# File src/library/utils/R/fineLineNum.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Duncan Murdoch and the R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ .normalizePath <- function(path, wd) { if (!missing(wd) && !is.null(wd)) { oldwd <- setwd(wd) on.exit(setwd(oldwd)) } suppressWarnings(normalizePath(path)) } fnLineNum <- function(f, srcfile, line, nameonly=TRUE) { stopifnot(length(line) == 1) targetfilename <- .normalizePath(srcfile$filename) fnsrc <- attr(f, "srcref") if (!is.null(fnsrc)) fnsrc <- attr(fnsrc, "srcfile") else fnsrc <- attr(body(f), "srcfile") if (is.null(fnsrc)) return(NULL) if (missing(srcfile)) { srcfile <- fnsrc } isBrace <- function(expr) typeof(expr) == "symbol" && identical(as.character(expr), "{") lineNumInExpr <- function(expr, haveSrcrefs = FALSE) { if (typeof(expr) == "language") { srcrefs <- attr(expr, "srcref") for (i in seq_along(expr)) { srcref <- srcrefs[[i]] # Check for non-matching range if (!is.null(srcref) && (srcref[1] > line || line > srcref[3])) next # We're in range. See if there's a finer division finer <- lineNumInExpr(expr[[i]], haveSrcrefs || !is.null(srcrefs)) if (!is.null(finer)) { return(c(i, finer)) } # Do we have a srcref? It must point to this expression. # But do avoid matching the opening brace in a block: match the whole block # instead. havebrace <- isBrace(expr[[i]]) if (!is.null(srcref) && (!haveSrcrefs || !havebrace)) { return(i) } } } return(NULL) } perfectMatch <- identical(.normalizePath(fnsrc$filename, fnsrc$wd), targetfilename) if (perfectMatch || (nameonly && !is.null(fnsrc$filename) && basename(fnsrc$filename) == basename(targetfilename))) { if (!is.na(srcfile$timestamp) && !is.null(fnsrc$timestamp) && fnsrc$timestamp != srcfile$timestamp) timediff <- fnsrc$timestamp - srcfile$timestamp else timediff <- 0 at <- lineNumInExpr(body(f)) if (!is.null(at)) return(list(at=at, filename=.normalizePath(fnsrc$filename, fnsrc$wd), line=line, timediff=timediff)) } return(NULL) } findLineNum <- function(srcfile, line, nameonly=TRUE, envir=parent.frame(), lastenv) { count <- 0 result <- list() if (!inherits(srcfile, "srcfile")) { if (missing(line)) { line <- as.numeric(sub(".*#", "", srcfile)) if (is.na(line)) stop("Line number missing") srcfile <- sub("#[^#]*", "", srcfile) } srcfile <- srcfile(srcfile) } if (missing(lastenv)) { if (missing(envir)) lastenv <- globalenv() else lastenv <- emptyenv() } if (!is.environment(envir)) envir <- environment(envir) fns <- character() envirs <- list() e <- envir repeat { fns <- c(fns, lsf.str(envir=e, all=TRUE)) oldlen <- length(envirs) length(envirs) <- length(fns) if (length(envirs) > oldlen) for (i in seq.int(oldlen+1, length(envirs))) envirs[[i]] <- e if (identical(e, lastenv) || identical(e, emptyenv())) break e <- parent.env(e) } for (i in seq_along(fns)) { functionName <- fns[i] fn <- get(functionName, envir=envirs[[i]]) loc <- fnLineNum(fn, srcfile=srcfile, line=line, nameonly=nameonly) if (!is.null(loc)) { count <- count + 1 result[[count]] <- c(list(name=functionName, env=envirs[[i]]), loc) } gen <- tryCatch(methods::isGeneric(functionName, envirs[[i]], fdef=fn), error = identity) if (isTRUE(gen)) { e1 <- environment(fn)$.AllMTable if (!is.null(e1)) { sigs <- ls(e1) for (j in seq_along(sigs)) { sig <- sigs[j] fn <- get(sig, e1) if (typeof(fn) != "closure") next loc <- fnLineNum(fn, srcfile=srcfile, line=line, nameonly=nameonly) if (is.null(loc) && length(body(fn)) > 1 && length(body(fn)[[2]]) > 2 && typeof(body(fn)[[c(2,3)]]) == "closure") { # desperate try: look for # .local <- original defn fn2 <- body(fn)[[c(2,3)]] loc <- fnLineNum(fn2, srcfile=srcfile, line=line, nameonly=nameonly) # FIXME: can trace() set a breakpoint # within a function like this? if (!is.null(loc)) loc$at <- c(2,3) } if (!is.null(loc)) { count <- count + 1 result[[count]] <- c(list(name=functionName, env=envirs[[i]], signature=strsplit(sig, "#")[[1]]), loc) } } } } } return(structure(result, class="findLineNumResult")) } print.findLineNumResult <- function(x, steps=TRUE, ...) { if (!length(x)) cat("No source refs found.\n") filename <- NULL line <- 0 for (i in seq_along(x)) { if (!identical(filename, x[[i]]$filename) || !identical(line, x[[i]]$line)) { filename <- x[[i]]$filename line <- x[[i]]$line cat(filename, "#", line, ":\n", sep = "") } cat(" ", x[[i]]$name, if (steps) paste(" step ", paste(x[[i]]$at, collapse=",")) else "", sep = "") if (!is.null(x[[i]]$signature)) cat(" signature ", paste(x[[i]]$signature, collapse=","), sep = "") cat(" in ", format(x[[i]]$env), "\n", sep = "") } } setBreakpoint <- function(srcfile, line, nameonly=TRUE, envir=parent.frame(), lastenv, verbose = TRUE, tracer, print=FALSE, clear=FALSE, ...) { if (missing(lastenv)) { if (missing(envir)) lastenv <- globalenv() else lastenv <- emptyenv() } locations <- findLineNum(srcfile, line, nameonly, envir, lastenv) if (verbose) print(locations, steps=!clear) breakpoint <- missing(tracer) while (length(locations)) { what <- locations[[1]]$name where <- locations[[1]]$env at <- list(locations[[1]]$at) signature <- locations[[1]]$signature if (breakpoint) { filename <- basename(locations[[1]]$filename) linenum <- locations[[1]]$line tracer <- bquote({cat(paste0(.(filename), "#", .(linenum), "\n")) browser(skipCalls=4L)}) } locations[[1]] <- NULL i <- 1 while (i <= length(locations)) { if (what == locations[[i]]$name && identical(where, locations[[i]]$env) && identical(signature, locations[[i]]$signature)) { at <- c(at, list(locations[[i]])) locations[[i]] <- NULL } else i <- i+1 } if (clear) { if (is.null(signature)) untrace(what, where=where) else untrace(what, signature=signature, where=where) } else if (is.null(signature)) trace(what, tracer, at=at, where=where, print=print, ...) else trace(what, signature=signature, tracer, at=at, where=where, ...) } }