The Fortran routines here were extracted from LAPACK 3.1.0, then 3.1.1, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.5.0, 3.6.0, 3.6.1, 3.7.0, 3.7.1, 3.8.0, 3.9.0, 3.10.0,3.10.1 3.11.0 (Sources from and mirrors). dlapack.f contains support routines for `real' LAPACK calls. cmplx.f contains support routines for LAPACK calls from complex arithmetic routines, that are only used if COMPLEX*16 is supported by the Fortran compiler and compatible with the Rcomplex type. Neither will be compiled if an external LAPACK is used. We have tried to avoid including any single-precision routines. Preparation ----------- For 3.11.0 SRC/dlatrs.f needed patching for gfortran 12: see R.patch. dlapack.f and cmplx.f were created at the top level in the LAPACK 3.x.y sources by copying {dble,cmplx}.txt there and running in R dir.create('dble') foo <- scan('dble.txt', "") file.copy(file.path("SRC", foo), 'dble') file.copy(file.path("INSTALL", 'ilaver.f'), 'dble') system('cpp SRC/iparam2stage.F > dble/iparam2stage.f') system("cat dble/* > dlapack.f") dir.create('cmplx') foo <- scan('cmplx.txt', "") file.copy(file.path("SRC", foo), 'cmplx') system("cat cmplx/* > cmplx.f") cat INSTALL/droundup_lwork.f >> dlapack.f If you update the LAPACK version, you need to copy over the LICENSE file and update it in doc/COPYRIGHTS. And if you patch the sources, *DO* mention it here and add the patch to a file R.patch. la_xisnan.f90 was created by cpp SRC/la_xisnan.F90 > la_xisnan.f90 New LAPACK versions (even point releases) often add new auxiliary routines, and these can be hard to track down. We found it helpful to compare the outputs of nm -g dlapack.o | grep ' T ' | cut -b20- nm -g dlapack.o | grep ' U ' | cut -b20- before and after updating (ditto for cmplx.o). (This may need adjusting for your platform's nm.) History ------- zlahr2 zlaqr0 zlaqr1 zlaqr2 zlaqr3 zlaqr4 zlaqr5 zlartg zpotf2 zpotrf zrot ztrexc were added in R 2.5.0. izmax1 zdrscl zgecon zlacn2 zlantr ztrcon were added in R 2.7.0. dzsum1 ilazlc ilazlr zunmhr were added in R 2.15.2. zgelsd zgesdd zlacp2 zlacrm zlals0 zlalsa zlalsd zlarcm were added in R 3.1.0. zgeequ zgees zgels zgerfs zgesc2 zgesvx zgetc2 zgetri zggbak zggbal zgges zggev zgghrd zheevd zhgeqz zlaed0 zlaed7 zlaed8 zlaqge zlasyf zlatdf zlauu2 zlauum zpotri zstedc zsymv zsyr zsytf2 zsytrf zsytri ztgevc ztgex2 ztgexc ztgsen ztgsy2 ztgsyl ztrsen ztrsyl ztrti2 ztrtri zunm2l zunmql zunmtr were added in R 3.3.0 for use by a CRAN package. dbdsvdx dgesvdx dgetrf2 dgges3 dggev3 dgghd3 dggsvd3 dggsvp3 dorm22 dpotrf2 zgetrf2 zpotrf2 were new in LAPACK 3.6.0 and added in R 3.3.0. dtrevc3 and ztrevc3 were new in LAPACK 3.6.1 and added in R 3.4.0. dcombssq.f was patched in R 3.6.3 (see the R-admin manual). Patches from LAPACK 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 were applied for R 4.2.0 but not the new .f90 files replacing dlartg.f dlassq.f zlartg.f zlassq.f Those 4 routines were replaced by their .f90 versions in R 4.3.0. R 4.2.2 added zgbcon zgbequ zgbrfs zgbsv zgbsvx zgbtf2 zgbtrf zgbtrs zgeevx zgtcon zgtrfs zgtsv zgtsvx zgttrf zgttrs zgtts2 zlagtm zlangb zlangt zlansy zlantb zlaqgb zlaqhe zlatbs zpbtf2 zpbtrf zpocon zpoequ zporfs zposv zposvx zpotrs zpstf2 zpstrf ztrsna for recent RcppArmadillo with LLVM clang 15. ------------------------------------------------- For 'base' R addition of a new .Call()able Lapack routine, all these files must be updated {path relative to R's topdir}: src/gnuwin32/Rdll.hide src/include/R_ext/Lapack.h src/include/Rmodules/Rlapack.h src/main/basedecl.h src/main/lapack.c src/main/registration.c src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c src/modules/lapack/Lapack.h src/modules/lapack/cmplx.f or dlapack.f