# File src/library/tools/R/utils.R
# Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org
# Copyright (C) 1995-2023 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
# https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/
### * File utilities.
### ** file_ext
file_ext <-
## Return the file extensions.
## (Only purely alphanumeric extensions are recognized.)
pos <- regexpr("\\.([[:alnum:]]+)$", x)
ifelse(pos > -1L, substring(x, pos + 1L), "")
### ** file_path_as_absolute
file_path_as_absolute <-
## Turn a possibly relative file path absolute, performing tilde
## expansion if necessary.
if(length(x) != 1L)
stop("'x' must be a single character string")
if(!file.exists(epath <- path.expand(x)))
stop(gettextf("file '%s' does not exist", x),
domain = NA)
normalizePath(epath, "/", TRUE)
### ** file_path_relative_to
file_path_relative_to <-
function(x, start = getwd(), parent = TRUE)
x <- normalizePath(x, "/", mustWork = FALSE)
if(!parent) {
p <- normalizePath(start[1L], "/", mustWork = TRUE)
if(any(i <- startsWith(x, p))) {
## Assume .Platform$file.sep is a single character.
x[i] <- substring(x[i], nchar(p) + 2L)
} else {
p <- strsplit(normalizePath(start, "/", mustWork = FALSE),
"/", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
y <- strsplit(x, "/", fixed = TRUE)
f <- function(u, v) {
i <- 1L
while(i <= min(length(v), length(p))) {
if(v[i] == p[i])
i <- i + 1L
if(i == 1L) {
## Paths start differently, so relative cannot work
} else {
i <- i - 1L
paste(c(rep_len("..", length(p) - i), v[-seq_len(i)]),
collapse = .Platform$file.sep)
unlist(Map(f, x, y, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
### ** file_path_sans_ext
file_path_sans_ext <-
function(x, compression = FALSE)
## Return the file paths without extensions.
## (Only purely alphanumeric extensions are recognized.)
x <- sub("[.](gz|bz2|xz)$", "", x)
sub("([^.]+)\\.[[:alnum:]]+$", "\\1", x)
### ** file_test
## exported/documented copy is in utils.
file_test <-
function(op, x, y)
## Provide shell-style '-f', '-d', '-h'/'-L', '-x', '-w', '-r',
## '-nt' and '-ot' tests.
## Note that file.exists() only tests existence ('test -e' on some
## systems), and that our '-f' tests for existence and not being a
## directory (the GNU variant tests for being a regular file).
## Note: vectorized in x and y.
"-f" = !is.na(isdir <- file.info(x, extra_cols = FALSE)$isdir) & !isdir,
"-d" = dir.exists(x),
"-h" = (!is.na(y <- Sys.readlink(x)) & nzchar(y)),
"-L" = (!is.na(y <- Sys.readlink(x)) & nzchar(y)),
"-nt" = (!is.na(mt.x <- file.mtime(x))
& !is.na(mt.y <- file.mtime(y))
& (mt.x > mt.y)),
"-ot" = (!is.na(mt.x <- file.mtime(x))
& !is.na(mt.y <- file.mtime(y))
& (mt.x < mt.y)),
"-x" = (file.access(x, 1L) == 0L),
"-w" = (file.access(x, 2L) == 0L),
"-r" = (file.access(x, 4L) == 0L),
stop(gettextf("test '%s' is not available", op),
domain = NA))
### ** list_files_with_exts
list_files_with_exts <-
function(dir, exts, all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE)
## Return the paths or names of the files in @code{dir} with
## extension in @code{exts}.
## Might be in a zipped dir on Windows.
if(file.exists(file.path(dir, "filelist")) &&
any(file.exists(file.path(dir, c("Rdata.zip", "Rex.zip", "Rhelp.zip")))))
files <- readLines(file.path(dir, "filelist"))
files <- grep("^[^.]", files, value = TRUE)
} else {
files <- list.files(dir, all.files = all.files)
## does not cope with exts with '.' in.
## files <- files[sub(".*\\.", "", files) %in% exts]
patt <- paste0("\\.(", paste(exts, collapse="|"), ")$")
files <- grep(patt, files, value = TRUE)
files <- if(length(files))
file.path(dir, files)
### ** list_files_with_type
list_files_with_type <-
function(dir, type, all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE,
OS_subdirs = .OStype())
## Return a character vector with the paths of the files in
## @code{dir} of type @code{type} (as in .make_file_exts()).
## When listing R code and documentation files, files in OS-specific
## subdirectories are included (if present) according to the value
## of @code{OS_subdirs}.
exts <- .make_file_exts(type)
files <-
list_files_with_exts(dir, exts, all.files = all.files,
full.names = full.names)
if(type %in% c("code", "docs")) {
for(os in OS_subdirs) {
os_dir <- file.path(dir, os)
if(dir.exists(os_dir)) {
os_files <- list_files_with_exts(os_dir, exts,
all.files = all.files,
full.names = FALSE)
os_files <- file.path(if(full.names) os_dir else os,
files <- c(files, os_files)
## avoid ranges since they depend on the collation order in the locale.
## in particular, Estonian sorts Z after S.
if(type %in% c("code", "docs")) { # only certain filenames are valid.
files <- files[grep("^[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789]", basename(files))]
if(type %in% "demo") { # only certain filenames are valid.
files <- files[grep("^[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]", basename(files))]
### ** reQuote
## Move into base eventually ...
reQuote <-
escape <- function(s) paste0("\\", s)
re <- "[.*?+^$\\()[]"
m <- gregexpr(re, x)
regmatches(x, m) <- lapply(regmatches(x, m), escape)
### ** showNonASCII
showNonASCII <-
## All that is needed here is an 8-bit encoding that includes ASCII.
## The only one we guarantee to exist is 'latin1'.
## The default sub=NA is faster, but on some platforms
## some characters used just to lose their accents, so two tests.
asc <- iconv(x, "latin1", "ASCII")
ind <- is.na(asc) | asc != x
message(paste0(which(ind), ": ",
iconv(x[ind], "latin1", "ASCII", sub = "byte"),
collapse = "\n"), domain = NA)
showNonASCIIfile <-
showNonASCII(readLines(file, warn = FALSE))
env_path <- function(...) file.path(..., fsep = .Platform$path.sep)
### * Text utilities.
### ** delimMatch
delimMatch <-
function(x, delim = c("{", "}"), syntax = "Rd")
stop("argument 'x' must be a character vector")
## FIXME: bytes or chars?
if((length(delim) != 2L) || any(nchar(delim) != 1L))
stop("argument 'delim' must specify two characters")
if(syntax != "Rd")
stop("only Rd syntax is currently supported")
.Call(C_delim_match, x, delim)
### ** lines2str
lines2str <-
function(txt, sep = "") {
bytes <- gsub("\n", sep, paste(txt, collapse = sep),
fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
trimws(iconv(bytes, to = "UTF-8", sub = "byte"))
### * LaTeX utilities
### ** texi2pdf
texi2pdf <-
function(file, clean = FALSE, quiet = TRUE,
texi2dvi = getOption("texi2dvi"),
texinputs = NULL, index = TRUE)
texi2dvi(file = file, pdf = TRUE, clean = clean, quiet = quiet,
texi2dvi = texi2dvi, texinputs = texinputs, index = index)
### ** texi2dvi
texi2dvi <-
function(file, pdf = FALSE, clean = FALSE, quiet = TRUE,
texi2dvi = getOption("texi2dvi"),
texinputs = NULL, index = TRUE)
if (clean) pre_files <- list.files(all.files = TRUE)
do_cleanup <- function(clean)
if(clean) {
## output file will be created in the current directory
out_file <- paste(basename(file_path_sans_ext(file)),
if(pdf) "pdf" else "dvi", sep = ".")
files <- setdiff(list.files(all.files = TRUE),
c(".", "..", out_file, pre_files))
## Run texi2dvi on a latex file, or emulate it.
if(identical(texi2dvi, "emulation")) texi2dvi <- ""
else {
if(is.null(texi2dvi) || !nzchar(texi2dvi) || texi2dvi == "texi2dvi") {
texi2dvi <- Sys.which("texi2dvi")
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows" && !nzchar(texi2dvi))
texi2dvi <- Sys.which("texify")
} else if (!nzchar(Sys.which(texi2dvi))) { # check provided path
warning("texi2dvi script/program not available, using emulation")
texi2dvi <- ""
} # else the provided one should work
envSep <- .Platform$path.sep
texinputs0 <- texinputs
Rtexmf <- file.path(R.home("share"), "texmf")
Rtexinputs <- file.path(Rtexmf, "tex", "latex")
## "" forces use of default paths.
texinputs <- paste(c(texinputs0, Rtexinputs, ""),
collapse = envSep)
## not clear if this is needed, but works
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
texinputs <- gsub("\\", "/", texinputs, fixed = TRUE)
Rbibinputs <- file.path(Rtexmf, "bibtex", "bib")
bibinputs <- paste(c(texinputs0, Rbibinputs, ""),
collapse = envSep)
Rbstinputs <- file.path(Rtexmf, "bibtex", "bst")
bstinputs <- paste(c(texinputs0, Rbstinputs, ""),
collapse = envSep)
otexinputs <- Sys.getenv("TEXINPUTS", unset = NA_character_)
if(is.na(otexinputs)) {
otexinputs <- "."
} else on.exit(Sys.setenv(TEXINPUTS = otexinputs))
Sys.setenv(TEXINPUTS = paste(otexinputs, texinputs, sep = envSep))
obibinputs <- Sys.getenv("BIBINPUTS", unset = NA_character_)
if(is.na(obibinputs)) {
on.exit(Sys.unsetenv("BIBINPUTS"), add = TRUE)
obibinputs <- "."
} else on.exit(Sys.setenv(BIBINPUTS = obibinputs, add = TRUE))
Sys.setenv(BIBINPUTS = paste(obibinputs, bibinputs, sep = envSep))
obstinputs <- Sys.getenv("BSTINPUTS", unset = NA_character_)
if(is.na(obstinputs)) {
on.exit(Sys.unsetenv("BSTINPUTS"), add = TRUE)
obstinputs <- "."
} else on.exit(Sys.setenv(BSTINPUTS = obstinputs), add = TRUE)
Sys.setenv(BSTINPUTS = paste(obstinputs, bstinputs, sep = envSep))
if(index && nzchar(texi2dvi) && .Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
## switch off the use of texindy in texi2dvi >= 1.157
Sys.setenv(TEXINDY = "false")
on.exit(Sys.unsetenv("TEXINDY"), add = TRUE)
opt_pdf <- if(pdf) "--pdf" else ""
opt_quiet <- if(quiet) "--quiet" else ""
opt_extra <- ""
out <- .system_with_capture(texi2dvi, "--help")
if(length(grep("--no-line-error", out$stdout)))
opt_extra <- "--no-line-error"
## (Maybe change eventually: the current heuristics for finding
## error messages in log files should work for both regular and
## file line error indicators.)
## This is present in texinfo after late 2009, so really >= 5.0.
if(any(grepl("--max-iterations=N", out$stdout)))
opt_extra <- c(opt_extra, "--max-iterations=20")
## and work around a bug in texi2dvi
## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2011-March/060262.html
## That has [A-Za-z], earlier versions [A-z], both of which may be
## invalid in some locales.
env0 <- "LC_COLLATE=C"
## texi2dvi, at least on macOS (4.8) does not accept TMPDIR with spaces.
if (grepl(" ", Sys.getenv("TMPDIR")))
env0 <- paste(env0, "TMPDIR=/tmp")
out <- .system_with_capture(texi2dvi,
c(opt_pdf, opt_quiet, opt_extra,
env = env0)
log <- paste0(file_path_sans_ext(file), ".log")
## With Texinfo 6.1 (precisely, c6637), texi2dvi may not rerun
## often enough and give a non-zero status value when it should
## have continued iterating.
## Try to catch and correct cases seen on CRAN ...
## (Note that texi2dvi may have been run quietly, in which case
## diagnostics will only be in the log file.)
if(out$status &&
file_test("-f", log) &&
any(grepl("(Rerun to get|biblatex.*\\(re\\)run)",
readLines(log, warn = FALSE), useBytes = TRUE))) {
out <- .system_with_capture(texi2dvi,
c(opt_pdf, opt_quiet, opt_extra,
env = env0)
## We cannot necessarily rely on out$status, hence let us
## analyze the log files in any case.
errors <- character()
## (La)TeX errors.
log <- paste0(file_path_sans_ext(file), ".log")
if(file_test("-f", log)) {
lines <- .get_LaTeX_errors_from_log_file(log)
errors <- paste0("LaTeX errors:\n",
paste(lines, collapse = "\n"))
## BibTeX errors.
log <- paste0(file_path_sans_ext(file), ".blg")
if(file_test("-f", log)) {
lines <- .get_BibTeX_errors_from_blg_file(log)
errors <- paste0("BibTeX errors:\n",
paste(lines, collapse = "\n"))
msg <- ""
if(out$status) {
## If we cannot rely on out$status, we could test for
## if(out$status || length(errors))
## But shouldn't we be able to rely on out$status on Unix?
msg <- gettextf("Running 'texi2dvi' on '%s' failed.", file)
## Error messages from GNU texi2dvi are rather terse, so
## only use them in case no additional diagnostics are
## available (e.g, makeindex errors).
msg <- paste(msg, errors, sep = "\n")
else if(length(out$stderr))
msg <- paste(msg, "Messages:",
paste(out$stderr, collapse = "\n"),
sep = "\n")
msg <- paste(msg, "Output:",
paste(out$stdout, collapse = "\n"),
sep = "\n")
stop(msg, domain = NA)
else if(!quiet)
message(paste(paste(out$stderr, collapse = "\n"),
paste(out$stdout, collapse = "\n"),
sep = "\n"))
} else if(index && nzchar(texi2dvi)) { # MiKTeX on Windows
extra <- ""
## look for MiKTeX (which this almost certainly is)
## and set the path to R's style files.
## -I works in MiKTeX >= 2.4, at least
## http://docs.miktex.org/manual/texify.html
ver <- system(paste(shQuote(texi2dvi), "--version"), intern = TRUE)
if(length(grep("MiKTeX", ver[1L]))) {
## AFAICS need separate -I for each element of texinputs.
texinputs <- c(texinputs0, Rtexinputs, Rbstinputs)
texinputs <- gsub("\\", "/", texinputs, fixed = TRUE)
paths <- paste ("-I", shQuote(texinputs))
extra <- "--max-iterations=20"
extra <- paste(extra, paste(paths, collapse = " "))
## 'file' could be a file path
base <- basename(file_path_sans_ext(file))
## this only gives a failure in some cases, e.g. not for bibtex errors.
if(quiet) "--quiet" else "",
if(pdf) "--pdf" else "",
shQuote(file), extra),
intern=TRUE, ignore.stderr=TRUE)
msg <- ""
## (La)TeX errors.
logfile <- paste0(base, ".log")
if(file_test("-f", logfile)) {
lines <- .get_LaTeX_errors_from_log_file(logfile)
msg <- paste(msg, "LaTeX errors:",
paste(lines, collapse = "\n"),
sep = "\n")
## BibTeX errors.
logfile <- paste0(base, ".blg")
if(file_test("-f", logfile)) {
lines <- .get_BibTeX_errors_from_blg_file(logfile)
msg <- paste(msg, "BibTeX errors:",
paste(lines, collapse = "\n"),
sep = "\n")
if(nzchar(msg)) {
msg <- paste(gettextf("running 'texi2dvi' on '%s' failed", file),
msg, "", sep = "\n")
stop(msg, call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
} else {
## Do not have texi2dvi or don't want to index
## Needed on Windows except for MiKTeX (prior to Sept 2015)
texfile <- shQuote(file)
## 'file' could be a file path
base <- basename(file_path_sans_ext(file))
idxfile <- paste0(base, ".idx")
latex <- if(pdf) Sys.getenv("PDFLATEX", "pdflatex")
else Sys.getenv("LATEX", "latex")
stop(if(pdf) "pdflatex" else "latex", " is not available",
domain = NA)
sys2 <- if(quiet)
function(...) system2(..., stdout = FALSE, stderr = FALSE)
else system2
bibtex <- Sys.getenv("BIBTEX", "bibtex")
makeindex <- Sys.getenv("MAKEINDEX", "makeindex")
ltxargs <- c("-interaction=nonstopmode", texfile)
if(sys2(latex, ltxargs)) {
lines <- .get_LaTeX_errors_from_log_file(paste0(base, ".log"))
errors <- if(length(lines))
paste0("LaTeX errors:\n",
paste(lines, collapse = "\n"))
else character()
stop(paste(gettextf("unable to run %s on '%s'", latex, file),
errors, sep = "\n"),
domain = NA)
nmiss <- length(grep("Warning:.*Citation.*undefined",
readLines(paste0(base, ".log")),
useBytes = TRUE))
for(iter in 1L:10L) { ## safety check
## This might fail as the citations have been included in the Rnw
if(nmiss) sys2(bibtex, shQuote(base))
nmiss_prev <- nmiss
if(index && file.exists(idxfile)) {
if(sys2(makeindex, shQuote(idxfile)))
stop(gettextf("unable to run '%s' on '%s'",
makeindex, idxfile),
domain = NA)
if(sys2(latex, ltxargs)) {
lines <- .get_LaTeX_errors_from_log_file(paste0(base, ".log"))
errors <- if(length(lines))
paste0("LaTeX errors:\n",
paste(lines, collapse = "\n"))
else character()
stop(paste(gettextf("unable to run %s on '%s'", latex, file),
errors, sep = "\n"),
domain = NA)
Log <- readLines(paste0(base, ".log"))
nmiss <- length(grep("Warning:.*Citation.*undefined", Log,
useBytes = TRUE))
if(nmiss == nmiss_prev &&
!any(grepl("(Rerun to get|biblatex.*\\(re\\)run)", Log,
useBytes = TRUE)) ) break
### * Internal utility variables.
### ** .ORCID_iD_regexp
.ORCID_iD_regexp <-
### ** .ORCID_iD_variants_regexp
.ORCID_iD_variants_regexp <-
sprintf("^((https?://|)orcid.org/)?(%s)>?$", .ORCID_iD_regexp)
.ORCID_iD_db_from_package_sources <-
meta <- .read_description(file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION"))
ids1 <- ids2 <- character()
if(!is.na(aar <- meta["Authors@R"])) {
aar <- tryCatch(utils:::.read_authors_at_R_field(aar),
error = identity)
if(!inherits(aar, "error")) {
ids1 <- unlist(lapply(aar,
function(e) {
e <- e$comment
e[names(e) == "ORCID"]
use.names = FALSE)
if(file.exists(cfile <- file.path(dir, "inst", "CITATION"))) {
cinfo <- .read_citation_quietly(cfile, meta)
if(!inherits(cinfo, "error"))
ids2 <- unlist(lapply(cinfo$author,
function(e) {
e <- e$comment
e[names(e) == "ORCID"]
use.names = FALSE)
rbind(if(length(ids1)) cbind(ids1, "DESCRIPTION"),
if(length(ids2)) cbind(ids2, "inst/CITATION"))
### ** .vc_dir_names
## Version control directory names: CVS, .svn (Subversion), .arch-ids
## (arch), .bzr, .git, .hg (mercurial) and _darcs (Darcs)
## And it seems .metadata (eclipse) is in the same category.
.vc_dir_names <-
c("CVS", ".svn", ".arch-ids", ".bzr", ".git", ".hg", "_darcs", ".metadata")
## and RE version (beware of the need for escapes if amending)
.vc_dir_names_re <-
## We are told
## .Rproj.user is Rstudio
## .cproject .project .settings are Eclipse
## .exrc is for vi
## .tm_properties is Mac's TextMate
.hidden_file_exclusions <-
c(".Renviron", ".Rprofile", ".Rproj.user",
".Rhistory", ".Rapp.history",
".tex", ".log", ".aux", ".pdf", ".png",
".backups", ".cvsignore", ".cproject", ".directory",
".dropbox", ".exrc", ".gdb.history",
".gitattributes", ".gitignore", ".gitmodules",
".hgignore", ".hgtags",
".project", ".seed", ".settings", ".tm_properties")
### * Internal utility functions.
### ** filtergrep
filtergrep <-
function(pattern, x, ...)
grep(pattern, x, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, ...)
### ** %notin%
`%notin%` <-
function(x, y)
is.na(match(x, y))
### ** %w/o%
## x without y, as in the examples of ?match.
`%w/o%` <-
function(x, y)
x[is.na(match(x, y))]
### ** .OStype
.OStype <- function() {
Sys.getenv("R_OSTYPE", unset = .Platform$OS.type, names = FALSE)
### ** .R_copyright_msg
.R_copyright_msg <-
sprintf("Copyright (C) %s-%s The R Core Team.",
year, R.version$year)
### ** .R_top_srcdir
## Find the root directory of the source tree used for building this
## version of R (corresponding to Unix configure @top_srcdir@).
## Seems this is not recorded anywhere, but we can find our way ...
.R_top_srcdir_from_Rd <-
function() {
filebase <-
file_path_sans_ext(system.file("help", "tools.rdb",
package = "tools"))
path <- attr(fetchRdDB(filebase, "QC"), "Rdfile")
## We could use 5 dirname() calls, but perhaps more easily:
substr(path, 1L, nchar(path) - 28L)
## Unfortunately,
## .R_top_srcdir <- .R_top_srcdir_from_Rd()
## does not work because when tools is installed there are no Rd pages
## yet ...
### ** config_val_to_logical
config_val_to_logical <-
function(val) utils:::str2logical(val)
### ** .canonicalize_doi
.canonicalize_doi <-
x <- sub("^((doi|DOI):)?[[:space:]]*https?://(dx[.])?doi[.]org/", "",
sub("^(doi|DOI):", "", x)
### ** .canonicalize_quotes
.canonicalize_quotes <-
txt <- as.character(txt)
if(!length(txt)) return(txt)
enc <- Encoding(txt)
txt <- gsub("(\u2018|\u2019)", "'", txt, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
txt <- gsub("(\u201c|\u201d)", '"', txt, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
Encoding(txt) <- enc
### ** .enc2latin1
.enc2latin1 <-
if(length(pos <- which(Encoding(x) == "UTF-8")))
x[pos] <- iconv(x[pos], "UTF-8", "latin1", sub = "byte")
### ** .eval_with_capture
.eval_with_capture <-
function(expr, type = NULL)
## Evaluate the given expression and return a list with elements
## 'value', 'output' and 'message' (with obvious meanings).
## The current implementation gives character() if capturing was not
## attempted of gave nothing. If desired, one could modify the code
## to return NULL in the former case.
capture_output <- capture_message <- TRUE
else {
type <- match.arg(type, c("output", "message"))
capture_output <- type == "output"
capture_message <- !capture_output
outcon <- file(open = "w+", encoding = "UTF-8")
msgcon <- file(open = "w+", encoding = "UTF-8")
if(capture_output) {
sink(outcon, type = "output")
on.exit(sink(type = "output"))
if(capture_message) {
sink(msgcon, type = "message")
on.exit(sink(type = "message"), add = capture_output)
on.exit({ close(outcon) ; close(msgcon) }, add = TRUE)
value <- eval(expr)
list(value = value,
output = readLines(outcon, warn = FALSE),
message = readLines(msgcon, warn = FALSE))
### ** .expand_anchored_Rd_xrefs
.expand_anchored_Rd_xrefs <-
## db should have columns Target and Anchor.
db <- db[, c("Target", "Anchor"), drop = FALSE]
## See .check_Rd_xrefs().
anchor <- db[, 2L]
have_equals <- startsWith(anchor, "=")
db[have_equals, ] <-
cbind(sub("^=", "", anchor[have_equals]), "")
anchor <- db[, 2L]
have_colon <- grepl(":", anchor, fixed = TRUE)
y <- cbind(T_Package = anchor, T_File = db[, 1L])
y[have_colon, ] <-
cbind(sub("([^:]*):(.*)", "\\1", anchor[have_colon]),
sub("([^:]*):(.*)", "\\2", anchor[have_colon]))
### ** .file_append_ensuring_LFs
.file_append_ensuring_LFs <-
function(file1, file2)
## Use a fast version of file.append() that ensures LF between
## files.
.Call(C_codeFilesAppend, file1, file2)
### ** .file_path_relative_to_dir
.file_path_relative_to_dir <-
function(x, dir, add = FALSE)
if(any(ind <- startsWith(x, dir))) {
## Assume .Platform$file.sep is a single character.
x[ind] <- if(add)
file.path(basename(dir), substring(x[ind], nchar(dir) + 2L))
substring(x[ind], nchar(dir) + 2L)
### ** .find_calls
.find_calls <-
function(x, predicate = NULL, recursive = FALSE)
calls <- list()
if(!is.recursive(x) || isS4(x)) return(calls)
x <- if(is.call(x))
else {
class(x) <- NULL
f <- if(is.null(predicate))
function(e) is.call(e)
else ## no check predicate returns a scalar, so any() added for 4.2.0
function(e) is.call(e) && any(predicate(e))
if(!recursive) return(Filter(f, x))
gatherer <- function(e) {
if(f(e)) calls <<- c(calls, list(e))
if(is.recursive(e) && !is.environment(e) && !isS4(e)) {
class(e) <- NULL
e <- as.list(e)
for(i in seq_along(e)) gatherer(e[[i]])
### ** .find_calls_in_file
.find_calls_in_file <-
function(file, encoding = NA, predicate = NULL, recursive = FALSE)
.find_calls(.parse_code_file(file, encoding), predicate, recursive)
### ** .find_calls_in_package_code
.find_calls_in_package_code <-
function(dir, predicate = NULL, recursive = FALSE, .worker = NULL,
which = "code")
dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
encoding <- if(file.exists(dfile))
.read_description(dfile)["Encoding"] else NA
.worker <- function(file, encoding)
.find_calls_in_file(file, encoding, predicate, recursive)
which <- match.arg(which,
c("code", "vignettes", "NAMESPACE", "CITATION"),
several.ok = TRUE)
code_files <-
if("code" %in% which)
list_files_with_type(file.path(dir, "R"), "code",
OS_subdirs = c("unix", "windows")),
if(("vignettes" %in% which) &&
dir.exists(fp <- file.path(dir, "inst", "doc")))
list_files_with_type(fp, "code"),
if(("NAMESPACE" %in% which) &&
file.exists(fp <- file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE")))
if(("CITATION" %in% which) &&
file.exists(fp <- file.path(dir, "inst", "CITATION")))
calls <- lapply(code_files, .worker, encoding)
names(calls) <-
.file_path_relative_to_dir(code_files, dirname(dir))
.predicate_for_calls_with_names <-
function(e) {
(is.call(e) &&
((is.name(x <- e[[1L]]) &&
as.character(x) %in% nms)) ||
((is.call(x <- e[[1L]]) &&
is.name(x[[1L]]) &&
(as.character(x[[1L]]) %in% c("::", ":::")) &&
as.character(x[[3L]]) %in% nms)))
### ** .find_owner_env
.find_owner_env <-
function(v, env, last = NA, default = NA) {
while(!identical(env, last))
if(exists(v, envir = env, inherits = FALSE))
env <- parent.env(env)
### ** .get_BibTeX_errors_from_blg_file
.get_BibTeX_errors_from_blg_file <-
## Get BibTeX error info, using non-header lines until the first
## warning or summary, hoping for the best ...
lines <- readLines(con, warn = FALSE)
if(any(ind <- is.na(nchar(lines, allowNA = TRUE))))
lines[ind] <- iconv(lines[ind], "", "", sub = "byte")
## How can we find out for sure that there were errors? Try
## guessing ... and peeking at tex-buf.el from AUCTeX.
really_has_errors <-
(any(startsWith(lines, "---")) ||
regexpr("There (was|were) ([0123456789]+) error messages?",
lines[length(lines)]) > -1L)
## (Note that warnings are ignored for now.)
## MiKTeX does not give usage, so '(There were n error messages)' is
## last.
pos <- grep("^(Warning|You|\\(There)", lines)
if(!really_has_errors || !length(pos) ) return(character())
ind <- seq.int(from = 3L, length.out = pos[1L] - 3L)
### ** .get_LaTeX_errors_from_log_file
.get_LaTeX_errors_from_log_file <-
function(con, n = 4L)
## Get (La)TeX lines with error plus n (default 4) lines of trailing
## context.
lines <- readLines(con, warn = FALSE)
if(any(ind <- is.na(nchar(lines, allowNA = TRUE))))
lines[ind] <- iconv(lines[ind], "", "", sub = "byte")
## Try matching both the regular error indicator ('!') as well as
## the file line error indicator ('file:line:').
pos <- grep("(^! |^!pdfTeX error:|:[0123456789]+:.*[Ee]rror)", lines)
## unforunately that was too general and caught false positives
## Errors are typically of the form
## ! LaTeX Error:
## !pdfTeX error:
## ! Emergency stop
## ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
## .../pegas.Rcheck/inst/doc/ReadingFiles.tex:395: Package inputenc Error:
if(!length(pos)) return(character())
## Error chunk extends to at most the next error line.
mapply(function(from, to) paste(lines[from : to], collapse = "\n"),
pos, pmin(pos + n, c(pos[-1L], length(lines))))
### ** .get_internal_S3_generics
.get_internal_S3_generics <-
function(primitive = TRUE) # primitive means 'include primitives'
out <-
## Get the names of R internal S3 generics (via DispatchOrEval(),
## cf. ?InternalMethods).
c("[", "[[", "$", "[<-", "[[<-", "$<-", "@<-",
"as.vector", "cbind", "rbind", "unlist",
"is.unsorted", "lengths", "nchar", "rep.int", "rep_len",
## ^^^^^^^ now contains the members of the group generics from
## groupGeneric.Rd.
out <- out[!vapply(out, .is_primitive_in_base, NA)]
### ** .get_namespace_package_depends
.get_namespace_package_depends <-
function(dir, selective_only = FALSE)
nsInfo <- .check_namespace(dir)
getter <- if(selective_only) {
function(e) {
if(is.list(e) && length(e[[2L]])) e[[1L]] else character()
} else {
function(e) e[[1L]]
depends <- c(lapply(nsInfo$imports, getter),
lapply(nsInfo$importClasses, getter),
lapply(nsInfo$importMethods, getter))
unique(sort(as.character(unlist(depends, use.names = FALSE))))
### ** .get_namespace_S3_methods_db
.get_namespace_S3_methods_db <-
## Get the registered S3 methods for an 'nsInfo' object returned by
## parseNamespaceFile(), as a 3-column character matrix with the
## names of the generic, class and method (as a function).
S3_methods_db <- nsInfo$S3methods
return(matrix(character(), ncol = 4L))
idx <- is.na(S3_methods_db[, 3L])
S3_methods_db[idx, 3L] <-
paste(S3_methods_db[idx, 1L],
S3_methods_db[idx, 2L],
sep = ".")
### ** .get_namespace_S3_methods_with_homes
.get_namespace_S3_methods_with_homes <-
function(package, lib.loc = NULL)
## Get the registered S3 methods with the 'homes' of the generics
## they are registered for.
## Original code provided by Luke Tierney.
path <- system.file(package = package, lib.loc = lib.loc)
if(!nzchar(path)) return(NULL)
if(package == "base") {
len <- nrow(.S3_methods_table)
return(list2DF(list(generic = .S3_methods_table[, 1L],
home = rep_len("base", len),
class = .S3_methods_table[, 2L],
delayed = rep_len(FALSE, len))))
lib.loc <- dirname(path)
nsinfo <- parseNamespaceFile(package, lib.loc)
S3methods <- nsinfo$S3methods
if(!length(S3methods)) return(NULL)
tab <- NULL
ind <- is.na(S3methods[, 4L])
if(!all(ind)) {
## Delayed registrations can be handled directly.
pos <- which(!ind)
tab <- list2DF(list(generic = S3methods[pos, 1L],
home = S3methods[pos, 4L],
class = S3methods[pos, 2L],
delayed = rep_len(TRUE, length(pos))))
S3methods <- S3methods[ind, , drop = FALSE]
generic <- S3methods[, 1L]
nsenv <- loadNamespace(package, lib.loc)
## Possibly speed things up by only looking up the unique generics.
generics <- unique(generic)
homes <- character(length(generics))
ind <- is.na(match(generics, .get_S3_group_generics()))
homes[ind] <-
function(f) {
f <- get(f, nsenv)
use.names = FALSE)
## S3 group generics belong to base.
homes[!ind] <- "base"
rbind(list2DF(list(generic = generic,
home = homes[match(generic, generics)],
class = S3methods[, 2L],
delayed = rep_len(FALSE, length(generic)))),
### ** .get_package_metadata
.get_package_metadata <-
function(dir, installed = FALSE)
## Get the package DESCRIPTION metadata for a package with root
## directory 'dir'. If an unpacked source (uninstalled) package,
## base packages (have only a DESCRIPTION.in file with priority
## "base") need special attention.
dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
if(file_test("-f", dfile)) return(.read_description(dfile))
if(installed) stop("File 'DESCRIPTION' is missing.")
dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION.in")
if(file_test("-f", dfile))
meta <- .read_description(dfile)
stop("Files 'DESCRIPTION' and 'DESCRIPTION.in' are missing.")
if(identical(as.character(meta["Priority"]), "base")) return(meta)
stop("invalid package layout")
### ** .get_requires_from_package_db
.get_requires_from_package_db <-
category = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "VignetteBuilder",
"Suggests", "Enhances", "RdMacros"))
category <- match.arg(category)
if(category %in% names(db)) {
requires <- unlist(strsplit(db[category], ","))
requires <-
sub("^[[:space:]]*([[:alnum:].]+).*$", "\\1", requires)
if(category == "Depends")
requires <- requires[requires != "R"]
requires <- character()
### ** .get_requires_with_version_from_package_db
.get_requires_with_version_from_package_db <-
category = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "VignetteBuilder",
"Suggests", "Enhances"))
category <- match.arg(category)
if(category %in% names(db)) {
res <- .split_dependencies(db[category])
if(category == "Depends") res[names(res) != "R"] else res
} else list()
### ** .get_S3_generics_as_seen_from_package
## .get_S3_generics_as_seen_from_package <-
## function(dir, installed = TRUE, primitive = FALSE)
## {
## ## Get the S3 generics "as seen from a package" rooted at
## ## @code{dir}. Tricky ...
## if(basename(dir) == "base")
## env_list <- list()
## else {
## ## Always look for generics in the whole of the former base.
## ## (Not right, but we do not perform run time analyses when
## ## working off package sources.) Maybe change this eventually,
## ## but we still cannot rely on packages to fully declare their
## ## dependencies on base packages.
## env_list <-
## list(baseenv(),
## as.environment("package:graphics"),
## as.environment("package:stats"),
## as.environment("package:utils"))
## if(installed) {
## ## Also use the loaded namespaces and attached packages
## ## listed in the DESCRIPTION Depends and Imports fields.
## ## Not sure if this is the best approach: we could also try
## ## to determine which namespaces/packages were made
## ## available by loading the package (which should work at
## ## least when run from R CMD check), or we could simply
## ## attach every package listed as a dependency ... or
## ## perhaps do both.
## db <- .read_description(file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION"))
## depends <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Depends")
## imports <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Imports")
## reqs <- intersect(c(depends, imports), loadedNamespaces())
## if(length(reqs))
## env_list <- c(env_list, lapply(reqs, getNamespace))
## reqs <- intersect(setdiff(depends, loadedNamespaces()),
## .packages())
## if(length(reqs))
## env_list <- c(env_list, lapply(reqs, .package_env))
## env_list <- unique(env_list)
## }
## }
## ## some BioC packages warn here
## suppressWarnings(
## unique(c(.get_internal_S3_generics(primitive),
## unlist(lapply(env_list, .get_S3_generics_in_env))))
## )
## }
### ** .get_S3_generics_in_base
.get_S3_generics_in_base <-
## .get_S3_generics_in_env(.BaseNamespaceEnv) gets all UseMethod
## generics.
## .get_internal_S3_generics() gets the internal S3 generics. By
## default this also adds the primitive generics.
## .get_S3_group_generics() gets the S3 group generics.
## Note that
## .make_S3_group_generic_env()
## generates an env with the group generics and appropriate
## signatures, so we should always have
## identical(sort(.get_S3_group_generics()),
## sort(names(.make_S3_group_generic_env())))
## and that
## .make_S3_primitive_generic_env()
## generates and env with the primitive generics and appropriate
## signatures (in turn using base::.GenericArgsEnv), so we should
## always have
## identical(sort(.get_S3_primitive_generics()),
## sort(names(.make_S3_primitive_generic_env())))
### ** .get_S3_generics_in_env
.get_S3_generics_in_env <-
function(env, nms = NULL)
nms <- sort(names(env))
if(".no_S3_generics" %in% nms)
Filter(function(f) .is_S3_generic(f, envir = env), nms)
### ** .get_S3_group_generics
.get_S3_group_generics <-
c("Ops", "Math", "Summary", "Complex", "matrixOps")
### ** .get_S3_primitive_generics
.get_S3_primitive_generics <-
function(include_group_generics = TRUE)
## Keep this in sync with ? groupGeneric:
## Group 'Math':
"abs", "sign", "sqrt",
"floor", "ceiling", "trunc",
"round", "signif",
"exp", "log", "expm1", "log1p",
"cos", "sin", "tan",
"cospi", "sinpi", "tanpi",
"acos", "asin", "atan",
"cosh", "sinh", "tanh",
"acosh", "asinh", "atanh",
"lgamma", "gamma", "digamma", "trigamma",
"cumsum", "cumprod", "cummax", "cummin",
## Group 'Ops':
"+", "-", "*", "/",
"^", "%%", "%/%",
"&", "|", "!",
"==", "!=",
"<", "<=", ">=", ">",
## Group 'Summary':
"all", "any", "sum", "prod", "max", "min", "range",
## Group 'Complex':
"Arg", "Conj", "Im", "Mod", "Re",
## Group 'matrixOps'
### ** .get_standard_Rd_keywords
.get_standard_Rd_keywords <-
lines <- readLines(file.path(R.home("doc"), "KEYWORDS.db"))
lines <- grep("^.*\\|([^:]*):.*", lines, value = TRUE)
lines <- sub( "^.*\\|([^:]*):.*", "\\1", lines)
### ** .get_standard_package_names
## we cannot assume that file.path(R.home("share"), "make", "vars.mk")
## is installed, as it is not on Windows
.get_standard_package_names <-
lines <- readLines(file.path(R.home("share"), "make", "vars.mk"))
lines <- grep("^R_PKGS_[[:upper:]]+ *=", lines, value = TRUE)
out <- strsplit(sub("^R_PKGS_[[:upper:]]+ *= *", "", lines), " +")
names(out) <-
tolower(sub("^R_PKGS_([[:upper:]]+) *=.*", "\\1", lines))
eval(substitute(function() {out}, list(out=out)), envir = topenv())
### ** .get_standard_package_dependencies
.get_standard_package_dependencies <-
function(reverse = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)
names <- unlist(.get_standard_package_names())
paths <- file.path(.Library, names, "DESCRIPTION")
## Be nice ...
paths <- paths[file.exists(paths)]
which <- c("Depends", "Imports")
fields <- c("Package", which)
## Create a minimal available packages db.
a <- do.call(rbind,
function(p) .read_description(p)[fields]))
colnames(a) <- fields
package_dependencies(names, a, which = which,
reverse = reverse, recursive = recursive)
### ** .get_standard_repository_URLs
## Usage in e.g. CRAN_baseurl_for_web_area assumes this returns a
## valid CRAN mirror as its first element.
## That used not to be guaranteed, and it is still unchecked.
.get_standard_repository_URLs <-
function(ForXrefs = FALSE)
if(ForXrefs &&
nzchar(repos <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_XREFS_REPOSITORIES_", "")))
return(utils:::.expand_BioC_repository_URLs(strsplit(repos, " +")[[1L]]))
nms <- c("CRAN", "BioCsoft", "BioCann", "BioCexp")
repos <- getOption("repos")
## This is set by utils:::.onLoad(), hence may be NULL.
if(!is.null(repos) && !anyNA(repos[nms]) && (repos["CRAN"] != "@CRAN@"))
repos <- repos[nms]
else {
repos <- utils:::.get_repositories()[nms, "URL"]
names(repos) <- nms
## That might not contain an entry for CRAN
if(is.na(repos["CRAN"]) || repos["CRAN"] == "@CRAN@")
repos["CRAN"] <- "https://CRAN.R-project.org"
.get_CRAN_repository_URL <-
repos <- getOption("repos")
if(!is.null(repos) && !is.na(cr <- repos["CRAN"]) && (cr != "@CRAN@"))
cr <- utils:::.get_repositories()["CRAN", "URL"]
## That might not contain an entry for CRAN
if(is.na(cr) || cr == "@CRAN@") cr <- "https://CRAN.R-project.org"
### ** .get_standard_repository_db_fields
.get_standard_repository_db_fields <-
function(type = c("source", "mac.binary", "win.binary")) {
type <- match.arg(type)
c("Package", "Version", "Priority",
"Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances",
"License", "License_is_FOSS", "License_restricts_use",
"OS_type", "Archs", "MD5sum",
if(type == "source") "NeedsCompilation"
### ** .get_standard_DESCRIPTION_fields
.get_standard_DESCRIPTION_fields <-
## Extract from R-exts via
## .get_DESCRIPTION_fields_in_R_exts():
## Others: adjust as needed.
"Acknowledgments", # USA/Canadian usage.
### ** .get_DESCRIPTION_fields_in_R_exts
.get_DESCRIPTION_fields_in_R_exts <-
function(texi = NULL)
texi <- file.path(.R_top_srcdir_from_Rd(),
"doc", "manual", "R-exts.texi")
lines <- readLines(texi)
re <- "^@c DESCRIPTION field "
sort(unique(sub(re, "", lines[grepl(re, lines)])))
### ** .gregexec_at_pos
.gregexec_at_pos <-
function(pattern, x, m, pos)
unlist(lapply(regmatches(x, m),
regexec(pattern, e)))[, pos]
use.names = FALSE)
### ** .gsub_with_transformed_matches
.gsub_with_transformed_matches <-
function(pattern, replacement, x, trafo, count, ...)
## gsub() with replacements featuring transformations of matches.
## Character string (%s) conversion specifications in 'replacement'
## will be replaced by applying the respective transformations in
## 'trafo' to the respective matches (parenthesized subexpressions of
## 'pattern') specified by 'count'.
## Argument 'trafo' should be a single unary function, or a list of
## such functions.
## Argument 'count' should be a vector of with the numbers of
## parenthesized subexpressions to be transformed (0 gives the whole
## match).
replace <- function(yi) {
Map(function(tr, co) fsub("\\", "\\\\", tr(yi[co])),
trafo, count + 1L)))
if(!is.list(trafo)) trafo <- list(trafo)
m <- gregexpr(pattern, x, ...)
v <- lapply(regmatches(x, m),
function(e) {
y <- regmatches(e, regexec(pattern, e, ...))
unlist(Map(function(ei, yi) {
sub(pattern, replace(yi), ei, ...)
regmatches(x, m) <- v
### imports_for_undefined_globals
imports_for_undefined_globals <-
function(txt, lst, selective = TRUE)
lst <- scan(what = character(), text = txt, quiet = TRUE)
lst <- sort(unique(lst))
nms <- lapply(lst, utils::find)
ind <- lengths(nms) > 0L
imp <- split(lst[ind], substring(unlist(nms[ind]), 9L))
if(selective) {
vapply(Map(c, names(imp), imp),
paste0("\"", e, "\"", collapse = ", "),
} else {
sprintf("import(\"%s\")", names(imp))
### ** .is_ASCII
.is_ASCII <-
## Determine whether the strings in a character vector are ASCII or
## not.
function(txt) all(charToRaw(txt) <= as.raw(127)),
### ** .is_ISO_8859
.is_ISO_8859 <-
## Determine whether the strings in a character vector could be in
## some ISO 8859 character set or not.
raw_ub <- as.raw(0x7f)
raw_lb <- as.raw(0xa0)
function(txt) {
raw <- charToRaw(txt)
all(raw <= raw_ub | raw >= raw_lb)
### ** .is_primitive_in_base
.is_primitive_in_base <-
## Determine whether object named 'fname' found in the base
## environment is a primitive function.
is.primitive(get(fname, envir = baseenv(), inherits = FALSE))
### ** .is_S3_generic
.is_S3_generic <-
function(fname, envir, mustMatch = TRUE)
## Determine whether object named 'fname' found in environment
## 'envir' is (to be considered) an S3 generic function. Note,
## found *in* not found *from*, so envir does not have a default.
## If it is, does it dispatch methods of fname? We need that to
## look for possible methods as functions named fname.* ....
## Provided by LT with the following comments:
## This is tricky. Figuring out what could possibly dispatch
## successfully some of the time is pretty much impossible given R's
## semantics. Something containing a literal call to UseMethod is
## too broad in the sense that a UseMethod call in a local function
## doesn't produce a dispatch on the outer function ...
## If we use something like: a generic has to be
## function(e) # UME = UseMethod Expression
## with
## = UseMethod(...) |
## if (...) [else ...] |
## if (...) ... else
## { ... ... }
## then a recognizer for UME might be as follows.
f <- suppressMessages(get(fname, envir = envir, inherits = FALSE))
if(!is.function(f)) return(FALSE)
isUMEbrace <- function(e) {
for (ee in as.list(e[-1L])) if (nzchar(res <- isUME(ee))) return(res)
isUMEif <- function(e) {
if (length(e) == 3L) isUME(e[[3L]])
else {
if (nzchar(res <- isUME(e[[3L]]))) res
else if (nzchar(res <- isUME(e[[4L]]))) res
else ""
isUME <- function(e) {
if (is.call(e) && (is.name(e[[1L]]) || is.character(e[[1L]]))) {
UseMethod = as.character(e[[2L]]),
"{" = isUMEbrace(e),
"if" = isUMEif(e),
} else ""
res <- isUME(body(f))
if(mustMatch) res == fname else nzchar(res)
### ** .load_namespace_quietly
.load_namespace_quietly <-
function(package, lib.loc) {
if(package != "base")
.try_quietly(loadNamespace(package, lib.loc))
### ** .load_namespace_rather_quietly
.load_namespace_rather_quietly <-
## Suppress messages and warnings from loading namespace
## dependencies.
.whandler <- function(e) {
calls <- sys.calls()
if(sum(.call_names(calls) == "loadNamespace") == 1L)
expr <- substitute(loadNamespace(package), list(package = package))
warning = .whandler))
### ** .load_package_quietly
.load_package_quietly <-
function(package, lib.loc)
## Quietly ensure that package @code{package} is loaded and
## attached.
## If not yet loaded, look for the package in @code{lib.loc}.
## Otherwise, we do not attempt reloading: previously we tried at
## least when attached, but reloading namespaces invalidates DLLs
## and S3 registries, see e.g. PR#18130
## .
## Hence if already loaded, we can neither ensure that the package
## came from @code{lib.loc}, nor that we used the currently
## installed versions.
## Don't do anything for base.
## All QC functions use this for loading packages because R CMD
## check interprets all output as indicating a problem.
if(package != "base")
pos <- match(paste0("package:", package), search())
if(!is.na(pos)) {
detach(pos = pos)
## Presumably this should use
## detach(pos, force = TRUE)
## to always detach?
## Or perhaps simply leave things as they are?
library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE)
### ** .make_file_exts
## Remove support for type "vignette" eventually ...
.make_file_exts <-
function(type = c("code", "data", "demo", "docs", "vignette"))
## Return a character vector with the possible/recognized file
## extensions for a given file type.
code = c("R", "r", "S", "s", "q"),
## Keep in sync with the order given in base's data.Rd.
data = c("R", "r",
"RData", "rdata", "rda",
"tab", "txt", "TXT",
"tab.gz", "txt.gz",
"tab.bz2", "txt.bz2",
"tab.xz", "txt.xz",
"csv", "CSV",
"csv.gz", "csv.bz2", "csv.xz"),
demo = c("R", "r"),
docs = c("Rd", "rd", "Rd.gz", "rd.gz"),
vignette = c(outer(c("R", "r", "S", "s"), c("nw", "tex"),
### ** .make_S3_group_generic_env
.make_S3_group_generic_env <-
function(parent = parent.frame())
## Create an environment with pseudo-definitions for the S3 group
## methods.
env <- new.env(parent = parent) # small
assign("Math", function(x, ...) UseMethod("Math"),
envir = env)
assign("Ops", function(e1, e2) UseMethod("Ops"),
envir = env)
assign("matrixOps", function(e1, e2) UseMethod("matrixOps"),
envir = env)
assign("Summary", function(..., na.rm = FALSE) UseMethod("Summary"),
envir = env)
assign("Complex", function(z) UseMethod("Complex"),
envir = env)
### ** .make_S3_primitive_generic_env
.make_S3_primitive_generic_env <-
function(parent = parent.frame(), fixup = FALSE)
## Create an environment with pseudo-definitions for the S3 primitive
## generics
env <- list2env(as.list(base::.GenericArgsEnv, all.names=TRUE),
hash=TRUE, parent=parent)
if(fixup) {
## now fixup the operators from (e1,e2) to (x,y)
for(f in c('+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '%%', '%/%', '&', '|',
'==', '!=', '<', '<=', '>=', '>')) {
fx <- get(f, envir = env)
formals(fx) <- alist(x=, y=)
assign(f, fx, envir = env)
### ** .make_S3_primitive_nongeneric_env
## why not just use base::.ArgsEnv -- is the parent really important if(is_base)?
.make_S3_primitive_nongeneric_env <-
function(parent = parent.frame())
## Create an environment with pseudo-definitions
## for the S3 primitive non-generics
list2env(as.list(base::.ArgsEnv, all.names=TRUE),
hash=TRUE, parent=parent)
### ** .make_KaTeX_checker
.make_KaTeX_checker <- local({
fun <- NULL
ctx <- NULL
function() {
if(is.null(fun) && requireNamespace("V8", quietly = TRUE)) {
dir <- file.path(R.home(), "doc", "html")
ctx <<- V8::v8("window")
ctx$source(file.path(dir, "katex", "katex.js"))
## Provides additional macros:
ctx$source(file.path(dir, "katex-config.js"))
## Provides checkTex():
ctx$source(file.path(dir, "katex-check.js"))
fun <<- function(tex) ctx$call('checkTex', tex)
### ** nonS3methods [was .make_S3_methods_stop_list ]
nonS3methods <- function(package)
## Return a character vector with the names of the functions in
## @code{package} which 'look' like S3 methods, but are not.
## Using package = NULL returns all known examples
stopList <-
list(base = c("all.equal", "all.names", "all.vars",
"format.info", "format.pval",
## the next two only exist in *-defunct.Rd.
## "print.atomic", "print.coefmat",
"qr.Q", "qr.R", "qr.X", "qr.coef", "qr.fitted", "qr.qty",
"qr.qy", "qr.resid", "qr.solve",
"rep.int", "seq.int", "sort.int", "sort.list"),
AMORE = "sim.MLPnet",
BSDA = "sign.test",
BiocGenerics = "rep.int",
ChemometricsWithR = "lda.loofun",
ElectoGraph = "plot.wedding.cake",
FrF2 = "all.2fis.clear.catlg",
GLDEX = c("hist.su", "pretty.su"),
Hmisc = c("abs.error.pred", "all.digits", "all.is.numeric",
"format.df", "format.pval", "t.test.cluster"),
HyperbolicDist = "log.hist",
MASS = c("frequency.polygon", "gamma.dispersion", "gamma.shape",
"hist.FD", "hist.scott"),
LinearizedSVR = "sigma.est",
## FIXME: since these are already listed with 'base',
## they should not need to be repeated here:
Matrix = c("qr.Q", "qr.R", "qr.coef", "qr.fitted",
"qr.qty", "qr.qy", "qr.resid"),
PerformanceAnalytics = c("mean.LCL", "mean.UCL",
"mean.geometric", "mean.stderr"),
RCurl = "merge.list",
RNetCDF = c("close.nc", "dim.def.nc", "dim.inq.nc",
"dim.rename.nc", "open.nc", "print.nc"),
Rmpfr = c("mpfr.is.0", "mpfr.is.integer"),
SMPracticals = "exp.gibbs",
TANOVA = "sigma.hat",
TeachingDemos = "sigma.test",
XML = "text.SAX",
ape = "sort.index",
arm = "sigma.hat", # lme4 has sigma()
assist = "chol.new",
boot = "exp.tilt",
car = "scatterplot.matrix",
calibrator = "t.fun",
clusterfly = "ggobi.som",
coda = "as.mcmc.list",
crossdes = "all.combn",
ctv = "update.views",
deSolve = "plot.1D",
effects = "all.effects", # already deprecated
elliptic = "sigma.laurent",
equivalence = "sign.boot",
fields = c("qr.q2ty", "qr.yq2"),
gbm = c("pretty.gbm.tree", "quantile.rug"),
genetics = "diseq.ci",
gpclib = "scale.poly",
grDevices = "boxplot.stats",
graphics = c("close.screen", "plot.design", "plot.new",
"plot.window", "plot.xy", "split.screen"),
ic.infer = "all.R2",
hier.part = "all.regs",
lasso2 = "qr.rtr.inv",
latticeExtra = "xyplot.list",
locfit = c("density.lf", "plot.eval"),
moments = c("all.cumulants", "all.moments"),
mosaic = "t.test",
mratios = c("t.test.ration", "t.test.ratio.default",
ncdf = c("open.ncdf", "close.ncdf",
"dim.create.ncdf", "dim.def.ncdf",
"dim.inq.ncdf", "dim.same.ncdf"),
plyr = c("rbind.fill", "rbind.fill.matrix"),
quadprog = c("solve.QP", "solve.QP.compact"),
reposTools = "update.packages2",
reshape = "all.vars.character",
rgeos = "scale.poly",
rowr = "cbind.fill",
sac = "cumsum.test",
sfsmisc = "cumsum.test",
sm = "print.graph",
spatstat = "lengths.psp",
splusTimeDate = "sort.list",
splusTimeSeries = "sort.list",
stats = c("anova.lmlist", "expand.model.frame", "fitted.values",
"influence.measures", "lag.plot", "t.test",
"plot.spec.phase", "plot.spec.coherency"),
stremo = "sigma.hat",
supclust = c("sign.change", "sign.flip"),
tensorA = "chol.tensor",
utils = c("close.socket", "flush.console", "update.packages"),
wavelets = "plot.dwt.multiple"
if(is.null(package)) return(unlist(stopList))
thisPkg <- stopList[[package]]
if(!length(thisPkg)) character() else thisPkg
### ** .make_S3_methods_table_for_base
.make_S3_methods_table_for_base <-
env <- baseenv()
objects <- ls(env, all.names = TRUE)
ind <- vapply(objects,
function(o) .is_S3_generic(o, env),
generics <- sort(unique(c(objects[ind],
ind <- grepl("^[[:alpha:]]", generics)
generics <- c(generics[!ind], generics[ind])
## The foo.bar objects in base:
objects <- grep("[^.]+[.][[:alpha:]]", objects, value = TRUE)
## Make our lives easier ...
objects <- setdiff(objects, nonS3methods("base"))
## Find the ones matching GENERIC.CLASS from the list of generics.
methods <-
function(e) objects[startsWith(objects, paste0(e, "."))])
names(methods) <- generics
## Need to separate all from all.equal:
methods$all <- methods$all[!startsWith(methods$all, "all.equal")]
methods <- Filter(length, methods)
classes <- Map(substring, methods, nchar(names(methods)) + 2L)
cbind(generic = rep.int(names(classes), lengths(classes)),
class = unlist(classes, use.names = FALSE))
.deparse_S3_methods_table_for_base <-
if(!identical("C", Sys.getlocale("LC_COLLATE")))
warning("*not* using 'C' for LC_COLLATE locale")
mdb <- .make_S3_methods_table_for_base()
n <- nrow(mdb)
c(sprintf("%s\"%s\", \"%s\"%s",
c("matrix(c(", rep.int(" ", n - 1L)),
mdb[, 1L],
mdb[, 2L],
c(rep.int(",", n - 1L), "),")),
" ncol = 2L, byrow = TRUE,",
" dimnames = list(NULL, c(\"generic\", \"class\")))")
### ** .package_apply
.package_apply <-
function(packages = NULL, FUN, ...,
Ncpus = getOption("Ncpus", 1L))
## Apply FUN and extra '...' args to all given packages.
## The default corresponds to all installed packages with high
## priority.
packages <-
unique(utils::installed.packages(priority = "high")[ , 1L])
one <- function(p)
tryCatch(FUN(p, ...),
error = function(e)
## (Just don't throw the error ...)
## Would be good to have a common wrapper ...
if(Ncpus > 1L) {
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
out <- parallel::mclapply(packages, one, mc.cores = Ncpus)
} else {
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(Ncpus)
args <- list(FUN, ...) # Eval promises.
out <- parallel::parLapply(cl, packages, one)
} else {
out <- lapply(packages, one)
names(out) <- packages
### ** .pandoc_md_for_CRAN
.pandoc_md_for_CRAN <-
function(ifile, ofile)
"-s", "--mathjax",
"-o", shQuote(ofile)))
### ** .parse_code_file
.parse_code_file <-
function(file, encoding = NA, keep.source = getOption("keep.source"))
if(!file.size(file)) return()
if(!is.na(encoding) &&
(encoding != "unknown") &&
(Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") %notin% c("C", "POSIX"))) {
## Previous use of con <- file(file, encoding = encoding)
## was intolerant so do something similar to what
## .install_package_code_files() does. Do not use a #line
## directive though as this will confuse getParseData().
lines <- iconv(readLines(file, warn = FALSE),
from = encoding, to = "", sub = "byte")
parse(text = lines, srcfile = srcfile(file),
keep.source = keep.source)
} else
keep.source = keep.source)
### ** .read_Rd_lines_quietly
.read_Rd_lines_quietly <-
## Read lines from a connection to an Rd file, trying to suppress
## "incomplete final line found by readLines" warnings.
if(is.character(con)) {
con <- if(endsWith(con, ".gz")) gzfile(con, "r") else file(con, "r")
.try_quietly(readLines(con, warn=FALSE))
### ** .read_additional_repositories_field
.read_additional_repositories_field <-
unique(unlist(strsplit(txt, ",[[:space:]]*")))
### ** .read_citation_quietly
.read_citation_quietly <-
function(cfile, meta)
error = identity)
### ** .read_collate_field
.read_collate_field <-
## Read Collate specifications in DESCRIPTION files.
## These consist of file paths relative to the R code directory,
## separated by white space, possibly quoted. Note that we could
## have newlines in DCF entries but do not allow them in file names,
## hence we gsub() them out.
con <- textConnection(gsub("\n", " ", txt, fixed=TRUE))
scan(con, what = character(), strip.white = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
### ** .read_description
.keep_white_description_fields <-
c("Description", "Authors@R", "Author", "Built", "Packaged")
.read_description <-
function(dfile, keep.white = .keep_white_description_fields)
## Try reading in package metadata from a DESCRIPTION file.
## (Never clear whether this should work on the path of the file
## itself, or on that of the directory containing it.)
## As we do not have character "frames", we return a named character
## vector.
if(!file_test("-f", dfile))
stop(gettextf("file '%s' does not exist", dfile), domain = NA)
out <- tryCatch(read.dcf(dfile, keep.white = keep.white),
error = function(e)
stop(gettextf("file '%s' is not in valid DCF format",
domain = NA, call. = FALSE))
if (nrow(out) != 1L)
stop("contains a blank line", call. = FALSE)
out <- out[1L, ]
if(!is.na(encoding <- out["Encoding"])) {
## could convert everything (valid) to UTF-8
if(encoding == "UTF-8") {
Encoding(out) <- "UTF-8"
ind <- validUTF8(out)
if(!all(ind)) {
pos <- which(!ind)
## Be as nice as for the other cases ...
## Could also throw an error along the lines of
## stop(sprintf(ngettext(length(pos),
## "field %s is not valid UTF-8",
## "fields %s are not valid UTF-8"),
## paste(sQuote(names(out)[pos]),
## collapse = ", ")),
## call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
out[pos] <-
iconv(out[pos], "UTF-8", "UTF-8", sub = "byte")
else if(encoding == "latin1")
Encoding(out) <- "latin1"
out <- iconv(out, encoding, "", sub = "byte")
.write_description <-
function(x, dfile)
## Invert how .read_description() handles package encodings.
if(!is.na(encoding <- x["Encoding"])) {
## For UTF-8 or latin1 encodings, .read_description() would
## simply have marked the encoding. But we might have added
## fields encoded differently ...
ind <- is.na(match(Encoding(x), c(encoding, "unknown")))
x[ind] <- mapply(iconv, x[ind], Encoding(x)[ind], encoding,
sub = "byte")
} else {
## If there is no declared encoding, we cannot have non-ASCII
## content.
## Cf. tools::showNonASCII():
asc <- iconv(x, "latin1", "ASCII")
## fields might have been NA to start with, so use identical.
if(!identical(asc, x)) {
warning("Unknown encoding with non-ASCII data: converting to ASCII")
ind <- is.na(asc) | (asc != x)
x[ind] <- iconv(x[ind], "latin1", "ASCII", sub = "byte")
## Avoid folding for fields where we keep whitespace when reading,
## plus two more fields where legacy code does not strip whitespace
## and so we should not wrap.
## Unfortunately, wrapping may destroy declared encodings: for the
## fields where we do not keep whitespace, write.dcf() calls
## formatDL() which in turn calls paste() on the results of
## strwrap(), and paste() may change the (common) encoding.
## In particular, pasting a latin1 string comes out in UTF-8 in a
## UTF-8 locale, and with unknown encoding in a C locale.
## Hence, when we have a declared non-UTF-8 encoding, we convert
## to UTF-8 before formatting, and convert back to the declared
## encoding when writing out.
if(!is.na(encoding) && (encoding != "UTF-8")) {
x <- iconv(x, from = encoding, to = "UTF-8")
tfile <- tempfile()
write.dcf(rbind(x), tfile,
keep.white = c(.keep_white_description_fields,
"Maintainer", "BugReports"),
useBytes = TRUE)
from = "UTF-8", to = encoding),
dfile, useBytes = TRUE)
} else {
write.dcf(rbind(x), dfile,
keep.white = c(.keep_white_description_fields,
"Maintainer", "BugReports"),
useBytes = TRUE)
.expand_package_description_db_R_fields <-
enc <- x["Encoding"]
y <- character()
if(!is.na(aar <- x["Authors@R"])) {
aar <- utils:::.read_authors_at_R_field(aar)
lat <- identical(enc, "latin1")
if(is.na(x["Author"])) {
tmp <- utils:::.format_authors_at_R_field_for_author(aar)
if(lat) tmp <- .enc2latin1(tmp)
y["Author"] <- tmp
if(is.na(x["Maintainer"])) {
tmp <- utils:::.format_authors_at_R_field_for_maintainer(aar)
if(lat) tmp <- .enc2latin1(tmp)
y["Maintainer"] <- tmp
### ** .replace_chars_by_hex_subs
.replace_chars_by_hex_subs <-
function(x, re) {
char_to_hex_sub <- function(s) {
paste0("<", charToRaw(s), ">", collapse = "")
vapply(strsplit(x, ""),
function(e) {
pos <- grep(re, e, perl = TRUE)
e[pos] <- vapply(e[pos], char_to_hex_sub, "")
paste(e, collapse = "")
### ** .source_assignments
.source_assignments <-
function(file, envir, enc = NA)
## Read and parse expressions from @code{file}, and then
## successively evaluate the top-level assignments in @code{envir}.
## Apart from only dealing with assignments, basically does the same
## as @code{sys.source(file, envir, keep.source = FALSE)}.
oop <- options(topLevelEnvironment = envir, keep.source = FALSE)
### for S4, setClass() .. are assignments, but must be called
## with correct 'where = envir'!
## Possible solution: modified versions of these functions with changed
## 'where = ...' (default arg) in formals(.)
## stopifnot(require(methods, quietly=TRUE))
## assignmentSymbols <- c(c("<-", "="),
## ls(pattern = "^set[A-Z]", pos = "package:methods"))
assignmentSymbols <- c("<-", "=")
con <- if(!is.na(enc) &&
(Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") %notin% c("C", "POSIX"))) {
on.exit(close(con), add = TRUE)
file(file, encoding = enc)
} else file
exprs <- parse(n = -1L, file = con)
exprs <- exprs[lengths(exprs) > 0L]
for(e in exprs) {
if(is.call(e) &&
as.character(e[[1L]])[1L] %in% assignmentSymbols)
tryCatch(eval(e, envir), error = identity)
### .source_assignments_in_code_dir
.source_assignments_in_code_dir <-
function(dir, envir, meta = character())
## Combine all code files in @code{dir}, read and parse expressions,
## and successively evaluate the top-level assignments in @code{envir}.
con <- tempfile("Rcode")
stop("unable to create ", con)
## If the (DESCRIPTION) metadata contain a Collate specification,
## use this for determining the code files and their order.
txt <- meta[c(paste0("Collate.", .OStype()), "Collate")]
ind <- which(!is.na(txt))
files <- if(any(ind))
Filter(function(x) file_test("-f", x),
file.path(dir, .read_collate_field(txt[ind[1L]])))
list_files_with_type(dir, "code")
if(!all(.file_append_ensuring_LFs(con, files)))
stop("unable to write code files")
if(!is.na(package <- meta["Package"]))
envir$.packageName <- package
tryCatch(.source_assignments(con, envir, enc = meta["Encoding"]),
error = function(e)
stop("cannot source package code:\n", conditionMessage(e),
call. = FALSE))
### ** .split_dependencies
.split_dependencies <-
## given one or more Depends: or Suggests: fields from DESCRIPTION
## return a named list of list (name, [op, version])
if(!length(x)) return(list())
x <- unlist(strsplit(x, ","))
## some have had space before ,
x <- sub('[[:space:]]+$', '', x)
x <- unique(sub("^[[:space:]]*(.*)", "\\1" , x))
names(x) <- sub("^([[:alnum:].]+).*$", "\\1" , x)
lapply(x, .split_op_version)
### ** .split_op_version
.split_op_version <-
## given a single piece of dependency
## return a list of components (name, [op, version])
## NB this relies on trailing space having been removed
pat <- "^([^\\([:space:]]+)[[:space:]]*\\(([^\\)]+)\\).*"
x1 <- sub(pat, "\\1", x)
x2 <- sub(pat, "\\2", x)
if(x2 != x1) {
pat <- "[[:space:]]*([[<>=!]+)[[:space:]]+(.*)"
version <- sub(pat, "\\2", x2)
if (!startsWith(version, "r")) version <- package_version(version)
list(name = x1, op = sub(pat, "\\1", x2), version = version)
} else list(name = x1)
### ** .system_with_capture
.system_with_capture <-
function(command, args = character(), env = character(),
stdin = "", input = NULL, timeout = 0)
## Invoke a system command and capture its status, stdout and stderr
## into separate components.
outfile <- tempfile("xshell")
errfile <- tempfile("xshell")
on.exit(unlink(c(outfile, errfile)))
status <- system2(command, args, env = env,
stdout = outfile, stderr = errfile,
stdin = stdin, input = input,
timeout = timeout)
list(status = status,
stdout = readLines(outfile, warn = FALSE),
stderr = readLines(errfile, warn = FALSE))
### ** .trim_common_leading_whitespace
.trim_common_leading_whitespace <-
y <- sub("^([ \t]*).*", "\\1", x)
n <- nchar(y)
if(any(n == 0))
i <- grep("\t", y, fixed = TRUE)
if(length(i)) {
## Need to convert tabs to spaces.
## Ideally nchar(y, "width") would do things for us ...
wids <- vapply(strsplit(y[i], ""),
function(e) {
p <- which(e == "\t")
d <- diff(c(0, p))
sum(d + 8 - (d %% 8)) + length(e) -
x[i] <- paste0(strrep(" ", wids), substring(x[i], n[i] + 1L))
n[i] <- wids
substring(x, min(n) + 1L)
### ** .try_quietly
.try_quietly <-
## Try to run an expression, suppressing all 'output'. In case of
## failure, stop with the error message and a "traceback" ...
oop <- options(warn = 1)
outConn <- file(open = "w+") # anonymous tempfile
sink(outConn, type = "output")
sink(outConn, type = "message")
yy <- tryCatch(withRestarts(withCallingHandlers(expr, error = {
function(e) invokeRestart("grmbl", e, sys.calls())
grmbl = function(e, calls) {
n <- length(sys.calls())
## Chop things off as needed ...
calls <- calls[-seq.int(length.out = n - 1L)]
calls <- rev(calls)[-c(1L, 2L)]
tb <- lapply(calls, deparse)
"\nCall sequence:\n",
collapse = "\n"),
call. = FALSE)
error = identity,
finally = {
sink(type = "message")
sink(type = "output")
if(inherits(yy, "error"))
### ** .unpacked_source_repository_apply
.unpacked_source_repository_apply <-
function(dir, FUN, ..., pattern = "*", verbose = FALSE,
Ncpus = getOption("Ncpus", 1L))
dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
dfiles <- Sys.glob(file.path(dir, pattern, "DESCRIPTION"))
paths <- dirname(dfiles)
one <- function(p) {
message(sprintf("processing %s", basename(p)))
FUN(p, ...)
## Would be good to have a common wrapper ...
if(Ncpus > 1L) {
if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
out <- parallel::mclapply(paths, one, mc.cores = Ncpus)
} else {
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(Ncpus)
args <- list(FUN, ...) # Eval promises.
out <- parallel::parLapply(cl, paths, one)
} else {
out <- lapply(paths, one)
names(out) <- basename(paths)
### ** .wrong_args
.wrong_args <-
function(args, msg)
len <- length(args)
else if(len == 1L)
paste("argument", sQuote(args), msg)
paste0(c(rep.int("", len - 1L), "and "),
c(rep.int(", ", len - 1L), ""),
collapse = ""),
### * Miscellania
### ** R
R <-
function(fun, args = list(), opts = character(), env = character(),
arch = "", drop = TRUE, timeout = 0)
.safe_repositories <- function() {
x <- getOption("repos")
y <- .get_standard_repository_URLs()
i <- which(names(x) == "CRAN")[1L]
if(is.na(i) || x[i] == "@CRAN@")
x[i] <- y["CRAN"]
c(x, y[match(names(y), names(x), 0L) == 0L])
tfi <- tempfile("runri")
tfo <- tempfile("runro")
wrk <- c(sprintf("x <- readRDS(\"%s\")", tfi),
"options(repos = x$repos)",
## need quote = TRUE in case some of args are not self-evaluating
## could catch other conditions also
"y <- tryCatch(list(do.call(x$fun, x$args, quote = TRUE)), error = identity)",
sprintf("saveRDS(y, \"%s\")", tfo))
saveRDS(list(fun = fun, args = args, repos = .safe_repositories()),
cmd <- if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
file.path(R.home(), "bin", arch, "Rterm.exe")
file.path(R.home("bin"), "Rterm.exe")
} else {
opts <- c(paste0("--arch=", arch), opts)
file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")
res <- .system_with_capture(cmd, opts, env, input = wrk,
timeout = timeout)
## FIXME: what should the "value" be in case of error?
if(file.exists(tfo)) {
val <- readRDS(tfo)
if (inherits(val, "condition")) {
## maybe wrap in a classed error and include some of res
msg <- paste0("error in inferior call:\n ", conditionMessage(val))
class = "inferiorCallError",
res = res,
error = val))
else {
val <- val[[1L]]
c(list(value = val), res)
## again maybe wrap in a classed error and include some of res
## might want to distinguish two errors by sub-classes
stop(errorCondition("inferior call failed",
class = "inferiorCallError",
res = res))
### ** Rcmd
Rcmd <-
function(args, ...)
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
system2(file.path(R.home("bin"), "Rcmd.exe"), args, ...)
system2(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R"), c("CMD", args), ...)
### ** Sys.setenv1
##' Sys.setenv() *one* variable unless it's set (to non-empty) already - export/move to base?
Sys.setenv1 <- function(var, value) {
.Internal(Sys.setenv(var, as.character(value)))
### ** pskill
pskill <-
function(pid, signal = SIGTERM)
invisible(.Call(C_ps_kill, pid, signal))
### ** psnice
psnice <-
function(pid = Sys.getpid(), value = NA_integer_)
res <- .Call(C_ps_priority, pid, value)
if(is.na(value)) res else invisible(res)
### ** toTitleCase
## original version based on http://daringfireball.net/2008/05/title_case
## but much altered before release.
toTitleCase <-
## leave these alone: the internal caps rule would do that
## in some cases. We could insist on this exact capitalization.
alone <- c("2D", "3D", "AIC", "BayesX", "GoF", "HTML", "LaTeX",
"MonetDB", "OpenBUGS", "TeX", "U.S.", "U.S.A.", "WinBUGS",
"aka", "et", "al.", "ggplot2", "i.e.", "jar", "jars",
"ncdf", "netCDF", "rgl", "rpart", "xls", "xlsx")
## These should be lower case except at the beginning (and after :)
lpat <- "^(a|an|and|are|as|at|be|but|by|en|for|if|in|is|nor|not|of|on|or|per|so|the|to|v[.]?|via|vs[.]?|from|into|than|that|with)$"
## These we don't care about
either <- c("all", "above", "after", "along", "also", "among",
"any", "both", "can", "few", "it", "less", "log",
"many", "may", "more", "over", "some", "their",
"then", "this", "under", "until", "using", "von",
"when", "where", "which", "will", "without",
"yet", "you", "your")
titleCase1 <- function(x) {
## A quote might be prepended.
do1 <- function(x) {
x1 <- substr(x, 1L, 1L)
if(nchar(x) >= 3L && x1 %in% c("'", '"'))
paste0(x1, toupper(substr(x, 2L, 2L)),
tolower(substring(x, 3L)))
else paste0(toupper(x1), tolower(substring(x, 2L)))
if(is.na(x)) return(NA_character_)
xx <- .Call(C_splitString, x, ' -/"()\n\t')
## for 'alone' we could insist on that exact capitalization
alone <- xx %in% c(alone, either)
alone <- alone | grepl("^'.*'$", xx)
havecaps <- grepl("^[[:alpha:]].*[[:upper:]]+", xx)
l <- grepl(lpat, xx, ignore.case = TRUE)
l[1L] <- FALSE
## do not remove capitalization immediately after ": " or "- "
ind <- grep("[-:]$", xx); ind <- ind[ind + 2L <= length(l)]
ind <- ind[(xx[ind + 1L] == " ") & grepl("^['[:alnum:]]", xx[ind + 2L])]
l[ind + 2L] <- FALSE
## Also after " (e.g. "A Book Title")
ind <- which(xx == '"'); ind <- ind[ind + 1L <= length(l)]
l[ind + 1L] <- FALSE
xx[l] <- tolower(xx[l])
keep <- havecaps | l | (nchar(xx) == 1L) | alone
xx[!keep] <- sapply(xx[!keep], do1)
paste(xx, collapse = "")
if(typeof(text) != "character")
stop("'text' must be a character vector")
sapply(text, titleCase1, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
### ** path_and_libPath
##' Typically the union of R_LIBS and current .libPaths(); may differ e.g. via R_PROFILE
path_and_libPath <-
lP <- .libPaths()
## don't call normalizePath on paths which do not exist: allowed in R_LIBS!
ep0 <- c(strsplit(env_path(...), .Platform$path.sep, fixed = TRUE)[[1L]], lP[-length(lP)])
ep0 <- ep0[dir.exists(ep0)]
paste(unique(normalizePath(ep0)), collapse = .Platform$path.sep)
### ** str_parse_logic
##' @param otherwise: can be call, such as quote(errmesg(...))
str_parse_logic <-
function(ch, default = TRUE, otherwise = default, n = 1L)
if(is.na(ch)) default
else switch(tolower(ch),
"1" =, "yes" =, "true" = TRUE,
"0" =, "no" =, "false" = FALSE,
eval.parent(otherwise, n = n))
### ** str_parse
str_parse <-
function(ch, default = TRUE, logical = TRUE, otherwise = default, n = 2L)
str_parse_logic(ch, default=default, otherwise=otherwise, n = n)
else if(is.na(ch))
### Local variables: ***
### mode: outline-minor ***
### outline-regexp: "### [*]+" ***
### End: ***