ver20 {}R Documentation

Johnson & Johnson, $ _ ### ^ ~


This is the description


foo item 1
bar space, the item 2
bah newline, then item 3


R R \R αβΓ

In code, all that needs to be escaped is percent, backslash and unpaired braces: % \ {. Unescaped: $ # _ ^ ~ < > |, and as a pair, {...}. If we escape: \_ \# \$ \& { } \ And some backslashes: \ \ \\ \\ should give one, one, two, two backslashes.

How about \ (that is backslash space) in text?

Elsewhere, { } % \ need to be escaped, but not $ # _ ^ ~ < > | . Let's try that again in \samp: { } % \ $ # _ ^ ~ < > |. And if we do escape: \$ \# \_ , and with three backslashes, \\#.

a < b > c | d, x^y

\$k > \#k, x_y, x\_y

group-weighting from $[N_iP_i(1-P_i)]$

    % a
    \% c

URLs and emails

URLs need to be verbatim: testit ~^_$#<>|.

Markus Kuhn, “ASCII and Unicode quotation marks”.

No escape is needed in


