### * Rd_pp
Rd_pp <-
## Preprocess lines with Rd markup according to .Platform$OS.type.
stop("argument 'lines' must be a character vector")
## Re-encode if necessary (and possible).
encoding <-
.get_Rd_metadata_from_Rd_lines(lines[!is.na(nchar(lines, "c"))],
if(length(encoding)) {
if((Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") != "C")
&& capabilities("iconv")) {
encoding <- encoding[1] # Just making sure ...
lines <- iconv(lines, encoding, "")
else {
## No \encoding meta-data.
## Determine whether we can assume Latin1.
encoding <- NA
if(any(is.na(nchar(lines, "c")))) {
## Ouch, invalid in the current locale.
## (Can only happen in a MBCS locale.)
## Try re-encoding from Latin1.
lines <- iconv(lines, "latin1", "")
stop("Found invalid multi-byte character data.", "\n",
"Cannot re-encode because iconv is not available.", "\n",
"Try running R in a single-byte locale.")
## Strip Rd first.
lines <- .strip_Rd_comments(lines)
ppLineIndices <- grep("^#(endif|ifn?def[[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]]+)",
## This is based on the Perl code in R::Rdtools::Rdpp().
## What should we do with #ifn?def lines not matching the above?
n_of_pp_lines <- length(ppLineIndices)
if(n_of_pp_lines == 0)
return(structure(lines, encoding = encoding))
OS <- .Platform$OS.type
ppLines <- lines[ppLineIndices]
## Record the preprocessor line type: starts of conditionals with
## TRUE/FALSE according to whether they increase the skip level or
## not, and NA for ends of conditionals.
ppTypes <- rep(NA, n_of_pp_lines)
if(any(i <- grep("^#ifdef", ppLines))) {
ppTypes[i] <- gsub("^#ifdef[[:space:]]+([[:alnum:]]+).*",
"\\1", ppLines[i]) != OS
if(any(i <- grep("^#ifndef", ppLines))) {
ppTypes[i] <- gsub("^#ifndef[[:space:]]+([[:alnum:]]+).*",
"\\1", ppLines[i]) == OS
## Looks stupid, but ... we need a loop to determine the skip list
## to deal with nested conditionals.
skipList <- integer(0)
skipLevel <- 0
skipIndices <- ppLineIndices
for(i in seq(along = ppTypes)) {
if(!is.na(skip <- ppTypes[i])) {
if(skipLevel == 0 && skip > 0) {
skipStart <- ppLineIndices[i]
skipLevel <- 1
skipLevel <- skipLevel + skip
skipList <- c(skip, skipList) # push
else {
if(skipLevel == 1 && skipList[1] > 0) {
skipIndices <- c(skipIndices,
seq(from = skipStart,
to = ppLineIndices[i]))
skipLevel <- 0
skipLevel <- skipLevel - skipList[1]
skipList <- skipList[-1] # pop
structure(lines[-skipIndices], encoding = encoding)
### * .strip_Rd_comments
.strip_Rd_comments <-
gsub("(^|[^\\])((\\\\\\\\)*)%.*", "\\1\\2", lines)
### * Rdinfo
Rdinfo <-
## This is based on the Perl code in R::Rd::info().
## It seems that matches for aliases and keywords are only single
## line. Hence, as we get the lines from @code{Rd_pp()}, we get
## aliases and keywords directly from them before collapsing them to
## one string (which also allows us to avoid looping as in the Perl
## code).
if(is.character(file)) {
file <- file(file)
if(!inherits(file, "connection"))
stop("argument 'file' must be a character string or connection")
lines <- Rd_pp(.read_Rd_lines_quietly(file))
aliases <- .get_Rd_metadata_from_Rd_lines(lines, "alias")
concepts <- .get_Rd_metadata_from_Rd_lines(lines, "concept")
keywords <- .get_Rd_metadata_from_Rd_lines(lines, "keyword")
## Could be none or more than one ... argh.
Rd_type <-
c(.get_Rd_metadata_from_Rd_lines(lines, "docType"), "")[1]
encoding <-
c(.get_Rd_metadata_from_Rd_lines(lines, "encoding"), "")[1]
txt <- paste(lines, collapse = "\n")
Rd_name <- .get_Rd_name(txt)
if(!length(Rd_name)) {
msg <-
c(gettextf("missing/empty \\name field in '%s'",
gettext("Rd files must have a non-empty \\name."),
gettext("See chapter 'Writing R documentation' in manual 'Writing R Extensions'."))
stop(paste(msg, collapse = "\n"), domain = NA)
Rd_title <- .get_Rd_title(txt)
if(!length(Rd_title)) {
msg <-
c(gettextf("missing/empty \\title field in '%s'",
gettext("Rd files must have a non-empty \\title."),
gettext("See chapter 'Writing R documentation' in manual 'Writing R Extensions'."))
stop(paste(msg, collapse = "\n"), domain = NA)
list(name = Rd_name, type = Rd_type, title = Rd_title,
aliases = aliases, concepts = concepts, keywords = keywords,
encoding = encoding)
### * Rdcontents
Rdcontents <-
## Compute contents db from Rd files.
RdFiles <- path.expand(RdFiles[file_test("-f", RdFiles)])
if(length(RdFiles) == 0)
return(data.frame(File = I(character(0)),
Name = I(character(0)),
Type = I(character(0)),
Title = I(character(0)),
Aliases = I(list()),
Concepts = I(list()),
Keywords = I(list()),
Encoding = I(character())))
entries <- c("Name", "Type", "Title", "Aliases", "Concepts",
"Keywords", "Encoding")
contents <- vector("list", length(RdFiles) * length(entries))
dim(contents) <- c(length(RdFiles), length(entries))
for(i in seq(along = RdFiles)) {
contents[i, ] <- Rdinfo(RdFiles[i])
colnames(contents) <- entries
## Although R-exts says about the Rd title slot that
## This should be capitalized, not end in a period, and not use
## any markup (which would cause problems for hypertext search).
## some Rd files have LaTeX-style markup, including
## * LaTeX-style single and double quotation
## * Medium and punctuation dashes
## * Escaped ampersand.
## Hence we try getting rid of these ...
title <- unlist(contents[ , "Title"])
title <- gsub("\(``\|''\)", "\"", title)
title <- gsub("`", "'", title)
title <- gsub("\([[:alnum:]]\)--\([[:alnum:]]\)", "\\1-\\2", title)
title <- gsub("\\\\\&", "&", title)
title <- gsub("---", "--", title)
## Also remove leading and trailing whitespace.
title <- sub("^[[:space:]]+", "", title)
title <- sub("[[:space:]]+$", "", title)
data.frame(File = I(basename(RdFiles)),
Name = I(unlist(contents[ , "Name"])),
Type = I(unlist(contents[ , "Type"])),
Title = I(title),
Aliases = I(contents[ , "Aliases"]),
Concepts = I(contents[ , "Concepts"]),
Keywords = I(contents[ , "Keywords"]),
Encoding = I(unlist(contents[ , "Encoding"])),
row.names = NULL) # avoid trying to compute row names
### * .write_contents_as_RDS
.write_contents_as_RDS <-
function(contents, outFile)
## Save Rd contents db to @file{outFile}.
## To deal with possible changes in the format of the contents db
## in the future, use a version attribute and/or a formal class.
.saveRDS(contents, file = outFile)
### * .write_contents_as_DCF
.write_contents_as_DCF <-
function(contents, packageName, outFile)
## Write a @file{CONTENTS} DCF file from an Rd contents db.
## Note that these files currently have @samp{URL:} entries which
## contain the package name, whereas @code{Rdcontents()} works on
## collections of Rd files which do not necessarily all come from
## the same package ...
## If the contents is 'empty', return immediately. (Otherwise,
## e.g. URLs would not be right ...)
if(!NROW(contents)) return()
## This has 'html' hard-wired.
## Note that slashes etc. should be fine for URLs.
URLs <- paste("../../../library/", packageName, "/html/",
file_path_sans_ext(contents[ , "File"]),
sep = "")
contents <-
sapply(contents$Aliases, paste, collapse = " "),
sapply(contents$Keywords, paste, collapse = " "),
contents <-
contents[, c("Name", "Aliases", "Keywords", "Title"),
drop = FALSE]
cat(paste(c("Entry:", "Aliases:", "Keywords:", "Description:",
t(cbind(contents, URLs))),
sep = c("\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n\n"),
file = outFile)
### * .build_Rd_index
.build_Rd_index <-
function(contents, type = NULL)
## Build an Rd 'index' containing Rd "names" (see below) and titles,
## maybe subscripted according to the Rd type (\docType).
keywords <- contents[ , "Keywords"]
if(!is.null(type)) {
idx <- contents[ , "Type"] %in% type
## Argh. Ideally we only want to subscript according to
## \docType. Maybe for 2.0 ...
if(type == "data")
idx <- idx | keywords == "datasets"
## (Note: we really only want the Rd objects which have
## 'datasets' as their *only* keyword.)
contents <- contents[idx, , drop = FALSE]
keywords <- keywords[idx]
## Drop all Rd objects marked as 'internal' from the index.
idx <- is.na(sapply(keywords, function(x) match("internal", x)))
index <- contents[idx, c("Name", "Title"), drop = FALSE]
if(nrow(index)) {
## If a \name is not a valid \alias, replace it by the first
## alias.
aliases <- contents[idx, "Aliases"]
bad <- which(!mapply("%in%", index[, 1], aliases))
if(any(bad)) {
## was [[, but that applies to lists not char vectors
tmp <- sapply(aliases[bad], "[", 1)
tmp[is.na(tmp)] <- ""
index[bad, 1] <- tmp
## and sort it by name
index <- index[sort.list(index[,1]), ]
### * Rdindex
Rdindex <-
function(RdFiles, outFile = "", type = NULL,
width = 0.9 * getOption("width"), indent = NULL)
## Create @file{INDEX} or @file{data/00Index} style files from Rd
## files.
## R version of defunct @code{R CMD Rdindex} (now removed).
if((length(RdFiles) == 1) && file_test("-d", RdFiles)) {
## Compatibility code for the former @code{R CMD Rdindex}
## interface.
docsDir <- RdFiles
if(file_test("-d", file.path(docsDir, "man")))
docsDir <- file.path(docsDir, "man")
RdFiles <- list_files_with_type(docsDir, "docs")
if(outFile == "")
outFile <- stdout()
else if(is.character(outFile)) {
outFile <- file(outFile, "w")
if(!inherits(outFile, "connection"))
stop("argument 'outFile' must be a character string or connection")
index <- .build_Rd_index(Rdcontents(RdFiles), type = type)
writeLines(formatDL(index, width = width, indent = indent),
### * Rd_db
Rd_db <-
function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL)
## Build an Rd 'data base' from an installed package or the unpacked
## package sources as a list containing the 'raw' R documentation
## objects obtained via readLines().
## Argument handling.
if(!missing(package)) {
if(length(package) != 1)
stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
dir <- .find.package(package, lib.loc)
## Using package installed in @code{dir} ...
docsDir <- file.path(dir, "man")
if(!file_test("-d", docsDir))
stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain Rd objects", dir),
domain = NA)
docsFiles <- list_files_with_type(docsDir, "docs")
db <- list()
for(f in docsFiles) {
valid_lines <- lines <- .read_Rd_lines_quietly(f)
valid_lines[is.na(nchar(lines, "c"))] <- ""
eofPos <- grep("\\eof$", valid_lines)
db <- c(db, split(lines[-eofPos],
rep(seq(along = eofPos),
times = diff(c(0, eofPos)))[-eofPos]))
## If this was installed using a recent enough version of R CMD
## INSTALL, information on source file names is available, and
## we use it for the names of the Rd db. Otherwise, remove the
## artificial names attribute.
paths <- as.character(sapply(db, "[", 1))
names(db) <-
&& all(regexpr("^% --- Source file: (.+) ---$", paths)
> -1))
sub("^% --- Source file: (.+) ---$", "\\1", paths)
else {
stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'")
## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ...
if(!file_test("-d", dir))
stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir),
domain = NA)
dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
docsDir <- file.path(dir, "man")
if(!file_test("-d", docsDir))
stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain Rd sources", dir),
domain = NA)
docsFiles <- list_files_with_type(docsDir, "docs")
db <- lapply(docsFiles, .read_Rd_lines_quietly)
names(db) <- docsFiles
### * Rd_parse
Rd_parse <-
function(file, text = NULL)
## Arguments similar to the ones in parse(), with 'text' a character
## vector with the text to parse (elements are treated as if they
## were lines of a file).
lines <- Rd_pp(text)
else {
if(is.character(file)) {
file <- file(file)
if(!inherits(file, "connection"))
stop("argument 'file' must be a character string or connection")
lines <- Rd_pp(.read_Rd_lines_quietly(file))
## Get meta data (need to agree on what precisely these are), and
## remove the corresponding lines (assuming that these entries are
## all one-liners). We mostly do this because \alias (see Paren.Rd)
## has non-standard syntax.
meta <- list(aliases =
.get_Rd_metadata_from_Rd_lines(lines, "alias"),
concepts =
.get_Rd_metadata_from_Rd_lines(lines, "concept"),
keywords =
.get_Rd_metadata_from_Rd_lines(lines, "keyword"),
doc_type =
.get_Rd_metadata_from_Rd_lines(lines, "docType"),
encoding =
.get_Rd_metadata_from_Rd_lines(lines, "encoding"))
## Use NA encoding meta-data to indicate that we re-encoded a file
## not in ISO-8859 as Latin1.
if(identical(attr(lines, "encoding"), NA))
meta$encoding <- NA
## Remove the meta data lines.
## (Use the same regexp as in .get_Rd_metadata_from_Rd_lines().)
i <- grep(paste("^[[:space:]]*\\\\",
sep = ""),
if(any(i)) lines <- lines[-i]
## Collapse into one character string.
txt <- paste(lines, collapse = "\n")
## Initialize for extraction loop.
tag <- ""
tags <- list()
rest <- vals <- character()
## Note that what we do here is not quite the same as what the code
## in R CMD check for checking Rd files does (which e.g. takes all
## lines starting with a command tag as top-level). Also, it is not
## clear whether this is what we *really* want (or what Rdconv()
## should do).
## We try to catch \non_function{} here, even though it is at least
## deprecated.
pattern <- "(^|\n)[[:space:]]*\\\\([[:alpha:]]|non_function)+\\{"
while((pos <- regexpr(pattern, txt)) != -1) {
otag <- tag
start <- substring(txt, 1, pos + attr(pos, "match.length") - 2)
txt <- substring(txt, pos + attr(pos, "match.length") - 1)
pos <- regexpr("\\\\([[:alpha:]]|non_function)+$", start)
tag <- substring(start, pos + 1)
start <- substring(start, 1, pos - 1)
pos <- delimMatch(txt)
if(pos == -1)
stop(gettextf("unterminated section '%s'", tag),
domain = NA)
if(tag == "section") {
tmp <- substring(txt, 2, attr(pos, "match.length") - 1)
txt <- substring(txt, pos + attr(pos, "match.length"))
## Should 'txt' now really start with an open brace?
if(substring(txt, 1, 1) != "{")
stop(gettextf("incomplete section 'section{%s}'", tmp),
domain = NA)
pos <- delimMatch(txt)
if(pos == -1)
stop(gettextf("unterminated section 'section{%s}'", tmp),
domain = NA)
tag <- c(tag, tmp)
if(regexpr("^[[:space:]]*(^|\n)[[:space:]]*$", start) == -1) {
names(start) <- paste(otag, collapse = " ")
rest <- c(rest, start)
tags <- c(tags, list(tag))
vals <- c(vals, substring(txt,
pos + 1,
pos + attr(pos, "match.length") - 2))
txt <- substring(txt, pos + attr(pos, "match.length"))
if(regexpr("^[[:space:]]*(^|\n)[[:space:]]*$", txt) == -1) {
names(txt) <- paste(tag, collapse = " ")
rest <- c(rest, txt)
list(meta = meta,
data = data.frame(tags = I(tags), vals = I(vals)),
rest = rest)
### * get_Rd_section
get_Rd_section <-
function(txt, type, predefined = TRUE)
## Extract Rd section(s) 'type' from (preprocessed) Rd markup in the
## character string 'txt'. Use 'predefined = FALSE' for dealing
## with user-defined sections.
## This is *not* vectorized. As we try extracting *all* top-level
## sections of the given type, computations on a single character
## string can result in a character vector of arbitray length.
## Hence, a vectorized version would return its results similar to
## e.g. strsplit(), i.e., a list of character vectors. Worth the
## effort?
out <- character()
if(length(txt) != 1)
stop("argument 'txt' must be a character string")
pattern <- paste("(^|\n)[[:space:]]*\\\\",
ifelse(predefined, type,
paste("section\\{", type, "\\}",
sep = "")),
sep = "")
while((pos <- regexpr(pattern, txt)) != -1) {
txt <- substring(txt, pos + attr(pos, "match.length") - 1)
pos <- delimMatch(txt)
if(pos == -1) {
if((type == "alias") && predefined) {
## \alias entries seem to be special (Paren.Rd).
## The regexp below feels wrong, but is based on what is
## used in Perl's R::Rdlists::build_index(), sort of.
pos <- regexpr("\\{([^\n]*)\\}(\n|$)", txt)
if(pos == -1)
stop(gettextf("unterminated section '%s'", type),
domain = NA)
else {
out <- c(out, sub("\\{([^\n]*)\\}(\n|$).*", "\\1", txt))
txt <- substring(txt, pos + attr(pos, "match.length"))
out <- c(out,
pos + 1,
pos + attr(pos, "match.length") - 2))
txt <- substring(txt, pos + attr(pos, "match.length"))
### * get_Rd_items
get_Rd_items <-
## Extract names of Rd \item{}{} markup in the character string
## 'txt'.
out <- character()
if(length(txt) != 1)
stop("argument 'txt' must be a character string")
pattern <- "(^|\n)[[:space:]]*\\\\item\\{"
while((pos <- regexpr(pattern, txt)) != -1) {
txt <- substring(txt, pos + attr(pos, "match.length") - 1)
if((pos <- delimMatch(txt)) == -1)
stop(gettextf("unmatched \\item name in '\\item{%s'",
sub("\n.*$", "", txt)),
domain = NA,
call. = FALSE)
out <- c(out,
pos + 1,
pos + attr(pos, "match.length") - 2))
txt <- substring(txt, pos + attr(pos, "match.length"))
## The next character should really be a '{'. Let's be nice
## and tolerate whitespace in between ...
if((pos <- regexpr("^[[:space:]]*\\{", txt)) == -1)
stop(gettextf("no \\item description for item '%s'",
domain = NA,
call. = FALSE)
txt <- substring(txt, pos + attr(pos, "match.length") - 1)
if((pos <- delimMatch(txt)) == -1)
stop(gettextf("unmatched \\item description for item '%s'",
domain = NA,
call. = FALSE)
txt <- substring(txt, pos + attr(pos, "match.length"))
### * .get_Rd_metadata_from_Rd_lines
.get_Rd_metadata_from_Rd_lines <-
function(lines, kind) {
pattern <- paste("^[[:space:]]*\\\\", kind,
sep = "")
lines <- grep(pattern, lines, value = TRUE)
lines <- sub(pattern, "\\1", lines)
lines <- gsub("\\\\%", "%", lines)
### * .get_Rd_argument_names
.get_Rd_argument_names <-
txt <- get_Rd_section(txt, "arguments")
txt <- unlist(sapply(txt, get_Rd_items))
if(!length(txt)) return(character())
txt <- unlist(strsplit(txt, ", *"))
txt <- gsub("\\\\l?dots", "...", txt)
txt <- sub("^[[:space:]]+", "", txt)
txt <- sub("[[:space:]]+$", "", txt)
### * .get_Rd_name
.get_Rd_name <-
start <- regexpr("\\\\name\\{[[:space:]]*([^\}]+)[[:space:]]*\\}", txt)
if(start == -1) return(character())
Rd_name <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ",
start + 6,
start + attr(start, "match.length") - 2))
### * .get_Rd_title
.get_Rd_title <-
start <- regexpr("\\\\title\\{[[:space:]]*([^\}]+)[[:space:]]*\\}", txt)
if(start == -1) return(character())
Rd_title <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ",
start + 7,
start + attr(start, "match.length") - 2))
### * .get_Rd_example_code
.get_Rd_example_code <-
txt <- get_Rd_section(txt, "examples")
if(length(txt) != 1) return(character())
txt <- gsub("\\\\l?dots", "...", txt)
txt <- gsub("\\\\%", "%", txt)
## Version of [Perl] R::Rdconv::drop_full_command().
txt <- .Rd_transform_command(txt, "dontrun",
function(u) NULL)
## Version of [Perl] R::Rdconv::undefine_command().
txt <- .Rd_transform_command(txt, c("dontshow", "testonly"),
function(u) u)
### .Rd_transform_command
.Rd_transform_command <-
function(txt, cmd, FUN)
## In Rd text, replace markup of the form \cmd{something} by the
## result of applying FUN to something. Covers several separate
## functions in the R::Rdconv Perl code:
## drop_full_command FUN = function(u) NULL
## undefine_command FUN = function(u) u
## replace_command FUN = function(u) sprintf("Bef%sAft", u)
## Currently, optional arguments to \cmd are not supported.
if(length(txt) != 1) return(character())
## Vectorized in 'cmd':
pattern <- sprintf("\\\\%s\\{", paste(cmd, collapse = "|"))
out <- character()
while((pos <- regexpr(pattern, txt)) != -1) {
out <- c(out, substring(txt, 1, pos - 1))
cmd <- substring(txt, pos, pos + attr(pos, "match.length") - 2)
txt <- substring(txt, pos + attr(pos, "match.length") - 1)
if((pos <- delimMatch(txt)) == -1)
stop(sprintf("unclosed \\%s", cmd))
out <- c(out,
FUN(substring(txt, 2,
pos + attr(pos, "match.length") - 2)))
txt <- substring(txt, pos + attr(pos, "match.length"))
paste(c(out, txt), collapse = "")
### .apply_Rd_filter_to_Rd_db
.apply_Rd_filter_to_Rd_db <-
function(db, FUN, ...)
db <- lapply(db, function(t) try(FUN(t, ...), silent = TRUE))
idx <- as.logical(sapply(db, inherits, "try-error"))
if(any(idx)) {
msg <- gettext("Rd syntax errors found")
for(i in which(idx))
msg <-
gettextf("Syntax error in documentation object '%s':",
stop(paste(msg, collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
### .get_Rd_names_from_Rd_db
.get_Rd_names_from_Rd_db <-
Rd_names <- lapply(db, .get_Rd_name)
## If the Rd db was obtained from an installed package, we know that
## all Rd objects must have a \name entry---otherwise, Rdinfo() and
## hence installing the package Rd contents db would have failed.
## For Rd dbs created from a package source directory, we now add
## the Rd file paths as the names attribute, so that we can point to
## the files with missing \name entries.
idx <- as.numeric(sapply(Rd_names, length)) == 0
if(any(idx)) {
Rd_paths <- names(db)
if(is.null(Rd_paths)) {
## This should not happen.
## We cannot refer to the bad Rd objects because we do not
## know their names, and have no idea which file they came
## from ...)
stop("cannot deal with Rd objects with missing/empty names")
else {
stop(paste(gettext("missing/empty \\name field in Rd file(s)"),
paste(" ", Rd_paths[idx], collapse = "\n"),
sep = "\n"),
call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
### Local variables: ***
### mode: outline-minor ***
### outline-regexp: "### [*]+" ***
### End: ***