#-*- perl -*- # Copyright (C) 2000-3 R Development Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available via WWW at # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. You can also obtain it by # writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. # Send any bug reports to r-bugs@r-project.org use Cwd; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use Getopt::Long; use R::Dcf; use R::Utils; my $revision = ' $Revision: 1.33 $ '; my $version; my $name; $revision =~ / ([\d\.]*) /; $version = $1; ($name = $0) =~ s|.*/||; my @knownoptions = ("help|h", "version|v", "debug|d", "library|l:s", "clean|c", "docs:s", "save|s", "no-save", "use-zip", "use-zip-data", "use-zip-help", "auto-zip", "build", "fake"); ## topLevelFiles will be files that sit in the top level of a ## zip/tarball along with any included directories. ## This needs to be fixed: this file shouldn't do binary builds, ## that's what build.in is for - DJM my $topLevelFiles = "DESCRIPTION"; GetOptions (@knownoptions) || usage(); R_version($name, $version) if $opt_version; my $R_HOME = $ENV{'R_HOME'} || die "Error: Environment variable R_HOME not found\n"; usage() if $opt_help; my $startdir = cwd(); if($opt_library){ chdir($opt_library) || die "Error: cannot change to directory \`$opt_library'\n"; $library = cwd(); chdir($startdir); } else { $library = $R_HOME . "/library"; } my $helpflags = "HELP=YES WINHELP=CHM"; if($opt_docs) { if ($opt_docs eq "none") { $helpflags = "HELP=NO"; } elsif ($opt_docs eq "normal") { $helpflags = "HELP=YES WINHELP=NO"; } elsif ($opt_docs eq "chm") { $helpflags = "HELP=YES WINHELP=CHM"; } elsif (($opt_docs eq "winhlp") || ($opt_docs eq "all")) { $helpflags = "HELP=YES WINHELP=BOTH"; } else { die "ERROR: invalid --docs value `$opt_docs'\n"; } } ## this is the main loop over all packages to be installed my $pkg; foreach $pkg (@ARGV){ # remove misguided trailing separator (/ or \) $pkg =~ s/\/$//; $pkg =~ s/\\$//; my $pkgname = basename($pkg); my $is_bundle = 0; my $istar = 0; if (!(-e $pkg)) { warn "`$pkg' does not exist: skipping\n"; next; } ## is this a tar archive? if($pkgname =~ /\.tar\.gz$/) { $pkgname =~ s/\.tar\.gz$//; $pkgname =~ s/_[0-9\.-]*$//; my $dir = "R.INSTALL"; mkdir($dir, 755); ## workaround for paths in Cygwin tar $pkg =~ s+^([A-Za-x]):+/cygdrive/\1+; if(system("tar -zxf $pkg -C $dir")) { die "Error: cannot untar the package\n";} $pkg = $dir."/".$pkgname; $istar = 1; } chdir($pkg) || die "Error: cannot change to directory \`$pkg'\n";; my $canonpkg = cwd(); chdir(".."); my $pkgdir = cwd(); chdir($startdir); die "no valid package name found\n" unless length($pkgname) > 0; my $pkgoutdir = "$library/$pkgname"; die " *** can't install into source directory ***\n" if $canonpkg eq $pkgoutdir; rmtree($pkgoutdir) if (-d $pkgoutdir); my $makecmd = "pkg"; $makecmd = "pkgfake" if $opt_fake; if(-r "$pkg/DESCRIPTION"){ $description = new R::Dcf("$pkg/DESCRIPTION"); } my $zippkgs = $pkgname; if($description->{"Contains"}) { print "\nLooks like \`${pkg}' is a package bundle\n"; $makecmd = "bundle"; $is_bundle = 1; @bundlepkgs = split(/\s+/, $description->{"Contains"}); $zippkgs = join(" ", @bundlepkgs); } print "\n"; if($description->{"Depends"}) { my $depends = $description->{"Depends"}; if($depends =~ /\bR *\(([^) ]+) *([^) ]+)\)/) { # regexp from check my $op = $1; my $ver = $2; my $Rversion = $ENV{'R_VERSION'}; if ($op eq ">=" && $ver) { die "This R is version $Rversion\n". " package \`$pkgname' requires R $ver or later\n" unless $Rversion ge $ver; } elsif ($op eq "<=" && $ver) { die "This R is version $Rversion\n". " package \`$pkgname' requires R $ver or earlier\n" unless $Rversion le $ver; } else { printf "unsupported operator in dependence \"$depends\"\n"; } } } my $save = "CHECK"; $save = "false" if $opt_no_save; $save = "true" if $opt_save; my $opt = ""; if(!$is_bundle) { if($opt_auto_zip || $opt_build) { my $dir = $pkgdir. "/" . $pkgname . "/data"; if(-d $dir && $pkgname ne "RadioSonde" && $pkgname ne "dichromat" && $pkgname ne "pls.pcr") { my $Rout = "datacnt"; system("ls -s1 $dir > $Rout"); my $out, $nodups=1, $prev=""; open ROUT, "< $Rout"; while() { if(/^total/) { s/^total //; $out = $_; } else { chomp; s/\s*[0-9]+\ //; s/\.[a-zA-Z]+$//; $nodups = 0 if $_ eq $prev; $prev = $_; } } close ROUT; unlink $Rout; $opt = "$pkgname-ZIPDATA=zip" if $out > 100 && $nodups; } $dir = $pkgdir. "/" . $pkgname . "/man"; if(-d $dir) { opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "cannot opendir $dir: $!"; @files = grep{ /\.Rd$/ } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); $opt = $opt . " $pkgname-HELP=ziponly" if @files > 20; } print "Using auto-selected zip options '$opt'\n"; } else { $opt = "$pkgname-ZIPDATA=zip" if ($opt_use_zip || $opt_use_zip_data); $opt = $opt . " $pkgname-HELP=ziponly" if ($opt_use_zip || $opt_use_zip_help); } } else { ## note: --auto-zip is not supported for bundles foreach $ppkg (@bundlepkgs) { $opt = $opt . " $ppkg-ZIPDATA=zip" if ($opt_use_zip || $opt_use_zip_data); $opt = $opt . " $ppkg-HELP=ziponly" if ($opt_use_zip || $opt_use_zip_help); } } my $res = system("make --no-print-directory -C $R_HOME/src/gnuwin32 PKGDIR=$pkgdir RLIB=$library SAVE=$save $opt $helpflags $makecmd-$pkgname"); if($res) { printf "*** Installation of $pkgname failed ***\n"; } else { if($opt_build) { my $filename = "${pkgname}_" . $description->{"Version"}; chdir($library); system("rm -f $startdir/$filename.zip"); system("zip -r9Xq $startdir/$filename.zip $zippkgs"); if ($is_bundle) { ## Need to get the toplevel files in there $currentDir = cwd(); chdir($canonpkg); system("zip $startdir/$filename.zip $topLevelFiles"); chdir($currentDir); } } } system("make --no-print-directory -C $R_HOME/src/gnuwin32 PKGDIR=$pkgdir RLIB=$library pkgclean-$pkgname") if ($opt_clean && $is_bundle == 0); if($opt_clean && $is_bundle) { foreach $ppkg (@bundlepkgs) { system("make --no-print-directory -C $R_HOME/src/gnuwin32 PKGDIR=$pkgdir/$pkgname RLIB=$library pkgclean-$ppkg") } } if ($istar > 0) { chdir($startdir); rmtree("R.INSTALL"); } print("\n"); } if((-e "$R_HOME/doc/html/R.css") && !(-e "$library/R.css")) { printf "installing R.css in $library\n"; system("cp $R_HOME/doc/html/R.css $library/R.css"); } sub usage { print STDERR <. END exit 0; }