# File src/library/utils/R/help.R # Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2016 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ help <- function(topic, package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose"), try.all.packages = getOption("help.try.all.packages"), help_type = getOption("help_type")) { types <- c("text", "html", "pdf") help_type <- if(!length(help_type)) "text" else match.arg(tolower(help_type), types) if(!missing(package)) # Don't check for NULL; may be nonstandard eval if(is.name(y <- substitute(package))) package <- as.character(y) ## If no topic was given ... if(missing(topic)) { if(!is.null(package)) { # "Help" on package. ## Carter Butts and others misuse 'help(package=)' in startup if (interactive() && help_type == "html") { port <- tools::startDynamicHelp(NA) if (port <= 0L) # fallback to text help return(library(help = package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE)) browser <- if (.Platform$GUI == "AQUA") { get("aqua.browser", envir = as.environment("tools:RGUI")) } else getOption("browser") browseURL(paste0("", port, "/library/", package, "/html/00Index.html"), browser) return(invisible()) } else return(library(help = package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE)) } if(!is.null(lib.loc)) # text "Help" on library. return(library(lib.loc = lib.loc)) ## ultimate default is to give help on help() topic <- "help"; package <- "utils"; lib.loc <- .Library } ischar <- tryCatch(is.character(topic) && length(topic) == 1L, error = function(e) FALSE) ## if this was not a length-one character vector, try for the name. if(!ischar) { ## the reserved words that could be parsed as a help arg: reserved <- c("TRUE", "FALSE", "NULL", "Inf", "NaN", "NA", "NA_integer_", "NA_real_", "NA_complex_", "NA_character_") stopic <- deparse1(substitute(topic)) if(!is.name(substitute(topic)) && ! stopic %in% reserved) stop("'topic' should be a name, length-one character vector or reserved word") topic <- stopic } paths <- index.search(topic, find.package(if (is.null(package)) loadedNamespaces() else package, lib.loc, verbose = verbose)) try.all.packages <- !length(paths) && is.logical(try.all.packages) && !is.na(try.all.packages) && try.all.packages && is.null(package) && is.null(lib.loc) if(try.all.packages) { ## Try all the remaining packages. for(lib in .libPaths()) { packages <- .packages(TRUE, lib) packages <- packages[is.na(match(packages, .packages()))] paths <- c(paths, index.search(topic, file.path(lib, packages))) } paths <- paths[nzchar(paths)] } structure(unique(paths), call = match.call(), topic = topic, tried_all_packages = try.all.packages, type = help_type, class = "help_files_with_topic") } print.help_files_with_topic <- function(x, ...) { browser <- getOption("browser") topic <- attr(x, "topic") type <- attr(x, "type") if (.Platform$GUI == "AQUA" && type == "html") browser <- get("aqua.browser", envir = as.environment("tools:RGUI")) paths <- as.character(x) if(!length(paths)) { writeLines(c(gettextf("No documentation for %s in specified packages and libraries:", sQuote(topic)), gettextf("you could try %s", sQuote(paste0("??", topic))))) return(invisible(x)) } port <- if(type == "html") tools::startDynamicHelp(NA) else NULL if(attr(x, "tried_all_packages")) { paths <- unique(dirname(dirname(paths))) msg <- gettextf("Help for topic %s is not in any loaded package but can be found in the following packages:", sQuote(topic)) if (type == "html" && port > 0L) { path <- file.path(tempdir(), ".R/doc/html") dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE) out <- paste0('\n', '\n', '\nR: help\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n\n
\n') out <- c(out, '

', msg, '

') out <- c(out, '\n', '\n', '\n') pkgs <- basename(paths) links <- paste0('', pkgs, '') out <- c(out, paste0('\n', '\n')) out <- c(out, "
', links, '', dirname(paths), '
\n\n") writeLines(out, file.path(path, "all.available.html")) browseURL(paste0("", port, "/doc/html/all.available.html"), browser) } else { writeLines(c(strwrap(msg), "", paste0(" ", formatDL(c(gettext("Package"), basename(paths)), c(gettext("Library"), dirname(paths)), indent = 22)))) } } else { if(length(paths) > 1L) { if (type == "html" && port > 0L) { # Redo the search if dynamic help is running browseURL(paste0("", port, "/library/NULL/help/", URLencode(topic, reserved = TRUE)), browser) return(invisible(x)) } file <- paths[1L] p <- paths msg <- gettextf("Help on topic %s was found in the following packages:", sQuote(topic)) paths <- dirname(dirname(paths)) txt <- formatDL(c("Package", basename(paths)), c("Library", dirname(paths)), indent = 22L) writeLines(c(strwrap(msg), "", paste0(" ", txt), "")) if(interactive()) { fp <- file.path(paths, "Meta", "Rd.rds") tp <- basename(p) titles <- tp if(type == "html" || type == "latex") tp <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(tp) for (i in seq_along(fp)) { tmp <- try(readRDS(fp[i])) titles[i] <- if(inherits(tmp, "try-error")) "unknown title" else tmp[tools::file_path_sans_ext(tmp$File) == tp[i], "Title"] } txt <- paste0(titles, " {", basename(paths), "}") ## the default on menu() is currtently graphics = FALSE res <- menu(txt, title = gettext("Choose one"), graphics = getOption("menu.graphics")) if(res > 0) file <- p[res] } else { writeLines(gettext("\nUsing the first match ...")) } } else file <- paths if(type == "html") { if (port > 0L) { path <- dirname(file) dirpath <- dirname(path) pkgname <- basename(dirpath) browseURL(paste0("", port, "/library/", pkgname, "/html/", basename(file), ".html"), browser) } else { warning("HTML help is unavailable", call. = FALSE) att <- attributes(x) xx <- sub("/html/([^/]*)\\.html$", "/help/\\1", x) attributes(xx) <- att attr(xx, "type") <- "text" print(xx) } } else if(type == "text") { pkgname <- basename(dirname(dirname(file))) temp <- tools::Rd2txt(.getHelpFile(file), out = tempfile("Rtxt"), package = pkgname) file.show(temp, title = gettextf("R Help on %s", sQuote(topic)), delete.file = TRUE) } else if(type %in% "pdf") { path <- dirname(file) dirpath <- dirname(path) texinputs <- file.path(dirpath, "help", "figures") tf2 <- tempfile("Rlatex") tools::Rd2latex(.getHelpFile(file), out = tf2) .show_help_on_topic_offline(tf2, topic, type, texinputs) unlink(tf2) } } invisible(x) } .show_help_on_topic_offline <- function(file, topic, type = "pdf", texinputs = NULL) { encoding <-"" lines <- readLines(file) encpatt <- "^\\\\inputencoding\\{(.*)\\}$" if(length(res <- grep(encpatt, lines, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE))) encoding <- sub(encpatt, "\\1", lines[res], perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) texfile <- paste0(topic, ".tex") on.exit(unlink(texfile)) ## ? leave to helper if(nzchar(opt <- Sys.getenv("R_RD4PDF"))) opt else "times,inconsolata" has_figure <- any(grepl("\\Figure", lines)) cat("\\documentclass[", getOption("papersize"), "paper]{article}\n", "\\usepackage[", opt, "]{Rd}\n", if(nzchar(encoding)) sprintf("\\usepackage[%s]{inputenc}\n", encoding), "\\InputIfFileExists{Rhelp.cfg}{}{}\n", "\\usepackage{graphicx}\n", "\\begin{document}\n", file = texfile, sep = "") file.append(texfile, file) cat("\\end{document}\n", file = texfile, append = TRUE) helper <- if (exists("offline_help_helper", envir = .GlobalEnv)) get("offline_help_helper", envir = .GlobalEnv) else offline_help_helper if (has_figure) helper(texfile, type, texinputs) else helper(texfile, type) invisible() } .getHelpFile <- function(file) { path <- dirname(file) dirpath <- dirname(path) if(!file.exists(dirpath)) stop(gettextf("invalid %s argument", sQuote("file")), domain = NA) pkgname <- basename(dirpath) RdDB <- file.path(path, pkgname) if(!file.exists(paste0(RdDB, ".rdx"))) stop(gettextf("package %s exists but was not installed under R >= 2.10.0 so help cannot be accessed", sQuote(pkgname)), domain = NA) tools:::fetchRdDB(RdDB, basename(file)) } offline_help_helper <- function(texfile, type, texinputs = NULL) { ## Some systems have problems with texfile names like ".C.tex" tf <- tempfile("tex", tmpdir = ".", fileext = ".tex"); on.exit(unlink(tf)) file.copy(texfile, tf) tools::texi2pdf(tf, clean = TRUE, texinputs = texinputs) ofile <- sub("tex$", "pdf", tf) ofile2 <- sub("tex$", "pdf", texfile) if(!file.exists(ofile)) stop(gettextf("creation of %s failed", sQuote(ofile2)), domain = NA) if(file.copy(ofile, ofile2, overwrite = TRUE)) { unlink(ofile) message(gettextf("Saving help page to %s", sQuote(basename(ofile2))), domain = NA) } else { message(gettextf("Saving help page to %s", sQuote(ofile)), domain = NA) } invisible() }