require(tcltk) || stop("tcltk support is absent") local({ tkfilefind<-function(path=getwd(), all.names=FALSE, multiple=FALSE){ tclRequire("::Utility") tclRequire("Hierarchy") .Tcl("namespace import -force ::Utility::*") done <- FALSE base <- tktoplevel() on.exit({if(!done) tkdestroy(base)}) tkwm.title(base, "Directory Tree") dirtree<-tkwidget(base, "hierarchy_dir", root=path, showparent="Parent", showfiles=1, showall=all.names, selectmode=if(multiple) "multiple" else "browse") tkpack(dirtree, fill="both", expand=1) .tclfilename <- NULL selected <- function(){ index <- as.integer(tkcurselection(dirtree)) fnamelist <- as.character(tkget(dirtree, index)) tkdestroy(base) if (identical(fnamelist,"")){ .tclfilename <<- NULL return() } for (i in seq(along=fnamelist)){ fnamelist[i] <- paste(strsplit(fnamelist[i]," ")[[1]], collapse=Platform()$file.sep) } .tclfilename <<- fnamelist } buttonframe<-tkframe(base) okbut<-tkbutton(buttonframe, text="Select", command=selected) qbut<-tkbutton(buttonframe, text="Quit", command=function() tkdestroy(base)) tkpack(okbut, qbut, side="left") tkpack(buttonframe) tkwait.window(base) done<-TRUE return(.tclfilename) } cat("\n\n ------------------------------------------------------\n", " This demo will put a tree widget to explore the filesystem", " from the current working directory.", "", " *Double* click on a folder marked with + or - to expand", " or contract a branch.", "", " Click on the Select button to pick a file,", " or Quit to return without selecting", "\n ------------------------------------------------------\n\n", sep="\n") cat("******************************************************\n", "The source for this demo can be found in the file:\n", file.path(system.file(package = "tcltk"), "demo", "tkfilefind.R"), "\n******************************************************\n") if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") flush.console() tkfilefind(".", multiple=TRUE) })