )+DIFRJ ) $ / ( DSIGMA( I )+DJ ) 70 CONTINUE TEMP = DNRM2( K, WORK, 1 ) WORK( IWK2I+J ) = DDOT( K, WORK, 1, VF, 1 ) / TEMP WORK( IWK3I+J ) = DDOT( K, WORK, 1, VL, 1 ) / TEMP IF( ICOMPQ.EQ.1 ) THEN DIFR( J, 2 ) = TEMP END IF 80 CONTINUE * CALL DCOPY( K, WORK( IWK2 ), 1, VF, 1 ) CALL DCOPY( K, WORK( IWK3 ), 1, VL, 1 ) * RETURN * * End of DLASD8 * END SUBROUTINE DLASD9( ICOMPQ, LDU, K, D, Z, VF, VL, DIFL, DIFR, $ DSIGMA, WORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Lab, Argonne National Lab, * Courant Institute, NAG Ltd., and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER ICOMPQ, INFO, K, LDU * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION D( * ), DIFL( * ), DIFR( LDU, * ), DSIGMA( * ), $ VF( * ), VL( * ), WORK( * ), Z( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASD9 finds the square roots of the roots of the secular equation, * as defined by the values in DSIGMA and Z. It makes the * appropriate calls to DLASD4, and stores, for each element in D, * the distance to its two nearest poles (elements in DSIGMA). It also * updates the arrays VF and VL, the first and last components of all * the right singular vectors of the original bidiagonal matrix. * * DLASD9 is called from DLASD7. * * Arguments * ========= * * ICOMPQ (input) INTEGER * Specifies whether singular vectors are to be computed in * factored form in the calling routine: * * ICOMPQ = 0 Compute singular values only. * * ICOMPQ = 1 Compute singular vector matrices in * factored form also. * K (input) INTEGER * The number of terms in the rational function to be solved by * DLASD4. K >= 1. * * D (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension(K) * D(I) contains the updated singular values. * * DSIGMA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension(K) * The first K elements of this array contain the old roots * of the deflated updating problem. These are the poles * of the secular equation. * * Z (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (K) * The first K elements of this array contain the components * of the deflation-adjusted updating row vector. * * VF (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension(K) * On entry, VF contains information passed through SBEDE8.f * On exit, VF contains the first K components of the first * components of all right singular vectors of the bidiagonal * matrix. * * VL (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension(K) * On entry, VL contains information passed through SBEDE8.f * On exit, VL contains the first K components of the last * components of all right singular vectors of the bidiagonal * matrix. * * DIFL (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (K). * On exit, DIFL(I) = D(I) - DSIGMA(I). * * DIFR (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension (LDU, 2) if ICOMPQ =1 and * dimension (K) if ICOMPQ = 0. * On exit, DIFR(I, 1) = D(I) - DSIGMA(I+1), DIFR(K, 1) is not * defined and will not be referenced. * * If ICOMPQ = 1, DIFR(1:K, 2) is an array containing the * normalizing factors for the right singular vector matrix. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension at least (3 * K) * Workspace. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit. * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. * > 0: if INFO = 1, an singular value did not converge * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Ming Gu and Huan Ren, Computer Science Division, University of * California at Berkeley, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IWK1, IWK2, IWK2I, IWK3, IWK3I, J DOUBLE PRECISION DIFLJ, DIFRJ, DJ, DJP1, DSIGJ, DSIGJP, RHO, $ TEMP * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DDOT, DLAMC3, DNRM2 EXTERNAL DDOT, DLAMC3, DNRM2 * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DCOPY, DLASCL, DLASD4, DLASET, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, SIGN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 * IF( ( ICOMPQ.LT.0 ) .OR. ( ICOMPQ.GT.1 ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( K.LT.1 ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( LDU.LT.K ) THEN INFO = -2 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLASD9', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( K.EQ.1 ) THEN D( 1 ) = ABS( Z( 1 ) ) DIFL( 1 ) = D( 1 ) IF( ICOMPQ.EQ.1 ) THEN DIFL( 2 ) = ONE DIFR( 1, 2 ) = ONE END IF RETURN END IF * * Modify values DSIGMA(i) to make sure all DSIGMA(i)-DSIGMA(j) can * be computed with high relative accuracy (barring over/underflow). * This is a problem on machines without a guard digit in * add/subtract (Cray XMP, Cray YMP, Cray C 90 and Cray 2). * The following code replaces DSIGMA(I) by 2*DSIGMA(I)-DSIGMA(I), * which on any of these machines zeros out the bottommost * bit of DSIGMA(I) if it is 1; this makes the subsequent * subtractions DSIGMA(I)-DSIGMA(J) unproblematic when cancellation * occurs. On binary machines with a guard digit (almost all * machines) it does not change DSIGMA(I) at all. On hexadecimal * and decimal machines with a guard digit, it slightly * changes the bottommost bits of DSIGMA(I). It does not account * for hexadecimal or decimal machines without guard digits * (we know of none). We use a subroutine call to compute * 2*DLAMBDA(I) to prevent optimizing compilers from eliminating * this code. * DO 10 I = 1, K DSIGMA( I ) = DLAMC3( DSIGMA( I ), DSIGMA( I ) ) - DSIGMA( I ) 10 CONTINUE * * Book keeping. * IWK1 = 1 IWK2 = IWK1 + K IWK3 = IWK2 + K IWK2I = IWK2 - 1 IWK3I = IWK3 - 1 * * Normalize Z. * RHO = DNRM2( K, Z, 1 ) CALL DLASCL( 'G', 0, 0, RHO, ONE, K, 1, Z, K, INFO ) RHO = RHO*RHO * * Initialize WORK(IWK3). * CALL DLASET( 'A', K, 1, ONE, ONE, WORK( IWK3 ), K ) * * Compute the updated singular values, the arrays DIFL, DIFR, * and the updated Z. * DO 40 J = 1, K CALL DLASD4( K, J, DSIGMA, Z, WORK( IWK1 ), RHO, D( J ), $ WORK( IWK2 ), INFO ) * * If the root finder fails, the computation is terminated. * IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN RETURN END IF WORK( IWK3I+J ) = WORK( IWK3I+J )*WORK( J )*WORK( IWK2I+J ) DIFL( J ) = -WORK( J ) DIFR( J, 1 ) = -WORK( J+1 ) DO 20 I = 1, J - 1 WORK( IWK3I+I ) = WORK( IWK3I+I )*WORK( I )* $ WORK( IWK2I+I ) / ( DSIGMA( I )- $ DSIGMA( J ) ) / ( DSIGMA( I )+ $ DSIGMA( J ) ) 20 CONTINUE DO 30 I = J + 1, K WORK( IWK3I+I ) = WORK( IWK3I+I )*WORK( I )* $ WORK( IWK2I+I ) / ( DSIGMA( I )- $ DSIGMA( J ) ) / ( DSIGMA( I )+ $ DSIGMA( J ) ) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE * * Compute updated Z. * DO 50 I = 1, K Z( I ) = SIGN( SQRT( ABS( WORK( IWK3I+I ) ) ), Z( I ) ) 50 CONTINUE * * Update VF and VL. * DO 80 J = 1, K DIFLJ = DIFL( J ) DJ = D( J ) DSIGJ = -DSIGMA( J ) IF( J.LT.K ) THEN DIFRJ = -DIFR( J, 1 ) DJP1 = D( J+1 ) DSIGJP = -DSIGMA( J+1 ) END IF WORK( J ) = -Z( J ) / DIFLJ / ( DSIGMA( J )+DJ ) DO 60 I = 1, J - 1 WORK( I ) = Z( I ) / ( DLAMC3( DSIGMA( I ), DSIGJ )-DIFLJ ) $ / ( DSIGMA( I )+DJ ) 60 CONTINUE DO 70 I = J + 1, K WORK( I ) = Z( I ) / ( DLAMC3( DSIGMA( I ), DSIGJP )+DIFRJ ) $ / ( DSIGMA( I )+DJ ) 70 CONTINUE TEMP = DNRM2( K, WORK, 1 ) WORK( IWK2I+J ) = DDOT( K, WORK, 1, VF, 1 ) / TEMP WORK( IWK3I+J ) = DDOT( K, WORK, 1, VL, 1 ) / TEMP IF( ICOMPQ.EQ.1 ) THEN DIFR( J, 2 ) = TEMP END IF 80 CONTINUE * CALL DCOPY( K, WORK( IWK2 ), 1, VF, 1 ) CALL DCOPY( K, WORK( IWK3 ), 1, VL, 1 ) * RETURN * * End of DLASD9 * END SUBROUTINE DLASDA( ICOMPQ, SMLSIZ, N, SQRE, D, E, U, LDU, VT, K, $ DIFL, DIFR, Z, POLES, GIVPTR, GIVCOL, LDGCOL, $ PERM, GIVNUM, C, S, WORK, IWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER ICOMPQ, INFO, LDGCOL, LDU, N, SMLSIZ, SQRE * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER GIVCOL( LDGCOL, * ), GIVPTR( * ), IWORK( * ), $ K( * ), PERM( LDGCOL, * ) DOUBLE PRECISION C( * ), D( * ), DIFL( LDU, * ), DIFR( LDU, * ), $ E( * ), GIVNUM( LDU, * ), POLES( LDU, * ), $ S( * ), U( LDU, * ), VT( LDU, * ), WORK( * ), $ Z( LDU, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * Using a divide and conquer approach, DLASDA computes the singular * value decomposition (SVD) of a real upper bidiagonal N-by-M matrix * B with diagonal D and offdiagonal E, where M = N + SQRE. The * algorithm computes the singular values in the SVD B = U * S * VT. * The orthogonal matrices U and VT are optionally computed in * compact form. * * A related subroutine, DLASD0, computes the singular values and * the singular vectors in explicit form. * * Arguments * ========= * * ICOMPQ (input) INTEGER * Specifies whether singular vectors are to be computed * in compact form, as follows * = 0: Compute singular values only. * = 1: Compute singular vectors of upper bidiagonal * matrix in compact form. * * SMLSIZ (input) INTEGER * The maximum size of the subproblems at the bottom of the * computation tree. * * N (input) INTEGER * The row dimension of the upper bidiagonal matrix. This is * also the dimension of the main diagonal array D. * * SQRE (input) INTEGER * Specifies the column dimension of the bidiagonal matrix. * = 0: The bidiagonal matrix has column dimension M = N; * = 1: The bidiagonal matrix has column dimension M = N + 1. * * D (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( N ) * On entry D contains the main diagonal of the bidiagonal * matrix. On exit D, if INFO = 0, contains its singular values. * * E (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( M-1 ) * Contains the subdiagonal entries of the bidiagonal matrix. * On exit, E has been destroyed. * * U (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension ( LDU, SMLSIZ ) if ICOMPQ = 1, and not referenced * if ICOMPQ = 0. If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, U contains the left * singular vector matrices of all subproblems at the bottom * level. * * LDU (input) INTEGER, LDU = > N. * The leading dimension of arrays U, VT, DIFL, DIFR, POLES, * GIVNUM, and Z. * * VT (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension ( LDU, SMLSIZ+1 ) if ICOMPQ = 1, and not referenced * if ICOMPQ = 0. If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, VT' contains the right * singular vector matrices of all subproblems at the bottom * level. * * K (output) INTEGER array, * dimension ( N ) if ICOMPQ = 1 and dimension 1 if ICOMPQ = 0. * If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, K(I) is the dimension of the I-th * secular equation on the computation tree. * * DIFL (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( LDU, NLVL ), * where NLVL = floor(log_2 (N/SMLSIZ))). * * DIFR (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension ( LDU, 2 * NLVL ) if ICOMPQ = 1 and * dimension ( N ) if ICOMPQ = 0. * If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, DIFL(1:N, I) and DIFR(1:N, 2 * I - 1) * record distances between singular values on the I-th * level and singular values on the (I -1)-th level, and * DIFR(1:N, 2 * I ) contains the normalizing factors for * the right singular vector matrix. See DLASD8 for details. * * Z (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension ( LDU, NLVL ) if ICOMPQ = 1 and * dimension ( N ) if ICOMPQ = 0. * The first K elements of Z(1, I) contain the components of * the deflation-adjusted updating row vector for subproblems * on the I-th level. * * POLES (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension ( LDU, 2 * NLVL ) if ICOMPQ = 1, and not referenced * if ICOMPQ = 0. If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, POLES(1, 2*I - 1) and * POLES(1, 2*I) contain the new and old singular values * involved in the secular equations on the I-th level. * * GIVPTR (output) INTEGER array, * dimension ( N ) if ICOMPQ = 1, and not referenced if * ICOMPQ = 0. If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, GIVPTR( I ) records * the number of Givens rotations performed on the I-th * problem on the computation tree. * * GIVCOL (output) INTEGER array, * dimension ( LDGCOL, 2 * NLVL ) if ICOMPQ = 1, and not * referenced if ICOMPQ = 0. If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, for each I, * GIVCOL(1, 2 *I - 1) and GIVCOL(1, 2 *I) record the locations * of Givens rotations performed on the I-th level on the * computation tree. * * LDGCOL (input) INTEGER, LDGCOL = > N. * The leading dimension of arrays GIVCOL and PERM. * * PERM (output) INTEGER array, * dimension ( LDGCOL, NLVL ) if ICOMPQ = 1, and not referenced * if ICOMPQ = 0. If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, PERM(1, I) records * permutations done on the I-th level of the computation tree. * * GIVNUM (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension ( LDU, 2 * NLVL ) if ICOMPQ = 1, and not * referenced if ICOMPQ = 0. If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, for each I, * GIVNUM(1, 2 *I - 1) and GIVNUM(1, 2 *I) record the C- and S- * values of Givens rotations performed on the I-th level on * the computation tree. * * C (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, * dimension ( N ) if ICOMPQ = 1, and dimension 1 if ICOMPQ = 0. * If ICOMPQ = 1 and the I-th subproblem is not square, on exit, * C( I ) contains the C-value of a Givens rotation related to * the right null space of the I-th subproblem. * * S (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( N ) if * ICOMPQ = 1, and dimension 1 if ICOMPQ = 0. If ICOMPQ = 1 * and the I-th subproblem is not square, on exit, S( I ) * contains the S-value of a Givens rotation related to * the right null space of the I-th subproblem. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension * (6 * N + (SMLSIZ + 1)*(SMLSIZ + 1)). * * IWORK (workspace) INTEGER array. * Dimension must be at least (7 * N). * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit. * < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. * > 0: if INFO = 1, an singular value did not converge * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Ming Gu and Huan Ren, Computer Science Division, University of * California at Berkeley, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, I1, IC, IDXQ, IDXQI, IM1, INODE, ITEMP, IWK, $ J, LF, LL, LVL, LVL2, M, NCC, ND, NDB1, NDIML, $ NDIMR, NL, NLF, NLP1, NLVL, NR, NRF, NRP1, NRU, $ NWORK1, NWORK2, SMLSZP, SQREI, VF, VFI, VL, VLI DOUBLE PRECISION ALPHA, BETA * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DCOPY, DLASD6, DLASDQ, DLASDT, DLASET, XERBLA * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 * IF( ( ICOMPQ.LT.0 ) .OR. ( ICOMPQ.GT.1 ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( SMLSIZ.LT.3 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( ( SQRE.LT.0 ) .OR. ( SQRE.GT.1 ) ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( LDU.LT.( N+SQRE ) ) THEN INFO = -8 ELSE IF( LDGCOL.LT.N ) THEN INFO = -17 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLASDA', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * M = N + SQRE * * If the input matrix is too small, call DLASDQ to find the SVD. * IF( N.LE.SMLSIZ ) THEN IF( ICOMPQ.EQ.0 ) THEN CALL DLASDQ( 'U', SQRE, N, 0, 0, 0, D, E, VT, LDU, U, LDU, $ U, LDU, WORK, INFO ) ELSE CALL DLASDQ( 'U', SQRE, N, M, N, 0, D, E, VT, LDU, U, LDU, $ U, LDU, WORK, INFO ) END IF RETURN END IF * * Book-keeping and set up the computation tree. * INODE = 1 NDIML = INODE + N NDIMR = NDIML + N IDXQ = NDIMR + N IWK = IDXQ + N * NCC = 0 NRU = 0 * SMLSZP = SMLSIZ + 1 VF = 1 VL = VF + M NWORK1 = VL + M NWORK2 = NWORK1 + SMLSZP*SMLSZP * CALL DLASDT( N, NLVL, ND, IWORK( INODE ), IWORK( NDIML ), $ IWORK( NDIMR ), SMLSIZ ) * * for the nodes on bottom level of the tree, solve * their subproblems by DLASDQ. * NDB1 = ( ND+1 ) / 2 DO 30 I = NDB1, ND * * IC : center row of each node * NL : number of rows of left subproblem * NR : number of rows of right subproblem * NLF: starting row of the left subproblem * NRF: starting row of the right subproblem * I1 = I - 1 IC = IWORK( INODE+I1 ) NL = IWORK( NDIML+I1 ) NLP1 = NL + 1 NR = IWORK( NDIMR+I1 ) NLF = IC - NL NRF = IC + 1 IDXQI = IDXQ + NLF - 2 VFI = VF + NLF - 1 VLI = VL + NLF - 1 SQREI = 1 IF( ICOMPQ.EQ.0 ) THEN CALL DLASET( 'A', NLP1, NLP1, ZERO, ONE, WORK( NWORK1 ), $ SMLSZP ) CALL DLASDQ( 'U', SQREI, NL, NLP1, NRU, NCC, D( NLF ), $ E( NLF ), WORK( NWORK1 ), SMLSZP, $ WORK( NWORK2 ), NL, WORK( NWORK2 ), NL, $ WORK( NWORK2 ), INFO ) ITEMP = NWORK1 + NL*SMLSZP CALL DCOPY( NLP1, WORK( NWORK1 ), 1, WORK( VFI ), 1 ) CALL DCOPY( NLP1, WORK( ITEMP ), 1, WORK( VLI ), 1 ) ELSE CALL DLASET( 'A', NL, NL, ZERO, ONE, U( NLF, 1 ), LDU ) CALL DLASET( 'A', NLP1, NLP1, ZERO, ONE, VT( NLF, 1 ), LDU ) CALL DLASDQ( 'U', SQREI, NL, NLP1, NL, NCC, D( NLF ), $ E( NLF ), VT( NLF, 1 ), LDU, U( NLF, 1 ), LDU, $ U( NLF, 1 ), LDU, WORK( NWORK1 ), INFO ) CALL DCOPY( NLP1, VT( NLF, 1 ), 1, WORK( VFI ), 1 ) CALL DCOPY( NLP1, VT( NLF, NLP1 ), 1, WORK( VLI ), 1 ) END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN RETURN END IF DO 10 J = 1, NL IWORK( IDXQI+J ) = J 10 CONTINUE IF( ( I.EQ.ND ) .AND. ( SQRE.EQ.0 ) ) THEN SQREI = 0 ELSE SQREI = 1 END IF IDXQI = IDXQI + NLP1 VFI = VFI + NLP1 VLI = VLI + NLP1 NRP1 = NR + SQREI IF( ICOMPQ.EQ.0 ) THEN CALL DLASET( 'A', NRP1, NRP1, ZERO, ONE, WORK( NWORK1 ), $ SMLSZP ) CALL DLASDQ( 'U', SQREI, NR, NRP1, NRU, NCC, D( NRF ), $ E( NRF ), WORK( NWORK1 ), SMLSZP, $ WORK( NWORK2 ), NR, WORK( NWORK2 ), NR, $ WORK( NWORK2 ), INFO ) ITEMP = NWORK1 + ( NRP1-1 )*SMLSZP CALL DCOPY( NRP1, WORK( NWORK1 ), 1, WORK( VFI ), 1 ) CALL DCOPY( NRP1, WORK( ITEMP ), 1, WORK( VLI ), 1 ) ELSE CALL DLASET( 'A', NR, NR, ZERO, ONE, U( NRF, 1 ), LDU ) CALL DLASET( 'A', NRP1, NRP1, ZERO, ONE, VT( NRF, 1 ), LDU ) CALL DLASDQ( 'U', SQREI, NR, NRP1, NR, NCC, D( NRF ), $ E( NRF ), VT( NRF, 1 ), LDU, U( NRF, 1 ), LDU, $ U( NRF, 1 ), LDU, WORK( NWORK1 ), INFO ) CALL DCOPY( NRP1, VT( NRF, 1 ), 1, WORK( VFI ), 1 ) CALL DCOPY( NRP1, VT( NRF, NRP1 ), 1, WORK( VLI ), 1 ) END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN RETURN END IF DO 20 J = 1, NR IWORK( IDXQI+J ) = J 20 CONTINUE 30 CONTINUE * * Now conquer each subproblem bottom-up. * J = 2**NLVL DO 50 LVL = NLVL, 1, -1 LVL2 = LVL*2 - 1 * * Find the first node LF and last node LL on * the current level LVL. * IF( LVL.EQ.1 ) THEN LF = 1 LL = 1 ELSE LF = 2**( LVL-1 ) LL = 2*LF - 1 END IF DO 40 I = LF, LL IM1 = I - 1 IC = IWORK( INODE+IM1 ) NL = IWORK( NDIML+IM1 ) NR = IWORK( NDIMR+IM1 ) NLF = IC - NL NRF = IC + 1 IF( I.EQ.LL ) THEN SQREI = SQRE ELSE SQREI = 1 END IF VFI = VF + NLF - 1 VLI = VL + NLF - 1 IDXQI = IDXQ + NLF - 1 ALPHA = D( IC ) BETA = E( IC ) IF( ICOMPQ.EQ.0 ) THEN CALL DLASD6( ICOMPQ, NL, NR, SQREI, D( NLF ), $ WORK( VFI ), WORK( VLI ), ALPHA, BETA, $ IWORK( IDXQI ), PERM, GIVPTR( 1 ), GIVCOL, $ LDGCOL, GIVNUM, LDU, POLES, DIFL, DIFR, Z, $ K( 1 ), C( 1 ), S( 1 ), WORK( NWORK1 ), $ IWORK( IWK ), INFO ) ELSE J = J - 1 CALL DLASD6( ICOMPQ, NL, NR, SQREI, D( NLF ), $ WORK( VFI ), WORK( VLI ), ALPHA, BETA, $ IWORK( IDXQI ), PERM( NLF, LVL ), $ GIVPTR( J ), GIVCOL( NLF, LVL2 ), LDGCOL, $ GIVNUM( NLF, LVL2 ), LDU, $ POLES( NLF, LVL2 ), DIFL( NLF, LVL ), $ DIFR( NLF, LVL2 ), Z( NLF, LVL ), K( J ), $ C( J ), S( J ), WORK( NWORK1 ), $ IWORK( IWK ), INFO ) END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN RETURN END IF 40 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE * RETURN * * End of DLASDA * END SUBROUTINE DLASDQ( UPLO, SQRE, N, NCVT, NRU, NCC, D, E, VT, LDVT, $ U, LDU, C, LDC, WORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER UPLO INTEGER INFO, LDC, LDU, LDVT, N, NCC, NCVT, NRU, SQRE * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION C( LDC, * ), D( * ), E( * ), U( LDU, * ), $ VT( LDVT, * ), WORK( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASDQ computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a real * (upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix with diagonal D and offdiagonal * E, accumulating the transformations if desired. Letting B denote * the input bidiagonal matrix, the algorithm computes orthogonal * matrices Q and P such that B = Q * S * P' (P' denotes the transpose * of P). The singular values S are overwritten on D. * * The input matrix U is changed to U * Q if desired. * The input matrix VT is changed to P' * VT if desired. * The input matrix C is changed to Q' * C if desired. * * See "Computing Small Singular Values of Bidiagonal Matrices With * Guaranteed High Relative Accuracy," by J. Demmel and W. Kahan, * LAPACK Working Note #3, for a detailed description of the algorithm. * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * On entry, UPLO specifies whether the input bidiagonal matrix * is upper or lower bidiagonal, and wether it is square are * not. * UPLO = 'U' or 'u' B is upper bidiagonal. * UPLO = 'L' or 'l' B is lower bidiagonal. * * SQRE (input) INTEGER * = 0: then the input matrix is N-by-N. * = 1: then the input matrix is N-by-(N+1) if UPLU = 'U' and * (N+1)-by-N if UPLU = 'L'. * * The bidiagonal matrix has * N = NL + NR + 1 rows and * M = N + SQRE >= N columns. * * N (input) INTEGER * On entry, N specifies the number of rows and columns * in the matrix. N must be at least 0. * * NCVT (input) INTEGER * On entry, NCVT specifies the number of columns of * the matrix VT. NCVT must be at least 0. * * NRU (input) INTEGER * On entry, NRU specifies the number of rows of * the matrix U. NRU must be at least 0. * * NCC (input) INTEGER * On entry, NCC specifies the number of columns of * the matrix C. NCC must be at least 0. * * D (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On entry, D contains the diagonal entries of the * bidiagonal matrix whose SVD is desired. On normal exit, * D contains the singular values in ascending order. * * E (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array. * dimension is (N-1) if SQRE = 0 and N if SQRE = 1. * On entry, the entries of E contain the offdiagonal entries * of the bidiagonal matrix whose SVD is desired. On normal * exit, E will contain 0. If the algorithm does not converge, * D and E will contain the diagonal and superdiagonal entries * of a bidiagonal matrix orthogonally equivalent to the one * given as input. * * VT (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDVT, NCVT) * On entry, contains a matrix which on exit has been * premultiplied by P', dimension N-by-NCVT if SQRE = 0 * and (N+1)-by-NCVT if SQRE = 1 (not referenced if NCVT=0). * * LDVT (input) INTEGER * On entry, LDVT specifies the leading dimension of VT as * declared in the calling (sub) program. LDVT must be at * least 1. If NCVT is nonzero LDVT must also be at least N. * * U (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDU, N) * On entry, contains a matrix which on exit has been * postmultiplied by Q, dimension NRU-by-N if SQRE = 0 * and NRU-by-(N+1) if SQRE = 1 (not referenced if NRU=0). * * LDU (input) INTEGER * On entry, LDU specifies the leading dimension of U as * declared in the calling (sub) program. LDU must be at * least max( 1, NRU ) . * * C (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDC, NCC) * On entry, contains an N-by-NCC matrix which on exit * has been premultiplied by Q' dimension N-by-NCC if SQRE = 0 * and (N+1)-by-NCC if SQRE = 1 (not referenced if NCC=0). * * LDC (input) INTEGER * On entry, LDC specifies the leading dimension of C as * declared in the calling (sub) program. LDC must be at * least 1. If NCC is nonzero, LDC must also be at least N. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (4*N) * Workspace. Only referenced if one of NCVT, NRU, or NCC is * nonzero, and if N is at least 2. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * On exit, a value of 0 indicates a successful exit. * If INFO < 0, argument number -INFO is illegal. * If INFO > 0, the algorithm did not converge, and INFO * specifies how many superdiagonals did not converge. * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Ming Gu and Huan Ren, Computer Science Division, University of * California at Berkeley, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL ROTATE INTEGER I, ISUB, IUPLO, J, NP1, SQRE1 DOUBLE PRECISION CS, R, SMIN, SN * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DBDSQR, DLARTG, DLASR, DSWAP, XERBLA * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 IUPLO = 0 IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) $ IUPLO = 1 IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) $ IUPLO = 2 IF( IUPLO.EQ.0 ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( ( SQRE.LT.0 ) .OR. ( SQRE.GT.1 ) ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( NCVT.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( NRU.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -5 ELSE IF( NCC.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -6 ELSE IF( ( NCVT.EQ.0 .AND. LDVT.LT.1 ) .OR. $ ( NCVT.GT.0 .AND. LDVT.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) ) THEN INFO = -10 ELSE IF( LDU.LT.MAX( 1, NRU ) ) THEN INFO = -12 ELSE IF( ( NCC.EQ.0 .AND. LDC.LT.1 ) .OR. $ ( NCC.GT.0 .AND. LDC.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) ) THEN INFO = -14 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLASDQ', -INFO ) RETURN END IF IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * ROTATE is true if any singular vectors desired, false otherwise * ROTATE = ( NCVT.GT.0 ) .OR. ( NRU.GT.0 ) .OR. ( NCC.GT.0 ) NP1 = N + 1 SQRE1 = SQRE * * If matrix non-square upper bidiagonal, rotate to be lower * bidiagonal. The rotations are on the right. * IF( ( IUPLO.EQ.1 ) .AND. ( SQRE1.EQ.1 ) ) THEN DO 10 I = 1, N - 1 CALL DLARTG( D( I ), E( I ), CS, SN, R ) D( I ) = R E( I ) = SN*D( I+1 ) D( I+1 ) = CS*D( I+1 ) IF( ROTATE ) THEN WORK( I ) = CS WORK( N+I ) = SN END IF 10 CONTINUE CALL DLARTG( D( N ), E( N ), CS, SN, R ) D( N ) = R E( N ) = ZERO IF( ROTATE ) THEN WORK( N ) = CS WORK( N+N ) = SN END IF IUPLO = 2 SQRE1 = 0 * * Update singular vectors if desired. * IF( NCVT.GT.0 ) $ CALL DLASR( 'L', 'V', 'F', NP1, NCVT, WORK( 1 ), $ WORK( NP1 ), VT, LDVT ) END IF * * If matrix lower bidiagonal, rotate to be upper bidiagonal * by applying Givens rotations on the left. * IF( IUPLO.EQ.2 ) THEN DO 20 I = 1, N - 1 CALL DLARTG( D( I ), E( I ), CS, SN, R ) D( I ) = R E( I ) = SN*D( I+1 ) D( I+1 ) = CS*D( I+1 ) IF( ROTATE ) THEN WORK( I ) = CS WORK( N+I ) = SN END IF 20 CONTINUE * * If matrix (N+1)-by-N lower bidiagonal, one additional * rotation is needed. * IF( SQRE1.EQ.1 ) THEN CALL DLARTG( D( N ), E( N ), CS, SN, R ) D( N ) = R IF( ROTATE ) THEN WORK( N ) = CS WORK( N+N ) = SN END IF END IF * * Update singular vectors if desired. * IF( NRU.GT.0 ) THEN IF( SQRE1.EQ.0 ) THEN CALL DLASR( 'R', 'V', 'F', NRU, N, WORK( 1 ), $ WORK( NP1 ), U, LDU ) ELSE CALL DLASR( 'R', 'V', 'F', NRU, NP1, WORK( 1 ), $ WORK( NP1 ), U, LDU ) END IF END IF IF( NCC.GT.0 ) THEN IF( SQRE1.EQ.0 ) THEN CALL DLASR( 'L', 'V', 'F', N, NCC, WORK( 1 ), $ WORK( NP1 ), C, LDC ) ELSE CALL DLASR( 'L', 'V', 'F', NP1, NCC, WORK( 1 ), $ WORK( NP1 ), C, LDC ) END IF END IF END IF * * Call DBDSQR to compute the SVD of the reduced real * N-by-N upper bidiagonal matrix. * CALL DBDSQR( 'U', N, NCVT, NRU, NCC, D, E, VT, LDVT, U, LDU, C, $ LDC, WORK, INFO ) * * Sort the singular values into ascending order (insertion sort on * singular values, but only one transposition per singular vector) * DO 40 I = 1, N * * Scan for smallest D(I). * ISUB = I SMIN = D( I ) DO 30 J = I + 1, N IF( D( J ).LT.SMIN ) THEN ISUB = J SMIN = D( J ) END IF 30 CONTINUE IF( ISUB.NE.I ) THEN * * Swap singular values and vectors. * D( ISUB ) = D( I ) D( I ) = SMIN IF( NCVT.GT.0 ) $ CALL DSWAP( NCVT, VT( ISUB, 1 ), LDVT, VT( I, 1 ), LDVT ) IF( NRU.GT.0 ) $ CALL DSWAP( NRU, U( 1, ISUB ), 1, U( 1, I ), 1 ) IF( NCC.GT.0 ) $ CALL DSWAP( NCC, C( ISUB, 1 ), LDC, C( I, 1 ), LDC ) END IF 40 CONTINUE * RETURN * * End of DLASDQ * END SUBROUTINE DLASDT( N, LVL, ND, INODE, NDIML, NDIMR, MSUB ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER LVL, MSUB, N, ND * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER INODE( * ), NDIML( * ), NDIMR( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASDT creates a tree of subproblems for bidiagonal divide and * conquer. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * On entry, the number of diagonal elements of the * bidiagonal matrix. * * LVL (output) INTEGER * On exit, the number of levels on the computation tree. * * ND (output) INTEGER * On exit, the number of nodes on the tree. * * INODE (output) INTEGER array, dimension ( N ) * On exit, centers of subproblems. * * NDIML (output) INTEGER array, dimension ( N ) * On exit, row dimensions of left children. * * NDIMR (output) INTEGER array, dimension ( N ) * On exit, row dimensions of right children. * * MSUB (input) INTEGER. * On entry, the maximum row dimension each subproblem at the * bottom of the tree can be of. * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Ming Gu and Huan Ren, Computer Science Division, University of * California at Berkeley, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION TWO PARAMETER ( TWO = 2.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IL, IR, LLST, MAXN, NCRNT, NLVL DOUBLE PRECISION TEMP * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC DBLE, INT, LOG, MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Find the number of levels on the tree. * MAXN = MAX( 1, N ) TEMP = LOG( DBLE( MAXN ) / DBLE( MSUB+1 ) ) / LOG( TWO ) LVL = INT( TEMP ) + 1 * I = N / 2 INODE( 1 ) = I + 1 NDIML( 1 ) = I NDIMR( 1 ) = N - I - 1 IL = 0 IR = 1 LLST = 1 DO 20 NLVL = 1, LVL - 1 * * Constructing the tree at (NLVL+1)-st level. The number of * nodes created on this level is LLST * 2. * DO 10 I = 0, LLST - 1 IL = IL + 2 IR = IR + 2 NCRNT = LLST + I NDIML( IL ) = NDIML( NCRNT ) / 2 NDIMR( IL ) = NDIML( NCRNT ) - NDIML( IL ) - 1 INODE( IL ) = INODE( NCRNT ) - NDIMR( IL ) - 1 NDIML( IR ) = NDIMR( NCRNT ) / 2 NDIMR( IR ) = NDIMR( NCRNT ) - NDIML( IR ) - 1 INODE( IR ) = INODE( NCRNT ) + NDIML( IR ) + 1 10 CONTINUE LLST = LLST*2 20 CONTINUE ND = LLST*2 - 1 * RETURN * * End of DLASDT * END SUBROUTINE DLASET( UPLO, M, N, ALPHA, BETA, A, LDA ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER UPLO INTEGER LDA, M, N DOUBLE PRECISION ALPHA, BETA * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASET initializes an m-by-n matrix A to BETA on the diagonal and * ALPHA on the offdiagonals. * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the part of the matrix A to be set. * = 'U': Upper triangular part is set; the strictly lower * triangular part of A is not changed. * = 'L': Lower triangular part is set; the strictly upper * triangular part of A is not changed. * Otherwise: All of the matrix A is set. * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * ALPHA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The constant to which the offdiagonal elements are to be set. * * BETA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The constant to which the diagonal elements are to be set. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * On exit, the leading m-by-n submatrix of A is set as follows: * * if UPLO = 'U', A(i,j) = ALPHA, 1<=i<=j-1, 1<=j<=n, * if UPLO = 'L', A(i,j) = ALPHA, j+1<=i<=m, 1<=j<=n, * otherwise, A(i,j) = ALPHA, 1<=i<=m, 1<=j<=n,, * * and, for all UPLO, A(i,i) = BETA, 1<=i<=min(m,n). * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, J * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN * * Set the strictly upper triangular or trapezoidal part of the * array to ALPHA. * DO 20 J = 2, N DO 10 I = 1, MIN( J-1, M ) A( I, J ) = ALPHA 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE * ELSE IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN * * Set the strictly lower triangular or trapezoidal part of the * array to ALPHA. * DO 40 J = 1, MIN( M, N ) DO 30 I = J + 1, M A( I, J ) = ALPHA 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE * ELSE * * Set the leading m-by-n submatrix to ALPHA. * DO 60 J = 1, N DO 50 I = 1, M A( I, J ) = ALPHA 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE END IF * * Set the first min(M,N) diagonal elements to BETA. * DO 70 I = 1, MIN( M, N ) A( I, I ) = BETA 70 CONTINUE * RETURN * * End of DLASET * END SUBROUTINE DLASQ3( I0, N0, Z, PP, DMIN, SIGMA, DESIG, QMAX, NFAIL, $ ITER, NDIV, IEEE ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * May 17, 2000 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL IEEE INTEGER I0, ITER, N0, NDIV, NFAIL, PP DOUBLE PRECISION DESIG, DMIN, QMAX, SIGMA * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION Z( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASQ3 checks for deflation, computes a shift (TAU) and calls dqds. * In case of failure it changes shifts, and tries again until output * is positive. * * Arguments * ========= * * I0 (input) INTEGER * First index. * * N0 (input) INTEGER * Last index. * * Z (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( 4*N ) * Z holds the qd array. * * PP (input) INTEGER * PP=0 for ping, PP=1 for pong. * * DMIN (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Minimum value of d. * * SIGMA (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Sum of shifts used in current segment. * * DESIG (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Lower order part of SIGMA * * QMAX (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Maximum value of q. * * NFAIL (output) INTEGER * Number of times shift was too big. * * ITER (output) INTEGER * Number of iterations. * * NDIV (output) INTEGER * Number of divisions. * * TTYPE (output) INTEGER * Shift type. * * IEEE (input) LOGICAL * Flag for IEEE or non IEEE arithmetic (passed to DLASQ5). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION CBIAS PARAMETER ( CBIAS = 1.50D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, QURTR, HALF, ONE, TWO, HUNDRD PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0, QURTR = 0.250D0, HALF = 0.5D0, $ ONE = 1.0D0, TWO = 2.0D0, HUNDRD = 100.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IPN4, J4, N0IN, NN, TTYPE DOUBLE PRECISION DMIN1, DMIN2, DN, DN1, DN2, EPS, S, SAFMIN, T, $ TAU, TEMP, TOL, TOL2 * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DLASQ4, DLASQ5, DLASQ6 * .. * .. External Function .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. Save statement .. SAVE TTYPE SAVE DMIN1, DMIN2, DN, DN1, DN2, TAU * .. * .. Data statement .. DATA TTYPE / 0 / DATA DMIN1 / ZERO /, DMIN2 / ZERO /, DN / ZERO /, $ DN1 / ZERO /, DN2 / ZERO /, TAU / ZERO / * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * N0IN = N0 EPS = DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) SAFMIN = DLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) TOL = EPS*HUNDRD TOL2 = TOL**2 * * Check for deflation. * 10 CONTINUE * IF( N0.LT.I0 ) $ RETURN IF( N0.EQ.I0 ) $ GO TO 20 NN = 4*N0 + PP IF( N0.EQ.( I0+1 ) ) $ GO TO 40 * * Check whether E(N0-1) is negligible, 1 eigenvalue. * IF( Z( NN-5 ).GT.TOL2*( SIGMA+Z( NN-3 ) ) .AND. $ Z( NN-2*PP-4 ).GT.TOL2*Z( NN-7 ) ) $ GO TO 30 * 20 CONTINUE * Z( 4*N0-3 ) = Z( 4*N0+PP-3 ) + SIGMA N0 = N0 - 1 GO TO 10 * * Check whether E(N0-2) is negligible, 2 eigenvalues. * 30 CONTINUE * IF( Z( NN-9 ).GT.TOL2*SIGMA .AND. $ Z( NN-2*PP-8 ).GT.TOL2*Z( NN-11 ) ) $ GO TO 50 * 40 CONTINUE * IF( Z( NN-3 ).GT.Z( NN-7 ) ) THEN S = Z( NN-3 ) Z( NN-3 ) = Z( NN-7 ) Z( NN-7 ) = S END IF IF( Z( NN-5 ).GT.Z( NN-3 )*TOL2 ) THEN T = HALF*( ( Z( NN-7 )-Z( NN-3 ) )+Z( NN-5 ) ) S = Z( NN-3 )*( Z( NN-5 ) / T ) IF( S.LE.T ) THEN S = Z( NN-3 )*( Z( NN-5 ) / $ ( T*( ONE+SQRT( ONE+S / T ) ) ) ) ELSE S = Z( NN-3 )*( Z( NN-5 ) / ( T+SQRT( T )*SQRT( T+S ) ) ) END IF T = Z( NN-7 ) + ( S+Z( NN-5 ) ) Z( NN-3 ) = Z( NN-3 )*( Z( NN-7 ) / T ) Z( NN-7 ) = T END IF Z( 4*N0-7 ) = Z( NN-7 ) + SIGMA Z( 4*N0-3 ) = Z( NN-3 ) + SIGMA N0 = N0 - 2 GO TO 10 * 50 CONTINUE * * Reverse the qd-array, if warranted. * IF( DMIN.LE.ZERO .OR. N0.LT.N0IN ) THEN IF( CBIAS*Z( 4*I0+PP-3 ).LT.Z( 4*N0+PP-3 ) ) THEN IPN4 = 4*( I0+N0 ) DO 60 J4 = 4*I0, 2*( I0+N0-1 ), 4 TEMP = Z( J4-3 ) Z( J4-3 ) = Z( IPN4-J4-3 ) Z( IPN4-J4-3 ) = TEMP TEMP = Z( J4-2 ) Z( J4-2 ) = Z( IPN4-J4-2 ) Z( IPN4-J4-2 ) = TEMP TEMP = Z( J4-1 ) Z( J4-1 ) = Z( IPN4-J4-5 ) Z( IPN4-J4-5 ) = TEMP TEMP = Z( J4 ) Z( J4 ) = Z( IPN4-J4-4 ) Z( IPN4-J4-4 ) = TEMP 60 CONTINUE IF( N0-I0.LE.4 ) THEN Z( 4*N0+PP-1 ) = Z( 4*I0+PP-1 ) Z( 4*N0-PP ) = Z( 4*I0-PP ) END IF DMIN2 = MIN( DMIN2, Z( 4*N0+PP-1 ) ) Z( 4*N0+PP-1 ) = MIN( Z( 4*N0+PP-1 ), Z( 4*I0+PP-1 ), $ Z( 4*I0+PP+3 ) ) Z( 4*N0-PP ) = MIN( Z( 4*N0-PP ), Z( 4*I0-PP ), $ Z( 4*I0-PP+4 ) ) QMAX = MAX( QMAX, Z( 4*I0+PP-3 ), Z( 4*I0+PP+1 ) ) DMIN = -ZERO END IF END IF * 70 CONTINUE * IF( DMIN.LT.ZERO .OR. SAFMIN*QMAX.LT.MIN( Z( 4*N0+PP-1 ), $ Z( 4*N0+PP-9 ), DMIN2+Z( 4*N0-PP ) ) ) THEN * * Choose a shift. * CALL DLASQ4( I0, N0, Z, PP, N0IN, DMIN, DMIN1, DMIN2, DN, DN1, $ DN2, TAU, TTYPE ) * * Call dqds until DMIN > 0. * 80 CONTINUE * CALL DLASQ5( I0, N0, Z, PP, TAU, DMIN, DMIN1, DMIN2, DN, $ DN1, DN2, IEEE ) * NDIV = NDIV + ( N0-I0+2 ) ITER = ITER + 1 * * Check status. * IF( DMIN.GE.ZERO .AND. DMIN1.GT.ZERO ) THEN * * Success. * GO TO 100 * ELSE IF( DMIN.LT.ZERO .AND. DMIN1.GT.ZERO .AND. $ Z( 4*( N0-1 )-PP ).LT.TOL*( SIGMA+DN1 ) .AND. $ ABS( DN ).LT.TOL*SIGMA ) THEN * * Convergence hidden by negative DN. * Z( 4*( N0-1 )-PP+2 ) = ZERO DMIN = ZERO GO TO 100 ELSE IF( DMIN.LT.ZERO ) THEN * * TAU too big. Select new TAU and try again. * NFAIL = NFAIL + 1 IF( TTYPE.LT.-22 ) THEN * * Failed twice. Play it safe. * TAU = ZERO ELSE IF( DMIN1.GT.ZERO ) THEN * * Late failure. Gives excellent shift. * TAU = ( TAU+DMIN )*( ONE-TWO*EPS ) TTYPE = TTYPE - 11 ELSE * * Early failure. Divide by 4. * TAU = QURTR*TAU TTYPE = TTYPE - 12 END IF GO TO 80 ELSE IF( DMIN.NE.DMIN ) THEN * * NaN. * TAU = ZERO GO TO 80 ELSE * * Possible underflow. Play it safe. * GO TO 90 END IF END IF * * Risk of underflow. * 90 CONTINUE CALL DLASQ6( I0, N0, Z, PP, DMIN, DMIN1, DMIN2, DN, DN1, DN2 ) NDIV = NDIV + ( N0-I0+2 ) ITER = ITER + 1 TAU = ZERO * 100 CONTINUE IF( TAU.LT.SIGMA ) THEN DESIG = DESIG + TAU T = SIGMA + DESIG DESIG = DESIG - ( T-SIGMA ) ELSE T = SIGMA + TAU DESIG = SIGMA - ( T-TAU ) + DESIG END IF SIGMA = T * RETURN * * End of DLASQ3 * END SUBROUTINE DLASQ4( I0, N0, Z, PP, N0IN, DMIN, DMIN1, DMIN2, DN, $ DN1, DN2, TAU, TTYPE ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER I0, N0, N0IN, PP, TTYPE DOUBLE PRECISION DMIN, DMIN1, DMIN2, DN, DN1, DN2, TAU * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION Z( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASQ4 computes an approximation TAU to the smallest eigenvalue * using values of d from the previous transform. * * I0 (input) INTEGER * First index. * * N0 (input) INTEGER * Last index. * * Z (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( 4*N ) * Z holds the qd array. * * PP (input) INTEGER * PP=0 for ping, PP=1 for pong. * * NOIN (input) INTEGER * The value of N0 at start of EIGTEST. * * DMIN (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Minimum value of d. * * DMIN1 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Minimum value of d, excluding D( N0 ). * * DMIN2 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * Minimum value of d, excluding D( N0 ) and D( N0-1 ). * * DN (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * d(N) * * DN1 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * d(N-1) * * DN2 (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * d(N-2) * * TAU (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * This is the shift. * * TTYPE (output) INTEGER * Shift type. * * Further Details * =============== * CNST1 = 9/16 * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION CNST1, CNST2, CNST3 PARAMETER ( CNST1 = 0.5630D0, CNST2 = 1.010D0, $ CNST3 = 1.050D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION QURTR, THIRD, HALF, ZERO, ONE, TWO, HUNDRD PARAMETER ( QURTR = 0.250D0, THIRD = 0.3330D0, $ HALF = 0.50D0, ZERO = 0.0D0, ONE = 1.0D0, $ TWO = 2.0D0, HUNDRD = 100.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I4, NN, NP DOUBLE PRECISION A2, B1, B2, G, GAM, GAP1, GAP2, S * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. Save statement .. SAVE G * .. * .. Data statement .. DATA G / ZERO / * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * A negative DMIN forces the shift to take that absolute value * TTYPE records the type of shift. * IF( DMIN.LE.ZERO ) THEN TAU = -DMIN TTYPE = -1 RETURN END IF * NN = 4*N0 + PP IF( N0IN.EQ.N0 ) THEN * * No eigenvalues deflated. * IF( DMIN.EQ.DN .OR. DMIN.EQ.DN1 ) THEN * B1 = SQRT( Z( NN-3 ) )*SQRT( Z( NN-5 ) ) B2 = SQRT( Z( NN-7 ) )*SQRT( Z( NN-9 ) ) A2 = Z( NN-7 ) + Z( NN-5 ) * * Cases 2 and 3. * IF( DMIN.EQ.DN .AND. DMIN1.EQ.DN1 ) THEN GAP2 = DMIN2 - A2 - DMIN2*QURTR IF( GAP2.GT.ZERO .AND. GAP2.GT.B2 ) THEN GAP1 = A2 - DN - ( B2 / GAP2 )*B2 ELSE GAP1 = A2 - DN - ( B1+B2 ) END IF IF( GAP1.GT.ZERO .AND. GAP1.GT.B1 ) THEN S = MAX( DN-( B1 / GAP1 )*B1, HALF*DMIN ) TTYPE = -2 ELSE S = ZERO IF( DN.GT.B1 ) $ S = DN - B1 IF( A2.GT.( B1+B2 ) ) $ S = MIN( S, A2-( B1+B2 ) ) S = MAX( S, THIRD*DMIN ) TTYPE = -3 END IF ELSE * * Case 4. * TTYPE = -4 S = QURTR*DMIN IF( DMIN.EQ.DN ) THEN GAM = DN A2 = ZERO IF( Z( NN-5 ) .GT. Z( NN-7 ) ) $ RETURN B2 = Z( NN-5 ) / Z( NN-7 ) NP = NN - 9 ELSE NP = NN - 2*PP B2 = Z( NP-2 ) GAM = DN1 IF( Z( NP-4 ) .GT. Z( NP-2 ) ) $ RETURN A2 = Z( NP-4 ) / Z( NP-2 ) IF( Z( NN-9 ) .GT. Z( NN-11 ) ) $ RETURN B2 = Z( NN-9 ) / Z( NN-11 ) NP = NN - 13 END IF * * Approximate contribution to norm squared from I < NN-1. * A2 = A2 + B2 DO 10 I4 = NP, 4*I0 - 1 + PP, -4 IF( B2.EQ.ZERO ) $ GO TO 20 B1 = B2 IF( Z( I4 ) .GT. Z( I4-2 ) ) $ RETURN B2 = B2*( Z( I4 ) / Z( I4-2 ) ) A2 = A2 + B2 IF( HUNDRD*MAX( B2, B1 ).LT.A2 .OR. CNST1.LT.A2 ) $ GO TO 20 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE A2 = CNST3*A2 * * Rayleigh quotient residual bound. * IF( A2.LT.CNST1 ) $ S = GAM*( ONE-SQRT( A2 ) ) / ( ONE+A2 ) END IF ELSE IF( DMIN.EQ.DN2 ) THEN * * Case 5. * TTYPE = -5 S = QURTR*DMIN * * Compute contribution to norm squared from I > NN-2. * NP = NN - 2*PP B1 = Z( NP-2 ) B2 = Z( NP-6 ) GAM = DN2 IF( Z( NP-8 ).GT.B2 .OR. Z( NP-4 ).GT.B1 ) $ RETURN A2 = ( Z( NP-8 ) / B2 )*( ONE+Z( NP-4 ) / B1 ) * * Approximate contribution to norm squared from I < NN-2. * IF( N0-I0.GT.2 ) THEN B2 = Z( NN-13 ) / Z( NN-15 ) A2 = A2 + B2 DO 30 I4 = NN - 17, 4*I0 - 1 + PP, -4 IF( B2.EQ.ZERO ) $ GO TO 40 B1 = B2 IF( Z( I4 ) .GT. Z( I4-2 ) ) $ RETURN B2 = B2*( Z( I4 ) / Z( I4-2 ) ) A2 = A2 + B2 IF( HUNDRD*MAX( B2, B1 ).LT.A2 .OR. CNST1.LT.A2 ) $ GO TO 40 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE A2 = CNST3*A2 END IF * IF( A2.LT.CNST1 ) $ S = GAM*( ONE-SQRT( A2 ) ) / ( ONE+A2 ) ELSE * * Case 6, no information to guide us. * IF( TTYPE.EQ.-6 ) THEN G = G + THIRD*( ONE-G ) ELSE IF( TTYPE.EQ.-18 ) THEN G = QURTR*THIRD ELSE G = QURTR END IF S = G*DMIN TTYPE = -6 END IF * ELSE IF( N0IN.EQ.( N0+1 ) ) THEN * * One eigenvalue just deflated. Use DMIN1, DN1 for DMIN and DN. * IF( DMIN1.EQ.DN1 .AND. DMIN2.EQ.DN2 ) THEN * * Cases 7 and 8. * TTYPE = -7 S = THIRD*DMIN1 IF( Z( NN-5 ).GT.Z( NN-7 ) ) $ RETURN B1 = Z( NN-5 ) / Z( NN-7 ) B2 = B1 IF( B2.EQ.ZERO ) $ GO TO 60 DO 50 I4 = 4*N0 - 9 + PP, 4*I0 - 1 + PP, -4 A2 = B1 IF( Z( I4 ).GT.Z( I4-2 ) ) $ RETURN B1 = B1*( Z( I4 ) / Z( I4-2 ) ) B2 = B2 + B1 IF( HUNDRD*MAX( B1, A2 ).LT.B2 ) $ GO TO 60 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE B2 = SQRT( CNST3*B2 ) A2 = DMIN1 / ( ONE+B2**2 ) GAP2 = HALF*DMIN2 - A2 IF( GAP2.GT.ZERO .AND. GAP2.GT.B2*A2 ) THEN S = MAX( S, A2*( ONE-CNST2*A2*( B2 / GAP2 )*B2 ) ) ELSE S = MAX( S, A2*( ONE-CNST2*B2 ) ) TTYPE = -8 END IF ELSE * * Case 9. * S = QURTR*DMIN1 IF( DMIN1.EQ.DN1 ) $ S = HALF*DMIN1 TTYPE = -9 END IF * ELSE IF( N0IN.EQ.( N0+2 ) ) THEN * * Two eigenvalues deflated. Use DMIN2, DN2 for DMIN and DN. * * Cases 10 and 11. * IF( DMIN2.EQ.DN2 .AND. TWO*Z( NN-5 ).LT.Z( NN-7 ) ) THEN TTYPE = -10 S = THIRD*DMIN2 IF( Z( NN-5 ).GT.Z( NN-7 ) ) $ RETURN B1 = Z( NN-5 ) / Z( NN-7 ) B2 = B1 IF( B2.EQ.ZERO ) $ GO TO 80 DO 70 I4 = 4*N0 - 9 + PP, 4*I0 - 1 + PP, -4 IF( Z( I4 ).GT.Z( I4-2 ) ) $ RETURN B1 = B1*( Z( I4 ) / Z( I4-2 ) ) B2 = B2 + B1 IF( HUNDRD*B1.LT.B2 ) $ GO TO 80 70 CONTINUE 80 CONTINUE B2 = SQRT( CNST3*B2 ) A2 = DMIN2 / ( ONE+B2**2 ) GAP2 = Z( NN-7 ) + Z( NN-9 ) - $ SQRT( Z( NN-11 ) )*SQRT( Z( NN-9 ) ) - A2 IF( GAP2.GT.ZERO .AND. GAP2.GT.B2*A2 ) THEN S = MAX( S, A2*( ONE-CNST2*A2*( B2 / GAP2 )*B2 ) ) ELSE S = MAX( S, A2*( ONE-CNST2*B2 ) ) END IF ELSE S = QURTR*DMIN2 TTYPE = -11 END IF ELSE IF( N0IN.GT.( N0+2 ) ) THEN * * Case 12, more than two eigenvalues deflated. No information. * S = ZERO TTYPE = -12 END IF * TAU = S RETURN * * End of DLASQ4 * END SUBROUTINE DLASQ5( I0, N0, Z, PP, TAU, DMIN, DMIN1, DMIN2, DN, $ DNM1, DNM2, IEEE ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * May 17, 2000 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL IEEE INTEGER I0, N0, PP DOUBLE PRECISION DMIN, DMIN1, DMIN2, DN, DNM1, DNM2, TAU * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION Z( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASQ5 computes one dqds transform in ping-pong form, one * version for IEEE machines another for non IEEE machines. * * Arguments * ========= * * I0 (input) INTEGER * First index. * * N0 (input) INTEGER * Last index. * * Z (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( 4*N ) * Z holds the qd array. EMIN is stored in Z(4*N0) to avoid * an extra argument. * * PP (input) INTEGER * PP=0 for ping, PP=1 for pong. * * TAU (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * This is the shift. * * DMIN (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Minimum value of d. * * DMIN1 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Minimum value of d, excluding D( N0 ). * * DMIN2 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Minimum value of d, excluding D( N0 ) and D( N0-1 ). * * DN (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * d(N0), the last value of d. * * DNM1 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * d(N0-1). * * DNM2 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * d(N0-2). * * IEEE (input) LOGICAL * Flag for IEEE or non IEEE arithmetic. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameter .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER J4, J4P2 DOUBLE PRECISION D, EMIN, TEMP * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( ( N0-I0-1 ).LE.0 ) $ RETURN * J4 = 4*I0 + PP - 3 EMIN = Z( J4+4 ) D = Z( J4 ) - TAU DMIN = D DMIN1 = -Z( J4 ) * IF( IEEE ) THEN * * Code for IEEE arithmetic. * IF( PP.EQ.0 ) THEN DO 10 J4 = 4*I0, 4*( N0-3 ), 4 Z( J4-2 ) = D + Z( J4-1 ) TEMP = Z( J4+1 ) / Z( J4-2 ) D = D*TEMP - TAU DMIN = MIN( DMIN, D ) Z( J4 ) = Z( J4-1 )*TEMP EMIN = MIN( Z( J4 ), EMIN ) 10 CONTINUE ELSE DO 20 J4 = 4*I0, 4*( N0-3 ), 4 Z( J4-3 ) = D + Z( J4 ) TEMP = Z( J4+2 ) / Z( J4-3 ) D = D*TEMP - TAU DMIN = MIN( DMIN, D ) Z( J4-1 ) = Z( J4 )*TEMP EMIN = MIN( Z( J4-1 ), EMIN ) 20 CONTINUE END IF * * Unroll last two steps. * DNM2 = D DMIN2 = DMIN J4 = 4*( N0-2 ) - PP J4P2 = J4 + 2*PP - 1 Z( J4-2 ) = DNM2 + Z( J4P2 ) Z( J4 ) = Z( J4P2+2 )*( Z( J4P2 ) / Z( J4-2 ) ) DNM1 = Z( J4P2+2 )*( DNM2 / Z( J4-2 ) ) - TAU DMIN = MIN( DMIN, DNM1 ) * DMIN1 = DMIN J4 = J4 + 4 J4P2 = J4 + 2*PP - 1 Z( J4-2 ) = DNM1 + Z( J4P2 ) Z( J4 ) = Z( J4P2+2 )*( Z( J4P2 ) / Z( J4-2 ) ) DN = Z( J4P2+2 )*( DNM1 / Z( J4-2 ) ) - TAU DMIN = MIN( DMIN, DN ) * ELSE * * Code for non IEEE arithmetic. * IF( PP.EQ.0 ) THEN DO 30 J4 = 4*I0, 4*( N0-3 ), 4 Z( J4-2 ) = D + Z( J4-1 ) IF( D.LT.ZERO ) THEN RETURN ELSE Z( J4 ) = Z( J4+1 )*( Z( J4-1 ) / Z( J4-2 ) ) D = Z( J4+1 )*( D / Z( J4-2 ) ) - TAU END IF DMIN = MIN( DMIN, D ) EMIN = MIN( EMIN, Z( J4 ) ) 30 CONTINUE ELSE DO 40 J4 = 4*I0, 4*( N0-3 ), 4 Z( J4-3 ) = D + Z( J4 ) IF( D.LT.ZERO ) THEN RETURN ELSE Z( J4-1 ) = Z( J4+2 )*( Z( J4 ) / Z( J4-3 ) ) D = Z( J4+2 )*( D / Z( J4-3 ) ) - TAU END IF DMIN = MIN( DMIN, D ) EMIN = MIN( EMIN, Z( J4-1 ) ) 40 CONTINUE END IF * * Unroll last two steps. * DNM2 = D DMIN2 = DMIN J4 = 4*( N0-2 ) - PP J4P2 = J4 + 2*PP - 1 Z( J4-2 ) = DNM2 + Z( J4P2 ) IF( DNM2.LT.ZERO ) THEN RETURN ELSE Z( J4 ) = Z( J4P2+2 )*( Z( J4P2 ) / Z( J4-2 ) ) DNM1 = Z( J4P2+2 )*( DNM2 / Z( J4-2 ) ) - TAU END IF DMIN = MIN( DMIN, DNM1 ) * DMIN1 = DMIN J4 = J4 + 4 J4P2 = J4 + 2*PP - 1 Z( J4-2 ) = DNM1 + Z( J4P2 ) IF( DNM1.LT.ZERO ) THEN RETURN ELSE Z( J4 ) = Z( J4P2+2 )*( Z( J4P2 ) / Z( J4-2 ) ) DN = Z( J4P2+2 )*( DNM1 / Z( J4-2 ) ) - TAU END IF DMIN = MIN( DMIN, DN ) * END IF * Z( J4+2 ) = DN Z( 4*N0-PP ) = EMIN RETURN * * End of DLASQ5 * END SUBROUTINE DLASQ6( I0, N0, Z, PP, DMIN, DMIN1, DMIN2, DN, $ DNM1, DNM2 ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER I0, N0, PP DOUBLE PRECISION DMIN, DMIN1, DMIN2, DN, DNM1, DNM2 * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION Z( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASQ6 computes one dqd (shift equal to zero) transform in * ping-pong form, with protection against underflow and overflow. * * Arguments * ========= * * I0 (input) INTEGER * First index. * * N0 (input) INTEGER * Last index. * * Z (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( 4*N ) * Z holds the qd array. EMIN is stored in Z(4*N0) to avoid * an extra argument. * * PP (input) INTEGER * PP=0 for ping, PP=1 for pong. * * DMIN (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Minimum value of d. * * DMIN1 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Minimum value of d, excluding D( N0 ). * * DMIN2 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * Minimum value of d, excluding D( N0 ) and D( N0-1 ). * * DN (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * d(N0), the last value of d. * * DNM1 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * d(N0-1). * * DNM2 (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * d(N0-2). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameter .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER J4, J4P2 DOUBLE PRECISION D, EMIN, SAFMIN, TEMP * .. * .. External Function .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( ( N0-I0-1 ).LE.0 ) $ RETURN * SAFMIN = DLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) J4 = 4*I0 + PP - 3 EMIN = Z( J4+4 ) D = Z( J4 ) DMIN = D * IF( PP.EQ.0 ) THEN DO 10 J4 = 4*I0, 4*( N0-3 ), 4 Z( J4-2 ) = D + Z( J4-1 ) IF( Z( J4-2 ).EQ.ZERO ) THEN Z( J4 ) = ZERO D = Z( J4+1 ) DMIN = D EMIN = ZERO ELSE IF( SAFMIN*Z( J4+1 ).LT.Z( J4-2 ) .AND. $ SAFMIN*Z( J4-2 ).LT.Z( J4+1 ) ) THEN TEMP = Z( J4+1 ) / Z( J4-2 ) Z( J4 ) = Z( J4-1 )*TEMP D = D*TEMP ELSE Z( J4 ) = Z( J4+1 )*( Z( J4-1 ) / Z( J4-2 ) ) D = Z( J4+1 )*( D / Z( J4-2 ) ) END IF DMIN = MIN( DMIN, D ) EMIN = MIN( EMIN, Z( J4 ) ) 10 CONTINUE ELSE DO 20 J4 = 4*I0, 4*( N0-3 ), 4 Z( J4-3 ) = D + Z( J4 ) IF( Z( J4-3 ).EQ.ZERO ) THEN Z( J4-1 ) = ZERO D = Z( J4+2 ) DMIN = D EMIN = ZERO ELSE IF( SAFMIN*Z( J4+2 ).LT.Z( J4-3 ) .AND. $ SAFMIN*Z( J4-3 ).LT.Z( J4+2 ) ) THEN TEMP = Z( J4+2 ) / Z( J4-3 ) Z( J4-1 ) = Z( J4 )*TEMP D = D*TEMP ELSE Z( J4-1 ) = Z( J4+2 )*( Z( J4 ) / Z( J4-3 ) ) D = Z( J4+2 )*( D / Z( J4-3 ) ) END IF DMIN = MIN( DMIN, D ) EMIN = MIN( EMIN, Z( J4-1 ) ) 20 CONTINUE END IF * * Unroll last two steps. * DNM2 = D DMIN2 = DMIN J4 = 4*( N0-2 ) - PP J4P2 = J4 + 2*PP - 1 Z( J4-2 ) = DNM2 + Z( J4P2 ) IF( Z( J4-2 ).EQ.ZERO ) THEN Z( J4 ) = ZERO DNM1 = Z( J4P2+2 ) DMIN = DNM1 EMIN = ZERO ELSE IF( SAFMIN*Z( J4P2+2 ).LT.Z( J4-2 ) .AND. $ SAFMIN*Z( J4-2 ).LT.Z( J4P2+2 ) ) THEN TEMP = Z( J4P2+2 ) / Z( J4-2 ) Z( J4 ) = Z( J4P2 )*TEMP DNM1 = DNM2*TEMP ELSE Z( J4 ) = Z( J4P2+2 )*( Z( J4P2 ) / Z( J4-2 ) ) DNM1 = Z( J4P2+2 )*( DNM2 / Z( J4-2 ) ) END IF DMIN = MIN( DMIN, DNM1 ) * DMIN1 = DMIN J4 = J4 + 4 J4P2 = J4 + 2*PP - 1 Z( J4-2 ) = DNM1 + Z( J4P2 ) IF( Z( J4-2 ).EQ.ZERO ) THEN Z( J4 ) = ZERO DN = Z( J4P2+2 ) DMIN = DN EMIN = ZERO ELSE IF( SAFMIN*Z( J4P2+2 ).LT.Z( J4-2 ) .AND. $ SAFMIN*Z( J4-2 ).LT.Z( J4P2+2 ) ) THEN TEMP = Z( J4P2+2 ) / Z( J4-2 ) Z( J4 ) = Z( J4P2 )*TEMP DN = DNM1*TEMP ELSE Z( J4 ) = Z( J4P2+2 )*( Z( J4P2 ) / Z( J4-2 ) ) DN = Z( J4P2+2 )*( DNM1 / Z( J4-2 ) ) END IF DMIN = MIN( DMIN, DN ) * Z( J4+2 ) = DN Z( 4*N0-PP ) = EMIN RETURN * * End of DLASQ6 * END SUBROUTINE DLASR( SIDE, PIVOT, DIRECT, M, N, C, S, A, LDA ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER DIRECT, PIVOT, SIDE INTEGER LDA, M, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), C( * ), S( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASR performs the transformation * * A := P*A, when SIDE = 'L' or 'l' ( Left-hand side ) * * A := A*P', when SIDE = 'R' or 'r' ( Right-hand side ) * * where A is an m by n real matrix and P is an orthogonal matrix, * consisting of a sequence of plane rotations determined by the * parameters PIVOT and DIRECT as follows ( z = m when SIDE = 'L' or 'l' * and z = n when SIDE = 'R' or 'r' ): * * When DIRECT = 'F' or 'f' ( Forward sequence ) then * * P = P( z - 1 )*...*P( 2 )*P( 1 ), * * and when DIRECT = 'B' or 'b' ( Backward sequence ) then * * P = P( 1 )*P( 2 )*...*P( z - 1 ), * * where P( k ) is a plane rotation matrix for the following planes: * * when PIVOT = 'V' or 'v' ( Variable pivot ), * the plane ( k, k + 1 ) * * when PIVOT = 'T' or 't' ( Top pivot ), * the plane ( 1, k + 1 ) * * when PIVOT = 'B' or 'b' ( Bottom pivot ), * the plane ( k, z ) * * c( k ) and s( k ) must contain the cosine and sine that define the * matrix P( k ). The two by two plane rotation part of the matrix * P( k ), R( k ), is assumed to be of the form * * R( k ) = ( c( k ) s( k ) ). * ( -s( k ) c( k ) ) * * This version vectorises across rows of the array A when SIDE = 'L'. * * Arguments * ========= * * SIDE (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the plane rotation matrix P is applied to * A on the left or the right. * = 'L': Left, compute A := P*A * = 'R': Right, compute A:= A*P' * * DIRECT (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether P is a forward or backward sequence of * plane rotations. * = 'F': Forward, P = P( z - 1 )*...*P( 2 )*P( 1 ) * = 'B': Backward, P = P( 1 )*P( 2 )*...*P( z - 1 ) * * PIVOT (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the plane for which P(k) is a plane rotation * matrix. * = 'V': Variable pivot, the plane (k,k+1) * = 'T': Top pivot, the plane (1,k+1) * = 'B': Bottom pivot, the plane (k,z) * * M (input) INTEGER * The number of rows of the matrix A. If m <= 1, an immediate * return is effected. * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix A. If n <= 1, an * immediate return is effected. * * C, S (input) DOUBLE PRECISION arrays, dimension * (M-1) if SIDE = 'L' * (N-1) if SIDE = 'R' * c(k) and s(k) contain the cosine and sine that define the * matrix P(k). The two by two plane rotation part of the * matrix P(k), R(k), is assumed to be of the form * R( k ) = ( c( k ) s( k ) ). * ( -s( k ) c( k ) ) * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * The m by n matrix A. On exit, A is overwritten by P*A if * SIDE = 'R' or by A*P' if SIDE = 'L'. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, INFO, J DOUBLE PRECISION CTEMP, STEMP, TEMP * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters * INFO = 0 IF( .NOT.( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) .OR. LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) ) ) THEN INFO = 1 ELSE IF( .NOT.( LSAME( PIVOT, 'V' ) .OR. LSAME( PIVOT, $ 'T' ) .OR. LSAME( PIVOT, 'B' ) ) ) THEN INFO = 2 ELSE IF( .NOT.( LSAME( DIRECT, 'F' ) .OR. LSAME( DIRECT, 'B' ) ) ) $ THEN INFO = 3 ELSE IF( M.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = 4 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = 5 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN INFO = 9 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLASR ', INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( ( M.EQ.0 ) .OR. ( N.EQ.0 ) ) $ RETURN IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'L' ) ) THEN * * Form P * A * IF( LSAME( PIVOT, 'V' ) ) THEN IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'F' ) ) THEN DO 20 J = 1, M - 1 CTEMP = C( J ) STEMP = S( J ) IF( ( CTEMP.NE.ONE ) .OR. ( STEMP.NE.ZERO ) ) THEN DO 10 I = 1, N TEMP = A( J+1, I ) A( J+1, I ) = CTEMP*TEMP - STEMP*A( J, I ) A( J, I ) = STEMP*TEMP + CTEMP*A( J, I ) 10 CONTINUE END IF 20 CONTINUE ELSE IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'B' ) ) THEN DO 40 J = M - 1, 1, -1 CTEMP = C( J ) STEMP = S( J ) IF( ( CTEMP.NE.ONE ) .OR. ( STEMP.NE.ZERO ) ) THEN DO 30 I = 1, N TEMP = A( J+1, I ) A( J+1, I ) = CTEMP*TEMP - STEMP*A( J, I ) A( J, I ) = STEMP*TEMP + CTEMP*A( J, I ) 30 CONTINUE END IF 40 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( LSAME( PIVOT, 'T' ) ) THEN IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'F' ) ) THEN DO 60 J = 2, M CTEMP = C( J-1 ) STEMP = S( J-1 ) IF( ( CTEMP.NE.ONE ) .OR. ( STEMP.NE.ZERO ) ) THEN DO 50 I = 1, N TEMP = A( J, I ) A( J, I ) = CTEMP*TEMP - STEMP*A( 1, I ) A( 1, I ) = STEMP*TEMP + CTEMP*A( 1, I ) 50 CONTINUE END IF 60 CONTINUE ELSE IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'B' ) ) THEN DO 80 J = M, 2, -1 CTEMP = C( J-1 ) STEMP = S( J-1 ) IF( ( CTEMP.NE.ONE ) .OR. ( STEMP.NE.ZERO ) ) THEN DO 70 I = 1, N TEMP = A( J, I ) A( J, I ) = CTEMP*TEMP - STEMP*A( 1, I ) A( 1, I ) = STEMP*TEMP + CTEMP*A( 1, I ) 70 CONTINUE END IF 80 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( LSAME( PIVOT, 'B' ) ) THEN IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'F' ) ) THEN DO 100 J = 1, M - 1 CTEMP = C( J ) STEMP = S( J ) IF( ( CTEMP.NE.ONE ) .OR. ( STEMP.NE.ZERO ) ) THEN DO 90 I = 1, N TEMP = A( J, I ) A( J, I ) = STEMP*A( M, I ) + CTEMP*TEMP A( M, I ) = CTEMP*A( M, I ) - STEMP*TEMP 90 CONTINUE END IF 100 CONTINUE ELSE IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'B' ) ) THEN DO 120 J = M - 1, 1, -1 CTEMP = C( J ) STEMP = S( J ) IF( ( CTEMP.NE.ONE ) .OR. ( STEMP.NE.ZERO ) ) THEN DO 110 I = 1, N TEMP = A( J, I ) A( J, I ) = STEMP*A( M, I ) + CTEMP*TEMP A( M, I ) = CTEMP*A( M, I ) - STEMP*TEMP 110 CONTINUE END IF 120 CONTINUE END IF END IF ELSE IF( LSAME( SIDE, 'R' ) ) THEN * * Form A * P' * IF( LSAME( PIVOT, 'V' ) ) THEN IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'F' ) ) THEN DO 140 J = 1, N - 1 CTEMP = C( J ) STEMP = S( J ) IF( ( CTEMP.NE.ONE ) .OR. ( STEMP.NE.ZERO ) ) THEN DO 130 I = 1, M TEMP = A( I, J+1 ) A( I, J+1 ) = CTEMP*TEMP - STEMP*A( I, J ) A( I, J ) = STEMP*TEMP + CTEMP*A( I, J ) 130 CONTINUE END IF 140 CONTINUE ELSE IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'B' ) ) THEN DO 160 J = N - 1, 1, -1 CTEMP = C( J ) STEMP = S( J ) IF( ( CTEMP.NE.ONE ) .OR. ( STEMP.NE.ZERO ) ) THEN DO 150 I = 1, M TEMP = A( I, J+1 ) A( I, J+1 ) = CTEMP*TEMP - STEMP*A( I, J ) A( I, J ) = STEMP*TEMP + CTEMP*A( I, J ) 150 CONTINUE END IF 160 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( LSAME( PIVOT, 'T' ) ) THEN IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'F' ) ) THEN DO 180 J = 2, N CTEMP = C( J-1 ) STEMP = S( J-1 ) IF( ( CTEMP.NE.ONE ) .OR. ( STEMP.NE.ZERO ) ) THEN DO 170 I = 1, M TEMP = A( I, J ) A( I, J ) = CTEMP*TEMP - STEMP*A( I, 1 ) A( I, 1 ) = STEMP*TEMP + CTEMP*A( I, 1 ) 170 CONTINUE END IF 180 CONTINUE ELSE IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'B' ) ) THEN DO 200 J = N, 2, -1 CTEMP = C( J-1 ) STEMP = S( J-1 ) IF( ( CTEMP.NE.ONE ) .OR. ( STEMP.NE.ZERO ) ) THEN DO 190 I = 1, M TEMP = A( I, J ) A( I, J ) = CTEMP*TEMP - STEMP*A( I, 1 ) A( I, 1 ) = STEMP*TEMP + CTEMP*A( I, 1 ) 190 CONTINUE END IF 200 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( LSAME( PIVOT, 'B' ) ) THEN IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'F' ) ) THEN DO 220 J = 1, N - 1 CTEMP = C( J ) STEMP = S( J ) IF( ( CTEMP.NE.ONE ) .OR. ( STEMP.NE.ZERO ) ) THEN DO 210 I = 1, M TEMP = A( I, J ) A( I, J ) = STEMP*A( I, N ) + CTEMP*TEMP A( I, N ) = CTEMP*A( I, N ) - STEMP*TEMP 210 CONTINUE END IF 220 CONTINUE ELSE IF( LSAME( DIRECT, 'B' ) ) THEN DO 240 J = N - 1, 1, -1 CTEMP = C( J ) STEMP = S( J ) IF( ( CTEMP.NE.ONE ) .OR. ( STEMP.NE.ZERO ) ) THEN DO 230 I = 1, M TEMP = A( I, J ) A( I, J ) = STEMP*A( I, N ) + CTEMP*TEMP A( I, N ) = CTEMP*A( I, N ) - STEMP*TEMP 230 CONTINUE END IF 240 CONTINUE END IF END IF END IF * RETURN * * End of DLASR * END SUBROUTINE DLASSQ( N, X, INCX, SCALE, SUMSQ ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INCX, N DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE, SUMSQ * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION X( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASSQ returns the values scl and smsq such that * * ( scl**2 )*smsq = x( 1 )**2 +...+ x( n )**2 + ( scale**2 )*sumsq, * * where x( i ) = X( 1 + ( i - 1 )*INCX ). The value of sumsq is * assumed to be non-negative and scl returns the value * * scl = max( scale, abs( x( i ) ) ). * * scale and sumsq must be supplied in SCALE and SUMSQ and * scl and smsq are overwritten on SCALE and SUMSQ respectively. * * The routine makes only one pass through the vector x. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of elements to be used from the vector X. * * X (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * The vector for which a scaled sum of squares is computed. * x( i ) = X( 1 + ( i - 1 )*INCX ), 1 <= i <= n. * * INCX (input) INTEGER * The increment between successive values of the vector X. * INCX > 0. * * SCALE (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION * On entry, the value scale in the equation above. * On exit, SCALE is overwritten with scl , the scaling factor * for the sum of squares. * * SUMSQ (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION * On entry, the value sumsq in the equation above. * On exit, SUMSQ is overwritten with smsq , the basic sum of * squares from which scl has been factored out. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IX DOUBLE PRECISION ABSXI * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( N.GT.0 ) THEN DO 10 IX = 1, 1 + ( N-1 )*INCX, INCX IF( X( IX ).NE.ZERO ) THEN ABSXI = ABS( X( IX ) ) IF( SCALE.LT.ABSXI ) THEN SUMSQ = 1 + SUMSQ*( SCALE / ABSXI )**2 SCALE = ABSXI ELSE SUMSQ = SUMSQ + ( ABSXI / SCALE )**2 END IF END IF 10 CONTINUE END IF RETURN * * End of DLASSQ * END SUBROUTINE DLASV2( F, G, H, SSMIN, SSMAX, SNR, CSR, SNL, CSL ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION CSL, CSR, F, G, H, SNL, SNR, SSMAX, SSMIN * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASV2 computes the singular value decomposition of a 2-by-2 * triangular matrix * [ F G ] * [ 0 H ]. * On return, abs(SSMAX) is the larger singular value, abs(SSMIN) is the * smaller singular value, and (CSL,SNL) and (CSR,SNR) are the left and * right singular vectors for abs(SSMAX), giving the decomposition * * [ CSL SNL ] [ F G ] [ CSR -SNR ] = [ SSMAX 0 ] * [-SNL CSL ] [ 0 H ] [ SNR CSR ] [ 0 SSMIN ]. * * Arguments * ========= * * F (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The (1,1) element of the 2-by-2 matrix. * * G (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The (1,2) element of the 2-by-2 matrix. * * H (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The (2,2) element of the 2-by-2 matrix. * * SSMIN (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * abs(SSMIN) is the smaller singular value. * * SSMAX (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * abs(SSMAX) is the larger singular value. * * SNL (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * CSL (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The vector (CSL, SNL) is a unit left singular vector for the * singular value abs(SSMAX). * * SNR (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * CSR (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The vector (CSR, SNR) is a unit right singular vector for the * singular value abs(SSMAX). * * Further Details * =============== * * Any input parameter may be aliased with any output parameter. * * Barring over/underflow and assuming a guard digit in subtraction, all * output quantities are correct to within a few units in the last * place (ulps). * * In IEEE arithmetic, the code works correctly if one matrix element is * infinite. * * Overflow will not occur unless the largest singular value itself * overflows or is within a few ulps of overflow. (On machines with * partial overflow, like the Cray, overflow may occur if the largest * singular value is within a factor of 2 of overflow.) * * Underflow is harmless if underflow is gradual. Otherwise, results * may correspond to a matrix modified by perturbations of size near * the underflow threshold. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION HALF PARAMETER ( HALF = 0.5D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION TWO PARAMETER ( TWO = 2.0D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION FOUR PARAMETER ( FOUR = 4.0D0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL GASMAL, SWAP INTEGER PMAX DOUBLE PRECISION A, CLT, CRT, D, FA, FT, GA, GT, HA, HT, L, M, $ MM, R, S, SLT, SRT, T, TEMP, TSIGN, TT * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, SIGN, SQRT * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * FT = F FA = ABS( FT ) HT = H HA = ABS( H ) * * PMAX points to the maximum absolute element of matrix * PMAX = 1 if F largest in absolute values * PMAX = 2 if G largest in absolute values * PMAX = 3 if H largest in absolute values * PMAX = 1 SWAP = ( HA.GT.FA ) IF( SWAP ) THEN PMAX = 3 TEMP = FT FT = HT HT = TEMP TEMP = FA FA = HA HA = TEMP * * Now FA .ge. HA * END IF GT = G GA = ABS( GT ) IF( GA.EQ.ZERO ) THEN * * Diagonal matrix * SSMIN = HA SSMAX = FA CLT = ONE CRT = ONE SLT = ZERO SRT = ZERO ELSE GASMAL = .TRUE. IF( GA.GT.FA ) THEN PMAX = 2 IF( ( FA / GA ).LT.DLAMCH( 'EPS' ) ) THEN * * Case of very large GA * GASMAL = .FALSE. SSMAX = GA IF( HA.GT.ONE ) THEN SSMIN = FA / ( GA / HA ) ELSE SSMIN = ( FA / GA )*HA END IF CLT = ONE SLT = HT / GT SRT = ONE CRT = FT / GT END IF END IF IF( GASMAL ) THEN * * Normal case * D = FA - HA IF( D.EQ.FA ) THEN * * Copes with infinite F or H * L = ONE ELSE L = D / FA END IF * * Note that 0 .le. L .le. 1 * M = GT / FT * * Note that abs(M) .le. 1/macheps * T = TWO - L * * Note that T .ge. 1 * MM = M*M TT = T*T S = SQRT( TT+MM ) * * Note that 1 .le. S .le. 1 + 1/macheps * IF( L.EQ.ZERO ) THEN R = ABS( M ) ELSE R = SQRT( L*L+MM ) END IF * * Note that 0 .le. R .le. 1 + 1/macheps * A = HALF*( S+R ) * * Note that 1 .le. A .le. 1 + abs(M) * SSMIN = HA / A SSMAX = FA*A IF( MM.EQ.ZERO ) THEN * * Note that M is very tiny * IF( L.EQ.ZERO ) THEN T = SIGN( TWO, FT )*SIGN( ONE, GT ) ELSE T = GT / SIGN( D, FT ) + M / T END IF ELSE T = ( M / ( S+T )+M / ( R+L ) )*( ONE+A ) END IF L = SQRT( T*T+FOUR ) CRT = TWO / L SRT = T / L CLT = ( CRT+SRT*M ) / A SLT = ( HT / FT )*SRT / A END IF END IF IF( SWAP ) THEN CSL = SRT SNL = CRT CSR = SLT SNR = CLT ELSE CSL = CLT SNL = SLT CSR = CRT SNR = SRT END IF * * Correct signs of SSMAX and SSMIN * IF( PMAX.EQ.1 ) $ TSIGN = SIGN( ONE, CSR )*SIGN( ONE, CSL )*SIGN( ONE, F ) IF( PMAX.EQ.2 ) $ TSIGN = SIGN( ONE, SNR )*SIGN( ONE, CSL )*SIGN( ONE, G ) IF( PMAX.EQ.3 ) $ TSIGN = SIGN( ONE, SNR )*SIGN( ONE, SNL )*SIGN( ONE, H ) SSMAX = SIGN( SSMAX, TSIGN ) SSMIN = SIGN( SSMIN, TSIGN*SIGN( ONE, F )*SIGN( ONE, H ) ) RETURN * * End of DLASV2 * END SUBROUTINE DLASWP( N, A, LDA, K1, K2, IPIV, INCX ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INCX, K1, K2, LDA, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPIV( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASWP performs a series of row interchanges on the matrix A. * One row interchange is initiated for each of rows K1 through K2 of A. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix A. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * On entry, the matrix of column dimension N to which the row * interchanges will be applied. * On exit, the permuted matrix. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. * * K1 (input) INTEGER * The first element of IPIV for which a row interchange will * be done. * * K2 (input) INTEGER * The last element of IPIV for which a row interchange will * be done. * * IPIV (input) INTEGER array, dimension (M*abs(INCX)) * The vector of pivot indices. Only the elements in positions * K1 through K2 of IPIV are accessed. * IPIV(K) = L implies rows K and L are to be interchanged. * * INCX (input) INTEGER * The increment between successive values of IPIV. If IPIV * is negative, the pivots are applied in reverse order. * * Further Details * =============== * * Modified by * R. C. Whaley, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville, USA * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, I1, I2, INC, IP, IX, IX0, J, K, N32 DOUBLE PRECISION TEMP * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Interchange row I with row IPIV(I) for each of rows K1 through K2. * IF( INCX.GT.0 ) THEN IX0 = K1 I1 = K1 I2 = K2 INC = 1 ELSE IF( INCX.LT.0 ) THEN IX0 = 1 + ( 1-K2 )*INCX I1 = K2 I2 = K1 INC = -1 ELSE RETURN END IF * N32 = ( N / 32 )*32 IF( N32.NE.0 ) THEN DO 30 J = 1, N32, 32 IX = IX0 DO 20 I = I1, I2, INC IP = IPIV( IX ) IF( IP.NE.I ) THEN DO 10 K = J, J + 31 TEMP = A( I, K ) A( I, K ) = A( IP, K ) A( IP, K ) = TEMP 10 CONTINUE END IF IX = IX + INCX 20 CONTINUE 30 CONTINUE END IF IF( N32.NE.N ) THEN N32 = N32 + 1 IX = IX0 DO 50 I = I1, I2, INC IP = IPIV( IX ) IF( IP.NE.I ) THEN DO 40 K = N32, N TEMP = A( I, K ) A( I, K ) = A( IP, K ) A( IP, K ) = TEMP 40 CONTINUE END IF IX = IX + INCX 50 CONTINUE END IF * RETURN * * End of DLASWP * END SUBROUTINE DLASY2( LTRANL, LTRANR, ISGN, N1, N2, TL, LDTL, TR, $ LDTR, B, LDB, SCALE, X, LDX, XNORM, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL LTRANL, LTRANR INTEGER INFO, ISGN, LDB, LDTL, LDTR, LDX, N1, N2 DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE, XNORM * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION B( LDB, * ), TL( LDTL, * ), TR( LDTR, * ), $ X( LDX, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASY2 solves for the N1 by N2 matrix X, 1 <= N1,N2 <= 2, in * * op(TL)*X + ISGN*X*op(TR) = SCALE*B, * * where TL is N1 by N1, TR is N2 by N2, B is N1 by N2, and ISGN = 1 or * -1. op(T) = T or T', where T' denotes the transpose of T. * * Arguments * ========= * * LTRANL (input) LOGICAL * On entry, LTRANL specifies the op(TL): * = .FALSE., op(TL) = TL, * = .TRUE., op(TL) = TL'. * * LTRANR (input) LOGICAL * On entry, LTRANR specifies the op(TR): * = .FALSE., op(TR) = TR, * = .TRUE., op(TR) = TR'. * * ISGN (input) INTEGER * On entry, ISGN specifies the sign of the equation * as described before. ISGN may only be 1 or -1. * * N1 (input) INTEGER * On entry, N1 specifies the order of matrix TL. * N1 may only be 0, 1 or 2. * * N2 (input) INTEGER * On entry, N2 specifies the order of matrix TR. * N2 may only be 0, 1 or 2. * * TL (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDTL,2) * On entry, TL contains an N1 by N1 matrix. * * LDTL (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the matrix TL. LDTL >= max(1,N1). * * TR (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDTR,2) * On entry, TR contains an N2 by N2 matrix. * * LDTR (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the matrix TR. LDTR >= max(1,N2). * * B (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB,2) * On entry, the N1 by N2 matrix B contains the right-hand * side of the equation. * * LDB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the matrix B. LDB >= max(1,N1). * * SCALE (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * On exit, SCALE contains the scale factor. SCALE is chosen * less than or equal to 1 to prevent the solution overflowing. * * X (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDX,2) * On exit, X contains the N1 by N2 solution. * * LDX (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the matrix X. LDX >= max(1,N1). * * XNORM (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * On exit, XNORM is the infinity-norm of the solution. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * On exit, INFO is set to * 0: successful exit. * 1: TL and TR have too close eigenvalues, so TL or * TR is perturbed to get a nonsingular equation. * NOTE: In the interests of speed, this routine does not * check the inputs for errors. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION TWO, HALF, EIGHT PARAMETER ( TWO = 2.0D+0, HALF = 0.5D+0, EIGHT = 8.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL BSWAP, XSWAP INTEGER I, IP, IPIV, IPSV, J, JP, JPSV, K DOUBLE PRECISION BET, EPS, GAM, L21, SGN, SMIN, SMLNUM, TAU1, $ TEMP, U11, U12, U22, XMAX * .. * .. Local Arrays .. LOGICAL BSWPIV( 4 ), XSWPIV( 4 ) INTEGER JPIV( 4 ), LOCL21( 4 ), LOCU12( 4 ), $ LOCU22( 4 ) DOUBLE PRECISION BTMP( 4 ), T16( 4, 4 ), TMP( 4 ), X2( 2 ) * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER IDAMAX DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL IDAMAX, DLAMCH * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DCOPY, DSWAP * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX * .. * .. Data statements .. DATA LOCU12 / 3, 4, 1, 2 / , LOCL21 / 2, 1, 4, 3 / , $ LOCU22 / 4, 3, 2, 1 / DATA XSWPIV / .FALSE., .FALSE., .TRUE., .TRUE. / DATA BSWPIV / .FALSE., .TRUE., .FALSE., .TRUE. / * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Do not check the input parameters for errors * INFO = 0 * * Quick return if possible * IF( N1.EQ.0 .OR. N2.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * Set constants to control overflow * EPS = DLAMCH( 'P' ) SMLNUM = DLAMCH( 'S' ) / EPS SGN = ISGN * K = N1 + N1 + N2 - 2 GO TO ( 10, 20, 30, 50 )K * * 1 by 1: TL11*X + SGN*X*TR11 = B11 * 10 CONTINUE TAU1 = TL( 1, 1 ) + SGN*TR( 1, 1 ) BET = ABS( TAU1 ) IF( BET.LE.SMLNUM ) THEN TAU1 = SMLNUM BET = SMLNUM INFO = 1 END IF * SCALE = ONE GAM = ABS( B( 1, 1 ) ) IF( SMLNUM*GAM.GT.BET ) $ SCALE = ONE / GAM * X( 1, 1 ) = ( B( 1, 1 )*SCALE ) / TAU1 XNORM = ABS( X( 1, 1 ) ) RETURN * * 1 by 2: * TL11*[X11 X12] + ISGN*[X11 X12]*op[TR11 TR12] = [B11 B12] * [TR21 TR22] * 20 CONTINUE * SMIN = MAX( EPS*MAX( ABS( TL( 1, 1 ) ), ABS( TR( 1, 1 ) ), $ ABS( TR( 1, 2 ) ), ABS( TR( 2, 1 ) ), ABS( TR( 2, 2 ) ) ), $ SMLNUM ) TMP( 1 ) = TL( 1, 1 ) + SGN*TR( 1, 1 ) TMP( 4 ) = TL( 1, 1 ) + SGN*TR( 2, 2 ) IF( LTRANR ) THEN TMP( 2 ) = SGN*TR( 2, 1 ) TMP( 3 ) = SGN*TR( 1, 2 ) ELSE TMP( 2 ) = SGN*TR( 1, 2 ) TMP( 3 ) = SGN*TR( 2, 1 ) END IF BTMP( 1 ) = B( 1, 1 ) BTMP( 2 ) = B( 1, 2 ) GO TO 40 * * 2 by 1: * op[TL11 TL12]*[X11] + ISGN* [X11]*TR11 = [B11] * [TL21 TL22] [X21] [X21] [B21] * 30 CONTINUE SMIN = MAX( EPS*MAX( ABS( TR( 1, 1 ) ), ABS( TL( 1, 1 ) ), $ ABS( TL( 1, 2 ) ), ABS( TL( 2, 1 ) ), ABS( TL( 2, 2 ) ) ), $ SMLNUM ) TMP( 1 ) = TL( 1, 1 ) + SGN*TR( 1, 1 ) TMP( 4 ) = TL( 2, 2 ) + SGN*TR( 1, 1 ) IF( LTRANL ) THEN TMP( 2 ) = TL( 1, 2 ) TMP( 3 ) = TL( 2, 1 ) ELSE TMP( 2 ) = TL( 2, 1 ) TMP( 3 ) = TL( 1, 2 ) END IF BTMP( 1 ) = B( 1, 1 ) BTMP( 2 ) = B( 2, 1 ) 40 CONTINUE * * Solve 2 by 2 system using complete pivoting. * Set pivots less than SMIN to SMIN. * IPIV = IDAMAX( 4, TMP, 1 ) U11 = TMP( IPIV ) IF( ABS( U11 ).LE.SMIN ) THEN INFO = 1 U11 = SMIN END IF U12 = TMP( LOCU12( IPIV ) ) L21 = TMP( LOCL21( IPIV ) ) / U11 U22 = TMP( LOCU22( IPIV ) ) - U12*L21 XSWAP = XSWPIV( IPIV ) BSWAP = BSWPIV( IPIV ) IF( ABS( U22 ).LE.SMIN ) THEN INFO = 1 U22 = SMIN END IF IF( BSWAP ) THEN TEMP = BTMP( 2 ) BTMP( 2 ) = BTMP( 1 ) - L21*TEMP BTMP( 1 ) = TEMP ELSE BTMP( 2 ) = BTMP( 2 ) - L21*BTMP( 1 ) END IF SCALE = ONE IF( ( TWO*SMLNUM )*ABS( BTMP( 2 ) ).GT.ABS( U22 ) .OR. $ ( TWO*SMLNUM )*ABS( BTMP( 1 ) ).GT.ABS( U11 ) ) THEN SCALE = HALF / MAX( ABS( BTMP( 1 ) ), ABS( BTMP( 2 ) ) ) BTMP( 1 ) = BTMP( 1 )*SCALE BTMP( 2 ) = BTMP( 2 )*SCALE END IF X2( 2 ) = BTMP( 2 ) / U22 X2( 1 ) = BTMP( 1 ) / U11 - ( U12 / U11 )*X2( 2 ) IF( XSWAP ) THEN TEMP = X2( 2 ) X2( 2 ) = X2( 1 ) X2( 1 ) = TEMP END IF X( 1, 1 ) = X2( 1 ) IF( N1.EQ.1 ) THEN X( 1, 2 ) = X2( 2 ) XNORM = ABS( X( 1, 1 ) ) + ABS( X( 1, 2 ) ) ELSE X( 2, 1 ) = X2( 2 ) XNORM = MAX( ABS( X( 1, 1 ) ), ABS( X( 2, 1 ) ) ) END IF RETURN * * 2 by 2: * op[TL11 TL12]*[X11 X12] +ISGN* [X11 X12]*op[TR11 TR12] = [B11 B12] * [TL21 TL22] [X21 X22] [X21 X22] [TR21 TR22] [B21 B22] * * Solve equivalent 4 by 4 system using complete pivoting. * Set pivots less than SMIN to SMIN. * 50 CONTINUE SMIN = MAX( ABS( TR( 1, 1 ) ), ABS( TR( 1, 2 ) ), $ ABS( TR( 2, 1 ) ), ABS( TR( 2, 2 ) ) ) SMIN = MAX( SMIN, ABS( TL( 1, 1 ) ), ABS( TL( 1, 2 ) ), $ ABS( TL( 2, 1 ) ), ABS( TL( 2, 2 ) ) ) SMIN = MAX( EPS*SMIN, SMLNUM ) BTMP( 1 ) = ZERO CALL DCOPY( 16, BTMP, 0, T16, 1 ) T16( 1, 1 ) = TL( 1, 1 ) + SGN*TR( 1, 1 ) T16( 2, 2 ) = TL( 2, 2 ) + SGN*TR( 1, 1 ) T16( 3, 3 ) = TL( 1, 1 ) + SGN*TR( 2, 2 ) T16( 4, 4 ) = TL( 2, 2 ) + SGN*TR( 2, 2 ) IF( LTRANL ) THEN T16( 1, 2 ) = TL( 2, 1 ) T16( 2, 1 ) = TL( 1, 2 ) T16( 3, 4 ) = TL( 2, 1 ) T16( 4, 3 ) = TL( 1, 2 ) ELSE T16( 1, 2 ) = TL( 1, 2 ) T16( 2, 1 ) = TL( 2, 1 ) T16( 3, 4 ) = TL( 1, 2 ) T16( 4, 3 ) = TL( 2, 1 ) END IF IF( LTRANR ) THEN T16( 1, 3 ) = SGN*TR( 1, 2 ) T16( 2, 4 ) = SGN*TR( 1, 2 ) T16( 3, 1 ) = SGN*TR( 2, 1 ) T16( 4, 2 ) = SGN*TR( 2, 1 ) ELSE T16( 1, 3 ) = SGN*TR( 2, 1 ) T16( 2, 4 ) = SGN*TR( 2, 1 ) T16( 3, 1 ) = SGN*TR( 1, 2 ) T16( 4, 2 ) = SGN*TR( 1, 2 ) END IF BTMP( 1 ) = B( 1, 1 ) BTMP( 2 ) = B( 2, 1 ) BTMP( 3 ) = B( 1, 2 ) BTMP( 4 ) = B( 2, 2 ) * * Perform elimination * DO 100 I = 1, 3 XMAX = ZERO DO 70 IP = I, 4 DO 60 JP = I, 4 IF( ABS( T16( IP, JP ) ).GE.XMAX ) THEN XMAX = ABS( T16( IP, JP ) ) IPSV = IP JPSV = JP END IF 60 CONTINUE 70 CONTINUE IF( IPSV.NE.I ) THEN CALL DSWAP( 4, T16( IPSV, 1 ), 4, T16( I, 1 ), 4 ) TEMP = BTMP( I ) BTMP( I ) = BTMP( IPSV ) BTMP( IPSV ) = TEMP END IF IF( JPSV.NE.I ) $ CALL DSWAP( 4, T16( 1, JPSV ), 1, T16( 1, I ), 1 ) JPIV( I ) = JPSV IF( ABS( T16( I, I ) ).LT.SMIN ) THEN INFO = 1 T16( I, I ) = SMIN END IF DO 90 J = I + 1, 4 T16( J, I ) = T16( J, I ) / T16( I, I ) BTMP( J ) = BTMP( J ) - T16( J, I )*BTMP( I ) DO 80 K = I + 1, 4 T16( J, K ) = T16( J, K ) - T16( J, I )*T16( I, K ) 80 CONTINUE 90 CONTINUE 100 CONTINUE IF( ABS( T16( 4, 4 ) ).LT.SMIN ) $ T16( 4, 4 ) = SMIN SCALE = ONE IF( ( EIGHT*SMLNUM )*ABS( BTMP( 1 ) ).GT.ABS( T16( 1, 1 ) ) .OR. $ ( EIGHT*SMLNUM )*ABS( BTMP( 2 ) ).GT.ABS( T16( 2, 2 ) ) .OR. $ ( EIGHT*SMLNUM )*ABS( BTMP( 3 ) ).GT.ABS( T16( 3, 3 ) ) .OR. $ ( EIGHT*SMLNUM )*ABS( BTMP( 4 ) ).GT.ABS( T16( 4, 4 ) ) ) THEN SCALE = ( ONE / EIGHT ) / MAX( ABS( BTMP( 1 ) ), $ ABS( BTMP( 2 ) ), ABS( BTMP( 3 ) ), ABS( BTMP( 4 ) ) ) BTMP( 1 ) = BTMP( 1 )*SCALE BTMP( 2 ) = BTMP( 2 )*SCALE BTMP( 3 ) = BTMP( 3 )*SCALE BTMP( 4 ) = BTMP( 4 )*SCALE END IF DO 120 I = 1, 4 K = 5 - I TEMP = ONE / T16( K, K ) TMP( K ) = BTMP( K )*TEMP DO 110 J = K + 1, 4 TMP( K ) = TMP( K ) - ( TEMP*T16( K, J ) )*TMP( J ) 110 CONTINUE 120 CONTINUE DO 130 I = 1, 3 IF( JPIV( 4-I ).NE.4-I ) THEN TEMP = TMP( 4-I ) TMP( 4-I ) = TMP( JPIV( 4-I ) ) TMP( JPIV( 4-I ) ) = TEMP END IF 130 CONTINUE X( 1, 1 ) = TMP( 1 ) X( 2, 1 ) = TMP( 2 ) X( 1, 2 ) = TMP( 3 ) X( 2, 2 ) = TMP( 4 ) XNORM = MAX( ABS( TMP( 1 ) )+ABS( TMP( 3 ) ), $ ABS( TMP( 2 ) )+ABS( TMP( 4 ) ) ) RETURN * * End of DLASY2 * END SUBROUTINE DLASYF( UPLO, N, NB, KB, A, LDA, IPIV, W, LDW, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER UPLO INTEGER INFO, KB, LDA, LDW, N, NB * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPIV( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), W( LDW, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLASYF computes a partial factorization of a real symmetric matrix A * using the Bunch-Kaufman diagonal pivoting method. The partial * factorization has the form: * * A = ( I U12 ) ( A11 0 ) ( I 0 ) if UPLO = 'U', or: * ( 0 U22 ) ( 0 D ) ( U12' U22' ) * * A = ( L11 0 ) ( D 0 ) ( L11' L21' ) if UPLO = 'L' * ( L21 I ) ( 0 A22 ) ( 0 I ) * * where the order of D is at most NB. The actual order is returned in * the argument KB, and is either NB or NB-1, or N if N <= NB. * * DLASYF is an auxiliary routine called by DSYTRF. It uses blocked code * (calling Level 3 BLAS) to update the submatrix A11 (if UPLO = 'U') or * A22 (if UPLO = 'L'). * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the upper or lower triangular part of the * symmetric matrix A is stored: * = 'U': Upper triangular * = 'L': Lower triangular * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * NB (input) INTEGER * The maximum number of columns of the matrix A that should be * factored. NB should be at least 2 to allow for 2-by-2 pivot * blocks. * * KB (output) INTEGER * The number of columns of A that were actually factored. * KB is either NB-1 or NB, or N if N <= NB. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * On entry, the symmetric matrix A. If UPLO = 'U', the leading * n-by-n upper triangular part of A contains the upper * triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly lower * triangular part of A is not referenced. If UPLO = 'L', the * leading n-by-n lower triangular part of A contains the lower * triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly upper * triangular part of A is not referenced. * On exit, A contains details of the partial factorization. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N). * * IPIV (output) INTEGER array, dimension (N) * Details of the interchanges and the block structure of D. * If UPLO = 'U', only the last KB elements of IPIV are set; * if UPLO = 'L', only the first KB elements are set. * * If IPIV(k) > 0, then rows and columns k and IPIV(k) were * interchanged and D(k,k) is a 1-by-1 diagonal block. * If UPLO = 'U' and IPIV(k) = IPIV(k-1) < 0, then rows and * columns k-1 and -IPIV(k) were interchanged and D(k-1:k,k-1:k) * is a 2-by-2 diagonal block. If UPLO = 'L' and IPIV(k) = * IPIV(k+1) < 0, then rows and columns k+1 and -IPIV(k) were * interchanged and D(k:k+1,k:k+1) is a 2-by-2 diagonal block. * * W (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDW,NB) * * LDW (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array W. LDW >= max(1,N). * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * > 0: if INFO = k, D(k,k) is exactly zero. The factorization * has been completed, but the block diagonal matrix D is * exactly singular. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION EIGHT, SEVTEN PARAMETER ( EIGHT = 8.0D+0, SEVTEN = 17.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IMAX, J, JB, JJ, JMAX, JP, K, KK, KKW, KP, $ KSTEP, KW DOUBLE PRECISION ABSAKK, ALPHA, COLMAX, D11, D21, D22, R1, $ ROWMAX, T * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME INTEGER IDAMAX EXTERNAL LSAME, IDAMAX * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DCOPY, DGEMM, DGEMV, DSCAL, DSWAP * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * INFO = 0 * * Initialize ALPHA for use in choosing pivot block size. * ALPHA = ( ONE+SQRT( SEVTEN ) ) / EIGHT * IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN * * Factorize the trailing columns of A using the upper triangle * of A and working backwards, and compute the matrix W = U12*D * for use in updating A11 * * K is the main loop index, decreasing from N in steps of 1 or 2 * * KW is the column of W which corresponds to column K of A * K = N 10 CONTINUE KW = NB + K - N * * Exit from loop * IF( ( K.LE.N-NB+1 .AND. NB.LT.N ) .OR. K.LT.1 ) $ GO TO 30 * * Copy column K of A to column KW of W and update it * CALL DCOPY( K, A( 1, K ), 1, W( 1, KW ), 1 ) IF( K.LT.N ) $ CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', K, N-K, -ONE, A( 1, K+1 ), LDA, $ W( K, KW+1 ), LDW, ONE, W( 1, KW ), 1 ) * KSTEP = 1 * * Determine rows and columns to be interchanged and whether * a 1-by-1 or 2-by-2 pivot block will be used * ABSAKK = ABS( W( K, KW ) ) * * IMAX is the row-index of the largest off-diagonal element in * column K, and COLMAX is its absolute value * IF( K.GT.1 ) THEN IMAX = IDAMAX( K-1, W( 1, KW ), 1 ) COLMAX = ABS( W( IMAX, KW ) ) ELSE COLMAX = ZERO END IF * IF( MAX( ABSAKK, COLMAX ).EQ.ZERO ) THEN * * Column K is zero: set INFO and continue * IF( INFO.EQ.0 ) $ INFO = K KP = K ELSE IF( ABSAKK.GE.ALPHA*COLMAX ) THEN * * no interchange, use 1-by-1 pivot block * KP = K ELSE * * Copy column IMAX to column KW-1 of W and update it * CALL DCOPY( IMAX, A( 1, IMAX ), 1, W( 1, KW-1 ), 1 ) CALL DCOPY( K-IMAX, A( IMAX, IMAX+1 ), LDA, $ W( IMAX+1, KW-1 ), 1 ) IF( K.LT.N ) $ CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', K, N-K, -ONE, A( 1, K+1 ), $ LDA, W( IMAX, KW+1 ), LDW, ONE, $ W( 1, KW-1 ), 1 ) * * JMAX is the column-index of the largest off-diagonal * element in row IMAX, and ROWMAX is its absolute value * JMAX = IMAX + IDAMAX( K-IMAX, W( IMAX+1, KW-1 ), 1 ) ROWMAX = ABS( W( JMAX, KW-1 ) ) IF( IMAX.GT.1 ) THEN JMAX = IDAMAX( IMAX-1, W( 1, KW-1 ), 1 ) ROWMAX = MAX( ROWMAX, ABS( W( JMAX, KW-1 ) ) ) END IF * IF( ABSAKK.GE.ALPHA*COLMAX*( COLMAX / ROWMAX ) ) THEN * * no interchange, use 1-by-1 pivot block * KP = K ELSE IF( ABS( W( IMAX, KW-1 ) ).GE.ALPHA*ROWMAX ) THEN * * interchange rows and columns K and IMAX, use 1-by-1 * pivot block * KP = IMAX * * copy column KW-1 of W to column KW * CALL DCOPY( K, W( 1, KW-1 ), 1, W( 1, KW ), 1 ) ELSE * * interchange rows and columns K-1 and IMAX, use 2-by-2 * pivot block * KP = IMAX KSTEP = 2 END IF END IF * KK = K - KSTEP + 1 KKW = NB + KK - N * * Updated column KP is already stored in column KKW of W * IF( KP.NE.KK ) THEN * * Copy non-updated column KK to column KP * A( KP, K ) = A( KK, K ) CALL DCOPY( K-1-KP, A( KP+1, KK ), 1, A( KP, KP+1 ), $ LDA ) CALL DCOPY( KP, A( 1, KK ), 1, A( 1, KP ), 1 ) * * Interchange rows KK and KP in last KK columns of A and W * CALL DSWAP( N-KK+1, A( KK, KK ), LDA, A( KP, KK ), LDA ) CALL DSWAP( N-KK+1, W( KK, KKW ), LDW, W( KP, KKW ), $ LDW ) END IF * IF( KSTEP.EQ.1 ) THEN * * 1-by-1 pivot block D(k): column KW of W now holds * * W(k) = U(k)*D(k) * * where U(k) is the k-th column of U * * Store U(k) in column k of A * CALL DCOPY( K, W( 1, KW ), 1, A( 1, K ), 1 ) R1 = ONE / A( K, K ) CALL DSCAL( K-1, R1, A( 1, K ), 1 ) ELSE * * 2-by-2 pivot block D(k): columns KW and KW-1 of W now * hold * * ( W(k-1) W(k) ) = ( U(k-1) U(k) )*D(k) * * where U(k) and U(k-1) are the k-th and (k-1)-th columns * of U * IF( K.GT.2 ) THEN * * Store U(k) and U(k-1) in columns k and k-1 of A * D21 = W( K-1, KW ) D11 = W( K, KW ) / D21 D22 = W( K-1, KW-1 ) / D21 T = ONE / ( D11*D22-ONE ) D21 = T / D21 DO 20 J = 1, K - 2 A( J, K-1 ) = D21*( D11*W( J, KW-1 )-W( J, KW ) ) A( J, K ) = D21*( D22*W( J, KW )-W( J, KW-1 ) ) 20 CONTINUE END IF * * Copy D(k) to A * A( K-1, K-1 ) = W( K-1, KW-1 ) A( K-1, K ) = W( K-1, KW ) A( K, K ) = W( K, KW ) END IF END IF * * Store details of the interchanges in IPIV * IF( KSTEP.EQ.1 ) THEN IPIV( K ) = KP ELSE IPIV( K ) = -KP IPIV( K-1 ) = -KP END IF * * Decrease K and return to the start of the main loop * K = K - KSTEP GO TO 10 * 30 CONTINUE * * Update the upper triangle of A11 (= A(1:k,1:k)) as * * A11 := A11 - U12*D*U12' = A11 - U12*W' * * computing blocks of NB columns at a time * DO 50 J = ( ( K-1 ) / NB )*NB + 1, 1, -NB JB = MIN( NB, K-J+1 ) * * Update the upper triangle of the diagonal block * DO 40 JJ = J, J + JB - 1 CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', JJ-J+1, N-K, -ONE, $ A( J, K+1 ), LDA, W( JJ, KW+1 ), LDW, ONE, $ A( J, JJ ), 1 ) 40 CONTINUE * * Update the rectangular superdiagonal block * CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', J-1, JB, N-K, -ONE, $ A( 1, K+1 ), LDA, W( J, KW+1 ), LDW, ONE, $ A( 1, J ), LDA ) 50 CONTINUE * * Put U12 in standard form by partially undoing the interchanges * in columns k+1:n * J = K + 1 60 CONTINUE JJ = J JP = IPIV( J ) IF( JP.LT.0 ) THEN JP = -JP J = J + 1 END IF J = J + 1 IF( JP.NE.JJ .AND. J.LE.N ) $ CALL DSWAP( N-J+1, A( JP, J ), LDA, A( JJ, J ), LDA ) IF( J.LE.N ) $ GO TO 60 * * Set KB to the number of columns factorized * KB = N - K * ELSE * * Factorize the leading columns of A using the lower triangle * of A and working forwards, and compute the matrix W = L21*D * for use in updating A22 * * K is the main loop index, increasing from 1 in steps of 1 or 2 * K = 1 70 CONTINUE * * Exit from loop * IF( ( K.GE.NB .AND. NB.LT.N ) .OR. K.GT.N ) $ GO TO 90 * * Copy column K of A to column K of W and update it * CALL DCOPY( N-K+1, A( K, K ), 1, W( K, K ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', N-K+1, K-1, -ONE, A( K, 1 ), LDA, $ W( K, 1 ), LDW, ONE, W( K, K ), 1 ) * KSTEP = 1 * * Determine rows and columns to be interchanged and whether * a 1-by-1 or 2-by-2 pivot block will be used * ABSAKK = ABS( W( K, K ) ) * * IMAX is the row-index of the largest off-diagonal element in * column K, and COLMAX is its absolute value * IF( K.LT.N ) THEN IMAX = K + IDAMAX( N-K, W( K+1, K ), 1 ) COLMAX = ABS( W( IMAX, K ) ) ELSE COLMAX = ZERO END IF * IF( MAX( ABSAKK, COLMAX ).EQ.ZERO ) THEN * * Column K is zero: set INFO and continue * IF( INFO.EQ.0 ) $ INFO = K KP = K ELSE IF( ABSAKK.GE.ALPHA*COLMAX ) THEN * * no interchange, use 1-by-1 pivot block * KP = K ELSE * * Copy column IMAX to column K+1 of W and update it * CALL DCOPY( IMAX-K, A( IMAX, K ), LDA, W( K, K+1 ), 1 ) CALL DCOPY( N-IMAX+1, A( IMAX, IMAX ), 1, W( IMAX, K+1 ), $ 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', N-K+1, K-1, -ONE, A( K, 1 ), $ LDA, W( IMAX, 1 ), LDW, ONE, W( K, K+1 ), 1 ) * * JMAX is the column-index of the largest off-diagonal * element in row IMAX, and ROWMAX is its absolute value * JMAX = K - 1 + IDAMAX( IMAX-K, W( K, K+1 ), 1 ) ROWMAX = ABS( W( JMAX, K+1 ) ) IF( IMAX.LT.N ) THEN JMAX = IMAX + IDAMAX( N-IMAX, W( IMAX+1, K+1 ), 1 ) ROWMAX = MAX( ROWMAX, ABS( W( JMAX, K+1 ) ) ) END IF * IF( ABSAKK.GE.ALPHA*COLMAX*( COLMAX / ROWMAX ) ) THEN * * no interchange, use 1-by-1 pivot block * KP = K ELSE IF( ABS( W( IMAX, K+1 ) ).GE.ALPHA*ROWMAX ) THEN * * interchange rows and columns K and IMAX, use 1-by-1 * pivot block * KP = IMAX * * copy column K+1 of W to column K * CALL DCOPY( N-K+1, W( K, K+1 ), 1, W( K, K ), 1 ) ELSE * * interchange rows and columns K+1 and IMAX, use 2-by-2 * pivot block * KP = IMAX KSTEP = 2 END IF END IF * KK = K + KSTEP - 1 * * Updated column KP is already stored in column KK of W * IF( KP.NE.KK ) THEN * * Copy non-updated column KK to column KP * A( KP, K ) = A( KK, K ) CALL DCOPY( KP-K-1, A( K+1, KK ), 1, A( KP, K+1 ), LDA ) CALL DCOPY( N-KP+1, A( KP, KK ), 1, A( KP, KP ), 1 ) * * Interchange rows KK and KP in first KK columns of A and W * CALL DSWAP( KK, A( KK, 1 ), LDA, A( KP, 1 ), LDA ) CALL DSWAP( KK, W( KK, 1 ), LDW, W( KP, 1 ), LDW ) END IF * IF( KSTEP.EQ.1 ) THEN * * 1-by-1 pivot block D(k): column k of W now holds * * W(k) = L(k)*D(k) * * where L(k) is the k-th column of L * * Store L(k) in column k of A * CALL DCOPY( N-K+1, W( K, K ), 1, A( K, K ), 1 ) IF( K.LT.N ) THEN R1 = ONE / A( K, K ) CALL DSCAL( N-K, R1, A( K+1, K ), 1 ) END IF ELSE * * 2-by-2 pivot block D(k): columns k and k+1 of W now hold * * ( W(k) W(k+1) ) = ( L(k) L(k+1) )*D(k) * * where L(k) and L(k+1) are the k-th and (k+1)-th columns * of L * IF( K.LT.N-1 ) THEN * * Store L(k) and L(k+1) in columns k and k+1 of A * D21 = W( K+1, K ) D11 = W( K+1, K+1 ) / D21 D22 = W( K, K ) / D21 T = ONE / ( D11*D22-ONE ) D21 = T / D21 DO 80 J = K + 2, N A( J, K ) = D21*( D11*W( J, K )-W( J, K+1 ) ) A( J, K+1 ) = D21*( D22*W( J, K+1 )-W( J, K ) ) 80 CONTINUE END IF * * Copy D(k) to A * A( K, K ) = W( K, K ) A( K+1, K ) = W( K+1, K ) A( K+1, K+1 ) = W( K+1, K+1 ) END IF END IF * * Store details of the interchanges in IPIV * IF( KSTEP.EQ.1 ) THEN IPIV( K ) = KP ELSE IPIV( K ) = -KP IPIV( K+1 ) = -KP END IF * * Increase K and return to the start of the main loop * K = K + KSTEP GO TO 70 * 90 CONTINUE * * Update the lower triangle of A22 (= A(k:n,k:n)) as * * A22 := A22 - L21*D*L21' = A22 - L21*W' * * computing blocks of NB columns at a time * DO 110 J = K, N, NB JB = MIN( NB, N-J+1 ) * * Update the lower triangle of the diagonal block * DO 100 JJ = J, J + JB - 1 CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', J+JB-JJ, K-1, -ONE, $ A( JJ, 1 ), LDA, W( JJ, 1 ), LDW, ONE, $ A( JJ, JJ ), 1 ) 100 CONTINUE * * Update the rectangular subdiagonal block * IF( J+JB.LE.N ) $ CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', N-J-JB+1, JB, $ K-1, -ONE, A( J+JB, 1 ), LDA, W( J, 1 ), LDW, $ ONE, A( J+JB, J ), LDA ) 110 CONTINUE * * Put L21 in standard form by partially undoing the interchanges * in columns 1:k-1 * J = K - 1 120 CONTINUE JJ = J JP = IPIV( J ) IF( JP.LT.0 ) THEN JP = -JP J = J - 1 END IF J = J - 1 IF( JP.NE.JJ .AND. J.GE.1 ) $ CALL DSWAP( J, A( JP, 1 ), LDA, A( JJ, 1 ), LDA ) IF( J.GE.1 ) $ GO TO 120 * * Set KB to the number of columns factorized * KB = K - 1 * END IF RETURN * * End of DLASYF * END SUBROUTINE DLATBS( UPLO, TRANS, DIAG, NORMIN, N, KD, AB, LDAB, X, $ SCALE, CNORM, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER DIAG, NORMIN, TRANS, UPLO INTEGER INFO, KD, LDAB, N DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION AB( LDAB, * ), CNORM( * ), X( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLATBS solves one of the triangular systems * * A *x = s*b or A'*x = s*b * * with scaling to prevent overflow, where A is an upper or lower * triangular band matrix. Here A' denotes the transpose of A, x and b * are n-element vectors, and s is a scaling factor, usually less than * or equal to 1, chosen so that the components of x will be less than * the overflow threshold. If the unscaled problem will not cause * overflow, the Level 2 BLAS routine DTBSV is called. If the matrix A * is singular (A(j,j) = 0 for some j), then s is set to 0 and a * non-trivial solution to A*x = 0 is returned. * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the matrix A is upper or lower triangular. * = 'U': Upper triangular * = 'L': Lower triangular * * TRANS (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the operation applied to A. * = 'N': Solve A * x = s*b (No transpose) * = 'T': Solve A'* x = s*b (Transpose) * = 'C': Solve A'* x = s*b (Conjugate transpose = Transpose) * * DIAG (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether or not the matrix A is unit triangular. * = 'N': Non-unit triangular * = 'U': Unit triangular * * NORMIN (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether CNORM has been set or not. * = 'Y': CNORM contains the column norms on entry * = 'N': CNORM is not set on entry. On exit, the norms will * be computed and stored in CNORM. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * KD (input) INTEGER * The number of subdiagonals or superdiagonals in the * triangular matrix A. KD >= 0. * * AB (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDAB,N) * The upper or lower triangular band matrix A, stored in the * first KD+1 rows of the array. The j-th column of A is stored * in the j-th column of the array AB as follows: * if UPLO = 'U', AB(kd+1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for max(1,j-kd)<=i<=j; * if UPLO = 'L', AB(1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for j<=i<=min(n,j+kd). * * LDAB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array AB. LDAB >= KD+1. * * X (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On entry, the right hand side b of the triangular system. * On exit, X is overwritten by the solution vector x. * * SCALE (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The scaling factor s for the triangular system * A * x = s*b or A'* x = s*b. * If SCALE = 0, the matrix A is singular or badly scaled, and * the vector x is an exact or approximate solution to A*x = 0. * * CNORM (input or output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * * If NORMIN = 'Y', CNORM is an input argument and CNORM(j) * contains the norm of the off-diagonal part of the j-th column * of A. If TRANS = 'N', CNORM(j) must be greater than or equal * to the infinity-norm, and if TRANS = 'T' or 'C', CNORM(j) * must be greater than or equal to the 1-norm. * * If NORMIN = 'N', CNORM is an output argument and CNORM(j) * returns the 1-norm of the offdiagonal part of the j-th column * of A. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value * * Further Details * ======= ======= * * A rough bound on x is computed; if that is less than overflow, DTBSV * is called, otherwise, specific code is used which checks for possible * overflow or divide-by-zero at every operation. * * A columnwise scheme is used for solving A*x = b. The basic algorithm * if A is lower triangular is * * x[1:n] := b[1:n] * for j = 1, ..., n * x(j) := x(j) / A(j,j) * x[j+1:n] := x[j+1:n] - x(j) * A[j+1:n,j] * end * * Define bounds on the components of x after j iterations of the loop: * M(j) = bound on x[1:j] * G(j) = bound on x[j+1:n] * Initially, let M(0) = 0 and G(0) = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}. * * Then for iteration j+1 we have * M(j+1) <= G(j) / | A(j+1,j+1) | * G(j+1) <= G(j) + M(j+1) * | A[j+2:n,j+1] | * <= G(j) ( 1 + CNORM(j+1) / | A(j+1,j+1) | ) * * where CNORM(j+1) is greater than or equal to the infinity-norm of * column j+1 of A, not counting the diagonal. Hence * * G(j) <= G(0) product ( 1 + CNORM(i) / | A(i,i) | ) * 1<=i<=j * and * * |x(j)| <= ( G(0) / |A(j,j)| ) product ( 1 + CNORM(i) / |A(i,i)| ) * 1<=i< j * * Since |x(j)| <= M(j), we use the Level 2 BLAS routine DTBSV if the * reciprocal of the largest M(j), j=1,..,n, is larger than * max(underflow, 1/overflow). * * The bound on x(j) is also used to determine when a step in the * columnwise method can be performed without fear of overflow. If * the computed bound is greater than a large constant, x is scaled to * prevent overflow, but if the bound overflows, x is set to 0, x(j) to * 1, and scale to 0, and a non-trivial solution to A*x = 0 is found. * * Similarly, a row-wise scheme is used to solve A'*x = b. The basic * algorithm for A upper triangular is * * for j = 1, ..., n * x(j) := ( b(j) - A[1:j-1,j]' * x[1:j-1] ) / A(j,j) * end * * We simultaneously compute two bounds * G(j) = bound on ( b(i) - A[1:i-1,i]' * x[1:i-1] ), 1<=i<=j * M(j) = bound on x(i), 1<=i<=j * * The initial values are G(0) = 0, M(0) = max{b(i), i=1,..,n}, and we * add the constraint G(j) >= G(j-1) and M(j) >= M(j-1) for j >= 1. * Then the bound on x(j) is * * M(j) <= M(j-1) * ( 1 + CNORM(j) ) / | A(j,j) | * * <= M(0) * product ( ( 1 + CNORM(i) ) / |A(i,i)| ) * 1<=i<=j * * and we can safely call DTBSV if 1/M(n) and 1/G(n) are both greater * than max(underflow, 1/overflow). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, HALF, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, HALF = 0.5D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL NOTRAN, NOUNIT, UPPER INTEGER I, IMAX, J, JFIRST, JINC, JLAST, JLEN, MAIND DOUBLE PRECISION BIGNUM, GROW, REC, SMLNUM, SUMJ, TJJ, TJJS, $ TMAX, TSCAL, USCAL, XBND, XJ, XMAX * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME INTEGER IDAMAX DOUBLE PRECISION DASUM, DDOT, DLAMCH EXTERNAL LSAME, IDAMAX, DASUM, DDOT, DLAMCH * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DAXPY, DSCAL, DTBSV, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * INFO = 0 UPPER = LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) NOTRAN = LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) NOUNIT = LSAME( DIAG, 'N' ) * * Test the input parameters. * IF( .NOT.UPPER .AND. .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( .NOT.NOTRAN .AND. .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'T' ) .AND. .NOT. $ LSAME( TRANS, 'C' ) ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( .NOT.NOUNIT .AND. .NOT.LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( .NOT.LSAME( NORMIN, 'Y' ) .AND. .NOT. $ LSAME( NORMIN, 'N' ) ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -5 ELSE IF( KD.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -6 ELSE IF( LDAB.LT.KD+1 ) THEN INFO = -8 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLATBS', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * Determine machine dependent parameters to control overflow. * SMLNUM = DLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) / DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) BIGNUM = ONE / SMLNUM SCALE = ONE * IF( LSAME( NORMIN, 'N' ) ) THEN * * Compute the 1-norm of each column, not including the diagonal. * IF( UPPER ) THEN * * A is upper triangular. * DO 10 J = 1, N JLEN = MIN( KD, J-1 ) CNORM( J ) = DASUM( JLEN, AB( KD+1-JLEN, J ), 1 ) 10 CONTINUE ELSE * * A is lower triangular. * DO 20 J = 1, N JLEN = MIN( KD, N-J ) IF( JLEN.GT.0 ) THEN CNORM( J ) = DASUM( JLEN, AB( 2, J ), 1 ) ELSE CNORM( J ) = ZERO END IF 20 CONTINUE END IF END IF * * Scale the column norms by TSCAL if the maximum element in CNORM is * greater than BIGNUM. * IMAX = IDAMAX( N, CNORM, 1 ) TMAX = CNORM( IMAX ) IF( TMAX.LE.BIGNUM ) THEN TSCAL = ONE ELSE TSCAL = ONE / ( SMLNUM*TMAX ) CALL DSCAL( N, TSCAL, CNORM, 1 ) END IF * * Compute a bound on the computed solution vector to see if the * Level 2 BLAS routine DTBSV can be used. * J = IDAMAX( N, X, 1 ) XMAX = ABS( X( J ) ) XBND = XMAX IF( NOTRAN ) THEN * * Compute the growth in A * x = b. * IF( UPPER ) THEN JFIRST = N JLAST = 1 JINC = -1 MAIND = KD + 1 ELSE JFIRST = 1 JLAST = N JINC = 1 MAIND = 1 END IF * IF( TSCAL.NE.ONE ) THEN GROW = ZERO GO TO 50 END IF * IF( NOUNIT ) THEN * * A is non-unit triangular. * * Compute GROW = 1/G(j) and XBND = 1/M(j). * Initially, G(0) = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}. * GROW = ONE / MAX( XBND, SMLNUM ) XBND = GROW DO 30 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Exit the loop if the growth factor is too small. * IF( GROW.LE.SMLNUM ) $ GO TO 50 * * M(j) = G(j-1) / abs(A(j,j)) * TJJ = ABS( AB( MAIND, J ) ) XBND = MIN( XBND, MIN( ONE, TJJ )*GROW ) IF( TJJ+CNORM( J ).GE.SMLNUM ) THEN * * G(j) = G(j-1)*( 1 + CNORM(j) / abs(A(j,j)) ) * GROW = GROW*( TJJ / ( TJJ+CNORM( J ) ) ) ELSE * * G(j) could overflow, set GROW to 0. * GROW = ZERO END IF 30 CONTINUE GROW = XBND ELSE * * A is unit triangular. * * Compute GROW = 1/G(j), where G(0) = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}. * GROW = MIN( ONE, ONE / MAX( XBND, SMLNUM ) ) DO 40 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Exit the loop if the growth factor is too small. * IF( GROW.LE.SMLNUM ) $ GO TO 50 * * G(j) = G(j-1)*( 1 + CNORM(j) ) * GROW = GROW*( ONE / ( ONE+CNORM( J ) ) ) 40 CONTINUE END IF 50 CONTINUE * ELSE * * Compute the growth in A' * x = b. * IF( UPPER ) THEN JFIRST = 1 JLAST = N JINC = 1 MAIND = KD + 1 ELSE JFIRST = N JLAST = 1 JINC = -1 MAIND = 1 END IF * IF( TSCAL.NE.ONE ) THEN GROW = ZERO GO TO 80 END IF * IF( NOUNIT ) THEN * * A is non-unit triangular. * * Compute GROW = 1/G(j) and XBND = 1/M(j). * Initially, M(0) = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}. * GROW = ONE / MAX( XBND, SMLNUM ) XBND = GROW DO 60 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Exit the loop if the growth factor is too small. * IF( GROW.LE.SMLNUM ) $ GO TO 80 * * G(j) = max( G(j-1), M(j-1)*( 1 + CNORM(j) ) ) * XJ = ONE + CNORM( J ) GROW = MIN( GROW, XBND / XJ ) * * M(j) = M(j-1)*( 1 + CNORM(j) ) / abs(A(j,j)) * TJJ = ABS( AB( MAIND, J ) ) IF( XJ.GT.TJJ ) $ XBND = XBND*( TJJ / XJ ) 60 CONTINUE GROW = MIN( GROW, XBND ) ELSE * * A is unit triangular. * * Compute GROW = 1/G(j), where G(0) = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}. * GROW = MIN( ONE, ONE / MAX( XBND, SMLNUM ) ) DO 70 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Exit the loop if the growth factor is too small. * IF( GROW.LE.SMLNUM ) $ GO TO 80 * * G(j) = ( 1 + CNORM(j) )*G(j-1) * XJ = ONE + CNORM( J ) GROW = GROW / XJ 70 CONTINUE END IF 80 CONTINUE END IF * IF( ( GROW*TSCAL ).GT.SMLNUM ) THEN * * Use the Level 2 BLAS solve if the reciprocal of the bound on * elements of X is not too small. * CALL DTBSV( UPLO, TRANS, DIAG, N, KD, AB, LDAB, X, 1 ) ELSE * * Use a Level 1 BLAS solve, scaling intermediate results. * IF( XMAX.GT.BIGNUM ) THEN * * Scale X so that its components are less than or equal to * BIGNUM in absolute value. * SCALE = BIGNUM / XMAX CALL DSCAL( N, SCALE, X, 1 ) XMAX = BIGNUM END IF * IF( NOTRAN ) THEN * * Solve A * x = b * DO 110 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Compute x(j) = b(j) / A(j,j), scaling x if necessary. * XJ = ABS( X( J ) ) IF( NOUNIT ) THEN TJJS = AB( MAIND, J )*TSCAL ELSE TJJS = TSCAL IF( TSCAL.EQ.ONE ) $ GO TO 100 END IF TJJ = ABS( TJJS ) IF( TJJ.GT.SMLNUM ) THEN * * abs(A(j,j)) > SMLNUM: * IF( TJJ.LT.ONE ) THEN IF( XJ.GT.TJJ*BIGNUM ) THEN * * Scale x by 1/b(j). * REC = ONE / XJ CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF X( J ) = X( J ) / TJJS XJ = ABS( X( J ) ) ELSE IF( TJJ.GT.ZERO ) THEN * * 0 < abs(A(j,j)) <= SMLNUM: * IF( XJ.GT.TJJ*BIGNUM ) THEN * * Scale x by (1/abs(x(j)))*abs(A(j,j))*BIGNUM * to avoid overflow when dividing by A(j,j). * REC = ( TJJ*BIGNUM ) / XJ IF( CNORM( J ).GT.ONE ) THEN * * Scale by 1/CNORM(j) to avoid overflow when * multiplying x(j) times column j. * REC = REC / CNORM( J ) END IF CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF X( J ) = X( J ) / TJJS XJ = ABS( X( J ) ) ELSE * * A(j,j) = 0: Set x(1:n) = 0, x(j) = 1, and * scale = 0, and compute a solution to A*x = 0. * DO 90 I = 1, N X( I ) = ZERO 90 CONTINUE X( J ) = ONE XJ = ONE SCALE = ZERO XMAX = ZERO END IF 100 CONTINUE * * Scale x if necessary to avoid overflow when adding a * multiple of column j of A. * IF( XJ.GT.ONE ) THEN REC = ONE / XJ IF( CNORM( J ).GT.( BIGNUM-XMAX )*REC ) THEN * * Scale x by 1/(2*abs(x(j))). * REC = REC*HALF CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC END IF ELSE IF( XJ*CNORM( J ).GT.( BIGNUM-XMAX ) ) THEN * * Scale x by 1/2. * CALL DSCAL( N, HALF, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*HALF END IF * IF( UPPER ) THEN IF( J.GT.1 ) THEN * * Compute the update * x(max(1,j-kd):j-1) := x(max(1,j-kd):j-1) - * x(j)* A(max(1,j-kd):j-1,j) * JLEN = MIN( KD, J-1 ) CALL DAXPY( JLEN, -X( J )*TSCAL, $ AB( KD+1-JLEN, J ), 1, X( J-JLEN ), 1 ) I = IDAMAX( J-1, X, 1 ) XMAX = ABS( X( I ) ) END IF ELSE IF( J.LT.N ) THEN * * Compute the update * x(j+1:min(j+kd,n)) := x(j+1:min(j+kd,n)) - * x(j) * A(j+1:min(j+kd,n),j) * JLEN = MIN( KD, N-J ) IF( JLEN.GT.0 ) $ CALL DAXPY( JLEN, -X( J )*TSCAL, AB( 2, J ), 1, $ X( J+1 ), 1 ) I = J + IDAMAX( N-J, X( J+1 ), 1 ) XMAX = ABS( X( I ) ) END IF 110 CONTINUE * ELSE * * Solve A' * x = b * DO 160 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Compute x(j) = b(j) - sum A(k,j)*x(k). * k<>j * XJ = ABS( X( J ) ) USCAL = TSCAL REC = ONE / MAX( XMAX, ONE ) IF( CNORM( J ).GT.( BIGNUM-XJ )*REC ) THEN * * If x(j) could overflow, scale x by 1/(2*XMAX). * REC = REC*HALF IF( NOUNIT ) THEN TJJS = AB( MAIND, J )*TSCAL ELSE TJJS = TSCAL END IF TJJ = ABS( TJJS ) IF( TJJ.GT.ONE ) THEN * * Divide by A(j,j) when scaling x if A(j,j) > 1. * REC = MIN( ONE, REC*TJJ ) USCAL = USCAL / TJJS END IF IF( REC.LT.ONE ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF * SUMJ = ZERO IF( USCAL.EQ.ONE ) THEN * * If the scaling needed for A in the dot product is 1, * call DDOT to perform the dot product. * IF( UPPER ) THEN JLEN = MIN( KD, J-1 ) SUMJ = DDOT( JLEN, AB( KD+1-JLEN, J ), 1, $ X( J-JLEN ), 1 ) ELSE JLEN = MIN( KD, N-J ) IF( JLEN.GT.0 ) $ SUMJ = DDOT( JLEN, AB( 2, J ), 1, X( J+1 ), 1 ) END IF ELSE * * Otherwise, use in-line code for the dot product. * IF( UPPER ) THEN JLEN = MIN( KD, J-1 ) DO 120 I = 1, JLEN SUMJ = SUMJ + ( AB( KD+I-JLEN, J )*USCAL )* $ X( J-JLEN-1+I ) 120 CONTINUE ELSE JLEN = MIN( KD, N-J ) DO 130 I = 1, JLEN SUMJ = SUMJ + ( AB( I+1, J )*USCAL )*X( J+I ) 130 CONTINUE END IF END IF * IF( USCAL.EQ.TSCAL ) THEN * * Compute x(j) := ( x(j) - sumj ) / A(j,j) if 1/A(j,j) * was not used to scale the dotproduct. * X( J ) = X( J ) - SUMJ XJ = ABS( X( J ) ) IF( NOUNIT ) THEN * * Compute x(j) = x(j) / A(j,j), scaling if necessary. * TJJS = AB( MAIND, J )*TSCAL ELSE TJJS = TSCAL IF( TSCAL.EQ.ONE ) $ GO TO 150 END IF TJJ = ABS( TJJS ) IF( TJJ.GT.SMLNUM ) THEN * * abs(A(j,j)) > SMLNUM: * IF( TJJ.LT.ONE ) THEN IF( XJ.GT.TJJ*BIGNUM ) THEN * * Scale X by 1/abs(x(j)). * REC = ONE / XJ CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF X( J ) = X( J ) / TJJS ELSE IF( TJJ.GT.ZERO ) THEN * * 0 < abs(A(j,j)) <= SMLNUM: * IF( XJ.GT.TJJ*BIGNUM ) THEN * * Scale x by (1/abs(x(j)))*abs(A(j,j))*BIGNUM. * REC = ( TJJ*BIGNUM ) / XJ CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF X( J ) = X( J ) / TJJS ELSE * * A(j,j) = 0: Set x(1:n) = 0, x(j) = 1, and * scale = 0, and compute a solution to A'*x = 0. * DO 140 I = 1, N X( I ) = ZERO 140 CONTINUE X( J ) = ONE SCALE = ZERO XMAX = ZERO END IF 150 CONTINUE ELSE * * Compute x(j) := x(j) / A(j,j) - sumj if the dot * product has already been divided by 1/A(j,j). * X( J ) = X( J ) / TJJS - SUMJ END IF XMAX = MAX( XMAX, ABS( X( J ) ) ) 160 CONTINUE END IF SCALE = SCALE / TSCAL END IF * * Scale the column norms by 1/TSCAL for return. * IF( TSCAL.NE.ONE ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N, ONE / TSCAL, CNORM, 1 ) END IF * RETURN * * End of DLATBS * END SUBROUTINE DLATDF( IJOB, N, Z, LDZ, RHS, RDSUM, RDSCAL, IPIV, $ JPIV ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER IJOB, LDZ, N DOUBLE PRECISION RDSCAL, RDSUM * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPIV( * ), JPIV( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION RHS( * ), Z( LDZ, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLATDF uses the LU factorization of the n-by-n matrix Z computed by * DGETC2 and computes a contribution to the reciprocal Dif-estimate * by solving Z * x = b for x, and choosing the r.h.s. b such that * the norm of x is as large as possible. On entry RHS = b holds the * contribution from earlier solved sub-systems, and on return RHS = x. * * The factorization of Z returned by DGETC2 has the form Z = P*L*U*Q, * where P and Q are permutation matrices. L is lower triangular with * unit diagonal elements and U is upper triangular. * * Arguments * ========= * * IJOB (input) INTEGER * IJOB = 2: First compute an approximative null-vector e * of Z using DGECON, e is normalized and solve for * Zx = +-e - f with the sign giving the greater value * of 2-norm(x). About 5 times as expensive as Default. * IJOB .ne. 2: Local look ahead strategy where all entries of * the r.h.s. b is choosen as either +1 or -1 (Default). * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of columns of the matrix Z. * * Z (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDZ, N) * On entry, the LU part of the factorization of the n-by-n * matrix Z computed by DGETC2: Z = P * L * U * Q * * LDZ (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array Z. LDA >= max(1, N). * * RHS (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension N. * On entry, RHS contains contributions from other subsystems. * On exit, RHS contains the solution of the subsystem with * entries acoording to the value of IJOB (see above). * * RDSUM (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION * On entry, the sum of squares of computed contributions to * the Dif-estimate under computation by DTGSYL, where the * scaling factor RDSCAL (see below) has been factored out. * On exit, the corresponding sum of squares updated with the * contributions from the current sub-system. * If TRANS = 'T' RDSUM is not touched. * NOTE: RDSUM only makes sense when DTGSY2 is called by STGSYL. * * RDSCAL (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION * On entry, scaling factor used to prevent overflow in RDSUM. * On exit, RDSCAL is updated w.r.t. the current contributions * in RDSUM. * If TRANS = 'T', RDSCAL is not touched. * NOTE: RDSCAL only makes sense when DTGSY2 is called by * DTGSYL. * * IPIV (input) INTEGER array, dimension (N). * The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= N, row i of the * matrix has been interchanged with row IPIV(i). * * JPIV (input) INTEGER array, dimension (N). * The pivot indices; for 1 <= j <= N, column j of the * matrix has been interchanged with column JPIV(j). * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Bo Kagstrom and Peter Poromaa, Department of Computing Science, * Umea University, S-901 87 Umea, Sweden. * * This routine is a further developed implementation of algorithm * BSOLVE in [1] using complete pivoting in the LU factorization. * * [1] Bo Kagstrom and Lars Westin, * Generalized Schur Methods with Condition Estimators for * Solving the Generalized Sylvester Equation, IEEE Transactions * on Automatic Control, Vol. 34, No. 7, July 1989, pp 745-751. * * [2] Peter Poromaa, * On Efficient and Robust Estimators for the Separation * between two Regular Matrix Pairs with Applications in * Condition Estimation. Report IMINF-95.05, Departement of * Computing Science, Umea University, S-901 87 Umea, Sweden, 1995. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. INTEGER MAXDIM PARAMETER ( MAXDIM = 8 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, INFO, J, K DOUBLE PRECISION BM, BP, PMONE, SMINU, SPLUS, TEMP * .. * .. Local Arrays .. INTEGER IWORK( MAXDIM ) DOUBLE PRECISION WORK( 4*MAXDIM ), XM( MAXDIM ), XP( MAXDIM ) * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DAXPY, DCOPY, DGECON, DGESC2, DLASSQ, DLASWP, $ DSCAL * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DASUM, DDOT EXTERNAL DASUM, DDOT * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * IF( IJOB.NE.2 ) THEN * * Apply permutations IPIV to RHS * CALL DLASWP( 1, RHS, LDZ, 1, N-1, IPIV, 1 ) * * Solve for L-part choosing RHS either to +1 or -1. * PMONE = -ONE * DO 10 J = 1, N - 1 BP = RHS( J ) + ONE BM = RHS( J ) - ONE SPLUS = ONE * * Look-ahead for L-part RHS(1:N-1) = + or -1, SPLUS and * SMIN computed more efficiently than in BSOLVE [1]. * SPLUS = SPLUS + DDOT( N-J, Z( J+1, J ), 1, Z( J+1, J ), 1 ) SMINU = DDOT( N-J, Z( J+1, J ), 1, RHS( J+1 ), 1 ) SPLUS = SPLUS*RHS( J ) IF( SPLUS.GT.SMINU ) THEN RHS( J ) = BP ELSE IF( SMINU.GT.SPLUS ) THEN RHS( J ) = BM ELSE * * In this case the updating sums are equal and we can * choose RHS(J) +1 or -1. The first time this happens * we choose -1, thereafter +1. This is a simple way to * get good estimates of matrices like Byers well-known * example (see [1]). (Not done in BSOLVE.) * RHS( J ) = RHS( J ) + PMONE PMONE = ONE END IF * * Compute the remaining r.h.s. * TEMP = -RHS( J ) CALL DAXPY( N-J, TEMP, Z( J+1, J ), 1, RHS( J+1 ), 1 ) * 10 CONTINUE * * Solve for U-part, look-ahead for RHS(N) = +-1. This is not done * in BSOLVE and will hopefully give us a better estimate because * any ill-conditioning of the original matrix is transfered to U * and not to L. U(N, N) is an approximation to sigma_min(LU). * CALL DCOPY( N-1, RHS, 1, XP, 1 ) XP( N ) = RHS( N ) + ONE RHS( N ) = RHS( N ) - ONE SPLUS = ZERO SMINU = ZERO DO 30 I = N, 1, -1 TEMP = ONE / Z( I, I ) XP( I ) = XP( I )*TEMP RHS( I ) = RHS( I )*TEMP DO 20 K = I + 1, N XP( I ) = XP( I ) - XP( K )*( Z( I, K )*TEMP ) RHS( I ) = RHS( I ) - RHS( K )*( Z( I, K )*TEMP ) 20 CONTINUE SPLUS = SPLUS + ABS( XP( I ) ) SMINU = SMINU + ABS( RHS( I ) ) 30 CONTINUE IF( SPLUS.GT.SMINU ) $ CALL DCOPY( N, XP, 1, RHS, 1 ) * * Apply the permutations JPIV to the computed solution (RHS) * CALL DLASWP( 1, RHS, LDZ, 1, N-1, JPIV, -1 ) * * Compute the sum of squares * CALL DLASSQ( N, RHS, 1, RDSCAL, RDSUM ) * ELSE * * IJOB = 2, Compute approximate nullvector XM of Z * CALL DGECON( 'I', N, Z, LDZ, ONE, TEMP, WORK, IWORK, INFO ) CALL DCOPY( N, WORK( N+1 ), 1, XM, 1 ) * * Compute RHS * CALL DLASWP( 1, XM, LDZ, 1, N-1, IPIV, -1 ) TEMP = ONE / SQRT( DDOT( N, XM, 1, XM, 1 ) ) CALL DSCAL( N, TEMP, XM, 1 ) CALL DCOPY( N, XM, 1, XP, 1 ) CALL DAXPY( N, ONE, RHS, 1, XP, 1 ) CALL DAXPY( N, -ONE, XM, 1, RHS, 1 ) CALL DGESC2( N, Z, LDZ, RHS, IPIV, JPIV, TEMP ) CALL DGESC2( N, Z, LDZ, XP, IPIV, JPIV, TEMP ) IF( DASUM( N, XP, 1 ).GT.DASUM( N, RHS, 1 ) ) $ CALL DCOPY( N, XP, 1, RHS, 1 ) * * Compute the sum of squares * CALL DLASSQ( N, RHS, 1, RDSCAL, RDSUM ) * END IF * RETURN * * End of DLATDF * END SUBROUTINE DLATPS( UPLO, TRANS, DIAG, NORMIN, N, AP, X, SCALE, $ CNORM, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER DIAG, NORMIN, TRANS, UPLO INTEGER INFO, N DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION AP( * ), CNORM( * ), X( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLATPS solves one of the triangular systems * * A *x = s*b or A'*x = s*b * * with scaling to prevent overflow, where A is an upper or lower * triangular matrix stored in packed form. Here A' denotes the * transpose of A, x and b are n-element vectors, and s is a scaling * factor, usually less than or equal to 1, chosen so that the * components of x will be less than the overflow threshold. If the * unscaled problem will not cause overflow, the Level 2 BLAS routine * DTPSV is called. If the matrix A is singular (A(j,j) = 0 for some j), * then s is set to 0 and a non-trivial solution to A*x = 0 is returned. * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the matrix A is upper or lower triangular. * = 'U': Upper triangular * = 'L': Lower triangular * * TRANS (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the operation applied to A. * = 'N': Solve A * x = s*b (No transpose) * = 'T': Solve A'* x = s*b (Transpose) * = 'C': Solve A'* x = s*b (Conjugate transpose = Transpose) * * DIAG (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether or not the matrix A is unit triangular. * = 'N': Non-unit triangular * = 'U': Unit triangular * * NORMIN (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether CNORM has been set or not. * = 'Y': CNORM contains the column norms on entry * = 'N': CNORM is not set on entry. On exit, the norms will * be computed and stored in CNORM. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * AP (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N*(N+1)/2) * The upper or lower triangular matrix A, packed columnwise in * a linear array. The j-th column of A is stored in the array * AP as follows: * if UPLO = 'U', AP(i + (j-1)*j/2) = A(i,j) for 1<=i<=j; * if UPLO = 'L', AP(i + (j-1)*(2n-j)/2) = A(i,j) for j<=i<=n. * * X (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On entry, the right hand side b of the triangular system. * On exit, X is overwritten by the solution vector x. * * SCALE (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The scaling factor s for the triangular system * A * x = s*b or A'* x = s*b. * If SCALE = 0, the matrix A is singular or badly scaled, and * the vector x is an exact or approximate solution to A*x = 0. * * CNORM (input or output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * * If NORMIN = 'Y', CNORM is an input argument and CNORM(j) * contains the norm of the off-diagonal part of the j-th column * of A. If TRANS = 'N', CNORM(j) must be greater than or equal * to the infinity-norm, and if TRANS = 'T' or 'C', CNORM(j) * must be greater than or equal to the 1-norm. * * If NORMIN = 'N', CNORM is an output argument and CNORM(j) * returns the 1-norm of the offdiagonal part of the j-th column * of A. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value * * Further Details * ======= ======= * * A rough bound on x is computed; if that is less than overflow, DTPSV * is called, otherwise, specific code is used which checks for possible * overflow or divide-by-zero at every operation. * * A columnwise scheme is used for solving A*x = b. The basic algorithm * if A is lower triangular is * * x[1:n] := b[1:n] * for j = 1, ..., n * x(j) := x(j) / A(j,j) * x[j+1:n] := x[j+1:n] - x(j) * A[j+1:n,j] * end * * Define bounds on the components of x after j iterations of the loop: * M(j) = bound on x[1:j] * G(j) = bound on x[j+1:n] * Initially, let M(0) = 0 and G(0) = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}. * * Then for iteration j+1 we have * M(j+1) <= G(j) / | A(j+1,j+1) | * G(j+1) <= G(j) + M(j+1) * | A[j+2:n,j+1] | * <= G(j) ( 1 + CNORM(j+1) / | A(j+1,j+1) | ) * * where CNORM(j+1) is greater than or equal to the infinity-norm of * column j+1 of A, not counting the diagonal. Hence * * G(j) <= G(0) product ( 1 + CNORM(i) / | A(i,i) | ) * 1<=i<=j * and * * |x(j)| <= ( G(0) / |A(j,j)| ) product ( 1 + CNORM(i) / |A(i,i)| ) * 1<=i< j * * Since |x(j)| <= M(j), we use the Level 2 BLAS routine DTPSV if the * reciprocal of the largest M(j), j=1,..,n, is larger than * max(underflow, 1/overflow). * * The bound on x(j) is also used to determine when a step in the * columnwise method can be performed without fear of overflow. If * the computed bound is greater than a large constant, x is scaled to * prevent overflow, but if the bound overflows, x is set to 0, x(j) to * 1, and scale to 0, and a non-trivial solution to A*x = 0 is found. * * Similarly, a row-wise scheme is used to solve A'*x = b. The basic * algorithm for A upper triangular is * * for j = 1, ..., n * x(j) := ( b(j) - A[1:j-1,j]' * x[1:j-1] ) / A(j,j) * end * * We simultaneously compute two bounds * G(j) = bound on ( b(i) - A[1:i-1,i]' * x[1:i-1] ), 1<=i<=j * M(j) = bound on x(i), 1<=i<=j * * The initial values are G(0) = 0, M(0) = max{b(i), i=1,..,n}, and we * add the constraint G(j) >= G(j-1) and M(j) >= M(j-1) for j >= 1. * Then the bound on x(j) is * * M(j) <= M(j-1) * ( 1 + CNORM(j) ) / | A(j,j) | * * <= M(0) * product ( ( 1 + CNORM(i) ) / |A(i,i)| ) * 1<=i<=j * * and we can safely call DTPSV if 1/M(n) and 1/G(n) are both greater * than max(underflow, 1/overflow). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, HALF, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, HALF = 0.5D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL NOTRAN, NOUNIT, UPPER INTEGER I, IMAX, IP, J, JFIRST, JINC, JLAST, JLEN DOUBLE PRECISION BIGNUM, GROW, REC, SMLNUM, SUMJ, TJJ, TJJS, $ TMAX, TSCAL, USCAL, XBND, XJ, XMAX * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME INTEGER IDAMAX DOUBLE PRECISION DASUM, DDOT, DLAMCH EXTERNAL LSAME, IDAMAX, DASUM, DDOT, DLAMCH * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DAXPY, DSCAL, DTPSV, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * INFO = 0 UPPER = LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) NOTRAN = LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) NOUNIT = LSAME( DIAG, 'N' ) * * Test the input parameters. * IF( .NOT.UPPER .AND. .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( .NOT.NOTRAN .AND. .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'T' ) .AND. .NOT. $ LSAME( TRANS, 'C' ) ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( .NOT.NOUNIT .AND. .NOT.LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( .NOT.LSAME( NORMIN, 'Y' ) .AND. .NOT. $ LSAME( NORMIN, 'N' ) ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -5 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLATPS', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * Determine machine dependent parameters to control overflow. * SMLNUM = DLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) / DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) BIGNUM = ONE / SMLNUM SCALE = ONE * IF( LSAME( NORMIN, 'N' ) ) THEN * * Compute the 1-norm of each column, not including the diagonal. * IF( UPPER ) THEN * * A is upper triangular. * IP = 1 DO 10 J = 1, N CNORM( J ) = DASUM( J-1, AP( IP ), 1 ) IP = IP + J 10 CONTINUE ELSE * * A is lower triangular. * IP = 1 DO 20 J = 1, N - 1 CNORM( J ) = DASUM( N-J, AP( IP+1 ), 1 ) IP = IP + N - J + 1 20 CONTINUE CNORM( N ) = ZERO END IF END IF * * Scale the column norms by TSCAL if the maximum element in CNORM is * greater than BIGNUM. * IMAX = IDAMAX( N, CNORM, 1 ) TMAX = CNORM( IMAX ) IF( TMAX.LE.BIGNUM ) THEN TSCAL = ONE ELSE TSCAL = ONE / ( SMLNUM*TMAX ) CALL DSCAL( N, TSCAL, CNORM, 1 ) END IF * * Compute a bound on the computed solution vector to see if the * Level 2 BLAS routine DTPSV can be used. * J = IDAMAX( N, X, 1 ) XMAX = ABS( X( J ) ) XBND = XMAX IF( NOTRAN ) THEN * * Compute the growth in A * x = b. * IF( UPPER ) THEN JFIRST = N JLAST = 1 JINC = -1 ELSE JFIRST = 1 JLAST = N JINC = 1 END IF * IF( TSCAL.NE.ONE ) THEN GROW = ZERO GO TO 50 END IF * IF( NOUNIT ) THEN * * A is non-unit triangular. * * Compute GROW = 1/G(j) and XBND = 1/M(j). * Initially, G(0) = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}. * GROW = ONE / MAX( XBND, SMLNUM ) XBND = GROW IP = JFIRST*( JFIRST+1 ) / 2 JLEN = N DO 30 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Exit the loop if the growth factor is too small. * IF( GROW.LE.SMLNUM ) $ GO TO 50 * * M(j) = G(j-1) / abs(A(j,j)) * TJJ = ABS( AP( IP ) ) XBND = MIN( XBND, MIN( ONE, TJJ )*GROW ) IF( TJJ+CNORM( J ).GE.SMLNUM ) THEN * * G(j) = G(j-1)*( 1 + CNORM(j) / abs(A(j,j)) ) * GROW = GROW*( TJJ / ( TJJ+CNORM( J ) ) ) ELSE * * G(j) could overflow, set GROW to 0. * GROW = ZERO END IF IP = IP + JINC*JLEN JLEN = JLEN - 1 30 CONTINUE GROW = XBND ELSE * * A is unit triangular. * * Compute GROW = 1/G(j), where G(0) = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}. * GROW = MIN( ONE, ONE / MAX( XBND, SMLNUM ) ) DO 40 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Exit the loop if the growth factor is too small. * IF( GROW.LE.SMLNUM ) $ GO TO 50 * * G(j) = G(j-1)*( 1 + CNORM(j) ) * GROW = GROW*( ONE / ( ONE+CNORM( J ) ) ) 40 CONTINUE END IF 50 CONTINUE * ELSE * * Compute the growth in A' * x = b. * IF( UPPER ) THEN JFIRST = 1 JLAST = N JINC = 1 ELSE JFIRST = N JLAST = 1 JINC = -1 END IF * IF( TSCAL.NE.ONE ) THEN GROW = ZERO GO TO 80 END IF * IF( NOUNIT ) THEN * * A is non-unit triangular. * * Compute GROW = 1/G(j) and XBND = 1/M(j). * Initially, M(0) = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}. * GROW = ONE / MAX( XBND, SMLNUM ) XBND = GROW IP = JFIRST*( JFIRST+1 ) / 2 JLEN = 1 DO 60 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Exit the loop if the growth factor is too small. * IF( GROW.LE.SMLNUM ) $ GO TO 80 * * G(j) = max( G(j-1), M(j-1)*( 1 + CNORM(j) ) ) * XJ = ONE + CNORM( J ) GROW = MIN( GROW, XBND / XJ ) * * M(j) = M(j-1)*( 1 + CNORM(j) ) / abs(A(j,j)) * TJJ = ABS( AP( IP ) ) IF( XJ.GT.TJJ ) $ XBND = XBND*( TJJ / XJ ) JLEN = JLEN + 1 IP = IP + JINC*JLEN 60 CONTINUE GROW = MIN( GROW, XBND ) ELSE * * A is unit triangular. * * Compute GROW = 1/G(j), where G(0) = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}. * GROW = MIN( ONE, ONE / MAX( XBND, SMLNUM ) ) DO 70 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Exit the loop if the growth factor is too small. * IF( GROW.LE.SMLNUM ) $ GO TO 80 * * G(j) = ( 1 + CNORM(j) )*G(j-1) * XJ = ONE + CNORM( J ) GROW = GROW / XJ 70 CONTINUE END IF 80 CONTINUE END IF * IF( ( GROW*TSCAL ).GT.SMLNUM ) THEN * * Use the Level 2 BLAS solve if the reciprocal of the bound on * elements of X is not too small. * CALL DTPSV( UPLO, TRANS, DIAG, N, AP, X, 1 ) ELSE * * Use a Level 1 BLAS solve, scaling intermediate results. * IF( XMAX.GT.BIGNUM ) THEN * * Scale X so that its components are less than or equal to * BIGNUM in absolute value. * SCALE = BIGNUM / XMAX CALL DSCAL( N, SCALE, X, 1 ) XMAX = BIGNUM END IF * IF( NOTRAN ) THEN * * Solve A * x = b * IP = JFIRST*( JFIRST+1 ) / 2 DO 110 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Compute x(j) = b(j) / A(j,j), scaling x if necessary. * XJ = ABS( X( J ) ) IF( NOUNIT ) THEN TJJS = AP( IP )*TSCAL ELSE TJJS = TSCAL IF( TSCAL.EQ.ONE ) $ GO TO 100 END IF TJJ = ABS( TJJS ) IF( TJJ.GT.SMLNUM ) THEN * * abs(A(j,j)) > SMLNUM: * IF( TJJ.LT.ONE ) THEN IF( XJ.GT.TJJ*BIGNUM ) THEN * * Scale x by 1/b(j). * REC = ONE / XJ CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF X( J ) = X( J ) / TJJS XJ = ABS( X( J ) ) ELSE IF( TJJ.GT.ZERO ) THEN * * 0 < abs(A(j,j)) <= SMLNUM: * IF( XJ.GT.TJJ*BIGNUM ) THEN * * Scale x by (1/abs(x(j)))*abs(A(j,j))*BIGNUM * to avoid overflow when dividing by A(j,j). * REC = ( TJJ*BIGNUM ) / XJ IF( CNORM( J ).GT.ONE ) THEN * * Scale by 1/CNORM(j) to avoid overflow when * multiplying x(j) times column j. * REC = REC / CNORM( J ) END IF CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF X( J ) = X( J ) / TJJS XJ = ABS( X( J ) ) ELSE * * A(j,j) = 0: Set x(1:n) = 0, x(j) = 1, and * scale = 0, and compute a solution to A*x = 0. * DO 90 I = 1, N X( I ) = ZERO 90 CONTINUE X( J ) = ONE XJ = ONE SCALE = ZERO XMAX = ZERO END IF 100 CONTINUE * * Scale x if necessary to avoid overflow when adding a * multiple of column j of A. * IF( XJ.GT.ONE ) THEN REC = ONE / XJ IF( CNORM( J ).GT.( BIGNUM-XMAX )*REC ) THEN * * Scale x by 1/(2*abs(x(j))). * REC = REC*HALF CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC END IF ELSE IF( XJ*CNORM( J ).GT.( BIGNUM-XMAX ) ) THEN * * Scale x by 1/2. * CALL DSCAL( N, HALF, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*HALF END IF * IF( UPPER ) THEN IF( J.GT.1 ) THEN * * Compute the update * x(1:j-1) := x(1:j-1) - x(j) * A(1:j-1,j) * CALL DAXPY( J-1, -X( J )*TSCAL, AP( IP-J+1 ), 1, X, $ 1 ) I = IDAMAX( J-1, X, 1 ) XMAX = ABS( X( I ) ) END IF IP = IP - J ELSE IF( J.LT.N ) THEN * * Compute the update * x(j+1:n) := x(j+1:n) - x(j) * A(j+1:n,j) * CALL DAXPY( N-J, -X( J )*TSCAL, AP( IP+1 ), 1, $ X( J+1 ), 1 ) I = J + IDAMAX( N-J, X( J+1 ), 1 ) XMAX = ABS( X( I ) ) END IF IP = IP + N - J + 1 END IF 110 CONTINUE * ELSE * * Solve A' * x = b * IP = JFIRST*( JFIRST+1 ) / 2 JLEN = 1 DO 160 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Compute x(j) = b(j) - sum A(k,j)*x(k). * k<>j * XJ = ABS( X( J ) ) USCAL = TSCAL REC = ONE / MAX( XMAX, ONE ) IF( CNORM( J ).GT.( BIGNUM-XJ )*REC ) THEN * * If x(j) could overflow, scale x by 1/(2*XMAX). * REC = REC*HALF IF( NOUNIT ) THEN TJJS = AP( IP )*TSCAL ELSE TJJS = TSCAL END IF TJJ = ABS( TJJS ) IF( TJJ.GT.ONE ) THEN * * Divide by A(j,j) when scaling x if A(j,j) > 1. * REC = MIN( ONE, REC*TJJ ) USCAL = USCAL / TJJS END IF IF( REC.LT.ONE ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF * SUMJ = ZERO IF( USCAL.EQ.ONE ) THEN * * If the scaling needed for A in the dot product is 1, * call DDOT to perform the dot product. * IF( UPPER ) THEN SUMJ = DDOT( J-1, AP( IP-J+1 ), 1, X, 1 ) ELSE IF( J.LT.N ) THEN SUMJ = DDOT( N-J, AP( IP+1 ), 1, X( J+1 ), 1 ) END IF ELSE * * Otherwise, use in-line code for the dot product. * IF( UPPER ) THEN DO 120 I = 1, J - 1 SUMJ = SUMJ + ( AP( IP-J+I )*USCAL )*X( I ) 120 CONTINUE ELSE IF( J.LT.N ) THEN DO 130 I = 1, N - J SUMJ = SUMJ + ( AP( IP+I )*USCAL )*X( J+I ) 130 CONTINUE END IF END IF * IF( USCAL.EQ.TSCAL ) THEN * * Compute x(j) := ( x(j) - sumj ) / A(j,j) if 1/A(j,j) * was not used to scale the dotproduct. * X( J ) = X( J ) - SUMJ XJ = ABS( X( J ) ) IF( NOUNIT ) THEN * * Compute x(j) = x(j) / A(j,j), scaling if necessary. * TJJS = AP( IP )*TSCAL ELSE TJJS = TSCAL IF( TSCAL.EQ.ONE ) $ GO TO 150 END IF TJJ = ABS( TJJS ) IF( TJJ.GT.SMLNUM ) THEN * * abs(A(j,j)) > SMLNUM: * IF( TJJ.LT.ONE ) THEN IF( XJ.GT.TJJ*BIGNUM ) THEN * * Scale X by 1/abs(x(j)). * REC = ONE / XJ CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF X( J ) = X( J ) / TJJS ELSE IF( TJJ.GT.ZERO ) THEN * * 0 < abs(A(j,j)) <= SMLNUM: * IF( XJ.GT.TJJ*BIGNUM ) THEN * * Scale x by (1/abs(x(j)))*abs(A(j,j))*BIGNUM. * REC = ( TJJ*BIGNUM ) / XJ CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF X( J ) = X( J ) / TJJS ELSE * * A(j,j) = 0: Set x(1:n) = 0, x(j) = 1, and * scale = 0, and compute a solution to A'*x = 0. * DO 140 I = 1, N X( I ) = ZERO 140 CONTINUE X( J ) = ONE SCALE = ZERO XMAX = ZERO END IF 150 CONTINUE ELSE * * Compute x(j) := x(j) / A(j,j) - sumj if the dot * product has already been divided by 1/A(j,j). * X( J ) = X( J ) / TJJS - SUMJ END IF XMAX = MAX( XMAX, ABS( X( J ) ) ) JLEN = JLEN + 1 IP = IP + JINC*JLEN 160 CONTINUE END IF SCALE = SCALE / TSCAL END IF * * Scale the column norms by 1/TSCAL for return. * IF( TSCAL.NE.ONE ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N, ONE / TSCAL, CNORM, 1 ) END IF * RETURN * * End of DLATPS * END SUBROUTINE DLATRD( UPLO, N, NB, A, LDA, E, TAU, W, LDW ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * October 31, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER UPLO INTEGER LDA, LDW, N, NB * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), E( * ), TAU( * ), W( LDW, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLATRD reduces NB rows and columns of a real symmetric matrix A to * symmetric tridiagonal form by an orthogonal similarity * transformation Q' * A * Q, and returns the matrices V and W which are * needed to apply the transformation to the unreduced part of A. * * If UPLO = 'U', DLATRD reduces the last NB rows and columns of a * matrix, of which the upper triangle is supplied; * if UPLO = 'L', DLATRD reduces the first NB rows and columns of a * matrix, of which the lower triangle is supplied. * * This is an auxiliary routine called by DSYTRD. * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER * Specifies whether the upper or lower triangular part of the * symmetric matrix A is stored: * = 'U': Upper triangular * = 'L': Lower triangular * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. * * NB (input) INTEGER * The number of rows and columns to be reduced. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * On entry, the symmetric matrix A. If UPLO = 'U', the leading * n-by-n upper triangular part of A contains the upper * triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly lower * triangular part of A is not referenced. If UPLO = 'L', the * leading n-by-n lower triangular part of A contains the lower * triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly upper * triangular part of A is not referenced. * On exit: * if UPLO = 'U', the last NB columns have been reduced to * tridiagonal form, with the diagonal elements overwriting * the diagonal elements of A; the elements above the diagonal * with the array TAU, represent the orthogonal matrix Q as a * product of elementary reflectors; * if UPLO = 'L', the first NB columns have been reduced to * tridiagonal form, with the diagonal elements overwriting * the diagonal elements of A; the elements below the diagonal * with the array TAU, represent the orthogonal matrix Q as a * product of elementary reflectors. * See Further Details. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= (1,N). * * E (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * If UPLO = 'U', E(n-nb:n-1) contains the superdiagonal * elements of the last NB columns of the reduced matrix; * if UPLO = 'L', E(1:nb) contains the subdiagonal elements of * the first NB columns of the reduced matrix. * * TAU (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) * The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors, stored in * TAU(n-nb:n-1) if UPLO = 'U', and in TAU(1:nb) if UPLO = 'L'. * See Further Details. * * W (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDW,NB) * The n-by-nb matrix W required to update the unreduced part * of A. * * LDW (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array W. LDW >= max(1,N). * * Further Details * =============== * * If UPLO = 'U', the matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary * reflectors * * Q = H(n) H(n-1) . . . H(n-nb+1). * * Each H(i) has the form * * H(i) = I - tau * v * v' * * where tau is a real scalar, and v is a real vector with * v(i:n) = 0 and v(i-1) = 1; v(1:i-1) is stored on exit in A(1:i-1,i), * and tau in TAU(i-1). * * If UPLO = 'L', the matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary * reflectors * * Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(nb). * * Each H(i) has the form * * H(i) = I - tau * v * v' * * where tau is a real scalar, and v is a real vector with * v(1:i) = 0 and v(i+1) = 1; v(i+1:n) is stored on exit in A(i+1:n,i), * and tau in TAU(i). * * The elements of the vectors v together form the n-by-nb matrix V * which is needed, with W, to apply the transformation to the unreduced * part of the matrix, using a symmetric rank-2k update of the form: * A := A - V*W' - W*V'. * * The contents of A on exit are illustrated by the following examples * with n = 5 and nb = 2: * * if UPLO = 'U': if UPLO = 'L': * * ( a a a v4 v5 ) ( d ) * ( a a v4 v5 ) ( 1 d ) * ( a 1 v5 ) ( v1 1 a ) * ( d 1 ) ( v1 v2 a a ) * ( d ) ( v1 v2 a a a ) * * where d denotes a diagonal element of the reduced matrix, a denotes * an element of the original matrix that is unchanged, and vi denotes * an element of the vector defining H(i). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE, HALF PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0, HALF = 0.5D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IW DOUBLE PRECISION ALPHA * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DAXPY, DGEMV, DLARFG, DSCAL, DSYMV * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME DOUBLE PRECISION DDOT EXTERNAL LSAME, DDOT * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.LE.0 ) $ RETURN * IF( LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) THEN * * Reduce last NB columns of upper triangle * DO 10 I = N, N - NB + 1, -1 IW = I - N + NB IF( I.LT.N ) THEN * * Update A(1:i,i) * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', I, N-I, -ONE, A( 1, I+1 ), $ LDA, W( I, IW+1 ), LDW, ONE, A( 1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', I, N-I, -ONE, W( 1, IW+1 ), $ LDW, A( I, I+1 ), LDA, ONE, A( 1, I ), 1 ) END IF IF( I.GT.1 ) THEN * * Generate elementary reflector H(i) to annihilate * A(1:i-2,i) * CALL DLARFG( I-1, A( I-1, I ), A( 1, I ), 1, TAU( I-1 ) ) E( I-1 ) = A( I-1, I ) A( I-1, I ) = ONE * * Compute W(1:i-1,i) * CALL DSYMV( 'Upper', I-1, ONE, A, LDA, A( 1, I ), 1, $ ZERO, W( 1, IW ), 1 ) IF( I.LT.N ) THEN CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', I-1, N-I, ONE, W( 1, IW+1 ), $ LDW, A( 1, I ), 1, ZERO, W( I+1, IW ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', I-1, N-I, -ONE, $ A( 1, I+1 ), LDA, W( I+1, IW ), 1, ONE, $ W( 1, IW ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', I-1, N-I, ONE, A( 1, I+1 ), $ LDA, A( 1, I ), 1, ZERO, W( I+1, IW ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', I-1, N-I, -ONE, $ W( 1, IW+1 ), LDW, W( I+1, IW ), 1, ONE, $ W( 1, IW ), 1 ) END IF CALL DSCAL( I-1, TAU( I-1 ), W( 1, IW ), 1 ) ALPHA = -HALF*TAU( I-1 )*DDOT( I-1, W( 1, IW ), 1, $ A( 1, I ), 1 ) CALL DAXPY( I-1, ALPHA, A( 1, I ), 1, W( 1, IW ), 1 ) END IF * 10 CONTINUE ELSE * * Reduce first NB columns of lower triangle * DO 20 I = 1, NB * * Update A(i:n,i) * CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', N-I+1, I-1, -ONE, A( I, 1 ), $ LDA, W( I, 1 ), LDW, ONE, A( I, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', N-I+1, I-1, -ONE, W( I, 1 ), $ LDW, A( I, 1 ), LDA, ONE, A( I, I ), 1 ) IF( I.LT.N ) THEN * * Generate elementary reflector H(i) to annihilate * A(i+2:n,i) * CALL DLARFG( N-I, A( I+1, I ), A( MIN( I+2, N ), I ), 1, $ TAU( I ) ) E( I ) = A( I+1, I ) A( I+1, I ) = ONE * * Compute W(i+1:n,i) * CALL DSYMV( 'Lower', N-I, ONE, A( I+1, I+1 ), LDA, $ A( I+1, I ), 1, ZERO, W( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', N-I, I-1, ONE, W( I+1, 1 ), LDW, $ A( I+1, I ), 1, ZERO, W( 1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', N-I, I-1, -ONE, A( I+1, 1 ), $ LDA, W( 1, I ), 1, ONE, W( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', N-I, I-1, ONE, A( I+1, 1 ), LDA, $ A( I+1, I ), 1, ZERO, W( 1, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', N-I, I-1, -ONE, W( I+1, 1 ), $ LDW, W( 1, I ), 1, ONE, W( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( N-I, TAU( I ), W( I+1, I ), 1 ) ALPHA = -HALF*TAU( I )*DDOT( N-I, W( I+1, I ), 1, $ A( I+1, I ), 1 ) CALL DAXPY( N-I, ALPHA, A( I+1, I ), 1, W( I+1, I ), 1 ) END IF * 20 CONTINUE END IF * RETURN * * End of DLATRD * END SUBROUTINE DLATRS( UPLO, TRANS, DIAG, NORMIN, N, A, LDA, X, SCALE, $ CNORM, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER DIAG, NORMIN, TRANS, UPLO INTEGER INFO, LDA, N DOUBLE PRECISION SCALE * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), CNORM( * ), X( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLATRS solves one of the triangular systems * * A *x = s*b or A'*x = s*b * * with scaling to prevent overflow. Here A is an upper or lower * triangular matrix, A' denotes the transpose of A, x and b are * n-element vectors, and s is a scaling factor, usually less than * or equal to 1, chosen so that the components of x will be less than * the overflow threshold. If the unscaled problem will not cause * overflow, the Level 2 BLAS routine DTRSV is called. If the matrix A * is singular (A(j,j) = 0 for some j), then s is set to 0 and a * non-trivial solution to A*x = 0 is returned. * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the matrix A is upper or lower triangular. * = 'U': Upper triangular * = 'L': Lower triangular * * TRANS (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies the operation applied to A. * = 'N': Solve A * x = s*b (No transpose) * = 'T': Solve A'* x = s*b (Transpose) * = 'C': Solve A'* x = s*b (Conjugate transpose = Transpose) * * DIAG (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether or not the matrix A is unit triangular. * = 'N': Non-unit triangular * = 'U': Unit triangular * * NORMIN (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether CNORM has been set or not. * = 'Y': CNORM contains the column norms on entry * = 'N': CNORM is not set on entry. On exit, the norms will * be computed and stored in CNORM. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrix A. N >= 0. * * A (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * The triangular matrix A. If UPLO = 'U', the leading n by n * upper triangular part of the array A contains the upper * triangular matrix, and the strictly lower triangular part of * A is not referenced. If UPLO = 'L', the leading n by n lower * triangular part of the array A contains the lower triangular * matrix, and the strictly upper triangular part of A is not * referenced. If DIAG = 'U', the diagonal elements of A are * also not referenced and are assumed to be 1. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max (1,N). * * X (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * On entry, the right hand side b of the triangular system. * On exit, X is overwritten by the solution vector x. * * SCALE (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * The scaling factor s for the triangular system * A * x = s*b or A'* x = s*b. * If SCALE = 0, the matrix A is singular or badly scaled, and * the vector x is an exact or approximate solution to A*x = 0. * * CNORM (input or output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) * * If NORMIN = 'Y', CNORM is an input argument and CNORM(j) * contains the norm of the off-diagonal part of the j-th column * of A. If TRANS = 'N', CNORM(j) must be greater than or equal * to the infinity-norm, and if TRANS = 'T' or 'C', CNORM(j) * must be greater than or equal to the 1-norm. * * If NORMIN = 'N', CNORM is an output argument and CNORM(j) * returns the 1-norm of the offdiagonal part of the j-th column * of A. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value * * Further Details * ======= ======= * * A rough bound on x is computed; if that is less than overflow, DTRSV * is called, otherwise, specific code is used which checks for possible * overflow or divide-by-zero at every operation. * * A columnwise scheme is used for solving A*x = b. The basic algorithm * if A is lower triangular is * * x[1:n] := b[1:n] * for j = 1, ..., n * x(j) := x(j) / A(j,j) * x[j+1:n] := x[j+1:n] - x(j) * A[j+1:n,j] * end * * Define bounds on the components of x after j iterations of the loop: * M(j) = bound on x[1:j] * G(j) = bound on x[j+1:n] * Initially, let M(0) = 0 and G(0) = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}. * * Then for iteration j+1 we have * M(j+1) <= G(j) / | A(j+1,j+1) | * G(j+1) <= G(j) + M(j+1) * | A[j+2:n,j+1] | * <= G(j) ( 1 + CNORM(j+1) / | A(j+1,j+1) | ) * * where CNORM(j+1) is greater than or equal to the infinity-norm of * column j+1 of A, not counting the diagonal. Hence * * G(j) <= G(0) product ( 1 + CNORM(i) / | A(i,i) | ) * 1<=i<=j * and * * |x(j)| <= ( G(0) / |A(j,j)| ) product ( 1 + CNORM(i) / |A(i,i)| ) * 1<=i< j * * Since |x(j)| <= M(j), we use the Level 2 BLAS routine DTRSV if the * reciprocal of the largest M(j), j=1,..,n, is larger than * max(underflow, 1/overflow). * * The bound on x(j) is also used to determine when a step in the * columnwise method can be performed without fear of overflow. If * the computed bound is greater than a large constant, x is scaled to * prevent overflow, but if the bound overflows, x is set to 0, x(j) to * 1, and scale to 0, and a non-trivial solution to A*x = 0 is found. * * Similarly, a row-wise scheme is used to solve A'*x = b. The basic * algorithm for A upper triangular is * * for j = 1, ..., n * x(j) := ( b(j) - A[1:j-1,j]' * x[1:j-1] ) / A(j,j) * end * * We simultaneously compute two bounds * G(j) = bound on ( b(i) - A[1:i-1,i]' * x[1:i-1] ), 1<=i<=j * M(j) = bound on x(i), 1<=i<=j * * The initial values are G(0) = 0, M(0) = max{b(i), i=1,..,n}, and we * add the constraint G(j) >= G(j-1) and M(j) >= M(j-1) for j >= 1. * Then the bound on x(j) is * * M(j) <= M(j-1) * ( 1 + CNORM(j) ) / | A(j,j) | * * <= M(0) * product ( ( 1 + CNORM(i) ) / |A(i,i)| ) * 1<=i<=j * * and we can safely call DTRSV if 1/M(n) and 1/G(n) are both greater * than max(underflow, 1/overflow). * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, HALF, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, HALF = 0.5D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL NOTRAN, NOUNIT, UPPER INTEGER I, IMAX, J, JFIRST, JINC, JLAST DOUBLE PRECISION BIGNUM, GROW, REC, SMLNUM, SUMJ, TJJ, TJJS, $ TMAX, TSCAL, USCAL, XBND, XJ, XMAX * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME INTEGER IDAMAX DOUBLE PRECISION DASUM, DDOT, DLAMCH EXTERNAL LSAME, IDAMAX, DASUM, DDOT, DLAMCH * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DAXPY, DSCAL, DTRSV, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * INFO = 0 UPPER = LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) NOTRAN = LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) NOUNIT = LSAME( DIAG, 'N' ) * * Test the input parameters. * IF( .NOT.UPPER .AND. .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( .NOT.NOTRAN .AND. .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'T' ) .AND. .NOT. $ LSAME( TRANS, 'C' ) ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( .NOT.NOUNIT .AND. .NOT.LSAME( DIAG, 'U' ) ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( .NOT.LSAME( NORMIN, 'Y' ) .AND. .NOT. $ LSAME( NORMIN, 'N' ) ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -5 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -7 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLATRS', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * Determine machine dependent parameters to control overflow. * SMLNUM = DLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' ) / DLAMCH( 'Precision' ) BIGNUM = ONE / SMLNUM SCALE = ONE * IF( LSAME( NORMIN, 'N' ) ) THEN * * Compute the 1-norm of each column, not including the diagonal. * IF( UPPER ) THEN * * A is upper triangular. * DO 10 J = 1, N CNORM( J ) = DASUM( J-1, A( 1, J ), 1 ) 10 CONTINUE ELSE * * A is lower triangular. * DO 20 J = 1, N - 1 CNORM( J ) = DASUM( N-J, A( J+1, J ), 1 ) 20 CONTINUE CNORM( N ) = ZERO END IF END IF * * Scale the column norms by TSCAL if the maximum element in CNORM is * greater than BIGNUM. * IMAX = IDAMAX( N, CNORM, 1 ) TMAX = CNORM( IMAX ) IF( TMAX.LE.BIGNUM ) THEN TSCAL = ONE ELSE TSCAL = ONE / ( SMLNUM*TMAX ) CALL DSCAL( N, TSCAL, CNORM, 1 ) END IF * * Compute a bound on the computed solution vector to see if the * Level 2 BLAS routine DTRSV can be used. * J = IDAMAX( N, X, 1 ) XMAX = ABS( X( J ) ) XBND = XMAX IF( NOTRAN ) THEN * * Compute the growth in A * x = b. * IF( UPPER ) THEN JFIRST = N JLAST = 1 JINC = -1 ELSE JFIRST = 1 JLAST = N JINC = 1 END IF * IF( TSCAL.NE.ONE ) THEN GROW = ZERO GO TO 50 END IF * IF( NOUNIT ) THEN * * A is non-unit triangular. * * Compute GROW = 1/G(j) and XBND = 1/M(j). * Initially, G(0) = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}. * GROW = ONE / MAX( XBND, SMLNUM ) XBND = GROW DO 30 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Exit the loop if the growth factor is too small. * IF( GROW.LE.SMLNUM ) $ GO TO 50 * * M(j) = G(j-1) / abs(A(j,j)) * TJJ = ABS( A( J, J ) ) XBND = MIN( XBND, MIN( ONE, TJJ )*GROW ) IF( TJJ+CNORM( J ).GE.SMLNUM ) THEN * * G(j) = G(j-1)*( 1 + CNORM(j) / abs(A(j,j)) ) * GROW = GROW*( TJJ / ( TJJ+CNORM( J ) ) ) ELSE * * G(j) could overflow, set GROW to 0. * GROW = ZERO END IF 30 CONTINUE GROW = XBND ELSE * * A is unit triangular. * * Compute GROW = 1/G(j), where G(0) = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}. * GROW = MIN( ONE, ONE / MAX( XBND, SMLNUM ) ) DO 40 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Exit the loop if the growth factor is too small. * IF( GROW.LE.SMLNUM ) $ GO TO 50 * * G(j) = G(j-1)*( 1 + CNORM(j) ) * GROW = GROW*( ONE / ( ONE+CNORM( J ) ) ) 40 CONTINUE END IF 50 CONTINUE * ELSE * * Compute the growth in A' * x = b. * IF( UPPER ) THEN JFIRST = 1 JLAST = N JINC = 1 ELSE JFIRST = N JLAST = 1 JINC = -1 END IF * IF( TSCAL.NE.ONE ) THEN GROW = ZERO GO TO 80 END IF * IF( NOUNIT ) THEN * * A is non-unit triangular. * * Compute GROW = 1/G(j) and XBND = 1/M(j). * Initially, M(0) = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}. * GROW = ONE / MAX( XBND, SMLNUM ) XBND = GROW DO 60 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Exit the loop if the growth factor is too small. * IF( GROW.LE.SMLNUM ) $ GO TO 80 * * G(j) = max( G(j-1), M(j-1)*( 1 + CNORM(j) ) ) * XJ = ONE + CNORM( J ) GROW = MIN( GROW, XBND / XJ ) * * M(j) = M(j-1)*( 1 + CNORM(j) ) / abs(A(j,j)) * TJJ = ABS( A( J, J ) ) IF( XJ.GT.TJJ ) $ XBND = XBND*( TJJ / XJ ) 60 CONTINUE GROW = MIN( GROW, XBND ) ELSE * * A is unit triangular. * * Compute GROW = 1/G(j), where G(0) = max{x(i), i=1,...,n}. * GROW = MIN( ONE, ONE / MAX( XBND, SMLNUM ) ) DO 70 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Exit the loop if the growth factor is too small. * IF( GROW.LE.SMLNUM ) $ GO TO 80 * * G(j) = ( 1 + CNORM(j) )*G(j-1) * XJ = ONE + CNORM( J ) GROW = GROW / XJ 70 CONTINUE END IF 80 CONTINUE END IF * IF( ( GROW*TSCAL ).GT.SMLNUM ) THEN * * Use the Level 2 BLAS solve if the reciprocal of the bound on * elements of X is not too small. * CALL DTRSV( UPLO, TRANS, DIAG, N, A, LDA, X, 1 ) ELSE * * Use a Level 1 BLAS solve, scaling intermediate results. * IF( XMAX.GT.BIGNUM ) THEN * * Scale X so that its components are less than or equal to * BIGNUM in absolute value. * SCALE = BIGNUM / XMAX CALL DSCAL( N, SCALE, X, 1 ) XMAX = BIGNUM END IF * IF( NOTRAN ) THEN * * Solve A * x = b * DO 110 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Compute x(j) = b(j) / A(j,j), scaling x if necessary. * XJ = ABS( X( J ) ) IF( NOUNIT ) THEN TJJS = A( J, J )*TSCAL ELSE TJJS = TSCAL IF( TSCAL.EQ.ONE ) $ GO TO 100 END IF TJJ = ABS( TJJS ) IF( TJJ.GT.SMLNUM ) THEN * * abs(A(j,j)) > SMLNUM: * IF( TJJ.LT.ONE ) THEN IF( XJ.GT.TJJ*BIGNUM ) THEN * * Scale x by 1/b(j). * REC = ONE / XJ CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF X( J ) = X( J ) / TJJS XJ = ABS( X( J ) ) ELSE IF( TJJ.GT.ZERO ) THEN * * 0 < abs(A(j,j)) <= SMLNUM: * IF( XJ.GT.TJJ*BIGNUM ) THEN * * Scale x by (1/abs(x(j)))*abs(A(j,j))*BIGNUM * to avoid overflow when dividing by A(j,j). * REC = ( TJJ*BIGNUM ) / XJ IF( CNORM( J ).GT.ONE ) THEN * * Scale by 1/CNORM(j) to avoid overflow when * multiplying x(j) times column j. * REC = REC / CNORM( J ) END IF CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF X( J ) = X( J ) / TJJS XJ = ABS( X( J ) ) ELSE * * A(j,j) = 0: Set x(1:n) = 0, x(j) = 1, and * scale = 0, and compute a solution to A*x = 0. * DO 90 I = 1, N X( I ) = ZERO 90 CONTINUE X( J ) = ONE XJ = ONE SCALE = ZERO XMAX = ZERO END IF 100 CONTINUE * * Scale x if necessary to avoid overflow when adding a * multiple of column j of A. * IF( XJ.GT.ONE ) THEN REC = ONE / XJ IF( CNORM( J ).GT.( BIGNUM-XMAX )*REC ) THEN * * Scale x by 1/(2*abs(x(j))). * REC = REC*HALF CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC END IF ELSE IF( XJ*CNORM( J ).GT.( BIGNUM-XMAX ) ) THEN * * Scale x by 1/2. * CALL DSCAL( N, HALF, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*HALF END IF * IF( UPPER ) THEN IF( J.GT.1 ) THEN * * Compute the update * x(1:j-1) := x(1:j-1) - x(j) * A(1:j-1,j) * CALL DAXPY( J-1, -X( J )*TSCAL, A( 1, J ), 1, X, $ 1 ) I = IDAMAX( J-1, X, 1 ) XMAX = ABS( X( I ) ) END IF ELSE IF( J.LT.N ) THEN * * Compute the update * x(j+1:n) := x(j+1:n) - x(j) * A(j+1:n,j) * CALL DAXPY( N-J, -X( J )*TSCAL, A( J+1, J ), 1, $ X( J+1 ), 1 ) I = J + IDAMAX( N-J, X( J+1 ), 1 ) XMAX = ABS( X( I ) ) END IF END IF 110 CONTINUE * ELSE * * Solve A' * x = b * DO 160 J = JFIRST, JLAST, JINC * * Compute x(j) = b(j) - sum A(k,j)*x(k). * k<>j * XJ = ABS( X( J ) ) USCAL = TSCAL REC = ONE / MAX( XMAX, ONE ) IF( CNORM( J ).GT.( BIGNUM-XJ )*REC ) THEN * * If x(j) could overflow, scale x by 1/(2*XMAX). * REC = REC*HALF IF( NOUNIT ) THEN TJJS = A( J, J )*TSCAL ELSE TJJS = TSCAL END IF TJJ = ABS( TJJS ) IF( TJJ.GT.ONE ) THEN * * Divide by A(j,j) when scaling x if A(j,j) > 1. * REC = MIN( ONE, REC*TJJ ) USCAL = USCAL / TJJS END IF IF( REC.LT.ONE ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF * SUMJ = ZERO IF( USCAL.EQ.ONE ) THEN * * If the scaling needed for A in the dot product is 1, * call DDOT to perform the dot product. * IF( UPPER ) THEN SUMJ = DDOT( J-1, A( 1, J ), 1, X, 1 ) ELSE IF( J.LT.N ) THEN SUMJ = DDOT( N-J, A( J+1, J ), 1, X( J+1 ), 1 ) END IF ELSE * * Otherwise, use in-line code for the dot product. * IF( UPPER ) THEN DO 120 I = 1, J - 1 SUMJ = SUMJ + ( A( I, J )*USCAL )*X( I ) 120 CONTINUE ELSE IF( J.LT.N ) THEN DO 130 I = J + 1, N SUMJ = SUMJ + ( A( I, J )*USCAL )*X( I ) 130 CONTINUE END IF END IF * IF( USCAL.EQ.TSCAL ) THEN * * Compute x(j) := ( x(j) - sumj ) / A(j,j) if 1/A(j,j) * was not used to scale the dotproduct. * X( J ) = X( J ) - SUMJ XJ = ABS( X( J ) ) IF( NOUNIT ) THEN TJJS = A( J, J )*TSCAL ELSE TJJS = TSCAL IF( TSCAL.EQ.ONE ) $ GO TO 150 END IF * * Compute x(j) = x(j) / A(j,j), scaling if necessary. * TJJ = ABS( TJJS ) IF( TJJ.GT.SMLNUM ) THEN * * abs(A(j,j)) > SMLNUM: * IF( TJJ.LT.ONE ) THEN IF( XJ.GT.TJJ*BIGNUM ) THEN * * Scale X by 1/abs(x(j)). * REC = ONE / XJ CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF END IF X( J ) = X( J ) / TJJS ELSE IF( TJJ.GT.ZERO ) THEN * * 0 < abs(A(j,j)) <= SMLNUM: * IF( XJ.GT.TJJ*BIGNUM ) THEN * * Scale x by (1/abs(x(j)))*abs(A(j,j))*BIGNUM. * REC = ( TJJ*BIGNUM ) / XJ CALL DSCAL( N, REC, X, 1 ) SCALE = SCALE*REC XMAX = XMAX*REC END IF X( J ) = X( J ) / TJJS ELSE * * A(j,j) = 0: Set x(1:n) = 0, x(j) = 1, and * scale = 0, and compute a solution to A'*x = 0. * DO 140 I = 1, N X( I ) = ZERO 140 CONTINUE X( J ) = ONE SCALE = ZERO XMAX = ZERO END IF 150 CONTINUE ELSE * * Compute x(j) := x(j) / A(j,j) - sumj if the dot * product has already been divided by 1/A(j,j). * X( J ) = X( J ) / TJJS - SUMJ END IF XMAX = MAX( XMAX, ABS( X( J ) ) ) 160 CONTINUE END IF SCALE = SCALE / TSCAL END IF * * Scale the column norms by 1/TSCAL for return. * IF( TSCAL.NE.ONE ) THEN CALL DSCAL( N, ONE / TSCAL, CNORM, 1 ) END IF * RETURN * * End of DLATRS * END SUBROUTINE DLAUU2( UPLO, N, A, LDA, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER UPLO INTEGER INFO, LDA, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAUU2 computes the product U * U' or L' * L, where the triangular * factor U or L is stored in the upper or lower triangular part of * the array A. * * If UPLO = 'U' or 'u' then the upper triangle of the result is stored, * overwriting the factor U in A. * If UPLO = 'L' or 'l' then the lower triangle of the result is stored, * overwriting the factor L in A. * * This is the unblocked form of the algorithm, calling Level 2 BLAS. * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the triangular factor stored in the array A * is upper or lower triangular: * = 'U': Upper triangular * = 'L': Lower triangular * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the triangular factor U or L. N >= 0. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * On entry, the triangular factor U or L. * On exit, if UPLO = 'U', the upper triangle of A is * overwritten with the upper triangle of the product U * U'; * if UPLO = 'L', the lower triangle of A is overwritten with * the lower triangle of the product L' * L. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N). * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL UPPER INTEGER I DOUBLE PRECISION AII * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME DOUBLE PRECISION DDOT EXTERNAL LSAME, DDOT * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DGEMV, DSCAL, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 UPPER = LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) IF( .NOT.UPPER .AND. .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -4 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLAUU2', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * IF( UPPER ) THEN * * Compute the product U * U'. * DO 10 I = 1, N AII = A( I, I ) IF( I.LT.N ) THEN A( I, I ) = DDOT( N-I+1, A( I, I ), LDA, A( I, I ), LDA ) CALL DGEMV( 'No transpose', I-1, N-I, ONE, A( 1, I+1 ), $ LDA, A( I, I+1 ), LDA, AII, A( 1, I ), 1 ) ELSE CALL DSCAL( I, AII, A( 1, I ), 1 ) END IF 10 CONTINUE * ELSE * * Compute the product L' * L. * DO 20 I = 1, N AII = A( I, I ) IF( I.LT.N ) THEN A( I, I ) = DDOT( N-I+1, A( I, I ), 1, A( I, I ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'Transpose', N-I, I-1, ONE, A( I+1, 1 ), LDA, $ A( I+1, I ), 1, AII, A( I, 1 ), LDA ) ELSE CALL DSCAL( I, AII, A( I, 1 ), LDA ) END IF 20 CONTINUE END IF * RETURN * * End of DLAUU2 * END SUBROUTINE DLAUUM( UPLO, N, A, LDA, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER UPLO INTEGER INFO, LDA, N * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DLAUUM computes the product U * U' or L' * L, where the triangular * factor U or L is stored in the upper or lower triangular part of * the array A. * * If UPLO = 'U' or 'u' then the upper triangle of the result is stored, * overwriting the factor U in A. * If UPLO = 'L' or 'l' then the lower triangle of the result is stored, * overwriting the factor L in A. * * This is the blocked form of the algorithm, calling Level 3 BLAS. * * Arguments * ========= * * UPLO (input) CHARACTER*1 * Specifies whether the triangular factor stored in the array A * is upper or lower triangular: * = 'U': Upper triangular * = 'L': Lower triangular * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the triangular factor U or L. N >= 0. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) * On entry, the triangular factor U or L. * On exit, if UPLO = 'U', the upper triangle of A is * overwritten with the upper triangle of the product U * U'; * if UPLO = 'L', the lower triangle of A is overwritten with * the lower triangle of the product L' * L. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N). * * INFO (output) INTEGER * = 0: successful exit * < 0: if INFO = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL UPPER INTEGER I, IB, NB * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME INTEGER ILAENV EXTERNAL LSAME, ILAENV * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DGEMM, DLAUU2, DSYRK, DTRMM, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test the input parameters. * INFO = 0 UPPER = LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) IF( .NOT.UPPER .AND. .NOT.LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -4 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DLAUUM', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * * Determine the block size for this environment. * NB = ILAENV( 1, 'DLAUUM', UPLO, N, -1, -1, -1 ) * IF( NB.LE.1 .OR. NB.GE.N ) THEN * * Use unblocked code * CALL DLAUU2( UPLO, N, A, LDA, INFO ) ELSE * * Use blocked code * IF( UPPER ) THEN * * Compute the product U * U'. * DO 10 I = 1, N, NB IB = MIN( NB, N-I+1 ) CALL DTRMM( 'Right', 'Upper', 'Transpose', 'Non-unit', $ I-1, IB, ONE, A( I, I ), LDA, A( 1, I ), $ LDA ) CALL DLAUU2( 'Upper', IB, A( I, I ), LDA, INFO ) IF( I+IB.LE.N ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'No transpose', 'Transpose', I-1, IB, $ N-I-IB+1, ONE, A( 1, I+IB ), LDA, $ A( I, I+IB ), LDA, ONE, A( 1, I ), LDA ) CALL DSYRK( 'Upper', 'No transpose', IB, N-I-IB+1, $ ONE, A( I, I+IB ), LDA, ONE, A( I, I ), $ LDA ) END IF 10 CONTINUE ELSE * * Compute the product L' * L. * DO 20 I = 1, N, NB IB = MIN( NB, N-I+1 ) CALL DTRMM( 'Left', 'Lower', 'Transpose', 'Non-unit', IB, $ I-1, ONE, A( I, I ), LDA, A( I, 1 ), LDA ) CALL DLAUU2( 'Lower', IB, A( I, I ), LDA, INFO ) IF( I+IB.LE.N ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'Transpose', 'No transpose', IB, I-1, $ N-I-IB+1, ONE, A( I+IB, I ), LDA, $ A( I+IB, 1 ), LDA, ONE, A( I, 1 ), LDA ) CALL DSYRK( 'Lower', 'Transpose', IB, N-I-IB+1, ONE, $ A( I+IB, I ), LDA, ONE, A( I, I ), LDA ) END IF 20 CONTINUE END IF END IF * RETURN * * End of DLAUUM * END SUBROUTINE DRSCL( N, SA, SX, INCX ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * September 30, 1994 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INCX, N DOUBLE PRECISION SA * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION SX( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DRSCL multiplies an n-element real vector x by the real scalar 1/a. * This is done without overflow or underflow as long as * the final result x/a does not overflow or underflow. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of components of the vector x. * * SA (input) DOUBLE PRECISION * The scalar a which is used to divide each component of x. * SA must be >= 0, or the subroutine will divide by zero. * * SX (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension * (1+(N-1)*abs(INCX)) * The n-element vector x. * * INCX (input) INTEGER * The increment between successive values of the vector SX. * > 0: SX(1) = X(1) and SX(1+(i-1)*INCX) = x(i), 1< i<= n * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ONE, ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL DONE DOUBLE PRECISION BIGNUM, CDEN, CDEN1, CNUM, CNUM1, MUL, SMLNUM * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DSCAL * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.LE.0 ) $ RETURN * * Get machine parameters * SMLNUM = DLAMCH( 'S' ) BIGNUM = ONE / SMLNUM CALL DLABAD( SMLNUM, BIGNUM ) * * Initialize the denominator to SA and the numerator to 1. * CDEN = SA CNUM = ONE * 10 CONTINUE CDEN1 = CDEN*SMLNUM CNUM1 = CNUM / BIGNUM IF( ABS( CDEN1 ).GT.ABS( CNUM ) .AND. CNUM.NE.ZERO ) THEN * * Pre-multiply X by SMLNUM if CDEN is large compared to CNUM. * MUL = SMLNUM DONE = .FALSE. CDEN = CDEN1 ELSE IF( ABS( CNUM1 ).GT.ABS( CDEN ) ) THEN * * Pre-multiply X by BIGNUM if CDEN is small compared to CNUM. * MUL = BIGNUM DONE = .FALSE. CNUM = CNUM1 ELSE * * Multiply X by CNUM / CDEN and return. * MUL = CNUM / CDEN DONE = .TRUE. END IF * * Scale the vector X by MUL * CALL DSCAL( N, MUL, SX, INCX ) * IF( .NOT.DONE ) $ GO TO 10 * RETURN * * End of DRSCL * END SUBROUTINE DTGEX2( WANTQ, WANTZ, N, A, LDA, B, LDB, Q, LDQ, Z, $ LDZ, J1, N1, N2, WORK, LWORK, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL WANTQ, WANTZ INTEGER INFO, J1, LDA, LDB, LDQ, LDZ, LWORK, N, N1, N2 * .. * .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * ), Q( LDQ, * ), $ WORK( * ), Z( LDZ, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DTGEX2 swaps adjacent diagonal blocks (A11, B11) and (A22, B22) * of size 1-by-1 or 2-by-2 in an upper (quasi) triangular matrix pair * (A, B) by an orthogonal equivalence transformation. * * (A, B) must be in generalized real Schur canonical form (as returned * by DGGES), i.e. A is block upper triangular with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 * diagonal blocks. B is upper triangular. * * Optionally, the matrices Q and Z of generalized Schur vectors are * updated. * * Q(in) * A(in) * Z(in)' = Q(out) * A(out) * Z(out)' * Q(in) * B(in) * Z(in)' = Q(out) * B(out) * Z(out)' * * * Arguments * ========= * * WANTQ (input) LOGICAL * .TRUE. : update the left transformation matrix Q; * .FALSE.: do not update Q. * * WANTZ (input) LOGICAL * .TRUE. : update the right transformation matrix Z; * .FALSE.: do not update Z. * * N (input) INTEGER * The order of the matrices A and B. N >= 0. * * A (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION arrays, dimensions (LDA,N) * On entry, the matrix A in the pair (A, B). * On exit, the updated matrix A. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N). * * B (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION arrays, dimensions (LDB,N) * On entry, the matrix B in the pair (A, B). * On exit, the updated matrix B. * * LDB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(1,N). * * Q (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDZ,N) * On entry, if WANTQ = .TRUE., the orthogonal matrix Q. * On exit, the updated matrix Q. * Not referenced if WANTQ = .FALSE.. * * LDQ (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array Q. LDQ >= 1. * If WANTQ = .TRUE., LDQ >= N. * * Z (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDZ,N) * On entry, if WANTZ =.TRUE., the orthogonal matrix Z. * On exit, the updated matrix Z. * Not referenced if WANTZ = .FALSE.. * * LDZ (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the array Z. LDZ >= 1. * If WANTZ = .TRUE., LDZ >= N. * * J1 (input) INTEGER * The index to the first block (A11, B11). 1 <= J1 <= N. * * N1 (input) INTEGER * The order of the first block (A11, B11). N1 = 0, 1 or 2. * * N2 (input) INTEGER * The order of the second block (A22, B22). N2 = 0, 1 or 2. * * WORK (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LWORK). * * LWORK (input) INTEGER * The dimension of the array WORK. * LWORK >= MAX( N*(N2+N1), (N2+N1)*(N2+N1)*2 ) * * INFO (output) INTEGER * =0: Successful exit * >0: If INFO = 1, the transformed matrix (A, B) would be * too far from generalized Schur form; the blocks are * not swapped and (A, B) and (Q, Z) are unchanged. * The problem of swapping is too ill-conditioned. * <0: If INFO = -16: LWORK is too small. Appropriate value * for LWORK is returned in WORK(1). * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Bo Kagstrom and Peter Poromaa, Department of Computing Science, * Umea University, S-901 87 Umea, Sweden. * * In the current code both weak and strong stability tests are * performed. The user can omit the strong stability test by changing * the internal logical parameter WANDS to .FALSE.. See ref. [2] for * details. * * [1] B. Kagstrom; A Direct Method for Reordering Eigenvalues in the * Generalized Real Schur Form of a Regular Matrix Pair (A, B), in * M.S. Moonen et al (eds), Linear Algebra for Large Scale and * Real-Time Applications, Kluwer Academic Publ. 1993, pp 195-218. * * [2] B. Kagstrom and P. Poromaa; Computing Eigenspaces with Specified * Eigenvalues of a Regular Matrix Pair (A, B) and Condition * Estimation: Theory, Algorithms and Software, * Report UMINF - 94.04, Department of Computing Science, Umea * University, S-901 87 Umea, Sweden, 1994. Also as LAPACK Working * Note 87. To appear in Numerical Algorithms, 1996. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION TEN PARAMETER ( TEN = 1.0D+01 ) INTEGER LDST PARAMETER ( LDST = 4 ) LOGICAL WANDS PARAMETER ( WANDS = .TRUE. ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL DTRONG, WEAK INTEGER I, IDUM, LINFO, M DOUBLE PRECISION BQRA21, BRQA21, DDUM, DNORM, DSCALE, DSUM, EPS, $ F, G, SA, SB, SCALE, SMLNUM, SS, THRESH, WS * .. * .. Local Arrays .. INTEGER IWORK( LDST ) DOUBLE PRECISION AI( 2 ), AR( 2 ), BE( 2 ), IR( LDST, LDST ), $ IRCOP( LDST, LDST ), LI( LDST, LDST ), $ LICOP( LDST, LDST ), S( LDST, LDST ), $ SCPY( LDST, LDST ), T( LDST, LDST ), $ TAUL( LDST ), TAUR( LDST ), TCPY( LDST, LDST ) * .. * .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION DLAMCH EXTERNAL DLAMCH * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DCOPY, DGEMM, DGEQR2, DGERQ2, DLACPY, DLAGV2, $ DLARTG, DLASSQ, DORG2R, DORGR2, DORM2R, DORMR2, $ DROT, DSCAL, DTGSY2 * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, SQRT * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * INFO = 0 * * Quick return if possible * IF( N.LE.1 .OR. N1.LE.0 .OR. N2.LE.0 ) $ RETURN IF( N1.GT.N .OR. ( J1+N1 ).GT.N ) $ RETURN M = N1 + N2 IF( LWORK.LT.MAX( N*M, M*M*2 ) ) THEN INFO = -16 WORK( 1 ) = MAX( N*M, M*M*2 ) RETURN END IF * WEAK = .FALSE. DTRONG = .FALSE. * * Make a local copy of selected block * CALL DCOPY( LDST*LDST, ZERO, 0, LI, 1 ) CALL DCOPY( LDST*LDST, ZERO, 0, IR, 1 ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, A( J1, J1 ), LDA, S, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, B( J1, J1 ), LDB, T, LDST ) * * Compute threshold for testing acceptance of swapping. * EPS = DLAMCH( 'P' ) SMLNUM = DLAMCH( 'S' ) / EPS DSCALE = ZERO DSUM = ONE CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, S, LDST, WORK, M ) CALL DLASSQ( M*M, WORK, 1, DSCALE, DSUM ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, T, LDST, WORK, M ) CALL DLASSQ( M*M, WORK, 1, DSCALE, DSUM ) DNORM = DSCALE*SQRT( DSUM ) THRESH = MAX( TEN*EPS*DNORM, SMLNUM ) * IF( M.EQ.2 ) THEN * * CASE 1: Swap 1-by-1 and 1-by-1 blocks. * * Compute orthogonal QL and RQ that swap 1-by-1 and 1-by-1 blocks * using Givens rotations and perform the swap tentatively. * F = S( 2, 2 )*T( 1, 1 ) - T( 2, 2 )*S( 1, 1 ) G = S( 2, 2 )*T( 1, 2 ) - T( 2, 2 )*S( 1, 2 ) SB = ABS( T( 2, 2 ) ) SA = ABS( S( 2, 2 ) ) CALL DLARTG( F, G, IR( 1, 2 ), IR( 1, 1 ), DDUM ) IR( 2, 1 ) = -IR( 1, 2 ) IR( 2, 2 ) = IR( 1, 1 ) CALL DROT( 2, S( 1, 1 ), 1, S( 1, 2 ), 1, IR( 1, 1 ), $ IR( 2, 1 ) ) CALL DROT( 2, T( 1, 1 ), 1, T( 1, 2 ), 1, IR( 1, 1 ), $ IR( 2, 1 ) ) IF( SA.GE.SB ) THEN CALL DLARTG( S( 1, 1 ), S( 2, 1 ), LI( 1, 1 ), LI( 2, 1 ), $ DDUM ) ELSE CALL DLARTG( T( 1, 1 ), T( 2, 1 ), LI( 1, 1 ), LI( 2, 1 ), $ DDUM ) END IF CALL DROT( 2, S( 1, 1 ), LDST, S( 2, 1 ), LDST, LI( 1, 1 ), $ LI( 2, 1 ) ) CALL DROT( 2, T( 1, 1 ), LDST, T( 2, 1 ), LDST, LI( 1, 1 ), $ LI( 2, 1 ) ) LI( 2, 2 ) = LI( 1, 1 ) LI( 1, 2 ) = -LI( 2, 1 ) * * Weak stability test: * |S21| + |T21| <= O(EPS * F-norm((S, T))) * WS = ABS( S( 2, 1 ) ) + ABS( T( 2, 1 ) ) WEAK = WS.LE.THRESH IF( .NOT.WEAK ) $ GO TO 70 * IF( WANDS ) THEN * * Strong stability test: * F-norm((A-QL'*S*QR, B-QL'*T*QR)) <= O(EPS*F-norm((A,B))) * CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, A( J1, J1 ), LDA, WORK( M*M+1 ), $ M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', M, M, M, ONE, LI, LDST, S, LDST, ZERO, $ WORK, M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'T', M, M, M, -ONE, WORK, M, IR, LDST, ONE, $ WORK( M*M+1 ), M ) DSCALE = ZERO DSUM = ONE CALL DLASSQ( M*M, WORK( M*M+1 ), 1, DSCALE, DSUM ) * CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, B( J1, J1 ), LDB, WORK( M*M+1 ), $ M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', M, M, M, ONE, LI, LDST, T, LDST, ZERO, $ WORK, M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'T', M, M, M, -ONE, WORK, M, IR, LDST, ONE, $ WORK( M*M+1 ), M ) CALL DLASSQ( M*M, WORK( M*M+1 ), 1, DSCALE, DSUM ) SS = DSCALE*SQRT( DSUM ) DTRONG = SS.LE.THRESH IF( .NOT.DTRONG ) $ GO TO 70 END IF * * Update (A(J1:J1+M-1, M+J1:N), B(J1:J1+M-1, M+J1:N)) and * (A(1:J1-1, J1:J1+M), B(1:J1-1, J1:J1+M)). * CALL DROT( J1+1, A( 1, J1 ), 1, A( 1, J1+1 ), 1, IR( 1, 1 ), $ IR( 2, 1 ) ) CALL DROT( J1+1, B( 1, J1 ), 1, B( 1, J1+1 ), 1, IR( 1, 1 ), $ IR( 2, 1 ) ) CALL DROT( N-J1+1, A( J1, J1 ), LDA, A( J1+1, J1 ), LDA, $ LI( 1, 1 ), LI( 2, 1 ) ) CALL DROT( N-J1+1, B( J1, J1 ), LDB, B( J1+1, J1 ), LDB, $ LI( 1, 1 ), LI( 2, 1 ) ) * * Set N1-by-N2 (2,1) - blocks to ZERO. * A( J1+1, J1 ) = ZERO B( J1+1, J1 ) = ZERO * * Accumulate transformations into Q and Z if requested. * IF( WANTZ ) $ CALL DROT( N, Z( 1, J1 ), 1, Z( 1, J1+1 ), 1, IR( 1, 1 ), $ IR( 2, 1 ) ) IF( WANTQ ) $ CALL DROT( N, Q( 1, J1 ), 1, Q( 1, J1+1 ), 1, LI( 1, 1 ), $ LI( 2, 1 ) ) * * Exit with INFO = 0 if swap was successfully performed. * RETURN * ELSE * * CASE 2: Swap 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 blocks, or 2-by-2 * and 2-by-2 blocks. * * Solve the generalized Sylvester equation * S11 * R - L * S22 = SCALE * S12 * T11 * R - L * T22 = SCALE * T12 * for R and L. Solutions in LI and IR. * CALL DLACPY( 'Full', N1, N2, T( 1, N1+1 ), LDST, LI, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', N1, N2, S( 1, N1+1 ), LDST, $ IR( N2+1, N1+1 ), LDST ) CALL DTGSY2( 'N', 0, N1, N2, S, LDST, S( N1+1, N1+1 ), LDST, $ IR( N2+1, N1+1 ), LDST, T, LDST, T( N1+1, N1+1 ), $ LDST, LI, LDST, SCALE, DSUM, DSCALE, IWORK, IDUM, $ LINFO ) * * Compute orthogonal matrix QL: * * QL' * LI = [ TL ] * [ 0 ] * where * LI = [ -L ] * [ SCALE * identity(N2) ] * DO 10 I = 1, N2 CALL DSCAL( N1, -ONE, LI( 1, I ), 1 ) LI( N1+I, I ) = SCALE 10 CONTINUE CALL DGEQR2( M, N2, LI, LDST, TAUL, WORK, LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 CALL DORG2R( M, M, N2, LI, LDST, TAUL, WORK, LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 * * Compute orthogonal matrix RQ: * * IR * RQ' = [ 0 TR], * * where IR = [ SCALE * identity(N1), R ] * DO 20 I = 1, N1 IR( N2+I, I ) = SCALE 20 CONTINUE CALL DGERQ2( N1, M, IR( N2+1, 1 ), LDST, TAUR, WORK, LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 CALL DORGR2( M, M, N1, IR, LDST, TAUR, WORK, LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 * * Perform the swapping tentatively: * CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', M, M, M, ONE, LI, LDST, S, LDST, ZERO, $ WORK, M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'T', M, M, M, ONE, WORK, M, IR, LDST, ZERO, S, $ LDST ) CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', M, M, M, ONE, LI, LDST, T, LDST, ZERO, $ WORK, M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'T', M, M, M, ONE, WORK, M, IR, LDST, ZERO, T, $ LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, S, LDST, SCPY, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, T, LDST, TCPY, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, IR, LDST, IRCOP, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, LI, LDST, LICOP, LDST ) * * Triangularize the B-part by an RQ factorization. * Apply transformation (from left) to A-part, giving S. * CALL DGERQ2( M, M, T, LDST, TAUR, WORK, LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 CALL DORMR2( 'R', 'T', M, M, M, T, LDST, TAUR, S, LDST, WORK, $ LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 CALL DORMR2( 'L', 'N', M, M, M, T, LDST, TAUR, IR, LDST, WORK, $ LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 * * Compute F-norm(S21) in BRQA21. (T21 is 0.) * DSCALE = ZERO DSUM = ONE DO 30 I = 1, N2 CALL DLASSQ( N1, S( N2+1, I ), 1, DSCALE, DSUM ) 30 CONTINUE BRQA21 = DSCALE*SQRT( DSUM ) * * Triangularize the B-part by a QR factorization. * Apply transformation (from right) to A-part, giving S. * CALL DGEQR2( M, M, TCPY, LDST, TAUL, WORK, LINFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 CALL DORM2R( 'L', 'T', M, M, M, TCPY, LDST, TAUL, SCPY, LDST, $ WORK, INFO ) CALL DORM2R( 'R', 'N', M, M, M, TCPY, LDST, TAUL, LICOP, LDST, $ WORK, INFO ) IF( LINFO.NE.0 ) $ GO TO 70 * * Compute F-norm(S21) in BQRA21. (T21 is 0.) * DSCALE = ZERO DSUM = ONE DO 40 I = 1, N2 CALL DLASSQ( N1, SCPY( N2+1, I ), 1, DSCALE, DSUM ) 40 CONTINUE BQRA21 = DSCALE*SQRT( DSUM ) * * Decide which method to use. * Weak stability test: * F-norm(S21) <= O(EPS * F-norm((S, T))) * IF( BQRA21.LE.BRQA21 .AND. BQRA21.LE.THRESH ) THEN CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, SCPY, LDST, S, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, TCPY, LDST, T, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, IRCOP, LDST, IR, LDST ) CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, LICOP, LDST, LI, LDST ) ELSE IF( BRQA21.GE.THRESH ) THEN GO TO 70 END IF * * Set lower triangle of B-part to zero * DO 50 I = 2, M CALL DCOPY( M-I+1, ZERO, 0, T( I, I-1 ), 1 ) 50 CONTINUE * IF( WANDS ) THEN * * Strong stability test: * F-norm((A-QL*S*QR', B-QL*T*QR')) <= O(EPS*F-norm((A,B))) * CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, A( J1, J1 ), LDA, WORK( M*M+1 ), $ M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', M, M, M, ONE, LI, LDST, S, LDST, ZERO, $ WORK, M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', M, M, M, -ONE, WORK, M, IR, LDST, ONE, $ WORK( M*M+1 ), M ) DSCALE = ZERO DSUM = ONE CALL DLASSQ( M*M, WORK( M*M+1 ), 1, DSCALE, DSUM ) * CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, B( J1, J1 ), LDB, WORK( M*M+1 ), $ M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', M, M, M, ONE, LI, LDST, T, LDST, ZERO, $ WORK, M ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', M, M, M, -ONE, WORK, M, IR, LDST, ONE, $ WORK( M*M+1 ), M ) CALL DLASSQ( M*M, WORK( M*M+1 ), 1, DSCALE, DSUM ) SS = DSCALE*SQRT( DSUM ) DTRONG = ( SS.LE.THRESH ) IF( .NOT.DTRONG ) $ GO TO 70 * END IF * * If the swap is accepted ("weakly" and "strongly"), apply the * transformations and set N1-by-N2 (2,1)-block to zero. * DO 60 I = 1, N2 CALL DCOPY( N1, ZERO, 0, S( N2+1, I ), 1 ) 60 CONTINUE * * copy back M-by-M diagonal block starting at index J1 of (A, B) * CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, S, LDST, A( J1, J1 ), LDA ) CALL DLACPY( 'F', M, M, T, LDST, B( J1, J1 ), LDB ) CALL DCOPY( LDST*LDST, ZERO, 0, T, 1 ) * * Standardize existing 2-by-2 blocks. * CALL DCOPY( M*M, ZERO, 0, WORK, 1 ) WORK( 1 ) = ONE T( 1, 1 ) = ONE IDUM = LWORK - M*M - 2 IF( N2.GT.1 ) THEN CALL DLAGV2( A( J1, J1 ), LDA, B( J1, J1 ), LDB, AR, AI, BE, $ WORK( 1 ), WORK( 2 ), T( 1, 1 ), T( 2, 1 ) ) WORK( M+1 ) = -WORK( 2 ) WORK( M+2 ) = WORK( 1 ) T( N2, N2 ) = T( 1, 1 ) T( 1, 2 ) = -T( 2, 1 ) END IF WORK( M*M ) = ONE T( M, M ) = ONE * IF( N1.GT.1 ) THEN CALL DLAGV2( A( J1+N2, J1+N2 ), LDA, B( J1+N2, J1+N2 ), LDB, $ TAUR, TAUL, WORK( M*M+1 ), WORK( N2*M+N2+1 ), $ WORK( N2*M+N2+2 ), T( N2+1, N2+1 ), $ T( M, M-1 ) ) WORK( M*M ) = WORK( N2*M+N2+1 ) WORK( M*M-1 ) = -WORK( N2*M+N2+2 ) T( M, M ) = T( N2+1, N2+1 ) T( M-1, M ) = -T( M, M-1 ) END IF CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', N2, N1, N2, ONE, WORK, M, A( J1, J1+N2 ), $ LDA, ZERO, WORK( M*M+1 ), N2 ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', N2, N1, WORK( M*M+1 ), N2, A( J1, J1+N2 ), $ LDA ) CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', N2, N1, N2, ONE, WORK, M, B( J1, J1+N2 ), $ LDB, ZERO, WORK( M*M+1 ), N2 ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', N2, N1, WORK( M*M+1 ), N2, B( J1, J1+N2 ), $ LDB ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', M, M, M, ONE, LI, LDST, WORK, M, ZERO, $ WORK( M*M+1 ), M ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, WORK( M*M+1 ), M, LI, LDST ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', N2, N1, N1, ONE, A( J1, J1+N2 ), LDA, $ T( N2+1, N2+1 ), LDST, ZERO, WORK, N2 ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', N2, N1, WORK, N2, A( J1, J1+N2 ), LDA ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', N2, N1, N1, ONE, B( J1, J1+N2 ), LDA, $ T( N2+1, N2+1 ), LDST, ZERO, WORK, N2 ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', N2, N1, WORK, N2, B( J1, J1+N2 ), LDB ) CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', M, M, M, ONE, IR, LDST, T, LDST, ZERO, $ WORK, M ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, M, WORK, M, IR, LDST ) * * Accumulate transformations into Q and Z if requested. * IF( WANTQ ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', N, M, M, ONE, Q( 1, J1 ), LDQ, LI, $ LDST, ZERO, WORK, N ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', N, M, WORK, N, Q( 1, J1 ), LDQ ) * END IF * IF( WANTZ ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', N, M, M, ONE, Z( 1, J1 ), LDZ, IR, $ LDST, ZERO, WORK, N ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', N, M, WORK, N, Z( 1, J1 ), LDZ ) * END IF * * Update (A(J1:J1+M-1, M+J1:N), B(J1:J1+M-1, M+J1:N)) and * (A(1:J1-1, J1:J1+M), B(1:J1-1, J1:J1+M)). * I = J1 + M IF( I.LE.N ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', M, N-I+1, M, ONE, LI, LDST, $ A( J1, I ), LDA, ZERO, WORK, M ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, N-I+1, WORK, M, A( J1, I ), LDA ) CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', M, N-I+1, M, ONE, LI, LDST, $ B( J1, I ), LDA, ZERO, WORK, M ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', M, N-I+1, WORK, M, B( J1, I ), LDA ) END IF I = J1 - 1 IF( I.GT.0 ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', I, M, M, ONE, A( 1, J1 ), LDA, IR, $ LDST, ZERO, WORK, I ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', I, M, WORK, I, A( 1, J1 ), LDA ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', I, M, M, ONE, B( 1, J1 ), LDB, IR, $ LDST, ZERO, WORK, I ) CALL DLACPY( 'Full', I, M, WORK, I, B( 1, J1 ), LDB ) END IF * * Exit with INFO = 0 if swap was successfully performed. * RETURN * END IF * * Exit with INFO = 1 if swap was rejected. * 70 CONTINUE * INFO = 1 RETURN * * End of DTGEX2 * END SUBROUTINE DTGSY2( TRANS, IJOB, M, N, A, LDA, B, LDB, C, LDC, D, $ LDD, E, LDE, F, LDF, SCALE, RDSUM, RDSCAL, $ IWORK, PQ, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER TRANS INTEGER IJOB, INFO, LDA, LDB, LDC, LDD, LDE, LDF, M, N, $ PQ DOUBLE PRECISION RDSCAL, RDSUM, SCALE * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IWORK( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * ), C( LDC, * ), $ D( LDD, * ), E( LDE, * ), F( LDF, * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * DTGSY2 solves the generalized Sylvester equation: * * A * R - L * B = scale * C (1) * D * R - L * E = scale * F, * * using Level 1 and 2 BLAS. where R and L are unknown M-by-N matrices, * (A, D), (B, E) and (C, F) are given matrix pairs of size M-by-M, * N-by-N and M-by-N, respectively, with real entries. (A, D) and (B, E) * must be in generalized Schur canonical form, i.e. A, B are upper * quasi triangular and D, E are upper triangular. The solution (R, L) * overwrites (C, F). 0 <= SCALE <= 1 is an output scaling factor * chosen to avoid overflow. * * In matrix notation solving equation (1) corresponds to solve * Z*x = scale*b, where Z is defined as * * Z = [ kron(In, A) -kron(B', Im) ] (2) * [ kron(In, D) -kron(E', Im) ], * * Ik is the identity matrix of size k and X' is the transpose of X. * kron(X, Y) is the Kronecker product between the matrices X and Y. * In the process of solving (1), we solve a number of such systems * where Dim(In), Dim(In) = 1 or 2. * * If TRANS = 'T', solve the transposed system Z'*y = scale*b for y, * which is equivalent to solve for R and L in * * A' * R + D' * L = scale * C (3) * R * B' + L * E' = scale * -F * * This case is used to compute an estimate of Dif[(A, D), (B, E)] = * sigma_min(Z) using reverse communicaton with DLACON. * * DTGSY2 also (IJOB >= 1) contributes to the computation in STGSYL * of an upper bound on the separation between to matrix pairs. Then * the input (A, D), (B, E) are sub-pencils of the matrix pair in * DTGSYL. See STGSYL for details. * * Arguments * ========= * * TRANS (input) CHARACTER * = 'N', solve the generalized Sylvester equation (1). * = 'T': solve the 'transposed' system (3). * * IJOB (input) INTEGER * Specifies what kind of functionality to be performed. * = 0: solve (1) only. * = 1: A contribution from this subsystem to a Frobenius * norm-based estimate of the separation between two matrix * pairs is computed. (look ahead strategy is used). * = 2: A contribution from this subsystem to a Frobenius * norm-based estimate of the separation between two matrix * pairs is computed. (DGECON on sub-systems is used.) * Not referenced if TRANS = 'T'. * * M (input) INTEGER * On entry, M specifies the order of A and D, and the row * dimension of C, F, R and L. * * N (input) INTEGER * On entry, N specifies the order of B and E, and the column * dimension of C, F, R and L. * * A (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA, M) * On entry, A contains an upper quasi triangular matrix. * * LDA (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the matrix A. LDA >= max(1, M). * * B (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB, N) * On entry, B contains an upper quasi triangular matrix. * * LDB (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the matrix B. LDB >= max(1, N). * * C (input/ output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDC, N) * On entry, C contains the right-hand-side of the first matrix * equation in (1). * On exit, if IJOB = 0, C has been overwritten by the * solution R. * * LDC (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the matrix C. LDC >= max(1, M). * * D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDD, M) * On entry, D contains an upper triangular matrix. * * LDD (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the matrix D. LDD >= max(1, M). * * E (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDE, N) * On entry, E contains an upper triangular matrix. * * LDE (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the matrix E. LDE >= max(1, N). * * F (input/ output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDF, N) * On entry, F contains the right-hand-side of the second matrix * equation in (1). * On exit, if IJOB = 0, F has been overwritten by the * solution L. * * LDF (input) INTEGER * The leading dimension of the matrix F. LDF >= max(1, M). * * SCALE (output) DOUBLE PRECISION * On exit, 0 <= SCALE <= 1. If 0 < SCALE < 1, the solutions * R and L (C and F on entry) will hold the solutions to a * slightly perturbed system but the input matrices A, B, D and * E have not been changed. If SCALE = 0, R and L will hold the * solutions to the homogeneous system with C = F = 0. Normally, * SCALE = 1. * * RDSUM (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION * On entry, the sum of squares of computed contributions to * the Dif-estimate under computation by DTGSYL, where the * scaling factor RDSCAL (see below) has been factored out. * On exit, the corresponding sum of squares updated with the * contributions from the current sub-system. * If TRANS = 'T' RDSUM is not touched. * NOTE: RDSUM only makes sense when DTGSY2 is called by STGSYL. * * RDSCAL (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION * On entry, scaling factor used to prevent overflow in RDSUM. * On exit, RDSCAL is updated w.r.t. the current contributions * in RDSUM. * If TRANS = 'T', RDSCAL is not touched. * NOTE: RDSCAL only makes sense when DTGSY2 is called by * DTGSYL. * * IWORK (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension (M+N+2) * * PQ (output) INTEGER * On exit, the number of subsystems (of size 2-by-2, 4-by-4 and * 8-by-8) solved by this routine. * * INFO (output) INTEGER * On exit, if INFO is set to * =0: Successful exit * <0: If INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. * >0: The matrix pairs (A, D) and (B, E) have common or very * close eigenvalues. * * Further Details * =============== * * Based on contributions by * Bo Kagstrom and Peter Poromaa, Department of Computing Science, * Umea University, S-901 87 Umea, Sweden. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. INTEGER LDZ PARAMETER ( LDZ = 8 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO, ONE PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0, ONE = 1.0D+0 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL NOTRAN INTEGER I, IE, IERR, II, IS, ISP1, J, JE, JJ, JS, JSP1, $ K, MB, NB, P, Q, ZDIM DOUBLE PRECISION ALPHA, SCALOC * .. * .. Local Arrays .. INTEGER IPIV( LDZ ), JPIV( LDZ ) DOUBLE PRECISION RHS( LDZ ), Z( LDZ, LDZ ) * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DAXPY, DCOPY, DGEMM, DGEMV, DGER, DGESC2, $ DGETC2, DLATDF, DSCAL, XERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Decode and test input parameters * INFO = 0 IERR = 0 NOTRAN = LSAME( TRANS, 'N' ) IF( .NOT.NOTRAN .AND. .NOT.LSAME( TRANS, 'T' ) ) THEN INFO = -1 ELSE IF( ( IJOB.LT.0 ) .OR. ( IJOB.GT.2 ) ) THEN INFO = -2 ELSE IF( M.LE.0 ) THEN INFO = -3 ELSE IF( N.LE.0 ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN INFO = -5 ELSE IF( LDB.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -8 ELSE IF( LDC.LT.MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN INFO = -10 ELSE IF( LDD.LT.MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN INFO = -12 ELSE IF( LDE.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) THEN INFO = -14 ELSE IF( LDF.LT.MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN INFO = -16 END IF IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL XERBLA( 'DTGSY2', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * Determine block structure of A * PQ = 0 P = 0 I = 1 10 CONTINUE IF( I.GT.M ) $ GO TO 20 P = P + 1 IWORK( P ) = I IF( I.EQ.M ) $ GO TO 20 IF( A( I+1, I ).NE.ZERO ) THEN I = I + 2 ELSE I = I + 1 END IF GO TO 10 20 CONTINUE IWORK( P+1 ) = M + 1 * * Determine block structure of B * Q = P + 1 J = 1 30 CONTINUE IF( J.GT.N ) $ GO TO 40 Q = Q + 1 IWORK( Q ) = J IF( J.EQ.N ) $ GO TO 40 IF( B( J+1, J ).NE.ZERO ) THEN J = J + 2 ELSE J = J + 1 END IF GO TO 30 40 CONTINUE IWORK( Q+1 ) = N + 1 PQ = P*( Q-P-1 ) * IF( NOTRAN ) THEN * * Solve (I, J) - subsystem * A(I, I) * R(I, J) - L(I, J) * B(J, J) = C(I, J) * D(I, I) * R(I, J) - L(I, J) * E(J, J) = F(I, J) * for I = P, P - 1, ..., 1; J = 1, 2, ..., Q * SCALE = ONE SCALOC = ONE DO 120 J = P + 2, Q JS = IWORK( J ) JSP1 = JS + 1 JE = IWORK( J+1 ) - 1 NB = JE - JS + 1 DO 110 I = P, 1, -1 * IS = IWORK( I ) ISP1 = IS + 1 IE = IWORK( I+1 ) - 1 MB = IE - IS + 1 ZDIM = MB*NB*2 * IF( ( MB.EQ.1 ) .AND. ( NB.EQ.1 ) ) THEN * * Build a 2-by-2 system Z * x = RHS * Z( 1, 1 ) = A( IS, IS ) Z( 2, 1 ) = D( IS, IS ) Z( 1, 2 ) = -B( JS, JS ) Z( 2, 2 ) = -E( JS, JS ) * * Set up right hand side(s) * RHS( 1 ) = C( IS, JS ) RHS( 2 ) = F( IS, JS ) * * Solve Z * x = RHS * CALL DGETC2( ZDIM, Z, LDZ, IPIV, JPIV, IERR ) IF( IERR.GT.0 ) $ INFO = IERR * IF( IJOB.EQ.0 ) THEN CALL DGESC2( ZDIM, Z, LDZ, RHS, IPIV, JPIV, $ SCALOC ) IF( SCALOC.NE.ONE ) THEN DO 50 K = 1, N CALL DSCAL( M, SCALOC, C( 1, K ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( M, SCALOC, F( 1, K ), 1 ) 50 CONTINUE SCALE = SCALE*SCALOC END IF ELSE CALL DLATDF( IJOB, ZDIM, Z, LDZ, RHS, RDSUM, $ RDSCAL, IPIV, JPIV ) END IF * * Unpack solution vector(s) * C( IS, JS ) = RHS( 1 ) F( IS, JS ) = RHS( 2 ) * * Substitute R(I, J) and L(I, J) into remaining * equation. * IF( I.GT.1 ) THEN ALPHA = -RHS( 1 ) CALL DAXPY( IS-1, ALPHA, A( 1, IS ), 1, C( 1, JS ), $ 1 ) CALL DAXPY( IS-1, ALPHA, D( 1, IS ), 1, F( 1, JS ), $ 1 ) END IF IF( J.LT.Q ) THEN CALL DAXPY( N-JE, RHS( 2 ), B( JS, JE+1 ), LDB, $ C( IS, JE+1 ), LDC ) CALL DAXPY( N-JE, RHS( 2 ), E( JS, JE+1 ), LDE, $ F( IS, JE+1 ), LDF ) END IF * ELSE IF( ( MB.EQ.1 ) .AND. ( NB.EQ.2 ) ) THEN * * Build a 4-by-4 system Z * x = RHS * Z( 1, 1 ) = A( IS, IS ) Z( 2, 1 ) = ZERO Z( 3, 1 ) = D( IS, IS ) Z( 4, 1 ) = ZERO * Z( 1, 2 ) = ZERO Z( 2, 2 ) = A( IS, IS ) Z( 3, 2 ) = ZERO Z( 4, 2 ) = D( IS, IS ) * Z( 1, 3 ) = -B( JS, JS ) Z( 2, 3 ) = -B( JS, JSP1 ) Z( 3, 3 ) = -E( JS, JS ) Z( 4, 3 ) = -E( JS, JSP1 ) * Z( 1, 4 ) = -B( JSP1, JS ) Z( 2, 4 ) = -B( JSP1, JSP1 ) Z( 3, 4 ) = ZERO Z( 4, 4 ) = -E( JSP1, JSP1 ) * * Set up right hand side(s) * RHS( 1 ) = C( IS, JS ) RHS( 2 ) = C( IS, JSP1 ) RHS( 3 ) = F( IS, JS ) RHS( 4 ) = F( IS, JSP1 ) * * Solve Z * x = RHS * CALL DGETC2( ZDIM, Z, LDZ, IPIV, JPIV, IERR ) IF( IERR.GT.0 ) $ INFO = IERR * IF( IJOB.EQ.0 ) THEN CALL DGESC2( ZDIM, Z, LDZ, RHS, IPIV, JPIV, $ SCALOC ) IF( SCALOC.NE.ONE ) THEN DO 60 K = 1, N CALL DSCAL( M, SCALOC, C( 1, K ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( M, SCALOC, F( 1, K ), 1 ) 60 CONTINUE SCALE = SCALE*SCALOC END IF ELSE CALL DLATDF( IJOB, ZDIM, Z, LDZ, RHS, RDSUM, $ RDSCAL, IPIV, JPIV ) END IF * * Unpack solution vector(s) * C( IS, JS ) = RHS( 1 ) C( IS, JSP1 ) = RHS( 2 ) F( IS, JS ) = RHS( 3 ) F( IS, JSP1 ) = RHS( 4 ) * * Substitute R(I, J) and L(I, J) into remaining * equation. * IF( I.GT.1 ) THEN CALL DGER( IS-1, NB, -ONE, A( 1, IS ), 1, RHS( 1 ), $ 1, C( 1, JS ), LDC ) CALL DGER( IS-1, NB, -ONE, D( 1, IS ), 1, RHS( 1 ), $ 1, F( 1, JS ), LDF ) END IF IF( J.LT.Q ) THEN CALL DAXPY( N-JE, RHS( 3 ), B( JS, JE+1 ), LDB, $ C( IS, JE+1 ), LDC ) CALL DAXPY( N-JE, RHS( 3 ), E( JS, JE+1 ), LDE, $ F( IS, JE+1 ), LDF ) CALL DAXPY( N-JE, RHS( 4 ), B( JSP1, JE+1 ), LDB, $ C( IS, JE+1 ), LDC ) CALL DAXPY( N-JE, RHS( 4 ), E( JSP1, JE+1 ), LDE, $ F( IS, JE+1 ), LDF ) END IF * ELSE IF( ( MB.EQ.2 ) .AND. ( NB.EQ.1 ) ) THEN * * Build a 4-by-4 system Z * x = RHS * Z( 1, 1 ) = A( IS, IS ) Z( 2, 1 ) = A( ISP1, IS ) Z( 3, 1 ) = D( IS, IS ) Z( 4, 1 ) = ZERO * Z( 1, 2 ) = A( IS, ISP1 ) Z( 2, 2 ) = A( ISP1, ISP1 ) Z( 3, 2 ) = D( IS, ISP1 ) Z( 4, 2 ) = D( ISP1, ISP1 ) * Z( 1, 3 ) = -B( JS, JS ) Z( 2, 3 ) = ZERO Z( 3, 3 ) = -E( JS, JS ) Z( 4, 3 ) = ZERO * Z( 1, 4 ) = ZERO Z( 2, 4 ) = -B( JS, JS ) Z( 3, 4 ) = ZERO Z( 4, 4 ) = -E( JS, JS ) * * Set up right hand side(s) * RHS( 1 ) = C( IS, JS ) RHS( 2 ) = C( ISP1, JS ) RHS( 3 ) = F( IS, JS ) RHS( 4 ) = F( ISP1, JS ) * * Solve Z * x = RHS * CALL DGETC2( ZDIM, Z, LDZ, IPIV, JPIV, IERR ) IF( IERR.GT.0 ) $ INFO = IERR IF( IJOB.EQ.0 ) THEN CALL DGESC2( ZDIM, Z, LDZ, RHS, IPIV, JPIV, $ SCALOC ) IF( SCALOC.NE.ONE ) THEN DO 70 K = 1, N CALL DSCAL( M, SCALOC, C( 1, K ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( M, SCALOC, F( 1, K ), 1 ) 70 CONTINUE SCALE = SCALE*SCALOC END IF ELSE CALL DLATDF( IJOB, ZDIM, Z, LDZ, RHS, RDSUM, $ RDSCAL, IPIV, JPIV ) END IF * * Unpack solution vector(s) * C( IS, JS ) = RHS( 1 ) C( ISP1, JS ) = RHS( 2 ) F( IS, JS ) = RHS( 3 ) F( ISP1, JS ) = RHS( 4 ) * * Substitute R(I, J) and L(I, J) into remaining * equation. * IF( I.GT.1 ) THEN CALL DGEMV( 'N', IS-1, MB, -ONE, A( 1, IS ), LDA, $ RHS( 1 ), 1, ONE, C( 1, JS ), 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'N', IS-1, MB, -ONE, D( 1, IS ), LDD, $ RHS( 1 ), 1, ONE, F( 1, JS ), 1 ) END IF IF( J.LT.Q ) THEN CALL DGER( MB, N-JE, ONE, RHS( 3 ), 1, $ B( JS, JE+1 ), LDB, C( IS, JE+1 ), LDC ) CALL DGER( MB, N-JE, ONE, RHS( 3 ), 1, $ E( JS, JE+1 ), LDB, F( IS, JE+1 ), LDC ) END IF * ELSE IF( ( MB.EQ.2 ) .AND. ( NB.EQ.2 ) ) THEN * * Build an 8-by-8 system Z * x = RHS * CALL DCOPY( LDZ*LDZ, ZERO, 0, Z, 1 ) * Z( 1, 1 ) = A( IS, IS ) Z( 2, 1 ) = A( ISP1, IS ) Z( 5, 1 ) = D( IS, IS ) * Z( 1, 2 ) = A( IS, ISP1 ) Z( 2, 2 ) = A( ISP1, ISP1 ) Z( 5, 2 ) = D( IS, ISP1 ) Z( 6, 2 ) = D( ISP1, ISP1 ) * Z( 3, 3 ) = A( IS, IS ) Z( 4, 3 ) = A( ISP1, IS ) Z( 7, 3 ) = D( IS, IS ) * Z( 3, 4 ) = A( IS, ISP1 ) Z( 4, 4 ) = A( ISP1, ISP1 ) Z( 7, 4 ) = D( IS, ISP1 ) Z( 8, 4 ) = D( ISP1, ISP1 ) * Z( 1, 5 ) = -B( JS, JS ) Z( 3, 5 ) = -B( JS, JSP1 ) Z( 5, 5 ) = -E( JS, JS ) Z( 7, 5 ) = -E( JS, JSP1 ) * Z( 2, 6 ) = -B( JS, JS ) Z( 4, 6 ) = -B( JS, JSP1 ) Z( 6, 6 ) = -E( JS, JS ) Z( 8, 6 ) = -E( JS, JSP1 ) * Z( 1, 7 ) = -B( JSP1, JS ) Z( 3, 7 ) = -B( JSP1, JSP1 ) Z( 7, 7 ) = -E( JSP1, JSP1 ) * Z( 2, 8 ) = -B( JSP1, JS ) Z( 4, 8 ) = -B( JSP1, JSP1 ) Z( 8, 8 ) = -E( JSP1, JSP1 ) * * Set up right hand side(s) * K = 1 II = MB*NB + 1 DO 80 JJ = 0, NB - 1 CALL DCOPY( MB, C( IS, JS+JJ ), 1, RHS( K ), 1 ) CALL DCOPY( MB, F( IS, JS+JJ ), 1, RHS( II ), 1 ) K = K + MB II = II + MB 80 CONTINUE * * Solve Z * x = RHS * CALL DGETC2( ZDIM, Z, LDZ, IPIV, JPIV, IERR ) IF( IERR.GT.0 ) $ INFO = IERR IF( IJOB.EQ.0 ) THEN CALL DGESC2( ZDIM, Z, LDZ, RHS, IPIV, JPIV, $ SCALOC ) IF( SCALOC.NE.ONE ) THEN DO 90 K = 1, N CALL DSCAL( M, SCALOC, C( 1, K ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( M, SCALOC, F( 1, K ), 1 ) 90 CONTINUE SCALE = SCALE*SCALOC END IF ELSE CALL DLATDF( IJOB, ZDIM, Z, LDZ, RHS, RDSUM, $ RDSCAL, IPIV, JPIV ) END IF * * Unpack solution vector(s) * K = 1 II = MB*NB + 1 DO 100 JJ = 0, NB - 1 CALL DCOPY( MB, RHS( K ), 1, C( IS, JS+JJ ), 1 ) CALL DCOPY( MB, RHS( II ), 1, F( IS, JS+JJ ), 1 ) K = K + MB II = II + MB 100 CONTINUE * * Substitute R(I, J) and L(I, J) into remaining * equation. * IF( I.GT.1 ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', IS-1, NB, MB, -ONE, $ A( 1, IS ), LDA, RHS( 1 ), MB, ONE, $ C( 1, JS ), LDC ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', IS-1, NB, MB, -ONE, $ D( 1, IS ), LDD, RHS( 1 ), MB, ONE, $ F( 1, JS ), LDF ) END IF IF( J.LT.Q ) THEN K = MB*NB + 1 CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', MB, N-JE, NB, ONE, RHS( K ), $ MB, B( JS, JE+1 ), LDB, ONE, $ C( IS, JE+1 ), LDC ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'N', MB, N-JE, NB, ONE, RHS( K ), $ MB, E( JS, JE+1 ), LDE, ONE, $ F( IS, JE+1 ), LDF ) END IF * END IF * 110 CONTINUE 120 CONTINUE ELSE * * Solve (I, J) - subsystem * A(I, I)' * R(I, J) + D(I, I)' * L(J, J) = C(I, J) * R(I, I) * B(J, J) + L(I, J) * E(J, J) = -F(I, J) * for I = 1, 2, ..., P, J = Q, Q - 1, ..., 1 * SCALE = ONE SCALOC = ONE DO 200 I = 1, P * IS = IWORK( I ) ISP1 = IS + 1 IE = IWORK( I+1 ) - 1 MB = IE - IS + 1 DO 190 J = Q, P + 2, -1 * JS = IWORK( J ) JSP1 = JS + 1 JE = IWORK( J+1 ) - 1 NB = JE - JS + 1 ZDIM = MB*NB*2 IF( ( MB.EQ.1 ) .AND. ( NB.EQ.1 ) ) THEN * * Build a 2-by-2 system Z' * x = RHS * Z( 1, 1 ) = A( IS, IS ) Z( 2, 1 ) = -B( JS, JS ) Z( 1, 2 ) = D( IS, IS ) Z( 2, 2 ) = -E( JS, JS ) * * Set up right hand side(s) * RHS( 1 ) = C( IS, JS ) RHS( 2 ) = F( IS, JS ) * * Solve Z' * x = RHS * CALL DGETC2( ZDIM, Z, LDZ, IPIV, JPIV, IERR ) IF( IERR.GT.0 ) $ INFO = IERR * CALL DGESC2( ZDIM, Z, LDZ, RHS, IPIV, JPIV, SCALOC ) IF( SCALOC.NE.ONE ) THEN DO 130 K = 1, N CALL DSCAL( M, SCALOC, C( 1, K ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( M, SCALOC, F( 1, K ), 1 ) 130 CONTINUE SCALE = SCALE*SCALOC END IF * * Unpack solution vector(s) * C( IS, JS ) = RHS( 1 ) F( IS, JS ) = RHS( 2 ) * * Substitute R(I, J) and L(I, J) into remaining * equation. * IF( J.GT.P+2 ) THEN ALPHA = RHS( 1 ) CALL DAXPY( JS-1, ALPHA, B( 1, JS ), 1, F( IS, 1 ), $ LDF ) ALPHA = RHS( 2 ) CALL DAXPY( JS-1, ALPHA, E( 1, JS ), 1, F( IS, 1 ), $ LDF ) END IF IF( I.LT.P ) THEN ALPHA = -RHS( 1 ) CALL DAXPY( M-IE, ALPHA, A( IS, IE+1 ), LDA, $ C( IE+1, JS ), 1 ) ALPHA = -RHS( 2 ) CALL DAXPY( M-IE, ALPHA, D( IS, IE+1 ), LDD, $ C( IE+1, JS ), 1 ) END IF * ELSE IF( ( MB.EQ.1 ) .AND. ( NB.EQ.2 ) ) THEN * * Build a 4-by-4 system Z' * x = RHS * Z( 1, 1 ) = A( IS, IS ) Z( 2, 1 ) = ZERO Z( 3, 1 ) = -B( JS, JS ) Z( 4, 1 ) = -B( JSP1, JS ) * Z( 1, 2 ) = ZERO Z( 2, 2 ) = A( IS, IS ) Z( 3, 2 ) = -B( JS, JSP1 ) Z( 4, 2 ) = -B( JSP1, JSP1 ) * Z( 1, 3 ) = D( IS, IS ) Z( 2, 3 ) = ZERO Z( 3, 3 ) = -E( JS, JS ) Z( 4, 3 ) = ZERO * Z( 1, 4 ) = ZERO Z( 2, 4 ) = D( IS, IS ) Z( 3, 4 ) = -E( JS, JSP1 ) Z( 4, 4 ) = -E( JSP1, JSP1 ) * * Set up right hand side(s) * RHS( 1 ) = C( IS, JS ) RHS( 2 ) = C( IS, JSP1 ) RHS( 3 ) = F( IS, JS ) RHS( 4 ) = F( IS, JSP1 ) * * Solve Z' * x = RHS * CALL DGETC2( ZDIM, Z, LDZ, IPIV, JPIV, IERR ) IF( IERR.GT.0 ) $ INFO = IERR CALL DGESC2( ZDIM, Z, LDZ, RHS, IPIV, JPIV, SCALOC ) IF( SCALOC.NE.ONE ) THEN DO 140 K = 1, N CALL DSCAL( M, SCALOC, C( 1, K ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( M, SCALOC, F( 1, K ), 1 ) 140 CONTINUE SCALE = SCALE*SCALOC END IF * * Unpack solution vector(s) * C( IS, JS ) = RHS( 1 ) C( IS, JSP1 ) = RHS( 2 ) F( IS, JS ) = RHS( 3 ) F( IS, JSP1 ) = RHS( 4 ) * * Substitute R(I, J) and L(I, J) into remaining * equation. * IF( J.GT.P+2 ) THEN CALL DAXPY( JS-1, RHS( 1 ), B( 1, JS ), 1, $ F( IS, 1 ), LDF ) CALL DAXPY( JS-1, RHS( 2 ), B( 1, JSP1 ), 1, $ F( IS, 1 ), LDF ) CALL DAXPY( JS-1, RHS( 3 ), E( 1, JS ), 1, $ F( IS, 1 ), LDF ) CALL DAXPY( JS-1, RHS( 4 ), E( 1, JSP1 ), 1, $ F( IS, 1 ), LDF ) END IF IF( I.LT.P ) THEN CALL DGER( M-IE, NB, -ONE, A( IS, IE+1 ), LDA, $ RHS( 1 ), 1, C( IE+1, JS ), LDC ) CALL DGER( M-IE, NB, -ONE, D( IS, IE+1 ), LDD, $ RHS( 3 ), 1, C( IE+1, JS ), LDC ) END IF * ELSE IF( ( MB.EQ.2 ) .AND. ( NB.EQ.1 ) ) THEN * * Build a 4-by-4 system Z' * x = RHS * Z( 1, 1 ) = A( IS, IS ) Z( 2, 1 ) = A( IS, ISP1 ) Z( 3, 1 ) = -B( JS, JS ) Z( 4, 1 ) = ZERO * Z( 1, 2 ) = A( ISP1, IS ) Z( 2, 2 ) = A( ISP1, ISP1 ) Z( 3, 2 ) = ZERO Z( 4, 2 ) = -B( JS, JS ) * Z( 1, 3 ) = D( IS, IS ) Z( 2, 3 ) = D( IS, ISP1 ) Z( 3, 3 ) = -E( JS, JS ) Z( 4, 3 ) = ZERO * Z( 1, 4 ) = ZERO Z( 2, 4 ) = D( ISP1, ISP1 ) Z( 3, 4 ) = ZERO Z( 4, 4 ) = -E( JS, JS ) * * Set up right hand side(s) * RHS( 1 ) = C( IS, JS ) RHS( 2 ) = C( ISP1, JS ) RHS( 3 ) = F( IS, JS ) RHS( 4 ) = F( ISP1, JS ) * * Solve Z' * x = RHS * CALL DGETC2( ZDIM, Z, LDZ, IPIV, JPIV, IERR ) IF( IERR.GT.0 ) $ INFO = IERR * CALL DGESC2( ZDIM, Z, LDZ, RHS, IPIV, JPIV, SCALOC ) IF( SCALOC.NE.ONE ) THEN DO 150 K = 1, N CALL DSCAL( M, SCALOC, C( 1, K ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( M, SCALOC, F( 1, K ), 1 ) 150 CONTINUE SCALE = SCALE*SCALOC END IF * * Unpack solution vector(s) * C( IS, JS ) = RHS( 1 ) C( ISP1, JS ) = RHS( 2 ) F( IS, JS ) = RHS( 3 ) F( ISP1, JS ) = RHS( 4 ) * * Substitute R(I, J) and L(I, J) into remaining * equation. * IF( J.GT.P+2 ) THEN CALL DGER( MB, JS-1, ONE, RHS( 1 ), 1, B( 1, JS ), $ 1, F( IS, 1 ), LDF ) CALL DGER( MB, JS-1, ONE, RHS( 3 ), 1, E( 1, JS ), $ 1, F( IS, 1 ), LDF ) END IF IF( I.LT.P ) THEN CALL DGEMV( 'T', MB, M-IE, -ONE, A( IS, IE+1 ), $ LDA, RHS( 1 ), 1, ONE, C( IE+1, JS ), $ 1 ) CALL DGEMV( 'T', MB, M-IE, -ONE, D( IS, IE+1 ), $ LDD, RHS( 3 ), 1, ONE, C( IE+1, JS ), $ 1 ) END IF * ELSE IF( ( MB.EQ.2 ) .AND. ( NB.EQ.2 ) ) THEN * * Build an 8-by-8 system Z' * x = RHS * CALL DCOPY( LDZ*LDZ, ZERO, 0, Z, 1 ) * Z( 1, 1 ) = A( IS, IS ) Z( 2, 1 ) = A( IS, ISP1 ) Z( 5, 1 ) = -B( JS, JS ) Z( 7, 1 ) = -B( JSP1, JS ) * Z( 1, 2 ) = A( ISP1, IS ) Z( 2, 2 ) = A( ISP1, ISP1 ) Z( 6, 2 ) = -B( JS, JS ) Z( 8, 2 ) = -B( JSP1, JS ) * Z( 3, 3 ) = A( IS, IS ) Z( 4, 3 ) = A( IS, ISP1 ) Z( 5, 3 ) = -B( JS, JSP1 ) Z( 7, 3 ) = -B( JSP1, JSP1 ) * Z( 3, 4 ) = A( ISP1, IS ) Z( 4, 4 ) = A( ISP1, ISP1 ) Z( 6, 4 ) = -B( JS, JSP1 ) Z( 8, 4 ) = -B( JSP1, JSP1 ) * Z( 1, 5 ) = D( IS, IS ) Z( 2, 5 ) = D( IS, ISP1 ) Z( 5, 5 ) = -E( JS, JS ) * Z( 2, 6 ) = D( ISP1, ISP1 ) Z( 6, 6 ) = -E( JS, JS ) * Z( 3, 7 ) = D( IS, IS ) Z( 4, 7 ) = D( IS, ISP1 ) Z( 5, 7 ) = -E( JS, JSP1 ) Z( 7, 7 ) = -E( JSP1, JSP1 ) * Z( 4, 8 ) = D( ISP1, ISP1 ) Z( 6, 8 ) = -E( JS, JSP1 ) Z( 8, 8 ) = -E( JSP1, JSP1 ) * * Set up right hand side(s) * K = 1 II = MB*NB + 1 DO 160 JJ = 0, NB - 1 CALL DCOPY( MB, C( IS, JS+JJ ), 1, RHS( K ), 1 ) CALL DCOPY( MB, F( IS, JS+JJ ), 1, RHS( II ), 1 ) K = K + MB II = II + MB 160 CONTINUE * * * Solve Z' * x = RHS * CALL DGETC2( ZDIM, Z, LDZ, IPIV, JPIV, IERR ) IF( IERR.GT.0 ) $ INFO = IERR * CALL DGESC2( ZDIM, Z, LDZ, RHS, IPIV, JPIV, SCALOC ) IF( SCALOC.NE.ONE ) THEN DO 170 K = 1, N CALL DSCAL( M, SCALOC, C( 1, K ), 1 ) CALL DSCAL( M, SCALOC, F( 1, K ), 1 ) 170 CONTINUE SCALE = SCALE*SCALOC END IF * * Unpack solution vector(s) * K = 1 II = MB*NB + 1 DO 180 JJ = 0, NB - 1 CALL DCOPY( MB, RHS( K ), 1, C( IS, JS+JJ ), 1 ) CALL DCOPY( MB, RHS( II ), 1, F( IS, JS+JJ ), 1 ) K = K + MB II = II + MB 180 CONTINUE * * Substitute R(I, J) and L(I, J) into remaining * equation. * IF( J.GT.P+2 ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'T', MB, JS-1, NB, ONE, $ C( IS, JS ), LDC, B( 1, JS ), LDB, ONE, $ F( IS, 1 ), LDF ) CALL DGEMM( 'N', 'T', MB, JS-1, NB, ONE, $ F( IS, JS ), LDF, E( 1, JS ), LDE, ONE, $ F( IS, 1 ), LDF ) END IF IF( I.LT.P ) THEN CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', M-IE, NB, MB, -ONE, $ A( IS, IE+1 ), LDA, C( IS, JS ), LDC, $ ONE, C( IE+1, JS ), LDC ) CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', M-IE, NB, MB, -ONE, $ D( IS, IE+1 ), LDD, F( IS, JS ), LDF, $ ONE, C( IE+1, JS ), LDC ) END IF * END IF * 190 CONTINUE 200 CONTINUE * END IF RETURN * * End of DTGSY2 * END INTEGER FUNCTION IEEECK( ISPEC, ZERO, ONE ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1998 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER ISPEC REAL ONE, ZERO * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * IEEECK is called from the ILAENV to verify that Infinity and * possibly NaN arithmetic is safe (i.e. will not trap). * * Arguments * ========= * * ISPEC (input) INTEGER * Specifies whether to test just for inifinity arithmetic * or whether to test for infinity and NaN arithmetic. * = 0: Verify infinity arithmetic only. * = 1: Verify infinity and NaN arithmetic. * * ZERO (input) REAL * Must contain the value 0.0 * This is passed to prevent the compiler from optimizing * away this code. * * ONE (input) REAL * Must contain the value 1.0 * This is passed to prevent the compiler from optimizing * away this code. * * RETURN VALUE: INTEGER * = 0: Arithmetic failed to produce the correct answers * = 1: Arithmetic produced the correct answers * * .. Local Scalars .. REAL NAN1, NAN2, NAN3, NAN4, NAN5, NAN6, NEGINF, $ NEGZRO, NEWZRO, POSINF * .. * .. Executable Statements .. IEEECK = 1 * POSINF = ONE / ZERO IF( POSINF.LE.ONE ) THEN IEEECK = 0 RETURN END IF * NEGINF = -ONE / ZERO IF( NEGINF.GE.ZERO ) THEN IEEECK = 0 RETURN END IF * NEGZRO = ONE / ( NEGINF+ONE ) IF( NEGZRO.NE.ZERO ) THEN IEEECK = 0 RETURN END IF * NEGINF = ONE / NEGZRO IF( NEGINF.GE.ZERO ) THEN IEEECK = 0 RETURN END IF * NEWZRO = NEGZRO + ZERO IF( NEWZRO.NE.ZERO ) THEN IEEECK = 0 RETURN END IF * POSINF = ONE / NEWZRO IF( POSINF.LE.ONE ) THEN IEEECK = 0 RETURN END IF * NEGINF = NEGINF*POSINF IF( NEGINF.GE.ZERO ) THEN IEEECK = 0 RETURN END IF * POSINF = POSINF*POSINF IF( POSINF.LE.ONE ) THEN IEEECK = 0 RETURN END IF * * * * * Return if we were only asked to check infinity arithmetic * IF( ISPEC.EQ.0 ) $ RETURN * NAN1 = POSINF + NEGINF * NAN2 = POSINF / NEGINF * NAN3 = POSINF / POSINF * NAN4 = POSINF*ZERO * NAN5 = NEGINF*NEGZRO * NAN6 = NAN5*0.0 * IF( NAN1.EQ.NAN1 ) THEN IEEECK = 0 RETURN END IF * IF( NAN2.EQ.NAN2 ) THEN IEEECK = 0 RETURN END IF * IF( NAN3.EQ.NAN3 ) THEN IEEECK = 0 RETURN END IF * IF( NAN4.EQ.NAN4 ) THEN IEEECK = 0 RETURN END IF * IF( NAN5.EQ.NAN5 ) THEN IEEECK = 0 RETURN END IF * IF( NAN6.EQ.NAN6 ) THEN IEEECK = 0 RETURN END IF * RETURN END INTEGER FUNCTION ILAENV( ISPEC, NAME, OPTS, N1, N2, N3, $ N4 ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * June 30, 1999 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER*( * ) NAME, OPTS INTEGER ISPEC, N1, N2, N3, N4 * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * ILAENV is called from the LAPACK routines to choose problem-dependent * parameters for the local environment. See ISPEC for a description of * the parameters. * * This version provides a set of parameters which should give good, * but not optimal, performance on many of the currently available * computers. Users are encouraged to modify this subroutine to set * the tuning parameters for their particular machine using the option * and problem size information in the arguments. * * This routine will not function correctly if it is converted to all * lower case. Converting it to all upper case is allowed. * * Arguments * ========= * * ISPEC (input) INTEGER * Specifies the parameter to be returned as the value of * ILAENV. * = 1: the optimal blocksize; if this value is 1, an unblocked * algorithm will give the best performance. * = 2: the minimum block size for which the block routine * should be used; if the usable block size is less than * this value, an unblocked routine should be used. * = 3: the crossover point (in a block routine, for N less * than this value, an unblocked routine should be used) * = 4: the number of shifts, used in the nonsymmetric * eigenvalue routines * = 5: the minimum column dimension for blocking to be used; * rectangular blocks must have dimension at least k by m, * where k is given by ILAENV(2,...) and m by ILAENV(5,...) * = 6: the crossover point for the SVD (when reducing an m by n * matrix to bidiagonal form, if max(m,n)/min(m,n) exceeds * this value, a QR factorization is used first to reduce * the matrix to a triangular form.) * = 7: the number of processors * = 8: the crossover point for the multishift QR and QZ methods * for nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems. * = 9: maximum size of the subproblems at the bottom of the * computation tree in the divide-and-conquer algorithm * (used by xGELSD and xGESDD) * =10: ieee NaN arithmetic can be trusted not to trap * =11: infinity arithmetic can be trusted not to trap * * NAME (input) CHARACTER*(*) * The name of the calling subroutine, in either upper case or * lower case. * * OPTS (input) CHARACTER*(*) * The character options to the subroutine NAME, concatenated * into a single character string. For example, UPLO = 'U', * TRANS = 'T', and DIAG = 'N' for a triangular routine would * be specified as OPTS = 'UTN'. * * N1 (input) INTEGER * N2 (input) INTEGER * N3 (input) INTEGER * N4 (input) INTEGER * Problem dimensions for the subroutine NAME; these may not all * be required. * * (ILAENV) (output) INTEGER * >= 0: the value of the parameter specified by ISPEC * < 0: if ILAENV = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value. * * Further Details * =============== * * The following conventions have been used when calling ILAENV from the * LAPACK routines: * 1) OPTS is a concatenation of all of the character options to * subroutine NAME, in the same order that they appear in the * argument list for NAME, even if they are not used in determining * the value of the parameter specified by ISPEC. * 2) The problem dimensions N1, N2, N3, N4 are specified in the order * that they appear in the argument list for NAME. N1 is used * first, N2 second, and so on, and unused problem dimensions are * passed a value of -1. * 3) The parameter value returned by ILAENV is checked for validity in * the calling subroutine. For example, ILAENV is used to retrieve * the optimal blocksize for STRTRI as follows: * * NB = ILAENV( 1, 'STRTRI', UPLO // DIAG, N, -1, -1, -1 ) * IF( NB.LE.1 ) NB = MAX( 1, N ) * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL CNAME, SNAME CHARACTER*1 C1 CHARACTER*2 C2, C4 CHARACTER*3 C3 CHARACTER*6 SUBNAM INTEGER I, IC, IZ, NB, NBMIN, NX * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC CHAR, ICHAR, INT, MIN, REAL * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER IEEECK EXTERNAL IEEECK * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * GO TO ( 100, 100, 100, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, $ 1100 ) ISPEC * * Invalid value for ISPEC * ILAENV = -1 RETURN * 100 CONTINUE * * Convert NAME to upper case if the first character is lower case. * ILAENV = 1 SUBNAM = NAME IC = ICHAR( SUBNAM( 1:1 ) ) IZ = ICHAR( 'Z' ) IF( IZ.EQ.90 .OR. IZ.EQ.122 ) THEN * * ASCII character set * IF( IC.GE.97 .AND. IC.LE.122 ) THEN SUBNAM( 1:1 ) = CHAR( IC-32 ) DO 10 I = 2, 6 IC = ICHAR( SUBNAM( I:I ) ) IF( IC.GE.97 .AND. IC.LE.122 ) $ SUBNAM( I:I ) = CHAR( IC-32 ) 10 CONTINUE END IF * ELSE IF( IZ.EQ.233 .OR. IZ.EQ.169 ) THEN * * EBCDIC character set * IF( ( IC.GE.129 .AND. IC.LE.137 ) .OR. $ ( IC.GE.145 .AND. IC.LE.153 ) .OR. $ ( IC.GE.162 .AND. IC.LE.169 ) ) THEN SUBNAM( 1:1 ) = CHAR( IC+64 ) DO 20 I = 2, 6 IC = ICHAR( SUBNAM( I:I ) ) IF( ( IC.GE.129 .AND. IC.LE.137 ) .OR. $ ( IC.GE.145 .AND. IC.LE.153 ) .OR. $ ( IC.GE.162 .AND. IC.LE.169 ) ) $ SUBNAM( I:I ) = CHAR( IC+64 ) 20 CONTINUE END IF * ELSE IF( IZ.EQ.218 .OR. IZ.EQ.250 ) THEN * * Prime machines: ASCII+128 * IF( IC.GE.225 .AND. IC.LE.250 ) THEN SUBNAM( 1:1 ) = CHAR( IC-32 ) DO 30 I = 2, 6 IC = ICHAR( SUBNAM( I:I ) ) IF( IC.GE.225 .AND. IC.LE.250 ) $ SUBNAM( I:I ) = CHAR( IC-32 ) 30 CONTINUE END IF END IF * C1 = SUBNAM( 1:1 ) SNAME = C1.EQ.'S' .OR. C1.EQ.'D' CNAME = C1.EQ.'C' .OR. C1.EQ.'Z' IF( .NOT.( CNAME .OR. SNAME ) ) $ RETURN C2 = SUBNAM( 2:3 ) C3 = SUBNAM( 4:6 ) C4 = C3( 2:3 ) * GO TO ( 110, 200, 300 ) ISPEC * 110 CONTINUE * * ISPEC = 1: block size * * In these examples, separate code is provided for setting NB for * real and complex. We assume that NB will take the same value in * single or double precision. * NB = 1 * IF( C2.EQ.'GE' ) THEN IF( C3.EQ.'TRF' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NB = 64 ELSE NB = 64 END IF ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'QRF' .OR. C3.EQ.'RQF' .OR. C3.EQ.'LQF' .OR. $ C3.EQ.'QLF' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NB = 32 ELSE NB = 32 END IF ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'HRD' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NB = 32 ELSE NB = 32 END IF ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'BRD' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NB = 32 ELSE NB = 32 END IF ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'TRI' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NB = 64 ELSE NB = 64 END IF END IF ELSE IF( C2.EQ.'PO' ) THEN IF( C3.EQ.'TRF' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NB = 64 ELSE NB = 64 END IF END IF ELSE IF( C2.EQ.'SY' ) THEN IF( C3.EQ.'TRF' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NB = 64 ELSE NB = 64 END IF ELSE IF( SNAME .AND. C3.EQ.'TRD' ) THEN NB = 32 ELSE IF( SNAME .AND. C3.EQ.'GST' ) THEN NB = 64 END IF ELSE IF( CNAME .AND. C2.EQ.'HE' ) THEN IF( C3.EQ.'TRF' ) THEN NB = 64 ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'TRD' ) THEN NB = 32 ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'GST' ) THEN NB = 64 END IF ELSE IF( SNAME .AND. C2.EQ.'OR' ) THEN IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'G' ) THEN IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN NB = 32 END IF ELSE IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'M' ) THEN IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN NB = 32 END IF END IF ELSE IF( CNAME .AND. C2.EQ.'UN' ) THEN IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'G' ) THEN IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN NB = 32 END IF ELSE IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'M' ) THEN IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN NB = 32 END IF END IF ELSE IF( C2.EQ.'GB' ) THEN IF( C3.EQ.'TRF' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN IF( N4.LE.64 ) THEN NB = 1 ELSE NB = 32 END IF ELSE IF( N4.LE.64 ) THEN NB = 1 ELSE NB = 32 END IF END IF END IF ELSE IF( C2.EQ.'PB' ) THEN IF( C3.EQ.'TRF' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN IF( N2.LE.64 ) THEN NB = 1 ELSE NB = 32 END IF ELSE IF( N2.LE.64 ) THEN NB = 1 ELSE NB = 32 END IF END IF END IF ELSE IF( C2.EQ.'TR' ) THEN IF( C3.EQ.'TRI' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NB = 64 ELSE NB = 64 END IF END IF ELSE IF( C2.EQ.'LA' ) THEN IF( C3.EQ.'UUM' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NB = 64 ELSE NB = 64 END IF END IF ELSE IF( SNAME .AND. C2.EQ.'ST' ) THEN IF( C3.EQ.'EBZ' ) THEN NB = 1 END IF END IF ILAENV = NB RETURN * 200 CONTINUE * * ISPEC = 2: minimum block size * NBMIN = 2 IF( C2.EQ.'GE' ) THEN IF( C3.EQ.'QRF' .OR. C3.EQ.'RQF' .OR. C3.EQ.'LQF' .OR. $ C3.EQ.'QLF' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NBMIN = 2 ELSE NBMIN = 2 END IF ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'HRD' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NBMIN = 2 ELSE NBMIN = 2 END IF ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'BRD' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NBMIN = 2 ELSE NBMIN = 2 END IF ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'TRI' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NBMIN = 2 ELSE NBMIN = 2 END IF END IF ELSE IF( C2.EQ.'SY' ) THEN IF( C3.EQ.'TRF' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NBMIN = 8 ELSE NBMIN = 8 END IF ELSE IF( SNAME .AND. C3.EQ.'TRD' ) THEN NBMIN = 2 END IF ELSE IF( CNAME .AND. C2.EQ.'HE' ) THEN IF( C3.EQ.'TRD' ) THEN NBMIN = 2 END IF ELSE IF( SNAME .AND. C2.EQ.'OR' ) THEN IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'G' ) THEN IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN NBMIN = 2 END IF ELSE IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'M' ) THEN IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN NBMIN = 2 END IF END IF ELSE IF( CNAME .AND. C2.EQ.'UN' ) THEN IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'G' ) THEN IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN NBMIN = 2 END IF ELSE IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'M' ) THEN IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN NBMIN = 2 END IF END IF END IF ILAENV = NBMIN RETURN * 300 CONTINUE * * ISPEC = 3: crossover point * NX = 0 IF( C2.EQ.'GE' ) THEN IF( C3.EQ.'QRF' .OR. C3.EQ.'RQF' .OR. C3.EQ.'LQF' .OR. $ C3.EQ.'QLF' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NX = 128 ELSE NX = 128 END IF ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'HRD' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NX = 128 ELSE NX = 128 END IF ELSE IF( C3.EQ.'BRD' ) THEN IF( SNAME ) THEN NX = 128 ELSE NX = 128 END IF END IF ELSE IF( C2.EQ.'SY' ) THEN IF( SNAME .AND. C3.EQ.'TRD' ) THEN NX = 32 END IF ELSE IF( CNAME .AND. C2.EQ.'HE' ) THEN IF( C3.EQ.'TRD' ) THEN NX = 32 END IF ELSE IF( SNAME .AND. C2.EQ.'OR' ) THEN IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'G' ) THEN IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN NX = 128 END IF END IF ELSE IF( CNAME .AND. C2.EQ.'UN' ) THEN IF( C3( 1:1 ).EQ.'G' ) THEN IF( C4.EQ.'QR' .OR. C4.EQ.'RQ' .OR. C4.EQ.'LQ' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'QL' .OR. C4.EQ.'HR' .OR. C4.EQ.'TR' .OR. $ C4.EQ.'BR' ) THEN NX = 128 END IF END IF END IF ILAENV = NX RETURN * 400 CONTINUE * * ISPEC = 4: number of shifts (used by xHSEQR) * ILAENV = 6 RETURN * 500 CONTINUE * * ISPEC = 5: minimum column dimension (not used) * ILAENV = 2 RETURN * 600 CONTINUE * * ISPEC = 6: crossover point for SVD (used by xGELSS and xGESVD) * ILAENV = INT( REAL( MIN( N1, N2 ) )*1.6E0 ) RETURN * 700 CONTINUE * * ISPEC = 7: number of processors (not used) * ILAENV = 1 RETURN * 800 CONTINUE * * ISPEC = 8: crossover point for multishift (used by xHSEQR) * ILAENV = 50 RETURN * 900 CONTINUE * * ISPEC = 9: maximum size of the subproblems at the bottom of the * computation tree in the divide-and-conquer algorithm * (used by xGELSD and xGESDD) * ILAENV = 25 RETURN * 1000 CONTINUE * * ISPEC = 10: ieee NaN arithmetic can be trusted not to trap * C ILAENV = 0 ILAENV = 1 IF( ILAENV.EQ.1 ) THEN ILAENV = IEEECK( 0, 0.0, 1.0 ) END IF RETURN * 1100 CONTINUE * * ISPEC = 11: infinity arithmetic can be trusted not to trap * C ILAENV = 0 ILAENV = 1 IF( ILAENV.EQ.1 ) THEN ILAENV = IEEECK( 1, 0.0, 1.0 ) END IF RETURN * * End of ILAENV * END LOGICAL FUNCTION LSAME( CA, CB ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * September 30, 1994 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER CA, CB * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * LSAME returns .TRUE. if CA is the same letter as CB regardless of * case. * * Arguments * ========= * * CA (input) CHARACTER*1 * CB (input) CHARACTER*1 * CA and CB specify the single characters to be compared. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ICHAR * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER INTA, INTB, ZCODE * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test if the characters are equal * LSAME = CA.EQ.CB IF( LSAME ) $ RETURN * * Now test for equivalence if both characters are alphabetic. * ZCODE = ICHAR( 'Z' ) * * Use 'Z' rather than 'A' so that ASCII can be detected on Prime * machines, on which ICHAR returns a value with bit 8 set. * ICHAR('A') on Prime machines returns 193 which is the same as * ICHAR('A') on an EBCDIC machine. * INTA = ICHAR( CA ) INTB = ICHAR( CB ) * IF( ZCODE.EQ.90 .OR. ZCODE.EQ.122 ) THEN * * ASCII is assumed - ZCODE is the ASCII code of either lower or * upper case 'Z'. * IF( INTA.GE.97 .AND. INTA.LE.122 ) INTA = INTA - 32 IF( INTB.GE.97 .AND. INTB.LE.122 ) INTB = INTB - 32 * ELSE IF( ZCODE.EQ.233 .OR. ZCODE.EQ.169 ) THEN * * EBCDIC is assumed - ZCODE is the EBCDIC code of either lower or * upper case 'Z'. * IF( INTA.GE.129 .AND. INTA.LE.137 .OR. $ INTA.GE.145 .AND. INTA.LE.153 .OR. $ INTA.GE.162 .AND. INTA.LE.169 ) INTA = INTA + 64 IF( INTB.GE.129 .AND. INTB.LE.137 .OR. $ INTB.GE.145 .AND. INTB.LE.153 .OR. $ INTB.GE.162 .AND. INTB.LE.169 ) INTB = INTB + 64 * ELSE IF( ZCODE.EQ.218 .OR. ZCODE.EQ.250 ) THEN * * ASCII is assumed, on Prime machines - ZCODE is the ASCII code * plus 128 of either lower or upper case 'Z'. * IF( INTA.GE.225 .AND. INTA.LE.250 ) INTA = INTA - 32 IF( INTB.GE.225 .AND. INTB.LE.250 ) INTB = INTB - 32 END IF LSAME = INTA.EQ.INTB * * RETURN * * End of LSAME * END LOGICAL FUNCTION LSAMEN( N, CA, CB ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * September 30, 1994 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER*( * ) CA, CB INTEGER N * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * LSAMEN tests if the first N letters of CA are the same as the * first N letters of CB, regardless of case. * LSAMEN returns .TRUE. if CA and CB are equivalent except for case * and .FALSE. otherwise. LSAMEN also returns .FALSE. if LEN( CA ) * or LEN( CB ) is less than N. * * Arguments * ========= * * N (input) INTEGER * The number of characters in CA and CB to be compared. * * CA (input) CHARACTER*(*) * CB (input) CHARACTER*(*) * CA and CB specify two character strings of length at least N. * Only the first N characters of each string will be accessed. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I * .. * .. External Functions .. LOGICAL LSAME EXTERNAL LSAME * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC LEN * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * LSAMEN = .FALSE. IF( LEN( CA ).LT.N .OR. LEN( CB ).LT.N ) $ GO TO 20 * * Do for each character in the two strings. * DO 10 I = 1, N * * Test if the characters are equal using LSAME. * IF( .NOT.LSAME( CA( I: I ), CB( I: I ) ) ) $ GO TO 20 * 10 CONTINUE LSAMEN = .TRUE. * 20 CONTINUE RETURN * * End of LSAMEN * END