mode <- function(x) { if(is.expression(x)) return("expression") if( return(switch(deparse(x[[1]])[1], "(" = "(", ## otherwise "call")) if( "name" else switch(tx <- typeof(x), double=, integer= "numeric",# 'real=' dropped, 2000/Jan/14 closure=, builtin=, special= "function", ## otherwise tx) } "storage.mode<-" <-function(x, value) { if (storage.mode(x) == value) return(x) if(is.factor(x)) stop("invalid to change the storage mode of a factor") if(value == "single") warning('use of storage.mode(x) <- "single" is deprecated: use mode<- instead', domain=NA, call.=FALSE) mde <- paste("as.",value,sep="") atr <- attributes(x) isSingle <- !is.null(attr(x, "Csingle")) setSingle <- value == "single" x <- eval(call(mde,x), parent.frame()) attributes(x) <- atr ## this avoids one copy if(setSingle != isSingle) attr(x, "Csingle") <- if(setSingle) TRUE # else NULL x } "mode<-" <- function(x, value) { if (storage.mode(x) == value) return(x) if(is.factor(x)) stop("invalid to change the storage mode of a factor") mde <- paste("as.",value,sep="") atr <- attributes(x) isSingle <- !is.null(attr(x, "Csingle")) setSingle <- value == "single" x <- eval(call(mde,x), parent.frame()) attributes(x) <- atr ## this avoids one copy if(setSingle != isSingle) attr(x, "Csingle") <- if(setSingle) TRUE # else NULL x } storage.mode <- function(x) { x <- typeof(x) if (x == "closure" || x == "builtin" || x == "special") return("function") x }