Dear Emacs, please make this -*-Text-*- mode! ************************************************** * * * 1.0 SERIES NEWS * * * ************************************************** CHANGES IN R VERSION 1.0.2 BUG FIXES o R CMD Rd2dvi now sorts files alphabetically. o Fixed bug in undoc() - requiring new `chdir' argument for sys.source() o \deqn{} fix in R-exts.texi, PR#523. o print.ftable() now returns its argument. o ave(1:3) now works (as when is.null(list()) was TRUE years ago). o by() works when embedded in a function. o keep.source was not set correctly before the base package was loaded, some functions in the base package had the source kept. The memory usage should now be reduced by ca 1Mb. CHANGES IN R VERSION 1.0.1 BUG FIXES o pgamma(Inf, 1, Inf) gives NaN instead of an infinite loop, PR#462. o Inline xaxt and yaxt parameters were ignored. o Setting the normal RNG was not always recorded in .Random.seed. o \link[pkg]{foo} links were wrongly translated to HTML. o Direct use of with no args was incorrect. o print.coefmat does sensible things if options show.signif.stars and show.coef.Pvalues are not set correctly. o x <- list(a=1, b=2) ; x["c"] <- 3 now (again) stretches the list rather than give a "subscript out of bounds" error. o Models with response appearing on rhs could cause segfault. o will now ensure the columns added have non-empty names. o Some (strange?) model formulas could cause memory corruption (thanks to John Fox for digging this up). o Matrix multiplication in cases such as 1:3 %*% t(1:2) is accepted. o Options --nsize and --vsize to R CMD check gave warning messages and only one was accepted. o The autoload()s during startup are "wrapped" such that conflicting objects don't break startup. o cor.test(*, meth="spear") {pkg ctest} now works (again) for n <= 6 o scale = 0 in biplot.princomp() now works. o The scores given by princomp(, cor = TRUE) and the rotated values given by prcomp(, scale = TRUE) are now computed from the scaled data. o barplot now works okay when length(col) < length(legend.txt), thanks to Ben Bolker, PR#494. o kernel("dirichlet", m=10, r=1) in package ts now works. o save/restore of environments containing "..." object should work now. o qhyper should work better for large N. o qbinom(1-1e-16, n, p) , qpois() and qnbinom(*) looped for ever. o no longer escapes quotes in character vectors. o R would try to save the readline history at the end of non-interactive sessions, causing crashes on some systems. o Subtle roundoff problems caused arrays to be allocated short in loess.c in some cases, leading to segfaults. o Document that postscript(file="") sends the output directly to the default printer. o ts.union(, dframe=TRUE) had a long-standing typo, now works. o save(, ascii=TRUE) had problem with octal escapes in strings when there was a digit following, should work now. o matpoints() and matlines() now also have a "type =" argument with defaults "p" and "l", respectively; PR#506. o The new Perl 5.6 broke our version-detection mechanism. A better one has been inserted. o X11(colortype="gray") failed to work on 8-bit screens, and more generally when colour allocation failed X11() did not revert to monochrome correctly (and did not say it was doing so). It was not documented in the help that to change the X11 colortype one needs to close all open X11 devices. o loessf.f in modreg defined DSIGN unecessarily and this caused a conflict on AIX. o plot.lm will now work with rlm objects. o start and end behave better when the frequency is not an integer. o aggregate.ts is closer to S-PLUS's aggregate.rts. o quantile(x) now works when x contains several +/- Inf's. o guard against segfault in dataentry(0,0) (or, more realistically, when mistyping data.entry(x,y) as dataentry(x,y)) ********************************************************* * * * News of 1.0.0 and earlier is in file `ONEWS' * * * *********************************************************