library(grid) HersheyLabel <- function(x, y=unit(.5, "npc")) { lines <- strsplit(x, "\n")[[1]] if (!is.unit(y)) y <- unit(y, "npc") n <- length(lines) if (n > 1) { y <- y + unit(rev(seq(n)) - mean(seq(n)), "lines") } grid.text(lines, y=y, gp=gpar(fontfamily="HersheySans")) } ################################################################################ ## Simple mask mask <- circleGrob(r=.3, gp=gpar(fill="black")) grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)) grid.rect(width=.5, gp=gpar(fill="black")) popViewport() HersheyLabel("solid black rectangle with circle mask", y=.1) ## VERY thin mask mask <- circleGrob(r=.3, gp=gpar(fill=NA)) grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)) grid.rect(width=.5, gp=gpar(fill="black")) popViewport() HersheyLabel("solid black rectangle with circle BORDER mask", y=.1) ## Multiple grobs mask mask <- circleGrob(x=1:3/4, y=1:3/4, r=.1, gp=gpar(fill="black")) grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)) grid.rect(width=.5, gp=gpar(fill="black")) popViewport() HersheyLabel("solid black rectangle with three-circle mask", y=.1) ## Mask with gradient on single grob mask <- circleGrob(gp=gpar(col=NA, fill=radialGradient(c("black", "transparent")))) grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)) grid.rect(width=.5, gp=gpar(fill="black")) popViewport() HersheyLabel("solid black rectangle with radial gradient mask", y=.1) ## Mask with gradient on multiple grobs grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)) grid.rect(x=1:2/3, width=.2, gp=gpar(fill="black")) popViewport() HersheyLabel("two solid black rectangles with radial gradient mask", y=.1) ## Mask with clipping path mask <- gTree(children=gList(rectGrob(gp=gpar(fill="black"))), vp=viewport(clip=circleGrob(r=.4))) grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)) grid.rect(width=.5, gp=gpar(fill="grey")) popViewport() HersheyLabel("rect is half width and filled grey mask is full rect with circle clipping path result is half width rect with rounded top and bottom", y=.1) ## Mask with a mask mask <- gTree(children=gList(rectGrob(gp=gpar(fill="black"))), vp=viewport(mask=circleGrob(r=.4, gp=gpar(fill="black")))) grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)) grid.rect(width=.5, gp=gpar(fill="grey")) popViewport() HersheyLabel("rect is half width and filled grey mask is full rect with circle mask result is half width rect with rounded top and bottom", y=.1) ## A mask from two grobs, with ONE grob making use of a clipping path grid.newpage() mask <- gTree(children=gList(rectGrob(x=.25, width=.3, height=.8, gp=gpar(fill="black"), vp=viewport(clip=circleGrob(r=.4))), rectGrob(x=.75, width=.3, height=.8, gp=gpar(fill="black")))) pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)) grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill="grey")) popViewport() HersheyLabel("mask is two grobs, ONE with its own (circle) clip path push mask rect result is one slice of circle and one rectangle") ## A mask that is equivalent to ... ## A clipping path that itself makes use of a clipping path !? grid.newpage() mask <- rectGrob(gp=gpar(fill="black"), vp=viewport(width=.5, height=.5, clip=circleGrob())) pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)) grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill="grey")) HersheyLabel("mask includes clip path (clip path is circle) push mask rect small grey circle") ## A mask that is equivalent to ... ## A clipping path that itself makes use of a rectangular clipping !? grid.newpage() mask <- circleGrob(r=.6, gp=gpar(fill="black"), vp=viewport(width=.5, height=.5, clip=TRUE)) pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)) grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill="grey")) HersheyLabel("mask includes clip rect (mask is squared circle) push mask rect grey squared circle") ## Inheriting masks (between viewports) grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(mask=circleGrob(gp=gpar(fill="black")))) pushViewport(viewport()) grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill="grey")) HersheyLabel("push mask push again (inherit mask) rect grey circle") ## Restoring masks (between viewports) grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(mask=circleGrob(gp=gpar(fill="black")))) pushViewport(viewport()) pushViewport(viewport()) upViewport() grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill="grey")) HersheyLabel("push mask push again (inherit mask) push again (inherit mask) up (restore inherited mask) rect grey circle") ## Revisiting mask on a viewport ## upViewport() grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(mask=circleGrob(gp=gpar(fill="black")))) grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill="grey")) upViewport() grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill=rgb(0,0,1,.2))) HersheyLabel("push mask grey circle upViewport page all (translucent) blue") ## downViewport() grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(mask=circleGrob(gp=gpar(fill="black")), name="vp")) grid.rect(height=.5, gp=gpar(fill="grey")) upViewport() downViewport("vp") grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill=rgb(0,0,1,.2))) HersheyLabel("push mask rounded rect upViewport downViewport blue (translucent) circle") ###################################### ## Replaying the graphics display list ## Resizing device grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(mask=circleGrob(gp=gpar(fill="black")))) grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill="grey")) HersheyLabel("push mask rect grey circle (for resizing)") ## Record and replay grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(mask=circleGrob(gp=gpar(fill="black")))) grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill="grey")) x <- recordPlot() HersheyLabel("push mask rect grey circle (for recording)") print(x) HersheyLabel("push mask rect record plot replay plot grey circle") ###################################### ## Test of 'grid' display list ## Grabbing a grob with mask ## (replaying the 'grid' display list) grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(mask=circleGrob(gp=gpar(fill="black")))) grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill="grey")) x <- grid.grab() HersheyLabel("push mask rect grey circle (for grid.grab)") grid.newpage() grid.draw(x) HersheyLabel("push mask rect grey circle grid.grab grid.draw grey circle") ## A mask from two grobs, with ONE grob making use of a mask grid.newpage() mask <- gTree(children=gList(rectGrob(x=.25, width=.3, height=.8, gp=gpar(fill="black"), vp=viewport(mask=circleGrob(r=.4, gp=gpar(fill="black")))), rectGrob(x=.75, width=.3, height=.8, gp=gpar(fill="black")))) pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)) grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill="grey")) popViewport() HersheyLabel("mask is two grobs, ONE with its own (circle) mask push mask rect result is one slice of circle and one rectangle") ## A mask within a makeContent() method grid.newpage() g <- gTree(cl="test") makeContent.test <- function(x) { setChildren(x, gList(rectGrob(gp=gpar(fill="grey"), vp=viewport(mask=circleGrob(gp=gpar(fill="black")))))) } grid.draw(g) HersheyLabel("custom grob class with makeContent() method makeContent() adds rectangle with viewport viewport has circle mask result is grey circle") ## A mask that makes use of makeContent() method grid.newpage() mask <- gTree(cl="test") makeContent.test <- function(x) { setChildren(x, gList(circleGrob(gp=gpar(fill="black")))) } pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)) grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill="grey")) popViewport() HersheyLabel("push viewport with mask mask is grob with makeContent() method makeContent() adds circle draw rect result is grey circle") ###################### ## Check resource exhaustion grid.newpage() for (i in 1:65) { pushViewport(viewport(mask=circleGrob(gp=gpar(fill="black")))) grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill="grey")) HersheyLabel(paste0("viewport ", i, " with mask result is grey circle")) popViewport() } ## Bug from 4.1.0 (mask should NOT be applied to pattern) grid.newpage() pat <- pattern(circleGrob(r=.1), width=.17, height=.17, extend="repeat") mask <- rectGrob(0:1/2, 0:1/2, width=.5, height=.5, just=c("left", "bottom"), gp=gpar(fill=rgb(0,0,0,1:2/2))) pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)) grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill=pat)) ## Mask from text grid.newpage() mask <- textGrob("test", gp=gpar(cex=10)) pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)) grid.rect(width=.5, height=.5, gp=gpar(fill=linearGradient())) popViewport() HersheyLabel("rect filled with linear gradient masked by text", y=.8) ## Text being masked grid.newpage() mask <- rectGrob(width=.5, height=.5, gp=gpar(fill=linearGradient(c("black", "transparent")))) grid.segments(gp=gpar(col=2, lwd=50)) pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)) grid.text("test", gp=gpar(cex=10)) popViewport() HersheyLabel("text with mask mask is rect with semitransparent linear gradient", y=.8) ## Mask from raster grid.newpage() mask <- rasterGrob(matrix(rgb(0,0,0,1:3/4), nrow=1), interpolate=FALSE) grid.segments(gp=gpar(col=2, lwd=100)) pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)), gp=gpar(fill="black")) popViewport() HersheyLabel("circle with mask mask is semitransparent raster", y=.8) ## Raster being masked grid.newpage() mask <- circleGrob(r=.4, gp=gpar(col=NA, fill=rgb(0,0,0,.5))) grid.segments(gp=gpar(col=2, lwd=100)) pushViewport(viewport(mask=mask)) grid.raster(matrix(1:3/4, nrow=1), interpolate=FALSE) popViewport() HersheyLabel("raster with mask mask is semitransparent circle", y=.8) ################################################################################ ## Need to test ...