Formaldehyde Determination of Formaldehyde concentration HairEyeColor Hair and eye color of statistics students InsectSprays Effectiveness of insect sprays LifeCycleSavings Intercountry life-cycle savings data OrchardSprays Potency of orchard sprays PlantGrowth Results from an experiment on plant growth Titanic Survival of passengers on the Titanic ToothGrowth The effect of vitamin C on tooth growth in guinea pigs UCBAdmissions Student admissions at UC Berkeley USArrests Violent crime statistics for the USA USJudgeRatings Lawyers' ratings of state judges in the US Superior Court USPersonalExpenditure Personal expenditure data VADeaths Death rates in Virginia (1940) airmiles Passenger miles on US airlines 1937-1960 airquality New York Air Quality Measurements anscombe Anscombe's quartet of regression data attenu Joiner-Boore Attenuation Data attitude Chatterjee-Price Attitude Data cars Speed and Stopping Distances for Cars chickwts The Effect of Dietary Supplements on Chick Weights co2 Moana Loa Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations discoveries Yearly Numbers of `Important' Discoveries esoph (O)esophageal Cancer Case-control study euro Conversion rates of Euro currencies eurodist Distances between European Cities faithful Old Faithful Geyser Data freeny Freeny's Revenue Data infert Secondary infertility matched case-control study iris Edgar Anderson's Iris Data as data.frame iris3 Edgar Anderson's Iris Data as 3-d array islands World Landmass Areas longley Longley's Economic Regression Data mtcars Motor Trend Car Data nhtemp Yearly Average Temperatures in New Haven CT phones The Numbers of Telephones precip Average Precipitation amounts for US Cities presidents Quarterly Approval Ratings for US Presidents pressure Vapour Pressure of Mercury as a Function of Temperature quakes Earthquake Locations and Magnitudes in the Tonga Trench randu Random Numbers produced by RANDU rivers Lengths of Major Rivers in North America sleep Student's Sleep Data stackloss Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data state US State Facts and Figures sunspots Monthly Mean Relative Sunspot Numbers swiss Swiss Demographic Data trees Girth, Height and Volume for Black Cherry Trees uspop Populations Recorded by the US Census volcano Topographic Information on Auckland's Maunga Whau Volcano warpbreaks Breaks in Yarn during Weaving women Heights and Weights of Women