R gnome-interface src pixmaps C True True False True True True True interface.c interface.h callbacks.c callbacks.h support.c support.h GnomePropertyBox prefs_propertybox False GtkNotebook GnomePropertyBox:notebook notebook2 True True True GTK_POS_TOP True 2 2 False 0 True True GtkFrame prefs_console_frame 4 0 GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN GtkTable table1 4 8 2 False 4 4 GtkLabel label7 GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER False 1 0.5 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 False False False False True False GtkCheckButton console_syntax_checkbutton False True False True 1 2 3 4 0 0 False False False False True False GtkCheckButton console_color_checkbutton True False True 1 2 2 3 0 0 False False False False True False GtkLabel label8 GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER False 1 0.5 0 0 0 1 4 5 0 0 False False False False True False GtkLabel label29 GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER False 1 0.5 0 0 0 1 5 6 0 0 False False False False True False GtkLabel label30 False GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER False 1 0.5 0 0 0 1 6 7 0 0 False False False False True False GtkLabel label9 GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER False 1 0.5 0 0 0 1 7 8 0 0 False False False False True False GtkCheckButton console_bold_checkbutton True False True 1 2 1 2 0 0 False False False False True False GtkHBox hbox4 False 0 1 2 5 6 0 0 False False False False True False GnomeColorPicker console_input_color True True False Pick a color 0 False False GtkHBox hbox5 False 0 1 2 6 7 0 0 False False False False True False GnomeColorPicker console_syntax_color False True True False Pick a color 0 False False GtkHBox hbox6 False 0 1 2 7 8 0 0 False False False False True False GnomeColorPicker console_bg_color True True False Pick a color 0 False False GtkHBox hbox2 False 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 False False False False True False GnomeFontPicker console_font True Console text font AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz GNOME_FONT_PICKER_MODE_FONT_INFO True False 14 0 False False GtkHBox hbox13 False 0 1 2 4 5 0 0 False False False False True False GnomeColorPicker console_text_color True True False Pick a color 0 False False GtkLabel Notebook:tab label23 GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER False 0.5 0.5 0 0 GtkVBox prefs_pager_vbox False 0 GtkFrame frame4 4 0 GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN 0 True True GtkTable table4 4 6 2 False 4 4 GtkLabel label13 GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER False 1 0.5 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 False False False False True False GtkLabel label16 GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER False 1 0.5 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 False False False False True False GtkLabel label17 GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER False 1 0.5 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 False False False False True False GtkHBox hbox10 False 0 1 2 2 3 0 0 False False False False True False GnomeFontPicker pager_emphasis_font True Body text emphasis font AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz GNOME_FONT_PICKER_MODE_FONT_INFO True False 14 0 False False GtkHBox hbox9 False 0 1 2 1 2 0 0 False True False False True False GnomeFontPicker pager_text_font True Body text font AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz GNOME_FONT_PICKER_MODE_FONT_INFO True False 14 0 False False GtkHBox hbox7 False 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 False True False False True False GnomeFontPicker pager_title_font True Total text font AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz GNOME_FONT_PICKER_MODE_FONT_INFO True False 14 0 False False GtkHBox hbox12 False 0 1 2 5 6 0 0 False True False False True True GnomeColorPicker pager_bg_color True True False Pick a color 0 False False GtkHBox hbox11 False 0 1 2 4 5 0 0 False True False False True True GnomeColorPicker pager_text_color True True False Pick a color 0 False False GtkHBox hbox8 False 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 False True False False True True GnomeColorPicker pager_title_color True True False Pick a color 0 False False GtkLabel label14 GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER False 1 0.5 0 0 0 1 3 4 0 0 False False False False True False GtkLabel label18 GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER False 1 0.5 0 0 0 1 4 5 0 0 False False False False True False GtkLabel label19 GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER False 1 0.5 0 0 0 1 5 6 0 0 False False False False True False GtkLabel Notebook:tab label24 GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER False 0.5 0.5 0 0 GtkVBox prefs_startup_vbox False 0 GtkFrame frame9 4 0 GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN 0 True True GtkVBox vbox6 4 False 0 GtkRadioButton startup_always_restore_radio True False True prefs_restore_ws_group 0 False False GtkRadioButton startup_never_restore_radio True False True prefs_restore_ws_group 0 False False GtkFrame frame10 4 0 GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN 0 True True GtkVBox vbox7 4 False 0 GtkCheckButton startup_readline_checkbutton True False True 0 False False GtkLabel Notebook:tab label25 GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER False 0.5 0.5 0 0 GtkVBox prefs_exit_vbox False 0 GtkFrame frame8 4 0 GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN 0 True True GtkVBox vbox5 4 False 0 GtkRadioButton exit_prompt_save_radio True False True prefs_save_ws_group 0 False False GtkRadioButton exit_always_save_radio True False True prefs_save_ws_group 0 False False GtkRadioButton exit_never_save_radio True False True prefs_save_ws_group 0 False False GtkLabel Notebook:tab label26 GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER False 0.5 0.5 0 0 GnomeApp main_window False delete_event on_main_window_delete_event Mon, 13 Dec 1999 06:26:21 GMT R GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL GTK_WIN_POS_NONE False False True False True GnomeDock GnomeApp:dock dock1 True 0 True True GnomeDockItem dockitem1 2 GNOME_DOCK_TOP 0 0 0 False True False True False GTK_SHADOW_OUT GtkMenuBar menubar1 GTK_SHADOW_NONE GtkMenuItem file1 GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_FILE_TREE GtkMenu file1_menu GtkPixmapMenuItem open1 activate on_open1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 02:43:41 GMT GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_OPEN_ITEM GtkPixmapMenuItem save1 activate on_save1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 02:43:41 GMT GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_SAVE_ITEM GtkPixmapMenuItem save_as1 activate on_save_as1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 02:43:41 GMT GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_SAVE_AS_ITEM GtkMenuItem separator1 False GtkPixmapMenuItem exit1 activate on_exit1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 02:43:41 GMT GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_EXIT_ITEM GtkMenuItem commands1 activate on_commands1_activate False GtkMenuItem settings1 GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_SETTINGS_TREE GtkMenu settings1_menu GtkPixmapMenuItem preferences1 activate on_preferences1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 02:43:41 GMT GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_PREFERENCES_ITEM GtkMenuItem help1 GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_HELP_TREE GtkMenu help1_menu GtkPixmapMenuItem html_index1 activate on_html_index1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:28:02 GMT False GNOME_STOCK_MENU_INDEX GtkPixmapMenuItem text_index1 activate on_text_index1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:28:20 GMT False GNOME_STOCK_MENU_ALIGN_JUSTIFY GtkMenuItem separator3 False GtkPixmapMenuItem r_project_web_site1 activate on_r_project_web_site1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:33:28 GMT False GNOME_STOCK_MENU_HOME GtkMenuItem separator4 False GtkMenuItem licence1 activate on_licence1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:28:31 GMT False GtkMenuItem contributors1 activate on_contributors1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:28:37 GMT False GtkMenuItem demos1 False GtkMenu demos1_menu GtkMenuItem demos_index1 activate on_demos_index1_activate Mon, 06 Dec 1999 04:21:50 GMT False GtkMenuItem separator5 False GtkMenuItem graphics1 activate on_graphics1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:29:28 GMT False GtkMenuItem image1 activate on_image1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:29:32 GMT False GtkMenuItem lmglm1 activate on_lmglm1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:29:34 GMT False GtkMenuItem glmvr1 activate on_glmvr1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:29:37 GMT False GtkMenuItem nlm1 activate on_nlm1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:29:49 GMT False GtkMenuItem recursion1 activate on_recursion1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:29:51 GMT False GtkMenuItem scoping1 activate on_scoping1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:29:54 GMT False GtkMenuItem isthings1 activate on_isthings1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:29:57 GMT False GtkMenuItem dynload1 activate on_dynload1_activate Sun, 12 Dec 1999 20:32:14 GMT False GtkMenuItem separator6 False GtkPixmapMenuItem about1 activate on_about1_activate Tue, 30 Nov 1999 02:43:41 GMT GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_ABOUT_ITEM GnomeDockItem dockitem2 1 GNOME_DOCK_TOP 1 0 0 False True False False False GTK_SHADOW_OUT GtkToolbar toolbar1 1 GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH 16 GTK_TOOLBAR_SPACE_LINE GTK_RELIEF_NONE True GtkButton Toolbar:button open_button New File GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_OPEN GtkButton Toolbar:button save_button New File GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_SAVE GtkButton Toolbar:button interrupt_button Save File GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_STOP True GtkHBox GnomeDock:contents hbox1 False 0 Custom terminal True r_gnome_create_terminal 0 0 Mon, 06 Dec 1999 01:23:12 GMT 0 True True GtkVScrollbar terminal_vscrollbar GTK_UPDATE_CONTINUOUS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 False True GnomeAppBar GnomeApp:appbar appbar1 True True 0 True True GnomeApp showfiles_window False R Information GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL GTK_WIN_POS_NONE False False True False True GnomeDock GnomeApp:dock dock2 True 0 True True GnomeDockItem dockitem4 1 GNOME_DOCK_TOP 0 0 0 False True False False False GTK_SHADOW_OUT GtkToolbar toolbar2 1 GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH 16 GTK_TOOLBAR_SPACE_LINE GTK_RELIEF_NONE True GtkButton Toolbar:button print_button New File GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_PRINT GtkButton Toolbar:button copy_button New File GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_COPY True GtkButton Toolbar:button top_button New File GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_TOP True GtkButton Toolbar:button page_up_button New File GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_UP GtkButton Toolbar:button page_down_button New File GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_DOWN GtkButton Toolbar:button bottom_button New File GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_BOTTOM GtkButton Toolbar:button close_button New File GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_CLOSE True GtkScrolledWindow GnomeDock:contents scrolledwindow1 GTK_POLICY_ALWAYS GTK_POLICY_ALWAYS GTK_UPDATE_CONTINUOUS GTK_UPDATE_CONTINUOUS GtkText showfiles_text True True False GnomeAbout about_dialog False True Copyright (C) 1999 by the R Core Team Douglas Bates Peter Dalgaard Robert Gentleman Kurt Hornik Ross Ihaka Friedrich Leisch Thomas Lumley Martin Maechler Guido Masarotto Paul Murrell Brian Ripley Heiner Schwarte Duncan Temple Lang Luke Tierney Lyndon Drake, GNOME interface R is a system for statistical computation and graphics. It is a dialect of the S programming language from Bell Labs. R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type ?licence for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type ?contributors for a list. GnomeMessageBox quit_messagebox False GNOME_MESSAGE_BOX_QUESTION Do you want to save the workspace image? Select "Yes" to save and exit, "No" to exit without saving, or "Cancel" to return to R. GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL GTK_WIN_POS_NONE True False False False True False GtkVBox GnomeDialog:vbox dialog-vbox1 False 8 4 True True GtkHButtonBox GnomeDialog:action_area dialog-action_area1 GTK_BUTTONBOX_END 8 85 27 7 0 0 False True GTK_PACK_END GtkButton button16 True True True True GNOME_STOCK_BUTTON_YES GtkButton button17 True True GNOME_STOCK_BUTTON_NO GtkButton button18 True True GNOME_STOCK_BUTTON_CANCEL GnomeApp graphics_window False R Graphics GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL GTK_WIN_POS_NONE False False True False True GnomeDock GnomeApp:dock dock3 True 0 True True GnomeDockItem dockitem7 1 GNOME_DOCK_TOP 0 0 0 False True False False False GTK_SHADOW_OUT GtkToolbar toolbar3 1 GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH 16 GTK_TOOLBAR_SPACE_LINE GTK_RELIEF_NONE True GtkButton Toolbar:button graphics_activate_button New File GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_COLORSELECTOR GtkButton Toolbar:button graphics_print_button Open File GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_PRINT GtkButton Toolbar:button graphics_close_button Save File GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_CLOSE True GtkDrawingArea GnomeDock:contents graphics_drawingarea GnomeMessageBox not_impl_messagebox False GNOME_MESSAGE_BOX_INFO This function is not yet implemented. GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL GTK_WIN_POS_NONE True False False False True False GtkVBox GnomeDialog:vbox dialog-vbox2 False 8 4 True True GtkHButtonBox GnomeDialog:action_area dialog-action_area2 GTK_BUTTONBOX_END 8 85 27 7 0 0 False True GTK_PACK_END GtkButton button27 True True GNOME_STOCK_BUTTON_OK GtkFileSelection choose_file_fileselection 10 False Select File GTK_WINDOW_DIALOG GTK_WIN_POS_NONE True False True False True GtkButton FileSel:ok_button ok_button1 True True GtkButton FileSel:cancel_button cancel_button1 True True GnomeApp editor_window False R Editor GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL GTK_WIN_POS_NONE False False True False True GnomeDock GnomeApp:dock dock4 True 0 True True GnomeDockItem dockitem8 2 GNOME_DOCK_TOP 0 0 0 False True False True False GTK_SHADOW_OUT GtkMenuBar menubar2 GTK_SHADOW_NONE GtkMenuItem file2 GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_FILE_TREE GtkMenu file2_menu GtkPixmapMenuItem compile1 activate on_compile1_activate Mon, 13 Dec 1999 23:20:35 GMT False GNOME_STOCK_MENU_EXEC GtkPixmapMenuItem save_as2 activate on_save_as2_activate Mon, 13 Dec 1999 23:20:35 GMT GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_SAVE_AS_ITEM GtkMenuItem separator7 False GtkPixmapMenuItem close1 activate on_close1_activate Mon, 13 Dec 1999 23:20:35 GMT GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_CLOSE_ITEM GtkMenuItem edit2 GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_EDIT_TREE GtkMenu edit2_menu GtkPixmapMenuItem cut1 activate on_cut1_activate Mon, 13 Dec 1999 23:20:35 GMT GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_CUT_ITEM GtkPixmapMenuItem copy2 activate on_copy2_activate Mon, 13 Dec 1999 23:20:35 GMT GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_COPY_ITEM GtkPixmapMenuItem paste2 activate on_paste2_activate Mon, 13 Dec 1999 23:20:35 GMT GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_PASTE_ITEM GtkPixmapMenuItem clear1 activate on_clear1_activate Mon, 13 Dec 1999 23:20:35 GMT GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_CLEAR_ITEM GnomeDockItem dockitem9 1 GNOME_DOCK_TOP 1 0 0 False True False False False GTK_SHADOW_OUT GtkToolbar toolbar4 1 GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH 16 GTK_TOOLBAR_SPACE_LINE GTK_RELIEF_NONE True GtkButton Toolbar:button compile_button New File GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_EXEC GtkButton Toolbar:button print_button GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_PRINT GtkButton Toolbar:button cut_button Open File GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_CUT True GtkButton Toolbar:button copy_button Save File GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_COPY GtkButton Toolbar:button paste_button GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_PASTE GtkButton Toolbar:button close_button GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_CLOSE True GtkScrolledWindow GnomeDock:contents scrolledwindow2 GTK_POLICY_NEVER GTK_POLICY_ALWAYS GTK_UPDATE_CONTINUOUS GTK_UPDATE_CONTINUOUS GtkText text1 True False GnomeAppBar GnomeApp:appbar appbar2 True True 0 True True