## check that the 'internal generics' are indeed generic. x <- structure(pi, class="testit") xx <- structure("OK", class="testOK") for(f in ls(.GenericArgsEnv, all.names=TRUE)) { cat("testing S3 generic '", f, "'\n", sep="") method <- paste(f, "testit", sep=".") if(f %in% "seq.int") { ## note that this dispatches on 'seq'. assign("seq.testit", function(...) xx, .GlobalEnv) res <- seq.int(x, x) } else { if(length(grep("<-$", f)) > 0) { assign(method, function(x, value) xx, .GlobalEnv) y <- x res <- eval(substitute(ff(y, value=pi), list(ff=as.name(f)))) } else { ff <- get(f, .GenericArgsEnv) body(ff) <- xx assign(method, ff, .GlobalEnv) res <- eval(substitute(ff(x), list(ff=as.name(f)))) } } stopifnot(res == xx) rm(method) } ## and that no others are generic for(f in ls(.ArgsEnv, all.names=TRUE)) { if(f == "browser") next cat("testing non-generic '", f, "'\n", sep="") method <- paste(f, "testit", sep=".") fx <- get(f, envir=.ArgsEnv) body(fx) <- quote(return(42)) assign(method, fx, .GlobalEnv) na <- length(formals(fx)) res <- NULL if(na == 1) res <- try(eval(substitute(ff(x), list(ff=as.name(f)))), silent = TRUE) else if(na == 2) res <- try(eval(substitute(ff(x, x), list(ff=as.name(f)))), silent = TRUE) if(!inherits(res, "try-error") && identical(res, 42)) stop("is generic") rm(method) } ## check that all primitives are accounted for in .[Generic]ArgsEnv, ## apart from the language elements: ff <- as.list(baseenv(), all.names=TRUE) ff <- names(ff)[vapply(ff, is.primitive, logical(1L))] known <- c(names(.GenericArgsEnv), names(.ArgsEnv), tools::langElts) stopifnot(ff %in% known, known %in% ff) ## check which are not considered as possibles for S4 generic ff4 <- names(meth.FList <- methods:::.BasicFunsList) # as.double is the same as as.numeric S4generic <- ff %in% c(ff4, "as.double") notS4 <- ff[!S4generic] if(length(notS4)) cat("primitives not covered in methods:::.BasicFunsList:", paste(sQuote(notS4), collapse=", "), "\n") stopifnot(S4generic) # functions which are listed but not primitive extraS4 <- c('unlist', 'as.vector', 'lengths') ff4[!ff4 %in% c(ff, extraS4)] stopifnot(ff4 %in% c(ff, extraS4)) ## primitives which are not internally generic cannot have S4 methods ## unless specifically arranged (e.g. %*%) nongen_prims <- ff[!ff %in% ls(.GenericArgsEnv, all.names=TRUE)] ff3 <- ff4[vapply(meth.FList, function(x) is.logical(x) && !x, NA, USE.NAMES=FALSE)] ex <- nongen_prims[!nongen_prims %in% c("$", "$<-", "[", "[[" ,"[[<-", "[<-", "%*%", ff3)] if(length(ex)) cat("non-generic primitives not excluded in methods:::.BasicFunsList:", paste(sQuote(ex), collapse=", "), "\n") stopifnot(length(ex) == 0) ## Now check that (most of) those which are listed really are generic. require(methods) setClass("foo", representation(x="numeric", y="numeric")) xx <- new("foo", x=1, y=2) S4gen <- ff4[vapply(meth.FList, is.function, NA, USE.NAMES=FALSE)] for(f in S4gen) { g <- get(f) if(!is(g, "genericFunction")) g <- getGeneric(f) # error on non-Generics. ff <- args(g) body(ff) <- "testit" nm <- names(formals(ff)) ## the Summary group gives problems if(nm[1] == '...') { cat("skipping '", f, "'\n", sep="") next } cat("testing '", f, "'\n", sep="") setMethod(f, "foo", ff) ## might have created a generic, so redo 'get' stopifnot(identical(getGeneric(f)(xx), "testit")) } ## check that they do argument matching, or at least check names except <- c("call", "switch", ".C", ".Fortran", ".Call", ".External", ".External2", ".Call.graphics", ".External.graphics", ".subset", ".subset2", ".primTrace", ".primUntrace", "lazyLoadDBfetch", ".Internal", ".Primitive", "^", "|", "::", ":::", "%*%", "rep", "seq.int", "forceAndCall", ## these may not be enabled "tracemem", "retracemem", "untracemem") for(f in ls(.GenericArgsEnv, all.names=TRUE)[-(1:15)]) { if (f %in% except) next g <- get(f, envir = .GenericArgsEnv) an <- names(formals(args(g))) if(length(an) > 0 && an[1] == "...") next an <- an[an != "..."] a <- rep(list(NULL), length(an)) names(a) <- c("zZ", an[-1]) res <- try(do.call(f, a), silent = TRUE) m <- geterrmessage() if(!grepl('does not match|unused argument', m)) stop("failure on ", f) } for(f in ls(.ArgsEnv, all.names=TRUE)) { if (f %in% except) next g <- get(f, envir = .ArgsEnv) an <- names(formals(args(g))) if(length(an) > 0 && an[1] == "...") next an <- an[an != "..."] if(length(an)) { a <- rep(list(NULL), length(an)) names(a) <- c("zZ", an[-1]) } else a <- list(zZ=NULL) res <- try(do.call(f, a), silent = TRUE) m <- geterrmessage() if(!grepl('does not match|unused argument|requires 0|native symbol|valid .* object', m)) stop("failure on ", f) }