friedman.test <- function(y, groups, blocks) { DNAME <- deparse(substitute(y)) if (is.matrix(y)) { groups <- as.factor(c(col(y))) blocks <- as.factor(c(row(y))) } else { if (any( || any( stop("NA's are not allowed in groups or blocks") if (any(diff(c(length(y), length(groups), length(blocks))))) stop("y, groups and blocks must have the same length") DNAME <- paste(DNAME, ", ", deparse(substitute(groups)), " and ", deparse(substitute(blocks)), sep = "") if (any(table(groups, blocks) != 1)) stop("Not an unreplicated complete block design") groups <- as.factor(groups) blocks <- as.factor(blocks) } k <- nlevels(groups) y <- matrix(unlist(split(y, blocks)), ncol = k, byrow = TRUE) y <- y[complete.cases(y), ] n <- nrow(y) r <- t(apply(y, 1, rank)) TIES <- tapply(r, row(r), table) STATISTIC <- ((12 * sum((apply(r, 2, sum) - n * (k + 1) / 2)^2)) / (n * k * (k + 1) - (sum(unlist(lapply(TIES, function (u) {u^3 - u}))) / (k - 1)))) PARAMETER <- k - 1 names(STATISTIC) <- "Friedman chi-squared" names(PARAMETER) <- "df" structure(list(statistic = STATISTIC, parameter = PARAMETER, p.value = pchisq(STATISTIC, PARAMETER, lower = FALSE), method = "Friedman rank sum test", = DNAME), class = "htest") }