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Type 'q()' to quit R. > ###---- ALL tests here should return TRUE ! > ### > ###---- "Real" Arithmetic; Numerics etc --> ./arith-true.R > > ### mode checking, etc. > is.recursive(expression(1+3, 2/sqrt(pi)))# fix PR#9 [1] TRUE > > ## sum(): > all(1:12 == cumsum(rep(1,12))) [1] TRUE > x <- rnorm(127); sx <- sum(x); abs((sum(rev(x)) -sx)) < 1e-12 * abs(sx) [1] TRUE > > ## seq(): > typeof(1:4) == "integer" #-- fails for 0.2, 0.3,.., 0.9 [1] TRUE > > ## Check parsing with L suffix for integer literals. > typeof(1L) == "integer" [1] TRUE > typeof(1000L) == "integer" [1] TRUE > typeof(1e3L) == "integer" [1] TRUE > typeof(1e-3L) == "double" # gives warning [1] TRUE Warning message: non-integer value 1e-3L qualified with L; using numeric value > 1.L # gives warning [1] 1 Warning message: integer literal 1.L contains unnecessary decimal point > inherits(try(parse(text = "12iL"), silent=TRUE), "try-error") # gives syntax error [1] TRUE > > > all((0:6) == pi + ((-pi):pi)) [1] TRUE > all((0:7) == (pi+seq(-pi,pi, length=8))*7/(2*pi)) [1] TRUE > > 1 == as.integer(is.na(c(pi,NA)[2])) [1] TRUE > 1 == as.integer(is.nan(0/0)) [1] TRUE > > ## rev(): > cc <- c(1:10,10:1) ; all(cc == rev(cc)) [1] TRUE > > ## dim[names](): > all(names(c(a=pi, b=1, d=1:4)) == c("a","b", paste("d", 1:4, sep=""))) [1] TRUE > ##P names(c(a=pi, b=1, d=1:4)) > ncb <- dimnames(cbind(a=1, yy=1:3))[[2]] > (!is.null(ncb)) && all(ncb == c("a","yy")) [1] TRUE > > all(cbind(a=1:2, b=1:3, c=1:6) == t(rbind(a=1:2, b=1:3, c=1:6))) [1] TRUE > ##P rbind(a=1:2, b=1:3, c=1:6) > all(dim(cbind(cbind(I=1,x=1:4), c(a=pi))) == 4:3)# fails in S+ [1] TRUE > > a <- b <- 1:3 > all(dimnames(cbind(a, b))[[2]] == c("a","b")) [1] TRUE > > ## rbind PR#338 > all(dim(m <- rbind(1:2, diag(2))) == 3:2) [1] TRUE > all(m == c(1,1,0, 2,0,1)) [1] TRUE > > ## factor(): > is.factor(factor(integer())) [1] TRUE > all(levels(ordered(rev(gl(3,4)))) == 1:3)# coercion to char [1] TRUE > all(levels(factor(factor(9:1)[3:5])) == 5:7) [1] TRUE > ## crossing bug PR#40 > is.factor(ff <- gl(2,3) : gl(3,2)) && length(ff) == 6 [1] TRUE > all(levels(ff) == t(outer(1:2, 1:3, paste, sep=":"))) [1] TRUE > ## from PR#5 > ll <- c("A","B"); ff <- factor(ll); f0 <- ff[, drop=TRUE] > all(f0 == ff) && all(levels(ff) == ll) && is.factor(ff) && is.factor(f0) [1] TRUE > > ### data.frame s : > > ## from lists [bug PR#100] > x <- NULL > x$x1 <- 1:10 > x$x2 <- 0:9 > all(dim(dx <- as.data.frame(x)) == c(10,2)) [1] TRUE > > ## Logicals: (S is wrong) > l1 <- c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE) > (! as.logical(as.data.frame(FALSE)[,1])) [1] TRUE > all(l1 == as.logical(as.data.frame(l1)[,1])) [1] TRUE > > ## empty data.frames : > x <- data.frame(a=1:3) > x30 <- { + if(is.R()) x[, -1]# not even possible in S+ + else structure(list(), row.names = paste(1:3), class = "data.frame") + } > all(dim(x30) == c(3,0)) [1] TRUE > x01 <- x[-(1:3), , drop = FALSE] > x00 <- x01[,-1] > all(dim(x01) == 0:1) [1] TRUE > all(dim(x00) == 0) [1] TRUE > all(dim(x) == dim(rbind(x, x01))) [1] TRUE > ## bugs up to 1.2.3 : > all(dim(x30) == dim(m30 <- as.matrix(x30))) [1] TRUE > all(dim(x01) == dim(m01 <- as.matrix(x01))) [1] TRUE > all(dim(x30) == dim(as.data.frame(m30))) [1] TRUE > all(dim(x01) == dim(as.data.frame(m01))) [1] TRUE > all(dim(x01) == dim( data.frame(m01))) [1] TRUE > all(dim(x30) == dim( data.frame(m30))) [1] TRUE > all(dim(x) == dim(cbind(x, x30))) [1] TRUE > ## up to 1.4.0 : > all(dim(x30) == dim( data.matrix(x30))) [1] TRUE > all(dim(x00) == dim( data.matrix(x00))) [1] TRUE > > m0 <- matrix(pi, 0,3) > a302 <- array("", dim=c(3,0,2)) > identical(apply(m0, 1, dim), NULL) [1] TRUE > identical(apply(m0, 2, dim), NULL) [1] TRUE > identical(apply(m0, 1,length), integer(0)) [1] TRUE > identical(apply(m0, 2,length), integer(3)) [1] TRUE > identical(apply(a302, 1, mode), rep("character",3)) [1] TRUE > ## NO (maybe later?): > ## identical(apply(a302, 2, mode), rep("character",0)) > is.character(aa <- apply(a302, 2, mode)) && length(aa) == 0 [1] TRUE > identical(apply(a302, 3, mode), rep("character",2)) [1] TRUE > identical(apply(a302, 3, length),integer(2)) [1] TRUE > identical(apply(a302, 3, dim), matrix(as.integer(c(3,0)), 2 ,2)) [1] TRUE > identical(apply(a302, 1, dim), matrix(as.integer(c(0,2)), 2 ,3)) [1] TRUE > identical(apply(array(dim=3), 1,length), rep(1:1, 3)) [1] TRUE > identical(apply(array(dim=0), 1,length), rep(1:1, 0))# = integer(0) [1] TRUE > > > ### Subsetting > > ## bug PR#425 > x <- matrix(1:4, 2, 2, dimnames=list(c("abc","ab"), c("cde","cd"))) > y <- as.data.frame(x) > all(x["ab",] == c(2,4)) [1] TRUE > all(y["ab",] == c(2,4)) [1] TRUE > > ## from bug PR#447 > x <- 1:2 ; x[c("2","2")] <- 4 > all.equal(x, c(1:2, "2" = 4)) [1] TRUE > > ## stretching > l2 <- list(a=1, b=2) > l2["cc"] <- pi > l2[["d"]] <- 4 > l2 $ e <- 55 > all.equal(l2, list(a = 1, b = 2, cc = pi, d = 4, e = 55), tolerance = 0) [1] TRUE > all.equal(l2["d"], list(d = 4)) [1] TRUE > l2$d == 4 && l2$d == l2[["d"]] [1] TRUE > > ## bug in R <= 1.1 > f1 <- y1 ~ x1 > f2 <- y2 ~ x2 > f2[2] <- f1[2] > deparse(f2) == "y1 ~ x2" [1] TRUE > > m <- cbind(a=1:2,b=c(R=10,S=11)) > all(sapply(dimnames(m), length) == c(2,2)) [1] TRUE > ## [[ for matrix: > m[[1,2]] == m[[3]] && m[[3]] == m[3] && m[3] == m[1,2] [1] TRUE > > ## bug in R <= 1.1.1 : unclass(*) didn't drop the class! > ## to be robust to S4 methods DON'T test for null class > ## The test for attr(,"class") is valid, if essentially useless > d1 <- rbind(data.frame(a=1, b = I(TRUE)), new = c(7, "N")) > is.null(attr(unclass(d1$b), "class")) [1] TRUE > > ## bugs in R 1.2.0 > format(as.POSIXct(relR120 <- "2000-12-15 11:24:40")) == relR120 [1] TRUE > format(as.POSIXct(substr(relR120,1,10))) == substr(relR120,1,10) [1] TRUE > > ## rank() with NAs (and ties) > x <- c(3:1,6,4,3,NA,5,0,NA) > rx <- rank(x) > all(rx == c(4.5, 3:2, 8, 6, 4.5, 9, 7, 1, 10)) [1] TRUE > rxK <- rank(x, na.last = "keep") > all(rx [rx <= 8] == na.omit(rxK)) [1] TRUE > all(rank(x, na.last = NA) == na.omit(rxK)) [1] TRUE > > ## as.list.function() instead of *.default(): > identical(as.list(as.list), + alist(x = , ... = , UseMethod("as.list"))) [1] TRUE > > ## startsWith() / endsWith() assertions > t1 <- c("Foobar", "bla bla", "something", "another", "blu", "brown", + "blau blüht der Enzian")# non-ASCII > t2 <- c("some text", "any text") > t3 <- c("Martin", "Zürich", "Mächler") > > all(endsWith(t1, "")); all(startsWith(t1, "")) [1] TRUE [1] TRUE > all(endsWith(t2, "")); all(startsWith(t2, "")) [1] TRUE [1] TRUE > all(endsWith(t3, "")); all(startsWith(t3, "")) [1] TRUE [1] TRUE > all(endsWith(t2, "text")) [1] TRUE > all(endsWith(t2, " text")) [1] TRUE > identical(startsWith(t1, "b" ), c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)) [1] TRUE > identical(startsWith(t1, "bl"), c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)) [1] TRUE > identical(startsWith(t1, "bla"),c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) [1] TRUE > identical( endsWith(t1, "n"), c(FALSE,FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)) [1] TRUE > identical( endsWith(t1, "an"), c(FALSE,FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) [1] TRUE > ## > identical(startsWith(t3, "M" ), c( TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)) [1] TRUE > identical(startsWith(t3, "Ma"), c( TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)) [1] TRUE > identical(startsWith(t3, "Mä"), c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) [1] TRUE > >