#! @PERL@ #-*- perl -*- ## Copyright (C) 2000-2006 R Development Core Team ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ## any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## A copy of the GNU General Public License is available via WWW at ## http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. You can also obtain it by ## writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, ## Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ## Send any bug reports to r-bugs@r-project.org use Cwd; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use File::Find; use File::Path; use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; use R::Dcf; use R::Logfile; use R::Rdtools; use R::Utils; use R::Vars; use Text::Wrap; ## Don't buffer output. $| = 1; my $revision = ' $Rev$ '; my $version; my $name; $revision =~ / ([\d\.]*) /; $version = $1; ($name = $0) =~ s|.*/||; ### Options my $opt_clean = 1; my $opt_examples = 1; my $opt_tests = 1; my $opt_latex = 1; my $opt_use_gct = 0; my $opt_codoc = 1; my $opt_install = 1; my $opt_vignettes = 1; my $opt_use_valgrind = 0; my $opt_rcfile = ""; # Only set this if $ENV{"HOME"} is set. $opt_rcfile = &file_path($ENV{"HOME"}, ".R", "check.conf") if defined($ENV{"HOME"}); my $opt_subdirs; my $WINDOWS = ($R::Vars::OSTYPE eq "windows"); R::Vars::error("R_HOME", "R_EXE"); my @known_options = ("help|h", "version|v", "outdir|o:s", "library|l:s", "no-clean", "no-examples", "no-tests", "no-latex", "use-gct" => \$opt_use_gct, "no-codoc", "install=s" => \$opt_install, "no-install", "no-vignettes", "use-valgrind" => \$opt_use_valgrind, "rcfile=s" => \$opt_rcfile, "check-subdirs=s" => \$opt_subdirs); GetOptions(@known_options) or usage(); R_version("R add-on package checker", $version) if $opt_version; usage() if $opt_help; $opt_clean = 0 if $opt_no_clean; $opt_examples = 0 if $opt_no_examples; $opt_tests = 0 if $opt_no_tests; $opt_latex = 0 if $opt_no_latex; $opt_codoc = 0 if $opt_no_codoc; $opt_install = 0 if $opt_no_install; $opt_vignettes = 0 if $opt_no_vignettes; if($opt_install eq "fake") { ## If we fake installation, then we cannot *run* any code. $opt_examples = $opt_tests = $opt_vignettes = 0; } $opt_install = 0 if($opt_install eq "no"); my $opt_ff_calls = 1; ## The neverending story ... ## For the time being, allow to turn this off by setting the environment ## variable _R_CHECK_FF_CALLS_ to a Perl 'null' value. if(defined($ENV{"_R_CHECK_FF_CALLS_"})) { $opt_ff_calls = $ENV{"_R_CHECK_FF_CALLS_"}; } ## Use system default unless explicitly specified otherwise. $ENV{"R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES"} = ""; ### Configurable variables my $R_check_use_install_log = &R_getenv("_R_CHECK_USE_INSTALL_LOG_", "TRUE"); my $R_check_subdirs_nocase = &R_getenv("_R_CHECK_SUBDIRS_NOCASE_", "FALSE"); my $R_check_all_non_ISO_C = &R_getenv("_R_CHECK_ALL_NON_ISO_C_", "FALSE"); my $R_check_weave_vignettes = &R_getenv("_R_CHECK_WEAVE_VIGNETTES_", "TRUE"); my $R_check_subdirs_strict = &R_getenv("_R_CHECK_SUBDIRS_STRICT_", "default"); ## Maybe move basic configuration (and documentation) to ## &file_path($R::Vars::R_HOME, "etc", "check.conf") ## eventually ... for my $file ($opt_rcfile) { if(-r $file) { open(FILE, "< $file") or die "Error: cannot open file '$file' for reading\n"; my @lines = ; close(FILE); eval("@lines"); die "Error: failed to eval config file '$file'\n$@\n" if ($@); ## ## We prefer the above to the usual recommendation ## unless ($return = do($file)) { ## warn "couldn't parse $file: $@" if $@; ## warn "couldn't do $file: $!" unless defined $return; ## warn "couldn't run $file" unless $return; ## } ## as do(FILE) cannot see lexicals in the enclosing scope. ## } } $R_check_use_install_log = &config_val_to_logical($R_check_use_install_log); $R_check_subdirs_nocase = &config_val_to_logical($R_check_subdirs_nocase); $R_check_all_non_ISO_C = &config_val_to_logical($R_check_all_non_ISO_C); $R_check_weave_vignettes = &config_val_to_logical($R_check_weave_vignettes); $opt_subdirs = $R_check_subdirs_strict if $opt_subdirs eq ""; my $startdir = R_cwd(); $opt_outdir = $startdir unless $opt_outdir; chdir($opt_outdir) or die "Error: cannot change to directory '$opt_outdir'\n"; my $outdir = R_cwd(); chdir($startdir); my $R_LIBS = $ENV{'R_LIBS'}; my $library; if($opt_library) { chdir($opt_library) or die "Error: cannot change to directory '$opt_library'\n"; $library = R_cwd(); $ENV{'R_LIBS'} = env_path($library, $R_LIBS); chdir($startdir); } my $tar = R_getenv("TAR", "tar"); my $gzip = R_getenv("R_GZIPCMD", "gzip"); my $R_opts = "--vanilla"; if($opt_latex) { my $log = new R::Logfile(); $log->checking("for working latex"); open(TEXFILE, "> " . &file_path(${R::Vars::TMPDIR}, "Rtextest$$.tex")) or die "Error: cannot open file 'Rtextest$$.tex' for writing\n"; print TEXFILE "\\documentclass\{article\}\\begin\{document\}" . "test\\end\{document\}\n"; close(TEXFILE); chdir($R::Vars::TMPDIR); if(R_system("${R::Vars::LATEX} Rtextest$$ > Rtextest$$.out")) { $log->result("NO"); $HAVE_LATEX = 0; } else { $log->result("OK"); $HAVE_LATEX = 1; } unlink(); chdir($startdir); $log->close(); } ## This is the main loop over all packages to be checked. (scalar(@ARGV) > 0) or die "Error: no packages were specified\n"; foreach my $pkg (@ARGV) { ## $pkg should be the path to the package (bundle) root source ## directory, either absolute or relative to $startdir. ## As from 2.1.0 it can also be a tarball ## $pkgdir is the corresponding absolute path. ## $pkgname is the name of the package (bundle). chdir($startdir); $pkg =~ s+/$++; # strip any trailing '/' my $pkgname = basename($pkg); my $thispkg_subdirs = $opt_subdirs; ## is this a tar archive? my $istar = 0; if($pkgname =~ /\.tar\.gz$/ || $pkgname =~ /\.tgz$/) { $pkgname =~ s/\.tar\.gz$//; $pkgname =~ s/\.tgz$//; $pkgname =~ s/_[0-9\.-]*$//; $istar = 1; $thispkg_subdirs = "yes-maybe" if $thispkg_subdirs eq "default"; } else { $thispkg_subdirs = "no" if $thispkg_subdirs eq "default"; } my $pkgoutdir = &file_path($outdir, "$pkgname.Rcheck"); rmtree($pkgoutdir) if ($opt_clean && (-d $pkgoutdir)) ; if(!(-d $pkgoutdir)) { mkdir($pkgoutdir, 0755) or die("Error: cannot create directory '$pkgoutdir'\n"); } if($istar) { my $dir = &file_path("$pkgoutdir", "00_pkg_src"); mkdir($dir, 0755) or die("Error: cannot create directory '$dir'\n"); if($WINDOWS) { ## workaround for paths in Cygwin tar $pkg =~ s+^([A-Za-z]):+/cygdrive/\1+; } ## this requires GNU tar: ATT 'tar x' does not support -C. if(R_system("$gzip -dc '$pkg' | $tar -xf - -C $dir")) { die "Error: cannot untar $pkg\n";} $pkg = &file_path($dir, $pkgname); } $pkg =~ s/\/$//; (-d $pkg) or die "Error: package dir '$pkg' does not exist\n"; chdir($pkg) or die "Error: cannot change to directory '$pkg'\n"; my $pkgdir = R_cwd(); ## my $pkgname = basename($pkgdir); my $thispkg_src_subdir = $thispkg_subdirs; if($thispkg_src_subdir eq "yes-maybe") { ## now see if there is a 'configure' file ## configure files are only used if executable, but ## -x is always false on Windows. if($WINDOWS) { $thispkg_src_subdir = "no" if (-f "configure"); } else { $thispkg_src_subdir = "no" if (-x "configure"); } } chdir($startdir); $log = new R::Logfile(&file_path($pkgoutdir, "00check.log")); $log->message("using log directory '$pkgoutdir'"); my @out = R_runR("cat(R.version.string, '\n', sep='')", "--slave --vanilla"); $log->message("using @out"); if(!$opt_library) { $library = $pkgoutdir; $ENV{'R_LIBS'} = env_path($library, $R_LIBS); } if($WINDOWS) { ## need to avoid spaces in $library $library = Win32::GetShortPathName($library) if $library =~ / /; } my $description; my $is_base_pkg = 0; my $is_bundle = 0; my $package_or_bundle = "package"; my $package_or_bundle_name; ## Package sources from the R distribution are special. They have a ## 'DESCRIPTION.in' file (instead of 'DESCRIPTION'), with Version ## field containing '@VERSION@' for substitution by configure. We ## test for such packages by looking for 'DESCRIPTION.in' with ## Priority 'base', and skip the installation test for such ## packages. if(-r &file_path($pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION.in")) { $description = new R::Dcf(&file_path($pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION.in")); if($description->{"Priority"} eq "base") { $log->message("looks like '${pkgname}' is a base package"); $log->message("skipping installation test"); $is_base_pkg = 1; } } if(!$is_base_pkg) { $log->checking(join("", ("for file '", &file_path($pkgname, "DESCRIPTION"), "'"))); if(-r &file_path($pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION")) { $description = new R::Dcf(&file_path($pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION")); $log->result("OK"); } else { $log->result("NO"); exit(1); } if($description->{"Type"}) { # standard packages do not have this $log->checking("extension type"); $log->result($description->{"Type"}); if($description->{"Type"} ne "Package") { $log->print("Only Type = Package extensions can be checked.\n"); exit(0); } } if($description->{"Bundle"}) { $is_bundle = 1; $log->message("looks like '${pkgname}' is a package bundle"); $package_or_bundle = "bundle"; $package_or_bundle_name = $description->{"Bundle"}; } else { $package_or_bundle_name = $description->{"Package"}; } $log->message("this is $package_or_bundle " . "'$package_or_bundle_name' " . "version '$description->{\"Version\"}'"); ## Check package dependencies. ## ## We want to check for dependencies early, since missing ## dependencies may make installation fail, and in any case we ## give up if they are missing. But we don't check them if ## we are not going to install and hence not run any code. ## if($opt_install) { ## Try figuring out whether the package dependencies can be ## resolved at run time. ## Ideally, the installation mechanism would do this, ## and we also do not check versions ... also see whether vignette ## and namespace package dependencies are recorded in DESCRIPTION. ## ## We are not checking base packages here, so all packages do ## have a description file. Bundles should have dependencies ## only at the top level to be usable by install.packages and ## friends, and `Writing R Extensions' requires this. ## $log->checking("package dependencies"); ## Everything listed in Depends or Suggests or Imports ## should be available for successfully running R CMD check. ## \VignetteDepends{} entries not "required" by the package code ## must be in Suggests. Note also that some of us think that a ## package vignette must require its own package, which OTOH is ## not required in the package DESCRIPTION file. ## Namespace imports must really be in Depends. my $Rcmd = "tools:::.check_package_depends(\"${pkgdir}\")\n"; my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet", "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL"); @out = grep(!/^\>/, @out); if(scalar(@out) > 0) { $log->error(); $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", @msg_DESCRIPTION)); exit(1); } else { $log->result("OK"); } } ## ## This check should be adequate, but would not catch a manually ## installed package, nor one installed prior to 1.4.0. ## $log->checking("if this is a source $package_or_bundle"); if(defined($description->{"Built"})) { $log->error(); $log->print("Only *source* packages can be checked.\n"); exit(1); } elsif($opt_install !~ /^check/) { ## Check for package/bundle 'src' subdirectories with object ## files (but not if installation was already performed). my $any; my $pat = "(a|o|[ls][ao]|sl|obj)"; # Object file extensions. my @dirs; if($is_bundle) { foreach my $ppkg (split(/\s+/, $description->{"Contains"})) { push(@dirs, &file_path($ppkg, "src")); } } else { @dirs = ("src"); } foreach my $dir (@dirs) { if((-d &file_path($pkgdir, $dir)) && &list_files_with_exts(&file_path($pkgdir, $dir), $pat)) { $log->warning() unless $any; $any++; $dir = &file_path($pkgname, $dir); $log->print("Subdirectory '$dir' " . "contains object files.\n"); } } if($thispkg_src_subdir ne "no") { foreach my $dir (@dirs) { if((-d &file_path($pkgdir, $dir))) { chdir(&file_path($pkgdir, $dir)); if(!(-f "Makefile") && !(-f "Makefile.win")) { opendir(DIR, ".") or die "cannot opendir $dir: $!"; @srcfiles = grep { !(/\.([Ccfh]|cc|cpp|f90|f95)$/ || /^Makevars/ || /-win\.def$/ ) && -f "$_" } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); if(@srcfiles) { $log->warning() unless $any; $any++; $log->print("Subdirectory '$dir' contains:\n"); $log->print(wrap(" ", " ", join(" ", sort @srcfiles) . "\n")); $log->print(wrap("", "", ("These are unlikely file names", "for src files.\n"))); } } chdir($startdir); } } } $log->result("OK") unless $any; } else { $log->result("OK"); } ## Option '--no-install' turns off installation and the tests ## which require the package to be installed. When testing ## recommended packages bundled with R we can skip installation, ## and do so if '--install=skip' was given. If command line ## option '--install' is of the form 'check:FILE', it is assumed ## that installation was already performed with stdout/stderr to ## FILE, the contents of which need to be checked (without ## repeating the installation). ## ## In this case, one also needs to specify *where* the package ## was installed to using command line option '--library'. ## Perhaps we should check for that, although '--install=check' ## is really only meant for repository maintainers. ## if($opt_install) { if($opt_install eq "skip") { $log->message("skipping installation test"); } else { my $use_install_log = (($opt_install =~ /^check/) || $R_check_use_install_log || !(-t STDIN && -t STDOUT)); my $INSTALL_opts = ""; $INSTALL_opts = "--fake" if($opt_install eq "fake"); my $cmd; if($WINDOWS) { $cmd = join(" ", ("Rcmd.exe INSTALL -l", &shell_quote_file_path($library), "$INSTALL_opts", &shell_quote_file_path($pkgdir))); } else { $cmd = join(" ", (&shell_quote_file_path(${R::Vars::R_EXE}), "CMD INSTALL -l", &shell_quote_file_path($library), "$INSTALL_opts", &shell_quote_file_path($pkgdir))); } if(!$use_install_log) { ## Case A: No redirection of stdout/stderr from ## installation. print("\n"); if(R_system($cmd)) { $log->error(); $log->print("Installation failed.\n"); exit(1); } print("\n"); } else { ## Case B. All output from installation redirected, ## or already available in the log file. $log->checking("whether $package_or_bundle " . "'$package_or_bundle_name' " . "can be installed"); my $out = &file_path($pkgoutdir, "00install.out"); my $install_error; my @lines; if($opt_install =~ /^check/) { copy(substr($opt_install, 6), $out); $opt_install = "check"; @lines = &read_lines($out); ## ## We used to have ## $install_error = ## ($lines[$#lines] !~ /^\* DONE/); ## but what if there is output from do_cleanup ## in (Unix) R CMD INSTALL? $install_error = (scalar(grep(/^\* DONE/, @lines)) == 0); } else { $cmd .= " >" . &shell_quote_file_path($out) . " 2>&1"; $install_error = &R_system($cmd); if($WINDOWS) { ## MS Html Help Compiler gives lines terminated ## by CRCRLF, so we clean up the log file. my $line; ## read_lines does chomp. @lines = &read_lines($out); open(FILE, "> $out") or die "Error: cannot open file '$out' for re-writing\n"; foreach $line (@lines) { $line =~ s/\r$//; print FILE $line, "\n"; } close(FILE); } } if($install_error) { $log->error(); $log->print("Installation failed.\n"); $log->print("See '$out' for details.\n"); exit(1); } ## There could still be some important warnings that ## we'd like to report. For the time being, start ## with compiler warnings about non ISO C code (Or ## at least, what looks like it.) In theory, we ## should only do this when using GCC ... @lines = &read_lines($out) unless($opt_install eq "check"); my $warn_re = "(" . join("|", ("^WARNING:", "^Warning:", ": warning: .*ISO C", "missing link\\(s\\):")) . ")"; @lines = grep(/$warn_re/, @lines); ## Ignore install time readLines() warnings about ## files with incomplete final lines. Most of these ## come from .install_package_indices(), and should be ## safe to ignore ... $warn_re = "Warning: incomplete final line " . "found by readLines"; @lines = grep(!/$warn_re/, @lines); ## Package writers cannot really do anything about ## non ISO C code in *system* headers. Also, GCC ## 3.4 or better warns about function pointers ## casts which are "needed" for dlsym(), but it ## seems that all systems which have dlsym() also ## support the cast. Hence, try to ignore these by ## default, but make it possible to get all ISO C ## warnings via an environment variable. if(!$R_check_all_non_ISO_C) { @lines = grep(!/^ *\/.*: warning: .*ISO C/, @lines); $warn_re = "warning: *ISO C forbids.*" . "function pointer"; @lines = grep(!/$warn_re/, @lines); } ## Warnings spotted by gfortran 4.0 or better with ## -Wall. Justified in principle, it seems. Let's ## filter them for the time being, and maybe revert ## this lateron ... but make it possible to suppress ## filtering out by setting the internal environment ## variable _R_CHECK_WALL_FORTRAN_ to something ## "true". my $R_check_Wall_FORTRAN = &R_getenv("_R_CHECK_WALL_FORTRAN_", "FALSE"); $R_check_Wall_FORTRAN = &config_val_to_logical($R_check_Wall_FORTRAN); if(!$R_check_Wall_FORTRAN) { my $warn_re = "(" . join("|", ("Label .* at \\(1\\) defined but not used", "Line truncated at \\(1\\)", "ASSIGN statement at \\(1\\)", "Assigned GOTO statement at \\(1\\)", "arithmetic IF statement at \\(1\\)")) . ")"; @lines = grep(!/$warn_re/, @lines); } if(scalar(@lines) > 0) { $log->warning(); $log->print("Found the following " . "significant warnings:\n"); $log->print(" " . join("\n ", @lines) . "\n"); } else { $log->result("OK"); } } } } } if($is_bundle) { my @bundlepkgs = split(/\s+/, $description->{"Contains"}); foreach my $ppkg (@bundlepkgs) { $log->message("checking '$ppkg' in bundle '$pkgname'"); $log->setstars("**"); chdir($startdir); check_pkg(&file_path($pkgdir, $ppkg), $pkgoutdir, $startdir, $library, $is_bundle, $description, $log, $is_base_pkg); $log->setstars("*"); } } else { chdir($startdir); check_pkg($pkgdir, $pkgoutdir, $startdir, $library, $is_bundle, $description, $log, $is_base_pkg, $thispkg_subdirs); } if($log->{"warnings"}) { print("\n") ; $log->summary(); } $log->close(); print("\n"); } sub check_pkg { my ($pkg, $pkgoutdir, $startdir, $library, $in_bundle, $description, $log, $is_base_pkg, $subdirs) = @_; my ($pkgdir, $pkgname); ## $pkg is the argument we received from the main loop. ## $pkgdir is the corresponding absolute path, ## $pkgname the name of the package. ## Note that we need to repeat the checking from the main loop in ## the case of package bundles (and we could check for this). $log->checking("package directory"); chdir($startdir); $pkg =~ s/\/$//; if(-d $pkg) { chdir($pkg) or die "Error: cannot change to directory '$pkg'\n"; $pkgdir = R_cwd(); if($in_bundle) { $pkgname = basename($pkgdir); } else { $pkgname = $description->{"Package"}; } } else { $log->error(); $log->print("Package directory '$pkg' does not exist.\n"); exit(1); } $log->result("OK"); chdir($pkgdir); ## Build list of exclude patterns. my @exclude_patterns = R::Utils::get_exclude_patterns(); my $exclude_file = ".Rbuildignore"; ## This is a bit tricky for bundles where the build ignore pattern ## file is in the top-level bundle dir. $exclude_file = &file_path(dirname($pkgdir), $exclude_file); if(-f $exclude_file) { open(RBUILDIGNORE, "< $exclude_file"); while() { chop; push(@exclude_patterns, $_) if $_; } close(RBUILDIGNORE); } ## Check for portable file names. ## Ensure that the names of the files in the package are valid for ## at least the supported OS types. Under Unix, we definitely ## cannot have '/'; under Windows, the control characters as well as ## " * : < > ? \ | ## (i.e., ASCII characters 1 to 31 and 34, 36, 58, 60, 62, 63, 92, ## and 124) are or can be invalid. (In addition, one cannot have ## one-character file names consisting of just ' ', '.', or '~'.) ## Based on information by Uwe Ligges, Duncan Murdoch, and Brian ## Ripley. ## Furthermore, Uwe Ligges says that Windows still does not allow ## the following DOS device names (by themselves or with possible ## extensions): ## ## Name Function ## ---- -------- ## CON Keyboard and display ## PRN System list device, usually a parallel port ## AUX Auxiliary device, usually a serial port ## CLOCK$ System real-time clock ## NUL Bit-bucket device ## COM1 First serial communications port ## COM2 Second serial communications port ## COM3 Third serial communications port ## COM4 Fourth serial communications port ## LPT1 First parallel printer port ## LPT2 Second parallel printer port ## LPT3 Third parallel printer port ## In addition, the names of help files get converted to HTML ## file names and so should be valid in URLs. We check that they are ## ASCII and do not contain %, which is what is known to cause troubles. $log->checking("for portable file names"); my @bad_files = (); sub find_wrong_names { my $file_path = $File::Find::name; $file_path =~ s/^\.[^\/]*\///; foreach my $p (@exclude_patterns) { if($WINDOWS) { ## Argh: Windows is case-honoring but not ## case-insensitive ... return 0 if($file_path =~ /$p/i); } else { return 0 if($file_path =~ /$p/); } } my $file_name = basename($file_path); if(grep(/[[:cntrl:]\"\*\/\:\<\>\?\\\|]/, $file_name)) { push(@bad_files, $file_path); } elsif(dirname($file_path) =~ /man$/) { my $ch; foreach $ch (split //, $file_name) { ## collation is ASCII as uselocale is not in effect. if ($ch eq "%" || $ch lt " " || $ch gt "~") { push(@bad_files, $file_path); last; } } } else { $file_name =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $file_name =~ s/\..*//; push(@bad_files, $file_path) if(grep(/^(con|prn|aux|clock\$|nul|lpt[1-3]|com[1-4])$/, $file_name)); } } if($in_bundle) { chdir(dirname($pkgdir)); # more portable than '..'? find(\&find_wrong_names, $pkgname); chdir($pkgname); } else { find(\&find_wrong_names, "."); } if(scalar(@bad_files) > 0) { $log->error(); $log->print("Found the following file(s) with " . "non-portable file names:\n"); $log->print(" " . join("\n ", @bad_files) . "\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", ("These are not valid file names", "on all R platforms.\n", "Please rename the files and try again.\n", "See section 'Package structure'", "in manual 'Writing R Extensions'.\n"))); exit(1); } ## next check for name clashes on case-insensitive file systems ## (that is on Windows). %seen = (); my @duplicated = (); sub check_case_names { my $file_path = lc($File::Find::name); if($seen{$file_path}) {push(@duplicated, $file_path);} $seen{$file_path} = 1; } if($in_bundle) { chdir(dirname($pkgdir)); # more portable than '..'? find(\&check_case_names, $pkgname); chdir($pkgname); } else { find(\&check_case_names, "."); } if(scalar(@duplicated) > 0) { $log->error(); $log->print("Found the following file(s) with " . "duplicate lower-cased file names:\n"); $log->print(" " . join("\n ", @duplicated) . "\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", ("File names must not differ just by case", "to be usable on all R platforms.\n", "Please rename the files and try again.\n", "See section 'Package structure'", "in manual 'Writing R Extensions'.\n"))); exit(1); } $log->result("OK"); ## Check for sufficient file permissions (Unix only). ## This used to be much more 'aggressive', requiring that dirs and ## files have mode >= 00755 and 00644, respectively (with an error ## if not), and that files know to be 'text' have mode 00644 (with a ## warning if not). We now only require that dirs and files have ## mode >= 00700 and 00400, respectively, and try to fix ## insufficient permission in the INSTALL code (Unix only). ## ## In addition, we check whether files 'configure' and 'cleanup' ## exists in the top-level directory but are not executable, which ## is most likely not what was intended. if($R::Vars::OSTYPE eq "unix") { $log->checking("for sufficient/correct file permissions"); my @bad_files = (); ## Phase A. Directories at least 700, files at least 400. sub find_wrong_perms_A { my $filename = $File::Find::name; $filename =~ s/^\.[^\/]*\///; foreach my $p (@exclude_patterns) { ## Unix only, so no special casing for Windows. return 0 if($filename =~ /$p/); } if(-d $_ && (((stat $_)[2] & 00700) < oct("700"))) { push(@bad_files, $filename); } if(-f $_ && (((stat $_)[2] & 00400) < oct("400"))) { push(@bad_files, $filename); } } if($in_bundle) { chdir(dirname($pkgdir)); # more portable than '..'? find(\&find_wrong_perms_A, $pkgname); chdir($pkgname); } else { find(\&find_wrong_perms_A, "."); } if(scalar(@bad_files) > 0) { $log->error(); $log->print("Found the following files with " . "insufficient permissions:\n"); $log->print(" " . join("\n ", @bad_files) . "\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", ("Permissions should be at least 700", "for directories and 400 for files.\n", "Please fix permissions", "and try again.\n"))); exit(1); } ## Phase B. Top-level scripts 'configure' and 'cleanup' should ## really be mode at least 500, or they will not be necessarily ## be used (or should we rather change *that*?) @bad_files = (); foreach my $filename ("configure", "cleanup") { ## This is a bit silly ... my $ignore = 0; foreach my $p (@exclude_patterns) { if($filename =~ /$p/) { $ignore = 1; last; } } if(!$ignore && (-f $filename) && (((stat $filename)[2] & 00500) < oct("500"))) { push(@bad_files, $filename); } } if(scalar(@bad_files) > 0) { $log->warning(); $log->print(wrap("", "", "The following files should most likely", "be executable (for the owner):\n")); $log->print(" " . join("\n ", @bad_files) . "\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", "Please fix permissions.\n")); } else { $log->result("OK"); } } ## Check DESCRIPTION meta-information. ## If we just installed the package (via R CMD INSTALL), we already ## validated most of the package DESCRIPTION metadata. Otherwise, ## let us be defensive about this ... my $full = !$opt_install || ($opt_install eq "skip") || $is_base_pkg; &R::Utils::check_package_description($pkgdir, $pkgname, $log, $in_bundle, $is_base_pkg, $full); $log->checking("top-level files"); opendir(DIR, ".") or die "cannot opendir package: $!"; my @topfiles = grep { /^install.R$/ || /^R_PROFILE.R/ && -f "$_" } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); if(@topfiles) { $log->warning(); $log->print(join(" ", @topfiles) . "\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", ("These files are deprecated.", "See manual 'Writing R Extensions'.\n"))); } else { $log->result("OK"); } ## Check index information. $log->checking("index information"); my @msg_index = ("See the information on INDEX files and package", "subdirectories in section 'Creating R packages'", "of the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n"); my $any = 0; if(-z "INDEX") { ## If there is an empty INDEX file, we get no information about ## the package contents ... $any++; $log->warning(); $log->print("Empty file 'INDEX'.\n"); } if((-d "demo") && &list_files_with_type("demo", "demo")) { my $index = &file_path("demo", "00Index"); if(!(-s $index)) { $log->warning() unless($any); $any++; $log->print("Empty or missing file '$index'.\n"); } else { my $dir = "demo"; my $Rcmd = "options(warn=1)\ntools:::.check_demo_index(\"$dir\")\n"; my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet", "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL"); @out = grep(!/^\>/, @out); if(scalar(@out) > 0) { $log->warning() unless($any); $any++; $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); } } } if((-d &file_path("inst", "doc")) && &list_files_with_type(&file_path("inst", "doc"), "vignette")) { my $dir = &file_path("inst", "doc"); my $Rcmd = "options(warn=1)\ntools:::.check_vignette_index(\"$dir\")\n"; my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet", "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL"); @out = grep(!/^\>/, @out); if(scalar(@out) > 0) { $log->warning() unless($any); $any++; $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); } } if($any) { $log->print(wrap("", "", @msg_index)); } else { $log->result("OK"); } ## Check package subdirectories. $log->checking("package subdirectories"); my $any; if($R_check_subdirs_nocase) { ## Argh. We often get submissions where 'R' comes out as 'r', ## or 'man' comes out as 'MAN'. Maybe we should warn about this ## unconditionally ... if((-d "r")) { $log->warning() unless $any; $any++; $log->print("Found subdirectory 'r'.\n"); $log->print("Most likely, this should be 'R'.\n") } if((-d "MAN")) { $log->warning() unless $any; $any++; $log->print("Found subdirectory 'MAN'.\n"); $log->print("Most likely, this should be 'man'.\n") } } sub check_subdirs { my ($dpath) = @_; my $Rcmd = "tools:::.check_package_subdirs(\"$dpath\")\n"; my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet", "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL"); @out = grep(!/^\>/, @out); if(scalar(@out) > 0) { $log->warning() unless($any); $any++; $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", ("Please remove or rename the files.\n", "See section 'Package subdirectories'", "in manual 'Writing R Extensions'.\n"))); } } &check_subdirs(".") unless ($subdirs eq "no"); ## Subdirectory 'data' without data sets? if((-d "data") && !&list_files_with_type("data", "data")) { $log->warning() unless $any; $any++; $log->print("Subdirectory 'data' contains no data sets.\n"); } ## Subdirectory 'demo' without demos? if((-d "demo") && !&list_files_with_type("demo", "demo")) { $log->warning() unless $any; $any++; $log->print("Subdirectory 'demo' contains no demos.\n"); } ## Subdirectory 'src' without sources? ## ## If there is a Makefile (or a Makefile.win), we cannot assume ## that source files have the predefined extensions. ## if( (-d "src") && !( (-f &file_path("src", "Makefile")) || (-f &file_path("src", "Makefile.win")) )) { if( !(&list_files_with_exts("src", "([Ccf]|cc|cpp|f90|f95)"))) { $log->warning() unless $any; $any++; $log->print("Subdirectory 'src' contains no source files.\n"); } } ## Do subdirectories of 'inst' interfere with R package system ## subdirectories? if((-d "inst")) { my @R_system_subdirs = ("Meta", "R", "data", "demo", "exec", "libs", "man", "help", "html", "latex", "R-ex"); my @bad_dirs = (); foreach my $dir (@R_system_subdirs) { push(@bad_dirs, $dir) if((-d &file_path("inst", $dir)) && &list_files(file_path("inst", $dir))); } if(scalar(@bad_dirs) > 0) { $log->warning() unless $any; $any++; $log->print(wrap("", "", ("Found the following non-empty", "subdirectories of 'inst' also", "used by R:\n"))); $log->print(" " . join(" ", @bad_dirs) . "\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", ("It is recommended not to interfere", "with package subdirectories", "used by R.\n"))); } } $log->result("OK") unless $any; ## Check R code for syntax errors. if(!$is_base_pkg && (-d "R")) { $log->checking("R files for syntax errors"); ## ## We could/should really check *all* OS specific subdirs here. my @R_files = &list_files_with_type("R", "code"); ## my $Rcmd = "RFiles <- c(\""; $Rcmd .= join("\",\n\"", @R_files) . "\")\n"; $Rcmd .= "for(f in RFiles)\n"; $Rcmd .= "if(inherits(try(parse(f)), \"try-error\")) stop(f)\n"; my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet"); @out = grep(/^Error:/, @out); if(scalar(@out) > 0) { my $Rfile = $out[0]; $Rfile =~ s/^Error: *//; $log->error(); $log->print("Syntax error in file '$Rfile'\n"); exit(1); } else { $log->result("OK"); } } ## Check usage of library.dynam (if any). if(!$is_base_pkg && (-d "R")) { $log->checking("R files for library.dynam"); my @R_files; if($opt_install) { ## Only need to check the installed file (if installed). @R_files = (&file_path($library, $pkgname, "R", $pkgname)); } else { ## Otherwise (if the package was not installed), we need to ## check all R code files. ## ## We could/should really check all OS specific subdirs here. @R_files = &list_files_with_type("R", "code"); ## } my $any = 0; my $ext; foreach my $file (@R_files) { last if $any; open(FILE, "< $file") or die "Error: cannot open file '$file' for reading\n"; while() { if(/library.dynam\(\"(.*?)\"/o) { my $arg = $1; if($arg =~ /\.(so|sl|dll)$/) { $ext = $1; $any++; last; } } } close(FILE); } if($any == 0) { $log->result("OK"); } else { $log->error(); $log->print("library.dynam() used with extension '.$ext'.\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", ("The system-specific extension for", "shared libraries should not be added.\n", "See ?library.dynam\n"))); exit(1); } } ## Check whether methods have all arguments of the corresponding ## generic. if(-d "R") { $log->checking("S3 generic/method consistency"); my @msg_S3_methods = ("See section 'Generic functions and methods'", "of the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n"); my $Rcmd = "options(warn=1)\n"; $Rcmd .= "options(expressions=1000)\n"; if($opt_install) { $Rcmd .= "tools::checkS3methods(package = \"${pkgname}\")\n"; } else { $Rcmd .= "tools::checkS3methods(dir = \"${pkgdir}\")\n"; } my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet", "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES='utils,grDevices,graphics,stats'"); @out = grep(!/^\>/, @out); if(scalar(@out) > 0) { $log->warning(); $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", @msg_S3_methods)); } else { $log->result("OK"); } } ## Check whether replacement functions have their final argument ## named 'value'. if(-d "R") { $log->checking("replacement functions"); my @msg_replace_funs = ("In R, the argument of a replacement function", "which corresponds to the right hand side", "must be named 'value'.\n"); my $Rcmd = "options(warn=1)\n"; if($opt_install) { $Rcmd .= "tools::checkReplaceFuns(package = \"${pkgname}\")\n"; } else { $Rcmd .= "tools::checkReplaceFuns(dir = \"${pkgdir}\")\n"; } my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet", "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES='utils,grDevices,graphics,stats'"); @out = grep(!/^\>/, @out); if(scalar(@out) > 0) { ## ## We really want to stop if we find offending replacement ## functions. But we cannot use error() because output may ## contain warnings ... $log->warning(); ## $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", @msg_replace_funs)); } else { $log->result("OK"); } } ## Check foreign function calls. if($opt_ff_calls && (-d "R")) { $log->checking("foreign function calls"); my @msg_ff_calls = ("See section 'System and foreign language interfaces'", "of the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.\n"); my $Rcmd = "options(warn=1)\n"; if($opt_install) { $Rcmd .= "tools::checkFF(package = \"${pkgname}\")\n"; } else { $Rcmd .= "tools::checkFF(dir = \"${pkgdir}\")\n"; } my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet", "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES='utils,grDevices,graphics,stats'"); @out = grep(!/^\>/, @out); if(scalar(@out) > 0) { $log->warning(); $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", @msg_ff_calls)); } else { $log->result("OK"); } } ## Check R code for possible problems using LT's codetools package ## available from http://www.stat.uiowa.edu/~luke/R/codetools, and ## scheduled for integration into base R eventually). ## Activated only via setting the internal environment variable ## _R_CHECK_USE_CODETOOLS_ to something "true". my $R_check_use_codetools = &R_getenv("_R_CHECK_USE_CODETOOLS_", "FALSE"); $R_check_use_codetools = &config_val_to_logical($R_check_use_codetools); if($R_check_use_codetools && $opt_install && (-d "R")) { $log->checking("R code for possible problems"); my $Rcmd = "options(warn=1)\n"; $Rcmd .= "tools:::.check_code_usage_in_package(package = \"${pkgname}\")\n"; my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet", "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES='utils,grDevices,graphics,stats'"); @out = grep(!/^\>/, @out); ## ## Temporarily work around R 2.3.0 NULL environment changes. @out = grep(!/^Warning: use of NULL environment is deprecated/, @out); ## if(scalar(@out) > 0) { $log->warning(); $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); } else { $log->result("OK"); } } ## Check R documentation files. my @msg_writing_Rd = ("See chapter 'Writing R documentation files'", "in manual 'Writing R Extensions'.\n"); if(-d "man") { $log->checking("Rd files"); my $Rcmd = "options(warn=1)\ntools:::check_Rd_files_in_man_dir(\"man\")\n"; my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet", "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL"); @out = grep(!/^\>/, @out); if(scalar(@out) > 0) { ## Output may indicate warnings or errors ... if(grep(/^Rd files with (syntax errors|missing or empty)/, @out)) { $log->error(); $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", @msg_writing_Rd)); exit(1); } else { $log->warning(); $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", @msg_writing_Rd)); } } else { $log->result("OK"); } } ## Check cross-references in R documentation files. ## ## Installing a package warns about missing links (and hence R CMD ## check knows about this too provided an install log is used). ## However, under Windows the install-time check verifies the links ## against what is available in the default library, which might be ## considerably more than what can be assumed to be available. ## ## The formulations in section "Cross-references" of R-exts are not ## quite clear about this, but CRAN policy has for a long time ## enforced anchoring links to targets (aliases) from non-base ## packages. ## ## For the time being, if the package is installed only run the test ## if the internal environment variable _R_CHECK_RD_XREFS_ is set to ## something "true". Most likely one should always run the check if ## no install log is used. if(-d "man") { my $R_check_Rd_xrefs = &R_getenv("_R_CHECK_RD_XREFS_", "FALSE"); $R_check_Rd_xrefs = &config_val_to_logical($R_check_Rd_xrefs); if(($opt_install && $R_check_Rd_xrefs) || !$opt_install) { $log->checking("Rd cross-references"); my $Rcmd = "options(warn=1)\n"; if($opt_install) { $Rcmd .= "tools:::.check_Rd_xrefs(package = \"${pkgname}\")\n"; } else { $Rcmd .= "tools:::.check_Rd_xrefs(dir = \"${pkgdir}\")\n"; } my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet", "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL"); @out = grep(!/^\>/, @out); if(scalar(@out) > 0) { $log->warning(); $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); } else { $log->result("OK"); } } } ## Check for missing documentation entries. if(((-d "R") || (-d "data"))) { $log->checking("for missing documentation entries"); my $Rcmd= "options(warn=1)\n"; if($opt_install) { $Rcmd .= "tools::undoc(package = \"${pkgname}\")\n"; } else { $Rcmd .= "tools::undoc(dir = \"${pkgdir}\")\n"; } my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet", "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES='utils,grDevices,graphics,stats'"); my @err = grep(/^Error/, @out); @out = grep(!/^\>/, @out); if(scalar(@err) > 0) { $log->error(); $log->print(join("\n", @err) . "\n"); exit(1); } elsif(scalar(@out) > 0) { $log->warning(); $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); my $details; $details = " (including S4 classes and methods)" if(grep(/^Undocumented S4/, @out)); $log->print(wrap("", "", ("All user-level objects", "in a package${details} should", "have documentation entries.\n"))); $log->print(wrap("", "", @msg_writing_Rd)); } else { $log->result("OK"); } } ## Check for code/documentation mismatches. if($opt_codoc && (-d "man")) { $log->checking("for code/documentation mismatches"); my $any = 0; ## Check for code/documentation mismatches in functions. if(-d "R") { my $Rcmd = "options(warn=1)\n"; if($opt_install) { $Rcmd .= "tools::codoc(package = \"${pkgname}\")\n"; } else { $Rcmd .= "tools::codoc(dir = \"${pkgdir}\")\n"; } my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet", "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES='utils,grDevices,graphics,stats'"); @out = grep(!/^\>/, @out); if(scalar(@out) > 0) { $any++; $log->warning(); $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); } } ## Check for code/documentation mismatches in data sets. if($opt_install) { my $Rcmd = "options(warn=1)\ntools::codocData(package = \"${pkgname}\")\n"; my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet", "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES='utils,grDevices,graphics,stats'"); @out = grep(!/^\>/, @out); if(scalar(@out) > 0) { $log->warning() unless($any); $any++; $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); } } ## Check for code/documentation mismatches in S4 classes. if($opt_install && (-d "R")) { my $Rcmd = "options(warn=1)\ntools::codocClasses(package = \"${pkgname}\")\n"; my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet", "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES='utils,grDevices,graphics,stats'"); @out = grep(!/^\>/, @out); if(scalar(@out) > 0) { $log->warning() unless($any); $any++; $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); } } $log->result("OK") unless($any); } ## Check Rd files, for consistency of \usage with \arguments (are ## all arguments shown in \usage documented in \arguments?) and ## aliases (do all functions shown in \usage have an alias?) if(-d "man") { $log->checking("Rd \\usage sections"); my @msg_doc_files = ("Functions with \\usage entries", "need to have the appropriate \\alias entries,", "and all their arguments documented.\n", "The \\usage entries must correspond to syntactically", "valid R code.\n"); my $Rcmd = "options(warn=1)\n"; if($opt_install) { $Rcmd .= "tools::checkDocFiles(package = \"${pkgname}\")\n"; } else { $Rcmd .= "tools::checkDocFiles(dir = \"${pkgdir}\")\n"; } my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet", "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES='utils,grDevices,graphics,stats'"); @out = grep(!/^\>/, @out); if(scalar(@out) > 0) { $log->warning(); $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", @msg_doc_files)); $log->print(wrap("", "", @msg_writing_Rd)); } else { $log->result("OK"); } } ## Check C/C++/Fortran sources/headers for CRLF line endings. ## ## Does ISO C really require LF line endings? (Reference?) ## We definitely know that some versions of Solaris cc and f77 ## will not accept CRLF or CR line endings. ## Note that we currently only check the CRLF part. ## if(!$is_base_pkg && (-d "src")) { $log->checking("for CRLF line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers"); my @src_files = &list_files_with_exts("src", "(c|h|f|cc|cpp)"); my @bad_files = (); foreach my $file (@src_files) { open(FILE, "< $file") or die "Error: cannot open '$file' for reading\n"; binmode(FILE); # for Windows while() { chop; if($_ =~ /\r$/) { push(@bad_files, $file); last; } } close(FILE); } if(scalar(@bad_files) > 0) { $log->warning(); $log->print("Found the following sources/headers with " . "CRLF line endings:\n"); $log->print(" " . join("\n ", @bad_files) . "\n"); $log->print("Some Unix compilers require LF line endings.\n"); } else { $log->result("OK"); } } ## Check src/Makevars[.in] for portable compilation flags. if((-f &file_path("src", "Makevars.in")) || (-f &file_path("src", "Makevars"))) { $log->checking("for portable compilation flags in Makevars"); my $Rcmd = "tools:::.check_make_vars(\"src\")\n"; my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet", "R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL"); @out = grep(!/^\>/, @out); if(scalar(@out) > 0) { $log->warning(); $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); } else { $log->result("OK"); } } chdir($pkgoutdir); ## Run the examples. ## This setting applies to vignettes below too. ${R_opts} = ${R_opts}." -d valgrind" if $opt_use_valgrind; if($opt_examples && (-d &file_path($library, $pkgname, "R-ex"))) { $log->creating("${pkgname}-Ex.R"); my $Rexdir = &file_path($library, $pkgname, "R-ex"); ## $Rexdir might contain spaces (not on Windows) my $is_zipped = 0; my $cmd; if(-e &file_path($Rexdir, "Rex.zip")) { $is_zipped = 1; my $UNZIP = &R_getenv("R_UNZIPCMD", "unzip"); my $Rexfile = &file_path($Rexdir, "Rex.zip"); $cmd = join(" ", ("$UNZIP", "-q", &shell_quote_file_path($Rexfile), "-d", &shell_quote_file_path($Rexdir))); if(R_system($cmd)) { $log->error(); $log->print("Cannot extract examples from ZIP archive.\n"); exit(1); } } if($WINDOWS) { ## avoid Rcmd as line may be too long after expansion. ## We've forced R_HOME and Rexdir to have no spaces already. $cmd = "perl ${R::Vars::R_HOME}/bin/massage-Examples ". "${pkgname} ${Rexdir} ". "> ${pkgname}-Ex.R"; } else { $cmd = join(" ", (&shell_quote_file_path(${R::Vars::R_EXE}), "CMD perl", &shell_quote_file_path(&file_path(${R::Vars::R_SHARE_DIR}, "perl", "massage-Examples.pl")), "${pkgname}", &shell_quote_file_path(${Rexdir}), "> ${pkgname}-Ex.R")); } if(R_system($cmd)) { $log->error(); $log->print("Running massage-Examples to create " . "${pkgname}-Ex.R failed.\n"); exit(1); } if($is_zipped) { unlink(&list_files_with_exts($Rexdir, "R")); } $log->result("OK"); $log->checking("examples"); if($opt_use_gct) { $cmd = join(" ", ("(echo 'gctorture(TRUE)';", "cat ${pkgname}-Ex.R) |", &shell_quote_file_path(${R::Vars::R_EXE}), "${R_opts}", "> ${pkgname}-Ex.Rout 2>&1")); } else { $cmd = join(" ", (&shell_quote_file_path(${R::Vars::R_EXE}), "${R_opts}", "< ${pkgname}-Ex.R", "> ${pkgname}-Ex.Rout 2>&1")); } if(R_system($cmd)) { $log->error(); $log->print("Running examples in ${pkgname}-Ex.R failed.\n"); ## Try to spot the offending example right away. my $txt = join("\n", &read_lines("${pkgname}-Ex.Rout")); ## Look for the header section anchored by a subsequent call ## to flush(): needs to be kept in sync with the code in ## massage-Examples.pl. Should perhaps also be more ## defensive about the prompt ... my @chunks = split(/(> \#\#\# \* [^\n]+\n> \n> flush)/, $txt); if(scalar(@chunks) > 2) { $log->print("The error most likely occurred in:\n\n"); $log->print($chunks[$#chunks - 1]); $log->print($chunks[$#chunks] . "\n"); } exit(1); } ## Look at the output from running the examples. For the time ## being, report warnings about use of deprecated functions, as ## the next release will make them defunct and hence using them ## an error. Also warn about loading defunct base package stubs, ## as load special-casing for these will be removed eventually. my @lines = &read_lines("${pkgname}-Ex.Rout"); my $any; my @bad_lines; @bad_lines = grep(/^Warning: .*is deprecated.$/, @lines); if(scalar(@bad_lines) > 0) { $log->warning(); $any++; $log->print("Found the following significant warnings:\n"); $log->print(" " . join("\n ", @bad_lines) . "\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", ("Deprecated functions may be defunct as", "soon as of the next release of R.\n", "See ?Deprecated.\n"))); } @bad_lines = grep(/^Warning: package '.*' has been merged into/, @lines); ## Could make this more precise by looking for an exact match ## for one of the defunct stubs, but we currently do not get ## R_PKGS_STUBS from 'share/make/vars.mk'. if(scalar(@bad_lines) > 0) { if($any) { $log->print("\nAdditional significant warnings:\n"); } else { $log->warning(); $any++; $log->print("Found the following significant " . "warnings:\n"); } $log->print(" " . join("\n ", @bad_lines) . "\n"); $log->print(wrap("", "", ("Support for loading defunct former base", "packages may be removed as soon as of", "the next release of R.\n"))); } $log->result("OK") unless($any); } ## Run the package-specific tests. if($opt_install && $opt_tests && (-d &file_path($pkgdir, "tests"))) { $log->checking("tests"); my $testsrcdir = &file_path($pkgdir, "tests"); my $testdir = &file_path($pkgoutdir, "tests"); if(!(-d $testdir)) { mkdir($testdir, 0755) or die "Error: cannot create directory '$testdir'\n"; } chdir($testdir); foreach my $file (&list_files($testsrcdir)) { copy($file, basename($file)); } my $makefiles = "-f " . &shell_quote_file_path(&file_path(${R::Vars::R_SHARE_DIR}, "make", "tests.mk")); if($WINDOWS) { $makefiles = "-f ${R::Vars::R_SHARE_DIR}/make/wintests.mk";} my $makevars = ""; if($WINDOWS && (-r "$testsrcdir/Makefile.win")) { $makefiles .= " -f $testsrcdir/Makefile.win"; } elsif(-r &file_path($testsrcdir, "Makefile")) { $makefiles .= " -f " . &file_path($testsrcdir, "Makefile"); } if($WINDOWS && (-r "$testsrcdir/Makevars.win")) { $makevars = " -f $testsrcdir/Makevars.win"; } elsif(-r &file_path($testsrcdir, "Makevars")) { $makevars = " -f " . &file_path($testsrcdir, "Makevars"); } else { open(MAKEVARS, "> Makevars"); print MAKEVARS "makevars = -f Makevars\n"; print MAKEVARS "srcdir = $testsrcdir\n"; ## at least windows does not pass env correctly to make print MAKEVARS "R_LIBS = $ENV{'R_LIBS'}\n"; print MAKEVARS "VPATH = \$(srcdir)\n\n"; print MAKEVARS "test-src-1 ="; foreach my $file (sort &list_files_with_exts($testdir, "R")) { print MAKEVARS "\\\n " . basename($file); } print MAKEVARS "\n"; print MAKEVARS "test-src-auto ="; foreach my $file (sort &list_files_with_exts($testdir, "Rin")) { $file =~ s/Rin$/R/; print MAKEVARS "\\\n " . basename($file); } print MAKEVARS "\n"; print MAKEVARS "USE_GCT = $opt_use_gct\n"; print MAKEVARS "R_OPTS = -d valgrind\n" if $opt_use_valgrind; close(MAKEVARS); $makevars = " -f Makevars"; } print "\n"; if(R_system("${R::Vars::MAKE} $makefiles $makevars")) { $log->error(); exit(1); } chdir($pkgoutdir); $log->result("OK"); } ## Check package vignettes. chdir($pkgoutdir); my $vignette_dir = &file_path($pkgdir, "inst", "doc"); if((-d $vignette_dir) && &list_files_with_type($vignette_dir, "vignette")) { $log->checking(join(" ", ("package vignettes in", &sQuote(&file_path("inst", "doc"))))); my $any = 0; ## Do PDFs exist for all package vignettes? my @vignette_files = &list_files_with_type($vignette_dir, "vignette"); my @bad_vignettes = (); foreach my $file (@vignette_files) { my $pdf_file = $file; $pdf_file =~ s/\.[[:alpha:]]+$/.pdf/; push(@bad_vignettes, $file) unless(-f $pdf_file); } ## A base package may not have PDFs to avoid blowing out the ## distribution size. *Note* that it is assumed that base ## packages can be woven (i.e., that they only contain ## "standard" LaTeX). if(!$is_base_pkg && scalar(@bad_vignettes) > 0) { $log->warning(); $any++; $log->print("Package vignettes without corresponding PDF:\n"); $log->print(" " . join("\n ", @bad_vignettes) . "\n"); } ## Can we run the code in the vignettes? if($opt_install && $opt_vignettes) { ## Should checking the vignettes assume the system default ## packages, or just base? my $Rcmd = "options(warn=1)\nlibrary(tools)\n"; ## A base package does not get installed during check. if(!$is_base_pkg && $opt_install) { $Rcmd .= "checkVignettes(package = \"${pkgname}\", " . "lib.loc = \"${library}\", " . "workdir = \"src\""; } else { $Rcmd .= "checkVignettes(dir = \"${pkgdir}\""; } $Rcmd .= ", weave = FALSE" if(!$R_check_weave_vignettes); $Rcmd .= ")\n"; my @out = R_runR($Rcmd, "${R_opts} --quiet"); ## Vignette could redefine the prompt, e.g. to 'R>' ... @out = grep(!/^[[:alnum:]]*\>/, @out); ## Or to "empty". As empty lines in the output will most ## likely not indicate a problem ... @out = grep(!/^[[:space:]]*$/, @out); if(scalar(@out) > 0) { $log->warning() unless($any); $any++; $log->print(join("\n", @out) . "\n"); } } $log->result("OK") unless($any); } ## Run LaTeX on the manual. if($opt_latex) { my $latex_dir = &file_path($library, $pkgname, "latex"); if(-d $latex_dir) { $ENV{'TEXINPUTS'} = env_path(&file_path($R::Vars::R_SHARE_DIR, "texmf"), $ENV{'TEXINPUTS'}); my $is_zipped = 0; # latex files might have been zipped if(-f &file_path($latex_dir, "Rhelp.zip")) { $is_zipped = 1; my $UNZIP = &R_getenv("R_UNZIPCMD", "unzip"); my $latex_file = &file_path($latex_dir, "Rhelp.zip"); $cmd = join(" ", ("$UNZIP", "-q", &shell_quote_file_path($latex_file), "-d", &shell_quote_file_path($latex_dir))); if(R_system($cmd)) { $log->error(); $log->print("Unzipping latex files failed.\n"); exit(1); } } $log->creating("${pkgname}-manual.tex"); my @tex_files = &list_files_with_exts($latex_dir, "tex"); my %encodings; foreach my $file (@tex_files) { open(FILE, "< $file") or die("Error: cannot open file '$file' for reading\n"); while() { if (/^\\inputencoding/) { $enc = $_; chomp $enc; $enc =~ s/^\\inputencoding{(.*)}/\1/; $encodings{$enc} = $enc; } } close(FILE); } my $encs = ""; if (scalar(%encodings)) { $encs = "\\usepackage[" . join(",", values %encodings) . "]{inputenc}"; } open(MANUAL, "> ${pkgname}-manual.tex") or die("Error: cannot open file '${pkgname}-manual.tex'" . "for writing\n"); print MANUAL "\\documentclass\{article\}\n" . $encs . "\\usepackage[ae,hyper]\{Rd\}\n\\begin\{document\}\n"; foreach my $file (@tex_files) { open(FILE, "< $file") or die("Error: cannot open file '$file' for reading\n"); while() { print MANUAL $_; } close(FILE); } print MANUAL "\\end\{document\}\n"; close(MANUAL); if($is_zipped) { unlink(&list_files_with_exts($latex_dir, "tex")); } $log->result("OK"); if($HAVE_LATEX) { $log->checking("${pkgname}-manual.tex"); ## ## We use \nonstopmode{} so that LaTeX really gives an ## error (and returns) if something is wrong, and all ## info goes to ${pkgname}-manual.log. ## We also suppress all output from running LaTeX. ## We could also write stdout to a tempfile and replay ## this in case of problems. But does this really help? my $cmd = "${R::Vars::LATEX}"; if($WINDOWS) { ## check if we have MiKTeX and call latex accordingly ## (can't do this in R::Vars::LATEX as we need R::Utils.) my $Rout = R_tempfile("Rlatex"); my $cmd2 = "$cmd --version > ${Rout}"; R_system($cmd2); my $is_miktex = 0; open ROUT, "< $Rout"; while () { chomp; $is_miktex = 1 if /^MiKTeX/; } close ROUT; unlink($Rout); $out =~ s/\w//; if($is_miktex) { my $R_HOME = $ENV{"R_HOME"}; $cmd .= " --include-directory=$R_HOME/share/texmf"; } } $cmd .= " '\\nonstopmode{}\\input{${pkgname}-manual.tex}'"; $cmd .= " >/dev/null 2>&1"; ## if(R_system($cmd)) { $log->error(); $log->print("LaTeX errors when creating DVI version.\n"); $log->print("This typically indicates Rd problems.\n"); ## If possible, indicate the problems found. ## GNU grep rather usefully has a '-A' option for ## controlling the number of lines of trailing ## context after matching lines (not POSIX; maybe ## sed could do this?). Not sure how to do this in ## Perl. For the time being, try 'grep -A', and ## give no additional info if this fails. my $out = R_tempfile("gout"); my $cmd = "grep -A4 '^!' ${pkgname}-manual.log"; $cmd .= " > ${out} 2>/dev/null"; if(!R_system($cmd)) { $log->print("LaTeX errors found:\n\n"); $log->print(join("\n", &read_lines("${out}")) . "\n"); } unlink($out); exit(1); } $log->result("OK"); } } else { if($HAVE_LATEX) { $log->checking("DVI version of manual"); my $cmd; if($WINDOWS) { $cmd = join(" ", ("Rcmd.exe Rd2dvi --batch --no-preview", "-o ${pkgname}-manual.dvi >/dev/null 2>&1", "$pkgdir")); } else { $cmd = join(" ", (&shell_quote_file_path("${R::Vars::R_EXE}"), "CMD Rd2dvi --batch --no-preview", "-o ${pkgname}-manual.dvi >/dev/null 2>&1", "$pkgdir")); } if(R_system($cmd)) { $log->error(); $log->print("LaTeX errors when creating DVI version.\n"); $log->print("This typically indicates Rd problems.\n"); exit(1); } $log->result("OK"); } } } } sub usage { print STDERR <. END exit 0; }