R-@FULLVERSION@ build for Windows

This directory contains a Windows binary build of the @DATE@ development snapshot of R (which will eventually become R-@RVER@).

This is a development version of R. It likely contains bugs, so be careful if you use it. Please don't report bugs in this version through the usual R bug reporting system, please report them on the r-devel mailing list.

The current official release is available here.

Patches to the current release are incorporated in the build available here.

In this directory:

README.@RWVER@ Installation and other instructions.
CHANGES New features of this Windows version.
NEWS New features of all versions.
@RWVER@-win32.exe Setup program (about 29 megabytes). Please download this from a mirror near you.

Please see the R FAQ for general information about R and the R Windows FAQ for Windows-specific information, including upgrade advice.

Last build: @DATE@, by Duncan Murdoch