require("tools") x <- Rd_db("base") system.time(y <- lapply(x, function(e) tryCatch(Rd2HTML(e, out = nullfile()), error = identity))) # 3-5 sec stopifnot(!vapply(y, inherits, NA, "error")) ## Gave error when "running" \Sexpr{.} DateTimeClasses.Rd ## PR#18052: \dots must not be interpreted inside \preformatted Rdsnippet <- tempfile() writeLines(r"(\preformatted{ \item{\dots}{foo(arg = "\\\\dots", ...)} })", Rdsnippet) stopifnot(exprs = { identical(capture.output(Rd2HTML(Rdsnippet, fragment = TRUE))[2L], r"(\item{\dots}{foo(arg = "\\dots", ...)})") identical(capture.output(Rd2txt(Rdsnippet, fragment = TRUE))[2L], r"(\item{\dots}{foo(arg = "\\dots", ...)})") identical(capture.output(Rd2latex(Rdsnippet, fragment = TRUE))[2L], r"(\bsl{}item\{\bsl{}dots\}\{foo(arg = "\bsl{}\bsl{}dots", ...)\})") }) # the last two failed in R < 4.1.0 ## also do not translate \dots in R code lines in \examples Rdsnippet <- tempfile() writeLines(r"(\examples{ foo <- function(arg = "\\\\dots", ...) NULL # \dots })", Rdsnippet) stopifnot(exprs = { identical(capture.output(Rd2ex(parse_Rd(Rdsnippet), fragment = TRUE))[5L], r"(foo <- function(arg = "\\dots", ...) NULL # \dots)") }) # failed in R < 4.1.0 ## \usage: keep quoted "\\\\dots", but _do_ translate formal \dots arg Rdsnippet <- tempfile() writeLines(r"(\name{foo}\title{foo}\usage{ ## keep this comment to ensure a newline at the end foo(arg = "\\\\dots", \dots) })", Rdsnippet) Rdobj <- parse_Rd(Rdsnippet) check_dots_usage <- function(FUN) { out <- trimws(grep("foo(", capture.output(FUN(Rdobj)), value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)) if (!identical(out, r"(foo(arg = "\\dots", ...))")) stop("unexpected output: ", out) } check_dots_usage(Rd2HTML) check_dots_usage(Rd2txt) check_dots_usage(Rd2latex) ## the last two failed in R < 4.1.0; output was foo(arg = "\...", ...)