R version 4.4.0 alpha (2024-03-29 r86229) Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. Natural language support but running in an English locale R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > pkgname <- "tools" > source(file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "examples-header.R")) > options(warn = 1) > library('tools') > > base::assign(".oldSearch", base::search(), pos = 'CheckExEnv') > base::assign(".old_wd", base::getwd(), pos = 'CheckExEnv') > cleanEx() > nameEx("CRANtools") > ### * CRANtools > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: CRANtools > ### Title: CRAN Package Repository Tools > ### Aliases: CRAN_package_db CRAN_check_results CRAN_check_details > ### CRAN_check_issues summarize_CRAN_check_status R_CRAN_WEB R_CRAN_SRC > > ### ** Examples > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("HTMLheader") > ### * HTMLheader > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: HTMLheader > ### Title: Generate a Standard HTML Header for R Help > ### Aliases: HTMLheader > ### Keywords: utilities documentation > > ### ** Examples > > cat(HTMLheader("This is a sample header"), sep="\n") R: This is a sample header

This is a sample header

> > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("Rd2HTML") > ### * Rd2HTML > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: Rd2HTML > ### Title: Rd Converters > ### Aliases: Rd2txt Rd2HTML Rd2ex Rd2latex > ### Keywords: documentation > > ### ** Examples > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("Rd2txt_options") > ### * Rd2txt_options > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: Rd2txt_options > ### Title: Set Formatting Options for Text Help > ### Aliases: Rd2txt_options > ### Keywords: documentation > > ### ** Examples > > saveOpts <- Rd2txt_options() > Rd2txt_options(minIndent = 4) > Rd2txt_options()[["minIndent"]] [1] 4 > Rd2txt_options(saveOpts) > stopifnot(identical(Rd2txt_options(), saveOpts)) > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("Rdutils") > ### * Rdutils > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: Rdutils > ### Title: Rd Utilities > ### Aliases: Rd_db > ### Keywords: utilities documentation > > ### ** Examples > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("assertCondition") > ### * assertCondition > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: assertCondition > ### Title: Asserting Error Conditions > ### Aliases: assertCondition assertWarning assertError > ### Keywords: programming error > > ### ** Examples > > assertError(sqrt("abc")) > assertWarning(matrix(1:8, 4,3)) > > assertCondition( ""-1 ) # ok, any condition would satisfy this > > try( assertCondition(sqrt(2), "warning") ) Error in assertCondition(sqrt(2), "warning") : Failed to get warning in evaluating sqrt(2) > ## .. Failed to get warning in evaluating sqrt(2) > assertCondition(sqrt("abc"), "error") # ok > try( assertCondition(sqrt("abc"), "warning") )# -> error: had no warning Error in assertCondition(sqrt("abc"), "warning") : Got simpleError in evaluating sqrt("abc"); wanted warning > assertCondition(sqrt("abc"), "error") > ## identical to assertError() call above > > assertCondition(matrix(1:5, 2,3), "warning") > try( assertCondition(matrix(1:8, 4,3), "error") ) Error in assertCondition(matrix(1:8, 4, 3), "error") : Got simpleWarning in evaluating matrix(1:8, 4, 3); wanted error > ## .. Failed to get expected error .... > > ## either warning or worse: > assertCondition(matrix(1:8, 4,3), "error","warning") # OK > assertCondition(matrix(1:8, 4, 3), "warning") # OK > > ## when both are signalled: > ff <- function() { warning("my warning"); stop("my error") } > assertCondition(ff(), "warning") > ## but assertWarning does not allow an error to follow > try(assertWarning(ff())) Error in assertWarning(ff()) : Got warning in evaluating ff(), but also an error > assertCondition(ff(), "error") # ok > assertCondition(ff(), "error", "warning") # ok (quietly, catching warning) > > ## assert that assertC..() does not assert [and use *one* argument only] > assertCondition( assertCondition(sqrt( 2 ), "warning") ) > assertCondition( assertCondition(sqrt("abc"), "warning"), "error") > assertCondition( assertCondition(matrix(1:8, 4,3), "error"), + "error") > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("bibstyle") > ### * bibstyle > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: bibstyle > ### Title: Select or Define a Bibliography Style > ### Aliases: bibstyle getBibstyle > ### Keywords: utilties documentation > > ### ** Examples > > ## Don't show: > options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE) > ## End(Don't show) > refs <- + c(bibentry(bibtype = "manual", + title = "R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing", + author = person("R Core Team"), + organization = "R Foundation for Statistical Computing", + address = "Vienna, Austria", + year = 2013, + url = "https://www.R-project.org"), + bibentry(bibtype = "article", + author = c(person(c("George", "E.", "P."), "Box"), + person(c("David", "R."), "Cox")), + year = 1964, + title = "An Analysis of Transformations", + journal = "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B", + volume = 26, number = 2, pages = "211--243", + doi = "10.1111/j.2517-6161.1964.tb00553.x")) > > bibstyle("unsorted", sortKeys = function(refs) seq_along(refs), + fmtPrefix = function(paper) paste0("[", paper$.index, "]"), + .init = TRUE) > print(refs, .bibstyle = "unsorted") [1] R Core Team (2013). _R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing_. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. . [2] Box GEP, Cox DR (1964). "An Analysis of Transformations." _Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B_, *26*(2), 211-243. doi:10.1111/j.2517-6161.1964.tb00553.x . > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("buildVignettes") > ### * buildVignettes > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: buildVignettes > ### Title: List and Build Package Vignettes > ### Aliases: buildVignettes pkgVignettes > ### Keywords: utilities documentation > > ### ** Examples > > gVigns <- pkgVignettes("grid") > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("charsets") > ### * charsets > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: charsets > ### Title: Conversion Tables between Character Sets > ### Aliases: Adobe_glyphs charset_to_Unicode > ### Keywords: datasets > > ### ** Examples > > ## find Adobe names for ISOLatin2 chars. > latin2 <- charset_to_Unicode[, "ISOLatin2"] > aUnicode <- as.hexmode(paste0("0x", Adobe_glyphs$unicode)) > keep <- aUnicode %in% latin2 > aUnicode <- aUnicode[keep] > aAdobe <- Adobe_glyphs[keep, 1] > ## first match > aLatin2 <- aAdobe[match(latin2, aUnicode)] > ## all matches > bLatin2 <- lapply(1:256, function(x) aAdobe[aUnicode == latin2[x]]) > format(bLatin2, justify = "none") [1] "" "controlSTX" [3] "controlSOT" "controlETX" [5] "controlEOT" "controlENQ" [7] "controlACK" "controlBEL" [9] "controlBS" "controlHT" [11] "controlLF" "controlVT" [13] "controlFF" "controlCR" [15] "controlSO" "controlSI" [17] "controlDLE" "controlDC1" [19] "controlDC2" "controlDC3" [21] "controlDC4" "controlNAK" [23] "controlSYN" "controlETB" [25] "controlCAN" "controlEM" [27] "controlSUB" "controlESC" [29] "controlFS" "controlGS" [31] "controlRS" "controlUS" [33] "space, spacehackarabic" "exclam" [35] "quotedbl" "numbersign" [37] "dollar" "percent" [39] "ampersand" "quotesingle" [41] "parenleft" "parenright" [43] "asterisk" "plus" [45] "comma" "hyphen" [47] "period" "slash" [49] "zero" "one" [51] "two" "three" [53] "four" "five" [55] "six" "seven" [57] "eight" "nine" [59] "colon" "semicolon" [61] "less" "equal" [63] "greater" "question" [65] "at" "A" [67] "B" "C" [69] "D" "E" [71] "F" "G" [73] "H" "I" [75] "J" "K" [77] "L" "M" [79] "N" "O" [81] "P" "Q" [83] "R" "S" [85] "T" "U" [87] "V" "W" [89] "X" "Y" [91] "Z" "bracketleft" [93] "backslash" "bracketright" [95] "asciicircum" "underscore" [97] "grave" "a" [99] "b" "c" [101] "d" "e" [103] "f" "g" [105] "h" "i" [107] "j" "k" [109] "l" "m" [111] "n" "o" [113] "p" "q" [115] "r" "s" [117] "t" "u" [119] "v" "w" [121] "x" "y" [123] "z" "braceleft" [125] "bar, verticalbar" "braceright" [127] "asciitilde" "controlDEL" [129] "" "" [131] "" "" [133] "" "" [135] "" "" [137] "" "" [139] "" "" [141] "" "" [143] "" "" [145] "" "" [147] "" "" [149] "" "" [151] "" "" [153] "" "" [155] "" "" [157] "" "" [159] "" "" [161] "nbspace, nonbreakingspace" "Aogonek" [163] "breve" "Lslash" [165] "currency" "Lcaron" [167] "Sacute" "section" [169] "dieresis" "Scaron" [171] "Scedilla" "Tcaron" [173] "Zacute" "sfthyphen, softhyphen" [175] "Zcaron" "Zdot, Zdotaccent" [177] "degree" "aogonek" [179] "ogonek" "lslash" [181] "acute" "lcaron" [183] "sacute" "caron" [185] "cedilla" "scaron" [187] "scedilla" "tcaron" [189] "zacute" "hungarumlaut" [191] "zcaron" "zdot, zdotaccent" [193] "Racute" "Aacute" [195] "Acircumflex" "Abreve" [197] "Adieresis" "Lacute" [199] "Cacute" "Ccedilla" [201] "Ccaron" "Eacute" [203] "Eogonek" "Edieresis" [205] "Ecaron" "Iacute" [207] "Icircumflex" "Dcaron" [209] "Dcroat, Dslash" "Nacute" [211] "Ncaron" "Oacute" [213] "Ocircumflex" "Odblacute, Ohungarumlaut" [215] "Odieresis" "multiply" [217] "Rcaron" "Uring" [219] "Uacute" "Udblacute, Uhungarumlaut" [221] "Udieresis" "Yacute" [223] "Tcedilla, Tcommaaccent" "germandbls" [225] "racute" "aacute" [227] "acircumflex" "abreve" [229] "adieresis" "lacute" [231] "cacute" "ccedilla" [233] "ccaron" "eacute" [235] "eogonek" "edieresis" [237] "ecaron" "iacute" [239] "icircumflex" "dcaron" [241] "dcroat, dmacron" "nacute" [243] "ncaron" "oacute" [245] "ocircumflex" "odblacute, ohungarumlaut" [247] "odieresis" "divide" [249] "rcaron" "uring" [251] "uacute" "udblacute, uhungarumlaut" [253] "udieresis" "yacute" [255] "tcedilla, tcommaaccent" "dotaccent" > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("checkFF") > ### * checkFF > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: checkFF > ### Title: Check Foreign Function Calls > ### Aliases: checkFF print.checkFF > ### Keywords: programming utilities > > ### ** Examples > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("checkPoFiles") > ### * checkPoFiles > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: checkPoFiles > ### Title: Check Translation Files for Inconsistent Format Strings > ### Aliases: checkPoFile checkPoFiles > ### Keywords: utilities > > ### ** Examples > > ## Not run: > ##D checkPoFiles("de", "/path/to/R/src/directory") > ## End(Not run) > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("checkRd") > ### * checkRd > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: checkRd > ### Title: Check an Rd Object > ### Aliases: checkRd > ### Keywords: utilities documentation > > ### ** Examples > > ## parsed Rd from the installed version of _this_ help file > rd <- Rd_db("tools")[["checkRd.Rd"]] > stopifnot(length(checkRd(rd)) == 0) # there should be no issues > > ## make up \tabular issues > bad <- r"(\name{bad}\title{bad}\description{\tabular{p}{1 \tab 2}})" > (res <- checkRd(parse_Rd(textConnection(bad)))) checkRd: (7) :1: Unrecognized \tabular format: p checkRd: (7) :1: Only 1 column allowed in this table > stopifnot(length(res) > 0) > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("checkRdaFiles") > ### * checkRdaFiles > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: checkRdaFiles > ### Title: Report on Details of Saved Images or Re-saves them > ### Aliases: checkRdaFiles resaveRdaFiles > ### Keywords: utilities > > ### ** Examples > ## Not run: > ##D ## from a package top-level source directory > ##D paths <- sort(Sys.glob(c("data/*.rda", "data/*.RData"))) > ##D (res <- checkRdaFiles(paths)) > ##D ## pick out some that may need attention > ##D bad <- is.na(res$ASCII) | res$ASCII | (res$size > 1e4 & res$compress == "none") > ##D res[bad, ] > ## End(Not run) > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("check_packages_in_dir") > ### * check_packages_in_dir > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: check_packages_in_dir > ### Title: Check Source Packages and Their Reverse Dependencies > ### Aliases: check_packages_in_dir summarize_check_packages_in_dir_depends > ### summarize_check_packages_in_dir_results > ### summarize_check_packages_in_dir_timings check_packages_in_dir_changes > ### check_packages_in_dir_details > ### Keywords: utilities > > ### ** Examples > > ## Not run: > ##D ## Check packages in dir without reverse dependencies: > ##D check_packages_in_dir(dir) > ##D ## Check packages in dir and their reverse dependencies using the > ##D ## defaults (all repositories in getOption("repos"), all "strong" > ##D ## reverse dependencies, no recursive reverse dependencies): > ##D check_packages_in_dir(dir, reverse = list()) > ##D ## Check packages in dir with their reverse dependencies from CRAN, > ##D ## using all strong reverse dependencies and reverse suggests: > ##D check_packages_in_dir(dir, > ##D reverse = list(repos = getOption("repos")["CRAN"], > ##D which = "most")) > ##D ## Check packages in dir with their reverse dependencies from CRAN, > ##D ## using '--as-cran' for the former but not the latter: > ##D check_packages_in_dir(dir, > ##D check_args = c("--as-cran", ""), > ##D reverse = list(repos = getOption("repos")["CRAN"])) > ## End(Not run) > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("delimMatch") > ### * delimMatch > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: delimMatch > ### Title: Delimited Pattern Matching > ### Aliases: delimMatch > ### Keywords: character > > ### ** Examples > > x <- c("\\value{foo}", "function(bar)") > delimMatch(x) [1] 7 -1 attr(,"match.length") [1] 5 -1 > delimMatch(x, c("(", ")")) [1] -1 9 attr(,"match.length") [1] -1 5 > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("dependsOnPkgs") > ### * dependsOnPkgs > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: dependsOnPkgs > ### Title: Find Reverse Dependencies > ### Aliases: dependsOnPkgs > ### Keywords: utilities > > ### ** Examples > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("encoded") > ### * encoded > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: encoded_text_to_latex > ### Title: Translate non-ASCII Text to LaTeX Escapes > ### Aliases: encoded_text_to_latex > ### Keywords: utilities > > ### ** Examples > > x <- "fran\xE7ais" > encoded_text_to_latex(x, "latin1") [1] "fran{\\c c}ais" > ## Not run: > ##D ## create a tex file to show the upper half of 8-bit charsets > ##D x <- rawToChar(as.raw(160:255), multiple = TRUE) > ##D (x <- matrix(x, ncol = 16, byrow = TRUE)) > ##D xx <- x > ##D xx[] <- encoded_text_to_latex(x, "latin1") # or latin2 or latin9 > ##D xx <- apply(xx, 1, paste, collapse = "&") > ##D con <- file("test-encoding.tex", "w") > ##D header <- c( > ##D "\\documentclass{article}", > ##D "\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}", > ##D "\\usepackage{Rd}", > ##D "\\begin{document}", > ##D "\\HeaderA{test}{}{test}", > ##D "\\begin{Details}\\relax", > ##D "\\Tabular{cccccccccccccccc}{") > ##D trailer <- c("}", "\\end{Details}", "\\end{document}") > ##D writeLines(header, con) > ##D writeLines(paste0(xx, "\\\\"), con) > ##D writeLines(trailer, con) > ##D close(con) > ##D ## and some UTF_8 chars > ##D x <- intToUtf8(as.integer( > ##D c(160:383,0x0192,0x02C6,0x02C7,0x02CA,0x02D8, > ##D 0x02D9, 0x02DD, 0x200C, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201C, > ##D 0x201D, 0x2020, 0x2022, 0x2026, 0x20AC)), > ##D multiple = TRUE) > ##D x <- matrix(x, ncol = 16, byrow = TRUE) > ##D xx <- x > ##D xx[] <- encoded_text_to_latex(x, "UTF-8") > ##D xx <- apply(xx, 1, paste, collapse = "&") > ##D con <- file("test-utf8.tex", "w") > ##D writeLines(header, con) > ##D writeLines(paste(xx, "\\\\", sep = ""), con) > ##D writeLines(trailer, con) > ##D close(con) > ## End(Not run) > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("fileutils") > ### * fileutils > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: fileutils > ### Title: File Utilities > ### Aliases: file_ext file_path_as_absolute file_path_sans_ext > ### list_files_with_exts list_files_with_type > ### Keywords: file > > ### ** Examples > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("find_gs_cmd") > ### * find_gs_cmd > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: find_gs_cmd > ### Title: Find a GhostScript Executable > ### Aliases: find_gs_cmd R_GSCMD GSC > > ### ** Examples > ## Not run: > ##D ## Suppose a Solaris system has GhostScript 9.00 on the path and > ##D ## 9.07 in /opt/csw/bin. Then one might set > ##D Sys.setenv(R_GSCMD = "/opt/csw/bin/gs") > ## End(Not run) > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("getVignetteInfo") > ### * getVignetteInfo > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: getVignetteInfo > ### Title: Get Information on Installed Vignettes > ### Aliases: getVignetteInfo > ### Keywords: utilities documentation > > ### ** Examples > > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("loadRdMacros") > ### * loadRdMacros > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: loadRdMacros > ### Title: Load User-defined Rd Help System Macros > ### Aliases: loadRdMacros loadPkgRdMacros > ### Keywords: utilities documentation > > ### ** Examples > > f <- tempfile() > writeLines(r"( + \newcommand{\Rlogo}{ + \if{html}{\figure{Rlogo.svg}{options: width=100 alt="R logo"}} + \if{latex}{\figure{Rlogo.pdf}{options: width=0.5in}} + } + )", f) > m <- loadRdMacros(f) > ls(m) [1] "\\Rlogo" > ls(parent.env(parent.env(m))) character(0) > parse_Rd(textConnection(r"(\Rlogo)"), fragment = TRUE, macros = m) \if{html}{\figure{Rlogo.svg}{options: width=100 alt="R logo"}} \if{latex}{\figure{Rlogo.pdf}{options: width=0.5in}} > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("makevars") > ### * makevars > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: makevars > ### Title: User and Site Compilation Variables > ### Aliases: makevars_user makevars_site > ### Keywords: utilities > > ### ** Examples > ## Don't show: > checkMV <- function(r) + stopifnot(is.character(r), + length(r) == 0 || (length(r) == 1 && file.exists(r))) > checkMV(makevars_user()) > checkMV(makevars_site()) > ## End(Don't show) > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("md5sum") > ### * md5sum > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: md5sum > ### Title: Compute MD5 Checksums > ### Aliases: md5sum > ### Keywords: utilities > > ### ** Examples > > as.vector(md5sum(dir(R.home(), pattern = "^COPY", full.names = TRUE))) [1] "eb723b61539feef013de476e68b5c50a" > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("package_dependencies") > ### * package_dependencies > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: package_dependencies > ### Title: Computations on the Dependency Hierarchy of Packages > ### Aliases: package_dependencies > ### Keywords: utilities > > ### ** Examples > > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("package_native_routine_registration_skeleton") > ### * package_native_routine_registration_skeleton > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: package_native_routine_registration_skeleton > ### Title: Write Skeleton for Adding Native Routine Registration to a > ### Package > ### Aliases: package_native_routine_registration_skeleton > > ### ** Examples > ## Not run: > ##D ## with a completed splines/DESCRIPTION file, > ##D tools::package_native_routine_registration_skeleton('splines',,,FALSE) > ##D ## produces > ##D #include > ##D #include > ##D #include // for NULL > ##D #include > ##D > ##D /* FIXME: > ##D Check these declarations against the C/Fortran source code. > ##D */ > ##D > ##D /* .Call calls */ > ##D extern SEXP spline_basis(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP); > ##D extern SEXP spline_value(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP); > ##D > ##D static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = { > ##D {"spline_basis", (DL_FUNC) &spline_basis, 4}, > ##D {"spline_value", (DL_FUNC) &spline_value, 5}, > ##D {NULL, NULL, 0} > ##D }; > ##D > ##D void R_init_splines(DllInfo *dll) > ##D { > ##D R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, CallEntries, NULL, NULL); > ##D R_useDynamicSymbols(dll, FALSE); > ##D } > ## End(Not run) > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("parseLatex") > ### * parseLatex > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: parseLatex > ### Title: Experimental Functions to Work with LaTeX Code > ### Aliases: parseLatex deparseLatex latexToUtf8 > ### Keywords: utilities documentation > > ### ** Examples > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("pkg2HTML") > ### * pkg2HTML > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: pkg2HTML > ### Title: Rd Converters > ### Aliases: pkg2HTML > ### Keywords: documentation > > ### ** Examples > > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("print.via.format") > ### * print.via.format > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: .print.via.format > ### Title: Printing Utilities > ### Aliases: .print.via.format > ### Keywords: utilities > > ### ** Examples > > ## The function is simply defined as > function (x, ...) { + writeLines(format(x, ...)) + invisible(x) + } function (x, ...) { writeLines(format(x, ...)) invisible(x) } > > ## is used for simple print methods in R, and as prototype for new methods. > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("pskill") > ### * pskill > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: pskill > ### Title: Kill a Process > ### Aliases: pskill SIGHUP SIGINT SIGQUIT SIGKILL SIGTERM SIGSTOP SIGTSTP > ### SIGCONT SIGCHLD SIGUSR1 SIGUSR2 > ### Keywords: utilities > > ### ** Examples > ## Not run: > ##D pskill(c(237, 245), SIGKILL) > ## End(Not run) > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("showNonASCII") > ### * showNonASCII > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: showNonASCII > ### Title: Pick Out Non-ASCII Characters > ### Aliases: showNonASCII showNonASCIIfile > ### Keywords: utilities > > ### ** Examples > > out <- c( + "fran\xE7ais: test of showNonASCII():", + "\\details{", + " This is a good line", + " This has an \xfcmlaut in it.", + " OK again.", + "}") > f <- tempfile() > cat(out, file = f, sep = "\n") > > ## IGNORE_RDIFF_BEGIN > showNonASCIIfile(f) 1: franais: test of showNonASCII(): 4: This has an mlaut in it. > ## IGNORE_RDIFF_END > unlink(f) > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("testInstalledPackage") > ### * testInstalledPackage > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: testInstalledPackage > ### Title: Test Installed Packages > ### Aliases: testInstalledPackage testInstalledPackages testInstalledBasic > ### TEST_MC_CORES standard_package_names > ### Keywords: utilities > > ### ** Examples > > str(stPkgs <- standard_package_names()) List of 2 $ base : chr [1:14] "base" "tools" "utils" "grDevices" ... $ recommended: chr [1:15] "MASS" "lattice" "Matrix" "nlme" ... > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("toHTML") > ### * toHTML > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: toHTML > ### Title: Display an Object in HTML > ### Aliases: toHTML toHTML.packageIQR toHTML.news_db > ### Keywords: utilities documentation > > ### ** Examples > > cat(toHTML(demo(package = "base")), sep = "\n") R: R



Demos in package ‘base’

error.catching More examples on catching and handling errors
is.things Explore some properties of R objects and is.FOO() functions. Not for newbies!
recursion Using recursion for adaptive integration
scoping An illustration of lexical scoping.

> > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("undoc") > ### * undoc > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: undoc > ### Title: Find Undocumented Objects > ### Aliases: undoc print.undoc > ### Keywords: documentation > > ### ** Examples > > undoc("tools") # Undocumented objects in 'tools' > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("updatePACKAGES") > ### * updatePACKAGES > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: update_PACKAGES > ### Title: Update Existing PACKAGES Files > ### Aliases: update_PACKAGES > ### Keywords: file utilities > > ### ** Examples > > ## Not run: > ##D write_PACKAGES("c:/myFolder/myRepository") # on Windows > ##D update_PACKAGES("c:/myFolder/myRepository") # on Windows > ##D write_PACKAGES("/pub/RWin/bin/windows/contrib/2.9", > ##D type = "win.binary") # on Linux > ##D update_PACKAGES("/pub/RWin/bin/windows/contrib/2.9", > ##D type = "win.binary") # on Linux > ## End(Not run) > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("userdir") > ### * userdir > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: userdir > ### Title: R User Directories > ### Aliases: R_user_dir > > ### ** Examples > ## IGNORE_RDIFF_BEGIN > R_user_dir("FOO", "cache") [1] "/data/gannet/ripley/.cache/R/FOO" > > ## Create one, platform agnostically, must work if : > (Rdb <- R_user_dir("base")) [1] "/data/gannet/ripley/.local/share/R/base" > if(newD <- !dir.exists(Rdb)) # should work user specifically: + newD <- dir.create(Rdb, recursive=TRUE) > dir(Rdb) # typically empty character(0) > if(newD) unlink(Rdb) # cleaning up > > list.files(R_user_dir("grid"), full.names = TRUE) character(0) > ## IGNORE_RDIFF_END > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("vignetteEngine") > ### * vignetteEngine > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: vignetteEngine > ### Title: Set or Get a Vignette Processing Engine > ### Aliases: vignetteEngine > ### Keywords: utilities documentation > > ### ** Examples > > str(vignetteEngine("Sweave")) List of 6 $ name : chr "Sweave" $ package: chr "utils" $ pattern: chr "[.][rRsS](nw|tex)$" $ weave :function (...) $ tangle :function (...) $ aspell :List of 2 ..$ filter : chr "Sweave" ..$ control: chr "-t" > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("vignetteInfo") > ### * vignetteInfo > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: vignetteInfo > ### Title: Basic Information about a Vignette > ### Aliases: vignetteInfo > ### Keywords: utilities > > ### ** Examples > > gridEx <- system.file("doc", "grid.Rnw", package = "grid") > vi <- vignetteInfo(gridEx) > str(vi) List of 5 $ file : chr "grid.Rnw" $ title : chr "Introduction to grid" $ depends : chr(0) $ keywords: chr(0) $ engine : chr "utils::Sweave" > > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("writePACKAGES") > ### * writePACKAGES > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: write_PACKAGES > ### Title: Generate PACKAGES Files > ### Aliases: write_PACKAGES > ### Keywords: file utilities > > ### ** Examples > > ## Not run: > ##D write_PACKAGES("c:/myFolder/myRepository") # on Windows > ##D write_PACKAGES("/pub/RWin/bin/windows/contrib/2.9", > ##D type = "win.binary") # on Linux > ## End(Not run) > > > cleanEx() > nameEx("xgettext") > ### * xgettext > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: xgettext > ### Title: Extract Translatable Messages from R Files in a Package > ### Aliases: xgettext xngettext xgettext2pot > ### Keywords: utilities > > ### ** Examples > ## Not run: > ##D ## in a source-directory build (not typical!) of R; > ##D ## otherwise, download and unpack the R sources, and replace > ##D ## R.home() by "" : > ##D xgettext(file.path(R.home(), "src", "library", "splines")) > ## End(Not run) > > ## Create source package-like /R/foo.R and get text from it: > tmpPkg <- tempdir() > tmpRDir <- file.path(tmpPkg, "R") > dir.create(tmpRDir, showWarnings = FALSE) > fnChar <- paste(sep = "\n", + "foo <- function(x) {", + " if (x < -1) stop('too small')", + " # messages unduplicated (not so for ngettext)", + " if (x < -.5) stop('too small')", + " if (x < 0) {", + " warning(", + " 'sqrt(x) is', sqrt(as.complex(x)),", + " ', which may be too small'", + " )", + " }", + " # calls with domain=NA are skipped", + " if (x == 0) cat(gettext('x is 0!\n', domain=NA))", + " # gettext strings may be ignored due to 'outer' domain=NA", + " if (x > 10) warning('x is ', gettextf('%.2f', x), domain=NA)", + " # using a custom condition class", + " if (x == 42)", + " stop(errorCondition(gettext('needs Deep Thought'), class='myError'))", + " x", + "}") > > writeLines(fnChar, con = file.path(tmpRDir, "foo.R")) > > ## [[1]] : suppressing (tmpfile) name to make example Rdiff-able > xgettext(tmpPkg, asCall=TRUE )[[1]] # default; shows calls too small sqrt(x) is sqrt(as.complex(x)) , which may be too small errorCondition(gettext("needs Deep Thought"), class = "myError") > xgettext(tmpPkg, asCall=FALSE)[[1]] # doesn't ; but then ' %.2f ' too small sqrt(x) is , which may be too small %.2f needs Deep Thought > > unlink(tmpRDir, recursive=TRUE) > > > > ### *