axis <- function(side, at=NULL, labels=TRUE, tick=TRUE, line=NA, pos=NA, outer=FALSE, font=NA, vfont=NULL, lty = "solid", lwd = 1, col=NULL, ...) { if (!is.null(vfont)) vfont <- c(typeface = pmatch(vfont[1], Hershey$typeface) - 1, fontindex= pmatch(vfont[2], Hershey$fontindex)) if(is.null(col) && length(list(...)) && !is.null(fg <- list(...)$fg)) { ## help(par) `fg' says this should work col <- fg } .Internal(axis(side, at, labels, tick, line, pos, outer, font, vfont, lty, lwd, col, ...)) } axTicks <- function(side, axp=NULL, usr=NULL, log=NULL) { ## Compute tickmark "at" values which axis(side) would use by default; ## using par("Xaxp") , par("usr") & par("Xlog") where X = x|y ## an R version of internal CreateAtVector() if(!(side <- as.integer(side)) %in% 1:4) stop("`side' must be in {1:4}") is.x <- side %% 2 == 1 XY <- function(ch) paste(if(is.x) "x" else "y", ch, sep="") if(is.null(axp)) axp <- par(XY("axp")) else if(!is.numeric(axp) || length(axp) != 3) stop("invalid `axp'") if(is.null(log)) log <- par(XY("log")) else if(!is.logical(log) || any( stop("invalid `log'") if(log && axp[3] > 0) { ## special log-scale axp[] if(!any((iC <- as.integer(axp[3])) == 1:3)) stop("invalid positive axp[3]") if(is.null(usr)) usr <- par("usr")[if(is.x) 1:2 else 3:4] else if(!is.numeric(usr) || length(usr) != 2) stop("invalid `usr'") ii <- round(log10(axp[1:2])) x10 <- 10^((ii[1] - (iC >= 2)):ii[2]) r <- switch(iC, ## axp[3] x10, ## 1 c(outer(c(1, 5), x10))[-1],## 2 c(outer(c(1,2,5), x10))[-1])## 3 r[usr[1] <= log10(r) & log10(r) <= usr[2]] } else { # linear seq(axp[1], axp[2], length = 1 + abs(axp[3])) } }