read.dcf <- function(file, fields = NULL) { if(is.character(file)){ file <- gzfile(file, "r") on.exit(close(file)) } if(!inherits(file, "connection")) stop("'file' must be a character string or connection") .Internal(readDCF(file, fields)) } write.dcf <- function(x, file = "", append = FALSE, indent = 0.1 * getOption("width"), width = 0.9 * getOption("width")) { if(! x <- data.frame(x) x <- as.matrix(x) mode(x) <- "character" if(file == "") file <- stdout() else if(is.character(file)) { file <- file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) on.exit(close(file)) } if(!inherits(file, "connection")) stop("'file' must be a character string or connection") nr <- nrow(x) nc <- ncol(x) eor <- character(nr * nc) eor[, nr - 1) * nc] <- "\n" # newline for end of record writeLines(paste(formatDL(, nr), c(t(x)), style = "list", width = width, indent = indent), eor, sep = ""), file) }