## These are tests that require libcurl functionality and a working ## Internet connection. ## As from R 3.4.0 method = "libcurl" is the default on a Unix-alike ## so this is in small part duplication -- but not on Windows. if(!capabilities("libcurl")) { warning("no libcurl support") q() } ## check basic Internet access if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix" && is.null(nsl("cran.r-project.org"))) q() tf <- tempfile() download.file("http://cran.r-project.org/", tf, method = "libcurl") file.size(tf) unlink(tf) ## test url connections on http str(readLines(zz <- url("http://cran.r-project.org/", method = "libcurl"))) zz stopifnot(identical(summary(zz)$class, "url-libcurl")) close(zz) tf <- tempfile() testDownloadFile404 <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings({ download.file("http://httpbin.org/status/404", tf, method = "libcurl") }), error=function(e) { conditionMessage(e) == "cannot open URL 'http://httpbin.org/status/404'" }) stopifnot(testDownloadFile404, !file.exists(tf)) test404.1 <- tryCatch({ open(zz <- url("http://httpbin.org/status/404", method = "libcurl")) }, warning=function(w) { grepl("404 Not Found", conditionMessage(w)) }) close(zz) stopifnot(test404.1) ## via read.table (which closes the connection) tail(read.table(url("http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/datasets/csb/ch11b.dat", method = "libcurl"))) ## check option works options(url.method = "libcurl") zz <- url("http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/datasets/csb/ch11b.dat") stopifnot(identical(summary(zz)$class, "url-libcurl")) close(zz) test404.2 <- tryCatch({ open(zz <- url("http://httpbin.org/status/404")) }, warning = function(w) { grepl("404 Not Found", conditionMessage(w)) }) close(zz) stopifnot(test404.2) showConnections(all = TRUE) ## -------------------------------------------------------------- ## Some platforms have problems with certificates, ## so allow them to skip the https tests junk <- tryCatch(curlGetHeaders("http://bugs.r-project.org"), error = function(e) { message("Check for working https failed:\n\t", conditionMessage(e), "skipping https tests\n") q() }) example(curlGetHeaders, run.donttest = TRUE) ## https URL head(readLines(zz <- url("https://httpbin.org", method = "libcurl"), warn = FALSE)) close(zz) ## redirection (to a https:// URL) head(readLines(zz <- url("http://bugs.r-project.org", method = "libcurl"), warn = FALSE)) close(zz) options(url.method = "libcurl") head(readLines("https://httpbin.org", warn = FALSE))