#### Produce an R test script ls.base <- ls(pos=length(search()))#- something more elegant ? base.is.f <- sapply(ls.base, function(x) is.function(get(x))) bi <- ls.base[base.is.f] iroot <- substring(is.bi <- bi[substring(bi,1,3) == "is."],4) aroot <- substring(as.bi <- bi[substring(bi,1,3) == "as."],4) (root <- intersect(iroot,aroot))# both an is.foo and as.foo function exist ##--- producing the real R script: sink("isas-tests.R") cat("options(error = expression(NULL))", "# don't stop on error in batch\n##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n") for(x in expression(1, NULL, pi, "1.3", list(), list(a=1))) { cat("\n###--------\n x <- ", deparse(x), "\n", sep="") ## is.foo(as.foo( bar )) #>> TRUE for(r in root) cat("is.",r,"(as.",r,"( x ))\n", sep="") cat("\n") ## if(is.foo(bar)) bar ``=='' as.foo(bar) for(r in root) cat("if(is.",r,"( x )) all.equal(x, as.",r,"( x ))\n", sep="") }