msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: R 3.0.0\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-06-09 21:53\n" "PO-Revision-Date: \n" "Last-Translator: Łukasz Daniel \n" "Language-Team: Łukasz Daniel \n" "Language: pl_PL\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "na-Revision-Date: 2012-05-29 07:55+0100\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 " "|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: iso-8859-1\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.5\n" # stats/R/AIC.R: 42 # warning("models are not all fitted to the same number of observations") # stats/R/AIC.R: 74 # warning("models are not all fitted to the same number of observations") msgid "models are not all fitted to the same number of observations" msgstr "nie wszystkie modele są dopasowane do tej samej liczby obserwacji" # stats/R/ARMAtheory.R: 24 # stop("empty model supplied") msgid "empty model supplied" msgstr "dostarczono pusty model" # stats/R/ARMAtheory.R: 66 # stop("'acf' must be of length two or more") msgid "'acf' must be of length two or more" msgstr "'acf' musi być długości równej dwa lub więcej" # stats/R/C.R: 22 # stop("object not interpretable as a factor") msgid "object not interpretable as a factor" msgstr "obiekt nie jest interpretowalny jako czynnik" # stats/R/HoltWinters.R: 46 # stop ("cannot fit models without level ('alpha' must not be 0 or FALSE)") msgid "cannot fit models without level ('alpha' must not be 0 or FALSE)" msgstr "" "nie można dopasować do modeli bez poziomu ('alpha' nie może być zerem lub " "wartością FALSE)" # stats/R/HoltWinters.R: 49 # stop ("'alpha', 'beta' and 'gamma' must be within the unit interval") msgid "'alpha', 'beta' and 'gamma' must be within the unit interval" msgstr "" "'alpha', 'beta' oraz 'gamma' muszą być wewnątrz jednostkowego przedziału" # stats/R/HoltWinters.R: 52 # stop ("data must be non-zero for multiplicative Holt-Winters") msgid "data must be non-zero for multiplicative Holt-Winters" msgstr "dane muszą być niezerowe dla multiplikatywnego modelu Holta-Wintersa" # stats/R/HoltWinters.R: 54 # stop ("need at least 2 periods to compute seasonal start values") msgid "need at least 2 periods to compute seasonal start values" msgstr "potrzeba co najmniej 2 okresów aby obliczyć sezonowe wartości startowe" # stats/R/approx.R: 64 # stop("invalid length(x)") # stats/R/approx.R: 97 # stop("invalid length(x)") # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 45 # stop("invalid length(x)") # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 97 # stop("invalid length(x)") # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 117 # stop("invalid length(x)") # stats/R/HoltWinters.R: 88 # stop("invalid length(x)") # stats/R/smooth.R: 31 # stop("invalid length(x)") # stats/R/stl.R: 45 # stop("invalid length(x)") msgid "invalid length(x)" msgstr "niepoprawna wartość 'length(x)'" # stats/R/HoltWinters.R: 131 # warning(gettextf("optimization difficulties: %s", # sol$message), domain = NA) # stats/R/HoltWinters.R: 148 # warning(gettextf("optimization difficulties: %s", # sol$message), domain = NA) # stats/R/HoltWinters.R: 167 # warning(gettextf("optimization difficulties: %s", # sol$message), domain = NA) # stats/R/HoltWinters.R: 194 # warning(gettextf("optimization difficulties: %s", # sol$message), domain = NA) msgid "optimization difficulties: %s" msgstr "problemy optymalizacji: %s" # stats/R/HoltWinters.R: 133 # stop("optimization failure") # stats/R/HoltWinters.R: 150 # stop("optimization failure") # stats/R/HoltWinters.R: 169 # stop("optimization failure") # stats/R/HoltWinters.R: 196 # stop("optimization failure") msgid "optimization failure" msgstr "niepowodzenie optymalizacji" # stats/R/HoltWinters.R: 366 # stop("time series has no or less than 2 periods") msgid "time series has no or less than 2 periods" msgstr "szereg czasowy nie posiada okresów lub ma ich mniej niż 2" # stats/R/StructTS.R: 33 # stop("the series is entirely NA") # stats/R/StructTS.R: 45 # stop("the series is entirely NA") # stats/R/StructTS.R: 65 # stop("the series is entirely NA") msgid "the series is entirely NA" msgstr "seria jest całkowicie wypełniona wartościami 'NA'" # stats/R/StructTS.R: 55 # stop("frequency must be a positive integer >= 2 for BSM") msgid "frequency must be a positive integer >= 2 for BSM" msgstr "" "częstotliwość musi być dodatnią liczbą całkowitą >= 2 dla Podstawowego " "Modelowania Strukturalnego (BSM)" # stats/R/arima.R: 103 # stop("only implemented for univariate time series") # stats/R/arma0.R: 59 # stop("only implemented for univariate time series") # stats/R/cpgram.R: 29 # stop("only implemented for univariate time series") # stats/R/StructTS.R: 86 # stop("only implemented for univariate time series") msgid "only implemented for univariate time series" msgstr "zaimplementowane tylko dla jednowymiarowego szeregu czasowego" # stats/R/acf.R: 36 # stop("'x' must be numeric") # stats/R/acf.R: 68 # stop("'x' must be numeric") # stats/R/ar.R: 53 # stop("'x' must be numeric") # stats/R/ar.R: 265 # stop("'x' must be numeric") # stats/R/ar.R: 343 # stop("'x' must be numeric") # stats/R/arima.R: 108 # stop("'x' must be numeric") # stats/R/arma0.R: 63 # stop("'x' must be numeric") # stats/R/cor.R: 35 # stop("'x' must be numeric") # stats/R/StructTS.R: 89 # stop("'x' must be numeric") # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 37 # stop("'x' must be numeric") msgid "'x' must be numeric" msgstr "'x' musi być liczbą" # stats/R/StructTS.R: 92 # stop("the first value of the time series must not be missing") msgid "the first value of the time series must not be missing" msgstr "pierwsza wartość szeregu czasowego nie może być brakującą" # stats/R/arima.R: 176 # stop("all parameters were fixed") # stats/R/arma0.R: 116 # stop("all parameters were fixed") # stats/R/StructTS.R: 108 # stop("all parameters were fixed") msgid "all parameters were fixed" msgstr "wszystkie parametry zostały ustalone" # stats/R/StructTS.R: 117 # warning(gettextf("possible convergence problem: 'optim' gave code = %d and message %s", # res$convergence, sQuote(res$message)), domain = NA) msgid "possible convergence problem: 'optim' gave code = %d and message %s" msgstr "" "prawdopodobny problem zbieżności: 'optim' zwrócił kod= %d oraz wiadomość %s" # stats/R/TukeyHSD.R: 34 # stop("no factors in the fitted model") msgid "no factors in the fitted model" msgstr "brak czynników w dopasowanym modelu" # stats/R/TukeyHSD.R: 41 # stop("'which' specified no factors") msgid "'which' specified no factors" msgstr "'which' nie określa czynników" # stats/R/TukeyHSD.R: 43 # warning("'which' specified some non-factors which will be dropped") msgid "'which' specified some non-factors which will be dropped" msgstr "'which' określił kilka nie-czynników które zostaną usunięte" # stats/R/acf.R: 40 # stop("'sampleT' and 'nser' must be integer") msgid "'sampleT' and 'nser' must be integer" msgstr "'sampleT' oraz 'nser' muszą być liczbami całkowitymi" # stats/R/acf.R: 45 # stop("'lag.max' must be at least 0") msgid "'lag.max' must be at least 0" msgstr "'lag.max' musi być przynajmniej 0" # stats/R/acf.R: 75 # stop("'lag.max' must be at least 1") msgid "'lag.max' must be at least 1" msgstr "'lag.max' musi być przynajmniej 1" # stats/R/acf.R: 78 # stop("NAs in 'x'") # stats/R/ar.R: 54 # stop("NAs in 'x'") # stats/R/ar.R: 263 # stop("NAs in 'x'") # stats/R/ar.R: 338 # stop("NAs in 'x'") # stats/R/ar.R: 477 # stop("NAs in 'x'") # stats/R/ar.R: 542 # stop("NAs in 'x'") # stats/R/ar.R: 597 # stop("NAs in 'x'") msgid "NAs in 'x'" msgstr "wartości NA w 'x'" # stats/R/acf.R: 119 # stop("x$lag must have at least 1 column") msgid "x$lag must have at least 1 column" msgstr "'x$lag' musi mieć jak przynajmniej 1 kolumnę" # stats/R/acf.R: 131 # warning("can use ci.type=\"ma\" only if first lag is 0") msgid "can use ci.type=\"ma\" only if first lag is 0" msgstr "można użyć 'ci.type=\"ma\"' tylko jeśli pierwsze opóźnienie wynosi 0" # stats/R/acf.R: 218 # stop("univariate time series only") msgid "univariate time series only" msgstr "tylko jednowymiarowe szeregi czasowe" # stats/R/add.R: 42 # stop("no terms in scope") # stats/R/add.R: 124 # stop("no terms in scope") msgid "no terms in scope" msgstr "brak członów w zakresie" # stats/R/add.R: 46 # stop("no terms in scope for adding to object") # stats/R/add.R: 128 # stop("no terms in scope for adding to object") # stats/R/add.R: 241 # stop("no terms in scope for adding to object") msgid "no terms in scope for adding to object" msgstr "brak członów w zakresie do dodania do obiektu" # stats/R/add.R: 69 # stop("number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?") # stats/R/add.R: 395 # stop("number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?") # stats/R/add.R: 838 # stop("number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?") msgid "number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?" msgstr "liczba wierszy w użyciu zmieniła się: usunąć brakujące wartości?" # stats/R/add.R: 104 # warning("attempting model selection on an essentially perfect fit is nonsense", # call. = FALSE) msgid "attempting model selection on an essentially perfect fit is nonsense" msgstr "próba wyboru modelu dla idealnego dopasowania jest bez sensu" # stats/R/add.R: 349 # warning(gettextf("F test assumes quasi%s family", fam), # domain = NA) msgid "F test assumes quasi%s family" msgstr "Test Fishera zakłada rodzinę kwazi-%s" # stats/R/add.R: 362 # stop("no 'add1' method implemented for \"mlm\" models") msgid "no 'add1' method implemented for \"mlm\" models" msgstr "brak zaimplementowanej metody 'add1' dla modeli 'mlm'" # stats/R/add.R: 375 # stop("scope is not a subset of term labels") # stats/R/add.R: 431 # stop("scope is not a subset of term labels") # stats/R/add.R: 511 # stop("scope is not a subset of term labels") msgid "scope is not a subset of term labels" msgstr "zakres nie jest podzbiorem etykiet członów" # stats/R/add.R: 494 # stop("no 'drop1' method for \"mlm\" models") msgid "no 'drop1' method for \"mlm\" models" msgstr "brak metody 'drop1' dla modeli 'mlm'" # stats/R/add.R: 584 # warning(gettextf("F test assumes 'quasi%s' family", fam), # domain = NA) msgid "F test assumes 'quasi%s' family" msgstr "Test Fishera zakłada rodzinę kwazi-%s" # stats/R/add.R: 774 # stop("AIC is not defined for this model, so 'step' cannot proceed") msgid "AIC is not defined for this model, so 'step' cannot proceed" msgstr "" "Kryterium informacyjne Akaikego nie jest zdefiniowane dla tego modelu, tak " "więc 'step' nie może zostać wykonany" # stats/R/add.R: 776 # stop("AIC is -infinity for this model, so 'step' cannot proceed") msgid "AIC is -infinity for this model, so 'step' cannot proceed" msgstr "" "AIC wynosi minus nieskończoność dla tego modelu, tak więc 'step' nie może " "zostać wykonany" # stats/R/addmargins.R: 34 # stop("'A' must be an array or table") msgid "'A' must be an array or table" msgstr "'A' musi być tablicą lub tabelą" # stats/R/addmargins.R: 79 # stop(gettextf("length of FUN, %d,\n does not match the length of the margins, %d", # length(FUN), n.sid), domain = NA) msgid "" "length of FUN, %d,\n" " does not match the length of the margins, %d" msgstr "" "długość 'FUN', %d,\n" " nie zgadza się z długością marginesów, %d" # stats/R/aggregate.R: 38 # stop("no rows to aggregate") msgid "no rows to aggregate" msgstr "brak wierszy do zagregowania" # stats/R/aggregate.R: 45 # stop("'by' must be a list") msgid "'by' must be a list" msgstr "'by' musi być listą" # stats/R/aggregate.R: 60 # stop("arguments must have same length") msgid "arguments must have same length" msgstr "argumenty muszą mieć tę samą długość" # stats/R/aggregate.R: 111 # stop("'formula' missing or incorrect") # stats/R/ansari.test.R: 252 # stop("'formula' missing or incorrect") # stats/R/bartlett.test.R: 81 # stop("'formula' missing or incorrect") # stats/R/fligner.test.R: 83 # stop("'formula' missing or incorrect") # stats/R/ftable.R: 88 # stop("'formula' missing or incorrect") # stats/R/kruskal.test.R: 78 # stop("'formula' missing or incorrect") # stats/R/mood.test.R: 73 # stop("'formula' missing or incorrect") # stats/R/oneway.test.R: 23 # stop("'formula' missing or incorrect") # stats/R/t.test.R: 131 # stop("'formula' missing or incorrect") # stats/R/var.test.R: 92 # stop("'formula' missing or incorrect") # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 418 # stop("'formula' missing or incorrect") # stats/R/xtabs.R: 29 # stop("'formula' missing or incorrect") msgid "'formula' missing or incorrect" msgstr "brak lub niepoprawna 'formula'" # stats/R/aggregate.R: 113 # stop("'formula' must have both left and right hand sides") # stats/R/ftable.R: 90 # stop("'formula' must have both left and right hand sides") msgid "'formula' must have both left and right hand sides" msgstr "'formula' musi mieć jednocześnie lewą i prawą stronę" # stats/R/aggregate.R: 186 # stop(gettextf("cannot change frequency from %g to %g", # ofrequency, nfrequency), domain = NA) msgid "cannot change frequency from %g to %g" msgstr "nie można zmienić częstotliwości z %g na %g" # stats/R/anova.R: 81 # stop("'x' must be coefficient matrix/data frame") msgid "'x' must be coefficient matrix/data frame" msgstr "'x' musi być macierzą współczynników/ramką danych" # stats/R/anova.R: 86 # warning("option \"show.coef.Pvalues\" is invalid: assuming TRUE") msgid "option \"show.coef.Pvalues\" is invalid: assuming TRUE" msgstr "opcja 'show.coef.Pvalues' jest niepoprawna: zakładanie TRUE" # stats/R/anova.R: 92 # stop("'P.values' is TRUE, but 'has.Pvalue' is not") msgid "'P.values' is TRUE, but 'has.Pvalue' is not" msgstr "'P.values' wynosi TRUE, ale 'has.Pvalue' już nie" # stats/R/anova.R: 101 # stop("wrong k / cs.ind") msgid "wrong k / cs.ind" msgstr "niepoprawny 'k' / 'cs.ind'" # stats/R/anova.R: 140 # warning("option \"show.signif.stars\" is invalid: assuming TRUE") msgid "option \"show.signif.stars\" is invalid: assuming TRUE" msgstr "opcja 'show.signif.stars' jest niepoprawna: zakładanie TRUE" # stats/R/anova.R: 169 # stop("'anova' object must have colnames") msgid "'anova' object must have colnames" msgstr "obiekt 'anova' musi posiadać nazwy kolumn" # stats/R/ansari.test.R: 31 # stop("'conf.level' must be a single number between 0 and 1") # stats/R/binom.test.R: 52 # stop("'conf.level' must be a single number between 0 and 1") # stats/R/cor.test.R: 58 # stop("'conf.level' must be a single number between 0 and 1") # stats/R/fisher.test.R: 76 # stop("'conf.level' must be a single number between 0 and 1") # stats/R/mantelhaen.test.R: 62 # stop("'conf.level' must be a single number between 0 and 1") # stats/R/prop.test.R: 76 # stop("'conf.level' must be a single number between 0 and 1") # stats/R/t.test.R: 33 # stop("'conf.level' must be a single number between 0 and 1") # stats/R/var.test.R: 33 # stop("'conf.level' must be a single number between 0 and 1") # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 34 # stop("'conf.level' must be a single number between 0 and 1") msgid "'conf.level' must be a single number between 0 and 1" msgstr "'conf.level' musi być pojedynczą liczbą pomiędzy 0 a 1" # stats/R/ansari.test.R: 39 # stop("not enough 'x' observations") # stats/R/t.test.R: 60 # stop("not enough 'x' observations") # stats/R/t.test.R: 72 # stop("not enough 'x' observations") # stats/R/var.test.R: 46 # stop("not enough 'x' observations") msgid "not enough 'x' observations" msgstr "niewystarczająca liczba obserwacji 'x'" # stats/R/ansari.test.R: 42 # stop("not enough 'y' observations") # stats/R/t.test.R: 74 # stop("not enough 'y' observations") # stats/R/var.test.R: 50 # stop("not enough 'y' observations") # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 247 # stop("not enough 'y' observations") msgid "not enough 'y' observations" msgstr "niewystarczająca liczba obserwacji 'y'" # stats/R/ansari.test.R: 86 # warning("samples differ in location: cannot compute confidence set, returning NA") # stats/R/ansari.test.R: 197 # warning("samples differ in location: cannot compute confidence set, returning NA") msgid "samples differ in location: cannot compute confidence set, returning NA" msgstr "" "próby różnią się położeniem: nie można obliczyć przedziału ufności, " "zwracanie wartości NA" # stats/R/ansari.test.R: 111 # warning("cannot compute confidence set, returning NA") msgid "cannot compute confidence set, returning NA" msgstr "nie można obliczyć przedziału ufności, zwracanie wartości NA" # stats/R/ansari.test.R: 188 # warning("cannot compute asymptotic confidence set or estimator") msgid "cannot compute asymptotic confidence set or estimator" msgstr "nie można obliczyć asymptotycznego przedziału ufności lub estymatora" # stats/R/ansari.test.R: 219 # warning("cannot compute estimate, returning NA") msgid "cannot compute estimate, returning NA" msgstr "nie można obliczyć estymatora, zwracanie wartości NA" # stats/R/ansari.test.R: 225 # warning("cannot compute exact p-value with ties") # stats/R/ks.test.R: 47 # warning("cannot compute exact p-value with ties") # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 234 # warning("cannot compute exact p-value with ties") # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 389 # warning("cannot compute exact p-value with ties") msgid "cannot compute exact p-value with ties" msgstr "" "nie można obliczyć dokładnej wartości prawdopodobieństwa z powtórzonymi " "wartościami" # stats/R/ansari.test.R: 227 # warning("cannot compute exact confidence intervals with ties") # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 391 # warning("cannot compute exact confidence intervals with ties") msgid "cannot compute exact confidence intervals with ties" msgstr "" "nie można obliczyć dokładnych przedziałów ufności z powtórzonymi wartościami" # stats/R/ansari.test.R: 264 # stop("grouping factor must have exactly 2 levels") # stats/R/mood.test.R: 85 # stop("grouping factor must have exactly 2 levels") # stats/R/t.test.R: 143 # stop("grouping factor must have exactly 2 levels") # stats/R/var.test.R: 104 # stop("grouping factor must have exactly 2 levels") # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 430 # stop("grouping factor must have exactly 2 levels") msgid "grouping factor must have exactly 2 levels" msgstr "grupujący czynnik musi mieć dokładnie 2 poziomy" # stats/R/aov.R: 48 # stop("weights are not supported in a multistratum aov() fit") msgid "weights are not supported in a multistratum aov() fit" msgstr "wagi nie są wspierane w wielowarstwowym dopasowaniu 'aov()'" # stats/R/aov.R: 77 # warning("Error() model is singular") msgid "Error() model is singular" msgstr "model 'Error()' jest osobliwy" # stats/R/aov.R: 316 # stop("the 'split' argument must be a list") msgid "the 'split' argument must be a list" msgstr "argument 'split' musi być listą" # stats/R/aov.R: 563 # stop("'coef' must define a contrast, i.e., sum to 0") # stats/R/aov.R: 658 # stop("'coef' must define a contrast, i.e., sum to 0") msgid "'coef' must define a contrast, i.e., sum to 0" msgstr "'coef' musi definiować kontrast, tzn., musi sumować się do 0" # stats/R/aov.R: 565 # stop("'coef' must have same length as 'contrast.obj'") # stats/R/aov.R: 660 # stop("'coef' must have same length as 'contrast.obj'") msgid "'coef' must have same length as 'contrast.obj'" msgstr "'coef' musi mieć tę samą długość co 'contrast.obj'" # stats/R/aov.R: 571 # stop(gettextf("each element of '%s' must be logical", # substitute(contrasts.list)), # domain = NA) # stats/R/aov.R: 666 # stop(gettextf("each element of '%s' must be logical", # substitute(contrasts.obj)), # domain = NA) msgid "each element of '%s' must be logical" msgstr "każdy element '%s' musi być elementem logicznym" # stats/R/aov.R: 577 # stop("the contrast defined is empty (has no TRUE elements)") # stats/R/aov.R: 672 # stop("the contrast defined is empty (has no TRUE elements)") msgid "the contrast defined is empty (has no TRUE elements)" msgstr "zdefiniowany kontrast jest pusty (nie ma elementów TRUE)" # stats/R/aov.R: 582 # stop("columns of 'contrast.obj' must define a contrast (sum to zero)") # stats/R/aov.R: 678 # stop("columns of 'contrast.obj' must define a contrast(sum to zero)") msgid "columns of 'contrast.obj' must define a contrast (sum to zero)" msgstr "kolumny 'contrast.obj' muszą określać konstrast (sumować się do zera)" # stats/R/aov.R: 588 # stop("no degrees of freedom for residuals") msgid "no degrees of freedom for residuals" msgstr "brak stopni swobody dla reszt" # stats/R/aov.R: 606 # stop("'object' does not include an error 'qr' component") msgid "'object' does not include an error 'qr' component" msgstr "'object' nie uwzględnia komponentu błędu 'qr'" # stats/R/aov.R: 649 # message("Refitting model to allow projection") msgid "Refitting model to allow projection" msgstr "Ponowne dopasowywanie modelu aby umożliwić rzutowanie" # stats/R/aov.R: 582 # stop("columns of 'contrast.obj' must define a contrast (sum to zero)") # stats/R/aov.R: 678 # stop("columns of 'contrast.obj' must define a contrast(sum to zero)") msgid "columns of 'contrast.obj' must define a contrast(sum to zero)" msgstr "kolumny 'contrast.obj' muszą określać kontrast (sumować się do zera)" # stats/R/approx.R: 42 # warning("collapsing to unique 'x' values") msgid "collapsing to unique 'x' values" msgstr "zwijanie do unikalnych wartości 'x'" # stats/R/approx.R: 57 # stop("invalid interpolation method") # stats/R/approx.R: 90 # stop("invalid interpolation method") # stats/R/spline.R: 29 # stop("invalid interpolation method") msgid "invalid interpolation method" msgstr "niepoprawna metoda interpolacji" # stats/R/approx.R: 67 # stop("need at least two non-NA values to interpolate") # stats/R/approx.R: 101 # stop("need at least two non-NA values to interpolate") msgid "need at least two non-NA values to interpolate" msgstr "potrzeba co najmniej dwóch wartości nie-NA aby interpolować" # stats/R/approx.R: 68 # stop("zero non-NA points") # stats/R/approx.R: 102 # stop("zero non-NA points") # stats/R/spline.R: 37 # stop("zero non-NA points") # stats/R/splinefun.R: 32 # stop("zero non-NA points") msgid "zero non-NA points" msgstr "zero punktów o wartości nie-NA" # stats/R/approx.R: 77 # stop("'approx' requires n >= 1") msgid "'approx' requires n >= 1" msgstr "'approx' wymaga n >= 1" # stats/R/ar.R: 63 # stop("'order.max' must be >= 1") # stats/R/ar.R: 490 # stop("'order.max' must be >= 1") # stats/R/ar.R: 554 # stop("'order.max' must be >= 1") msgid "'order.max' must be >= 1" msgstr "'order.max' musi być >= 1" # stats/R/ar.R: 64 # stop("'order.max' must be < 'n.used'") # stats/R/ar.R: 275 # stop("'order.max' must be < 'n.used'") # stats/R/ar.R: 356 # stop("'order.max' must be < 'n.used'") # stats/R/ar.R: 555 # stop("'order.max' must be < 'n.used'") msgid "'order.max' must be < 'n.used'" msgstr "'order.max' musi być < 'n.used'" # stats/R/ar.R: 194 # stop("'n.ahead' must be at least 1") msgid "'n.ahead' must be at least 1" msgstr "'n.ahead' musi być przynajmniej 1" # stats/R/ar.R: 209 # stop("number of series in 'object' and 'newdata' do not match") msgid "number of series in 'object' and 'newdata' do not match" msgstr "liczba serii w 'object' oraz 'newdata' nie zgadzają się" # stats/R/ar.R: 227 # warning("'' not yet implemented for multivariate models") msgid "'' not yet implemented for multivariate models" msgstr "'' nie jest jeszcze zaimplementowane dla wielowymiarowych modeli" # stats/R/ar.R: 261 # stop("MLE only implemented for univariate series") msgid "MLE only implemented for univariate series" msgstr "" "Estymacja największej wiarygodności jest zaimplementowana jedynie dla " "jednowymiarowych serii" # stats/R/ar.R: 274 # stop ("'order.max' must be >= 0") # stats/R/ar.R: 355 # stop("'order.max' must be >= 0") msgid "'order.max' must be >= 0" msgstr "'order.max' musi być >= 0" # stats/R/arima.R: 115 # stop("'order' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 3") # stats/R/arma0.R: 69 # stop("'order' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 3") msgid "'order' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 3" msgstr "'order' musi być nieujemnym wektorem liczbowym o długości 3" # stats/R/arima.R: 119 # stop("'seasonal' must be a list with component 'order'") # stats/R/arima.R: 126 # stop("'seasonal' must be a list with component 'order'") # stats/R/arma0.R: 73 # stop("'seasonal' must be a list with component 'order'") # stats/R/arma0.R: 80 # stop("'seasonal' must be a list with component 'order'") msgid "'seasonal' must be a list with component 'order'" msgstr "'seasonal' musi być listą z komponentem 'order'" # stats/R/arima.R: 122 # stop("'seasonal$order' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 3") # stats/R/arma0.R: 76 # stop("'seasonal$order' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 3") msgid "'seasonal$order' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 3" msgstr "'seasonal$order' musi być nieujemnym wektorem liczbowym o długości 3" # stats/R/arima.R: 147 # stop("lengths of 'x' and 'xreg' do not match") # stats/R/arma0.R: 102 # stop("lengths of 'x' and 'xreg' do not match") msgid "lengths of 'x' and 'xreg' do not match" msgstr "długości 'x' oraz 'xreg' nie zgadzają się" # stats/R/arima.R: 174 # stop("wrong length for 'fixed'") # stats/R/arma0.R: 114 # stop("wrong length for 'fixed'") msgid "wrong length for 'fixed'" msgstr "niepoprawna długość dla 'fixed'" # stats/R/arima.R: 182 # warning("some AR parameters were fixed: setting = FALSE") msgid "some AR parameters were fixed: setting = FALSE" msgstr "" "niektóre parametry autoregresji zostały ustalone: ustawianie ' " "= FALSE'" # stats/R/arima.R: 201 # stop("too few non-missing observations") msgid "too few non-missing observations" msgstr "zbyt mało niebrakujących obserwacji" # stats/R/arima.R: 205 # stop("'init' is of the wrong length") # stats/R/arma0.R: 160 # stop("'init' is of the wrong length") msgid "'init' is of the wrong length" msgstr "'init' posiada niepoprawną długość" # stats/R/arima.R: 211 # stop("non-stationary AR part") # stats/R/arma0.R: 168 # stop("non-stationary AR part") msgid "non-stationary AR part" msgstr "niestacjonarna część autoregresji" # stats/R/arima.R: 214 # stop("non-stationary seasonal AR part") # stats/R/arma0.R: 171 # stop("non-stationary seasonal AR part") msgid "non-stationary seasonal AR part" msgstr "niestacjonarna sezonowa część autoregresji" # stats/R/arima.R: 231 # warning(gettextf("possible convergence problem: optim gave code = %d", # res$convergence), domain = NA) # stats/R/arima.R: 282 # warning(gettextf("possible convergence problem: optim gave code = %d", # res$convergence), domain = NA) # stats/R/arma0.R: 192 # warning(gettextf("possible convergence problem: optim gave code = %d", # code), domain = NA) msgid "possible convergence problem: optim gave code = %d" msgstr "prawdopodobny problem zbieżności: 'optim' zwrócił kod= %d" # stats/R/arima.R: 254 # stop("non-stationary AR part from CSS") msgid "non-stationary AR part from CSS" msgstr "niestacjonarna część autoregresji z warunkowej sumy kwadratów" # stats/R/arima.R: 257 # stop("non-stationary seasonal AR part from CSS") msgid "non-stationary seasonal AR part from CSS" msgstr "niestacjonarna sezonowa część autoregresji z warunkowej sumy kwadratów" # stats/R/arima.R: 392 # stop("'xreg' and 'newxreg' have different numbers of columns") # stats/R/arma0.R: 280 # stop("'xreg' and 'newxreg' have different numbers of columns") msgid "'xreg' and 'newxreg' have different numbers of columns" msgstr "'xreg' oraz 'newxreg' mają różne liczby kolumn" # stats/R/arima.R: 412 # warning("MA part of model is not invertible") # stats/R/arma0.R: 300 # warning("MA part of model is not invertible") msgid "MA part of model is not invertible" msgstr "część średniej kroczącej modelu nie jest odwracalna" # stats/R/arima.R: 417 # warning("seasonal MA part of model is not invertible") # stats/R/arma0.R: 305 # warning("seasonal MA part of model is not invertible") msgid "seasonal MA part of model is not invertible" msgstr "sezonowa część średniej kroczącej modelu nie jest odwracalna" # stats/R/arma0.R: 49 # warning("converting non-invertible initial MA values") msgid "converting non-invertible initial MA values" msgstr "konwertowanie nieodwracalnych wartości początkowych kroczącej średniej" # stats/R/arma0.R: 118 # warning("some ARMA parameters were fixed: setting = FALSE") msgid "some ARMA parameters were fixed: setting = FALSE" msgstr "" "niektóre parametry modelu kroczącej średniej autoregresji zostały ustalone: " "ustawianie ' = FALSE'" # stats/R/arma0.R: 126 # stop("'xreg' is collinear") msgid "'xreg' is collinear" msgstr "'xreg' jest współliniowy" # stats/R/arma0.R: 133 # warning("NAs present: setting 'delta' to -1") msgid "NAs present: setting 'delta' to -1" msgstr "wartości NA są obecne: ustawianie 'delta' na wartość -1" # stats/R/arma0.R: 164 # warning("transformed ARMA parameters were fixed") msgid "transformed ARMA parameters were fixed" msgstr "" "przetransformowane parametry kroczącej średniej autoregresji zostały ustalone" # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 25 # stop("need at least 2 data points") # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 34 # stop("need at least 2 data points") # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 43 # stop("need at least 2 data points") # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 95 # stop("need at least 2 data points") # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 115 # stop("need at least 2 data points") msgid "need at least 2 data points" msgstr "potrzeba przynajmniej 2 punktów" # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 46 # stop("invalid 'x'") # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 98 # stop("invalid 'x'") # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 118 # stop("invalid 'x'") # stats/R/loess.R: 102 # stop("invalid 'x'") msgid "invalid 'x'" msgstr "niepoprawny 'x'" # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 48 # stop("invalid 'nb'") # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 100 # stop("invalid 'nb'") # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 120 # stop("invalid 'nb'") msgid "invalid 'nb'" msgstr "niepoprawne 'nb'" # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 79 # stop("no solution in the specified range of bandwidths") msgid "no solution in the specified range of bandwidths" msgstr "brak rozwiązania we wskazanym zakresie pasma" # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 82 # message(gettextf("increasing bw.SJ() search interval (%d) to [%.4g,%.4g]", # itry, lower, upper), domain = NA) msgid "increasing bw.SJ() search interval (%d) to [%.4g,%.4g]" msgstr "zwiększanie przeszukiwanego przedziału 'bw.SJ()' (%d) do [%.4g,%.4g]" # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 108 # warning("minimum occurred at one end of the range") # stats/R/bandwidths.R: 128 # warning("minimum occurred at one end of the range") msgid "minimum occurred at one end of the range" msgstr "odnotowano wartość minimalną na jednym z końców zakresu" # stats/R/bartlett.test.R: 27 # stop("'x' must be a list with at least 2 elements") # stats/R/fligner.test.R: 28 # stop("'x' must be a list with at least 2 elements") # stats/R/kruskal.test.R: 26 # stop("'x' must be a list with at least 2 elements") msgid "'x' must be a list with at least 2 elements" msgstr "'x' musi być listą z co najmniej 2 elementami" # stats/R/bartlett.test.R: 37 # stop("'x' and 'g' must have the same length") # stats/R/fligner.test.R: 40 # stop("'x' and 'g' must have the same length") # stats/R/kruskal.test.R: 38 # stop("'x' and 'g' must have the same length") msgid "'x' and 'g' must have the same length" msgstr "'x' oraz 'g' muszą mieć tę samą długość" # stats/R/bartlett.test.R: 45 # stop("all observations are in the same group") # stats/R/fligner.test.R: 51 # stop("all observations are in the same group") # stats/R/kruskal.test.R: 49 # stop("all observations are in the same group") msgid "all observations are in the same group" msgstr "wszystkie obserwacje są w tej samej grupie" # stats/R/bartlett.test.R: 55 # stop("there must be at least 2 observations in each group") msgid "there must be at least 2 observations in each group" msgstr "muszą być przynajmniej 2 obserwacje w każdej grupie" # stats/R/binom.test.R: 27 # stop("'x' must be nonnegative and integer") msgid "'x' must be nonnegative and integer" msgstr "'x' musi być nieujemną liczbą całkowitą" # stats/R/binom.test.R: 39 # stop("'n' must be a positive integer >= 'x'") msgid "'n' must be a positive integer >= 'x'" msgstr "'n' musi być dodatnią liczbą całkowitą >= 'x'" # stats/R/binom.test.R: 44 # stop("incorrect length of 'x'") msgid "incorrect length of 'x'" msgstr "niepoprawna długość 'x'" # stats/R/binom.test.R: 47 # stop ("'p' must be a single number between 0 and 1") msgid "'p' must be a single number between 0 and 1" msgstr "'p' musi być pojedynczą liczbą pomiędzy 0 a 1" # stats/R/biplot.R: 84 # stop("length of choices must be 2") # stats/R/biplot.R: 101 # stop("length of choices must be 2") msgid "length of choices must be 2" msgstr "długość 'choices' musi wynosić 2" # stats/R/biplot.R: 86 # stop(gettextf("object '%s' has no scores", deparse(substitute(x))), # domain = NA) # stats/R/biplot.R: 103 # stop(gettextf("object '%s' has no scores", deparse(substitute(x))), # domain = NA) msgid "object '%s' has no scores" msgstr "obiekt '%s' nie ma punktów" # stats/R/biplot.R: 91 # warning("'scale' is outside [0, 1]") # stats/R/biplot.R: 110 # warning("'scale' is outside [0, 1]") msgid "'scale' is outside [0, 1]" msgstr "'scale' jest poza przedziałem [0, 1]" # stats/R/biplot.R: 106 # stop("biplots are not defined for complex PCA") msgid "biplots are not defined for complex PCA" msgstr "" "wykresy dwuwymiarowego modelu dyspersji dla grup nie są zdefiniowane dla " "analizy zespolonych głównych komponentów" # stats/R/cancor.R: 25 # stop("unequal number of rows in 'cancor'") msgid "unequal number of rows in 'cancor'" msgstr "nierówna liczba wierszy w 'cancor'" # stats/R/cancor.R: 28 # stop("dimension 0 in 'x' or 'y'") msgid "dimension 0 in 'x' or 'y'" msgstr "zerowy wymiar w 'x' lub 'y'" # stats/R/cancor.R: 53 # stop("'x' has rank 0") msgid "'x' has rank 0" msgstr "'x' ma zerową rangę" # stats/R/cancor.R: 54 # stop("'y' has rank 0") msgid "'y' has rank 0" msgstr "'y' ma zerową rangę" # stats/R/chisq.test.R: 32 # stop("'x' and 'y' must have the same length") # stats/R/cor.test.R: 31 # stop("'x' and 'y' must have the same length") # stats/R/fisher.test.R: 49 # stop("'x' and 'y' must have the same length") # stats/R/mcnemar.test.R: 33 # stop("'x' and 'y' must have the same length") # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 44 # stop("'x' and 'y' must have the same length") msgid "'x' and 'y' must have the same length" msgstr "'x' oraz 'y' muszą mieć tę samą długość" # stats/R/chisq.test.R: 41 # stop("'x' and 'y' must have at least 2 levels") # stats/R/fisher.test.R: 57 # stop("'x' and 'y' must have at least 2 levels") # stats/R/mantelhaen.test.R: 44 # stop("'x' and 'y' must have at least 2 levels") msgid "'x' and 'y' must have at least 2 levels" msgstr "'x' oraz 'y' muszą mieć co najmniej 2 poziomy" # stats/R/chisq.test.R: 53 # stop("all entries of 'x' must be nonnegative and finite") # stats/R/fisher.test.R: 33 # stop("all entries of 'x' must be nonnegative and finite") # stats/R/mcnemar.test.R: 26 # stop("all entries of 'x' must be nonnegative and finite") msgid "all entries of 'x' must be nonnegative and finite" msgstr "wszystkie wpisy 'x' muszą być nieujemne oraz skończone" # stats/R/chisq.test.R: 55 # stop("at least one entry of 'x' must be positive") msgid "at least one entry of 'x' must be positive" msgstr "przynajmniej jeden wpis w 'x' musi być dodatni" # stats/R/chisq.test.R: 92 # warning("cannot compute simulated p-value with zero marginals") msgid "cannot compute simulated p-value with zero marginals" msgstr "" "nie można obliczyć symulowanej wartości prawdopodobieństwa z zerowymi " "granicami" # stats/R/chisq.test.R: 107 # stop("'x' must at least have 2 elements") msgid "'x' must at least have 2 elements" msgstr "'x' musi mieć przynajmniej 2 elementy" # stats/R/chisq.test.R: 109 # stop("'x' and 'p' must have the same number of elements") msgid "'x' and 'p' must have the same number of elements" msgstr "'x' oraz 'p' muszą mieć tę samą liczbę elementów" # stats/R/chisq.test.R: 110 # stop("probabilities must be non-negative.") msgid "probabilities must be non-negative." msgstr "prawdopodobieństwa muszą być nieujemne." # stats/R/chisq.test.R: 113 # stop("probabilities must sum to 1.") msgid "probabilities must sum to 1." msgstr "prawdopodobieństwa muszą sumować się do 1." # stats/R/chisq.test.R: 138 # warning("Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect") # stats/R/prop.test.R: 139 # warning("Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect") msgid "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect" msgstr "Aproksymacja chi-kwadrat może być niepoprawna" # stats/R/cmdscale.R: 22 # stop("NA values not allowed in 'd'") msgid "NA values not allowed in 'd'" msgstr "wartości NA w 'd' nie są dozwolone" # stats/R/cmdscale.R: 28 # stop("distances must be result of 'dist' or a square matrix") msgid "distances must be result of 'dist' or a square matrix" msgstr "odległości muszą być wynikiem 'dist' lub być kwadratową macierzą" # stats/R/cmdscale.R: 43 # stop("invalid value of 'n'") msgid "invalid value of 'n'" msgstr "niepoprawna wartość 'n'" # stats/R/cmdscale.R: 45 # stop("'k' must be in {1, 2, .. n - 1}") msgid "'k' must be in {1, 2, .. n - 1}" msgstr "'k' musi być w zakresie {1, 2, .. n - 1}" # stats/R/cmdscale.R: 69 # warning(gettextf("only %d of the first %d eigenvalues are > 0", k1, k), # domain = NA) msgid "only %d of the first %d eigenvalues are > 0" msgstr "tylko %d pierwszych %d wartości własnych jest > 0" # stats/R/constrOptim.R: 48 # stop("initial value is not in the interior of the feasible region") msgid "initial value is not in the interior of the feasible region" msgstr "wartość początkowa nie jest wewnątrz możliwego regionu" # stats/R/constrOptim.R: 75 # gettext("Barrier algorithm ran out of iterations and did not converge") msgid "Barrier algorithm ran out of iterations and did not converge" msgstr "Algorytmowi bariery zabrakło iteracji przez co nie zbiegł się" # stats/R/constrOptim.R: 79 # gettextf("Objective function increased at outer iteration %d", i) msgid "Objective function increased at outer iteration %d" msgstr "Funkcja celu wzrosła w zewnętrznej iteracji %d" # stats/R/constrOptim.R: 83 # gettextf("Objective function decreased at outer iteration %d", i) msgid "Objective function decreased at outer iteration %d" msgstr "Funkcja celu zmalała w zewnętrznej iteracji %d" # stats/R/contr.poly.R: 44 # stop(gettextf("contrasts not defined for %d degrees of freedom", # n - 1), domain = NA) # stats/R/contrast.R: 145 # stop(gettextf("contrasts not defined for %d degrees of freedom", # n - 1L), domain = NA) msgid "contrasts not defined for %d degrees of freedom" msgstr "kontrasty nie są zdefiniowane dla %d stopni swobody" # stats/R/contr.poly.R: 47 # stop(gettextf("orthogonal polynomials cannot be represented accurately enough for %d degrees of freedom", n-1), domain = NA) msgid "" "orthogonal polynomials cannot be represented accurately enough for %d " "degrees of freedom" msgstr "" "ortogonalne wielomiany nie mogą być reprezentowane wystarczająco dokładnie " "dla %d stopni swobody" # stats/R/contr.poly.R: 49 # stop("'scores' argument is of the wrong length") msgid "'scores' argument is of the wrong length" msgstr "argument 'scores' ma niepoprawną długość" # stats/R/contr.poly.R: 51 # stop("'scores' must all be different numbers") msgid "'scores' must all be different numbers" msgstr "wszystkie wartości 'scores' muszą być różnymi liczbami" # stats/R/contr.poly.R: 79 # stop("'degree' must be at least 1") msgid "'degree' must be at least 1" msgstr "'degree' musi być przynajmniej 1" # stats/R/contr.poly.R: 80 # stop("missing values are not allowed in 'poly'") msgid "missing values are not allowed in 'poly'" msgstr "brakujące wartości w 'poly' nie są dozwolone" # stats/R/contr.poly.R: 91 # stop("'degree' must be less than number of unique points") # stats/R/contr.poly.R: 97 # stop("'degree' must be less than number of unique points") msgid "'degree' must be less than number of unique points" msgstr "'degree' musi być mniejsze niż liczba unikalnych punktów" # stats/R/contr.poly.R: 150 # stop("must supply one or more vectors") msgid "must supply one or more vectors" msgstr "potrzeba dostarczyć jeden lub więecj wektorów" # stats/R/contr.poly.R: 154 # stop("arguments must have the same length") msgid "arguments must have the same length" msgstr "argumenty muszą mieć tę samą długość" # stats/R/contrast.R: 25 # stop("contrasts apply only to factors") # stats/R/contrast.R: 50 # stop("contrasts apply only to factors") msgid "contrasts apply only to factors" msgstr "kontrasty mają zastosowanie jedynie do czynników" # stats/R/contrast.R: 52 # stop("contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels") msgid "contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels" msgstr "" "kontrasty można zastosować jedynie do czynników z dwoma lub więcej poziomami" # stats/R/contrast.R: 60 # stop("wrong number of contrast matrix rows") msgid "wrong number of contrast matrix rows" msgstr "niepoprawna liczba wierszy macierzy kontrastu" # stats/R/contrast.R: 67 # stop("singular contrast matrix") msgid "singular contrast matrix" msgstr "osobliwa macierz kontrastów" # stats/R/contrast.R: 77 # stop("numeric contrasts or contrast name expected") msgid "numeric contrasts or contrast name expected" msgstr "oczekiwano kontrastów liczbowych lub nazwy kontrastu" # stats/R/contrast.R: 91 # stop(gettextf("%s needs package 'Matrix' correctly installed", # "contr*(.., sparse=TRUE)"), # domain = NA) # stats/R/contrast.R: 102 # stop(gettextf("%s needs package 'Matrix' correctly installed", # "contr*(.., sparse=TRUE)"), # domain = NA) # stats/R/xtabs.R: 81 # stop(gettextf("%s needs package 'Matrix' correctly installed", # "xtabs(*, sparse=TRUE)"), # domain = NA) msgid "%s needs package 'Matrix' correctly installed" msgstr "'%s' potrzebuje poprawnie zainstalowanego pakietu 'Matrix'" # stats/R/contrast.R: 115 # stop("not enough degrees of freedom to define contrasts") # stats/R/contrast.R: 136 # stop("not enough degrees of freedom to define contrasts") # stats/R/contrast.R: 159 # stop("not enough degrees of freedom to define contrasts") msgid "not enough degrees of freedom to define contrasts" msgstr "niewystarczająca liczba stopni swobody aby zdefiniować kontrasty" # stats/R/contrast.R: 148 # stop("baseline group number out of range") msgid "baseline group number out of range" msgstr "numer grupy bazowej jest poza zakresem" # stats/R/cor.R: 27 # stop("invalid 'use' argument") # stats/R/cor.R: 130 # stop("invalid 'use' argument") # stats/R/cor.R: 181 # stop("invalid 'use' argument") msgid "invalid 'use' argument" msgstr "niepoprawny argument 'use'" # stats/R/cor.R: 32 # stop("supply both 'x' and 'y' or a matrix-like 'x'") # stats/R/cor.R: 135 # stop("supply both 'x' and 'y' or a matrix-like 'x'") msgid "supply both 'x' and 'y' or a matrix-like 'x'" msgstr "dostarcz oba 'x' oraz 'y' lub 'x' przypominające macierz" # stats/R/cor.R: 38 # stop("'y' must be numeric") # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 39 # stop("'y' must be numeric") msgid "'y' must be numeric" msgstr "'y' musi być liczbą" # stats/R/cor.R: 77 # stop("'x' is empty") # stats/src/cov.c: 691 # error(_("'x' is empty")) msgid "'x' is empty" msgstr "'x' jest pusty" # stats/R/cor.R: 100 # stop("both 'x' and 'y' must be non-empty") msgid "both 'x' and 'y' must be non-empty" msgstr "oba 'x' oraz 'y' muszą być niepuste" # stats/R/cor.R: 172 # stop("cannot handle 'pairwise.complete.obs'") msgid "cannot handle 'pairwise.complete.obs'" msgstr "nie można obsłużyć 'pairwise.complete.obs'" # stats/R/cor.R: 196 # stop("'V' is not a square numeric matrix") msgid "'V' is not a square numeric matrix" msgstr "'V' nie jest kwadratową macierzą liczbową" # stats/R/cor.R: 199 # warning("diag(.) had 0 or NA entries; non-finite result is doubtful") msgid "diag(.) had 0 or NA entries; non-finite result is doubtful" msgstr "'diag(.)' miał 0 lub wpisy NA; nieskończony rezultat jest wątpliwy" # stats/R/cor.test.R: 32 # stop("'x' must be a numeric vector") msgid "'x' must be a numeric vector" msgstr "'x' musi być wektorem liczbowym" # stats/R/cor.test.R: 33 # stop("'y' must be a numeric vector") msgid "'y' must be a numeric vector" msgstr "'y' musi być wektorem liczbowym" # stats/R/cor.test.R: 45 # stop("not enough finite observations") # stats/R/cor.test.R: 74 # stop("not enough finite observations") msgid "not enough finite observations" msgstr "niewystarczająca liczba skończonych obserwacji" # stats/R/cor.test.R: 128 # warning("Cannot compute exact p-value with ties") # stats/R/cor.test.R: 164 # warning("Cannot compute exact p-value with ties") msgid "Cannot compute exact p-value with ties" msgstr "" "Nie można obliczyć dokładnej wartości prawdopodobieństwa z powtórzonymi " "wartościami" # stats/R/cor.test.R: 207 # stop("'formula' missing or invalid") msgid "'formula' missing or invalid" msgstr "brakuje 'formula' lub jest ona niepoprawna" # stats/R/cor.test.R: 215 # stop("invalid formula") # stats/R/models.R: 33 # stop("invalid formula") msgid "invalid formula" msgstr "niepoprawna formuła" # stats/R/cov.wt.R: 25 # stop("'x' must be a matrix or a data frame") msgid "'x' must be a matrix or a data frame" msgstr "'x' musi być macierzą lub ramką danych" # stats/R/cov.wt.R: 27 # stop("'x' must contain finite values only") msgid "'x' must contain finite values only" msgstr "'x' musi zawierać tylko skończone wartości" # stats/R/cov.wt.R: 31 # stop("length of 'wt' must equal the number of rows in 'x'") msgid "length of 'wt' must equal the number of rows in 'x'" msgstr "długość 'wt' musi być równa liczbie wierszy w 'x'" # stats/R/cov.wt.R: 33 # stop("weights must be non-negative and not all zero") msgid "weights must be non-negative and not all zero" msgstr "wagi muszą być nieujemne oraz nie wszystkie równe zero" # stats/R/cov.wt.R: 40 # stop("length of 'center' must equal the number of columns in 'x'") msgid "length of 'center' must equal the number of columns in 'x'" msgstr "długość 'center' musi równać się liczbie kolumn w 'x'" # stats/R/cutree.R: 22 # stop("invalid 'tree' ('merge' component)") msgid "invalid 'tree' ('merge' component)" msgstr "niepoprawny 'tree' (komponent 'merge')" # stats/R/cutree.R: 25 # stop("either 'k' or 'h' must be specified") msgid "either 'k' or 'h' must be specified" msgstr "jedno z 'k' lub 'h' musi zostać określone" # stats/R/cutree.R: 28 # stop("the 'height' component of 'tree' is not sorted (increasingly)") msgid "the 'height' component of 'tree' is not sorted (increasingly)" msgstr "komponent 'height' w 'tree' nie jest (rosnąco) posortowany" # stats/R/cutree.R: 38 # stop(gettextf("elements of 'k' must be between 1 and %d", n), # domain = NA) msgid "elements of 'k' must be between 1 and %d" msgstr "elementy 'k' muszą być pomiędzy 1 a %d" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 32 # stop("'merge' and 'height' do not fit!") msgid "'merge' and 'height' do not fit!" msgstr "'merge' oraz 'height' nie pasują!" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 184 # stop("dendrogram node with non-positive #{branches}") msgid "dendrogram node with non-positive #{branches}" msgstr "węzeł drzewa celów z wartościami nie-dodatnimi #{gałęziami}" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 192 # warning("midcache() of non-binary dendrograms only partly implemented") msgid "midcache() of non-binary dendrograms only partly implemented" msgstr "" "'midcache()' dla niebinarnych drzew celu tylko częściowo zaimplementowane" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 528 # stop("non-leaf subtree of length 0") msgid "non-leaf subtree of length 0" msgstr "bezlistne poddrzewo o długości 0" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 566 # stop("'order.dendrogram' requires a dendrogram") msgid "'order.dendrogram' requires a dendrogram" msgstr "'order.dendrogram' wymaga drzewa celu" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 586 # stop("'reorder.dendrogram' requires a dendrogram") msgid "'reorder.dendrogram' requires a dendrogram" msgstr "'reorder.dendrogram' wymaga drzewa celu" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 594 # stop("invalid (length 0) node in dendrogram") msgid "invalid (length 0) node in dendrogram" msgstr "niepoprawny (długość równa 0) węzeł w drzewie celu" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 616 # stop("dendrogram non-leaf node with non-positive #{branches}") msgid "dendrogram non-leaf node with non-positive #{branches}" msgstr "bezliściowy węzeł drzewa celu z wartościami nie-dodatnimi #{gałęziami}" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 648 # gettextf("'height' must be at least %g, the maximal height of its components", h.max) msgid "'height' must be at least %g, the maximal height of its components" msgstr "" "'height' musi być równe co najmniej %g, maksymalnej wysokości jego " "komponentów" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 662 # stop("'X' is not a dendrogram") msgid "'X' is not a dendrogram" msgstr "'X' nie jest drzewem celu" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 694 # stop("'x' must be a numeric matrix") msgid "'x' must be a numeric matrix" msgstr "'x' musi być macierzą liczbową" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 698 # stop("'x' must have at least 2 rows and 2 columns") msgid "'x' must have at least 2 rows and 2 columns" msgstr "'x' musi mieć przynajmniej 2 wiersze oraz 2 kolumny" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 700 # stop("'margins' must be a numeric vector of length 2") msgid "'margins' must be a numeric vector of length 2" msgstr "'margins' musi być wektorem liczbowym o długości 2" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 721 # stop("row dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length") msgid "row dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length" msgstr "" "porządkowanie drzewa celu względem wierszy zwróciło indeks o niepoprawnej " "długości" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 730 # stop('Colv = "Rowv" but nrow(x) != ncol(x)') msgid "Colv = \"Rowv\" but nrow(x) != ncol(x)" msgstr "'Colv = \"Rowv\"', ale 'nrow(x) != ncol(x)'" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 740 # stop("column dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length") msgid "column dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length" msgstr "" "porządkowanie drzewa celu względem kolumn zwróciło indeks o niepoprawnej " "długości" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 773 # stop("'ColSideColors' must be a character vector of length ncol(x)") msgid "'ColSideColors' must be a character vector of length ncol(x)" msgstr "'ColSideColors' musi być wektorem tekstowym o długości 'ncol(x)'" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 779 # stop("'RowSideColors' must be a character vector of length nrow(x)") msgid "'RowSideColors' must be a character vector of length nrow(x)" msgstr "'RowSideColors' musi być wektorem tekstowym o długości 'nrow(x)'" # stats/R/density.R: 29 # warning("non-matched further arguments are disregarded") msgid "non-matched further arguments are disregarded" msgstr "dalsze niedopasowane argumenty zostały odrzucone" # stats/R/density.R: 46 # stop("argument 'x' must be numeric") # stats/R/ks.test.R: 117 # stop("argument 'x' must be numeric") msgid "argument 'x' must be numeric" msgstr "argument 'x' musi być liczbą" # stats/R/density.R: 52 # stop("'x' contains missing values") msgid "'x' contains missing values" msgstr "'x' zawiera brakujące wartości" # stats/R/density.R: 55 # stop("invalid value of length(x)") # stats/R/diffinv.R: 36 # stop ("invalid value of length(x)") # stats/R/runmed.R: 28 # stop("invalid value of length(x)") # stats/R/spline.R: 35 # stop("invalid value of length(x)") # stats/R/splinefun.R: 31 # stop("invalid value of length(x)") msgid "invalid value of length(x)" msgstr "niepoprawna wartosć 'length(x)'" # stats/R/density.R: 69 # stop("'x' and 'weights' have unequal length") msgid "'x' and 'weights' have unequal length" msgstr "'x' oraz 'weights' mają nierówne długości" # stats/R/density.R: 71 # stop("'weights' must all be finite") msgid "'weights' must all be finite" msgstr "wszystkie 'weights' muszą być skończone" # stats/R/density.R: 73 # stop("'weights' must not be negative") msgid "'weights' must not be negative" msgstr "'weights' nie mogą być ujemne" # stats/R/density.R: 82 # warning("sum(weights) != 1 -- will not get true density") msgid "sum(weights) != 1 -- will not get true density" msgstr "'sum(weights) != 1' -- nie uzyska się prawdziwej gęstości" # stats/R/density.R: 109 # stop("need at least 2 points to select a bandwidth automatically") msgid "need at least 2 points to select a bandwidth automatically" msgstr "" "potrzeba co najmniej 2 punktów aby automatycznie wybrać szerokość pasma" # stats/R/density.R: 117 # stop("unknown bandwidth rule") msgid "unknown bandwidth rule" msgstr "nieznana reguła szerokości pasma" # stats/R/density.R: 119 # stop("non-finite 'bw'") msgid "non-finite 'bw'" msgstr "nieskończona wartość 'bw'" # stats/R/density.R: 121 # stop("'bw' is not positive.") msgid "'bw' is not positive." msgstr "'bw' nie jest dodatni." # stats/R/density.R: 127 # stop("non-finite 'from'") msgid "non-finite 'from'" msgstr "nieskończona wartość 'from'" # stats/R/density.R: 128 # stop("non-finite 'to'") msgid "non-finite 'to'" msgstr "nieskończona wartość 'to'" # stats/R/deriv.R: 28 # stop("invalid formula in deriv") # stats/R/deriv.R: 42 # stop("invalid formula in deriv") msgid "invalid formula in deriv" msgstr "niepoprawna formuła w 'deriv'" # stats/R/diffinv.R: 26 # stop ("'x' is not a vector") # stats/R/diffinv.R: 78 # stop("'x' is not a vector") # stats/R/kernel.R: 153 # stop ("'x' is not a vector") msgid "'x' is not a vector" msgstr "'x' nie jest wektorem" # stats/R/diffinv.R: 28 # stop ("bad value for 'lag' or 'differences'") # stats/R/ts.R: 247 # stop("bad value for 'lag' or 'differences'") msgid "bad value for 'lag' or 'differences'" msgstr "niepoprawna wartość dla 'lag' lub 'differences'" # stats/R/diffinv.R: 31 # stop("'xi' does not have the right length") msgid "'xi' does not have the right length" msgstr "'xi' nie ma poprawnej długości" # stats/R/diffinv.R: 56 # stop("incorrect dimensions for 'xi'") msgid "incorrect dimensions for 'xi'" msgstr "niepoprawne wymiary dla 'xi'" # stats/R/diffinv.R: 65 # stop ("'x' is not a vector or matrix") # stats/R/embed.R: 43 # stop ("'x' is not a vector or matrix") msgid "'x' is not a vector or matrix" msgstr "'x' nie jest wektorem lub macierzą" # stats/R/dist.R: 29 # stop("invalid distance method") msgid "invalid distance method" msgstr "niepoprawna metoda wyznaczania odległości" # stats/R/dist.R: 31 # stop("ambiguous distance method") msgid "ambiguous distance method" msgstr "niejednoznaczna metoda wyznaczania odległości" # stats/R/dist.R: 73 # warning("non-square matrix") msgid "non-square matrix" msgstr "niekwadratowa macierz" # stats/R/distn.R: 59 # warning("specify 'rate' or 'scale' but not both") # stats/R/distn.R: 61 # stop("specify 'rate' or 'scale' but not both") # stats/R/distn.R: 70 # warning("specify 'rate' or 'scale' but not both") # stats/R/distn.R: 72 # stop("specify 'rate' or 'scale' but not both") # stats/R/distn.R: 81 # warning("specify 'rate' or 'scale' but not both") # stats/R/distn.R: 83 # stop("specify 'rate' or 'scale' but not both") # stats/R/distn.R: 91 # warning("specify 'rate' or 'scale' but not both") # stats/R/distn.R: 93 # stop("specify 'rate' or 'scale' but not both") msgid "specify 'rate' or 'scale' but not both" msgstr "określ 'rate' lub 'scale', ale nie oba jednocześnie" # stats/R/distn.R: 155 # stop("x[] and prob[] must be equal length vectors.") msgid "x[] and prob[] must be equal length vectors." msgstr "'x[]' oraz 'prob[]' muszą być wektorami o jednakowej długości." # stats/R/distn.R: 157 # stop("probabilities cannot be negative nor all 0") msgid "probabilities cannot be negative nor all 0" msgstr "" "prawdopodobieństwa nie mogą być ujemne ani wszyskie jednocześnie być równe 0" # stats/R/distn.R: 161 # stop("'x' must be non-negative") msgid "'x' must be non-negative" msgstr "'x' musi być nieujemne" # stats/R/distn.R: 164 # stop("size != sum(x), i.e. one is wrong") msgid "size != sum(x), i.e. one is wrong" msgstr "'size != sum(x)', tzn. jeden jest niepoprawny" # stats/R/distn.R: 235 # stop("'prob' and 'mu' both specified") # stats/R/distn.R: 244 # stop("'prob' and 'mu' both specified") # stats/R/distn.R: 253 # stop("'prob' and 'mu' both specified") # stats/R/distn.R: 262 # stop("'prob' and 'mu' both specified") msgid "'prob' and 'mu' both specified" msgstr "określono jednocześnie 'prob' oraz 'mu'" # stats/R/dummy.coef.R: 68 # warning("some terms will have NAs due to the limits of the method") msgid "some terms will have NAs due to the limits of the method" msgstr "" "niektóre wyrażenia będą miały wartości NA z uwagi na ograniczenia metody" # stats/R/ecdf.R: 27 # stop("'x' must have 1 or more non-missing values") msgid "'x' must have 1 or more non-missing values" msgstr "'x' musi mieć 1 lub więcej niebrakujących wartości" # stats/R/embed.R: 28 # stop ("wrong embedding dimension") # stats/R/embed.R: 37 # stop ("wrong embedding dimension") msgid "wrong embedding dimension" msgstr "niepoprawnie osadzony wymiar" # stats/R/factanal.R: 49 # stop("'covmat' is not a valid covariance list") # stats/R/princomp.R: 60 # stop("'covmat' is not a valid covariance list") msgid "'covmat' is not a valid covariance list" msgstr "'covmat' nie jest poprawną listą kowariancji" # stats/R/factanal.R: 59 # stop("neither 'x' nor 'covmat' supplied") msgid "neither 'x' nor 'covmat' supplied" msgstr "nie dostarczono 'x' ani 'covmat'" # stats/R/factanal.R: 66 # stop("response not allowed in formula") # stats/R/prcomp.R: 54 # stop("response not allowed in formula") # stats/R/princomp.R: 25 # stop("response not allowed in formula") msgid "response not allowed in formula" msgstr "zmienna zależna nie jest dozwolona w formule" # stats/R/factanal.R: 76 # stop("factor analysis applies only to numerical variables") # stats/R/factanal.R: 81 # stop("factor analysis applies only to numerical variables") msgid "factor analysis applies only to numerical variables" msgstr "analiza czynnikowa stosuje się tylko zmiennych liczbowych" # stats/R/factanal.R: 88 # stop("'covmat' is of unknown type") # stats/R/princomp.R: 78 # stop("'covmat' is of unknown type") msgid "'covmat' is of unknown type" msgstr "'covmat' jest nieznanego typu" # stats/R/factanal.R: 91 # stop("requested scores without an 'x' matrix") msgid "requested scores without an 'x' matrix" msgstr "zażądano punktacji bez macierzy 'x'" # stats/R/factanal.R: 93 # stop("factor analysis requires at least three variables") msgid "factor analysis requires at least three variables" msgstr "analiza czynnikowa wymaga przynajmniej trzech zmiennych" # stats/R/factanal.R: 120 # stop("no starting values supplied") msgid "no starting values supplied" msgstr "nie dostarczono wartości startowych" # stats/R/family.R: 31 # stop("invalid argument 'lambda'") msgid "invalid argument 'lambda'" msgstr "niepoprawny argument 'lambda'" # stats/R/family.R: 124 # stop(gettextf("%s link not recognised", sQuote(link)), # domain = NA) msgid "%s link not recognised" msgstr "link %s nie został rozpoznany" # stats/R/family.R: 148 # stop(gettextf('link "%s" not available for poisson family; available links are %s', # linktemp, paste(sQuote(okLinks), collapse =", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "link \"%s\" not available for poisson family; available links are %s" msgstr "link '%s' nie jest dostępny dla rodziny Poissona; dostępne linki to %s" # stats/R/family.R: 160 # stop("negative values not allowed for the 'Poisson' family") msgid "negative values not allowed for the 'Poisson' family" msgstr "ujemne wartości nie są dozwolone dla rodziny 'Poisson'" # stats/R/family.R: 169 # warning("ignoring prior weights") msgid "ignoring prior weights" msgstr "ignorowanie wag a priori" # stats/R/family.R: 204 # stop(gettextf('link "%s" not available for quasipoisson family; available links are %s', # linktemp, paste(sQuote(okLinks), collapse =", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "" "link \"%s\" not available for quasipoisson family; available links are %s" msgstr "" "link '%s' nie jest dostępny dla rodziny kwazi-Poissona; dostępne linki to %s" # stats/R/family.R: 216 # stop("negative values not allowed for the 'quasiPoisson' family") msgid "negative values not allowed for the 'quasiPoisson' family" msgstr "ujemne wartości nie są dozwolone dla rodziny 'quasiPoisson'" # stats/R/family.R: 250 # stop(gettextf('link "%s" not available for gaussian family; available links are %s', # linktemp, paste(sQuote(okLinks), collapse =", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "link \"%s\" not available for gaussian family; available links are %s" msgstr "" "link '%s' nie jest dostępny dla rodziny gaussowskiej; dostępne linki to %s" # stats/R/family.R: 272 # stop("cannot find valid starting values: please specify some") # stats/R/glm.R: 213 # stop("cannot find valid starting values: please specify some", call. = FALSE) msgid "cannot find valid starting values: please specify some" msgstr "" "nie można znaleźć poprawnych wartości startowych; proszę określić kilka" # stats/R/family.R: 297 # stop(gettextf('link "%s" not available for binomial family; available links are %s', # linktemp, paste(sQuote(okLinks), collapse =", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "link \"%s\" not available for binomial family; available links are %s" msgstr "" "link '%s' nie jest dostępny dla rodziny Bernoulliego; dostępne linki to %s" # stats/R/family.R: 319 # stop("y values must be 0 <= y <= 1") # stats/R/family.R: 411 # stop("y values must be 0 <= y <= 1") msgid "y values must be 0 <= y <= 1" msgstr "wartości 'y' muszą być z przedziału 0 <= y <= 1" # stats/R/family.R: 323 # warning("non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!") msgid "non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!" msgstr "niecałkowita liczba sukcesów w rozkładzie Bernoulliego w 'glm'!" # stats/R/family.R: 327 # warning("non-integer counts in a binomial glm!") msgid "non-integer counts in a binomial glm!" msgstr "niecałkowita liczba zliczeń w rozkładzie Bernoulliego w 'glm'!" # stats/R/family.R: 333 # stop("for the 'binomial' family, y must be a vector of 0 and 1\'s\nor a 2 column matrix where col 1 is no. successes and col 2 is no. failures") msgid "" "for the 'binomial' family, y must be a vector of 0 and 1's\n" "or a 2 column matrix where col 1 is no. successes and col 2 is no. failures" msgstr "" "dla rodziny 'binomial', 'y' musi być wektorem zer i jedynek\n" "lub 2 kolumnową macierzą, gdzie pierwsza kolumna jest liczbą sukcesów, a " "druga kolumna jest liczbą porażek" # stats/R/family.R: 341 # stop("cannot simulate from non-integer prior.weights") msgid "cannot simulate from non-integer prior.weights" msgstr "nie można symulować z niecałkowitych 'prior.weights'" # stats/R/family.R: 395 # stop(gettextf('link "%s" not available for quasibinomial family; available links are %s', # linktemp, paste(sQuote(okLinks), collapse =", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "" "link \"%s\" not available for quasibinomial family; available links are %s" msgstr "" "link '%s' nie jest dostępny dla rodziny kwazi-Bernoulliego; dostępne linki " "to %s" # stats/R/family.R: 420 # stop("for the 'quasibinomial' family, y must be a vector of 0 and 1\'s\nor a 2 column matrix where col 1 is no. successes and col 2 is no. failures") msgid "" "for the 'quasibinomial' family, y must be a vector of 0 and 1's\n" "or a 2 column matrix where col 1 is no. successes and col 2 is no. failures" msgstr "" "dla rodziny 'quasibinomial', 'y' musi być wektorem zer i jedynek\n" "lub 2 kolumnową macierzą, gdzie pierwsza kolumna jest liczbą sukcesów, a " "druga kolumna jest liczbą porażek" # stats/R/family.R: 450 # stop(gettextf('link "%s" not available for gamma family; available links are %s', # linktemp, paste(sQuote(okLinks), collapse =", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "link \"%s\" not available for gamma family; available links are %s" msgstr "link '%s' nie jest dostępny dla rodziny Gamma; dostępne linki to %s" # stats/R/family.R: 466 # stop("non-positive values not allowed for the 'gamma' family") msgid "non-positive values not allowed for the 'gamma' family" msgstr "niedodatnie wartości nie są dozwolone dla rodziny 'gamma'" # stats/R/family.R: 472 # message("using weights as shape parameters") msgid "using weights as shape parameters" msgstr "używanie wag jako parametrów kształtu" # stats/R/family.R: 508 # stop(gettextf('link "%s" not available for inverse.gaussian family; available links are %s', # linktemp, paste(sQuote(okLinks), collapse =", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "" "link \"%s\" not available for inverse.gaussian family; available links are %s" msgstr "" "link '%s' nie jest dostępny dla rodziny 'inverse.gaussian'; dostępne linki " "to %s" # stats/R/family.R: 519 # stop("positive values only are allowed for the 'inverse.gaussian' family") msgid "positive values only are allowed for the 'inverse.gaussian' family" msgstr "dodanie wartości są dozwolone jedynie dla rodziny 'inverse.gaussian'" # stats/R/family.R: 527 # stop("need CRAN package 'SuppDists' for the 'inverse.gaussian' family") msgid "need CRAN package 'SuppDists' for the 'inverse.gaussian' family" msgstr "potrzeba pakietu 'SuppDists' z CRAN dla rodziny 'inverse.gaussian'" # stats/R/family.R: 529 # message("using weights as inverse variances") msgid "using weights as inverse variances" msgstr "używanie wag jako odwrotności wariancji" # stats/R/family.R: 613 # stop(gettextf('\'variance\' "%s" is invalid: possible values are "mu(1-mu)", "mu", "mu^2", "mu^3" and "constant"', variance_nm), domain = NA) msgid "" "'variance' \"%s\" is invalid: possible values are \"mu(1-mu)\", \"mu\", " "\"mu^2\", \"mu^3\" and \"constant\"" msgstr "" "'variance' '%s' jest niepoprawna: możliwe wartości to: 'mu(1-mu)', 'mu', " "'mu^2', 'mu^3' oraz 'constant'" # stats/R/fft.R: 34 # stop("length mismatch in convolution") msgid "length mismatch in convolution" msgstr "niezgodność długości w splocie" # stats/R/filter.R: 32 # stop("missing values in 'filter'") msgid "missing values in 'filter'" msgstr "brakujace wartości w 'filter'" # stats/R/filter.R: 35 # stop("'filter' is longer than time series") msgid "'filter' is longer than time series" msgstr "'filter' jest dłuższy niż szeregi czasowe" # stats/R/filter.R: 38 # stop("argument 'sides' must be 1 or 2") msgid "argument 'sides' must be 1 or 2" msgstr "argument 'sides' musi mieć wartość 1 lub 2" # stats/R/filter.R: 40 # stop("'circular' must be logical and not NA") msgid "'circular' must be logical and not NA" msgstr "'circular' musi być wartością logiczną oraz nie może być wartością NA" # stats/R/filter.R: 53 # stop("length of 'init' must equal length of 'filter'") msgid "length of 'init' must equal length of 'filter'" msgstr "długość 'init' musi równać się długości 'filter'" # stats/R/filter.R: 56 # stop("'init' must have 1 column") msgid "'init' must have 1 column" msgstr "'init' musi mieć 1 kolumnę" # stats/R/filter.R: 57 # stop(gettextf("'init' must have 1 or %d columns", nser), # domain = NA) msgid "'init' must have 1 or %d columns" msgstr "'init' musi mieć 1 lub %d kolumn" # stats/R/fisher.test.R: 31 # stop("'x' must have at least 2 rows and columns") msgid "'x' must have at least 2 rows and columns" msgstr "'x' musi mieć na przynajmniej 2 wiersze oraz 2 kolumny" # stats/R/fisher.test.R: 38 # stop("'x' has entries too large to be integer") msgid "'x' has entries too large to be integer" msgstr "'x' posiada wpisy zbyt duże aby były liczbami całkowitymi" # stats/R/fisher.test.R: 40 # warning(gettextf("'x' has been rounded to integer: %d", ax), # domain = NA) msgid "'x' has been rounded to integer: %d" msgstr "'x' został zaokrąglony do wartości całkowitej: %d" # stats/R/fisher.test.R: 47 # stop("if 'x' is not a matrix, 'y' must be given") # stats/R/mcnemar.test.R: 31 # stop("if 'x' is not a matrix, 'y' must be given") msgid "if 'x' is not a matrix, 'y' must be given" msgstr "jeśli 'x' nie jest macierzą, 'y' musi zostać podane" # stats/R/fisher.test.R: 64 # stop("'mult' must be integer >= 2, typically = 30") msgid "'mult' must be integer >= 2, typically = 30" msgstr "'mult' musi być liczbą całkowitą >= 2, na ogół = 30" # stats/R/fisher.test.R: 73 # stop("alternative must be \"two.sided\", \"less\" or \"greater\"") msgid "alternative must be \"two.sided\", \"less\" or \"greater\"" msgstr "alternatywa musi być 'two.sided', 'less' lub 'greater'" # stats/R/fisher.test.R: 78 # stop("'or' must be a single number between 0 and Inf") msgid "'or' must be a single number between 0 and Inf" msgstr "'or' musi być pojedynczą liczbą pomiędzy 0 a Inf" # stats/R/fisher.test.R: 93 # stop("need 2 or more non-zero row marginals") msgid "need 2 or more non-zero row marginals" msgstr "potrzeba 2 lub więcej niezerowych granic wiersza" # stats/R/fisher.test.R: 95 # stop("need 2 or more non-zero column marginals") msgid "need 2 or more non-zero column marginals" msgstr "potrzeba 2 lub więcej niezerowych granic kolumny" # stats/R/fisher.test.R: 116 # warning("'hybrid' is ignored for a 2 x 2 table") msgid "'hybrid' is ignored for a 2 x 2 table" msgstr "'hybrid' jest ignorowane dla tabeli 2 x 2" # stats/R/fligner.test.R: 34 # stop("all groups must contain data") # stats/R/kruskal.test.R: 32 # stop("all groups must contain data") msgid "all groups must contain data" msgstr "wszystkie grupy muszą zawierać dane" # stats/R/fligner.test.R: 47 # stop("all group levels must be finite") # stats/R/kruskal.test.R: 45 # stop("all group levels must be finite") msgid "all group levels must be finite" msgstr "wszystkie poziomy grup muszą być skończone" # stats/R/fligner.test.R: 55 # stop("not enough observations") # stats/R/kruskal.test.R: 54 # stop("not enough observations") # stats/R/mood.test.R: 32 # stop("not enough observations") # stats/R/oneway.test.R: 45 # stop("not enough observations") # stats/R/t.test.R: 75 # stop("not enough observations") msgid "not enough observations" msgstr "niewystarczająca liczba obserwacji" # stats/R/friedman.test.R: 31 # stop("NA's are not allowed in 'groups' or 'blocks'") # stats/R/quade.test.R: 31 # stop("NA's are not allowed in 'groups' or 'blocks'") msgid "NA's are not allowed in 'groups' or 'blocks'" msgstr "wartości NA nie są dozwolone w 'groups' oraz 'blocks'" # stats/R/friedman.test.R: 33 # stop("'y', 'groups' and 'blocks' must have the same length") # stats/R/quade.test.R: 33 # stop("'y', 'groups' and 'blocks' must have the same length") msgid "'y', 'groups' and 'blocks' must have the same length" msgstr "'y', 'groups' oraz 'blocks' muszą mieć tę samą długość" # stats/R/friedman.test.R: 37 # stop("not an unreplicated complete block design") # stats/R/quade.test.R: 38 # stop("not an unreplicated complete block design") msgid "not an unreplicated complete block design" msgstr "to nie jest niezreplikowana kompletna konstrukcja bloku" # stats/R/friedman.test.R: 75 # stop("formula missing") msgid "formula missing" msgstr "brakuje 'formula'" # stats/R/friedman.test.R: 84 # stop("incorrect specification for 'formula'") # stats/R/quade.test.R: 90 # stop("incorrect specification for 'formula'") msgid "incorrect specification for 'formula'" msgstr "niepoprawne określenie dla 'formula'" # stats/R/ftable.R: 25 # stop("nothing to tabulate") msgid "nothing to tabulate" msgstr "nic do tabulowania" # stats/R/ftable.R: 42 # stop("incorrect specification for 'row.vars'") # stats/R/ftable.R: 45 # stop("incorrect specification for 'row.vars'") msgid "incorrect specification for 'row.vars'" msgstr "niepoprawna specyfikacja dla 'row.vars'" # stats/R/ftable.R: 51 # stop("incorrect specification for 'col.vars'") # stats/R/ftable.R: 54 # stop("incorrect specification for 'col.vars'") msgid "incorrect specification for 'col.vars'" msgstr "niepoprawna specyfikacja dla 'col.vars'" # stats/R/ftable.R: 95 # stop("interactions are not allowed") # stats/R/xtabs.R: 32 # stop("interactions are not allowed") msgid "interactions are not allowed" msgstr "interakcje nie są dozwolone" # stats/R/ftable.R: 102 # stop("'formula' has '.' in both left and right hand sides") msgid "'formula' has '.' in both left and right hand sides" msgstr "'formula' ma '.' po lewej oraz prawej stronie" # stats/R/ftable.R: 117 # stop("incorrect variable names in rhs of formula") msgid "incorrect variable names in rhs of formula" msgstr "niepoprawne nazwy zmiennych po prawej stronie formuły" # stats/R/ftable.R: 125 # stop("incorrect variable names in lhs of formula") msgid "incorrect variable names in lhs of formula" msgstr "niepoprawne nazwy zmiennych po lewej stronie formuły" # stats/R/ftable.R: 143 # stop("cannot use dots in formula with given data") msgid "cannot use dots in formula with given data" msgstr "nie można używać kropek w formule z zadanymi danymi" # stats/R/ftable.R: 158 # stop("'x' must be an \"ftable\" object") # stats/R/ftable.R: 178 # stop("'x' must be an \"ftable\" object") msgid "'x' must be an \"ftable\" object" msgstr "'x' musi być obiektem 'ftable'" # stats/R/ftable.R: 251 # stop("wrong method") msgid "wrong method" msgstr "błędna metoda" # stats/R/ftable.R: 280 # stop("'file' must be a character string or connection") msgid "'file' must be a character string or connection" msgstr "'file' musi być łańcuchem tekstowym lub połączeniem" # stats/R/ftable.R: 353 # stop("'row.var.names' missing") msgid "'row.var.names' missing" msgstr "brakuje 'row.var.names'" # stats/R/ftable.R: 360 # stop("'col.vars' missing or incorrect") msgid "'col.vars' missing or incorrect" msgstr "brakujący lub niepoprawny 'col.vars'" # stats/R/glm.R: 41 # stop("'family' not recognized") msgid "'family' not recognized" msgstr "'family' nie został rozpoznany" # stats/R/glm.R: 56 # stop("invalid 'method' argument") msgid "invalid 'method' argument" msgstr "niepoprawny argument 'method'" # stats/R/glm.R: 75 # stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector") # stats/R/lm.R: 45 # stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector") msgid "'weights' must be a numeric vector" msgstr "'weights' musi być wektorem liczbowym" # stats/R/glm.R: 78 # stop("negative weights not allowed") # stats/R/lsfit.R: 83 # stop("negative weights not allowed") msgid "negative weights not allowed" msgstr "ujemne wagi nie są dozwolone" # stats/R/glm.R: 83 # stop(gettextf("number of offsets is %d should equal %d (number of observations)", length(offset), NROW(Y)), domain = NA) msgid "number of offsets is %d should equal %d (number of observations)" msgstr "" "liczba przesunięć wynosi %d, a powinna być równa %d (liczbie obserwacji)" # stats/R/glm.R: 114 # warning("fitting to calculate the null deviance did not converge -- increase 'maxit'?") msgid "" "fitting to calculate the null deviance did not converge -- increase 'maxit'?" msgstr "" "dopasowanie aby wyliczyć zerowe odchylenie nie uzbieżniło się -- zwiększyć " "wartość 'maxit'?" # stats/R/glm.R: 134 # stop("value of 'epsilon' must be > 0") msgid "value of 'epsilon' must be > 0" msgstr "wartość 'epsilon' musi być > 0" # stats/R/glm.R: 136 # stop("maximum number of iterations must be > 0") msgid "maximum number of iterations must be > 0" msgstr "maksymalna liczba iteracji musi być > 0" # stats/R/glm.R: 168 # stop("'family' argument seems not to be a valid family object", call. = FALSE) msgid "'family' argument seems not to be a valid family object" msgstr "argument 'family' nie wygląda na poprawny obiekt rodziny" # stats/R/glm.R: 186 # stop("invalid linear predictor values in empty model", call. = FALSE) msgid "invalid linear predictor values in empty model" msgstr "niepoprawne wartości liniowego predyktora w pustym modelu" # stats/R/glm.R: 190 # stop("invalid fitted means in empty model", call. = FALSE) msgid "invalid fitted means in empty model" msgstr "niepoprawnie dopasowane średnie w pustym modelu" # stats/R/glm.R: 204 # stop(gettextf("length of 'start' should equal %d and correspond to initial coefs for %s", nvars, paste(deparse(xnames), collapse=", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "" "length of 'start' should equal %d and correspond to initial coefs for %s" msgstr "" "długość 'start' powinna równać się %d i odnosić się do współczynników " "początkowych dla %s" # stats/R/glm.R: 223 # stop("NAs in V(mu)") msgid "NAs in V(mu)" msgstr "wartości NA w 'V(mu)'" # stats/R/glm.R: 225 # stop("0s in V(mu)") msgid "0s in V(mu)" msgstr "zera w 'V(mu)'" # stats/R/glm.R: 228 # stop("NAs in d(mu)/d(eta)") msgid "NAs in d(mu)/d(eta)" msgstr "wartości NA w 'd(mu)/d(eta)'" # stats/R/glm.R: 234 # warning(gettextf("no observations informative at iteration %d", # iter), domain = NA) msgid "no observations informative at iteration %d" msgstr "brak obserwacji informacyjnych w iteracji %d" # stats/R/glm.R: 246 # warning(gettextf("non-finite coefficients at iteration %d", iter), domain = NA) msgid "non-finite coefficients at iteration %d" msgstr "nieskończone współczynniki w %d iteracji" # stats/R/glm.R: 266 # stop("no valid set of coefficients has been found: please supply starting values", call. = FALSE) # stats/R/glm.R: 285 # stop("no valid set of coefficients has been found: please supply starting values", call. = FALSE) msgid "" "no valid set of coefficients has been found: please supply starting values" msgstr "" "nie znaleziono poprawnego zestawu współczynników: proszę dostarczyć wartości " "początkowe" # stats/R/glm.R: 267 # warning("step size truncated due to divergence", call. = FALSE) msgid "step size truncated due to divergence" msgstr "rozmiar kroku został przycięty ze względu na rozbieżność" # stats/R/glm.R: 271 # stop("inner loop 1; cannot correct step size", call. = FALSE) msgid "inner loop 1; cannot correct step size" msgstr "wewnętrzna pętla 1; nie można poprawić rozmiaru kroku" # stats/R/glm.R: 286 # warning("step size truncated: out of bounds", call. = FALSE) msgid "step size truncated: out of bounds" msgstr "rozmiar kroku został przycięty: poza granicami" # stats/R/glm.R: 290 # stop("inner loop 2; cannot correct step size", call. = FALSE) msgid "inner loop 2; cannot correct step size" msgstr "wewnętrzna pętla 2; nie można poprawić rozmiaru kroku" # stats/R/glm.R: 313 # warning(" algorithm did not converge", call. = FALSE) msgid " algorithm did not converge" msgstr " algorytm nie zbiegł się" # stats/R/glm.R: 315 # warning(" algorithm stopped at boundary value", call. = FALSE) msgid " algorithm stopped at boundary value" msgstr " algorytm zatrzymał się na wartości granicznej" # stats/R/glm.R: 319 # warning(" fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred", call. = FALSE) msgid " fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred" msgstr "" " dopasowane prawdopodobieństwa numerycznie okazały się być 0 lub 1" # stats/R/glm.R: 323 # warning(" fitted rates numerically 0 occurred", call. = FALSE) msgid " fitted rates numerically 0 occurred" msgstr " dopasowane stosunki numerycznie okazały się być 0" # stats/R/glm.R: 415 # warning("the following arguments to 'anova.glm' are invalid and dropped: ", # paste(deparse(dotargs[named]), collapse=", ")) msgid "the following arguments to 'anova.glm' are invalid and dropped:" msgstr "" "następujące argumenty przekazane do 'anova.glm' są niepoprawne i zostały " "pominięte:" # stats/R/acf.R: 176 # message("Page [",I,",",J,"]: i =", # paste(iind,collapse=","),"; j =", # paste(jind,collapse=","), domain = NA) # stats/R/add.R: 640 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(sum(where==0), # "lower scope has term %s not included in model", # "lower scope has terms %s not included in model"), # paste(sQuote(nmdrop[where==0]), collapse=", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/add.R: 670 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(sum(where==0), # "upper scope has term %s not included in model", # "upper scope has terms %s not included in model"), # paste(sQuote(nmdrop[where==0]), collapse=", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/aggregate.R: 129 # sprintf("cbind(%s)", # ## paste(setdiff(names(data), rhs), collapse = ",")) # stats/R/aov.R: 319 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(na, # "unknown name %s in the 'split' list", # "unknown names %s in the 'split' list"), # paste(sQuote(ns[na]), collapse = ", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 638 # stop(sprintf(msg, paste(nms, collapse=", "), "dendrogram"), # domain = NA) # stats/R/diffinv.R: 81 # warning(sprintf(ngettext(na, # "extra argument %s will be disregarded", # "extra arguments %s will be disregarded"), # paste(sQuote(names(list(...))), collapse = ", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/family.R: 148 # stop(gettextf('link "%s" not available for poisson family; available links are %s', # linktemp, paste(sQuote(okLinks), collapse =", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/family.R: 204 # stop(gettextf('link "%s" not available for quasipoisson family; available links are %s', # linktemp, paste(sQuote(okLinks), collapse =", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/family.R: 250 # stop(gettextf('link "%s" not available for gaussian family; available links are %s', # linktemp, paste(sQuote(okLinks), collapse =", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/family.R: 297 # stop(gettextf('link "%s" not available for binomial family; available links are %s', # linktemp, paste(sQuote(okLinks), collapse =", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/family.R: 395 # stop(gettextf('link "%s" not available for quasibinomial family; available links are %s', # linktemp, paste(sQuote(okLinks), collapse =", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/family.R: 450 # stop(gettextf('link "%s" not available for gamma family; available links are %s', # linktemp, paste(sQuote(okLinks), collapse =", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/family.R: 508 # stop(gettextf('link "%s" not available for inverse.gaussian family; available links are %s', # linktemp, paste(sQuote(okLinks), collapse =", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/glm.R: 204 # stop(gettextf("length of 'start' should equal %d and correspond to initial coefs for %s", nvars, paste(deparse(xnames), collapse=", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/glm.R: 415 # warning("the following arguments to 'anova.glm' are invalid and dropped: ", # paste(deparse(dotargs[named]), collapse=", ")) # stats/R/lm.R: 114 # warning("extra arguments ", paste(sQuote(names(dots)), sep=", "), # " are disregarded.", domain = NA) # stats/R/lm.R: 171 # warning("extra arguments ", paste(sQuote(names(dots)), sep=", "), # " are disregarded.", domain = NA) # stats/R/lsfit.R: 62 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(nrx, # "'X' matrix has %d response", # "'X' matrix has %d responses"), # ", ", # ngettext(nry, # "'Y' has %d response", # "'Y' has %d responses"), # nrx, nry), # domain = NA) # stats/R/lsfit.R: 72 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(nry, # "%d response", # "%d responses"), # ", ", # ngettext(ncx, # "but only %d variable", # "but only %d variables"), # nry, ncx), # domain = NA) # stats/R/model.tables.R: 324 # warning(gettextf("non-factors ignored: %s", # paste(names(nn), collapse = ", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/models.R: 307 # stop(gettextf( # "variables %s were specified with different types from the fit", # paste(sQuote(names(old)[wrong]), collapse=", ")), # call. = FALSE, domain = NA) # stats/R/models.R: 445 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(length(m), # "factor %s has new level %s", # "factor %s has new levels %s"), # nm, paste(nxl[m], collapse=", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/nlminb.R: 85 # warning(sprintf(ngettext(length(nap), # "unrecognized control element named %s ignored", # "unrecognized control elements named %s ignored"), # paste(sQuote(nms[nap]), collapse = ", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/nls.R: 405 # warning(sprintf(ngettext(length(nap), # "unrecognized control element named %s ignored", # "unrecognized control elements named %s ignored"), # paste(nms[nap], collapse = ", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/nls.R: 507 # warning("No starting values specified for some parameters.\n", # "Initializing ", paste(sQuote(nnn), collapse=", "), # " to '1.'.\n", # "Consider specifying 'start' or using a selfStart model", domain = NA) # stats/R/nls.R: 516 # stop(gettextf("parameters without starting value in 'data': %s", # paste(nnn, collapse=", ")), domain = NA) # stats/R/nls.R: 523 # message(sprintf(ngettext(sum(np == -1), # "fitting parameter %s without any variables", # "fitting parameters %s without any variables"), # paste(sQuote(pnames[np == -1]), collapse=", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/optim.R: 52 # warning("unknown names in control: ", paste(noNms,collapse=", ")) # stats/R/plot.lm.R: 35 # warning(gettextf("not plotting observations with leverage one:\n %s", # paste(which(isInf), collapse=", ")), # call. = FALSE, domain = NA) # stats/R/reshape.R: 177 # warning(gettextf("some constant variables (%s) are really varying", # paste(names(rval)[!really.constant],collapse = ",")), domain = NA) # stats/R/selfStart.R: 45 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(sum(msng), # "parameter %s does not occur in the model formula", # "parameters %s do not occur in the model formula"), # paste(sQuote(parameters[msng]), collapse=", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "," msgstr "," # stats/R/glm.R: 532 # warning(gettextf("using F test with a '%s' family is inappropriate", # fam), # domain = NA) # stats/R/glm.R: 622 # warning(gettextf("using F test with a '%s' family is inappropriate", # fam), # domain = NA, call. = FALSE) msgid "using F test with a '%s' family is inappropriate" msgstr "używanie testu Fishera z rodziną '%s' jest niepoprawne" # stats/R/glm.R: 536 # warning("using F test with a fixed dispersion is inappropriate") # stats/R/glm.R: 626 # warning("using F test with a fixed dispersion is inappropriate") msgid "using F test with a fixed dispersion is inappropriate" msgstr "używanie testu Fishera z ustaloną dyspersją jest niepoprawne" # stats/R/glm.R: 558 # warning(gettextf("models with response %s removed because response differs from model 1", # sQuote(deparse(responses[!sameresp]))), # domain = NA) # stats/R/lm.R: 599 # warning(gettextf("models with response %s removed because response differs from model 1", # sQuote(deparse(responses[!sameresp]))), # domain = NA) # stats/R/loess.R: 483 # warning(gettextf("models with response %s removed because response differs from model 1", # sQuote(deparse(responses[!sameresp]))), # domain = NA) # stats/R/mlm.R: 434 # warning(gettextf("models with response %s removed because response differs from model 1", # sQuote(deparse(responses[!sameresp]))), # domain = NA) # stats/R/nls.R: 860 # warning(gettextf("models with response %s removed because response differs from model 1", # sQuote(deparse(responses[!sameresp]))), # domain = NA) msgid "models with response %s removed because response differs from model 1" msgstr "" "modele ze zmienną zależną %s zostały usunięte, ponieważ zmienna zależna " "różni się od tego w modelu 1" # stats/R/glm.R: 565 # stop("models were not all fitted to the same size of dataset") # stats/R/lm.R: 606 # stop("models were not all fitted to the same size of dataset") # stats/R/mlm.R: 441 # stop("models were not all fitted to the same size of dataset") msgid "models were not all fitted to the same size of dataset" msgstr "" "nie wszystkie modele zostały dopasowane do zbioru danych tego samego rozmiaru" # stats/R/glm.R: 648 # warning("observations with zero weight not used for calculating dispersion") msgid "observations with zero weight not used for calculating dispersion" msgstr "" "obserwacje z zerową wagą nie zostały użyte podczas kalkulacji dyspersji" # stats/R/hclust.R: 51 # stop("invalid clustering method") msgid "invalid clustering method" msgstr "niepoprawna metoda grupowania" # stats/R/hclust.R: 53 # stop("ambiguous clustering method") msgid "ambiguous clustering method" msgstr "niejednoznaczna metoda grupowania" # stats/R/hclust.R: 57 # stop("invalid dissimilarities") msgid "invalid dissimilarities" msgstr "niepoprawne odmienności" # stats/R/hclust.R: 58 # stop("size cannot be NA nor exceed 65536") msgid "size cannot be NA nor exceed 65536" msgstr "rozmiar nie może wynosić NA ani też przekraczać wartość 65536" # stats/R/hclust.R: 60 # stop("must have n >= 2 objects to cluster") msgid "must have n >= 2 objects to cluster" msgstr "potrzeba mieć n >= 2 obiektów, aby móc grupować" # stats/R/hclust.R: 69 # stop("invalid length of members") msgid "invalid length of members" msgstr "niepoprawna długość członków" # stats/R/hclust.R: 115 # stop("invalid dendrogram") msgid "invalid dendrogram" msgstr "niepoprawne drzewo celów" # stats/R/hclust.R: 118 # stop("'merge' component in dendrogram must be integer") msgid "'merge' component in dendrogram must be integer" msgstr "komponent 'merge' w drzewie celu musi być liczbą całkowitą" # stats/R/hclust.R: 176 # stop(gettextf("argument 'x' cannot be coerced to class %s", # dQuote("hclust")), # if(!is.null(oldClass(x))) # gettextf("\n Consider providing an as.hclust.%s() method", # oldClass(x)[1L]), # domain = NA) msgid "argument 'x' cannot be coerced to class %s" msgstr "argument 'x' nie może zostać przekształcony w klasę %s" msgid "Consider providing an as.hclust.%s() method" msgstr "rozważ dostarczenie metody 'as.hclust.%s()'" # stats/R/hclust.R: 249 # stop("need dendrograms where all leaves have labels") msgid "need dendrograms where all leaves have labels" msgstr "potrzeba drzew celu, gdzie liście nie posiadają etykiet" # stats/R/identify.hclust.R: 23 # stop("'k' and 'h' must be a scalar") msgid "'k' and 'h' must be a scalar" msgstr "'k' oraz 'h' muszą byc skalarami" # stats/R/identify.hclust.R: 27 # stop("specify exactly one of 'k' and 'h'") # stats/R/identify.hclust.R: 33 # stop("specify exactly one of 'k' and 'h'") msgid "specify exactly one of 'k' and 'h'" msgstr "określ dokładnie jeden z 'k' oraz 'h'" # stats/R/identify.hclust.R: 36 # stop(gettextf("k must be between 2 and %d", length(tree$height)), # domain = NA) msgid "k must be between 2 and %d" msgstr "'k' musi być pomiędzy 2 a %d" # stats/R/identify.hclust.R: 48 # stop("specify exactly one of 'which' and 'x'") msgid "specify exactly one of 'which' and 'x'" msgstr "określ dokładnie jeden z 'which' oraz 'x'" # stats/R/identify.hclust.R: 58 # stop(gettextf("all elements of 'which' must be between 1 and %d", k), # domain = NA) msgid "all elements of 'which' must be between 1 and %d" msgstr "wszystkie elementy 'which' muszą być pomiędzy 1 a %d" # stats/R/integrate.R: 29 # stop("invalid parameter values") msgid "invalid parameter values" msgstr "niepoprawne wartości parametrów" # stats/R/integrate.R: 37 # stop("a limit is missing") msgid "a limit is missing" msgstr "brakuje granicy" # stats/R/isoreg.R: 26 # stop("missing values not allowed") msgid "missing values not allowed" msgstr "brakujące wartości są niedozwolone" # stats/R/kernel.R: 53 # stop ("'r' is less than 1") msgid "'r' is less than 1" msgstr "'r' jest mniejsze niż 1" # stats/R/kernel.R: 54 # stop ("'m' is less than 1") # stats/R/kernel.R: 67 # stop ("'m' is less than 1") msgid "'m' is less than 1" msgstr "'m' jest mniejsze niż 1" # stats/R/kernel.R: 66 # stop ("'r' is less than 0") msgid "'r' is less than 0" msgstr "'r' jest mniejsze niż 0" # stats/R/kernel.R: 79 # stop("'m' must be numeric with non-negative integers") msgid "'m' must be numeric with non-negative integers" msgstr "'m' musi być liczbą z nieujemnymi liczbami całkowitymi" # stats/R/kernel.R: 87 # stop("unknown named kernel") msgid "unknown named kernel" msgstr "nieznane nazwane jądro" # stats/R/kernel.R: 90 # stop ("'coef' must be a vector") msgid "'coef' must be a vector" msgstr "'coef' musi być wektorem" # stats/R/kernel.R: 92 # stop ("'coef' does not have the correct length") msgid "'coef' does not have the correct length" msgstr "'coef' nie ma poprawnej długości" # stats/R/kernel.R: 99 # stop ("coefficients do not add to 1") msgid "coefficients do not add to 1" msgstr "współczynniki nie sumują się do 1" # stats/R/kernel.R: 154 # stop ("'k' is not a kernel") # stats/R/kernel.R: 197 # stop ("'k' is not a kernel") msgid "'k' is not a kernel" msgstr "'k' nie jest jądrem" # stats/R/kernel.R: 157 # stop ("'x' is shorter than kernel 'k'") msgid "'x' is shorter than kernel 'k'" msgstr "'x' jest krótsze niż jądro 'k'" # stats/R/kernel.R: 180 # stop ("'kernapply' is not available for object 'x'") msgid "'kernapply' is not available for object 'x'" msgstr "'kernapply' nie jest dostępny dla obiektu 'x'" # stats/R/kernel.R: 195 # stop ("'x' is not a kernel") msgid "'x' is not a kernel" msgstr "'x' nie jest jądrem" # stats/R/kmeans.R: 35 # stop("empty cluster: try a better set of initial centers", # call. = FALSE) # stats/R/kmeans.R: 57 # warning("empty cluster: try a better set of initial centers", call.=FALSE) # stats/R/kmeans.R: 71 # warning("empty cluster: try a better set of initial centers", call.=FALSE) msgid "empty cluster: try a better set of initial centers" msgstr "pusta grupa: spróbuj lepszego zestawu początkowych centrów" # stats/R/kmeans.R: 41 # stop("number of cluster centres must lie between 1 and nrow(x)", # call.=FALSE) msgid "number of cluster centres must lie between 1 and nrow(x)" msgstr "liczba centrów grup musi leżeć pomiędzy 1 a 'nrow(x)'" # stats/R/kmeans.R: 78 # stop("invalid nrow(x)") msgid "invalid nrow(x)" msgstr "niepoprawna wartość 'nrow(x)'" # stats/R/kmeans.R: 80 # stop("invalid ncol(x)") msgid "invalid ncol(x)" msgstr "niepoprawna wartość 'ncol(x)'" # stats/R/kmeans.R: 82 # stop("'centers' must be a number or a matrix") msgid "'centers' must be a number or a matrix" msgstr "'centers' musi być liczbą lub macierzą" # stats/R/kmeans.R: 98 # stop("more cluster centers than distinct data points.") msgid "more cluster centers than distinct data points." msgstr "więcej centrów grup niż odmiennych punktów danych." # stats/R/kmeans.R: 104 # stop("initial centers are not distinct") msgid "initial centers are not distinct" msgstr "początkowe centra nie są różne" # stats/R/kmeans.R: 108 # stop("more cluster centers than data points") msgid "more cluster centers than data points" msgstr "więcej centrów grup niż punktów danych" # stats/R/kmeans.R: 111 # stop("'invalid value of 'k'") msgid "'invalid value of 'k'" msgstr "niepoprawna wartość 'k'" # stats/R/kmeans.R: 113 # stop("'iter.max' must be positive") msgid "'iter.max' must be positive" msgstr "'iter.max' musi być dodatnia" # stats/R/kmeans.R: 115 # stop("must have same number of columns in 'x' and 'centers'") msgid "must have same number of columns in 'x' and 'centers'" msgstr "potrzeba mieć tę samą liczbę kolumn w 'x' oraz 'centers'" # stats/R/ks.test.R: 28 # stop("not enough 'x' data") msgid "not enough 'x' data" msgstr "zbyt mało danych 'x'" # stats/R/ks.test.R: 37 # stop("not enough 'y' data") msgid "not enough 'y' data" msgstr "zbyt mało danych 'y'" # stats/R/ks.test.R: 50 # warning("p-value will be approximate in the presence of ties") msgid "p-value will be approximate in the presence of ties" msgstr "" "wartość prawdopodobieństwa w obecności powtórzonych wartości będzie " "przybliżona" # stats/R/ks.test.R: 68 # stop("'y' must be numeric or a function or a string naming a valid function") msgid "'y' must be numeric or a function or a string naming a valid function" msgstr "" "'y' musi być liczbą lub funkcją lub łańcuchem o poprawnej nazwie funkcji" # stats/R/ks.test.R: 72 # warning("ties should not be present for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test") msgid "ties should not be present for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test" msgstr "" "wartości powtórzone nie powinny być obecne w teście Kolmogorowa-Smirnowa" # stats/R/ksmooth.R: 25 # stop("numeric y must be supplied.\nFor density estimation use density()") msgid "" "numeric y must be supplied.\n" "For density estimation use density()" msgstr "" "liczbowe wartości 'y' muszą zostać dostarczone.\n" "Dla estymacji gęstości użyj 'density()'" # stats/R/lag.R: 25 # warning("'k' is not an integer") msgid "'k' is not an integer" msgstr "'k' nie jest liczbą całkowitą" # stats/R/lm.R: 38 # warning(gettextf("method = '%s' is not supported. Using 'qr'", method), # domain = NA) # stats/R/lm.R: 110 # warning(gettextf("method = '%s' is not supported. Using 'qr'", method), # domain = NA) # stats/R/lm.R: 167 # warning(gettextf("method = '%s' is not supported. Using 'qr'", method), # domain = NA) msgid "method = '%s' is not supported. Using 'qr'" msgstr "'method = %s' nie jest wspierane. Używanie 'qr'" # stats/R/lm.R: 49 # stop(gettextf("number of offsets is %d, should equal %d (number of observations)", # length(offset), NROW(y)), domain = NA) msgid "number of offsets is %d, should equal %d (number of observations)" msgstr "" "liczba przesunięć wynosi %d, a powinna być równa %d (liczbie obserwacji)" # stats/R/lm.R: 92 # stop("'x' must be a matrix") # stats/R/lm.R: 154 # stop("'x' must be a matrix") msgid "'x' must be a matrix" msgstr "'x' musi być macierzą" # stats/R/lm.R: 93 # stop("0 (non-NA) cases") # stats/R/lm.R: 155 # stop("0 (non-NA) cases") msgid "0 (non-NA) cases" msgstr "0 przypadków (nie o wartości NA)" # stats/R/lm.R: 108 # stop("incompatible dimensions") # stats/R/lm.R: 163 # stop("incompatible dimensions") # stats/src/cov.c: 650 # error(_("incompatible dimensions")) # stats/src/cov.c: 656 # error(_("incompatible dimensions")) msgid "incompatible dimensions" msgstr "niezgodne wymiary" # stats/R/lm.R: 120 # stop("singular fit encountered") # stats/R/lm.R: 200 # stop("singular fit encountered") msgid "singular fit encountered" msgstr "napotkano osobliwe dopasowanie" # stats/R/lm.R: 165 # stop("missing or negative weights not allowed") # stats/R/nls.R: 572 # stop("missing or negative weights not allowed") msgid "missing or negative weights not allowed" msgstr "brakujące lub ujemne wagi nie są dozwolone" # stats/R/lm.R: 294 # stop("invalid 'lm' object: no 'terms' component") msgid "invalid 'lm' object: no 'terms' component" msgstr "niepoprawny obiekt 'lm': brak komponentu 'terms'" # stats/R/lm.R: 296 # warning("calling summary.lm() ...") msgid "calling summary.lm() ..." msgstr "wywoływanie 'summary.lm()' ..." # stats/R/lm.R: 300 # warning("residual degrees of freedom in object suggest this is not an \"lm\" fit") msgid "residual degrees of freedom in object suggest this is not an \"lm\" fit" msgstr "" "stopnie swobody reszty w obiekcie sugerują, że nie jest do dopasowanie 'lm'" msgid "" "lm object does not have a proper 'qr' component.\n" " Rank zero or should not have used lm(.., qr=FALSE)." msgstr "" "obiekt 'lm' nie ma poprawnego komponentu 'qr'.\n" " Ranga powinna być zerem lub nie powinieneś był użyć 'lm(.., qr=FALSE)'." # stats/R/lm.R: 485 # stop(gettextf("family '%s' not implemented", fam), # domain = NA) msgid "family '%s' not implemented" msgstr "rodzina '%s' nie została zaimplementowana" # stats/R/lm.R: 557 # warning("calling anova.lm() ...") msgid "calling anova.lm() ..." msgstr "wywoływanie 'anova.lm()' ..." # stats/R/lm.R: 562 # warning("ANOVA F-tests on an essentially perfect fit are unreliable") msgid "ANOVA F-tests on an essentially perfect fit are unreliable" msgstr "Testy ANOVA Fishera w istocie na idealnym dopasowaniu są niewiarygodne" # stats/R/lm.R: 655 # warning("calling predict.lm() ...") msgid "calling predict.lm() ..." msgstr "wywoływanie 'predict.lm()' ..." # stats/R/lm.R: 680 # warning("prediction from a rank-deficient fit may be misleading") msgid "prediction from a rank-deficient fit may be misleading" msgstr "predykcja z dopasowania z niedoborem rang może być myląca" # stats/R/lm.R: 690 # warning("predictions on current data refer to _future_ responses\n") msgid "predictions on current data refer to _future_ responses" msgstr "" "predykcje na bieżących danych odnoszą się do _przyszłych_ wartości zmiennej " "zależnej" # stats/R/lm.R: 695 # warning("assuming prediction variance inversely proportional to weights used for fitting\n") msgid "" "assuming prediction variance inversely proportional to weights used for " "fitting" msgstr "" "zakładanie przewidywanej wariancji odwrotnie proporcjonalnej do wag użytych " "do dopasowania" # stats/R/lm.R: 699 # warning("Assuming constant prediction variance even though model fit is weighted\n") msgid "Assuming constant prediction variance even though model fit is weighted" msgstr "" "Zakładanie stałości przewidywanej wariancji mimo iż dopasowanie modelu jest " "ważone" # stats/R/lm.R: 702 # stop("'weights' as formula should be one-sided") msgid "'weights' as formula should be one-sided" msgstr "'weights' jako formuła powinna być jednostronna" # stats/R/lm.R: 842 # stop("'object' has no 'effects' component") msgid "'object' has no 'effects' component" msgstr "'object' nie ma komponentu 'effects'" # stats/R/lm.R: 874 # stop("the '' argument is not yet implemented for \"mlm\" objects") msgid "the '' argument is not yet implemented for \"mlm\" objects" msgstr "argument '' dla obiektów 'mlm' nie jest jeszcze zaimplementowany" # stats/R/lm.influence.R: 60 # stop("invalid model QR matrix") msgid "invalid model QR matrix" msgstr "niepoprawna modelowana macierz QR" # stats/R/lm.influence.R: 63 # stop("non-NA residual length does not match cases used in fitting") msgid "non-NA residual length does not match cases used in fitting" msgstr "" "długości nie-NA reszt nie zgadzają się z przypadkami użytymi w dopasowaniu" # stats/R/lm.influence.R: 228 # stop("too few cases, n < k") msgid "too few cases, n < k" msgstr "zbyt mało przypadków, n < k" # stats/R/loess.R: 42 # stop("predictors must all be numeric") msgid "predictors must all be numeric" msgstr "wszystkie predyktory muszą być liczbami" # stats/R/loess.R: 48 # stop("'degree' must be 0, 1 or 2") msgid "'degree' must be 0, 1 or 2" msgstr "'degree' musi być 0, 1 lub 2" # stats/R/loess.R: 52 # warning("both 'span' and '' specified: 'span' will be used") msgid "both 'span' and '' specified: 'span' will be used" msgstr "określono 'span' oraz '': zostanie użyty 'span'" # stats/R/loess.R: 61 # stop("invalid 'control' argument") msgid "invalid 'control' argument" msgstr "niepoprawny argument 'control'" # stats/R/loess.R: 98 # stop("invalid NCOL(X)") # stats/R/loess.R: 101 # stop("invalid NCOL(X)") msgid "invalid NCOL(X)" msgstr "niepoprawna wartość 'NCOL(X)'" # stats/R/loess.R: 99 # stop("only 1-4 predictors are allowed") msgid "only 1-4 predictors are allowed" msgstr "tylko od 1 do 4 predyktorów jest dozwolone" # stats/R/loess.R: 103 # stop("invalid 'y'") msgid "invalid 'y'" msgstr "niepoprawny 'y'" # stats/R/loess.R: 125 # stop("specified the square of a factor predictor to be dropped when degree = 1") msgid "" "specified the square of a factor predictor to be dropped when degree = 1" msgstr "" "określono kwadrat predyktora czynnika, który ma zostać pominięty, gdy " "stopień = 1" # stats/R/loess.R: 127 # stop("specified the square of a predictor to be dropped with only one numeric predictor") msgid "" "specified the square of a predictor to be dropped with only one numeric " "predictor" msgstr "" "określono kwadrat predyktora, który ma zostać pominięty z tylko jednym " "liczbowym predyktorem" # stats/R/loess.R: 128 # stop("specified parametric for all predictors") msgid "specified parametric for all predictors" msgstr "określono parametry dla wszystkich predyktorów" # stats/R/loess.R: 138 # stop("invalid argument 'span'") msgid "invalid argument 'span'" msgstr "niepoprawny argument 'span'" # stats/R/loess.R: 139 # stop("invalid argument 'cell'") msgid "invalid argument 'cell'" msgstr "niepoprawny argument 'cell'" # stats/R/loess.R: 140 # stop("invalid argument 'degree'") msgid "invalid argument 'degree'" msgstr "niepoprawny argument 'degree'" # stats/R/loess.R: 234 # stop("first argument must be a \"loess\" object") msgid "first argument must be a \"loess\" object" msgstr "pierwszy argument musi być obiektem 'loess'" # stats/R/loess.R: 488 # stop("no models to compare") msgid "no models to compare" msgstr "brak modeli do porównania" # stats/R/logLik.R: 56 # warning("extra arguments discarded") msgid "extra arguments discarded" msgstr "dodatkowe argumenty zostały odrzucone" # stats/R/logLik.R: 73 # stop("'logLik.lm' does not support multiple responses") msgid "'logLik.lm' does not support multiple responses" msgstr "'logLik.lm' nie wspiera wielokrotnych zmiennych zależnych" # stats/R/logLik.R: 114 # stop("no \"nobs\" attribute is available") msgid "no \"nobs\" attribute is available" msgstr "brak dostępnego atrybutu 'nobs'" # stats/R/logLik.R: 133 # warning("no 'nobs' method is available") # stats/R/logLik.R: 136 # stop("no 'nobs' method is available") msgid "no 'nobs' method is available" msgstr "brak dostępnej metody 'nobs'" # stats/R/loglin.R: 43 # stop("'start' and 'table' must be same length") msgid "'start' and 'table' must be same length" msgstr "'start' oraz 'table' muszą być tej samej długości" # stats/R/lsfit.R: 85 # stop(gettextf("number of weights = %d should equal %d (number of responses)", nwts, nry), domain = NA) msgid "number of weights = %d should equal %d (number of responses)" msgstr "liczba wag = %d powinna być równa %d (liczbie zmiennych zależnych)" # stats/R/lsfit.R: 129 # warning("'X' matrix was collinear") msgid "'X' matrix was collinear" msgstr "macierz 'X' była współliniowa" # stats/R/lsfit.R: 161 # warning("missing observations deleted") msgid "missing observations deleted" msgstr "skasowano brakujące obserwacje" # stats/R/lsfit.R: 169 # warning("observations with 0 weight not used in calculating standard deviation") msgid "observations with 0 weight not used in calculating standard deviation" msgstr "" "obserwacje z zerową wagą nie zostały użyte podczas obliczania odchylenia " "standardowego" # stats/R/lsfit.R: 238 # warning("observations with 0 weights not used") msgid "observations with 0 weights not used" msgstr "obserwacje z zerowymi wagami nie zostały użyte" # stats/R/mad.R: 27 # stop("'low' and 'high' cannot be both TRUE") msgid "'low' and 'high' cannot be both TRUE" msgstr "'low' oraz 'high' nie mogą jednocześnie być TRUE" # stats/R/manova.R: 26 # stop("need multiple responses") # stats/R/manova.R: 31 # stop("need multiple responses") # stats/R/manova.R: 61 # stop("need multiple responses") msgid "need multiple responses" msgstr "potrzeba wielokrotnych zmiennych zależnych" # stats/R/manova.R: 44 # stop(gettextf("object must be of class %s or %s", # dQuote("manova"), dQuote("maov")), # domain = NA) msgid "object must be of class %s or %s" msgstr "obiekt musi być klasy %s lub %s" # stats/R/manova.R: 108 # stop(gettextf("residuals have rank %d < %d", # rss.qr$rank, ncol(resid)), domain = NA) msgid "residuals have rank %d < %d" msgstr "reszty mają rangę %d < %d" # stats/R/mantelhaen.test.R: 27 # stop("NAs are not allowed") msgid "NAs are not allowed" msgstr "wartości NA nie są dozwolone" # stats/R/mantelhaen.test.R: 28 # stop("each dimension in table must be >= 2") msgid "each dimension in table must be >= 2" msgstr "każdy wymiar w tabeli musi być >= 2" # stats/R/mantelhaen.test.R: 31 # stop("'x' must be a 3-dimensional array") msgid "'x' must be a 3-dimensional array" msgstr "'x' musi być 3-wymiarową tablicą" # stats/R/mantelhaen.test.R: 34 # stop("if 'x' is not an array, 'y' must be given") msgid "if 'x' is not an array, 'y' must be given" msgstr "jeśli 'x' nie jest tablicą, 'y' musi być podany" # stats/R/mantelhaen.test.R: 35 # stop("if 'x' is not an array, 'z' must be given") msgid "if 'x' is not an array, 'z' must be given" msgstr "jeśli 'x' nie jest tablicą, 'z' musi być podany" # stats/R/mantelhaen.test.R: 37 # stop("'x', 'y', and 'z' must have the same length") msgid "'x', 'y', and 'z' must have the same length" msgstr "'x', 'y' oraz 'z' muszą mieć tę samą długość" # stats/R/mantelhaen.test.R: 50 # stop("sample size in each stratum must be > 1") msgid "sample size in each stratum must be > 1" msgstr "rozmiar próby w każdej warstwie musi być > 1" # stats/R/mcnemar.test.R: 24 # stop("'x' must be square with at least two rows and columns") msgid "'x' must be square with at least two rows and columns" msgstr "" "'x' musi być kwadratową macierzą z co najmniej dwoma wierszami oraz kolumnami" # stats/R/mcnemar.test.R: 41 # stop("'x' and 'y' must have the same number of levels (minimum 2)") msgid "'x' and 'y' must have the same number of levels (minimum 2)" msgstr "'x' oraz 'y' muszą mieć tę samą liczbę poziomów (minimum 2)" # stats/R/median.R: 23 # stop("need numeric data") msgid "need numeric data" msgstr "potrzeba danych liczbowych" # stats/R/mlm.R: 69 # stop("'mlm' objects with weights are not supported") msgid "'mlm' objects with weights are not supported" msgstr "obiekty 'mlm' z wagami nie są wspierane" # stats/R/mlm.R: 141 # stop("X does not define a subspace of M") # stats/R/mlm.R: 196 # stop("X does not define a subspace of M") # stats/R/mlm.R: 233 # stop("X does not define a subspace of M") # stats/R/mlm.R: 426 # stop("X does not define a subspace of M") msgid "X does not define a subspace of M" msgstr "X nie definiuje podprzestrzeni M" # stats/R/mlm.R: 316 # stop(gettextf("residuals have rank %s < %s", rss.qr$rank, pp), # domain = NA) # stats/R/mlm.R: 537 # stop(gettextf("residuals have rank %s < %s", rss.qr$rank, pp), # domain = NA) msgid "residuals have rank %s < %s" msgstr "reszty mają rangę %s < %s" # stats/R/model.tables.R: 25 # stop("'model.tables' is not implemented for multiple responses") msgid "'model.tables' is not implemented for multiple responses" msgstr "'model.tables' nie jest zaimplementowane dla wielu zmiennych zależnych" # stats/R/model.tables.R: 28 # stop(gettextf("type '%s' is not implemented yet", type), domain = NA) # stats/R/model.tables.R: 107 # stop(gettextf("type '%s' is not implemented yet", type), domain = NA) msgid "type '%s' is not implemented yet" msgstr "typ '%s' nie jest jeszcze zaimplementowany" # stats/R/model.tables.R: 30 # stop("this fit does not inherit from \"lm\"") msgid "this fit does not inherit from \"lm\"" msgstr "to dopasowanie nie dziedziczy z 'lm'" # stats/R/model.tables.R: 45 # stop("'cterms' argument must match terms in model object") msgid "'cterms' argument must match terms in model object" msgstr "argument 'cterms' musi zgadzać się z członami w obiekcie modelu" # stats/R/model.tables.R: 66 # message("Design is unbalanced - use se.contrast() for se's") msgid "Design is unbalanced - use se.contrast() for se's" msgstr "Projekt nie jest zrównoważony -- użyj 'se.contrast()' dla 'se'" # stats/R/model.tables.R: 132 # stop("design is unbalanced so cannot proceed") msgid "design is unbalanced so cannot proceed" msgstr "projekt nie jest zrównoważony, dlatego też nie można kontynuować" # stats/R/model.tables.R: 167 # message("Standard error information not returned as design is unbalanced. \nStandard errors can be obtained through 'se.contrast'.") msgid "" "Standard error information not returned as design is unbalanced. \n" "Standard errors can be obtained through 'se.contrast'." msgstr "" "Standardowa informacja o błędzie nie została zwrócona z powodu " "niezrównoważenia projektu. \n" "Błędy standardowe mogą zostać uzyskane poprzez 'se.contrast'." # stats/R/model.tables.R: 170 # warning(gettextf("SEs for type '%s' are not yet implemented", # type), domain = NA) # stats/R/model.tables.R: 188 # stop(gettextf("SEs for type '%s' are not yet implemented", type), # domain = NA) msgid "SEs for type '%s' are not yet implemented" msgstr "wartości 'SE' dla typu '%s' nie są jeszcze zaimplementowane" # stats/R/model.tables.R: 310 # stop("na.action must be a function") msgid "na.action must be a function" msgstr "'na.action' musi być funkcją" # stats/R/model.tables.R: 324 # warning(gettextf("non-factors ignored: %s", # paste(names(nn), collapse = ", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "non-factors ignored: %s" msgstr "zignorowano nie-czynniki: %s" # stats/R/model.tables.R: 452 # stop("eff.aovlist: non-orthogonal contrasts would give an incorrect answer") msgid "eff.aovlist: non-orthogonal contrasts would give an incorrect answer" msgstr "eff.aovlist: nieortogonalne kontrasty dałyby niepoprawną odpowiedź" # stats/R/models.R: 58 # stop("cannot create a formula from a zero-column data frame") msgid "cannot create a formula from a zero-column data frame" msgstr "nie można utworzyć formuły z ramki danych o zerowej liczbie kolumn" # stats/R/models.R: 108 # stop("no terms component nor attribute") msgid "no terms component nor attribute" msgstr "brak komponentu 'terms' oraz atrybutu" # stats/R/models.R: 149 # stop("'termlabels' must be a character vector of length at least one") msgid "'termlabels' must be a character vector of length at least one" msgstr "'termlabels' musi być wektorem tekstowym o długości co najmniej 1" # stats/R/models.R: 169 # stop(gettextf("'termobj' must be a object of class %s", # dQuote("terms")), # domain = NA) msgid "'termobj' must be a object of class %s" msgstr "'termobj' musi być obiektem klasy %s" # stats/R/models.R: 302 # stop(gettextf( # "variable '%s' was fitted with type \"%s\" but type \"%s\" was supplied", # names(old)[wrong], old[wrong], new[wrong]), # call. = FALSE, domain = NA) msgid "variable '%s' was fitted with type \"%s\" but type \"%s\" was supplied" msgstr "zmienna '%s' została dopasowana z typem '%s', ale dostarczono typ '%s'" # stats/R/models.R: 307 # stop(gettextf( # "variables %s were specified with different types from the fit", # paste(sQuote(names(old)[wrong]), collapse=", ")), # call. = FALSE, domain = NA) msgid "variables %s were specified with different types from the fit" msgstr "zmienne %s zostały określone z typami innymi od tych z dopasowania" # stats/R/models.R: 387 # stop("'data' must be a data.frame, not a matrix or an array") # stats/R/models.R: 638 # stop("'data' must be a data.frame, not a matrix or an array") msgid "'data' must be a data.frame, not a matrix or an array" msgstr "'data' musi być ramką danych, nie macierzą lub tablicą" # stats/R/models.R: 439 # warning(gettextf("variable '%s' is not a factor", nm), # domain = NA) msgid "variable '%s' is not a factor" msgstr "zmienna '%s' nie jest czynnikiem" # stats/R/models.R: 480 # stop("'offset' must be numeric") msgid "'offset' must be numeric" msgstr "'offset' musi być liczbą" # stats/R/models.R: 497 # stop("model frame and formula mismatch in model.matrix()") msgid "model frame and formula mismatch in model.matrix()" msgstr "ramka modelu oraz fomuła nie zgadzają się w 'model.matrix()'" # stats/R/models.R: 519 # stop("invalid 'contrasts.arg' argument") msgid "invalid 'contrasts.arg' argument" msgstr "niepoprawny argument 'contrasts.arg'" # stats/R/models.R: 522 # warning(gettextf("variable '%s' is absent, its contrast will be ignored", nn), # domain = NA) msgid "variable '%s' is absent, its contrast will be ignored" msgstr "zmienna '%s' jest nieobecna, jej kontrast będzie zignorowany" # stats/R/models.R: 548 # warning('using type = "numeric" with a factor response will be ignored') msgid "using type = \"numeric\" with a factor response will be ignored" msgstr "" "użycie 'type=\"numeric\"' z czynnikową zmienną zależną zostanie zignorowane" # stats/R/models.R: 551 # stop("invalid response type") msgid "invalid response type" msgstr "niepoprawny typ zmiennej zależnej" # stats/R/models.R: 561 # stop("invalid 'data' argument") msgid "invalid 'data' argument" msgstr "niepoprawny argument 'data'" # stats/R/na.ts.R: 29 # stop("all times contain an NA") # stats/R/ts.R: 274 # stop("all times contain an NA") msgid "all times contain an NA" msgstr "wszystkie czasy zawierają wartość NA" # stats/R/nafns.R: 31 # stop("missing values in object") msgid "missing values in object" msgstr "brakujące wartości w obiekcie" # stats/R/nafns.R: 149 # stop("invalid argument 'omit'") msgid "invalid argument 'omit'" msgstr "niepoprawny argument 'omit'" # stats/R/nlm.R: 27 # stop("'print.level' must be in {0,1,2}") msgid "'print.level' must be in {0,1,2}" msgstr "'print.level' musi być ze zbioru {0,1,2}" # stats/R/nlm.R: 57 # stop("'interval' must be a vector of length 2") msgid "'interval' must be a vector of length 2" msgstr "'interval' musi być wektorem o długości 2" # stats/R/nlm.R: 59 # stop("lower < upper is not fulfilled") msgid "lower < upper is not fulfilled" msgstr "warunek 'dolna < górna' nie został spełniony" # stats/R/nlm.R: 60 # stop("f.lower = f(lower) is NA") msgid "f.lower = f(lower) is NA" msgstr "'f.lower = f(lower)' ma wartość NA" # stats/R/nlm.R: 61 # stop("f.upper = f(upper) is NA") msgid "f.upper = f(upper) is NA" msgstr "'f.upper = f(upper)' ma wartość NA" # stats/R/nlm.R: 63 # stop("f() values at end points not of opposite sign") msgid "f() values at end points not of opposite sign" msgstr "wartości 'f()' na końcach nie są przeciwnego znaku" # stats/R/nlminb.R: 82 # stop("'control' argument must be a named list") # stats/R/nls.R: 398 # stop("'control' argument must be a named list") msgid "'control' argument must be a named list" msgstr "argument 'control' musi być nazwaną listą" # stats/R/nlminb.R: 111 # stop("logical 'hessian' argument not allowed. See documentation.") msgid "logical 'hessian' argument not allowed. See documentation." msgstr "logiczny argument 'hessian' nie jest dozwolony. Zobacz dokumentację." # stats/R/nls-profile.R: 57 # stop("'params' has wrong length") msgid "'params' has wrong length" msgstr "'params' ma niepoprawną długość" # stats/R/nls-profile.R: 63 # stop("'varying' must be in seq_along(pars)") # stats/R/nls-profile.R: 70 # stop("'varying' must be in seq_along(pars)") msgid "'varying' must be in seq_along(pars)" msgstr "'varying' musi być w przedziale 'seq_along(pars)'" # stats/R/nls-profile.R: 67 # stop("'varying' has wrong length") msgid "'varying' has wrong length" msgstr "'varying' posiada niepoprawną długość" # stats/R/nls-profile.R: 72 # stop("'varying' must be logical, integer or character") msgid "'varying' must be logical, integer or character" msgstr "'varying' musi być wartością tekstową, logiczną lub liczbą całkowitą" # stats/R/nls-profile.R: 93 # stop("invalid argument to 'getProfile'") msgid "invalid argument to 'getProfile'" msgstr "niepoprawny argument przekazany do 'getProfile'" # stats/R/nls-profile.R: 95 # stop("cannot recognize parameter name") msgid "cannot recognize parameter name" msgstr "nie można rozpoznać nazwy parametru" # stats/R/nls-profile.R: 233 # warning("levels truncated to positive values only") msgid "levels truncated to positive values only" msgstr "poziomy przycięto tylko do wartości dodatnich" # stats/R/nls.R: 175 # stop("setVarying : 'vary' length must match length of parameters") # stats/R/nls.R: 339 # stop("setVarying : 'vary' length must match length of parameters") msgid "setVarying : 'vary' length must match length of parameters" msgstr "setVarying : długość 'vary' musi zgadzać się z długością parametrów" # stats/R/nls.R: 297 # stop("singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates") msgid "singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates" msgstr "osobliwa macierz gradientu w początkowych oszacowaniach parametru" # stats/R/nls.R: 454 # stop("'data' must be a list or an environment") msgid "'data' must be a list or an environment" msgstr "'data' musi być listą albo środowiskiem" # stats/R/nls.R: 504 # stop("no starting values specified") msgid "no starting values specified" msgstr "nie określono wartości początkowych" # stats/R/nls.R: 516 # stop(gettextf("parameters without starting value in 'data': %s", # paste(nnn, collapse=", ")), domain = NA) msgid "parameters without starting value in 'data': %s" msgstr "parametry bez początkowej wartości w 'data': %s" # stats/R/nls.R: 531 # stop("no parameters to fit") msgid "no parameters to fit" msgstr "brak parametrów dla dopasowania" # stats/R/nls.R: 545 # warning("argument 'subset' will be ignored") msgid "argument 'subset' will be ignored" msgstr "argument 'subset' zostanie zignornowany" # stats/R/nls.R: 547 # warning("argument 'na.action' will be ignored") msgid "argument 'na.action' will be ignored" msgstr "argument 'na.action' zostanie zignornowany" # stats/R/nls.R: 602 # warning('upper and lower bounds ignored unless algorithm = "port"') msgid "upper and lower bounds ignored unless algorithm = \"port\"" msgstr "" "górne oraz dolne granice zostały zignorowane, dopóki nie będzie 'algorithm = " "\"port\"'" # stats/R/nls.R: 816 # stop("cannot calculate REML log-likelihood for \"nls\" objects") msgid "cannot calculate REML log-likelihood for \"nls\" objects" msgstr "" "nie można obliczyć REML logarytmu funkcji wiarygodności dla obiektów 'nls'" # stats/R/nls.R: 849 # stop("anova is only defined for sequences of \"nls\" objects") msgid "anova is only defined for sequences of \"nls\" objects" msgstr "'anova' jest zdefiniowana jedynie dla sekwencji obiektów 'nls'" # stats/R/nls.R: 867 # stop("'anova' is only defined for sequences of \"nls\" objects") msgid "'anova' is only defined for sequences of \"nls\" objects" msgstr "'anova' jest zdefiniowana jedynie dla sekwencji obiektów 'nls'" # stats/R/nlsFunc.R: 38 # stop(gettextf("formula '%s' must be of the form '~expr'", # deparse(as.vector(object))), domain = NA) msgid "formula '%s' must be of the form '~expr'" msgstr "formuła '%s' musi mieć formę '~expr'" # stats/R/nlsFunc.R: 50 # stop(gettextf("'%s' cannot be of mode '%s'", # substitute(object), mode(object)), # domain = NA) msgid "'%s' cannot be of mode '%s'" msgstr "'%s' nie może być trybu '%s'" # stats/R/oneway.test.R: 26 # stop("a two-sided formula is required") msgid "a two-sided formula is required" msgstr "wymagana jest dwustronna formuła" # stats/R/oneway.test.R: 42 # stop("not enough groups") msgid "not enough groups" msgstr "niewystarczająca liczba grup" # stats/R/optim.R: 31 # warning("bounds can only be used with method L-BFGS-B (or Brent)") msgid "bounds can only be used with method L-BFGS-B (or Brent)" msgstr "granice mogą być użyte jedynie z metodą L-BFGS-B (lub Brent)" # stats/R/optim.R: 52 # warning("unknown names in control: ", paste(noNms,collapse=", ")) msgid "unknown names in control:" msgstr "nieznane nazwy w kontroli:" # stats/R/optim.R: 54 # warning("read the documentation for 'trace' more carefully") msgid "read the documentation for 'trace' more carefully" msgstr "przeczytaj dokumentację dotyczącą 'trace' bardziej uważnie" # stats/R/optim.R: 56 # stop("'trace != 0' needs 'REPORT >= 1'") msgid "'trace != 0' needs 'REPORT >= 1'" msgstr "'trace != 0' potrzebuje 'REPORT >= 1'" # stats/R/optim.R: 59 # warning("method L-BFGS-B uses 'factr' (and 'pgtol') instead of 'reltol' and 'abstol'") msgid "" "method L-BFGS-B uses 'factr' (and 'pgtol') instead of 'reltol' and 'abstol'" msgstr "" "metoda L-BFGS-B używa 'factr' (oraz 'pgtol') zamiast 'reltol' oraz 'abstol'" # stats/R/optim.R: 61 # warning("one-dimensional optimization by Nelder-Mead is unreliable:\nuse \"Brent\" or optimize() directly") msgid "" "one-dimensional optimization by Nelder-Mead is unreliable:\n" "use \"Brent\" or optimize() directly" msgstr "" "jednowymiarowa optymalizacja metodą Neldera-Meada nie jest wiarygodna:\n" "użyj 'Brent' lub 'optimize()' bezpośrednio" # stats/R/optim.R: 63 # stop('method = "Brent" is only available for one-dimensional optimization') msgid "method = \"Brent\" is only available for one-dimensional optimization" msgstr "" "'metod = \"Brent\"' jest dostępna jedynie dla jednowymiarowej optymalizacji" # stats/R/optim.R: 68 # stop("'lower' and 'upper' must be finite values") msgid "'lower' and 'upper' must be finite values" msgstr "'lower' oraz 'upper' muszą być skończonymi wartościami" # stats/R/pairwise.R: 24 # stop("pooling of SD is incompatible with paired tests") msgid "pooling of SD is incompatible with paired tests" msgstr "" "zbieranie standardowego odchylenia jest niezgodne ze sparowanymi testami" # stats/R/pairwise.R: 94 # stop("'x' must have 2 columns") # stats/R/prop.test.R: 34 # stop("'x' must have 2 columns") msgid "'x' must have 2 columns" msgstr "'x' musi mieć 2 kolumny" # stats/R/pairwise.R: 101 # stop("'x' and 'n' must have the same length") # stats/R/prop.test.R: 42 # stop("'x' and 'n' must have the same length") msgid "'x' and 'n' must have the same length" msgstr "'x' oraz 'n' muszą mieć tę samą długość" # stats/R/pairwise.R: 107 # stop("too few groups") msgid "too few groups" msgstr "zbyt mało grup" # stats/R/plot.lm.R: 35 # warning(gettextf("not plotting observations with leverage one:\n %s", # paste(which(isInf), collapse=", ")), # call. = FALSE, domain = NA) msgid "" "not plotting observations with leverage one:\n" " %s" msgstr "" "brak wykreślalnych obserwacji z jednej transmisji:\n" " %s" # stats/R/plot.lm.R: 44 # stop("use only with \"lm\" objects") msgid "use only with \"lm\" objects" msgstr "używaj jedynie z obiektami 'lm'" # stats/R/plot.lm.R: 46 # stop("'which' must be in 1:6") msgid "'which' must be in 1:6" msgstr "'which' musi być w przedziale 1:6" # stats/R/plot.lm.R: 90 # stop(gettextf("'id.n' must be in {1,..,%d}", n), domain = NA) msgid "'id.n' must be in {1,..,%d}" msgstr "'id.n' musi być w przedziale {1,..,%d}" # stats/R/plot.lm.R: 238 # message(gettextf("hat values (leverages) are all = %s\n and there are no factor predictors; no plot no. 5", # format(mean(r.hat))), # domain = NA) msgid "" "hat values (leverages) are all = %s\n" " and there are no factor predictors; no plot no. 5" msgstr "" "wszystkie dopasowane wartości (zależne) są = %s\n" "oraz nie ma czynnikowych predyktorów; brak wykresu nr. 5" # stats/R/poisson.test.R: 31 # stop("'x' and 'T' have incompatible length") msgid "'x' and 'T' have incompatible length" msgstr "'x' oraz 'T' mają niezgodne długości" # stats/R/poisson.test.R: 35 # stop("'x' must be finite, nonnegative, and integer") msgid "'x' must be finite, nonnegative, and integer" msgstr "'x' musi być skończoną nieujemną liczbą całkowitą" # stats/R/poisson.test.R: 39 # stop("'T' must be nonnegative") msgid "'T' must be nonnegative" msgstr "'T' musi być nieujemne" # stats/R/poisson.test.R: 43 # stop("not enough data") # stats/R/prop.test.R: 49 # stop("not enough data") msgid "not enough data" msgstr "zbyt mało danych" # stats/R/poisson.test.R: 46 # stop("the case k > 2 is unimplemented") msgid "the case k > 2 is unimplemented" msgstr "przypadek dla k > 2 nie jest zaimplementowany" # stats/R/poisson.test.R: 49 # stop ("'r' must be a single positive number") msgid "'r' must be a single positive number" msgstr "'r' musi być pojedynczą dodatnią liczbą" # stats/R/power.R: 25 # stop("exactly one of 'n', 'delta', 'sd', 'power', and 'sig.level' must be NULL") msgid "" "exactly one of 'n', 'delta', 'sd', 'power', and 'sig.level' must be NULL" msgstr "" "dokładnie jeden z 'n', 'delta', 'sd', 'power', oraz 'sig.level' musi mieć " "wartość NULL" # stats/R/power.anova.test.R: 33 # stop("'sig.level' must be numeric in [0, 1]") # stats/R/power.R: 28 # stop("'sig.level' must be numeric in [0, 1]") # stats/R/power.R: 88 # stop("'sig.level' must be numeric in [0, 1]") msgid "'sig.level' must be numeric in [0, 1]" msgstr "'sig.level' musi być liczbą w przedziale [0, 1]" # stats/R/power.R: 85 # stop("exactly one of 'n', 'p1', 'p2', 'power', and 'sig.level' must be NULL") msgid "exactly one of 'n', 'p1', 'p2', 'power', and 'sig.level' must be NULL" msgstr "" "dokładnie jeden z 'n', 'p1', 'p2', 'power', oraz 'sig.level' musi mieć " "wartość NULL" # stats/R/power.anova.test.R: 26 # stop("exactly one of 'groups', 'n', 'between.var', 'within.var', 'power', and 'sig.level' must be NULL") msgid "" "exactly one of 'groups', 'n', 'between.var', 'within.var', 'power', and 'sig." "level' must be NULL" msgstr "" "dokładnie jeden z 'groups', 'n', 'between.var', 'within.var', 'power', oraz " "'sig.level' musi mieć wartość NULL" # stats/R/power.anova.test.R: 28 # stop("number of groups must be at least 2") msgid "number of groups must be at least 2" msgstr "liczba grup musi być przynajmniej równa 2" # stats/R/power.anova.test.R: 30 # stop("number of observations in each group must be at least 2") msgid "number of observations in each group must be at least 2" msgstr "liczba obserwacji w każdej grupie musi wynosić minimum 2" # stats/R/ppr.R: 58 # stop("'nterms' is missing with no default") msgid "'nterms' is missing with no default" msgstr "brakuje wartości dla 'nterms', a nie ma określonej wartości domyślnej" # stats/R/ppr.R: 63 # stop("'ppr' applies only to numerical variables") msgid "'ppr' applies only to numerical variables" msgstr "'ppr' stosuje się jedynie do zmiennych liczbowych" # stats/R/ppr.R: 65 # stop("mismatched 'x' and 'y'") msgid "mismatched 'x' and 'y'" msgstr "niezgodne 'x' oraz 'y'" # stats/R/ppr.R: 204 # stop("wrong number of columns in 'x'") msgid "wrong number of columns in 'x'" msgstr "niepoprawna liczba kolumn w 'x'" # stats/R/prcomp.R: 29 # stop("cannot rescale a constant/zero column to unit variance") msgid "cannot rescale a constant/zero column to unit variance" msgstr "" "nie można przeskalować kolumny stałych wartości/zer na jednostkową wariancję" # stats/R/prcomp.R: 63 # stop("PCA applies only to numerical variables") # stats/R/princomp.R: 34 # stop("PCA applies only to numerical variables") # stats/R/princomp.R: 79 # stop("PCA applies only to numerical variables") msgid "PCA applies only to numerical variables" msgstr "" "analiza głównych komponentów stosuje się jedynie do zmiennych liczbowych" # stats/R/prcomp.R: 120 # stop("no scores are available: refit with 'retx=TRUE'") msgid "no scores are available: refit with 'retx=TRUE'" msgstr "brak dostępnych punktacji: dopasuj ponownie z 'retx=TRUE'" # stats/R/prcomp.R: 123 # stop("'newdata' must be a matrix or data frame") # stats/R/princomp-add.R: 23 # stop("'newdata' must be a matrix or data frame") msgid "'newdata' must be a matrix or data frame" msgstr "'newdata' musi być macierzą lub ramką danych" # stats/R/prcomp.R: 127 # stop("'newdata' does not have named columns matching one or more of the original columns") # stats/R/princomp-add.R: 28 # stop("'newdata' does not have named columns matching one or more of the original columns") msgid "" "'newdata' does not have named columns matching one or more of the original " "columns" msgstr "" "'newdata' nie ma nazwanych kolumn pasujących do jednej lub więcej " "oryginalnych kolumn" # stats/R/prcomp.R: 131 # stop("'newdata' does not have the correct number of columns") # stats/R/princomp-add.R: 32 # stop("'newdata' does not have the correct number of columns") msgid "'newdata' does not have the correct number of columns" msgstr "'newdata' nie ma poprawnej liczby kolumn" # stats/R/princomp.R: 66 # warning("both 'x' and 'covmat' were supplied: 'x' will be ignored") msgid "both 'x' and 'covmat' were supplied: 'x' will be ignored" msgstr "dostarczono jednocześnie 'x' oraz 'covmat': 'x' zostanie zignorowany" # stats/R/princomp.R: 73 # stop("'princomp' can only be used with more units than variables") msgid "'princomp' can only be used with more units than variables" msgstr "" "'princomp' może zostać użyte jedynie, gdy jednostek jest więcej niż zmiennych" # stats/R/princomp.R: 83 # stop("cannot use 'cor = TRUE' with a constant variable") msgid "cannot use 'cor = TRUE' with a constant variable" msgstr "nie można użyć 'cor=TRUE' ze zmienną przyjmującą stałą wartość" # stats/R/princomp.R: 91 # stop("covariance matrix is not non-negative definite") msgid "covariance matrix is not non-negative definite" msgstr "macierz kowariancji nie jest nieujemnie określona" # stats/R/proj.R: 25 # stop("argument does not include a 'qr' component") msgid "argument does not include a 'qr' component" msgstr "argument nie uwzględnia komponentu 'qr'" # stats/R/proj.R: 27 # stop("argument does not include an 'effects' component") msgid "argument does not include an 'effects' component" msgstr "argument nie uwzględnia komponentu 'effects'" # stats/R/proj.R: 39 # stop("'proj' is not implemented for multiple responses") # stats/R/proj.R: 93 # stop("'proj' is not implemented for multiple responses") msgid "'proj' is not implemented for multiple responses" msgstr "'proj' nie jest zaimplementowane dla wielokrotnych zmiennych zależnych" # stats/R/prop.test.R: 27 # stop("table 'x' should have 2 entries") msgid "table 'x' should have 2 entries" msgstr "tabela 'x' powinna mieć 2 wpisy" # stats/R/prop.test.R: 51 # stop("elements of 'n' must be positive") msgid "elements of 'n' must be positive" msgstr "elementy 'n' muszą być dodatnie" # stats/R/prop.test.R: 53 # stop("elements of 'x' must be nonnegative") msgid "elements of 'x' must be nonnegative" msgstr "elementy 'x' muszą być nieujemne" # stats/R/prop.test.R: 55 # stop("elements of 'x' must not be greater than those of 'n'") msgid "elements of 'x' must not be greater than those of 'n'" msgstr "elementy 'x' nie mogą być większe niż elementy 'n'" # stats/R/prop.test.R: 64 # stop("'p' must have the same length as 'x' and 'n'") msgid "'p' must have the same length as 'x' and 'n'" msgstr "'p' musi mieć tę samą długość co 'x' oraz 'n'" # stats/R/prop.test.R: 67 # stop("elements of 'p' must be in (0,1)") msgid "elements of 'p' must be in (0,1)" msgstr "elementy 'p' muszą być w przedziale (0,1)" # stats/R/qqnorm.R: 31 # stop("y is empty or has only NAs") msgid "y is empty or has only NAs" msgstr "'y' jest pusty lub posiada jedynie wartości NA" # stats/R/quade.test.R: 81 # stop("'formula' missing") msgid "'formula' missing" msgstr "brakuje 'formula'" # stats/R/quantile.R: 30 # stop("factors are not allowed") msgid "factors are not allowed" msgstr "czynniki nie są dozwolone" # stats/R/quantile.R: 36 # stop("missing values and NaN's not allowed if 'na.rm' is FALSE") msgid "missing values and NaN's not allowed if 'na.rm' is FALSE" msgstr "" "brakujące wartości oraz wartości NaN nie są dozwolone jeśli 'na.rm = FALSE'" # stats/R/quantile.R: 39 # stop("'probs' outside [0,1]") msgid "'probs' outside [0,1]" msgstr "'probs' poza przedziałem [0,1]" # stats/R/r2dtable.R: 22 # stop("invalid argument 'n'") msgid "invalid argument 'n'" msgstr "niepoprawny argument 'n'" # stats/R/r2dtable.R: 24 # stop("invalid argument 'r'") msgid "invalid argument 'r'" msgstr "niepoprawny argument 'r'" # stats/R/r2dtable.R: 26 # stop("invalid argument 'c'") msgid "invalid argument 'c'" msgstr "niepoprawny argument 'c'" # stats/R/r2dtable.R: 28 # stop("arguments 'r' and 'c' must have the same sums") msgid "arguments 'r' and 'c' must have the same sums" msgstr "argumenty 'r' oraz 'c' muszą mieć jednakowe sumy" # stats/R/relevel.R: 22 # stop("'relevel' only for factors") # stats/R/relevel.R: 25 # stop("'relevel' only for factors") msgid "'relevel' only for factors" msgstr "'relevel' tylko dla czynników" # stats/R/relevel.R: 31 # stop("'ref' must be of length one") msgid "'ref' must be of length one" msgstr "'ref' musi być długości 1" # stats/R/relevel.R: 35 # stop("'ref' must be an existing level") msgid "'ref' must be an existing level" msgstr "'ref' musi być istniejącym poziomem" # stats/R/relevel.R: 38 # stop(gettextf("ref = %d must be in 1L:%d", ref, nlev), domain = NA) msgid "ref = %d must be in 1L:%d" msgstr "ref = %d musi być w przedziale 1L:%d" # stats/R/reshape.R: 31 # stop("'sep' must be a character string") msgid "'sep' must be a character string" msgstr "'sep' musi być łańcuchem tekstowym" # stats/R/reshape.R: 46 # stop("failed to guess time-varying variables from their names") msgid "failed to guess time-varying variables from their names" msgstr "nie udało się odgadnąć zmiennych zależnych od czasu z ich nazw" # stats/R/reshape.R: 65 # stop("'varying' arguments must be the same length") msgid "'varying' arguments must be the same length" msgstr "argumenty 'varying' muszą być tej samej długości" # stats/R/reshape.R: 66 # stop("'times' is wrong length") msgid "'times' is wrong length" msgstr "'times' ma niepoprawną długość" # stats/R/reshape.R: 157 # warning("there are records with missing times, which will be dropped.") msgid "there are records with missing times, which will be dropped." msgstr "pojawiają się rekordy z brakującymi czasami, które zostaną pominięte." # stats/R/reshape.R: 177 # warning(gettextf("some constant variables (%s) are really varying", # paste(names(rval)[!really.constant],collapse = ",")), domain = NA) msgid "some constant variables (%s) are really varying" msgstr "niektóre zmienne o stałej wartości (%s) tak naprawdę się zmieniają" # stats/R/reshape.R: 235 # stop("no 'reshapeWide' attribute, must specify 'varying'") msgid "no 'reshapeWide' attribute, must specify 'varying'" msgstr "brak atrybutu 'reshapeWide', potrzeba określić 'varying'" # stats/R/reshape.R: 246 # stop("'varying' must be nonempty list or vector") msgid "'varying' must be nonempty list or vector" msgstr "'varying' musi być niepustą listą lub wektorem" # stats/R/reshape.R: 253 # stop("length of 'v.names' does not evenly divide length of 'varying'") msgid "length of 'v.names' does not evenly divide length of 'varying'" msgstr "długość 'v.names' nie dzieli równo długości 'varying'" # stats/R/reshape.R: 258 # stop("length of 'varying' must be the product of length of 'v.names' and length of 'times'") msgid "" "length of 'varying' must be the product of length of 'v.names' and length of " "'times'" msgstr "" "długość 'varying' musi być iloczynem długości 'v.names' oraz długości 'times'" # stats/R/runmed.R: 30 # stop("invalid value of 'k'") msgid "invalid value of 'k'" msgstr "niepoprawna wartość 'k'" # stats/R/runmed.R: 31 # stop("'k' must be positive") msgid "'k' must be positive" msgstr "'k' musi być dodatnie" # stats/R/runmed.R: 33 # warning(gettextf("'k' must be odd! Changing 'k' to %d", # k <- as.integer(1+ 2*(k %/% 2))), domain = NA) msgid "'k' must be odd! Changing 'k' to %d" msgstr "'k' musi być nieparzyste! Zmienianie 'k' na %d" # stats/R/runmed.R: 40 # warning(gettextf("'k' is bigger than 'n'! Changing 'k' to %d", # k <- as.integer(1+ 2*((n - 1)%/% 2))), domain = NA) msgid "'k' is bigger than 'n'! Changing 'k' to %d" msgstr "'k' jest większe niż 'n'! Zmienianie 'k' na %d" # stats/R/runmed.R: 94 # stop("bandwidth 'k' must be >= 1 and odd!") msgid "bandwidth 'k' must be >= 1 and odd!" msgstr "pasmo 'k' musi być >= 1 i musi być nieparzyste!" # stats/R/selfStart.R: 81 # stop("argument 'object' has an impossible length") msgid "argument 'object' has an impossible length" msgstr "argument 'object' ma nieprawdopodobną długość" # stats/R/selfStart.R: 118 # stop(gettextf("no 'getInitial' method found for \"%s\" objects", # data.class(object)), domain = NA) msgid "no 'getInitial' method found for \"%s\" objects" msgstr "nie znaleziono metody 'getInitial' dla obiektów '%s'" # stats/R/shapiro.test.R: 26 # stop("sample size must be between 3 and 5000") msgid "sample size must be between 3 and 5000" msgstr "rozmiar próby musi być pomiędzy 3 a 5000" # stats/R/shapiro.test.R: 28 # stop("all 'x' values are identical") msgid "all 'x' values are identical" msgstr "wszystkie wartości 'x' są identyczne" # stats/R/smooth.R: 26 # stop("attempt to smooth non-numeric values") msgid "attempt to smooth non-numeric values" msgstr "próba wygładzenia wartości nieliczbowych" # stats/R/smooth.R: 27 # stop("attempt to smooth NA values") msgid "attempt to smooth NA values" msgstr "próba wygładzenia wartości NA" # stats/R/smooth.R: 29 # stop("invalid 'endrule' argument") msgid "invalid 'endrule' argument" msgstr "niepoprawny argument 'endrule'" # stats/R/smspline.R: 49 # stop("invalid 'control.spar'") msgid "invalid 'control.spar'" msgstr "niepoprawny 'control.spar'" # stats/R/smspline.R: 55 # stop("missing or infinite values in inputs are not allowed") msgid "missing or infinite values in inputs are not allowed" msgstr "wartości brakujące lub nieskończone nie są dozwolone na wejściach" # stats/R/smspline.R: 57 # stop("invalid number of points") msgid "invalid number of points" msgstr "niepoprawna liczba punktów" # stats/R/smspline.R: 61 # stop("lengths of 'x' and 'w' must match") msgid "lengths of 'x' and 'w' must match" msgstr "długości 'x' oraz 'w' muszą się zgadzać" # stats/R/smspline.R: 62 # stop("all weights should be non-negative") msgid "all weights should be non-negative" msgstr "wszystkie wagi muszą być nieujemne" # stats/R/smspline.R: 63 # stop("some weights should be positive") msgid "some weights should be positive" msgstr "niektóre wagi powinny być dodatnie" # stats/R/smspline.R: 69 # stop("'tol' must be strictly positive and finite") msgid "'tol' must be strictly positive and finite" msgstr "'tol' musi być ściśle dodatnie i skończone" # stats/R/smspline.R: 73 # stop("need at least four unique 'x' values") msgid "need at least four unique 'x' values" msgstr "potrzeba przynajmniej czterech unikalnych wartości 'x'" # stats/R/smspline.R: 95 # stop("'cv' must not be NA when 'df' is specified") msgid "'cv' must not be NA when 'df' is specified" msgstr "'cv' nie może mieć wartości NA, gdy określono 'df'" # stats/R/smspline.R: 98 # warning("cross-validation with non-unique 'x' values seems doubtful") msgid "cross-validation with non-unique 'x' values seems doubtful" msgstr "krzyżowa walidacja z nieunikalnymi wartościami 'x' wydaje się wątpliwa" # stats/R/smspline.R: 103 # warning("'all.knots' is TRUE; 'nknots' specification is disregarded") msgid "'all.knots' is TRUE; 'nknots' specification is disregarded" msgstr "'all.knots' jest TRUE; specyfikacja 'nknots' zostałą odrzucona" # stats/R/smspline.R: 110 # stop("'nknots' must be numeric (in {1,..,n})") msgid "'nknots' must be numeric (in {1,..,n})" msgstr "'nknots' musi być liczbą (w przedziale {1,..,n})" # stats/R/smspline.R: 112 # stop("'nknots' must be at least 1") msgid "'nknots' must be at least 1" msgstr "'nknots' musi być przynajmniej 1" # stats/R/smspline.R: 114 # stop("cannot use more inner knots than unique 'x' values") msgid "cannot use more inner knots than unique 'x' values" msgstr "nie można użyć więcej wewnętrznych węzłów niż unikalnych wartości 'x'" # stats/R/smspline.R: 129 # stop("'spar' must be of length 1") msgid "'spar' must be of length 1" msgstr "'spar' musi być długości 1" # stats/R/smspline.R: 138 # warning("specified both 'df' and 'cv'; will disregard the latter") msgid "specified both 'df' and 'cv'; will disregard the latter" msgstr "określono jednocześnie 'df' oraz 'cv'; drugi zostanie odrzucony" # stats/R/smspline.R: 141 # warning("you must supply 1 < df <= n, n = #{unique x} = ", nx) msgid "you must supply 1 < df <= n, n = #{unique x} =" msgstr "musisz dostarczyć 1 < df <= n, n = #{unikalne x} =" # stats/R/smspline.R: 179 # stop("NA lev[]; probably smoothing parameter 'spar' way too large!") msgid "NA lev[]; probably smoothing parameter 'spar' way too large!" msgstr "" "NA lev[]; prawdopodobnie parametr wygładzający 'spar' jest stanowczo zbyt " "duży!" msgid "setting df = 1 __use with care!__" msgstr "ustawianie 'df = 1' __używaj z ostrożnością!__" # stats/R/smspline.R: 221 # stop("need result of smooth.spline( = TRUE)") # stats/R/smspline.R: 232 # stop("need result of smooth.spline( = TRUE)") msgid "need result of smooth.spline( = TRUE)" msgstr "potrzeba wyniku 'smooth.spline(*,'" # stats/R/smspline.R: 243 # stop('type = "partial" is not yet implemented') msgid "type = \"partial\" is not yet implemented" msgstr "'type = \"partial\"' nie jest jeszcze zaimplementowany" # stats/R/smspline.R: 280 # stop("not a valid \"smooth.spline\" object") msgid "not a valid \"smooth.spline\" object" msgstr "niepoprawny obiekt 'smooth.spline'" # stats/R/smspline.R: 332 # stop("'y' must be numeric vector") msgid "'y' must be numeric vector" msgstr "'y' musi być wektorem liczbowym" # stats/R/smspline.R: 333 # stop("number of observations in 'x' and 'y' must match.") msgid "number of observations in 'x' and 'y' must match." msgstr "liczba obserwacji w 'x' oraz 'y' musi się zgadzać" # stats/R/smspline.R: 335 # stop("number of weights must match number of observations.") msgid "number of weights must match number of observations." msgstr "liczba wag musi zgadzać się z liczbą obserwacji." # stats/R/smspline.R: 336 # stop("'span' must be between 0 and 1.") msgid "'span' must be between 0 and 1." msgstr "'span' musi być pomiędzy 0 a 1." # stats/R/smspline.R: 341 # stop("'x' must be between 0 and 1 for periodic smooth") msgid "'x' must be between 0 and 1 for periodic smooth" msgstr "'x' musi być pomiedzy 0 a 1 dla periodycznego wygładzania" # stats/R/smspline.R: 349 # stop("no finite observations") msgid "no finite observations" msgstr "brak skończonych obserwacji" # stats/R/spectrum.R: 33 # stop("'p' must be between 0 and 0.5") msgid "'p' must be between 0 and 0.5" msgstr "'p' musi być pomiędzy 0 a 0.5" # stats/R/spectrum.R: 40 # stop("length of 'p' must be 1 or equal the number of columns of 'x'") msgid "length of 'p' must be 1 or equal the number of columns of 'x'" msgstr "długość 'p' musi być 1 lub równa liczbie kolumn 'x'" # stats/R/spectrum.R: 65 # stop("'x' must be a time series or an ar() fit") msgid "'x' must be a time series or an ar() fit" msgstr "'x' musi być szeregiem czasowym lub dopasowaniem 'ar()'" # stats/R/spectrum.R: 113 # stop("must specify 'spans' or a valid kernel") msgid "must specify 'spans' or a valid kernel" msgstr "potrzeba określić 'spans' lub poprawne jądro" # stats/R/spectrum.R: 206 # stop("coverage probability out of range [0,1)") msgid "coverage probability out of range [0,1)" msgstr "przedział ufności poza [0,1)" # stats/R/spline.R: 40 # warning("spline: first and last y values differ - using y[1] for both") msgid "spline: first and last y values differ - using y[1] for both" msgstr "" "spline: pierwsza oraz ostatnia wartość 'y' różnią się -- używanie 'y[1]' dla " "obu" # stats/R/spline.R: 46 # stop("'y' must be increasing or decreasing") # stats/R/splinefun.R: 59 # stop("'y' must be increasing or decreasing") msgid "'y' must be increasing or decreasing" msgstr "'y' musi być rosnące lub malejące" # stats/R/spline.R: 51 # stop("'spline' requires n >= 1") msgid "'spline' requires n >= 1" msgstr "'spline' wymaga n >= 1" # stats/R/splinefun.R: 35 # warning("spline: first and last y values differ - using y[1L] for both") msgid "spline: first and last y values differ - using y[1L] for both" msgstr "" "spline: pierwsza oraz ostatnia wartość 'y' różnią się -- używanie 'y[1L]' " "dla obu" # stats/R/splinefun.R: 67 # stop("'deriv' must be between 0 and 3") msgid "'deriv' must be between 0 and 3" msgstr "'deriv' musi być pomiędzy 0 a 3" # stats/R/splinefun.R: 183 # stop("'x' must be *strictly* increasing (non - NA)") msgid "'x' must be *strictly* increasing (non - NA)" msgstr "'x' musi być *ściśle* rosnące (nie - NA)" # stats/R/stepfun.R: 31 # stop("stepfun: 'x' must be ordered increasingly") msgid "stepfun: 'x' must be ordered increasingly" msgstr "stepfun: 'x' musi być uporządkowany rosnąco" # stats/R/stepfun.R: 33 # stop("'x' must have length >= 1") msgid "'x' must have length >= 1" msgstr "'x' musi mieć długość >= 1" # stats/R/stepfun.R: 35 # stop("'y' must be one longer than 'x'") msgid "'y' must be one longer than 'x'" msgstr "'y' musi być o jeden dłuższy niż 'x'" # stats/R/stepfun.R: 49 # stop("no 'as.stepfun' method available for 'x'") msgid "no 'as.stepfun' method available for 'x'" msgstr "brak dostępnej metody 'as.stepfun' dla 'x'" # stats/R/stepfun.R: 78 # stop("not a valid step function") msgid "not a valid step function" msgstr "niepoprawna funkcja kroku" # stats/R/stepfun.R: 113 # stop("'plot.stepfun' called with wrong type of argument 'x'") msgid "'plot.stepfun' called with wrong type of argument 'x'" msgstr "'plot.stepfun' wywołana z błędnym typem argumentu 'x'" # stats/R/stl.R: 39 # stop(degname, " must be 0 or 1") msgid "must be 0 or 1" msgstr "musi być 0 lub 1" # stats/R/stl.R: 43 # stop("only univariate series are allowed") msgid "only univariate series are allowed" msgstr "tylko jednowymiarowe szeregi są dozwolone" # stats/R/stl.R: 48 # stop("series is not periodic or has less than two periods") msgid "series is not periodic or has less than two periods" msgstr "szereg nie jest periodyczny lyb ma mniej niż dwa okresy" # stats/R/stl.R: 52 # stop("unknown string value for s.window") msgid "unknown string value for s.window" msgstr "nieznana wartość łańcucha dla 's.window'" # stats/R/symnum.R: 42 # stop(if(corr) gettext("'cutpoints' must be unique in 0 < cuts < 1, but are = ") # else gettext("'cutpoints' must be unique, but are = "), # paste(format(cutpoints), collapse="|"), domain = NA) msgid "'cutpoints' must be unique in 0 < cuts < 1, but are =" msgstr "'cutpoints' muszą być unikalne w przedziale '0 < cuts < 1', ale są =" # stats/R/symnum.R: 42 # stop(if(corr) gettext("'cutpoints' must be unique in 0 < cuts < 1, but are = ") # else gettext("'cutpoints' must be unique, but are = "), # paste(format(cutpoints), collapse="|"), domain = NA) msgid "'cutpoints' must be unique, but are =" msgstr "'cutpoints' muszą być unikalne, ale są =" # stats/R/symnum.R: 48 # gettext("'x' must be between -1 and 1") msgid "'x' must be between -1 and 1" msgstr "'x' musi być pomiędzy -1 a 1" # stats/R/symnum.R: 49 # gettextf("'x' must be between %s and %s", # format(minc), format(maxc)) msgid "'x' must be between %s and %s" msgstr "'x' musi być pomiędzy %s a %s" # stats/R/symnum.R: 63 # stop("number of 'cutpoints' must be one less than number of symbols") msgid "number of 'cutpoints' must be one less than number of symbols" msgstr "liczba 'cutpoints' musi być o jeden mniejsza niż liczba symboli" # stats/R/symnum.R: 65 # stop("number of 'cutpoints' must be one more than number of symbols") msgid "number of 'cutpoints' must be one more than number of symbols" msgstr "liczba 'cutpoints' musi być o jeden większa niż liczba symboli" # stats/R/symnum.R: 77 # stop("must have 2 'symbols' for logical 'x' argument") msgid "must have 2 'symbols' for logical 'x' argument" msgstr "potrzeba mieć dwa 'symbols' dla argumentu logicznego 'x'" # stats/R/symnum.R: 110 # stop("invalid 'abbr.colnames'") msgid "invalid 'abbr.colnames'" msgstr "niepoprawny 'abbr.colnames'" # stats/R/t.test.R: 29 # stop("'mu' must be a single number") # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 28 # stop("'mu' must be a single number") msgid "'mu' must be a single number" msgstr "'mu' musi być pojedynczą liczbą" # stats/R/t.test.R: 47 # stop("'y' is missing for paired test") # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 56 # stop("'y' is missing for paired test") msgid "'y' is missing for paired test" msgstr "brakuje 'y' do sparowanego testu" # stats/R/t.test.R: 64 # stop("data are essentially constant") # stats/R/t.test.R: 95 # stop("data are essentially constant") msgid "data are essentially constant" msgstr "dane są w zasadzie stałe" # stats/R/termplot.R: 68 # stop("'main' must be TRUE, FALSE, NULL or character (vector).") # stats/R/termplot.R: 129 # stop("'main' must be TRUE, FALSE, NULL or character (vector).") msgid "'main' must be TRUE, FALSE, NULL or character (vector)." msgstr "'main' musi być TRUE, FALSE, NULL lub być tekstem (wektor)." # stats/R/ts-tests.R: 22 # stop ("x is not a vector or univariate time series") # stats/R/ts-tests.R: 53 # stop ("x is not a vector or univariate time series") msgid "x is not a vector or univariate time series" msgstr "'x' nie jest wektorem ani jednowymiarowym szeregiem czasowym" # stats/R/ts-tests.R: 62 # stop ("singularities in regression") msgid "singularities in regression" msgstr "osobliwości w regresji" # stats/R/ts.R: 44 # stop("'ts' object must have one or more observations") msgid "'ts' object must have one or more observations" msgstr "obiekt 'ts' musi mieć jedną lub więcej obserwacji" # stats/R/ts.R: 66 # stop("'start' cannot be after 'end'") # stats/R/ts.R: 650 # stop("'start' cannot be after 'end'") msgid "'start' cannot be after 'end'" msgstr "'start' nie może być po 'end'" # stats/R/ts.R: 128 # stop("no time series supplied") msgid "no time series supplied" msgstr "nie dostarczono szeregu czasowego" # stats/R/ts.R: 134 # stop("not all series have the same frequency") msgid "not all series have the same frequency" msgstr "nie wszystkie szeregi mają tę samą częstotliwość" # stats/R/ts.R: 143 # warning("non-intersecting series") msgid "non-intersecting series" msgstr "nieprzecinające się szeregi" # stats/R/ts.R: 152 # stop("non-time series not of the correct length") msgid "non-time series not of the correct length" msgstr "szeregi nie-czasowe nie mają poprawnej długości" # stats/R/ts.R: 289 # stop("time series contains internal NAs") msgid "time series contains internal NAs" msgstr "szeregi czasowe zawierają wewnętrznie wartości NA" # stats/R/ts.R: 361 # warning("series is corrupt, with no 'tsp' attribute") msgid "series is corrupt, with no 'tsp' attribute" msgstr "szereg jest uszkodzony, bez atrybutu 'tsp'" # stats/R/ts.R: 367 # warning(gettextf("series is corrupt: length %d with 'tsp' implying %d", # NROW(x), nn), domain=NA, call.=FALSE) msgid "series is corrupt: length %d with 'tsp' implying %d" msgstr "szereg jest uszkodzony: długość %d z 'tsp' sugerującym %d" # stats/R/ts.R: 466 # stop("cannot plot more than 10 series as \"multiple\"") msgid "cannot plot more than 10 series as \"multiple\"" msgstr "nie można narysować więcej niż 10 szeregów jako 'multiple'" # stats/R/ts.R: 511 # stop("scatter plots only for univariate time series") msgid "scatter plots only for univariate time series" msgstr "wykresy punktowe tylko dla jednowymiarowych szeregów czasowych" # stats/R/ts.R: 525 # stop("'xy.labels' must be logical or character") msgid "'xy.labels' must be logical or character" msgstr "'xy.labels' musi być tekstem lub zmienną logiczną" # stats/R/ts.R: 615 # stop("'frequency' and 'deltat' are both supplied and are inconsistent") msgid "'frequency' and 'deltat' are both supplied and are inconsistent" msgstr "" "oba 'frequency' oraz 'deltat' zostały dostarczone oraz oba są niezgodne" # stats/R/ts.R: 625 # warning("'frequency' not changed") msgid "'frequency' not changed" msgstr "'frequency' nie została zmieniona" # stats/R/ts.R: 632 # stop("bad value for 'start'") msgid "bad value for 'start'" msgstr "niepoprawna wartość dla 'start'" # stats/R/ts.R: 635 # warning("'start' value not changed") msgid "'start' value not changed" msgstr "wartość 'start' nie została zmieniona" # stats/R/ts.R: 643 # stop("bad value for 'end'") msgid "bad value for 'end'" msgstr "niepoprawna wartość dla 'end'" # stats/R/ts.R: 646 # warning("'end' value not changed") msgid "'end' value not changed" msgstr "wartość 'end' nie została zmieniona" # stats/R/ts.R: 704 # stop("'start' > 'end'") msgid "'start' > 'end'" msgstr "'start' > 'end'" # stats/R/ts.R: 706 # warning("extending time series when replacing values", call. = FALSE) msgid "extending time series when replacing values" msgstr "rozszerzanie szeregów czasowych przy wymianie wartości" # stats/R/ts.R: 714 # stop("times to be replaced do not match") msgid "times to be replaced do not match" msgstr "czasy do zastąpienia nie zgadzają się" # stats/R/ts.R: 718 # stop("no replacement values supplied") msgid "no replacement values supplied" msgstr "nie dostarczono wartości zamiennych" # stats/R/ts.R: 719 # stop("too many replacement values supplied") msgid "too many replacement values supplied" msgstr "dostarczono zbyt dużo wartości zamiennych" # stats/R/ts.R: 721 # stop("number of values supplied is not a sub-multiple of the number of values to be replaced") msgid "" "number of values supplied is not a sub-multiple of the number of values to " "be replaced" msgstr "" "liczba dostarczonych wartości nie jest pod-wielokrotnością liczby wartości " "do zamiany" # stats/R/ts.R: 735 # stop("only replacement of elements is allowed") msgid "only replacement of elements is allowed" msgstr "dozwolona jest tylko zamiana elementów" # stats/R/ts.R: 767 # stop("'model' must be list") msgid "'model' must be list" msgstr "'model' musi być listą" # stats/R/ts.R: 768 # stop("'n' must be strictly positive") msgid "'n' must be strictly positive" msgstr "'tol' musi być ściśle dodatnie" # stats/R/ts.R: 772 # stop("'ar' part of model is not stationary") msgid "'ar' part of model is not stationary" msgstr "część 'ar' modelu nie jest stacjonarna" # stats/R/ts.R: 777 # stop("burn-in 'n.start' must be as long as 'ar + ma'") msgid "burn-in 'n.start' must be as long as 'ar + ma'" msgstr "oryginał 'n.start' musi być tak długi jak 'ar + ma'" # stats/R/ts.R: 780 # stop("'model$order' must be of length 3") msgid "'model$order' must be of length 3" msgstr "'model$order' musi być długości 3" # stats/R/ts.R: 781 # stop("inconsistent specification of 'ar' order") msgid "inconsistent specification of 'ar' order" msgstr "niespójna specyfikacja porządku 'ar'" # stats/R/ts.R: 782 # stop("inconsistent specification of 'ma' order") msgid "inconsistent specification of 'ma' order" msgstr "niespójna specyfikacja porządku 'ma'" # stats/R/ts.R: 785 # stop("number of differences must be a positive integer") msgid "number of differences must be a positive integer" msgstr "liczba różnic musi być dodatnią liczbą całkowitą" # stats/R/update.R: 28 # stop("need an object with call component") msgid "need an object with call component" msgstr "potrzeba obiektu z komponentem wywołania" # stats/R/var.test.R: 27 # stop("'ratio' must be a single positive number") msgid "'ratio' must be a single positive number" msgstr "'ratio' musi być pojedynczą dodatnią liczbą" # stats/R/weighted.mean.R: 29 # stop("'x' and 'w' must have the same length") msgid "'x' and 'w' must have the same length" msgstr "'x' oraz 'w' muszą mieć tę samą długość" # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 61 # stop("not enough (finite) 'x' observations") msgid "not enough (finite) 'x' observations" msgstr "zbyt mała liczba (skończonych) obserwacji 'x'" # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 118 # warning("requested conf.level not achievable") # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 194 # warning("requested conf.level not achievable") # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 208 # warning("requested conf.level not achievable") # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 220 # warning("requested conf.level not achievable") msgid "requested conf.level not achievable" msgstr "żądany 'conf.level' nie jest osiągalny" # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 167 # stop("cannot compute confidence interval when all observations are tied", call.=FALSE) # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 353 # stop("cannot compute confidence interval when all observations are tied", call.=FALSE) msgid "cannot compute confidence interval when all observations are tied" msgstr "" "nie można obliczyć przedziału ufności gdy wszystkie obserwacje są powtórzone" # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 236 # warning("cannot compute exact confidence interval with ties") msgid "cannot compute exact confidence interval with ties" msgstr "" "nie można obliczyć dokładnego przedziału ufności z wartościami powtórzonymi" # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 239 # warning("cannot compute exact p-value with zeroes") msgid "cannot compute exact p-value with zeroes" msgstr "nie można obliczyć dokładnej wartości prawdopodobieństwa z zerami" # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 241 # warning("cannot compute exact confidence interval with zeroes") msgid "cannot compute exact confidence interval with zeroes" msgstr "nie można obliczyć dokładnego przedziału ufności z zerami" # stats/R/wilcox.test.R: 299 # warning("Requested conf.level not achievable") msgid "Requested conf.level not achievable" msgstr "Żądany 'conf.level' nie jest osiągalny" # stats/R/xtabs.R: 23 # stop("must supply either 'formula' or 'data'") msgid "must supply either 'formula' or 'data'" msgstr "potrzeba dostarczyć albo 'formula' albo 'data'" # stats/R/xtabs.R: 76 # stop(gettextf("%s applies only to two-way tables", # "xtabs(*, sparse=TRUE)"), # domain = NA) msgid "%s applies only to two-way tables" msgstr "'%s' stosuje się jedynie do dwukierunkowych tabel" # stats/R/zzModels.R: 46 # stop("too few distinct input values to fit an asymptotic regression model") msgid "too few distinct input values to fit an asymptotic regression model" msgstr "" "zbyt mało różnych wartości wejściowych aby dopasować model regresji " "asymptotycznej" # stats/R/zzModels.R: 64 # stop("cannot fit an asymptotic regression model to these data") msgid "cannot fit an asymptotic regression model to these data" msgstr "nie można dopasować modelu regresji asymptotycznej do tych danych" # stats/R/zzModels.R: 80 # stop("too few observations to fit an asymptotic regression model") msgid "too few observations to fit an asymptotic regression model" msgstr "zbyt mało obserwacji aby dopasować model regresji asymptotycznej " # stats/R/zzModels.R: 117 # stop("too few distinct input values to fit the 'asympOff' model") msgid "too few distinct input values to fit the 'asympOff' model" msgstr "zbyt mało różnych wartości wejściowych aby dopasować model 'asympOff'" # stats/R/zzModels.R: 156 # stop("too few distinct input values to fit the 'asympOrig' model") msgid "too few distinct input values to fit the 'asympOrig' model" msgstr "zbyt mało różnych wartości wejściowych aby dopasować model 'asympOrig'" # stats/R/zzModels.R: 201 # stop("too few distinct input values to fit a biexponential") msgid "too few distinct input values to fit a biexponential" msgstr "zbyt mało różnych wartości wejściowych aby dopasować 'biexponential'" # stats/R/zzModels.R: 260 # stop("must have length of response = length of second argument to 'SSfol'") msgid "must have length of response = length of second argument to 'SSfol'" msgstr "" "potrzeba, aby długość zmiennej zależnej = długości drugiego argumentu 'SSfol'" # stats/R/zzModels.R: 263 # stop("must have at least 4 observations to fit an 'SSfol' model") msgid "must have at least 4 observations to fit an 'SSfol' model" msgstr "potrzeba mieć co najmniej 4 obserwacje aby dopasować model 'SSfol'" # stats/R/zzModels.R: 328 # stop("too few distinct input values to fit a four-parameter logistic") msgid "too few distinct input values to fit a four-parameter logistic" msgstr "" "zbyt mało różnych wartości wejściowych aby dopasować 4 parametrową funkcję " "logistyczną" # stats/R/zzModels.R: 373 # stop("too few distinct input values to fit a logistic model") msgid "too few distinct input values to fit a logistic model" msgstr "zbyt mało różnych wartości wejściowych aby dopasować model logistyczny" # stats/R/zzModels.R: 414 # stop("too few distinct input values to fit a Michaelis-Menten model") msgid "too few distinct input values to fit a Michaelis-Menten model" msgstr "" "zbyt mało różnych wartości wejściowych aby dopasować model Michaelisa-Mentena" # stats/R/zzModels.R: 453 # stop("too few distinct input values to fit the Gompertz model") msgid "too few distinct input values to fit the Gompertz model" msgstr "zbyt mało różnych wartości wejściowych aby dopasować model Gompertza" # stats/R/zzModels.R: 495 # stop("too few distinct input values to fit the Weibull growth model") msgid "too few distinct input values to fit the Weibull growth model" msgstr "" "zbyt mało różnych wartości wejściowych aby dopasować model wzrostu Weibull'a" # stats/R/zzModels.R: 498 # stop("all 'x' values must be non-negative to fit the Weibull growth model") msgid "all 'x' values must be non-negative to fit the Weibull growth model" msgstr "" "wszystkie wartości 'x' musi być nieujemne aby dopasować model wzrostu " "Weibull'a" # stats/R/add.R: 155 # warning(sprintf(ngettext(newn, # "using the %d/%d row from a combined fit", # "using the %d/%d rows from a combined fit"), # newn, oldn), domain = NA) # stats/R/add.R: 274 # warning(sprintf(ngettext(newn, # "using the %d/%d row from a combined fit", # "using the %d/%d rows from a combined fit"), # newn, oldn), domain = NA) msgid "using the %d/%d row from a combined fit" msgid_plural "using the %d/%d rows from a combined fit" msgstr[0] "używanie %d/%d wiersza z połączonego dopasowania" msgstr[1] "używanie %d/%d wierszy z połączonego dopasowania" msgstr[2] "używanie %d/%d wierszy z połączonego dopasowania" # stats/R/add.R: 640 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(sum(where==0), # "lower scope has term %s not included in model", # "lower scope has terms %s not included in model"), # paste(sQuote(nmdrop[where==0]), collapse=", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "lower scope has term %s not included in model" msgid_plural "lower scope has terms %s not included in model" msgstr[0] "" "niższy zakres posiada człon %s, które nie jest uwzględniony w modelu" msgstr[1] "niższy zakres posiada człony %s, które nie są uwzględnione w modelu" msgstr[2] "niższy zakres posiada człony %s, które nie są uwzględnione w modelu" # stats/R/add.R: 670 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(sum(where==0), # "upper scope has term %s not included in model", # "upper scope has terms %s not included in model"), # paste(sQuote(nmdrop[where==0]), collapse=", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "upper scope has term %s not included in model" msgid_plural "upper scope has terms %s not included in model" msgstr[0] "górny zakres posiada człon %s, które nie jest uwzględniony w modelu" msgstr[1] "górny zakres posiada człony %s, które nie są uwzględnione w modelu" msgstr[2] "górny zakres posiada człony %s, które nie są uwzględnione w modelu" # stats/R/aov.R: 29 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(length(indError), # "there are %d Error terms: only 1 is allowed", # "there are %d Error terms: only 1 is allowed"), # length(indError)), domain = NA) msgid "there are %d Error terms: only 1 is allowed" msgid_plural "there are %d Error terms: only 1 is allowed" msgstr[0] "jest %d człon błędu: tylko 1 jest dozwolony" msgstr[1] "są %d człony błędu: tylko 1 jest dozwolony" msgstr[2] "jest %d członów błędu: tylko 1 jest dozwolony" # stats/R/aov.R: 319 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(na, # "unknown name %s in the 'split' list", # "unknown names %s in the 'split' list"), # paste(sQuote(ns[na]), collapse = ", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "unknown name %s in the 'split' list" msgid_plural "unknown names %s in the 'split' list" msgstr[0] "nieznana nazwa %s w liście 'split'" msgstr[1] "nieznane nazwy %s w liście 'split'" msgstr[2] "nieznane nazwy %s w liście 'split'" # stats/R/dendrogram.R: 635 # ngettext(length(nms), # "extra argument %s is not of class \"%s\"", # "extra arguments %s are not of class \"%s\"s") msgid "extra argument %s is not of class \"%s\"" msgid_plural "extra arguments %s are not of class \"%s\"s" msgstr[0] "dodatkowy argument %s nie jest klasy \"%s\"" msgstr[1] "dodatkowe argumenty %s nie są klasy \"%s\"" msgstr[2] "dodatkowe argumenty %s nie są klasy \"%s\"" # stats/R/diffinv.R: 81 # warning(sprintf(ngettext(na, # "extra argument %s will be disregarded", # "extra arguments %s will be disregarded"), # paste(sQuote(names(list(...))), collapse = ", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "extra argument %s will be disregarded" msgid_plural "extra arguments %s will be disregarded" msgstr[0] "dodatkowy argument %s zostanie odrzucony" msgstr[1] "dodatkowe argumenty %s zostaną odrzucone" msgstr[2] "dodatkowe argumenty %s zostaną odrzucone" # stats/R/factanal.R: 96 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(factors, # "%d factor is too many for %d variables", # "%d factors are too many for %d variables"), # factors, p), domain = NA) msgid "%d factor is too many for %d variables" msgid_plural "%d factors are too many for %d variables" msgstr[0] "%d czynnik to zbyt dużo dla %d zmiennych" msgstr[1] "%d czynniki to zbyt dużo dla %d zmiennych" msgstr[2] "%d czynników to zbyt dużo dla %d zmiennych" # stats/R/factanal.R: 115 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(p, # "'start' must have %d row", # "'start' must have %d rows"), # p), domain = NA) msgid "'start' must have %d row" msgid_plural "'start' must have %d rows" msgstr[0] "'start' musi mieć %d wiersz" msgstr[1] "'start' musi mieć %d wiersze" msgstr[2] "'start' musi mieć %d wierszy" # stats/R/factanal.R: 134 # stop(ngettext(nc, # "unable to optimize from this starting value", # "unable to optimize from these starting values"), # domain = NA) msgid "unable to optimize from this starting value" msgid_plural "unable to optimize from these starting values" msgstr[0] "nie można zoptymalizować z tej wartości startowej" msgstr[1] "nie można zoptymalizować z tych wartości startowych" msgstr[2] "nie można zoptymalizować z tych wartości startowych" # stats/R/glm.R: 251 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(nobs, # "X matrix has rank %d, but only %d observation", # "X matrix has rank %d, but only %d observations"), # fit$rank, nobs), domain = NA) msgid "X matrix has rank %d, but only %d observation" msgid_plural "X matrix has rank %d, but only %d observations" msgstr[0] "macierz 'X' ma rangę %d, ale tylko %d obserwację" msgstr[1] "macierz 'X' ma rangę %d, ale tylko %d obserwacje" msgstr[2] "macierz 'X' ma rangę %d, ale tylko %d obserwacji" # stats/R/kmeans.R: 37 # warning(sprintf(ngettext(iter.max, # "did not converge in %d iteration", # "did not converge in %d iterations"), # iter.max), call. = FALSE, domain =NA) # stats/R/kmeans.R: 52 # warning(sprintf(ngettext(iter.max, # "did not converge in %d iteration", # "did not converge in %d iterations"), # iter.max), call.=FALSE, domain = NA) # stats/R/kmeans.R: 66 # warning(sprintf(ngettext(iter.max, # "did not converge in %d iteration", # "did not converge in %d iterations"), # iter.max), call.=FALSE, domain = NA) msgid "did not converge in %d iteration" msgid_plural "did not converge in %d iterations" msgstr[0] "nie zbiegł się w %d iteracji" msgstr[1] "nie zbiegł się w %d iteracjach" msgstr[2] "nie zbiegł się w %d iteracjach" # stats/R/lsfit.R: 45 # warning(sprintf(ngettext(sum(!good), # "%d missing value deleted", # "%d missing values deleted"), # sum(!good)), domain = NA) msgid "%d missing value deleted" msgid_plural "%d missing values deleted" msgstr[0] "%d brakująca wartość została skasowana" msgstr[1] "%d brakujące wartości zostały skasowane" msgstr[2] "%d brakujących wartości zostało skasowanych" # stats/R/lsfit.R: 62 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(nrx, # "'X' matrix has %d response", # "'X' matrix has %d responses"), # ", ", # ngettext(nry, # "'Y' has %d response", # "'Y' has %d responses"), # nrx, nry), # domain = NA) #, fuzzy msgid "'X' matrix has %d case (row)" msgid_plural "'X' matrix has %d cases (rows)" msgstr[0] "macierz 'X' ma %d zmienną zależną" msgstr[1] "macierz 'X' ma %d zmienne zależne" msgstr[2] "macierz 'X' ma %d zmiennych zależnych" # stats/R/lsfit.R: 62 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(nrx, # "'X' matrix has %d response", # "'X' matrix has %d responses"), # ", ", # ngettext(nry, # "'Y' has %d response", # "'Y' has %d responses"), # nrx, nry), # domain = NA) #, fuzzy msgid "'Y' has %d case (row)" msgid_plural "'Y' has %d cases (rows)" msgstr[0] "'Y' ma %d zmienną zależną" msgstr[1] "'Y' ma %d zmienne zależne" msgstr[2] "'Y' ma %d zmiennych zależnych" # stats/R/lsfit.R: 72 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(nry, # "%d response", # "%d responses"), # ", ", # ngettext(ncx, # "but only %d variable", # "but only %d variables"), # nry, ncx), # domain = NA) #, fuzzy msgid "only %d case" msgid_plural "only %d cases" msgstr[0] "ale tylko %d zmienna" msgstr[1] "ale tylko %d zmienne" msgstr[2] "ale tylko %d zmiennych" # stats/R/lsfit.R: 72 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(nry, # "%d response", # "%d responses"), # ", ", # ngettext(ncx, # "but only %d variable", # "but only %d variables"), # nry, ncx), # domain = NA) #, fuzzy msgid "but %d variable" msgid_plural "but %d variables" msgstr[0] "ale tylko %d zmienna" msgstr[1] "ale tylko %d zmienne" msgstr[2] "ale tylko %d zmiennych" # stats/R/medpolish.R: 51 # warning(sprintf(ngettext(maxiter, # "medpolish() did not converge in %d iteration", # "medpolish() did not converge in %d iterations"), # maxiter), domain = NA) msgid "medpolish() did not converge in %d iteration" msgid_plural "medpolish() did not converge in %d iterations" msgstr[0] "'medpolish()' nie zbiegł się w %d iteracji" msgstr[1] "'medpolish()' nie zbiegł się w %d iteracjach" msgstr[2] "'medpolish()' nie zbiegł się w %d iteracjach" # stats/R/models.R: 410 # warning(sprintf(paste0(ngettext(nr, # "'newdata' had %d row", # "'newdata' had %d rows"), # " ", # ngettext(nr2, # "but variable found had %d row", # "but variables found have %d rows")), # nr, nr2), # call. = FALSE, domain = NA) msgid "'newdata' had %d row" msgid_plural "'newdata' had %d rows" msgstr[0] "'newdata' miała %d wiersz" msgstr[1] "'newdata' miała %d wiersze" msgstr[2] "'newdata' miała %d wierszy" # stats/R/models.R: 410 # warning(sprintf(paste0(ngettext(nr, # "'newdata' had %d row", # "'newdata' had %d rows"), # " ", # ngettext(nr2, # "but variable found had %d row", # "but variables found have %d rows")), # nr, nr2), # call. = FALSE, domain = NA) msgid "but variable found had %d row" msgid_plural "but variables found have %d rows" msgstr[0] "ale znaleziona zmienna ma %d wiersz" msgstr[1] "ale znalezione zmienne mają %d wiersze" msgstr[2] "ale znalezione zmienne mają %d wierszy" # stats/R/models.R: 445 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(length(m), # "factor %s has new level %s", # "factor %s has new levels %s"), # nm, paste(nxl[m], collapse=", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "factor %s has new level %s" msgid_plural "factor %s has new levels %s" msgstr[0] "czynnik '%s' ma nowy poziom %s" msgstr[1] "czynnik '%s' ma nowe poziomy %s" msgstr[2] "czynnik '%s' ma nowe poziomy %s" # stats/R/nafns.R: 181 # sprintf(ngettext(n <- length(x), "%d observation deleted due to missingness", # "%d observations deleted due to missingness"), # n) msgid "%d observation deleted due to missingness" msgid_plural "%d observations deleted due to missingness" msgstr[0] "%d obserwacja została skasowana z uwagi na braki w niej zawarte" msgstr[1] "%d obserwacje zostały skasowane z uwagi na braki w nich zawarte" msgstr[2] "%d obserwacji zostało skasowanych z uwagi na braki w nich zawarte" # stats/R/nlm.R: 69 # warning(sprintf(ngettext(maxiter, # "_NOT_ converged in %d iteration", # "_NOT_ converged in %d iterations"), # maxiter), domain = NA) msgid "_NOT_ converged in %d iteration" msgid_plural "_NOT_ converged in %d iterations" msgstr[0] "nie zbiegł się w %d iteracji" msgstr[1] "nie zbiegł się w %d iteracjach" msgstr[2] "nie zbiegł się w %d iteracjach" # stats/R/nlminb.R: 85 # warning(sprintf(ngettext(length(nap), # "unrecognized control element named %s ignored", # "unrecognized control elements named %s ignored"), # paste(sQuote(nms[nap]), collapse = ", ")), # domain = NA) # stats/R/nls.R: 405 # warning(sprintf(ngettext(length(nap), # "unrecognized control element named %s ignored", # "unrecognized control elements named %s ignored"), # paste(nms[nap], collapse = ", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "unrecognized control element named %s ignored" msgid_plural "unrecognized control elements named %s ignored" msgstr[0] "nierozpoznany element kontrolny o nazwie %s został zignorowany" msgstr[1] "nierozpoznane elementy kontrolne o nazwach %s zostały zignorowane" msgstr[2] "nierozpoznane elementy kontrolne o nazwach %s zostały zignorowane" # stats/R/nls.R: 523 # message(sprintf(ngettext(sum(np == -1), # "fitting parameter %s without any variables", # "fitting parameters %s without any variables"), # paste(sQuote(pnames[np == -1]), collapse=", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "fitting parameter %s without any variables" msgid_plural "fitting parameters %s without any variables" msgstr[0] "parametr dopasowania %s bez jakichkolwiek zmiennych" msgstr[1] "parametry dopasowania %s bez jakichkolwiek zmiennych" msgstr[2] "parametry dopasowania %s bez jakichkolwiek zmiennych" # stats/R/selfStart.R: 45 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(sum(msng), # "parameter %s does not occur in the model formula", # "parameters %s do not occur in the model formula"), # paste(sQuote(parameters[msng]), collapse=", ")), # domain = NA) msgid "parameter %s does not occur in the model formula" msgid_plural "parameters %s do not occur in the model formula" msgstr[0] "parametr %s nie pojawia się w formule modelu" msgstr[1] "parametry %s nie pojawiają się w formule modelu" msgstr[2] "parametry %s nie pojawiają się w formule modelu" # stats/R/smspline.R: 351 # warning(sprintf(ngettext(diff, # "%d observation with NA, NaN or Inf deleted", # "%d observations with NAs, NaNs and/or Infs deleted"), # diff), domain = NA) msgid "%d observation with NA, NaN or Inf deleted" msgid_plural "%d observations with NAs, NaNs and/or Infs deleted" msgstr[0] "%d obserwacj z wartością NA, NaN lub Inf została skasowana" msgstr[1] "%d obserwacje z wartościami NA, NaN oraz/lub Inf zostały skasowane" msgstr[2] "" "%d obserwacji z wartościami NA, NaN oraz/lub Inf zostało skasowanych" # stats/R/ts.R: 788 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(n.start, # "'start.innov' is too short: need %d point", # "'start.innov' is too short: need %d points"), # n.start), domain = NA) msgid "'start.innov' is too short: need %d point" msgid_plural "'start.innov' is too short: need %d points" msgstr[0] "'start.innov' jest zbyt krótki: potrzeba %d punktu" msgstr[1] "'start.innov' jest zbyt krótki: potrzeba %d punktów" msgstr[2] "'start.innov' jest zbyt krótki: potrzeba %d punktów" # stats/R/splinefun.R: 106 # stop("'deriv' must be between 0 and 2") #~ msgid "'deriv' must be between 0 and 2" #~ msgstr "'deriv' musi być pomiędzy 0 a 2" # stats/R/lsfit.R: 72 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(nry, # "%d response", # "%d responses"), # ", ", # ngettext(ncx, # "but only %d variable", # "but only %d variables"), # nry, ncx), # domain = NA) #~ msgid "%d response" #~ msgid_plural "%d responses" #~ msgstr[0] "%d zmienna zależna" #~ msgstr[1] "%d zmienne zależne" #~ msgstr[2] "%d zmiennych zależnych" #~ msgid "character variable '%s' changed to a factor" #~ msgstr "zmienna tekstowa '%s' została zmieniona na czynnik" #~ msgid "variable '%s' converted to a factor" #~ msgstr "zmienna '%s' została zamieniona na czynnik" #~ msgid "Burg's algorithm only implemented for univariate series" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Algorytm Burga jest zaimplementowany jedynie dla jednowymiarowych serii" #~ msgid "sample is too sparse to find TD" #~ msgstr "próba jest zbyt rzadka aby znaleźć TD" #~ msgid "sample is too sparse to find alph2" #~ msgstr "próba jest zbyt rzadka aby znaleźć 'alph2'" #~ msgid "Cannot compute exact p-values with ties" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nie można obliczyć dokładnych wartości prawdopodobieństw z powtórzonymi " #~ "wartościami" #~ msgid "we require a dendrogram" #~ msgstr "wymagamy drzewa celu" #~ msgid "NA's are not allowed in groups or blocks" #~ msgstr "wartości NA nie są dozwolone w grupach lub blokach" #~ msgid "y, groups and blocks must have the same length" #~ msgstr "'y', grupy oraz bloki muszą mieć tę samą długość" #~ msgid "cannot compute exact p-values with ties" #~ msgstr "" #~ "nie można obliczyć dokładnych wartości prawdopodobieństwa z powtórzonymi " #~ "wartościami" #~ msgid "family '" #~ msgstr "rodzina '" #~ msgid "logLik.lm only handles single responses" #~ msgstr "'logLik.lm' obsługuje jedynie pojedyncze zmienne zależne" #~ msgid "need multiple response" #~ msgstr "potrzeba wielokrotnej zmiennej zależnej" #~ msgid "internal error" #~ msgstr "błąd wewnętrzny" #~ msgid "'proj' is not implemented for \"mlm\" fits" #~ msgstr "'proj' nie jest zaimplementowane dla dopasowań 'mlm'" #~ msgid "upper scope does not include model term(s) %s" #~ msgstr "górny zakres nie uwzględnia członów %s modelu" #~ msgid "for the binomial family, y must be a vector of 0 and 1's" #~ msgstr "dla rodziny Bernoulliego, 'y' musi być wektorem zer i jedynek" #~ msgid "for the quasibinomial family, y must be a vector of 0 and 1's" #~ msgstr "dla rodziny kwazi-Bernoulliego, 'y' musi być wektorem zer i jedynek" #~ msgid "using F test with a %s family is inappropriate" #~ msgstr "używanie testu Fishera z rodziną '%s' jest niepoprawne" #~ msgid "did not converge in" #~ msgstr "nie zbiegł się w" #~ msgid "iterations" #~ msgstr "iteracjach" #~ msgid "removed because response differs from" #~ msgstr "zostały usunięte, ponieważ zmienna zależna różni się od tej w" #~ msgid "model 1" #~ msgstr "modelu 1" #~ msgid "residuals have rank" #~ msgstr "reszty mają rangę" #~ msgid "<" #~ msgstr "<" #~ msgid "_NOT_ converged in" #~ msgstr "_NIE_ zbiegł się w" #~ msgid "' ignored" #~ msgstr "' zostały zignorowane" #~ msgid "fitting parameters" #~ msgstr "parametry dopasowania" #~ msgid "use \"Brent\" or optimize() directly" #~ msgstr "użyj 'Brent' lub 'optimize()' bezpośrednio" #~ msgid "hat values (leverages) are all =" #~ msgstr "wszystkie dopasowane wartości (zależne) są =" #~ msgid "invalid length(xout)" #~ msgstr "niepoprawna wartość 'length(xout)'" #~ msgid "contr*(.., sparse=TRUE) needs package \"Matrix\" correctly installed" #~ msgstr "" #~ "'contr*(.., sparse=TRUE)' potrzebuje poprawnie zainstalowanego pakietu " #~ "'Matrix'" #~ msgid "this should not happen" #~ msgstr "to nie powinno się zdarzyć" #~ msgid "algorithm did not converge" #~ msgstr "algorytm nie zbiegł się" #~ msgid "incorrect specification of 'table' or 'start'" #~ msgstr "niepoprawna specyfikacja 'table' lub 'start'" #~ msgid "ifault=%d. This should not happen" #~ msgstr "ifault=%d. To nie powinno się wydarzyć" #~ msgid "insufficient observations" #~ msgstr "niewystarczająca liczba obserwacji" #~ msgid "'vec' contains NAs" #~ msgstr "'vec' zawiera wartości NA" #~ msgid "'vec' must be sorted non-decreasingly" #~ msgstr "'vec' musi być posortowany niemalejąco" #~ msgid "invalid length(vec)" #~ msgstr "niepoprawna wartość 'length(vec)'" #~ msgid "No starting values specified for some parameters." #~ msgstr "Nie określono początkowych wartości dla niektórych parametrów." #~ msgid "Initializing" #~ msgstr "Inicjalizowanie" #~ msgid "to '1.'." #~ msgstr "do '1.'." #~ msgid "Consider specifying 'start' or using a selfStart model" #~ msgstr "Rozważ określenie 'start' lub użycie modelu 'selfStart'" #~ msgid "wrong number of predictors" #~ msgstr "niepoprawna liczba predyktorów"