# Makefile for R for Windows Installers include ../MkRules R_HOME = ../../.. include $(R_HOME)/share/make/vars.mk ## use next to install other packages from main library EXTRA_PKGS = ## Default display mode, 0=MDI, 1=SDI MDISDI = 0 ## Default help style, 0=plain text, 1=CHM, 2=HTML HelpStyle = 1 ## Default internet connection, 0=Standard, 1=Internet2 Internet = 0 ## Used to set Registry entries Producer = R-core FULLVERSION=`cat ../../../VERSION` RPREFIX = $(shell $(PERL) ../fixed/rwver.pl $(R_HOME)/VERSION) LIBFILES = $(foreach i, $(R_PKGS_BASE) $(R_PKGS_RECOMMENDED) $(EXTRA_PKGS), $(R_HOME)/library/$i) $(R_HOME)/library/R.css INFO_FILES = COPYING NEWS README DOC_INFO_FILES = AUTHORS COPYING COPYING.LIB FAQ RESOURCES THANKS GW_INFO_FILES = CHANGES COPYRIGHTS README.Rterm rw-FAQ ETC_FILES = Rprofile.site Rconsole Rdevga rgb.txt repositories Makeconf Rcmd_environ # we don't want share/{Makefile.in,sh} installed SHARE_DIRS = R licenses locale make perl texmf zoneinfo all: $(RPREFIX)-win32.exe msi: $(RPREFIX)-win32.msi imagedir: $(RM) -r $(RPREFIX) $(MKDIR) $(RPREFIX) $(CP) -pr $(R_HOME)/bin $(R_HOME)/modules $(RPREFIX) # copy base and recommended packages $(MKDIR) -p $(RPREFIX)/library $(CP) -pr $(LIBFILES) $(RPREFIX)/library $(RM) $(RPREFIX)/library/*/MD5 $(RM) $(RPREFIX)/*/Makefile.in $(MKDIR) -p $(RPREFIX)/etc $(CP) -p $(foreach i,$(ETC_FILES),$(R_HOME)/etc/$i) $(RPREFIX)/etc # copy info and documentation files $(MKDIR) -p $(RPREFIX)/doc $(CP) -p $(R_HOME)/doc/CRAN_mirrors.csv $(RPREFIX)/doc $(MKDIR) -p $(RPREFIX)/doc/manual $(CP) -pr $(R_HOME)/doc/html $(RPREFIX)/doc $(CP) -p $(R_HOME)/doc/manual/*.html $(R_HOME)/doc/manual/*.pdf \ $(RPREFIX)/doc/manual # html copies of these are in doc/manual, and we don't have FAQ PDF on menus $(RM) $(RPREFIX)/doc/manual/R-FAQ.pdf $(RM) $(RPREFIX)/doc/html/R-admin.html $(RM) $(RPREFIX)/doc/html/index-default.html # $(CP) -p $(foreach i,$(INFO_FILES),$(R_HOME)/$i) $(RPREFIX) $(CP) -p $(foreach i,$(DOC_INFO_FILES),$(R_HOME)/doc/$i) $(RPREFIX)/doc $(CP) -p $(foreach i,$(GW_INFO_FILES),../$i) $(RPREFIX)/doc mv $(RPREFIX)/doc/CHANGES $(RPREFIX) $(SED) -e s/@RWVER@/$(RPREFIX)/g \ -e s/@RVER@/$(RVER)/g \ -e "s/@FULLVERSION@/$(FULLVERSION)/g" ../README > $(RPREFIX)/README.$(RPREFIX) $(SED) -e 3,5d ../README.packages > $(RPREFIX)/doc/README.packages # convert docs and batch files to CRLF: might already be on Windows, though. zip dosfiles.zip $(RPREFIX)/* $(RPREFIX)/doc/* $(RPREFIX)/bin/*.bat unzip -ao dosfiles.zip $(RM) dosfiles.zip # # files to make source packages $(MKDIR) -p $(RPREFIX)/share \ $(RPREFIX)/src/library $(RPREFIX)/src/gnuwin32 # $(RPREFIX)/share/sh $(CP) $(R_HOME)/doc/html/logo.jpg $(RPREFIX)/doc/html $(CP) $(R_HOME)/doc/KEYWORDS* $(RPREFIX)/doc $(CP) -pr $(R_HOME)/include $(RPREFIX) $(CP) -pr $(foreach i,$(SHARE_DIRS),$(R_HOME)/share/$i) $(RPREFIX)/share # $(CP) -p $(R_HOME)/share/sh/dcf.sh $(RPREFIX)/share/sh # This is odd -- better to clean the copy (cd ..; $(MAKE) --no-print-directory PKGDIR=. pkgclean-windlgs) $(CP) -pr ../windlgs $(RPREFIX)/src/library # # test dir mkdir $(RPREFIX)/tests $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C ../../../tests -f Makefile.win \ INST_TO=../src/gnuwin32/installer/$(RPREFIX)/tests install-tests # $(FIND) $(RPREFIX) -name .svn -prune -exec rm -rf \{\} \; $(FIND) $(RPREFIX) -name \*~ -delete md5sums: @echo "adding MD5 checksums" @(cd $(RPREFIX); echo "tools:::.installMD5sums(\".\")" | \ R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL LC_COLLATE=C R_OSTYPE=windows \ ../../../../bin/Rterm.exe --vanilla --slave) fixups: $(CAT) $(RPREFIX)/library/*/CONTENTS > \ $(RPREFIX)/doc/html/search/index.txt echo "make.packages.html(.Library)" | $(RPREFIX)/bin/rterm --vanilla --slave LC_COLLATE=C $(CP) -pr $(R_HOME)/Tcl $(RPREFIX) ## for Inno Setup installer R.iss: JRins.pl CustomMsg.txt imagedir fixups md5sums \ ../../../VERSION ../../../SVN-REVISION $(PERL) JRins.pl $(RPREFIX) $(RPREFIX) $(MDISDI) $(HelpStyle) $(Internet) $(Producer) $(RPREFIX)-win32.exe: R.iss "$(ISDIR)/iscc" R.iss > $(RPREFIX).log 2>&1 ## for MSI installer uuidgen.exe: uuidgen.o $(CC) -o $@ $< -lole32 # currently use about 4200 uuids: uuidgen.exe uuidgen 10000 > $@ files.wxs: imagedir fixups md5sums "$(WIXDIR)/tallow" -1 -d $(RPREFIX) > $@ R.wxs: WIXins.pl uuids files.wxs $(PERL) WIXins.pl $(RPREFIX) $(RPREFIX) $(RPREFIX)-win32.msi: R.wxs License.rtf "$(WIXDIR)/candle" R.wxs > $(RPREFIX).log 2>&1 "$(WIXDIR)/light" -out $@ R.wixobj $(WIXDIR)/wixui.wixlib \ -loc $(WIXDIR)/WixUI_en-us.wxl >> $(RPREFIX).log 2>&1 clean: rm -rf R.iss *.log $(RPREFIX) R.wxs files.wxs R.wixobj \ uuidgen.o uuidgen.exe uuids distclean: clean rm -f $(RPREFIX)-win32.* myR: $(CAT) $(IMAGEDIR)/library/*/CONTENTS > \ $(IMAGEDIR)/doc/html/search/index.txt echo "make.packages.html(.Library)" | $(IMAGEDIR)/bin/rterm --vanilla --slave LC_COLLATE=C @echo "adding MD5 checksums" @(cd $(IMAGEDIR); echo "tools:::.installMD5sums(\".\")" | \ R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL LC_COLLATE=C R_OSTYPE=windows \ bin/Rterm.exe --vanilla --slave) $(PERL) JRins.pl $(RPREFIX) $(IMAGEDIR) $(MDISDI) $(HelpStyle) $(Internet) $(Producer) "$(ISDIR)/iscc" R.iss > myR.log