# File src/library/base/makebasedb.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2012 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ local({ makeLazyLoadDB <- function(from, filebase, compress = TRUE, ascii = FALSE, variables) { envlist <- function(e) .Internal(getVarsFromFrame(ls(e, all = TRUE), e, FALSE)) envtable <- function() { idx <- 0 envs <- NULL enames <- character(0) find <- function(v, keys, vals) { for (i in seq_along(keys)) if (identical(v, keys[[i]])) return(vals[i]) NULL } getname <- function(e) find(e, envs, enames) getenv <- function(n) find(n, enames, envs) insert <- function(e) { idx <<- idx + 1 name <- paste("env", idx, sep="::") envs <<- c(e, envs) enames <<- c(name, enames) name } list(insert = insert, getenv = getenv, getname = getname) } lazyLoadDBinsertValue <- function(value, file, ascii, compress, hook) .Internal(lazyLoadDBinsertValue(value, file, ascii, compress, hook)) lazyLoadDBinsertListElement <- function(x, i, file, ascii, compress, hook) .Internal(lazyLoadDBinsertValue(x[[i]], file, ascii, compress, hook)) lazyLoadDBinsertVariable <- function(n, e, file, ascii, compress, hook) { x <- .Internal(getVarsFromFrame(n, e, FALSE)) .Internal(lazyLoadDBinsertValue(x[[1L]], file, ascii, compress, hook)) } mapfile <- paste(filebase, "rdx", sep = ".") datafile <- paste(filebase, "rdb", sep = ".") close(file(datafile, "w")) # truncate to zero table <- envtable() varenv <- new.env(hash = TRUE) envenv <- new.env(hash = TRUE) envhook <- function(e) { if (is.environment(e)) { name <- table$getname(e) if (is.null(name)) { name <- table$insert(e) data <- list(bindings = envlist(e), enclos = parent.env(e)) key <- lazyLoadDBinsertValue(data, datafile, ascii, compress, envhook) assign(name, key, envir = envenv) } name } } if (is.environment(from)) { if (! missing(variables)) vars <- variables else vars <- ls(from, all = TRUE) } else if (is.list(from)) { vars <- names(from) if (length(vars) != length(from) || any(nchar(vars) == 0)) stop("source list must have names for all elements") } else stop("source must be an environment or a list"); for (i in seq_along(vars)) { if (is.environment(from)) key <- lazyLoadDBinsertVariable(vars[i], from, datafile, ascii, compress, envhook) else key <- lazyLoadDBinsertListElement(from, i, datafile, ascii, compress, envhook) assign(vars[i], key, envir = varenv) } vals <- lapply(vars, get, envir = varenv, inherits = FALSE) names(vals) <- vars rvars <- ls(envenv, all = TRUE) rvals <- lapply(rvars, get, envir = envenv, inherits = FALSE) names(rvals) <- rvars val <- list(variables = vals, references = rvals, compressed = compress) saveRDS(val, mapfile) } omit <- c(".Last.value", ".AutoloadEnv", ".BaseNamespaceEnv", ".Device", ".Devices", ".Machine", ".Options", ".Platform") if (length(search()[search()!="Autoloads"]) != 2) stop("start R with NO packages loaded to create the data base") baseFileBase <- file.path(.Library,"base","R","base") if (file.info(baseFileBase)["size"] < 20000) # crude heuristic stop("may already be using lazy loading on base"); basevars <- ls(baseenv(), all.names=TRUE) prims <- basevars[sapply(basevars, function(n) is.primitive(get(n, baseenv())))] basevars <- basevars[! basevars %in% c(omit, prims)] makeLazyLoadDB(baseenv(), baseFileBase, variables = basevars) })