This package contains functions and methods for nonlinear least squares BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand data CO2 Carbon dioxide uptake data ChickWeight Data on growth of chicks DNase DNase enzyme data Indometh Pharmacokinetic data on the drug Indomethicin Loblolly Growth of Loblolly pine trees data NLSstClosestX inverse linaer interpolation NLSstLfAsymptote get horizontal asymptote on the left side NLSstRtAsymptote get horizontal asymptote on the right side Orange Growth of orange trees data Orthodont Data on orthodontic measurement of children Pixel Data on X-ray pixel Puromycin Puromycin data SSasymp self-starting asymptotic regression model SSasympOff self-starting model for asymptotic regression with offset SSasympOrig self-starting model for asymptotic regression through origin SSbiexp self-starting bi-exponential model SSfol self-starting first order compartment models SSfpl self-starting four parameter logistic model SSlogis self-starting logistic model SSmicmen self-starting Michaelis-Menten model Theoph Theophylline pharmacokinetic data asOneSidedFormula convert to one-sided formula clearNames remove the names attribute from an object getInitial get initial parameter estimates logLik extract log-likelihood from an object nls nonlinear least squares nlsModel create an nlsModel object nlsModel.plinear create an nlsModel.plinear object profile profile a fitted nonlinear model profiler create a profiler object selfStart construct self-staring nonlinear models setNames set the names attribute of an object sortedXyData create a sortedXyData object