### Regression tests for which the printed output is the issue ### May fail, e.g. by needing Recommended packages postscript("reg-tests-3.ps") ## str() for character & factors with NA (levels), and for Surv objects: ff <- factor(c(2:1, NA), exclude = NULL) str(levels(ff)) str(ff) str(ordered(ff, exclude=NULL)) if(require(survival)) { data(aml) (sa <- Surv(aml$time, aml$status)) str(sa) detach("package:survival") } ## were different, the last one failed in 1.6.2 (at least) ## lm.influence where hat[1] == 1 if(require(MASS)) { fit <- lm(formula = 1000/MPG.city ~ Weight + Cylinders + Type + EngineSize + DriveTrain, data = Cars93) print(lm.influence(fit)) ## row 57 should have hat = 1 and resid=0. summary(influence.measures(fit)) } ## only last two cols in row 57 should be influential ## PR#6640 Zero weights in plot.lm if(require(MASS)) { fm1 <- lm(time~dist, data=hills, weights=c(0,0,rep(1,33))) plot(fm1) } ## gave warnings in 1.8.1 ## PR#7829 model.tables & replications if(require(MASS)) { oats.aov <- aov(Y ~ B + V + N + V:N, data=oats[-1,]) model.tables(oats.aov, "means", cterms=c("N", "V:N")) } ## wrong printed output in 2.1.0 ## drop1 on weighted lm() fits if(require(MASS)) { hills.lm <- lm(time ~ 0 + dist + climb, data=hills, weights=1/dist^2) print(drop1(hills.lm)) print(stats:::drop1.default(hills.lm)) hills.lm2 <- lm(time/dist ~ 1 + I(climb/dist), data=hills) drop1(hills.lm2) } ## quoted unweighted RSS etc in 2.2.1