beavers time series of body temperatures of two beavers BJsales sales data with leading indicator from Box & Jenkins EuStockMarkets daily closing prices of major European stock indices, 1991-8 LakeHuron level of Lake Huron 1875-1972 lh dataset on luteinizing hormone from Diggle (1990) lynx Annual Canadian Lynx trappings 1821-1934 nottem time-series of temperatures in Nottingham, 1920-1939 sunspot yearly sunspot data, 1700-1988 monthly sunspot data, 1749-1997 treering yearly tree ring data, -6000-1979 UKDriverDeaths time series on UK road deaths of drivers from Harvey (1989) UKLungDeaths time-series on UK lung deaths 1974-9 from Diggle (1990) USAccDeaths US accidental deaths 1973-8