prompt <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("prompt") prompt.default <- function(object, filename = paste0(name, ".Rd"), force.function = FALSE) { paste0 <- function(...) paste(..., sep = "") is.missing.arg <- function(arg) typeof(arg) == "symbol" && deparse(arg) == "" name <- substitute(object) if(is.language(name) && ! name <- eval(name) name <- as.character(name) fn <- get(name) ## `file' [character(NN)] will contain the lines to be put in the ## Rdoc file file <- paste0("\\name{", name, "}") if(is.function(fn) || force.function) { file <- c(file, paste0("\\alias{", name, "}"), "%- Also NEED an `\\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.", "\\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~}", "\\description{", " ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~", "}") s <- seq(length = n <- length(argls <- formals(fn))) if(n > 0) { arg.names <- arg.n <- names(argls) arg.n[arg.n == "..."] <- "\\dots" } ##-- Construct the 'call' -- for USAGE : call <- paste0(name, "(") for(i in s) { # i-th argument : call <- paste0(call, arg.names[i], if(!is.missing.arg(argls[[i]])) paste0("=",deparse(argls[[i]]))) if(i != n) call <- paste0(call, ", ") } file <- c(file, "\\usage{", paste0(call, ")"), "}", "%- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here.") if(length(s)) file <- c(file, "\\arguments{", paste0(" \\item{", arg.n, "}{", " ~~Describe \\code{", arg.n, "} here~~ }"),"}") fn.def <- deparse(fn) if(any(br <- substr(fn.def,1,1) == "}")) fn.def[br] <- paste(" ", fn.def[br]) file <- c(file, "\\details{", " ~~ If necessary, more details than the __description__ above ~~", "}", "\\value{", " ~Describe the value returned", " If it is a LIST, use", " \\item{comp1 }{Description of `comp1'}", " \\item{comp2 }{Description of `comp2'}", " ...", "}", "\\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }", "\\author{ ~~who you are~~ }", "\\note{ ~~further notes~~ }", "", " ~Make other sections like WARNING with \\section{WARNING }{....} ~", "", "\\seealso{ ~~objects to SEE ALSO as \\code{\\link{~~fun~~}}, ~~~ }", "", "\\examples{", "##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----", "##-- ==> Define data, use random,", "##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets.", "", "## The function is currently defined as", fn.def, "}", "\\keyword{ ~keyword }%-- one or more ..." ) } else {#-- not function -- file <- c(file,"\\non_function{}", paste("\\title{ ~~data-name / kind ... }"), "\\description{", "~~ a precise description of what the object does. ~~", "}") } cat(file, file = filename, sep = "\n") RHOME <- R.home() if(substr(RHOME,1,8) == "/tmp_mnt") RHOME <- substr(RHOME,9,1000) cat("created file named ", filename, " in the current directory.\n", " Edit the file and move it to the appropriate directory,\n", paste(RHOME,"src/library//man/",sep="/"), "\n") invisible(file) } "" <- function (object, filename = paste0(name, ".Rd")) { paste0 <- function(...) paste(..., sep = "") describe <- function(object) UseMethod() name <- substitute(object) if (is.language(name) && ! name <- eval(name) name <- as.character(name) dat <- get(name) ## `file' [character(NN)] will contain the lines to be put in the ## Rdoc file file <- c(paste0("\\name{", name, "}"), paste0("\\alias{", name, "}")) file <- c(file, "\\non_function{}", "\\title{ ~~ 1-line description of the data frame ~~ }", "\\description{", paste0("The \\code{", name, "} data frame has ", nrow(dat), " rows and ", ncol(dat), " columns."), "~~ Give a concise description here ~~", "}", "\\format{", "This data frame contains the following columns:", "\\describe{") for (i in names(dat)) { file <- c(file, paste0("\\item{", i, "}{"), if (inherits(dat[[i]], "ordered")) { c(paste0("an ", data.class(dat[[i]]), " factor with levels"), paste(paste0("\\code{", levels(dat[[i]]), "}"), collapse = " < ")) } else if (inherits(dat[[i]], "factor")) { c("a factor with levels", paste0("\\code{", levels(dat[[i]]), "} ")) } else if (is.vector(dat[[i]])) { paste0("a ", data.class(dat[[i]]), " vector") } else if (is.matrix(dat[[i]])) { paste0("a matrix with ", ncol(dat[[i]]), " columns") } else { paste0("a ", data.class(dat[[i]])) }, "}") } file <- c(file, "}\n}", "\\details{", " ~~ If necessary, more details than the __description__ above ~~", "}", "\\source{", " ~~ reference to a publication or URL from which the data were obtained ~~", "}", "\\examples{", "##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----", paste0("data(", name, ")"), "}", "\\keyword{datasets}") cat(file, file = filename, sep = "\n") RHOME <- R.home() if (substr(RHOME, 1, 8) == "/tmp_mnt") RHOME <- substr(RHOME, 9, 1000) cat("created file named ", filename, " in the current directory.\n", " Edit the file and move it to the appropriate directory,\n", paste(RHOME, "src/library//man/", sep = "/"), "\n") invisible(file) }