### This is the system Rprofile file. It is always run on startup. ### Additional commands can be placed in site or user Rprofile files ### (see ?Rprofile). ### Notice that it is a bad idea to use this file as a template for ### personal startup files, since things will be executed twice and in ### the wrong environment since user profiles are run in .GlobalEnv. .GlobalEnv <- globalenv() attach(NULL, name = "Autoloads") .AutoloadEnv <- pos.to.env(2) assign(".Autoloaded", NULL, env=.AutoloadEnv) T <- TRUE F <- FALSE R.version <- structure(R.Version(), class = "simple.list") version <- .Alias(R.version)# for S-compatibility R.version.string <- paste(paste("R version", paste(version[c("major","minor")], collapse=".")), paste(version[c("year", "month","day")], collapse="-"), sep=", ", collapse=" ") .Machine <- Machine() .Platform <- Platform() options(na.action = "na.omit") options(show.signif.stars = TRUE) options(show.coef.Pvalues = TRUE) options(keep.source = interactive())# was "TRUE" in 1.0.x options(warn = 0) options(help.try.all.packages = FALSE) options(CRAN = "http://cran.r-project.org") local({ ### Autoloads : Should NOT stop on error --- try(.) fails.. ### The local() makes try.autoload go away after use try.autoload <- function(name, file) { if (exists(name, envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) warning("Object already exists") else autoload(name, file) } ## The next 3 were in base till 0.90: try.autoload("t.test","ctest") try.autoload("chisq.test","ctest") try.autoload("prop.test","ctest") try.autoload("wilcox.test","ctest") try.autoload("diff.ts", "ts") })