### PR#14682 : https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=14682 ## ======== ## Subject: getQ0() returns a non-positive covariance matrix ## Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 12:06:16 -0400 ## ReportedBy: raphaelrossignol@... ## ........... ## I tried to replace getQ0 in two ways. The first one is to compute first the ## covariance matrix of (X_{t-1},...,X_{t-p},Z_t,...,Z_{t-q}) and this is achieved ## through the method of difference equations ## (eq. (3.3.8), (3.3.9), p.93 of Brockwell and Davis). ## This way was apparently suggested by a referee to Gardner et al. paper (see ## page 314 of their paper). Q0bis <- function(phi,theta, tol=.Machine$double.eps) { ## Computes the initial covariance matrix for the state space representation ## of Gardner et al. p <- length(phi) q <- length(theta) r <- max(p,q+1) ttheta <- c(1,theta,rep(0,r-q-1)) A1 <- matrix(0,r,p) C <- (col(A1)+row(A1)-1) B <- (C <= p) ## == (col(A1)+row(A1) <= p+1) A1[B] <- phi[C[B]] A2 <- matrix(0,r,q+1) C <- (col(A2)+row(A2)-1) B <- (C <= q+1) A2[B] <- ttheta[C[B]] A <- cbind(A1,A2) if (p==0) { S <- diag(q+1) } else { ## Compute the autocovariance function of U, the AR part of X r2 <- max(p+q, p+1) tphi <- c(1,-phi) C1 <- C2 <- matrix(0,r2,r2) F <- row(C1)-col(C1)+1 E <- (1 <= F) & (F <= p+1) C1[E] <- tphi[F[E]] F <- col(C2)+row(C2)-1 E <- (F <= p+1) & col(C2) >= 2 C2[E] <- tphi[F[E]] Gam <- C1 + C2 g <- matrix(0,r2,1) g[1] <- 1 rU <- solve(Gam, g, tol=tol) ## --------- -- SU <- toeplitz(rU[1:(p+q),1]) ## End of the difference equations method ## Then, compute correlation matrix of X A2 <- matrix(0,p,p+q) C <- col(A2)-row(A2)+1 B <- (1 <= C) & (C <= q+1) A2[B] <- ttheta[C[B]] SX <- A2 %*% SU %*% t(A2) ## Now, compute correlation matrix between X and Z C1 <- matrix(0,q,q) F <- row(C1)-col(C1)+1 E <- 1 <= F & F <= p+1 C1[E] <- tphi[F[E]] g <- matrix(0,q,1) if (q) { g[1:q,1] <- ttheta[1:q] rXZ <- forwardsolve(C1,g) } else rXZ <- numeric() SXZ <- matrix(0, p, q+1) F <- col(SXZ)-row(SXZ) E <- F >= 1 SXZ[E] <- rXZ[F[E]] S <- rbind(cbind( SX , SXZ), cbind(t(SXZ), diag(q+1))) } A %*% S %*% t(A) ## == 2 x 2 Block matrix product; A = [A1 | A2 ] ## == A1 SX A1' + A1 SXZ A2' + (A1 SXZ A2')' + A2 A2' }## {Q0bis} ## The second way is to resolve brutally the equation of Gardner et al. in the ## form (12), page 314 of their paper. Q0ter <- function(phi,theta) { p <- length(phi) q <- length(theta) r <- max(p,q+1) T <- V <- matrix(0,r,r) if (p) T[1:p,1] <- phi if (r >= 2) T[1:(r-1),2:r] <- diag(r-1) ttheta <- c(1,theta) V[1:(q+1),1:(q+1)] <- ttheta %x% t(ttheta) S <- diag(r*r) - T %x% T Q0 <- solve(S, c(V)) matrix(Q0, ncol=r) } Q0.orig <- function(phi,theta) .Call(stats:::C_getQ0, phi, theta) Q0bisC <- function(phi,theta, tol=.Machine$double.eps) .Call(stats:::C_getQ0bis, phi, theta, tol=tol) ##' The k smallest eigenvalues of m EV.k <- function(m, k = 2) { ev <- eigen(m, only.values=TRUE)$values m <- length(ev) ev[m:(m-k+1)] } chkQ0 <- function(phi,theta, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5, tolC=1e-15, strict=TRUE, doEigen=FALSE) { Q0 <- Q0.orig(phi, theta) Q0bis <- Q0bis(phi, theta) Q0ter <- Q0ter(phi, theta) eig <- if(doEigen) rbind("0" = EV.k(Q0), bis = EV.k(Q0bis), ter = EV.k(Q0ter)) ## else NULL a.eq <- list(cRC = all.equal(Q0bis,Q0bisC(phi,theta), tol= tolC), c12 = all.equal(Q0, Q0bis, tol=tol), c13 = all.equal(Q0, Q0ter, tol=tol), c23 = all.equal(Q0bis,Q0ter, tol=tol)) if(strict) do.call(stopifnot, a.eq) invisible(list(Q0 = Q0, Q0bis = Q0bis, Q0ter = Q0ter, all.eq = a.eq, eigen = eig)) } ##' @title AR-phi corresponding to AR(1) + Seasonality(s) ##' @param s: seasonality ##' @param phi1, phis: phi[1], phi[s] .. defaults: close to non-stationarity mkPhi <- function(s, phi1 = 0.0001, phis = 0.99) { stopifnot(length(s) > 0, s == as.integer(s), s >= 2, length(phi1) == 1, is.numeric(phi1), length(phis) == 1) c(phi1, rep(0, s-2), phis, -phi1*phis) } ##--{end of function defs}------------------------------------------------------- ## cases with p=0, q=0 : chkQ0(numeric(), numeric()) chkQ0( .5, numeric()) chkQ0(numeric(), .7) chkQ0(numeric(), c(.7, .2)) chkQ <- function(s, theta) chkQ0(mkPhi(s=s), theta=theta, tol = 0, strict=FALSE) all.eq2num <- function(ae) as.numeric(sub(".* difference: ", '', ae)) getN12 <- function(r) all.eq2num(r$all.eq$c12) ss <- setNames(,2:20) chk0 <- lapply(ss, chkQ, theta= numeric()) chk1 <- lapply(ss, chkQ, theta= 0.75) chk2 <- lapply(ss, chkQ, theta= c(0.75, -0.5)) chks <- list(q0 = chk0, q1 = chk1, q2 = chk2) ## Quite platform dependent, in F19, 32 bit looks slightly better than 64: (re <- sapply(chks, function(C) sapply(C, getN12))) matplot(ss, re, type = "b", log="y", pch = paste(0:2)) stopifnot(re[paste(2:7),] < 1e-7, # max(.) seen 9.626e-9 re < 0.9) # max(.) seen 0.395 ## The smallest few eigen values: round(t(sapply(lapply(chk1, `[[`, "Q0"), EV.k, k=3)), 3) ev3.0 <- lapply(chks, function(ck) t(sapply(lapply(ck, `[[`, "Q0"), EV.k, k=3))) lapply(ev3.0, round, digits=3) ## problem for q >= 1 (none for q=0) ev3.bis <- lapply(chks, function(ck) t(sapply(lapply(ck, `[[`, "Q0bis"), EV.k, k=3))) lapply(ev3.bis[-1], round, digits=3) ## all fine e1.bis <- sapply(ev3.bis, function(m) m[,1]) min(e1.bis) # -7.1e-15 , -7.5e-15 stopifnot(e1.bis > -1e-12) ## Now Rossignol's example phi <- mkPhi(s = 12) theta <- 0.7 true.cf <- c(ar1=phi[1], ma1=theta, sar1=phi[12]) tt <- chkQ0(phi,theta, tol=0.50, doEigen=TRUE) tt$eigen out.0 <- makeARIMA(phi, theta, NULL) out.R <- makeARIMA(phi, theta, NULL, SSinit="Rossignol") set.seed(7) x <- arima.sim(1000,model=list(ar=phi,ma=theta)) str(k0 <- KalmanLike(x, mod=out.0)) str(kS <- KalmanLike(x, mod=out.R)) stopifnot(sapply(kS, is.finite)) ini.ph <- true.cf ## Default method = "CSS-ML" works fine fm1 <- arima(x, order= c(1,0,1), seasonal= list(period=12, order=c(1,0,0)), include.mean=FALSE, init=ini.ph) stopifnot(all.equal(true.cf, coef(fm1), tol = 0.05)) ## Using 'ML' seems "harder" : e1 <- try( arima(x, order= c(1,0,1), seasonal= list(period=12, order=c(1,0,0)), include.mean=FALSE, init=ini.ph, method='ML') ) ## Error: NAs in 'phi' e2 <- try( arima(x, order= c(1,0,1), seasonal= list(period=12, order=c(1,0,0)), include.mean=FALSE, init=ini.ph, method='ML', transform.pars=FALSE) ) ## Error in optim(init[mask], armafn, ..): initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite ## MM: The new Q0 does *not* help here, really: e3 <- try( arima(x, order= c(1,0,1), seasonal= list(period=12, order=c(1,0,0)), include.mean=FALSE, init=ini.ph, method='ML', SSinit = "Rossi") ) ## actually fails still, but *not* transforming parameters works : fm2 <- arima(x, order= c(1,0,1), seasonal= list(period=12, order=c(1,0,0)), include.mean=FALSE, init=ini.ph, method='ML', SSinit = "Rossi", transform.p=FALSE) stopifnot(all.equal(confint(fm1), confint(fm2), tol = 4e-4)) ###---------- PR#16278 -------------------------------------- ## xreg *and* differentiation order d >= 1 : set.seed(0) n <- 5 x <- cumsum(rnorm(n, sd=0.01)) Vr <- var(diff(x)) # 6.186e-5 : REML V. <- var(diff(x)) * (n-2) / (n-1) # 4.640e-5 : ML f00 <- arima0(x, c(0,1,0), method="ML", xreg=1:n) (fit1 <- arima (x, c(0,1,0), method="ML", xreg=1:n)) stopifnot(all.equal(fit1$sigma2, V.), fit1$nobs == n-1, all.equal(fit1$loglik, 14.28, tol=4e-4), all.equal(f00$sigma2, fit1$sigma2), all.equal(f00$loglik, fit1$loglik)) (fit2 <- arima (x, c(0,2,0), method="ML", xreg=(1:n)^2)) stopifnot(all.equal(fit2$sigma2, 0.000109952342), all.equal(fit2$loglik, 9.4163797), fit2$nobs == n-2) ## "well"-fitting higher order model {optim failed in R <= 3.0.1) n <- length(x. <- c(1:4,3:-2,2*(0:3),4:5,5:-4)/32) xr <- poly(x., 3) x. <- cumsum(cumsum(cumsum(x.))) + xr %*% 10^(0:2) (fit3 <- arima (x., c(0,3,0), method="ML", xreg = xr)) stopifnot(fit3$ nobs == n-3, all.equal(fit3$ sigma2, 0.00859843, tol = 1e-6), all.equal(fit3$ loglik, 22.06043, tol = 1e-6), all.equal(unname(coef(fit3)), c(0.70517, 9.9415, 100.106), tol = 1e-5)) x.[5:6] <- NA (fit3N <- arima (x., c(0,3,0), method="ML", xreg = xr)) stopifnot(fit3N$ nobs == n-3-2, # == #{obs} - d - #{NA} all.equal(fit3N$ sigma2, 0.009297345, tol = 1e-6), all.equal(fit3N$ loglik, 16.73918, tol = 1e-6), all.equal(unname(coef(fit3N)), c(0.64904, 9.92660, 100.126), tol = 1e-5))