IBCarbonFramework NSApplication main R R About R 0 abou General information on this binary distribution of R for MacOSX Check for R updates nraq Checks for new versions of RAqua on CRAN _NSAppleMenu File File Source R Code... o open Edit File... edtf File Show... f fshw TRUE Close w clos Save s save Save As... S svas TRUE Page Setup... P page Print... p prnt Edit Edit Undo z undo Redo Z 1179648 redo TRUE Cut x cut Copy c copy Paste v past Clear clea Select All a sall TRUE Edit Object e edbj Open R Object editor Tools Tools Load history hstl Loads the history file in the current working directory Save history hsts Saves command history file into the current working directory Show history hstw Shows history file TRUE Change Working Directory... d scwd Set the current working directory to a specified location Show Working Directory shwd Shows current working directory Reset Working Directory rswd Sets working directory to user's home Workspace Workspace Show Workspace dols Show the objects in the workspace Clear Workspace dorm Remove all objects from workspace Browse Workspace shwb A browser for the R objects TRUE Load Workspace ldws Load workspace in current working directory Load Workspace File.. lwsf Load Workspace previously saved on file TRUE Save Workspace svws Save the content of the workspace in the current working directory Save Workspace As... swsf Save Workspace on a file Packages Packages Package Manager ipkg Shows the list of currently installed packages and allow for loading and unloading them in the current session Datasets Manager shdt Shows the lists of available datasets and allow to the select dataset to load in the current session TRUE Get CRAN Packages Get CRAN Packages Ready-to-use Binary crab Download and install (binary) packages from CRAN Source cran Download and compile source packages from CRAN Update CRAN packages Update CRAN packages Ready-to-use Binary crub Update packages with newer binary versions on CRAN Source crup Compile and update packages with newer source versions on CRAN TRUE BioConductor BioConductor Download all bial Get all BioConductor packages Download Affy bundle biaf Get BioConductor packages for analyzing Affymetrix expression arrays Download cDNA bundle bicd Get BioConductor packages for analyzing cDNA arrays Update BioConductor bcup Update to the most recent version of BioConductor packages Individual packages Individual packages Ready-to-use binary biob Source bioc Download individual packages from Bioconductor TRUE Install from local files Install from local files Binary package file (.tgz) ipbt Install a binary package file (.tgz) from a local directory Source package file (.tar.gz) ipfs Install source package from a local file (tarball) Source directory ipsd Install source package from a local directory tree Window Window New Edit Window n new Open a brand new editable window TRUE New quartz() window N 1179648 nwqz Opens a new quartz() device and make the active one for R Activate quartz() device A 1179648 awqz Activate the quartz() device corresponding to the current graphic window TRUE TRUE Minimize Window m mini TRUE Minimize All Windows m 1572864 mini TRUE TRUE Bring All to Front frnt TRUE Bring in Front 1572864 frnt _NSWindowsMenu _NSMainMenu 106 168 470 737 R Console 0 0 364 569 23 0 24 581 RGUI 1001 4 550 20 566 RGUI 1000 6 20 22 542 RGUI 1002 TRUE Working... 1 50 7 211 300 449 677 About R 0 0 238 377 0 0 377 238 109 20 142 357 20 109 337 33 0FFF 133 TRUE Copyiright Info Copyright Info 1 192 20 218 357 20 192 337 26 0FFF 135 TRUE Thanks to People who help the development of RAqua 1 20 20 36 357 20 20 337 16 0FFF 132 TRUE Version Info Version of the R Kernel 1 157 20 184 357 20 157 337 27 0FFF 134 TRUE R author RAqua GUI developers 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 1 100 44 543 536 R Preferences 0 0 443 492 394 141 414 211 PREF 5000 Apply Use current preferences settings for the current session only 1 394 268 414 338 PREF 5003 Save Applies current settings to this session and saves for future use 394 398 414 468 PREF 5001 Cancel Ignores the changes and exits the Preferences panel 2 394 20 414 96 PREF 5002 Defaults Resets settings to default values. Does not apply or save changes until you take an action. 12 20 374 468 42 20 374 468 197 30 292 430 225 46 241 132 PREF 1007 Read Only This option applies to all read-only windows like R Console Out and any other read-only windows like R Help, etc. 225 140 245 256 PREF 1009 Choose Color Sets foreground color 260 46 276 132 PREF 1008 Read & Write This option applies to all read-write windows like R Console In and any other read-write windows like R Edit, etc. 257 140 277 256 PREF 1010 Choose Color Sets foreground color 225 268 245 422 PREF 1011 Choose Background Sets background color 257 268 277 422 PREF 1012 Choose Background Sets background color PREF 1006 Text Colors 83 30 175 430 111 46 131 167 PREF 1002 Choose Font Select Font size and family for text windows. Style is ignored. 111 262 127 321 PREF 1004 Tab Size 114 334 130 411 PREF 1005 Tab size for all text windows. You should pass the number of characters between tabs TRUE PREF 1001 Fonts and Tabs 146 50 162 410 PREF 1003 FALSE Font name and size Current R Console Font Name and Size 308 40 322 225 PREF 1013 Buffered console output? Display text output on the console in batches, rather than line by line. Much faster, but doesn't allow for progress reports. 1 308 341 364 364 PREF 1014 Smaller buffers give smoother but slower scrolling TRUE 4 10 10 32000 348 372 364 448 10 326 251 342 327 Buffer size 308 372 324 417 32000 PRTB 1000 Console 2 42 20 374 468 95 30 115 135 PREF 3001 Device Font Select Font size and family for the quartz. Style is ignored. 135 30 231 430 169 46 185 122 PREF 3005 Width 199 46 215 122 PREF 3006 Height 170 150 186 227 PREF 3008 5 200 150 216 227 PREF 3009 6 169 284 185 360 PREF 3011 inches 199 284 215 360 PREF 3012 inches PREF 3003 Device Dimensions 249 30 307 430 277 42 291 144 PREF 3013 Antialiasing With Antialiasing "ON" it looks very nice but slower. 1 277 309 291 414 PREF 3014 Auto Refresh With Auto Refresh "ON" it is slower but more user friendly 1 PREF 3013 Quartz Features 97 188 113 427 PREF 3002 FALSE Font Name and Size Should be a Postscript Font Name 339 40 353 440 PREF 3007 Override R quartz() device defaults The above quartz device settings take place only when this option is checked, otherwise R default options for the quartz device are considered. PRTB 1001 2 42 20 374 468 140 53 156 129 CRAN -1 204 31 220 129 Bioconductor -1 141 140 157 396 PREF 4501 http://cran.r-project.org Choose a CRAN mirror from the list at http://cran.r-project.org/mirrors/ TRUE 205 140 221 396 PREF 4502 http://www.bioconductor.org Your bioconductor repository TRUE 92 40 269 440 Internet package archives PRTB 1002 2 42 20 374 468 69 40 83 443 PREF 6000 Show system console output (stdout) in the R console Check this item if you want to grab stdout to the R Console Out. This is useful to have feedback on things like packages installation 1 99 40 113 397 PREF 6001 Show system error output (stderr) in the R console Check this item if you want to grab stderr to the R Console Out. This is useful to have feedback on things like packages installation of system() calls 1 PRTB 1003 2 PRTT 1000 contentResID 0 tabEnabled 1 tabName Text Windows userPane contentResID 0 tabEnabled 1 tabName Quartz Device userPane contentResID 0 tabEnabled 1 tabName Packages userPane contentResID 0 tabEnabled 1 tabName Misc userPane FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE 5 49 7 Choose your favorite R settings -14090 -1310 -13792 -870 10250 -32697 10252 -32693 AntiAliasing 10250 -9391 10252 -9389 Auto Refresh 10136 -7638 10152 -7245 Font Name 10176 -5518 10196 -5514 Choose Font -6202 -3230 -6204 -3231 12 10174 -1396 10190 -1320 Point Size 10054 582 10052 576 5 10046 2462 10062 2509 Width: 10046 4634 10062 4681 Height: 2 Get BioConductor Packages Get BioConductor Packages Ready-to-use Binary biob Download and install binary packages from the BioConductor project Source bioc Download and compile source packages from the BioConductor project Update BioConductor Packages Update BioConductor Packages Ready-to-use Binary bcub Update packages with newer binary version at BioConductor Source bcup Compile and update packages with newer source versions at BioConductor 140 260 291 648 Window 0 0 151 388 0 0 388 151 20 20 61 368 20 20 348 41 RDLG 1000 Message Text 1 72 23 88 365 23 72 342 16 RDLG 1001 Input text field TRUE 111 298 131 368 298 111 70 20 RDLG 1002 Proceed 1 111 20 131 90 20 111 70 20 RDLG 1003 Cancel 2 FALSE TRUE 4 49 1 AboutWindow Files Owner InputDialog MainWindow MenuBar PrefsWindow 412