# File src/library/tools/R/admin.R
# Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
# http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
### * .install_package_description
.install_package_description <-
function(dir, outDir)
## Function for taking the DESCRIPTION package meta-information,
## checking/validating it, and installing it with the 'Built:'
## field added. Note that from 1.7.0 on, packages without
## compiled code are not marked as being from any platform.
## Check first. Note that this also calls .read_description(), but
## .check_package_description() currently really needs to know the
## path to the DESCRIPTION file, and returns an object with check
## results and not the package metadata ...
ok <- .check_package_description(file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION"))
if(any(as.integer(sapply(ok, length))) > 0) {
stop(paste(gettext("Invalid DESCRIPTION file") ,
collapse = "\n"),
sep = "\n\n"),
domain = NA,
call. = FALSE)
db <- .read_description(file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION"))
## should not have a Built: field, so ignore it if it is there
nm <- names(db)
if("Built" %in% nm) {
db <- db[-match("Built", nm)]
warning(gettextf("*** someone has corrupted the Built field in package '%s' ***",
domain = NA,
call. = FALSE)
OS <- Sys.getenv("R_OSTYPE")
OStype <- if(nzchar(OS) && OS == "windows")
if (length(grep("-apple-darwin",R.version$platform)) > 0 &&
OStype <- sub(".*-apple-darwin", "universal-apple-darwin", OStype)
Built <-
paste("R ",
paste(R.version[c("major", "minor")],
collapse = "."),
"; ",
if(file_test("-d", file.path(dir, "src"))) OStype
else "",
"; ",
## Prefer date in ISO 8601 format.
## Could also use
## format(Sys.time(), "%a %b %d %X %Y")
"; ",
sep = "")
## At some point of time, we had:
## We must not split the Built: field across lines.
## Not sure if this is still true. If not, the following could be
## simplified to
## db["Built"] <- Built
## write.dcf(rbind(db), file.path(outDir, "DESCRIPTION"))
outConn <- file(file.path(outDir, "DESCRIPTION"), open = "w")
write.dcf(rbind(db), outConn)
writeLines(paste("Built", Built, sep = ": "), outConn)
db["Built"] <- Built
outMetaDir <- file.path(outDir, "Meta")
if(!file_test("-d", outMetaDir) && !dir.create(outMetaDir))
stop(gettextf("cannot open directory '%s'",
domain = NA)
saveInfo <- .split_description(db)
.saveRDS(saveInfo, file.path(outMetaDir, "package.rds"))
### * .split_description
.split_description <-
function(db, verbose = FALSE)
if(!is.na(Built <- db["Built"])) {
Built <- as.list(strsplit(Built, "; ")[[1]])
if(length(Built) != 4) {
warning(gettextf("*** someone has corrupted the Built field in package '%s' ***",
domain = NA,
call. = FALSE)
Built <- NULL
} else {
names(Built) <- c("R", "Platform", "Date", "OStype")
Built[["R"]] <- R_system_version(sub("^R ([0-9.]+)", "\\1",
} else Built <- NULL
## might perhaps have multiple entries
Depends <- .split_dependencies(db[names(db) %in% "Depends"])
if("R" %in% names(Depends)) {
if(verbose && sum("R" == names(Depends)) > 1) {
entries <- Depends["R" == names(Depends)]
entries <- lapply(entries, function(x)
paste(lapply(x, as.character), collapse="")
message("WARNING: 'Depends' entry has multiple dependencies: ",
paste(unlist(entries), collapse=', '),
"\n\tonly the first will be used")
Rdeps <- Depends[["R", exact = TRUE]] # the first one
Depends <- Depends[names(Depends) != "R"]
## several packages have 'Depends: R', which is a noop.
if(verbose && length(Rdeps) == 1)
message("WARNING: omitting pointless dependence on 'R' without a version requirement")
if(length(Rdeps) <= 1) Rdeps <- NULL
} else Rdeps <- NULL
Rdeps <- as.vector(Rdeps)
Suggests <- .split_dependencies(db[names(db) %in% "Suggests"])
Imports <- .split_dependencies(db[names(db) %in% "Imports"])
structure(list(DESCRIPTION = db, Built = Built, Rdepends = Rdeps,
Depends = Depends, Suggests = Suggests,
Imports = Imports),
class = "packageDescription2")
### * .vinstall_package_descriptions_as_RDS
.vinstall_package_descriptions_as_RDS <-
function(dir, packages)
## For the given packages installed in @file{dir}, install their
## DESCRIPTION package metadata as R metadata.
## Really only useful for base packages under Unix.
## See @file{src/library/Makefile.in}.
for(p in unlist(strsplit(packages, "[[:space:]]+"))) {
meta_dir <- file.path(dir, p, "Meta")
if(!file_test("-d", meta_dir) && !dir.create(meta_dir))
stop(gettextf("cannot open directory '%s'", meta_dir))
package_info_dcf_file <- file.path(dir, p, "DESCRIPTION")
package_info_rds_file <- file.path(meta_dir, "package.rds")
### * .update_package_rds
.update_package_rds <-
function(lib.loc = NULL)
## rebuild the dumped package descriptions for all packages in lib.loc
if (is.null(lib.loc)) lib.loc <- .libPaths()
lib.loc <- lib.loc[file.exists(lib.loc)]
for (lib in lib.loc) {
a <- list.files(lib, all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE)
for (nam in a) {
dfile <- file.path(nam, "DESCRIPTION")
if (file.exists(dfile)) {
.install_package_description(nam, nam)
### * .install_package_code_files
.install_package_code_files <-
function(dir, outDir)
if(!file_test("-d", dir))
stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir),
domain = NA)
dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
## Attempt to set the LC_COLLATE locale to 'C' to turn off locale
## specific sorting.
curLocale <- Sys.getlocale("LC_COLLATE")
on.exit(Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", curLocale), add = TRUE)
## (Guaranteed to work as per the Sys.setlocale() docs.)
lccollate <- "C"
if(Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", lccollate) != lccollate) {
## I don't think we can give an error here.
## It may be the case that Sys.setlocale() fails because the "OS
## reports request cannot be honored" (src/main/platform.c), in
## which case we should still proceed ...
warning("cannot turn off locale-specific sorting via LC_COLLATE")
## We definitely need a valid DESCRIPTION file.
db <- .read_description(file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION"))
codeDir <- file.path(dir, "R")
if(!file_test("-d", codeDir)) return(invisible())
codeFiles <- list_files_with_type(codeDir, "code", full.names = FALSE)
collationField <-
c(paste("Collate", .OStype(), sep = "."), "Collate")
if(any(i <- collationField %in% names(db))) {
## We have a Collate specification in the DESCRIPTION file:
## currently, file paths relative to codeDir, separated by
## white space, possibly quoted. Note that we could have
## newlines in DCF entries but do not allow them in file names,
## hence we gsub() them out.
collationField <- collationField[i][1]
con <- textConnection(gsub("\n", " ", db[collationField]))
codeFilesInCspec <- scan(con, what = character(),
strip.white = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
## Duplicated entries in the collation spec?
badFiles <-
if(length(badFiles)) {
out <- gettextf("\nduplicated files in '%s' field:",
out <- paste(out,
paste(" ", badFiles, collapse = "\n"),
sep = "\n")
stop(out, domain = NA)
## See which files are listed in the collation spec but don't
## exist.
badFiles <- codeFilesInCspec %w/o% codeFiles
if(length(badFiles)) {
out <- gettextf("\nfiles in '%s' field missing from '%s':",
out <- paste(out,
paste(" ", badFiles, collapse = "\n"),
sep = "\n")
stop(out, domain = NA)
## See which files exist but are missing from the collation
## spec. Note that we do not want the collation spec to use
## only a subset of the available code files.
badFiles <- codeFiles %w/o% codeFilesInCspec
if(length(badFiles)) {
out <- gettextf("\nfiles in '%s' missing from '%s' field:",
out <- paste(out,
paste(" ", badFiles, collapse = "\n"),
sep = "\n")
stop(out, domain = NA)
## Everything's groovy ...
codeFiles <- codeFilesInCspec
codeFiles <- file.path(codeDir, codeFiles)
if(!file_test("-d", outDir) && !dir.create(outDir))
stop(gettextf("cannot open directory '%s'", outDir),
domain = NA)
outCodeDir <- file.path(outDir, "R")
if(!file_test("-d", outCodeDir) && !dir.create(outCodeDir))
stop(gettextf("cannot open directory '%s'", outCodeDir),
domain = NA)
outFile <- file.path(outCodeDir, db["Package"])
stop(gettextf("unable to create '%s'", outFile), domain = NA)
writeLines(paste(".packageName <- \"", db["Package"], "\"", sep=""),
enc <- as.vector(db["Encoding"])
need_enc <- !is.na(enc) # Encoding was specified
## assume that if locale if 'C' we can used 8-bit encodings unchanged.
if(need_enc && capabilities("iconv") &&
!(Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") %in% c("C", "POSIX"))
) {
con <- file(outFile, "a")
on.exit(close(con)) # Windows does not like files left open
for(f in codeFiles) {
tmp <- iconv(readLines(f, warn = FALSE), from = enc, to = "")
stop(gettextf("unable to re-encode '%s'", basename(f)),
domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
writeLines(tmp, con)
} else {
## It may be safer to do
## writeLines(sapply(codeFiles, readLines), outFile)
## instead, but this would be much slower ...
## use fast version of file.append that ensures LF between files
if(!all(.file_append_ensuring_LFs(outFile, codeFiles)))
stop("unable to write code files")
### * .install_package_indices
.install_package_indices <-
function(dir, outDir)
options(warn = 1) # to ensure warnings get seen
if(!file_test("-d", dir))
stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir),
domain = NA)
if(!file_test("-d", outDir))
stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", outDir),
domain = NA)
## If there is an @file{INDEX} file in the package sources, we
## install this, and do not build it.
if(file_test("-f", file.path(dir, "INDEX")))
if(!file.copy(file.path(dir, "INDEX"),
file.path(outDir, "INDEX"),
overwrite = TRUE))
stop(gettextf("unable to copy INDEX to '%s'",
file.path(outDir, "INDEX")),
domain = NA)
outMetaDir <- file.path(outDir, "Meta")
if(!file_test("-d", outMetaDir) && !dir.create(outMetaDir))
stop(gettextf("cannot open directory '%s'", outMetaDir),
domain = NA)
.install_package_Rd_indices(dir, outDir)
.install_package_vignette_index(dir, outDir)
.install_package_demo_index(dir, outDir)
### * .install_package_Rd_indices
.install_package_Rd_indices <-
function(dir, outDir)
dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
docsDir <- file.path(dir, "man")
dataDir <- file.path(outDir, "data")
outDir <- file_path_as_absolute(outDir)
## allow for a data dir but no man pages
if(!file_test("-d", docsDir)) {
if(file_test("-d", dataDir))
.saveRDS(.build_data_index(dataDir, NULL),
file.path(outDir, "Meta", "data.rds"))
## Not clear whether we should use the basename of the directory we
## install to, or the package name as obtained from the DESCRIPTION
## file in the directory we install from (different for versioned
## installs). We definitely do not want the basename of the dir we
## install from.
packageName <- basename(outDir)
indices <- c(file.path("Meta", "Rd.rds"),
file.path("Meta", "hsearch.rds"),
upToDate <- file_test("-nt", file.path(outDir, indices), docsDir)
if(file_test("-d", dataDir)) {
## Note that the data index is computed from both the package's
## Rd files and the data sets actually available.
upToDate <-
file.path(outDir, "Meta", "data.rds"),
c(dataDir, docsDir)))
if(all(upToDate)) return(invisible())
contents <- Rdcontents(list_files_with_type(docsDir, "docs"))
file.path(outDir, "Meta", "Rd.rds"))
.saveRDS(.build_hsearch_index(contents, packageName),
file.path(outDir, "Meta", "hsearch.rds"))
.write_contents_as_DCF(contents, packageName,
file.path(outDir, "CONTENTS"))
## If there is no @file{INDEX} file in the package sources, we
## build one.
## We currently do not also save this in RDS format, as we can
## always do
## .build_Rd_index(.readRDS(file.path(outDir, "Meta", "Rd.rds"))
if(!file_test("-f", file.path(dir, "INDEX")))
file.path(outDir, "INDEX"))
if(file_test("-d", dataDir))
.saveRDS(.build_data_index(dataDir, contents),
file.path(outDir, "Meta", "data.rds"))
### * .install_package_vignette_index
.install_package_vignette_index <-
function(dir, outDir)
dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
vignetteDir <- file.path(dir, "inst", "doc")
## Create a vignette index only if the vignette dir exists.
if(!file_test("-d", vignetteDir))
outDir <- file_path_as_absolute(outDir)
## Not clear whether we should use the basename of the directory we
## install to, or the package name as obtained from the DESCRIPTION
## file in the directory we install from (different for versioned
## installs). We definitely do not want the basename of the dir we
## install from.
packageName <- basename(outDir)
outVignetteDir <- file.path(outDir, "doc")
if(!file_test("-d", outVignetteDir) && !dir.create(outVignetteDir))
stop(gettextf("cannot open directory '%s'", outVignetteDir),
domain = NA)
## If there is an HTML index in the @file{inst/doc} subdirectory of
## the package source directory (@code{dir}), we do not overwrite it
## (similar to top-level @file{INDEX} files). Installation already
## copies/d this over.
hasHtmlIndex <- file_test("-f", file.path(vignetteDir, "index.html"))
htmlIndex <- file.path(outDir, "doc", "index.html")
## Write dummy HTML index if no vignettes are found and exit.
if(!length(list_files_with_type(vignetteDir, "vignette"))) {
## we don't want to write an index if the directory is in fact empty
files <- list.files(vignetteDir, all.files = TRUE) # includes . and ..
if((length(files) > 2) && !hasHtmlIndex)
.writeVignetteHtmlIndex(packageName, htmlIndex)
vignetteIndex <- .build_vignette_index(vignetteDir)
## For base package vignettes there is no PDF in @file{vignetteDir}
## but there might/should be one in @file{outVignetteDir}.
if(NROW(vignetteIndex) > 0) {
vignettePDFs <-
sub("$", ".pdf",
ind <- file_test("-f", file.path(outVignetteDir, vignettePDFs))
vignetteIndex$PDF[ind] <- vignettePDFs[ind]
.writeVignetteHtmlIndex(packageName, htmlIndex, vignetteIndex)
file = file.path(outDir, "Meta", "vignette.rds"))
### * .install_package_demo_index
.install_package_demo_index <-
function(dir, outDir)
demoDir <- file.path(dir, "demo")
if(!file_test("-d", demoDir)) return(invisible())
demoIndex <- .build_demo_index(demoDir)
file = file.path(outDir, "Meta", "demo.rds"))
### * .vinstall_package_indices
.vinstall_package_indices <-
function(src_dir, out_dir, packages)
## For the given packages with sources rooted at @file{src_dir} and
## installations rooted at @file{out_dir}, install the package
## indices.
## Really only useful for base packages under Unix.
## See @file{src/library/Makefile.in}.
for(p in unlist(strsplit(packages, "[[:space:]]+")))
.install_package_indices(file.path(src_dir, p),
file.path(out_dir, p))
### * .install_package_vignettes
## this is only used when building R, to build the 'grid' vignettes.
.install_package_vignettes <-
function(dir, outDir, keep.source = FALSE)
dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
vignetteDir <- file.path(dir, "inst", "doc")
if(!file_test("-d", vignetteDir))
vignetteFiles <- list_files_with_type(vignetteDir, "vignette")
outDir <- file_path_as_absolute(outDir)
outVignetteDir <- file.path(outDir, "doc")
if(!file_test("-d", outVignetteDir) && !dir.create(outVignetteDir))
stop(gettextf("cannot open directory '%s'", outVignetteDir),
domain = NA)
## For the time being, assume that no PDFs are available in
## vignetteDir.
vignettePDFs <-
sub("$", ".pdf",
upToDate <- file_test("-nt", vignettePDFs, vignetteFiles)
## For the time being, the primary use of this function is to
## install (and build) vignettes in base packages. Hence, we build
## in a subdir of the current directory rather than a temp dir: this
## allows inspection of problems and automatic cleanup via Make.
cwd <- getwd()
buildDir <- file.path(cwd, ".vignettes")
if(!file_test("-d", buildDir) && !dir.create(buildDir))
stop(gettextf("cannot create directory '%s'", buildDir), domain = NA)
## Argh. We need to ensure that vignetteDir is in TEXINPUTS and
## BIBINPUTS. Note that this does not work with MiKTeX.
envSep <- if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") ";" else ":"
## (Yes, it would be nice to have envPath() similar to file.path().)
texinputs <- Sys.getenv("TEXINPUTS")
bibinputs <- Sys.getenv("BIBINPUTS")
on.exit(Sys.setenv(TEXINPUTS = texinputs, BIBINPUTS = bibinputs),
add = TRUE)
Sys.setenv(TEXINPUTS = paste(vignetteDir, Sys.getenv("TEXINPUTS"),
sep = envSep),
BIBINPUTS = paste(vignetteDir, Sys.getenv("BIBINPUTS"),
sep = envSep))
for(srcfile in vignetteFiles[!upToDate]) {
base <- basename(file_path_sans_ext(srcfile))
message("processing '", basename(srcfile), "'")
texfile <- paste(base, ".tex", sep = "")
yy <- try(utils::Sweave(srcfile, pdf = TRUE, eps = FALSE,
quiet = TRUE, keep.source = keep.source))
if(inherits(yy, "try-error")) stop(yy)
## In case of an error, do not clean up: should we point to
## buildDir for possible inspection of results/problems?
texi2dvi(texfile, pdf = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
pdffile <-
paste(basename(file_path_sans_ext(srcfile)), ".pdf", sep = "")
stop(gettextf("file '%s' was not created", pdffile),
domain = NA)
if(!file.copy(pdffile, outVignetteDir, overwrite = TRUE))
stop(gettextf("cannot copy '%s' to '%s'",
domain = NA)
## Need to change out of this dir before we delete it,
## at least on Windows.
unlink(buildDir, recursive = TRUE)
## Now you need to update the HTML index!
.install_package_vignette_index(dir, outDir)
### * .install_package_namespace_info
.install_package_namespace_info <-
function(dir, outDir)
dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
nsFile <- file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE")
if(!file_test("-f", nsFile)) return(invisible())
nsInfoFilePath <- file.path(outDir, "Meta", "nsInfo.rds")
if(file_test("-nt", nsInfoFilePath, nsFile)) return(invisible())
nsInfo <- parseNamespaceFile(basename(dir), dirname(dir))
outMetaDir <- file.path(outDir, "Meta")
if(!file_test("-d", outMetaDir) && !dir.create(outMetaDir))
stop(gettextf("cannot open directory '%s'", outMetaDir),
domain = NA)
.saveRDS(nsInfo, nsInfoFilePath)
### * .vinstall_package_namespaces_as_RDS
.vinstall_package_namespaces_as_RDS <-
function(dir, packages)
## For the given packages installed in @file{dir} which have a
## NAMESPACE file, install the namespace info as R metadata.
## Really only useful for base packages under Unix.
## See @file{src/library/Makefile.in}.
for(p in unlist(strsplit(packages, "[[:space:]]+")))
.install_package_namespace_info(file.path(dir, p),
file.path(dir, p))
### * .convert_examples
.convert_examples <- function(infile, outfile, encoding)
## convert infile from encoding to current, if possible
if(capabilities("iconv") && l10n_info()[["MBCS"]]) {
text <- iconv(readLines(infile), encoding, "")
stop("invalid input", domain = NA)
writeLines(text, outfile)
} else file.copy(infile, outfile, TRUE)
### * .install_package_man_sources
.install_package_man_sources <- function(dir, outDir)
mandir <- file.path(dir, "man")
if(!file_test("-d", mandir)) return()
manfiles <- list_files_with_type(mandir, "docs")
if(!length(manfiles)) return()
manOutDir <- file.path(outDir, "man")
if(!file_test("-d", manOutDir)) dir.create(manOutDir)
pkgname <- sub("_.*$", "", basename(outDir)) # allow for versioned installs
filepath <- file.path(manOutDir, paste(pkgname, ".Rd.gz", sep = ""))
con <- gzfile(filepath, "wb")
for(file in manfiles) {
fn <- sub(".*/man/", "", file)
cat(file=con, "% --- Source file: ", fn, " ---\n", sep="")
writeLines(readLines(file, warn = FALSE), con) # will ensure final \n
## previous format had (sometimes) blank line before \eof, but
## this is not needed.
cat(file=con, "\\eof\n")
### * .install_package_demos
.install_package_demos <- function(dir, outDir)
## NB: we no longer install 00Index
demodir <- file.path(dir, "demo")
if(!file_test("-d", demodir)) return()
demofiles <- list_files_with_type(demodir, "demo", full.names = FALSE)
if(!length(demofiles)) return()
demoOutDir <- file.path(outDir, "demo")
if(!file_test("-d", demoOutDir)) dir.create(demoOutDir)
file.copy(file.path(demodir, demofiles), demoOutDir)
### * .find_cinclude_paths
.find_cinclude_paths <- function(pkgs, lib.loc = NULL, file = NULL)
## given a character string of comma-separated package names,
## find where the packages are installed and generate
## -I"/path/to/package/include" ...
if(!is.null(file)) {
tmp <- read.dcf(file, "LinkingTo")[1,1]
if(is.na(tmp)) return(invisible())
pkgs <- tmp
pkgs <- strsplit(pkgs[1], ",[:blank]*")[[1]]
paths <- .find.package(pkgs, lib.loc, quiet=TRUE)
cat(paste(paste('-I"', paths, '/include"', sep=""), collapse=" "))
### * .vcreate_bundle_package_descriptions
.vcreate_bundle_package_descriptions <-
function(dir, packages)
.canonicalize_metadata <- function(m) {
## Drop entries which are NA or empty.
m[!is.na(m) & (regexpr("^[[:space:]]*$", m) < 0)]
dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
## Bundle level metadata.
meta <- .read_description(file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION"))
meta <- .canonicalize_metadata(meta)
if(missing(packages)) packages <- meta[["Contains"]]
for(p in unlist(strsplit(.strip_whitespace(packages), "[[:space:]]+"))) {
bmeta <- meta
## Package metadata.
this <- file.path(dir, p, "DESCRIPTION.in")
if(file_test("-f", this)) {
pmeta <- .read_description(this)
pmeta <- .canonicalize_metadata(pmeta)
## Need to merge dependency fields in *both* metadata.
fields_to_merge <-
c("Depends", "Imports", "Suggests", "Enhances")
fields <- intersect(intersect(names(bmeta), fields_to_merge),
intersect(names(pmeta), fields_to_merge))
if(length(fields)) {
bmeta[fields] <-
paste(bmeta[fields], pmeta[fields], sep = ", ")
pmeta <- pmeta[!(names(pmeta) %in% fields)]
} else {
warning(gettextf("missing 'DESCRIPTION.in' for package '%s'", p),
domain = NA)
d <- sprintf("Package '%s' from bundle '%s'", p, meta[["Bundle"]])
pmeta <- c(p, d, d)
names(pmeta) <- c("Package", "Description", "Title")
write.dcf(rbind(c(bmeta, pmeta)),
file.path(dir, p, "DESCRIPTION"))
### * .test_package_depends_R_version
.test_package_depends_R_version <-
if(missing(dir)) dir <- "."
meta <- .read_description(file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION"))
depends <- .split_description(meta, verbose = TRUE)$Rdepends
status <- 0
## .split_description will have ensured that this is NULL or
## of length 3.
if(length(depends) > 1) {
## .check_package_description will insist on these operators
if(!depends$op %in% c("<=", ">="))
message("WARNING: malformed 'Depends' field in 'DESCRIPTION'")
status <- !do.call(depends$op,
list(getRversion(), depends$version))
if(status != 0) {
package <- Sys.getenv("R_PACKAGE_NAME")
package <- meta["Package"]
msg <- gettextf("ERROR: this R is version %s, package '%s' requires R %s %s",
getRversion(), package,
depends$op, depends$version)
else if (nzchar(bundle <- meta["Bundle"]) && !is.na(bundle))
msg <- gettextf("ERROR: this R is version %s, bundle '%s' requires R %s %s",
getRversion(), bundle,
depends$op, depends$version)
msg <- gettextf("ERROR: this R is version %s, required is R %s %s",
depends$op, depends$version)
message(strwrap(msg, exdent = 2))
q(status = status)
### Local variables: ***
### mode: outline-minor ***
### outline-regexp: "### [*]+" ***
### End: ***