[Code] var NoAdminPage: TOutputMsgWizardPage; SelectOptionsPage: TInputOptionWizardPage; MDISDIPage: TInputOptionWizardPage; HelpStylePage: TInputOptionWizardPage; INIFilename: String; function IsAdmin: boolean; begin Result := IsAdminLoggedOn or IsPowerUserLoggedOn; end; function NonAdmin: boolean; begin Result := not IsAdmin; end; procedure InitializeWizard; var option : String; index : Integer; begin NoAdminPage := CreateOutputMsgPage(wpWelcome, SetupMessage(msgInformationTitle), CustomMessage('adminprivilegesrequired'), CustomMessage('adminexplanation')); SelectOptionsPage := CreateInputOptionPage(wpSelectComponents, CustomMessage('startupt'), CustomMessage('startupq'), CustomMessage('startupi'), True, False); SelectOptionsPage.Add(CustomMessage('startup0')); SelectOptionsPage.Add(CustomMessage('startup1')); SelectOptionsPage.SelectedValueIndex := 1; MDISDIPage := CreateInputOptionPage(SelectOptionsPage.ID, CustomMessage('MDIt'), CustomMessage('MDIq'), CustomMessage('MDIi'), True, False); MDISDIPage.Add(CustomMessage('MDI0')); MDISDIPage.Add(CustomMessage('MDI1')); HelpStylePage := CreateInputOptionPage(MDISDIPage.ID, CustomMessage('HelpStylet'), CustomMessage('HelpStyleq'), CustomMessage('HelpStylei'), True, False); HelpStylePage.Add(CustomMessage('HelpStyle0')); HelpStylePage.Add(CustomMessage('HelpStyle1')); INIFilename := ExpandConstant('{param:LOADINF}'); if INIFilename <> '' then INIFilename := ExpandFilename(INIFilename); { From highest to lowest, priority is: LOADINF value PreviousData value Default from build } option := GetPreviousData('MDISDI', ''); if INIFilename <> '' then option := GetIniString('R', 'MDISDI', option, INIFilename); case option of 'MDI': index := 0; 'SDI': index := 1; else index := @MDISDI@; end; MDISDIPage.SelectedValueIndex := index; option := GetPreviousData('HelpStyle', ''); if INIFilename <> '' then option := GetIniString('R', 'HelpStyle', option, INIFilename); case option of 'plain': index := 0; 'CHM': index := 1; 'HTML': index := 1; else index := @HelpStyle@; end; HelpStylePage.SelectedValueIndex := index; { Get the save name now, because the current dir might change } INIFilename := ExpandConstant('{param:SAVEINF}'); if INIFilename <> '' then INIFilename := ExpandFilename(INIFilename); end; procedure RegisterPreviousData(PreviousDataKey: Integer); var MDISDI: String; HelpStyle: String; begin { Store the settings so we can restore them next time } case MDISDIPage.SelectedValueIndex of 0: MDISDI := 'MDI'; 1: MDISDI := 'SDI'; end; SetPreviousData(PreviousDataKey, 'MDISDI', MDISDI); if INIFilename <> '' then SetIniString('R', 'MDISDI', MDISDI, INIFilename); case HelpStylePage.SelectedValueIndex of 0: HelpStyle := 'plain'; 1: HelpStyle := 'HTML'; end; SetPreviousData(PreviousDataKey, 'HelpStyle', HelpStyle); if INIFilename <> '' then SetIniString('R', 'HelpStyle', HelpStyle, INIFilename); end; function SetCommentMarker(var lines: TArrayOfString; option: String; active: boolean) : boolean; var i : integer; old : string; begin Result := false; for i := 0 to pred(GetArrayLength(lines)) do if pos(option, lines[i]) > 0 then begin old := lines[i]; if active then lines[i][1] := ' ' else lines[i][1] := '#'; if old <> lines[i] then Result := true; exit; end; end; procedure EditOptions(); var lines : TArrayOfString; filename : String; changed : boolean; begin changed := false; filename := ExpandConstant(CurrentFilename); LoadStringsFromFile(filename, lines); if SetCommentMarker(lines, 'MDI = yes', MDISDIPage.SelectedValueIndex = 0) then changed := true; if SetCommentMarker(lines, 'MDI = no', MDISDIPage.SelectedValueIndex = 1) then changed := true; if SetCommentMarker(lines, 'options(help_type="text"', HelpStylePage.SelectedValueIndex = 0) then changed := true; if SetCommentMarker(lines, 'options(help_type="html"', HelpStylePage.SelectedValueIndex = 1) then changed := true; if changed then SaveStringsToFile(filename, lines, False); end; function ShouldSkipPage(PageID: Integer): boolean; begin if PageID = NoAdminPage.ID then Result := IsAdmin else if (PageID = MDISDIPage.ID) or (PageID = HelpStylePage.ID) then Result := SelectOptionsPage.SelectedValueIndex = 1 else Result := false; end; function UserPF(Param:String): String; begin Result := ExpandConstant('{pf}'); if (not IsAdmin) then begin try Result := ExpandConstant('{userdocs}'); except // Do nothing, user doesn't have a My Documents folder end; end; end;