## PR 1271 detach("package:base") crashes R. try(detach("package:base")) ## invalid 'lib.loc' stopifnot(length(installed.packages("mgcv")) == 0) ## gave a low-level error message ## package.skeleton() with metadata-only code ## work in current (= ./tests/ directory): tmp <- tempfile() writeLines(c('setClass("foo", contains="numeric")', 'setMethod("show", "foo",', ' function(object) cat("I am a \\"foo\\"\\n"))'), tmp) if(file.exists("myTst")) unlink("myTst", recursive=TRUE) package.skeleton("myTst", code_files = tmp)# with a file name warning file.copy(tmp, (tm2 <- paste(tmp,".R", sep=""))) unlink("myTst", recursive=TRUE) op <- options(warn=2) # *NO* "invalid file name" warning {failed in 2.7.[01]}: package.skeleton("myTst", code_files = tm2, namespace=TRUE) options(op) ##_2_ only a class, no generics/methods: writeLines(c('setClass("DocLink",', 'representation(name="character",', ' desc="character"))'), tmp) if(file.exists("myTst2")) unlink("myTst2", recursive=TRUE) package.skeleton("myTst2", code_files = tmp) ##- end_2_ # failed in R 2.11.0 stopifnot(1 == grep("setClass", readLines(list.files("myTst/R", full.names=TRUE))), c("foo-class.Rd","show-methods.Rd") %in% list.files("myTst/man")) ## failed for several reasons in R < 2.7.0 ## ## Part 2: -- build, install, load and "inspect" the package: dir.exists <- function(x) is.character(x) && file.exists(x) && file.info(path.expand(x))$isdir build.pkg <- function(dir) { stopifnot(dir.exists(dir)) patt <- paste(basename(dir), ".*tar\\.gz$", sep="_") unlink(dir('.', pattern = patt)) Rcmd <- paste(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R"), "CMD") r <- tail(system(paste(Rcmd, "build --keep-empty-dirs", dir), intern = TRUE), 3) ## return name of tar file built dir('.', pattern = patt) } build.pkg("myTst") ## clean up any previous attempt (which might have left a 00LOCK) unlink("myLib", recursive = TRUE) dir.create("myLib") install.packages("myTst", lib = "myLib", repos=NULL, type = "source") # with warnings print(installed.packages(lib.loc= "myLib", priority= "NA"))## (PR#13332) stopifnot(require("myTst",lib = "myLib")) sm <- findMethods(show, where= as.environment("package:myTst")) stopifnot(names(sm@names) == "foo") unlink("myTst_*") ## More building & installing packages ## NB: tests were added here for 2.11.0. ## NB^2: do not do this in the R sources! ## and this testdir is not installed. pkgSrcPath <- file.path(Sys.getenv("SRCDIR"), "Pkgs") if(file_test("-d", pkgSrcPath)) { ## could use file.copy(recursive = TRUE) system(paste('cp -r', shQuote(pkgSrcPath), shQuote(tempdir()))) pkgPath <- file.path(tempdir(), "Pkgs") # op <- options(warn = 2) # There should be *NO* warnings here! ## pkgB tests an empty R directory dir.create(file.path(pkgPath, "pkgB", "R"), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE) p.lis <- c("pkgA", "pkgB", "exNSS4") for(p. in p.lis) { cat("building package", p., "...\n") r <- build.pkg(file.path(pkgPath, p.)) cat("installing package", p., "using file", r, "...\n") ## we could install the tar file ... (see build.pkg()'s definition) install.packages(r, lib = "myLib", repos=NULL, type = "source") stopifnot(require(p.,lib = "myLib", character.only=TRUE)) detach(pos = match(p., sub("^package:","", search()))) } ## TODO: not just print, but check the "list": res <- installed.packages(lib.loc = "myLib", priority = "NA") print(res) # options(op) unlink("myLib", recursive = TRUE) unlink(file.path(pkgPath), recursive = TRUE) } unlink("myTst", recursive=TRUE) ## getPackageName() for "package:foo": require('methods') library(tools) oo <- options(warn=2) detach("package:tools", unload=TRUE) options(oo) ## gave warning (-> Error) about creating package name