### Tests of complex arithemetic. Meps <- .Machine$double.eps ## complex z <- 0i ^ (-3:3) stopifnot(Re(z) == 0 ^ (-3:3)) ## powers, including complex ones a <- -4:12 m <- outer(a +0i, b <- seq(-.5,2, by=.5), "^") dimnames(m) <- list(paste(a), "^" = sapply(b,format)) round(m,3) stopifnot(m[,as.character(0:2)] == cbind(1,a,a*a), # latter were only approximate all.equal(unname(m[,"0.5"]), sqrt(abs(a))*ifelse(a < 0, 1i, 1), tol= 20*Meps)) ## 2.10.0-2.12.1 got z^n wrong in the !HAVE_C99_COMPLEX case z <- 0.2853725+0.3927816i z2 <- z^(1:20) z3 <- z^-(1:20) z0 <- cumprod(rep(z, 20)) stopifnot(all.equal(z2, z0), all.equal(z3, 1/z0)) ## was z^3 had value z^2 .... ## fft(): for(n in 1:30) cat("\nn=",n,":", round(fft(1:n), 8),"\n") ## polyroot(): stopifnot(abs(1 + polyroot(choose(8, 0:8))) < 1e-10)# maybe smaller.. ## precision of complex numbers signif(1.678932e80+0i, 5) signif(1.678932e-300+0i, 5) signif(1.678932e-302+0i, 5) signif(1.678932e-303+0i, 5) signif(1.678932e-304+0i, 5) signif(1.678932e-305+0i, 5) signif(1.678932e-306+0i, 5) signif(1.678932e-307+0i, 5) signif(1.678932e-308+0i, 5) signif(1.678932-1.238276i, 5) signif(1.678932-1.238276e-1i, 5) signif(1.678932-1.238276e-2i, 5) signif(1.678932-1.238276e-3i, 5) signif(1.678932-1.238276e-4i, 5) signif(1.678932-1.238276e-5i, 5) signif(8.678932-9.238276i, 5) ## prior to 2.2.0 rounded real and imaginary parts separately. ## Complex Trig.: abs(Im(cos(acos(1i))) - 1) < 2*Meps abs(Im(sin(asin(1i))) - 1) < 2*Meps ##P (1 - Im(sin(asin(Ii))))/Meps ##P (1 - Im(cos(acos(Ii))))/Meps abs(Im(asin(sin(1i))) - 1) < 2*Meps all.equal(cos(1i), cos(-1i)) # i.e. Im(acos(*)) gives + or - 1i: abs(abs(Im(acos(cos(1i)))) - 1) < 4*Meps set.seed(123) # want reproducible output Isi <- Im(sin(asin(1i + rnorm(100)))) all(abs(Isi-1) < 100* Meps) ##P table(2*abs(Isi-1) / Meps) Isi <- Im(cos(acos(1i + rnorm(100)))) all(abs(Isi-1) < 100* Meps) ##P table(2*abs(Isi-1) / Meps) Isi <- Im(atan(tan(1i + rnorm(100)))) #-- tan(atan(..)) does NOT work (Math!) all(abs(Isi-1) < 100* Meps) ##P table(2*abs(Isi-1) / Meps) set.seed(123) z <- complex(real = rnorm(100), imag = rnorm(100)) stopifnot(Mod ( 1 - sin(z) / ( (exp(1i*z)-exp(-1i*z))/(2*1i) )) < 20 * Meps) ## end of moved from complex.Rd ## PR#7781 ## This is not as given by e.g. glibc on AMD64 (z <- tan(1+1000i)) # 0+1i from R's own code. stopifnot(is.finite(z)) ## ## Branch cuts in complex inverse trig functions atan(2) atan(2+0i) tan(atan(2+0i)) ## should not expect exactly 0i in result round(atan(1.0001+0i), 7) round(atan(0.9999+0i), 7) ## previously not as in Abramowitz & Stegun. ## typo in z_atan2. (z <- atan2(0+1i, 0+0i)) stopifnot(all.equal(z, pi/2+0i)) ## was NA in 2.1.1 ## Hyperbolic x <- seq(-3, 3, len=200) Meps <- .Machine$double.eps stopifnot( Mod(cosh(x) - cos(1i*x)) < 20*Meps, Mod(sinh(x) - sin(1i*x)/1i) < 20*Meps ) ## end of moved from Hyperbolic.Rd ## values near and on branch cuts options(digits=5) z <- c(2+0i, 2-0.0001i, -2+0i, -2+0.0001i) asin(z) acos(z) atanh(z) z <- c(0+2i, 0.0001+2i, 0-2i, -0.0001i-2i) asinh(z) acosh(z) atan(z) ## According to C99, should have continuity from the side given if there ## are not signed zeros ## Both glibc 2.12 and Mac OS X 10.6 use continuity from above in the first set ## but they seem to assume signed zeros. ## Windows gave incorrect (NaN) values on the cuts.