## Tests for HTTP headers ----------------------------------------------- is_online <- function() { tryCatch({ con <- suppressWarnings(socketConnection("", port = 53)) close(con) con <- url("http://eu.httpbin.org/headers") lines <- readLines(con) close(con) stopifnot(any(grepl("Host.*eu.httpbin.org", lines))) TRUE }, error = function(e) FALSE) } get_headers <- function(path = "anything", quiet = TRUE, ..., protocol = "http") { url <- get_path(path, protocol) tmp <- tempfile() on.exit(try(unlink(tmp)), add = TRUE) download.file(url, tmp, quiet = quiet, ...) readLines(tmp) } get_headers_url <- function(path = "anything", ..., protocol = "http") { con <- url(get_path(path, protocol), ...) on.exit(try(close(con)), add = TRUE) readLines(con) } get_path <- function(path = "anything", protocol = "http") { paste0(protocol, "://", "eu.httpbin.org/", path) } with_options <- function(opts, expr) { old <- do.call(options, as.list(opts)) on.exit(options(old), add = TRUE) expr } tests <- function() { cat("- User agent is still set\n") with_options(list(HTTPUserAgent = "foobar"), { h <- get_headers() stopifnot(any(grepl("User-Agent.*foobar", h))) }) with_options(list(HTTPUserAgent = "foobar"), { h <- get_headers(headers = c(foo = "bar", zzzz = "bee")) stopifnot(any(grepl("User-Agent.*foobar", h))) stopifnot(any(grepl("Foo.*bar", h))) stopifnot(any(grepl("Zzzz.*bee", h))) }) cat("- Can supply headers\n") h <- get_headers(headers = c(foo = "bar", zzzz = "bee")) stopifnot(any(grepl("Foo.*bar", h))) stopifnot(any(grepl("Zzzz.*bee", h))) cat("- Basic auth\n") ret <- tryCatch({ h <- suppressWarnings(get_headers( "basic-auth/Aladdin/OpenSesame", headers = c(Authorization = "Basic QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l"))) TRUE }, error = function(e) FALSE) stopifnot(any(grepl("authenticated.*true", h))) if (getOption("download.file.method") == "libcurl") { cat("- Multiple urls (libcurl only)\n") urls <- get_path(c("anything", "headers")) tmp1 <- tempfile() tmp2 <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(c(tmp1, tmp2)), add = TRUE) download.file(urls, c(tmp1, tmp2), quiet = TRUE, headers = c(foo = "bar", zzzz = "bee")) h1 <- readLines(tmp1) h2 <- readLines(tmp2) stopifnot(any(grepl("Foo.*bar", h1))) stopifnot(any(grepl("Zzzz.*bee", h1))) stopifnot(any(grepl("Foo.*bar", h2))) stopifnot(any(grepl("Zzzz.*bee", h2))) } if (getOption("download.file.method", "") != "internal") { cat("- HTTPS\n") h <- get_headers(headers = c(foo = "bar", zzzz = "bee"), protocol = "https") stopifnot(any(grepl("Foo.*bar", h))) stopifnot(any(grepl("Zzzz.*bee", h))) } cat("- If headers not named, then error\n") ret <- tryCatch( download.file(get_path(), headers = c("foo", "xxx" = "bar")), error = function(err) TRUE) stopifnot(isTRUE(ret)) ret <- tryCatch( download.file(get_path(), headers = "foobar"), error = function(err) TRUE) stopifnot(isTRUE(ret)) cat("- If headers are NA, then error\n") ret <- tryCatch( download.file(get_path(), headers = c("foo" = NA, "xxx" = "bar")), error = function(err) TRUE) stopifnot(isTRUE(ret)) ret <- tryCatch( download.file( get_path(), quiet = TRUE, headers = structure(c("foo", "bar", names = c("foo", NA)))), error = function(err) TRUE) stopifnot(isTRUE(ret)) cat("- user agent is set in url()\n") with_options(list(HTTPUserAgent = "foobar"), { h <- get_headers_url() stopifnot(any(grepl("User-Agent.*foobar", h))) }) cat("- file() still works with URLs\n") con <- file(get_path("anything", "http")) on.exit(close(con), add = TRUE) h <- readLines(con) stopifnot(any(grepl("Host.*eu.httpbin.org", h))) cat("- If headers not named, then url() errors\n") ret <- tryCatch( url(get_path(), headers = c("foo", "xxx" = "bar")), error = function(err) TRUE) stopifnot(isTRUE(ret)) cat("- If headers are NA, then url() errors\n") ret <- tryCatch( url(get_path(), headers = c("foo" = "bar", "xxx" = NA)), error = function(err) TRUE) stopifnot(isTRUE(ret)) ret <- tryCatch( url(get_path(), headers = structure(c("1", "2"), names = c("foo", NA))), error = function(err) TRUE) stopifnot(isTRUE(ret)) cat("- Can supply headers in url()\n") h <- get_headers_url(headers = c(foo = "bar", zzzz = "bee")) stopifnot(any(grepl("Foo.*bar", h))) stopifnot(any(grepl("Zzzz.*bee", h))) if (getOption("download.file.method", "") != "internal") { cat("- HTTPS with url()\n") h <- get_headers_url(headers = c(foo = "bar", zzzz = "bee"), protocol = "https") stopifnot(any(grepl("Foo.*bar", h))) stopifnot(any(grepl("Zzzz.*bee", h))) } } main <- function() { cat("internal method\n") with_options(c(download.file.method = "internal"), tests()) if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { cat("\nwininet method\n") with_options(c(download.file.method = "wininet"), tests()) } if (isTRUE(capabilities()[["libcurl"]])) { cat("\nlibcurl method\n") with_options(c(download.file.method = "libcurl"), tests()) } } if (is_online()) main()