Test the Embeddable R Library
This a collection of tests for verifying that using R as a library
within another application (i.e. embedded R) works for this
installation. This is only relevant if one has configured R with the
argument for the top-level
. Currently, this only works for Unix,
and not the Mac or Windows.
More information can be found at the
R Developer's site
Test Applications
- Rtest
Just prints the vector
c(1, 2, ..., 10)
- Rplot
- Creates a basic plot of
c(1,2,..., 10)
in the default device and then quits immediately.
- Rpostscript
Produces a plot of
using the Postscript
graphics device. This creates a file named Rplots.ps
- Rerror
- Reads a function definition from an external file (
) and calls it
which in turn generates an "error" via stop()
The local error handler defined for this application
catches this error and recovers.
- RNamedCall
- Calls a function with some named arguments.
- RParseEval
- Parses a string and evaluates the resulting expression(s).
- Rpackage
- Invokes
for functions in ctest and mva
to ensure that packages can be loaded
into R in an embedded context. These
packages must be linked against libR.so.
- embeddedRCall.c
- Collection of routines used in the different
- Other Tests
This has been tested in many other situations
including the some of the Omegahat packages:
These can be used as example code for embedding R within other applications.
Duncan Temple Lang
Last modified: Mon Jul 9 15:23:43 EDT 2001