localtime.c is a stripped-down version of that from tzcode2007k, from ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/ . Apart from removing unused code and merging in the parts of private.h which are needed, the main changes are - to use environment variable TZDIR to point to the zoneinfo files, and failing that, R_HOME/share/zoneinfo. - to call getTZinfo() to get the default timezone if TZ is unset. zoneinfo.zip was formed by installing tzcode/tzdata on x86_64 Linux, and zipping up the results, after adding a file VERSION giving the version. It should be possible to build the compiled databases on Windows, but zic.c assumes links and so would need a lot of work. (It look like the binary databases are byte streams, and so do not depend on the architecture. There are some comments about whether time_t is signed, which it is on all sensible platforms.) To remake it, use a machine with zic in the path (it may be /usr/sbin/zic). Copy the current version of tzdataXXXXx.tar.gz to this directory and run make -f Make.zi VERSION=2011n for the appropriate version. [The database is now available from http://www.iana.org/time-zones .]